35 resultados para Terreno, doação, legislação, Brasil


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The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established in 1994 as a result of the Uruguay Round, and has as its principal aim advocate for the maintenance of free trade between nations. The preamble of its Constitutive Agreement specifically cites as an institution the goal of achieving sustainable development and the pursuit of protecting and preserving the environment, bringing into the sphere of world trade the idea that concern for the environmental cause is not restricted only the group of environmentalists, but rather has entered the economic landscape in a way not only ideological, but also pragmatic. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1947, part of the GATT 1994, contains a device that allows the adoption of trade restrictive measures, provided that such measures aimed at protecting the environment - Article XX. The Settlement Body (DSB) is part of the WTO and acts in dissolving disputes between the countries motivated by trade. It examines two cases where countries have imposed restrictive trade measures with environmental justification. The first case was closed in 1996, with award of damages given to Brazil, on the breakdown of U.S. environmental legislation imposed on imported gasoline from Brazil - and the second, begun in 2005 and closed in 2007, coming out victorious again Brazil is on the import ban on retreaded tires to Brazil. The objective is to answer the question: how the environment is treated in the midst of trade discussions - which is aimed at its protection or its use with economic objectives in disguise? For the preparation of this work, extensive documentary research was undertaken with the virtual site of the WTO to review the entire production of legal cases and subsequent analysis of the key issue for the work, and literature of authors who have studied the tense relationship between trade international environment. The first case, it could be seen that the political movement performed by the U.S. with the aim of achieving acceptable standards of air quality was an institutional effort to ensure the quality of air, and thus would be inappropriate to say that the regulation of gasoline was merely a disguised trade barrier.However, a careful analysis of the implementation and operation of gasoline regulation may reveal intentions disguised trade and U.S. environmental argument did not hold. The weight of this environment was relegated, since there were clearly outside interests to the environmental cause. The second case, it was realized that, despite clear attempts by the EC to promote ecological dumping, send when brought to Brazil, supposedly a country with weaker environmental structure on surveillance, a residue that, pursuant to internal policies, as could not be sent to their own landfills, the Brazilian discourse remained focused on the environmental cause, and this sort there was the existence of disguised trade barriers, but of importance, at least a priori, the discussion of foreign forces on the environment environment because there is no way to legally justify the reversal of the total understanding of the first judging body, the sight of all the arguments presented by Brazil and the nonsubmission of new facts upon appeal. Still, quite heartening to reflect on the role of trade liberalization on the environment in general, because, while they do not reach a definitive conclusion will reveal positions in both directions, both for and against, the that only adds to the discussions and makes this a very fertile topic for future research


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Environmental pollution causes the loss of the quality of aquatic resources and also affects the health of human beings. The Golandim River is located in São Gonçalo do Amarante (RN Brazil) and had its water recovered seven years ago by measurements of parameters of the water s quality analyses physicochemistry, microbiological and heavy metals. However, it is not well established if this river is truly recovered, so this study provides a wide knowledge about the quality of these waters. Therefore, this investigation was accomplished by assays of ecotoxicology utilizing Ceriodaphnia dubia and of genotoxicity of the river s water using a biomarker Tradescantia Pallida (Trad-MCN). In set, it carried through a study of environmental perception through questionnaires that approached questions related to the profile of the interviewed one, knowledge on the environment and of the river Golandim with the community that lives in the neighborhoods of the river to diagnosis as they perceive the environment where live and its problems. The assays of the water had been carried out by collecting samples in three different sites of the Golandim River. They were collected between the periods of December 2010 (dry season in the northeast of Brazil) and July 2011 (rainy season in the northeast of). The analysis of the data allowed observing that the majority of the inhabitants are adult and presents a global vision of what it is part of the environment, the majority mentions the pollution of the river as one of the problems of the city, considering it serious. The ecotoxicology assay showed that there was not acute toxicity in all three samples collected. Meanwhile, all these three samples demonstrated significant chronic toxicity. The results from the Trad-MCN assay presented an increase in the frequency of micronucleus in one of the sites analyzed (S3) (p<0.01), in both seasons collected. On the other hand, the sites S1 and S2 did not presented a significant increase of micronucleus using this bioassay. The analyses of chemicals detected an increase in the levels of some metals, in different seasons and samples, which can be associates with some compounds found in urban and industrial areas. On the other hand, the physicochemistries parameters demonstrated that the Golandim River is recouped, when compared with the values presented at the CONAMA s legislation. However, these results indicate the presence of compounds capable of inducing chromosomal mutation in plants. On the other hand, the parameters physicistchemistries demonstrate that the river Golandim is if recouping, since when compares the values observed with the legislation of the CONAMA. All these results point to the fact that the Trad-MCN assay was sensitive and efficient biomarker for chromosomal instability and the C. dubia ecotoxicology assay was as though an efficient biomarker of toxicity of water s quality. The results from Trad-MCN associated with the ecotoxicology demonstrates that these analyses are important for environmental monitoring, once the first bioassay described above indicates alterations at the standards of cells and the other one indicates alterations at the standards of organisms. This study alerts for the necessity to carry out biological assays for the analyses of the water s quality


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The water quality of many reservoirs in the world has been reduced due to percolation of contaminants to water, which can have natural or anthropogenic origin, increasing the level of genotoxic compounds in aquatic ecosystems. This fact has contributed to the reduction of environmental quality, and commitment the health of living beings that inhabit these ecosystems, including the human population. In this backdrop of reduced water quality, is the Lucrecia dam, which is a major surface water reservoirs by volume of semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte, and that has shown contamination by heavy metals, cyanobacteria toxic and the natural presence of Radon. The population that use this source has been showing high rates of cancer, popularly associated with the consumption of this water, with a prevalence about three times higher compared to the whole state of Rio Grande do Norte. Based on this, the present study aimed to evaluate the mutagenic potencial of surface water from the Lucrecia dam, using the Micronucleus Test in Tradescantia pallida (Trad-MN) and in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (CBMN) assay, as well as identify the concentrations of some heavy metals in this water. Water samples were collected on a dry season and a rainy season, in two distinct points. Moreover, in order to bring a completely view about the relationship of man-health-environment in this local, through the knowledge of knowing / acting environmental from residents of Lucrecia, and the use and perceptions they have about the dam of your city, a study of Environmental Perception was carried out with local residents. The results obtained for the both micronucleus test, showed significant results for the three points analyzed. The strongest mutagenic effect was observed in the dry season for both assays. Chemical analyses detected an increase of heavy metal levels in different points and season above the maximum allowed by legislation. Regarding the study of Environmental Perception with local residents, it was observed the knowledge of the environment that the residents have, as well as the strong ties and perceptions with the dam of the city. Thus, the combination of these two aspects (the genetic toxicity tests conducted in the dam together with analysis of environmental perception with the residents of Lucrecia) allowed to draw a more complete diagnosis on the local situation


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This thesis aims to advance in the geological knowledge of the region comprising the Piancó-Alto Brígida (TPAB) and Alto pajeú (TAP) terranes, in the Transversal Zone Domain (Borborema Province, NE Brazil), with the main objective of understanding the geodynamic evolution and the structural framework of these units. To reach this objective, and besides field work and interpretation of traditional aerial photographs, other tools were employed like of remote sensing products (Landsat 7 ETM+, aeroradiometrics, aeromagnetics and topographical images), lithogeochemical (whole rock) analyses and geochronological dating (U-Pb in zircon), besides integration with literature data. In the area, several precambrian geological units outcrop, represented in the TAP by the paleoproterozoic Serra Talhada and Afogados da Ingazeira complexes, Riacho Gravatá Complex (metavolcano-sedimentary sequence of Stenian-Tonian age) and Cariris Velhos orthogneisses (of Tonian age). The TPAB comprises the Santana do Garrote (lower unit) and Serra do Olho d'Água (upper unit) formations of the Cachoeirinha Group (Neoproterozoic III), besides the Piancó orthogneisses and Bom Jesus paragneisses; the latter correspond to an older (basement ?) block and a possible high grade equivalent of the Cachoeirinha Group (or Seridó Group ?), respectively. Several Brasiliano-age plutons occur in both terranes.The aeromagnetic data show the continuity, at depth, of the main shear zones mapped in the region. The Patos, Pernambuco, Boqueirão dos Cochos, Serra do Caboclo, Afogados da Ingazeira/Jabitacá and Congo-Cruzeiro do Nordeste shear zones reach depths greater than to 6-16 km. The aeromagnetic signature of other shear zones, like the Juru one, suggests that these structures correspond to shallower crustal features. The satellite images (Landsat 7 ETM+) and aerogamaspectrometric images discriminate different geological units, contributing to the mapping of the structural framework of the region. The Serra do Caboclo Shear Zone was characterized as the boundary/suture between the TPAB and TAP. This structure is an outstanding, pervasive feature that separates contrasting geological units, such as the Neoproterozoic III Cachoeirinha Group in the TPAB and the Riacho Gravatá Complex and the Cariris Velhos metaplutonics, of Stenian-Tonian age, in the TAP. Occupying different blocks, these units are not found in authoctonous relations, like unconformities and intrusive contacts. Concerning the Cariris Velhos (ca. 1,0 Ga old) event is recorded by radiometric ages of the Riacho Gravatá Complex metavolcanics and intrusive augen and orthogneisses, all of them displaying geochemical affinities of arc or collisional settings. A structural signature of this event was not recorded in the region, possibly due to its low grade/low strain style, obliterated by the overprinting of younger, higher grade/high strain Brasiliano-age fabrics.The first tectonic event (D1) observed in the Cariris Velhos lithotypes presents contractional kinematics with transport to the NW. Neoproterozoic III geochronologic dates, obtained in late-D1 granitoids, imply a Brasiliano age (ca. 610-600 Ma) for this deformation event. The second tectonic event (D2) characterized in the region corresponds to the Brasiliano transcurrent kinematics of the outstanding shear zones and associated granitoid plutons. The geochronological (U-Pb in zircon) data obtained during this thesis also confirms the occurrence of the Cariris Velhos magmatic suite in the TAP, as well as the Neoproterozoic III age to the Cachoeirinha Group in the TPAB. The TAP (Riacho Gravatá Complex, augen and orthogneisses) is interpreted as a continental arc possibly accreted to a microcontinent during the Cariris Velhos (Stenian-Tonian) event. Later on, this terrane collided with the TPAB at the beginning of the Brasiliano orogeny (D1 contractional deformation), and both domins were reworked by the transcurrent shear deformation of the D2 event


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The area studied forms a thin NNE-directed belt situated south of Recife town (Pernambuco state), northeastern Brazil. Geologically, it comprises the Pernambuco Basin (PB), which is limited by the Pernambuco Lineament to the north, the Maragogi high to the south and the Pernambuco Alagoas massif to the west, all of them with Precambrian age. This thesis reports the results obtained for the Cabo Magmatic Province (CMP), aiming the characterization of the geology, stratigraphy, geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Cretaceous igneous rocks presented in the PB. The PB is composed of the Cabo Formation (rift phase) at the base (polymictic conglomerates, sandstones, shales), an intermediate unit, the Estiva Formation (marbles and argillites), and, at the top, the Algodoais Formation (monomictic conglomerates, sandstones, shales). The CMP is represented by trachytes, rhyolites, pyroclastics (ignimbrites), basalts / trachy-andesites, monzonites and alkali-feldspar granite, which occur as dykes, flows, sills, laccoliths and plugs. Field observations and well descriptions show that the majority of the magmatic rocks have intrusive contacts with the Cabo Formation, although some occurrences are also suggestive of synchronism between volcanism and siliciclastic sedimentation. 40Ar/39Ar and zircon fission tracks for the magmatic rocks indicate an average age of 102 r 1 Ma for the CMP. This age represents an expressive event in the province and is detected in all igneous dated materials. It is considered as a minimum age (Albian) for the magmatic episode and the peak of the rift phase in the PB. The 40Ar/39Ar dates are about 10-14 Ma younger than published palynologic ages for this basin. Geochemically, the CMP may be divided in two major groups; i) a transitional to alkaline suite, constituted by basalts to trachy-andesites (types with fine-grained textures and phenocrysts of sanidine and plagioclase), trachytes (porphyrytic texture, with phenocrysts of sanidine and plagioclase) and monzonites; ii) a alkaline suite, highly fractionated, acidic volcano-plutonic association, formed by four subtypes (pyroclastic flows ignimbrites, fine-to medium-grained rhyolites, a high level granite, and later rhyolites). These four types are distinguished essentially by field aspects and petrographic and textural features. Compatible versus incompatible trace element concentrations and geochemical modeling based on both major and trace elements suggest the evolution through low pressure fractional crystallization for trachytes and other acidic rocks, whereas basalts / trachy-andesites and monzonites evolved by partial melting from a mantle source. Sr and Nd isotopes reveal two distinct sources for the rocks of the CMP. Concerning the acidic ones, the high initial Sr ratios (ISr = 0.7064-1.2295) and the negative HNd (-0.43 to -3.67) indicate a crustal source with mesoproterozoic model ages (TDM from 0.92 to 1.04 Ga). On the other hand, the basic to intermediate rocks have low ISr (0.7031-0.7042) and positive HNd (+1.28 to +1.98), which requires the depleted mantle as the most probable source; their model ages are in the range 0.61-0.66 Ga. However, the light rare earth enrichment of these rocks and partial melting modeling point to an incompatible-enriched lherzolitic mantle with very low quantity of garnet (1-3%). This apparent difference between geochemical and Nd isotopes may be resolved by assuming that the metasomatizing agent did not obliterate the original isotopic characteristics of the magmas. A 2 to 5% partial melting of this mantle at approximately 14 kbar and 1269oC account very well the basalts and trachy-andesites studied. By using these pressure and temperatures estimates for the generation of the basaltic to trachy-andesitic magma, it is determined a lithospheric stretching (E) of 2.5. This E value is an appropriated estimate for the sub-crustal stretching (astenospheric or the base of the lithosphere?) region under the Pernambuco Basin, the crustal stretching probably being lower. The integration of all data obtained in this thesis permits to interpret the magmatic evolution of the PB as follows; 1st) the partial melting of a garnet-bearing lherzolite generates incompatible-enriched basaltic, trachy-andesitic and monzonitic magmas; 2nd) the underplating of these basaltic magmas at the base of the continental crust triggers the partial melting of this crust, and thus originating the acidic magmas; 3rd) concomitantly with the previous stage, trachytic magmas were produced by fractionation from a monzonitic to trachy-andesitic liquid; 4th) the emplacement of the several magmas in superficial (e.g. flows) or sub-superficial (e.g. dykes, sills, domes, laccoliths) depths was almost synchronically, at about 102 r 1 Ma, and usually crosscutting the sedimentary rocks of the Cabo Formation. The presence of garnet in the lherzolitic mantle does not agree with pressures of about 14 kbar for the generation of the basaltic magma, as calculated based on chemical parameters. This can be resolved by admitting the astenospheric uplifting under the rift, which would place deep and hot material (mantle plume?) at sub-crustal depths. The generation of the magmas and their subsequent emplacement would be coupled with the crustal rifting of the PB, the border (NNE-SSW directed) and transfer (NW-SE directed) faults serving as conduits for the magma emplacement. Based on the E parameter and the integration of 40Ar/39Ar and palynologic data it is interpreted a maximum duration of 10-14 Ma for the rift phase (Cabo Formation clastic sedimentation and basic to acidic magmatism) of the PB


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The studied area is geologically located in the Northern Domain of the Borborema Province (Northeast Brazil), limited to the south by the Patos shear zone. Terranes of the Jaguaribeano system are dominant, flanked by the Piranhas (E and S sides) and Central Ceará (NE side) terranes. Its basement comprises gneiss -migmatite terrains of Paleoproterozoic to Archean age (2.6 to 1.9 Ga old), overprinted by neoproterozoic to cambrian tectonotherma l events. Narrow supracrustal belts ( schist belts) display a 1.6 to 1.8 Ga age, as shown by whole - rock Rb-Sr and zircon U-Pb and Pb/Pb dates in acid metavolcanics which dominate in the lower section of these sequences, and in coeval metaplutonics (granitic augen gneisses). From the stratigraphic point of view, three Staterian belts are recognized: 1. Orós Belt - made up by the Orós Group, subdivided in the Santarém (predominantly pure to impure quartzites, micaschists and metacarbonates) and Campo Alegre (metandesites, metabasalts, metarhyolites and metarhyodacites, interlayered with metatuffs and metasediments) formations, and by the Serra do Deserto Magmatic Suite (granitic augen gneisses). 2. Jaguaribe Belt - its lithostratigrahic-lithodemic framework is similar to the one of the Orós Belt, however with a greater expression of the volcano -plutonic components (Campo Alegre Formation and Serra do Deserto Magmatic Suite). The Peixe Gordo Sequence, separately described, is also related to this belt and contain s metasedimentary, metavolcanic (with subordinated volcanoclastics) and metaplutonic units. The first one correlated to the Orós Group and the latter the Serra do Deserto Magmatic Suite. 3. Western Potiguar Belt - represented by the Serra de São José Gro up, subdivided in the Catolezinho (biotite -amphibole gneisses with intercalations of metacarbonates, calcsilicate rocks, amphibolites and quartzite beds to the top) and Minhuins (quartzites, micaschists, metaconglomerates, calcsilicate rocks, acid to the b asic metavolcanics and metatuffs) formations. Its late Paleoproterozoic (Staterian) age was established by a Pb/Pb date on zircons from a granitic orthogneiss of the Catolezinho Formation. The petrographic characteristics and sedimentary structures of the Santarém Formation of the Orós Group point to deltaic to shallow marine depositional systems, overlain by deep water deposits (turbidites). The geodynamic setting of this region encompassed a large depositional basin, probably extending to the east of the Portalegre shear zone and west of the Senador Pompeu shear zone, with possible equivalents in the Jucurutu Formation of the Seridó Belt and in the Ceará Group of central Ceará. The Arneiróz Belt, west Ceará, displays some stratigraphic features and granito ids geochemically akin to the ones of the Orós Belt. The evolutionary setting started with an extensional phase which was more active in the eastern part of this domain (Western Potiguar and part of the Jaguaribe belts), where the rudite and psamite sedime ntation relates to a fluviatile rift environment which evolved to a prograding deltaic system to the west (Orós Group). The basaltic andesitic and rhyolitic volcanics were associated to this extensional phase. During this magmatic event, acid magmas also crystallized at plutonic depths. The Orós Group illustrates the environmental conditions in the western part of this domain. Later on, after a large time gap (1.6 to 1.1 Ga), the region was subjected to an extensional deformational episode marked by 900 Ma old (Sm-Nd data) basic rocks, possibly in connection with the deposition of the Cachoeirinha Group south of the Patos shear zone. In the 800 to 500 Ma age interval, the region was affected by important deformational and metamorphic events coupled with in trusion of granitic rocks of variable size (dykes to batholiths), related to the Brasiliano/Pan -African geotectonic cycle. These events produced structural blocks which differentiate, one from the other, according to the importance of anatectic mobilizatio n, proportion of high-grade supracrustals and the amount of neoproterozoic -cambrian granitoid intrusions. On this basis, a large portion of the Jaguaretama Block/Terrane is relatively well preserved from this late overprint. The border belts of the Jagua retama Block (Western Potiguar and Arneiroz) display kyanite-bearing (medium pressure) mineral associations, while in the inner part of the block there is a north-south metamorphic zoning marked by staurolite or sillimanite peak metamorphic conditions. Regarding the deformations of the Staterian supracrustal rocks, second and third phases were the most important, diagnosed as having developed in a progressive tectonic process. In the general, more vigorous conditions of PT are related to the interval tardi - phase 2 early-phase 3, whose radiometric ages and regional structuring indicators places it in the Brasiliano/Pan-African Cycle. In the Staterian geodynamic setting of Brazilian Platform , these sequences are correlated to the lower Espinhaço Supergroup (p.ex., Rio dos Remédios and Paraguaçu groups, a paleproterozoic rift system in the São Francisco Craton), the Araí and Serra da Mesa groups (north of Goiás, in the so -called Goiás Central Massif), and the Uatumã Group (in the Amazonian Craton). Granitic ( augen gneisses) plutonics are also known from these areas, as for example the A-type granites intrusive in the Araí and Serra da Mesa groups, dated at 1.77 Ga. Gravimetric and geological data place the limits of the Jaguaribeano System (terranes) along the Senador Pompeu Shear Zone (western border) and the Portalegre- Farias Brito shear zone (eastern and southern). However, the same data area not conclusive as regards the interpretation of those structures as suture of the terrane docking process. The main features of those shear zones and of involved lothological associations, appear to favour an intracontinental transpressional -transcurrent regime, during Neoproterozoic-Cambrian times, marking discontinuities along which different crustal blocks were laterally dispersed. Inside of this orogenic system and according to the magnetic data (total field map), the most important terrane boundary appears to be the Jaguaribe shear zone. The geochronological data, on some tectonostratigraphic associations (partly represented by the Ceará and Jucurutu groups), still at a preliminary level, besides the lack of granitic zonation and other petrotectonic criteria, do not allow to propose tectonic terrane assembly diagrams for the studied area


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It is presently assumed that the Borborema Province resulted from a complex collisional process associated with the convergent movement of plates, possibly involving amalgamation and accretion of microplates. This process was consolidated at the end of the Brasiliano event. It is investigated the possible limits for the tectonostratigraphic terranes in the northern portion of the province based on an integrated study of geological and gravity data. The study area comprises the portion of the Borborema Province located north of the Patos Lineament, limited by longitudes 33º00 W and 43º29 44"W and latitudes 1º36 S and 8º00 S. A revision of the regional geology allowed to identify areas presenting contrasting geological attributes, possibly representing different terranes whose limits are always shear zones of Brasiliano-age. The Sobral-Pedro II shear zone is the only one undoubtedly presenting geological attributes of sutures zones. The other shear zones are very likely associated with a geodinymic context of accretion, involving oblique collisions (docking), transcurrent and/or transforming sutures, and deep intracrustal shear zones. The gravity data contributed as a tool to identify strong lateral contrasts of density inside the upper crust possibly associated with crustal blocks tectonically juxtaposed. The dominant long wavelength anomaly in the Bouguer anomaly map is an expressive gradient, grossly parallel to the continental margin, caused by density variation across the crust-mantle interface in the transition from the continental crust to the oceanic crust originated by the separation between South America and Africa. Medium to small wavelength anomalies are due to intracrustal heterogeneities such as different Precambrian crustal blocks, Brasiliano-age granites and Mesozoic sedimentary basins. A regional-residual separation of the Bouguer anomaly map was performed in order to enhance in the residual map the effect due to intracrustal heterogeneities. The methodology used for this separation was a robust polinomial fitting. The inversion of residual gravity field resulted in a density contrast map (Δρ), in an equivalent layer that provided more accurated anomalies contours and consolidated the model which the sources of residual anomalies are located in the upper part of the present crust. Based on the coincidence of gravity lineaments in the residual map and Brasiliano shear zones, and using additional geological information, the following shear zones are proposed as limits between terranes: Patos shear zone, Sobral-Pedro II shear zone, Picuí-João Câmara shear zone, Remígio-Pocinhos shear zone, Senador Pompeu shear zone, Tauá shear zone, and Portalegre shear zone. Based on the geological/geophysical information it is attributed a higher level of confidence to the first three proposed limits(Patos, Sobral Pedro II, and Picuí-João Câmara shear zones). From west to east, these shear zones individualize the following terranes: Northwest of Ceará terrane, Central Ceará terrane, Tauá terrane, Orós-Jaguaribe terrane, Seridó terrane, and São José de Campestre terrane. In our study, the Rio Piranhas and Patos terranes are questioned because their previously proposed limits do not present good geological and gravimetric evidences. On the other hand, the previously proposed Cearense terrane is now subdivided into Central Ceará and Tauá terranes. Two residual gravity profiles located in the Seridó belt were interpreted using 2 ½ D direct gravity modeling. The main result of the modeling process is that all anomalies, with the exception of one, can be explained by outcroppring bodies, therefore restricted to the upper part of the present crust


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The Rio do Peixe Basin is located in the border of Paraíba and Ceará states, immediately to the north of the Patos shear zone, encompassing an area of 1,315 km2. This is one of the main basins of eocretaceous age in Northeast Brazil, associated to the rifting event that shaped the present continental margin. The basin can be divided into four sub-basins, corresponding to Pombal, Sousa, Brejo das Freiras and Icozinho half-grabens. This dissertation was based on the analysis and interpretation of remote sensing products, field stratigraphic and structural data, and seismic sections and gravity data. Field work detailed the lithofacies characterization of the three formations previously recognised in the basin, Antenor Navarro, Sousa and Rio Piranhas. Unlike the classical vertical stacking, field relations and seismostratigraphic analysis highlighted the interdigitation and lateral equivalency between these units. On bio/chrono-stratigraphic and tectonic grounds, they correlate with the Rift Tectonosequence of neocomian age. The Antenor Navarro Formation rests overlies the crystalline basement in non conformity. It comprises lithofacies originated by a braided fluvial system system, dominated by immature, coarse and conglomeratic sandstones, and polymict conglomerates at the base. Its exposures occur in the different halfgrabens, along its flexural margins. Paleocurrent data indicate source areas in the basement to the north/NW, or input along strike ramps. The Sousa Formation is composed by fine-grained sandstones, siltites and reddish, locally grey-greenish to reddish laminated shales presenting wavy marks, mudcracks and, sometimes, carbonate beds. This formation shows major influence of a fluvial, floodplain system, with seismostratigraphic evidence of lacustrine facies at subsurface. Its distribution occupies the central part of the Sousa and Brejo das Freiras half-grabens, which constitute the main depocenters of the basin. Paleocurrent analysis shows that sediment transport was also from north/NW to south/SE


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The brazilian marginal basins have a huge potential to generate and accumulate petroleum. Incised valleys which are eroded in response to a fall of relative sea level are related to potential reservoir as well, modern drowned-valley estuaries serve as harbors to petroleum and salt industries, fisheries, waste-disposal sites and recreational areas for a significant fraction of the world s population. The combined influence of these factors has produced a dramatic increase in research on modern and ancient incised-valley systems. This research is one expression of this interest. The integrated use of satellites images and high resolution seismic (bathymetry, sides scan sonar) was used on the Apodi River mouth-RN to characterizes the continental shelf This area is located at the Potiguar Basin in the NE Brazilian Equatorial Atlantic margin. Through bathymetric and side scan sonar data processing, a digital Terrain Model was developed, and a detailed geomorphologic analysis was performed. In this way was possible to recognize the geomorphologic framework and differents sismofacies, which may influence this area. A channel extending from the ApodiMossoró river mouth to the shelf edge dominates the investigated area. This structure can be correlated with the former river valley developed during the late Pleistocene sea level fall. This channel has two main directions (NW-SE and NE-SW) probably controlled by the Potiguar Basin structures. The western margin of the channel is relatively steep and pronounced whereas the eastern margin consists only of a gentle slope. Longitudinal bedforms and massive ridges also occur. The first are formed doe to the shelf sediment rework and the reef-like structures probably are relics of submerged beachrock-lines indicating past shoreline positions during the deglacial sea-level rise. The sub-bottom seismic data allow the identification of different sismic patterns and a marcant discontinuity, interpreted as the Upper


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The studied area is situated in the northeastern extremity of the Rio Grande do Norte State, between the municipalities of Taipu and Poço Branco, and is geologically inserted into the São José do Campestre Crystalline Terrain within the Borborema Province, where the analysis of field relationships, petrographic and geochemical data allowed the distinction of three plutons named: Gameleira, Taipu and Pitombeira. The Gamaleira Pluton is composed of granodioritic rocks characterized by zoned plagioclase phenocrysts, with amphibole and biotite as the main mafic phases. Geochemically, these are metaluminous rocks of calc-alkaline nature and magnesian character. The Pitombeira Pluton encompasses two facies: (a) a coarse-grained to porphyritic monzo- to syenogranitic facies marked by K-feldspar phenocrysts; and (b) a quartz dioritic to tonalitic facies with partially zoned plagioclase laths showing chilled rims. Geochemically, rocks of the monzo- to syenogranitic facies are transitional between metaluminous and peraluminous, display a subalkaline nature (high K calc-alkaline) and a ferroan character, whereas rocks of the quartz dioritic to tonalitic facies are metaluminous, with shoshonitic affinity and ferroan character. Lastly, the Taipu Pluton is made of monzoto syenogranitic rocks with biotite as the chief mafic mineral. They are peraluminous rocks of subalkaline nature (high-K calc-alkaline) and ferroan character. Regarding the rare-earth elements (REE), it is possible to conclude that the three studied plutons display negative Eu anomalies and a relative enrichment of LREE over HREE, with LaN/YbN ratios between 9.39 to 16.20 (Gameleira Pluton), 17.99 to 31.39 (granitic facies of the Pitombeira Pluton), 14.15 to 21.81 (dioritic facies of the Pitombeira Pluton) and 15.17 to 175.41 (Taipu Pluton). Based on the combined investigation of geochemical data and discrimination tectonic diagrams, a late- to post-collisional tectonic environment is suggested for the plutons here studied


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The contamination of aquatic environments is a phenomenon that dates back the origins of human civilizations and was amplified by the advent of industrial processes. The Jundiaí river , Macaíba's main water source, suffering discharge of effluents from various industries. The study work´s in two fronts, the environmental perception front was conducted through semistructured interviews whose textile effluent was appointed by the population as the main problem in the river. It was observed that nearly all respondents had concerns about the environment. In addition, there is an inclusion of individuals as the cause of the problem, because a significant part recognizes that its activities may cause damage to the environment and people's health. In other front, the experimental monitoring of water quality was conducted through ecotoxicological tests and physiochemical analysis that proposed to assess Pomacea lineata .Mysidopsis juniae isolated effect of textile effluent and its influence on the river compared with the limits established by Brazilian law. Although the physio-chemical analysis shows is inconclusive about the participation of the textile effluent in environmental contamination of the river, the ecotoxicological tests have shown to blunt the signal that the effluent may present a risk to aquatic organisms and consequently to human health. Thus, an interdisciplinary way it was possible to study the cause of the environmental problem identified by the population in the realization phase and measurable effect on water quality analysis in the river by means of the tests mentioned.


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Historically, man has empirically acquired knowledge about the therapeutic applications of extracted elements of the natural environment in which belonged. Such knowledge over time culminated in the formation of traditional health systems. Among its features, the use of bioactive plant species - medicinal plants - stands out for its efficiency and high popular acceptance. Despite its importance for public health, the population still has in the open-air fairs the main source for the acquisition of the species used. In these spaces, the trade generally occurs informally, under unfavorable conditions to the quality of the products and to the financial sustainability of the business. In this context, this study aimed to characterize the socioeconomic, cultural and sanitary aspects related to the trade of medicinal plants in municipalities of a semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte, and additionally, proposing a specific legislation to the activity. Socioeconomic data were collected through on-site interviews, guided by structured form. The observations about the hygienic and sanitary adequacy of physical facilities and practices employed at the point of sale /environment were conducted and recorded with the use of assessment tool developed for use in open markets. The adequacy of medicinal plants to consumption was determined by microbiological analysis. The activity was carried out by individuals who are aged between 21 and 81 years of age, low educational level and low-income, predominantly males. The data showed a tendency to extinction of the activity in all the districts studied. It was observed in all the fairs studied hygiene and sanitation inadequacies that characterized very high health risk, representing in this way, the high probability of Food Transmitted Diseases outbreaks Such conditions were reflected in the high percentage of inadequacy to the consumption of the analyzed medicinal plants samples, illustrating the potential health risk to consumers. To contribute to the correction of hygiene and sanitation inadequacies observed in the studied open-air fairs, educational interventions were made to the training of traders in Good Practices. As a complement, was drafted a specific legislation for the marketing of folk medicine's products in open-air fairs. Such actions, products and its developments will contribute significantly to improving the quality of products available to the population and the preservation of activity, potentially reducing the risks to public health.


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This thesis investigates the historical influence of the criminal policy in the context that shapes the first specific law for children and adolescents in Brazil, the 1927 Children's Code, a standard that inaugurates the conceptual scission between children and "minor" and their different treatment by the State. The study addresses the demand for order in the context of changes in the working world in the transition from the slave system to the capitalist mode of production, and the corresponding disciplinary and punitive control mechanisms directed to the segment of childhood and adolescence. The theoretical route proposes a questioning of the political construction of law and justice, as well as the conformation of the punitive techniques, and the construction of the stereotype of the "delinquent", prime target of the criminal policy, focusing on the process of criminalization of the segment in question through the confrontation of the Critical perspective with the approaches of Classical and Positive schools. This research shows the imposition of a bourgeois morality that obscures the social conflict attributing it to people isolated by the criminalization of their conduct; and points out that the historical forms of selective social control were greatly influenced by psychiatry and psychology, either by the elaboration of the image of the "delinquent" or by the expected performance of custodial institutions. Finally, the developments and the permanence of the historical roots of the criminal policy are problematized, relating them to the difficulties currently encountered in the consolidation of the legal garantism paradigm proposed by the Children and Adolescent Statute.


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This thesis investigates the historical influence of the criminal policy in the context that shapes the first specific law for children and adolescents in Brazil, the 1927 Children's Code, a standard that inaugurates the conceptual scission between children and "minor" and their different treatment by the State. The study addresses the demand for order in the context of changes in the working world in the transition from the slave system to the capitalist mode of production, and the corresponding disciplinary and punitive control mechanisms directed to the segment of childhood and adolescence. The theoretical route proposes a questioning of the political construction of law and justice, as well as the conformation of the punitive techniques, and the construction of the stereotype of the "delinquent", prime target of the criminal policy, focusing on the process of criminalization of the segment in question through the confrontation of the Critical perspective with the approaches of Classical and Positive schools. This research shows the imposition of a bourgeois morality that obscures the social conflict attributing it to people isolated by the criminalization of their conduct; and points out that the historical forms of selective social control were greatly influenced by psychiatry and psychology, either by the elaboration of the image of the "delinquent" or by the expected performance of custodial institutions. Finally, the developments and the permanence of the historical roots of the criminal policy are problematized, relating them to the difficulties currently encountered in the consolidation of the legal garantism paradigm proposed by the Children and Adolescent Statute.


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O papel do enfermeiro como prescritor vem se ampliando em muitos países nos últimos anos, em diferentes situações e amplitudes de ação, se configurando como prática avançada na enfermagem. No Brasil, a prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros está prevista na Lei do Exercício Profissional desde 1986, e permite a esse profissional, a prescrição de medicamentos estabelecidos em programas de saúde pública. Esse estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar as determinações e perspectivas da prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros nos protocolos da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Os objetivos específicos são: apreender a atual situação internacional da prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros em comparação a essa prática no Brasil identificando semelhanças e diferenças; identificar os contornos legais e normativos da prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros no Brasil apontando sua história, tendências e desafios; caracterizar o modelo de prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros nos protocolos de Atenção Primária à Saúde no Brasil; investigar possíveis lacunas entre formação, capacitação, autoavaliação e prática da prescrição de medicamentos na Atenção Primária à Saúde na perspectiva do enfermeiro. Trata-se de Estudo de Caso Exemplar com abordagem qualitativa através de Revisão Bibliográfica, Análise Documental e Grupo Focal com enfermeiros. A análise dos dados deu-se por meio da Análise de Conteúdo e Análise Qualitativa de Conteúdo. Os resultados revelam que a categoria da enfermagem contribuiu para a legalização da prescrição, porém não para a sua legitimação; na Atenção Primária à Saúde, essa atribuição está consolidada por meio de protocolos e legislação, embora sem estratégia clara de acompanhamento pelo Ministério da Saúde; observa-se resistência em algumas normatizações dentro do setor saúde. Quanto aos protocolos, observou-se não há exigência de pré-requisitos na maioria deles; há possibilidade de diagnóstico pelo enfermeiro na gravidez, nutrição infantil e doenças sexualmente transmissíveis; observou-se variados graus de autonomia; amplo grupo de medicamentos prescritos por enfermeiros. Dos 37 participantes do Grupo Focal, 97,3% eram do sexo feminino; 54% formados há menos de 10 anos, 27% entre 10 e 20 anos, 16,2% há mais de 20 anos; 83,8% com especialização em Saúde Pública. Todos os enfermeiros relataram insuficiência da disciplina de farmacologia para instrumentalizar a prática prescritiva. Destacou-se a necessidade de pós-graduação; a importância da experiência clínica; falta de discussões e capacitação. Apenas alguns se autoavaliaram como competentes para prescrever, outros revelam medo de reação adversa a medicamentos. Conclui-se que há tendência da prescrição de medicamento por enfermeiros permanecer apenas na legalidade e o principal desafio é alcançar a legitimidade. Confirma-se uma prática prescritiva sem requisitos, diversidade de orientações induzindo a multiplicidade de ações que pode afetar a qualidade da prescrição. Há lacunas entre formação, capacitações e exigências cotidianas da prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros na Atenção Primária à Saúde. No Brasil se faz premente pesquisa para avaliar o impacto, a qualidade e a segurança da prescrição de medicamentos por enfermeiros. A experiência internacional sugere também que essa prescrição deve ser apoiada pelo coletivo de enfermeiros, com robusto plano de capacitação nacional, além de governança e apoio local.