77 resultados para desgaste do dressador
The main problem on the exploration activity on petroleum industry is the formation water resulted on the fields producing. The aggravating of this problem is correlated with the advancing technologies used on the petroleum extractions and on its secondary approach objecting the reobtainment of this oil. Among the main contaminants of the water formation are corrosives gases such as: O2, CO2 and H2S, some solids in suspension and dissolved salts. Concerning to those gases the CO2 is the one that produce significant damage for carbon steel on corrosion process of the petroleum and gas industries. Corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in formation water is one of the most used agents in control of those damages. In this context, the poor investigations of carbon steel corrosion proceeding from solids in suspension is an opened field for studies. On this work the inhibitor effect of the commercial CORRTREAT 703 was evaluated on some specific solids in suspension at saline medium containing 10.000 ppm of de-aerated chloride using CO2 until non oxygen atmosphere been present. For that, quartz, calcium carbonate, magnetite and iron sulphide were subjected to this investigation as the selected solids. The effect of this inhibitor on corrosion process correlated with those specific solids, was measured using electrochemical (resistance of linear polarization and galvanic pair) and gravimetrical techniques. During all the experimental work important parameters were monitored such as: pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, instantaneous corrosion rate and galvanic current. According to the obtained results it was proved that the suspension solids calcium carbonate and iron sulphide decrease the corrosion process in higher pH medium. Meanwhile the quartz and magnetite been hardness increase corrosion by broking of the passive layer for erosion. In the other hand, the tested inhibitor in concentration of 50 ppm, showed to be effective (91%) in this corrosion process
O presente estudo tem como objetivo conhecer as representações sociais sobre o risco ocupacional construídas por trabalhadores da saúde no contexto hospitalar. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório fundamentado no referencial teórico da Teoria das Representações Sociais realizado com duzentos e vinte trabalhadores da saúde pertencentes ao quadro permanente de um hospital público na cidade do Natal- RN. Os dados foram coletados através da Entrevista semi-estruturada e da Técnica da Associação Livre de Palavras. Na análise das informações utilizou-se o software Evoc 2000 e o Alceste. Os resultados indicam condições de trabalho desfavoráveis com desgaste físico e mental ao trabalhador da saúde, e, patologias pouco reconhecidas como ocupacionais em sua origem. Pode-se observar que as representações sociais construídas pelos trabalhadores da saúde, revelam o nível de conscientização desses trabalhadores referentes às consequências do ambiente de trabalho para sua saúde, referindo-se ao processo de trabalho hospitalar, como múltiplo e complexo pela dimensão tecnológica e pelos aspectos físicos, psíquicos e cognitivos
This study aimed to analyze the social representations of Brazilian and Portuguese nurses on stress in the emergency service. A semi-structured interview and the free word association test, with "stress" as the inductive stimulus, were used as research instruments. Data were collected from 120 nurses, being 60 from an emergency hospital in the city of Natal, Brazil and 60 from an urgency hospital in the city of Aveiro, Portugal. Data from the word association test were analyzed with the EVOC 2002 program, after thematic categorical content analysis, enabling construction of a data bank. Data gathered from the interview were analyzed by ALCESTE 4.8 software. Nurse represent the stress in the urgency department as a generation of physical and mental detrition where adaptation is unsatisfactorily, resulting in the onset of fatigne, irritability, lack of concentration, lack of motivation, pessimism, impaired interpersonal relationship and low productivity. The solution is part of a complex whole, which demands an integrated way of acting that has demanded increasingly professional attitudes based on multidisciplinarity
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Dos problemas de saúde existentes no ambiente de trabalho, 18% afetam o aparelho psíquico, a exemplo do estresse, atingindo cerca de 30% dos trabalhadores em geral. A persistência e intensidade do estresse, associada às sucessivas tentativas de lidar com os mesmos, tornam os indivíduos vulneráveis ao surgimento da Síndrome deBurnout. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar a relação dos aspectos socioeconômicos e demográficos com o estresse e a Síndrome de Burnout em fisioterapeutas do Brasil. Para isso, este estudo teve uma abordagem do tipo transversal, com 1040 fisioterapeutas do Brasil, através de uma amostragem do tipo snowbolle não probabilística. Utilizou-se um questionário socioeconômico, demográfico e profissional, a Escala de Estresse no Trabalho (EET) e a adaptação do Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo (CESQT). Na análise dos dados, foram utilizadas a estatística descritiva e inferencial. Dentre os principais resultados obtidos, percebeu-se uma maior representatividade da região Nordeste (48,7%), com idade média de 31anos, sexo feminino (75,7%), carga horária semanal de 35,4 horas, com 3-5 anos de atuação profissional. Observou-se que 37,0% apresentavam estresse relacionado estatisticamente com a idade (p=0,008),atividade física (p=0,039) e satisfação com a saúde (r=-0,322; p<0,001). Não foi observado nenhum caso de Burnout, porém houve uma média elevada nas dimensões, desgaste psíquico, indolência e culpa, totalizando 49,0% comtendência ao desenvolvimento da síndrome. Portanto, as variáveis, idade, prática da atividade física e satisfação com a saúde obtiveramrelação com o estresse. Para o Burnout, destacaram-se a região de moradia (centro-oeste), satisfação com a saúde, local de trabalho (clínicas e hospitais), além do maior número de locais de trabalho. Diante desse contexto, os estudos sobre o estresse e a Síndrome de Burnout se apresentam como elementos derelevância dentro do contexto da prevenção dos riscos laborais e da análise das condições de trabalho
The breast cancer is the most incident neoplasia in Brazilian women, configure as important cause of female death in Brazil. Its magnitude is go to be consider as a disease that go out the biological and numerical, extending of the subjective dimension and interrelationships of society and socials experiences, to into in knowledge and practices. Linking of the growing older process, the breast cancer extend as social, economical and cultural dimensions, madding in plot of socials relationships, through that acquire mean. In the context of the high expectative of live and the high number of older age persons, consider that that the high number of years had lived correspond the exposition of this individuals to corporate of the ambientals aggressions and own processes of human constitution of natural wear, like as chronicle-degenerate disease, the example is cancer. In the perspective, we collected narratives of mastectomies women with 60 age or so, about the breast cancer, the body and the growing older process, had has as objectives to reflexes about relatives questions, the comprehension about cancer, like experience, had lived and mean in the context of action and interaction of mastectomies older women, and to comprehend like women interrelationships and respond the changes that grow up of the disease and the growing older process in the everyday of their lives. Through of the narratives. We know that the disease is an initial information that take a form through successives approximation between women with their reality, since the family from hospital institution. The breast cancer to be continue a disease who cause a lot of apprehension and fear, getting and changing the ill s live as marked form. Have dad the body and the growing older process genteels and redimensions by disease, women need to define news and multiples functions due to the contingency that the disease impose
In a country of continental dimensions as Brazil, one of the top challenges to its economic growth is the logistic related to energetical demand supply. We live now in the era of environmental protection and, in this new context of priorizations, it passes trough the search for alternative energies for the energetic matrix, due the petroleum elevated costs in the global market (and its finitude), but also due its pollution over the environment. This attempt of substitution needs solutions related to the national reality, into a national long term developing plan and based at a juridical-economic analysis of its realization. This study will look for, also based in an economical analysis, the juridical legitimity of choosing natural gas as the new protagonist of national economic growth (as a substitute of petroleum) and the necessary boost that must be done by law, based on an economic policy focused strictly for that fact, as a modifying agent of this reality. This study, therefore, will always be turned to a constitutional aspect, respecting the principles of economic order and the goal of reducing regional inequalities, which must influence the making off of a developing plan. At the end, it will try to demonstrate the juridical viability of such undertaking, tuned in jus-economical criteria. Another goal is related to the analysis of the natural gas industry, due the regulation of its transport has a major importance for national energetic integration, not only because this activity be characterized as a net industry, still under control of a natural monopoly, but also because the competitive or cooperative profile that should be priorized at the beginning of the economic planning for this activity (such as investment policies and its own rules that will submit private agents)
Os Direitos Humanos, compreendidos como o conjunto de direitos indispensáveis à efetivação da dignidade humana, encontram-se, atualmente, no centro das discussões e relações jurídicas internacionais e nacionais. Seu amplo reconhecimento em nível mundial e a universalização de seus preceitos centrais alçaram o Direito Internacional a um nível de evolução e de relacionamento com o Direito Constitucional que se mostram impassíveis de serem ignorados pelas jurisdições nacionais. Encontrando-se tais direitos na base do constitucionalismo moderno, o que os mantém em estreito relacionamento com o pluralismo e a democracia, faz-se imperioso recordar-se que as noções jurídicas que os animam serviram de base histórica e genética ao reconhecimento e à positivação, em nível constitucional, dos assim chamados direitos fundamentais. Em sintonia com a especial deferência que se tem ofertado aos direitos humanos na sociedade contemporânea global, nossa Constituição positivou entre os princípios regentes de suas relações internacionais ordem expressa de prevalente respeito aos tratados internacionais estabelecedores desses direitos, além de ter possibilitado a recepção desses pactos em nosso ordenamento jurídico, inclusive a título de preceitos constitucionais, conforme Emenda Constitucional n. 45/2004. Esse tratamento especial, além do processo democrático que conduziu o Brasil a uma progressiva aceitação dos tratados, pactos e convenções humanitários, torna possível a conclusão de que os Direitos Humanos apresentam elementos de diferencial carga legitimadora, podendo contribuir, significativamente para, a legitimação democrática de nossa Jurisdição Constitucional. Também é possível perceber-se que, ocorrente em esferas de poder e de legitimação diversos, em particular a nível internacional, a importância conferida aos Direitos Humanos não resta esvaziada pela ampla proteção constitucional conferida aos direitos fundamentais. Particularmente questionada em sua perspectiva democrática, mormente ante o cumprimento da nominada regra contramajoritária e em face da crescente ampliação de seu poder político, nossa Jurisdição Constitucional não pode mais permanecer alheia aos condicionantes determinados pelas amplas imbricações que se desenvolveram no estreitamento de relações entre o Direito Constitucional e o Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos. Também a crise dogmática ditada pelo distanciamento havido entre o direito posto e a realidade nacional tem implicado em inegável desgaste público da atividade jurisdicional, principalmente da jurisdição voltada à proteção constitucional. O papel da Jurisdição Constitucional atual há, portanto, de ser cumprido em sintonia com as normas internacionais de Direitos Humanos, principalmente em respeito às normas constitucionais pátrias que ordenam a prevalência desses direitos nas relações internacionais. Nesse sentido, pode e necessita nossa Jurisdição Constitucional valer-se do particular potencial legitimador das normas definidoras de Direitos Humanos, reconhecendo e efetivando tais normas e adequando-se às tendências modernas que a elas conferem especial proteção, num processo dialético de inolvidável natureza democrática
This study aimed to analyze stress on nursing staff of intensive care at the Teaching Hospital Onofre Lopes. The study sample consisted of thirty-eight (38) nursing professionals, including technicians and nurses working in the ICU of the hospital Data were collected between September to November 2011 in two stages.The first was the application of the Lipp Stress Symptoms Inventory (LSSI), which allowed us to measure the stress phase in which each team member was. After that, data were tabulated in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and analyzed according to the 2010 inventory guidelines proposed by the author. After this analysis it was possible to complete the second phase of the research, which consisted of a semi-structured interview designed for those workers who were in the second phase of stress, resistance. Data analysis was based on Bardin 2004 content analysis, enabling the creation of categories based on grouping the ideas present in the interviewees' statements. It was found that the study population was mostly female (78.9%) aged from 30 to 39 years (50%), married (52.3%) and with dual-employment (65.7%). The most predominant phase, according to the Lipp inventory, was the stress resistance, present in 44.7% of the team and having as most predominant physical symptoms the constant feeling of physical exhaustion, verified in 16.8% of the participants, and psychological, the excessive irritability and emotional sensitivity in 26.3%. Regarding the qualitative data it was possible to establish three categories and four subcategories, with the following categories: the stressors of the workplace, overwork and the interpersonal relationships of the nursing staff in the ICU. And as subcategories: Routine care in the ICU; Pressures and Individual Charges; double journey: professional reflections on daily life, the night shift nursing staff and the body suffers, the manifestations of stress; deficient communication between team members. Thus, this study allowed the visualization of the stress phenomenon on nursing staff of the Teaching Hospital Onofre Lopes as a kaleidoscope of thoughts, feelings and experiences perceived by these professionals in different areas of their lives. It was also verified that the strengthening of the stress theme among nursing professionals need to be exploited and stimulated in several nursing areas of discussion so these workers are encouraged to take better care of themselves so they can take care of others health
The current study strives to address the interpersonal relationships of the nursing team from the perspective of the communicative action, by contributing to the health work process. It aims to analyze the interpersonal relationships of the nursing team in its work environment. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection wal held from interviews, guided by a script with open questions. The study was conducted at a state hospital in the city of Natal/RN/Brazil. The research subjects were the workers of the nursing team, including nurses, nursing technicians and nursing assistants, totaling 16 subjects. The capture of information was performed in April 2012. The project was approved by the Ethics Research Committee, under CEP/UFRN protocol n. º 262/11 and Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Consideration n. º 0289.0.051.000-11. The analysis was performed from the categories that emerged from the research through a dialogue with the authors studied in the theoretical framework of the Theory of communicative action , by Jürgen Habermas, as well as The changing in the world of work, by Ricardo Antunes, and Characterization of the team , by Marina Peduzzi. The outocomes point out that the interpersonal relationship of the nursing team is very troubled, with no interaction among the individuals involved in this process, among themselves and with other health professionals. We have developed a particular concept about team, which is comprised of three essential elements: multiplicity of individuals, common objective and heterogeneity. In the studied environment, it was realized the existence of grouping teams. The interpersonal relationship of the nursing can be a facilitator or an obstacle in the workplace in such a way that causes positive or negative consequences, both to the health workers, and to the sicks. In this context, the interviewees have intensified their viewpoints with regard to the weaknesses that permeate the nursing relationship, by pointing them more frequently than the strengths. The work conditions have signaled a failing situation, which is evidenced by the constant improvisation process before the lack of human and material resources, low wages, deficit in recognizing the nursing worker, and physical and emotional wear, by creating a professional exhaustion. The devaluation of the worker also became a strong factor for this study, because it was characterized a reason of job dissatisfaction, due to the lack of valuation policies, which should be prepared by the institution or, even, they are unknown by the worker itself. The worker participation in the design of these policies has emerged as a relevant factor. The poor work conditions lead the worker to a process of professional demotivation and dissatisfaction, by causing the feeling of devaluation within its work environment. Hence, it was found in this research that the lack of communication leads to situations of inadequate interpersonal relationships, which are creators of an unsuitable environment for the performance of the nursing team
The traditional fishing with rafts is characterized by unpredictability, high stakes and inadequate work conditions. The extensive working hours, physical wear, inadequate nutrition, unsanitary conditions, lack of salvage equipment and instruments suitable working, added by the presence of changes in the nutritional status of fisherman, that contribute to the picture of insecurity in high seas, injuries and health. This study aimed to analyze the activity of the fisherman s from Ponta Negra, Natal / RN, and check the conditions of supply of these fishermen and their implications on health and development of their work. To this finality, was used a methodology based on the ergonomic work analysis employing techniques such as observational and interactional conversational action, listening to the answers, observation protocols, photographic and video records. The script conversational dynamic action was developed from literature searches about the artisanal fisheries, culture and food habits of this population, and analyzes the overall situation of focus and two reference situations. To collect data on the usual diet of fisherman as well as quantitative and qualitative analysis that was used for data analysis and 24h recall the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). The impact of this power to the health of fisherman was evaluated performing a nutritional assessment. The results revealed that the fishermen carry out their activities with poor working conditions, health and nutrition. Feeding practices of these fishermen undertake development work, making it even more stressful, as well contributing to the emergence of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases. The management of the activity, as well as the current structure of the vessel, also contributes to the adoption of inappropriate feeding practices during the shipment of catch. The results of this indicate the need for adequate interventions in order to assist in recovery and / or maintenance of health of fisherman minimizing reflections of nutritional disorders for the development activity by improving the quality of life in this population
The fishing is an activity with rafts marked by unpredictability, poor tools, physical stress, awkward postures, risk of accidents and incidents, which contribute to insecurity in the context of activity. This study aimed to contribute to reducing of physical effort and the biomechanical impacts in jangadeiro activity of artisanal fishing using jangadas on the beach of Ponta Negra, Natal-RN. To achieve this purpose the methodology of the Work Ergonomic Analysis - WEA became a reference using techniques such as observational and interactional observation notes, photographs, videos, action conversational and listening verbalizations. The resulting activity in health jangadeiro, discussed in this research were: static postural assessment, flexibility of movement of shoulder flexion-extension, flexibility of the hamstrings and lower back, grip and musculoskeletal pain. It was found from observations, interactions and activity analysis, that in carrying out fishing rafts are frequent awkward postures associated with demand for power and many are already feeling the jangadeiros reflections of years of life dedicated to this work. These have already adopted some measures to manage the activity, such as job rotation during the expedition of capture. Therefore, there is a need to expand these measures of activity management, as well as design and capabilities of the raft, seeking positive changes in the activity and consequently the quality of life jangadeiro
This Masters degree dissertation presents a research that aims at analyzing the activities regarding within a hotel managers work in Natal/RN - Brazil, This Masters degree dissertation presents the research that aims at analyzing the activities regarding the hotel managers work in Natal / RN - Brazil, performing diagnosis of their activities and relating the aspects that impact the quality and productivity of hotel services and managers occupational health. This research is characterized as a case study with a qualitative approach, taking the method of Ergonomic Work Analysis which is the analysis of the managers work activity as a reference to the focus; and combining the use of observational and interactional methods. Ergonomics and macroergonomics are used in this study not only to understand the physical, cognitive and organizational constraints of the manager s duties, but also to characterize the work organizational architecture and design of that hotel. High workload, accumulation of tasks and diversion of functions performed by managers were noticed, increasing thereby the physical and psychological suffering for them. It was found that the activity of managers is characterized by the ambivalence of power, limited autonomy, cooperation, interdependence between managers and the fear of incompetence. It was also noticed that managers devote more time to the day job (37%), another time to sleep (30%), while only 33% of the rest of the day are meant for activities like taking care of health, family, social life and study. Although there are few studies addressing the health and safety of hotel managers, this research revealed that 84% of the surveyed hotel managers complain of musculoskeletal pain which 50% are obese and are 100% sedentary. It was also observed that managers adopt unsuitable postures for carrying out the work activities that contribute to becoming injured or work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the near future. Ergonomic measures were recommended as an investment in the skills and the training of managers, encouraging cooperative work, appropriateness of workload, limiting overtime, preserving the enjoyment of breaks during work and weekly holidays, changing the layout of the work sector , usage of communication technology to prevent displacement, compensatory physical activities, furniture adaptation, among others
Electrical Motors transform electrical energy into mechanic energy in a relatively easy way. In some specific applications, there is a need for electrical motors to function with noncontaminated fluids, in high speed systems, under inhospitable conditions, or yet, in local of difficult access and considerable depth. In these cases, the motors with mechanical bearings are not adequate as their wear give rise to maintenance. A possible solution for these problems stems from two different alternatives: motors with magnetic bearings, that increase the length of the machine (not convenient), and the bearingless motors that aggregate compactness. Induction motors have been used more and more in research, as they confer more robustness to bearingless motors compared to other types of machines building with others motors. The research that has already been carried out with bearingless induction motors utilized prototypes that had their structures of stator/rotor modified, that differ most of the times from the conventional induction motors. The goal of this work is to study the viability of the use of conventional induction Motors for the beringless motors applications, pointing out the types of Motors of this category that can be more useful. The study uses the Finite Elements Method (FEM). As a means of validation, a conventional induction motor with squirrel-cage rotor was successfully used for the beringless motor application of the divided winding type, confirming the proposed thesis. The controlling system was implemented in a Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
Hard metals are the composite developed in 1923 by Karl Schröter, with wide application because high hardness, wear resistance and toughness. It is compound by a brittle phase WC and a ductile phase Co. Mechanical properties of hardmetals are strongly dependent on the microstructure of the WC Co, and additionally affected by the microstructure of WC powders before sintering. An important feature is that the toughness and the hardness increase simultaneously with the refining of WC. Therefore, development of nanostructured WC Co hardmetal has been extensively studied. There are many methods to manufacture WC-Co hard metals, including spraying conversion process, co-precipitation, displacement reaction process, mechanochemical synthesis and high energy ball milling. High energy ball milling is a simple and efficient way of manufacturing the fine powder with nanostructure. In this process, the continuous impacts on the powders promote pronounced changes and the brittle phase is refined until nanometric scale, bring into ductile matrix, and this ductile phase is deformed, re-welded and hardened. The goal of this work was investigate the effects of highenergy milling time in the micro structural changes in the WC-Co particulate composite, particularly in the refinement of the crystallite size and lattice strain. The starting powders were WC (average particle size D50 0.87 μm) supplied by Wolfram, Berglau-u. Hutten - GMBH and Co (average particle size D50 0.93 μm) supplied by H.C.Starck. Mixing 90% WC and 10% Co in planetary ball milling at 2, 10, 20, 50, 70, 100 and 150 hours, BPR 15:1, 400 rpm. The starting powders and the milled particulate composite samples were characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to identify phases and morphology. The crystallite size and lattice strain were measured by Rietveld s method. This procedure allowed obtaining more precise information about the influence of each one in the microstructure. The results show that high energy milling is efficient manufacturing process of WC-Co composite, and the milling time have great influence in the microstructure of the final particles, crushing and dispersing the finely WC nanometric order in the Co particles