63 resultados para ensino de história


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This study aimed to describe and analyze aspects of the historical course of teaching Mathematics by Radio Experiences in Rio Grande do Norte, between the decades from 1950 to 1970 in order to organize a documentary (CD-ROM) containing information about Mathematics studied by Radio who have experienced it. In this, we use qualitative research. We seek support in the theoretical framework of cultural history and memory researchers as Certeau (1998), Chartier (1990), Le Goff (2008), Thompson (2002) and Peter Burke (2004). Moreover, we take the elements of oral history. We focus on the teaching of literacy and the primary of the Radio schools in two rural communities - Logradouro and Catolé - who are currently part of the city of Lagoa Salgada (RN) and, with respect to the Junior High School, we stopped in the Course of Madureza at Radio. We used as written sources, especially the documents found in the General Archives of the Archdiocese of Natal (RN) and the employees assigned by the participants of the survey. Our sources come from the oral testimonies of pupils and monitors Lagoa Salgada City, teachers, broadcasters and technicians of Rural Support Service (SAR) Natal (RN). In this study, we identify the geometry Cubação social practices of Lagoa Salgada students. Also identified in the research material, the Global Method with the pedagogy of Paulo Freire, that guided the production of lessons in literacy and primary courses. Content in Mathematics, we find traces of the trend-Empirical activist. In the course of Madureza, there was a tendency formal technique Fiorentini (1995). Finally, as a result of this study, organize and present a documentary (CD-ROM), along with the analysis of this study, containing the history of Mathematics teaching by Radio, from the speech of those who experienced Radio, emphasizing the methodology teaching developed in class, that serves as a reference material for students, professors and researchers.


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This work has the main purpose of conducting a survey of educational products present in dissertations and doctoral theses focused on the use of history in mathematics teaching and Didactics of mathematics with a French foundation produced in graduate programs in the strict sense of the Brazil between 1990 and 2010, the areas of Education, Mathematics Education, school of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and related areas, according to the research proposal of Mendes (2010). Our interest was to select the products that present concrete proposals for educational activities that can be used in the classroom of Basic Education and Training of Teachers of Mathematics. The research was implemented through a bibliographic study documents the Bank of dissertations and theses from CAPES, libraries and archives of some Postgraduate programs in the country who focus their studies on the subject object of this research, besides the Brazilian Digital Library Theses and Dissertations (BDBTD). From this survey we selected works that present educational products materialized in blocks of activities based on the use of teaching history of mathematics to the classroom as well as the sequence of activities based on the Teaching of Mathematics. In possession of material, produce a CD-ROM containing the selected activities, in order to help support the work of teachers regarding the use of these activities, as a supplementary material to textbooks in their math classes


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From a critique of aspects of the current teaching of physics, we propose in this paper an investigation into the conceptions of Nature of Science (NOS) submitted by students from the high school level, as well as the inclusion of discussions about some elements of NOS, through the History and Philosophy of Science, understanding them as facilitating strategy for more effective learning of Physics and, more specifically, the contents of optics. Based on the historical period corresponding to Greek antiquity to the mid-nineteenth century, built and applied a teaching unit to a high school class at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) Ipanguaçu campus. Our teaching unit involved the reading and interpretation of texts with historical content, observation and assembling five experimental activities, among other activities. Data analysis occurred through questionnaires investigative applied before and after the completion of the teaching unit, as well as questionnaires for content present in the texts. Although not significant, the results indicated that the application of the teaching unit allowed the (re) construction of some conceptions about NOS targets students present in our work, and contribute to a better learning content and greater optical science approach and its nature


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The use of the History and the Philosophy of Science (HPS) for the teaching of science and scientific subjects has been advocated in recent decades. It has been pointed out that the History of Science could make for a deeper learning of scientific concepts, since it would promote a contact with the problems which that knowledge has set out to solve. Furthermore, historical episodes would serve to put the discussions about the nature of scientific knowledge into context. With a view to explore those potentialities, the literature in the field has sought to identify the challenges and obstacles for the didactic transposition of subjects from the History of Science. Amongst many aspects, the deficiencies in the training of teachers, so that they can work with the insertion of HPS in the classroom have been highlighted. Another aspect that has been mentioned to be a challenge has to do with the didactic transposition of the Primary Sources, that is, of the original texts on the History of Science. The Primary Sources have significant potentialities: making a connection possible between scientists and concepts, showing the difficulties faced during scientific endeavors, perceiving the role of mistakes as obstacles to be surpassed, not as defeat, etc. On the other hand, there has been little exploration of these concepts in an educational context, due to their own peculiarities. The original texts are often hard to understand and their interpretation demands knowledge of the historical and scientific context in which they were written, as well as skills pertaining to the conduction of research in the field of the History of Science. With this scenario in mind, the research towards this Professional MSc degree starts from the challenge of elaborating and discussing proposals which could enable the didactical transposition of the Primary Sources. We have worked specifically with Primary Sources on the History of the Vacuum and of the Atmospheric Pressure, because of the insertion of these subjects in the Brazilian High School curriculum, in connection with the didactical textbooks. "Historic Journals" were made up from clippings of the original historical texts, as was a Didactical Unit, which takes the usual textbooks as a basis and contemplates using the Journals and the entire Primary Sources in High School. At last, we have elaborated and implemented a course designed for the preparation of teachers and for being an opportunity for the discussion of the feasibility of putting these kinds of proposal into practice


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This research aims to make a reflective analysis about the academic production originated in the stricto sensu post graduation programs in the country, produced in the period of 1990 to 2010, in the field of History of Mathematics, especifically on works about the History of Mathematics in Mathematics education and that present pedagogical proposals that make use of the History of Mathematics in order to teach Mathematics. Defending the thesis that the researches on mathematics education with goals turned to the use of didactic proposals related to the history of mathematic that take in consideration the coherency between epistemological aspects inherent to mathematics history and anthological elements materialized on the conceptions of mathematics and mathematics history and of apprenticeship (implicitly or explicitly exposed) may originate significant contribution to the field of history of mathematics on education. Among these, nine were Master’s Degree dissertations and five PHD’s theses. The reflective analysis was accomplished from two matrixes; one from theoretical nature and the other, ontologic nature, elaborated from the pretexts of Sanches Gamboa, about the epistemological analysis from academic production in the field of Mathematics Education and the following theoretical perspectives in the field of History of Mathematics Education, that are: linear evolutionary theory, structural construtivist operative, evolutionary discontinuous, historical and socialcultural investigation and the use of activities estimulating the usage of verbal and nonverbal expressions. These perspectives were based on the works of Miguel and Miorim, Mendes and Radford. As results, we have detected some established dissonances between the categories related to theoretical and ontologic levels and the pedagogical proposal presented in these researches. On the other hand, we have discovered works that are able to establish consonances between the theoretical and ontological elements and the presented pedagogical proposal. These works carry significative contributions to the field of History of Mathematics applied to Mathematics pedagogical practice, inclusively presenting significative theoretical elements to the production of knowledge recognized as scientific in the Mathematics field


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Lettres àune Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie (Letters to a Princess of Germany on various topics of physics and philosophy) is the work taken as an object of study of this thesis. It is a literary success written in the eighteenth century by the Swiss mathematician and physicist Leonhard Paul Euler (1707-1783) in order to meet a request from the Prussian king, Frederick II, the Great (1712-1786) to accept to guide the intellectual education of his niece, the young princess Anhalt-Dessau (1745-1808). The method of teaching and learning through letters elected to the education of the German monarch resulted in a collection of 234 matches in which Euler theory is about music, Philosophy, Mechanics, Optics, Astronomy, Theology and Ethics among others. The research seeks to point out mathematical content contained in this reference work based on the exploitation and adaptation of original historical works as an articulator of development activities for teaching mathematics in basic education and in accordance with the National Curriculum Parameters of Mathematics (NCP) work. The general objective point out the limits and didactic potential of Lettres à une Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie as a source of support for teachers of basic education in developing activities for teaching mathematics. The discussions raised point to concrete possibilities of entanglement between the extracted mathematical content of the bulge of the work with current teaching methodologies from resizing the use of letters according to Freire's pedagogical perspective of the correspondence, and especially the use of new communication channels in the century XXI, both aimed at dialogue and approximation between those who write and those who read.


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The present dissertation focuses on specific problems in the educational context: challenges in the construction of historical narratives for pedagogical use as well as the difficult task of using them in the classroom. In this context, we seek to work in teacher training for insertion of History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) in classroom, and historical narratives become mediation elements to advance the dialogue with this specific audience. This initiative is in line with a recurring concern: one of the main challenges related to the didactic transposition of HFC would be the lack of teacher preparation. Historical contents and Nature of Science are still absent in classrooms. Insecurity and lack of knowledge by teachers are often mentioned as factors that contribute to this situation. It is important, therefore, that teachers (active and in training) take part in discussions concerning the inclusion of HPS in classroom. It is relevant that they know examples of historic-philosophical didactic proposals to address science and contents on science, develop skills to adapt them to their specific contexts and to develop their own proposals. It is believed that these issues are significant to undertake conscious initiatives to insert HPS in classrooms. It is considered that adapting educational proposals to particular educational contexts depends on understanding what these proposals indeed mean and how flexible they can be. In order to address these objectives, we elaborated an educational product, a didactic material focused on teacher training, which was used in an extension course at UFRN. The didactic material discusses the role of HPS in Education, Nature of Science and historiographical issues. It presents a series of dialogical activities on aspects of didactic transposition of HPS, especially those regarding historical narratives. A set of historicpedagogical texts on the History of Vacuum and Atmospheric Pressure is used as a mediation element in discussions. We address potential, possibilities and limitations historical narratives. To carry out the course, it was taken into account methodological concerns of so-called action research. There have been expected changes, modifications and effective actions in the own teacher training material in face of the experience of the researcher-lecturer in interactions with the participants of the course as well as in face of impressions reported by the participants. Developments in this direction have been incorporated into the teacher training material.


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Le thème du patrimoine culturel architectural et urbain continue d avoir une place importante dans le milieu technique et scientifique. Le concept s est élargi et aujourd hui comprend différentes procédures de projets d intervention. L importance accordée au thème amène à l inclusion de la matière de techniques rétrospectives et aux contenus qui en sont liés: conservation, restauration, restructuration et reconstruction d édifices et ensembles urbains, dans les parcours des cours d architecture et d urbanisme au Brésil établies par le Ministère de l Education Nationale (MEC) dans les années quatre-vingt-dix, postérieurement incorporés dans les directrices disciplinaires nationales. Nous partons des discussions théoriques et conceptuelles du Domaine du Patrimoine Culturel, ainsi que des principales théories pédagogiques d enseignements et d apprentissage articulées au projet. Dans ce contexte les objectifs principaux de cette thèse consistent à systématiser et à analyser les principales procédures méthodologiques contribuant pour la construction de méthodes d enseignement tournée vers des activités pratiques dans ce domaine. Pour cela, la recherche a été systématisée dans une approche à deux niveaux. En ce qui concerne le premier, basé sur des données secondaires, neuf cours d architecture et urbanisme ont étés identifiés entre institutions publiques d enseignement supérieur dont huit brésiliennes et une française, considérées représentatives en ce qui concerne les pratiques d enseignement de projet et de patrimoine culturel. Trente disciplines dédiées à la matière ont été également reconnues initialement, et postérieurement, cinq disciplines qui possèdent un emploi du temps dédié à la pratique de projet ont aussi été reconnues. Dans le deuxième cas, basée sur des données primaires, ont étés analysées les méthodologies et les stratégies d enseignement de projet basées sur les définitions des matières et des autres éléments des plans de travail avec des observations, des entrevues et des questionnaires en trois ateliers. Par rapport aux résultats nous avons constaté que toutes les écoles possèdent les contenus de la matière, mais peu d entre elles privilégient la relation du projet appliqué au patrimoine culturel. Nous avons constaté que les questions des projets dans ce contexte, même s elles sont considérées complexes, ont privilégié le listage et l analyse du site. L atelier qui intègre les fondements des théories de préservation, l histoire de l architecture et urbanisme et techniques anciennes et actuelles, est mis en valeur comme un modèle cohérent avec les propositions d intégration des connaissances théoriques et pratiques du projet appliqué à la discipline. Basé sur ces constatations il est possible de démontrer quatre étapes du projet appliqué au patrimoine culturel: 1ª) les fondements généraux qui concernent les bases théoriques sur la préservation, histoire et technique rétrospective, par exemple, l appropriation de lois et normes et la sensibilisation de l élève sur les questions de patrimoine culturel; 2ª) le contacte avec la réalité qui inclut l appropriation du problème à partir de ces acteurs, de ces échelles, de cette lecture de site et l analyse de l objet d étude; 3ª) le développement de la proposition qui inclut programmes (fonctions existantes et propositions), définitions du partit (types d intervention), conception (hypothèse et discussion) et définition de proposition; 4ª) la finalisation du projet qui consiste à développer la proposition avec sa représentation graphique et sa présentation finale. Nous concluons que le projet en Domaine du Patrimoine Culturel demande une attention spéciale et doit être présent dans les cursus considérant les principes généraux nécessaires à la formation de l élève. Le binôme projet / patrimoine signifie avoir dans le cursus universitaire les contenus et questions nécessaires les connaissances, les variables et possibilités existantes dans le projet appliqué au patrimoine culturel de façon à ce que ces connaissances soient incorporées dans l exercice de projet et n apparaissent pas comme un simple contenu théorique sans articulation avec la pratique. Naturellement ces conclusions n épuisent pas la réflexion sur la question. Nous espérons que les analyses faites contribuent à définir des méthodologies d enseignements capables d êtres vérifiées et testées dans la pratique en salle de cours, et puisse collaborer avec les nouvelles recherches surtout celles qui ont pour but des nouvelles théories pédagogiques d enseignement apprentissage du projet en Domaine du Patrimoine Culturel


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At first moment we present a reflection about the history of theater and later a contextualization of didactic movements oriented to scenic arts. Through at the constant dialogue with authors of areas involving education, theatre, corporeality and music was possible analyzing, develop and criticize a education work under my responsibility involving fourteen classes. At the second moment will occur a critical self about the quality of theater classes his contents and methodologies. The technique will be at side of the emotion and together develop skills aimed at tracing paths for theater developed at a classroom of a especific private school in Natal-RN. At the third moment one class is chosen for analyze of the academic research and many experiments happen after this decision, initiated and sensitized through of the music with a significant look at the corporeality and prioritizing the theater as content in ninth grade - elementary school two. At the conclusion is possible see that learning is mutual and the theater can become life routine as well as the arts in general and when all arts will be regularized into the national educational system for public and private schools we will have more susceptible humans and more intellectual capacity


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Nowdays, recycling became a relevant social and educational aim among many other factors, which involve balance between man and nature. This study relates the experiences with the production of recycled handmade paper directed at the teaching in Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, and through workshops of carnauba recycled handcrafts papers as a pioneer activity accomplished at the Felix Rodrigues Foundation, in the city of Pendências, Açu Valley, Rio Grande do Norte. A bibliographic review was done about the history of handmade paper and a discussion about carnauba´s paper artistic possibilities in art-education. Analyses within the context of art teaching, accordingly to Ana Mae Barbosa´s triangle propose and, also, Buoro, Ostrower and Nachmanovitch´s pedagogy of art. It deals with a group of artisans in order to establish the nature of their relationship and the possibilities of achieving more ecological awareness. Finally, we intend to realize a dialogue with Morin and other authors


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This study aims to problematize the history of mixed schools in Pará, from 1870 to 1901, highlighting women participation that helped to build them. The analytical focus of the research fell on the changes and the continuities of the mixed school in Pará. The object of analysis is the Paraense mixed schools, formed by women. The study also brings out arguments that the mixed school was set up in variable forms, concepts, times and spaces, in an overlapping with the inclusion of women in educational universe, either through education, professionalization or teaching in schools of girls and boys. The documentary sources privileged by the study are: the educational law, the newspapers, the government reports and the journals of education, which were examined in a confrontation between what was said and done. The evidential method helped the documentary reading revealed that, in small lines, the linkages built in the search for clues and signs of Paraense mixed schools was assembled with the participation of women, from the perception that historical knowledge is indirect, conjectural. Evidences indicated that the school for both sexes, legally established in the Province of Grão-Pará in 1870, gave the signals of the junction of girls and boys in school, at a time when the presence of women in education was suggested. Mutations related to the educational organization, with the introduction of mixed school in the following decade had a closer relationship with restrictive settings and more effective integration of women in that school. The inaccuracies of the Republican mixed school have revealed, through winding paths, that signal of contradictions between the modern discourse and conservative practices regarding this school, in communion with the expansion of the mixed school throughout the state, including in groups schools, observing the presence of effective women teachers in the regency of such schools and an expansion of students in relation to the equity between the sexes


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This thesis is the result of an investigation about the transversality of the environmental issues into the daily curriculum of High Schools (from first to eighth grade). The research field was the county of Santo Antonio de Jesus in the state of Bahia, Brazil. The investigation is related with the challenge that the present model of social development and organization has put to the school institution: to bring the regular discussion about Environmental Education (EE) to the school s daily life. Facing the complexity of the socio-environmental issues and the basic functions of Education, the object of study was restricted to the identification of the challenges and paradoxes of the EE inside the curriculum organization of Politic-Pedagogic Project of the schools and the teachers daily practices. About the methodology, we adopted different references for the qualitative research: sociology, history, economy, and education. As for the investigative procedures about the teacher s practices, we related the school s daily practices to the context of the community. We also adopted several investigative procedures, such as questionnaires, interviews, observations and formative intervention. The theoretical basis was organized based on references to curriculum organization, environmental culture, teacher education and also considering the pillars of a capitalistic system that is based on consumerism and that generates social exclusion. At the initial considerations, we contextualized the contemporary environmental issues in an attempt to interpret the conditions of the EE transversality into the school s daily practices, which are still oriented to the traditional Cartesian Education. Based on the collected data, we found the reasons for the teachers dilemma and reluctances to the insertion of the environmental issues into the organization of the work plan and into the management of a school. Nevertheless, the results also signed promising possibilities to the EE tranversality, in case the curriculum of the school could be more sensible towards the cultural and social-economical issues of a community. We especially questioned The National Curriculum Parameter s (PCN), which is considered highly insufficient to inform the teachers about the environmental issues, facing the actual local conditions of social and pedagogic work. The final considerations showed the role and the importance of this research as one strategy to organize the curriculum education into the perspective of the transversality of environmental issues inside the education of both teacher and student


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This work aims to describe and analyze the process of the mathematics teacher modernizing in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 1950 to 1980. For that, we use as theoretical foundation assumptions of Cultural History and memories of the researchers Maurice Halbwach, Ecléa Bosi and Paul Thompson. As methodological tools, we used bibliographical resources and semi-structured interviews, in order to do a historical reconstruct of the mathematics educational scene of institutions and people who taught mathematics in Rio Grande do Norte, or those who participated in the modernization of the teaching of this subject, recovering their training and its practices in teaching. For the analysis of the bibliographical resources, initially we organized in a systematic way the transcripts of the interviews and documents, which were accumulated during the research, so long our thoughts, returning to the theoretical basis of this research, through questioning of knowledge acquired and that guided the problem of our study. The analysis showed that, important moments to modernize the teaching of mathematics in Rio Grande do Norte happened such: (1) Training Course of Lay Teachers in Rio Grande do Norte, in 1965, (2) Course for Teachers in Normal Schools, in 1971 (3) Satelite Project on Interdisciplinary Advanced Communications (SPIAC) in 1973; (4) Lectures of the teacher Malba Tahan, at Natal, from the end of the 50 s, that could be analyzed through the lessons notes of the teacher Maria Nalva Xavier de Albuquerque and the narrative of teacher Evaldo Rodrigues de Carvalho and (5) Courses of the Campaign for Improvement of Secondary Education and Broadcasting (CISEB). Thereby, the modernization of the school s mathematics teaching in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 1950 to 1980, was given mainly by disclosure of the Discovery Method and by the Set Theory contents in Teacher Training Courses


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La séparation entre les deux cultures (Snow, 1995) a battu la compréhension du monde, a influencé l'éducation à tous les niveaux et a fragmenté les êtres humains dans leur façon de penser et de produire des connaissances. L'accumulation des connaissances héritées dès la naissance de la science moderne au XVIIe siècle, n'a pas été suffisantes pour relever les nouveaux défis du monde contemporain (Morin, 2000, 2001, 2002a). Maintenant c est le temps de chercher une nouvelle compréhension du monde et des nouveaux façon de comprendre et résoudre les événements et problèmes de l'âge moderne. La Pédagogie de la fraternité écologique "est défendue et construite à partir d'un point de référence cosmologique nouvelle, basée sur le grand récit de l'univers, et inspirés par la vie fraternelle, l'amour, la poésie et la sagesse de saint François d'Assise (Italie , sec. XII-XIII) et l'expérience des connaissances traditionnelles et la «logique du sensible» (Lévi-Strauss) de Francisco da Silva Lucas, un résident de la communauté de Areia Branca, sur les rives du lac Piató dans la ville de Assu, Rio Grande do Norte. Une épistémologie fondée sur le grand récit de l'Univers rachetera des relations fraternelles entre l'homme et la nature. À partir de ces références j ai elaboré une nouvelle formation pour les éducateurs, «formation interdisciplinaire pour enseigner de l'éducation», dans lequel je développe ce que j'appelle «Architecture transdisciplinaire de savoir pour la formation des enseignants, fondé sur les principes de la complexité et de la transdisciplinarité. Nous comprenons que notre rôle est plus large intégrant l'homme dans l'histoire de l'univers, car le bien de la terre et le bienêtre de la communauté humaine sur terre peut être le point que rejoindra l'enseignement de l'avenir


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The rational construction necessary to systematize scientific knowledge in physics, introduces difficulties of understanding in some of its concepts. One of these concepts which exemplify properly this difficulty in learning or teaching is entropy. This thesis propose the construction of a didactic route which constitute itself a historical and epistemological course to entropy, intending to contribute for teaching this concept as well as other physics concepts. The basic assumption to build this route is that through the historical review of the development of this concept in the way suggested by Bachelard s (1884-1962) epistemology it is possible to make subjects, to be taught and learned, more meaningful. Initially I composed a brief biographical note to give the reader an idea about the issues, interests and reflections, related to science, and how I dealt with them in my private and professional life, as well as the role they played to lead me to write this thesis. The strategy to construct the route to entropy was to split the usual contents of basic thermodynamics in three moments in a way they can constitute epistemological units , which can be identified by the way of thinking in the corresponding moments of scientific knowledge production: a technical and empiricist moment, a rationalist and positivist moment and a post-positivist rationalist one. The transition between each moment is characterized by a rupture with the former way of thinking; however the progress in the construction of knowledge in the area is evident. As the final part of this work I present an analysis based on elements of Bachelard s epistemology that are present in each moment. This analysis is the basic component of the didactic route that I propose myself to build. The way I made this route guide to entropy could contribute to the construction of other didactic routes in physics and other sciences, in a way to unveil hidden meanings and as a tool to humanize scientific knowledge.