26 resultados para Tarefa Arquivo Único
The processing of spatial and episodic information during memory tasks depends on hippocampal theta oscillations. In the present study, I investigated the relationship between theta power and choice selection during spatial decision-making. I recorded local field potentials from the CA1 region of rats retrieving reward locations in a 4-arm maze. In trained but not in naïve animals, I observed a significant increase in theta power during decision-making, which could not be explained by changes in locomotion speed. Furthermore, a Bayesian decoder based on theta power predicted choice outcomes in speed-matched trials. The decoding time course revealed that performance increased above chance before the decision moment exclusively for theta power, remaining flat for other frequency bands. These results occurred for trained animals, but no significant prediction could be made for naïve animals. Altogether, the data support a mnemonic function of theta rhythm during spatial decision-making, indicating that these oscillations correlate with the retrieval of memories required for successful decisions
The plus-maze discriminative avoidance paradigm has been used to study the relationship between aversive memory and anxiety. The present study aims to verify if the elevated plus-maze can provide information about appetitive memory and anxiety, through a task motivated by food reward. Animals were allowed to explore an elevated plus-maze and received reinforcement in one of the enclosed arms. In a test session performed 24h later, in the absence of reward, rats showed preference for the previously rewarded enclosed arm over the neutral enclosed arm. The administration of diazepam and pentylenetetrazole before training induced, respectively, anxiolytic and anxiogenic effects (as evaluated by open-arm exploration). Both drugs induced amnestic effects, i.e., lack of preference for the rewarded arm in the test session. The results suggest that appetitive memory can be influenced by anxiety levels as well. The plus-maze appetitive discrimination task seems to be a useful model to investigate the relationship between memory and anxiety
Several lines of evidence indicate that sleep is beneficial for learning, but there is no experimental evidence yet that the content of dreams is adaptive, i.e., that dreams help the dreamer to cope with challenges of the following day. Our aim here is to investigate the role of dreams in the acquisition of a complex cognitive task. We investigated electroencephalographic recordings and dream reports of adult subjects exposed to a computer game comprising perceptual, motor, spatial, emotional and higher-level cognitive aspects (Doom). Subjects slept two nights in the sleep laboratory, a completely dark room with a comfortable bed and controlled temperature. Electroencephalographic recordings with 28 channels were continuously performed throughout the experiment to identify episodes of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep. Behaviors were continuously recorded in audio and video with an infrared camera. Dream reports were collected upon forced awakening from late REM sleep, and again in the morning after spontaneous awakening. On day 1, subjects were habituated to the sleep laboratory, no computer game was played, and negative controls for gamerelated dream reports were collected. On day 2, subjects played the computer game before and after sleep. Each game session lasted for an hour, and sleep for 7-9 hours. 9 different measures of performance indicated significant improve overnight. 81% of the subjects experienced intrusion of elements of the game into their dreams, including potentially adaptative strategies (insights). There was a linear correlation between performance and dream intrusion as well as for game improval and quantity of reported dreaming. In the electrophysiological analysis we mapped the subjects brain activities in different stages (SWS 1, REM 1, SWS 2, REM 2, Game 1 and Game 2), and found a modest reverberation in motor areas related to the joystick control during the sleep. When separated by gender, we found a significant difference on female subjects in the channels that indicate motor learning. Analysis of dream reports showed that the amount of gamerelated elements in dreams correlated with performance gains according to an inverted-U function analogous to the Yerkes-Dodson law that governs the relationship between arousal and learning. The results indicate that dreaming is an adaptive behavior
Anxiety is an emotional phenomenon, and normally it is interpreted as an adaptative behavior front to adversities. In its pathological form, anxiety can severely affect aspects related to the personal and professional life. Studies have shown a close relationship between anxiety disorders and aversive memory processing. Considering that the pharmacotherapy of anxiety disorders is still limited, innovative anxiolytic agents are needed. In this regard, neuropeptides systems are interesting therapeutic targets to the treatment of psychopathologies. Neuropeptide S (NPS), a 20-aminoacid peptide, is the endogenous ligand of a G-protein coupled receptor (NPSR), which has been reported to evoke hyperlocomotion, awakefull states, besides anxiolysis and memory improvements in rodents. This study aimed to investigate the effects of biperiden (BPR; an amnesic drug), diazepam (DZP; an anxiolytic drug) and NPS at three distinct times: pre-training, post-training, and pre-test, in order to assess anxiety and memory process in the same animal model. The elevated Tmaze (ETM) is an apparatus derived from the elevated plus-maze test, which consists of one enclosed and two open arms. The procedure is based on the avoidance of open spaces learned during training session, in which mice were exposed to the enclosed arm as many times as needed to stay 300 s. In the test session, memory is assessed by re-exposing the mouse to the enclosed arm and the latency to enter an open arm was recorded. When injected pre-training, BPR (1 mg/kg) impaired learning and memory processing; DZP (1 and 2 mg/kg) evoked anxiolysis, but only at the dose of 2 mg/kg impaired memory; and NPS 0.1 nmol induced anxiolysis without affecting memory. Post-training injection of DZP (2 mg/kg) or BPR (1 and 3 mg/kg) did not affect memory consolidation, while the post-trainning administration of NPS 1 nmol, but not 0.1 nmol, improved memory in mice. Indeed, pre-trainning administration of NPS 1 nmol did not prevent memory impairment elicited by BPR (2 mg/kg, injected before training). In the open field test, BPR 1 mg/kg and NPS 1 nmol induced hyperlocomotion in mice. In conclusion, the proposed ETM task is practical for the detection of the anxiolytic and amnesic effects of drugs. The anxiolytic and memory enhancement effects of NPS were detected in the ETM task, and reinforce the role of NPS system as an interesting therapeutic target to the treatment of anxiety disorders
This work shows the professional staff of the Family Health Program (PSF) in Santana do Matos City perceive the Unified Health System (SUS). Their discourse and recognition of the advances of SUS, as well as their participation on the implementation of the system, are analyzed. The Brazilian Ministry of Health instituted it in 1994 in order to rebuild the health politics on a new basis, substituting the traditional model. The city-centered implementation of SUS was instituted on May 27, 1992 by the act nº 631/92 and today it experiences a Full Management of Basic Attention. In July 2001 the PSF program was started in the city with 5 teams: 2 in the urban zone and 3 in the rural one. The methodology was developed with the combination of qualitative and quantitative research with the employment of a questionnaire with both open and closed inquiries to 31 members of the program. The study appointed that, no matter how positive and enlarged be the staff s concept of health and SUS, they dont s have on understanding of the total chain of the system on its integrality, hierarchy and regionality what hinders the system performance close to the users. The PSF incorporates and reaffirms the basic principles of the SUS; however, on its everyday employment it has not yet abandoned totally the curative model, which is reinforced by the hospital-centered and physiscian-centerend culture
The present paper analyses the social assistance management in small cities, starting from the reality of Currais Novos City. Its main objective is to analyse the management of this politic in the context of the Nacional Sistem of Social Assistance (SUAS) through the management instruments materialized in the city: Social Assistance Plan, Budget, Management Report, Information Management, Monitorizing and Evaluation. It reveals a discrepancy between the instruments purpose and their concretude, and it identifies the main challenges in order to make them real, revealing the contradictions of such politic, through which the advances relate with the retrocesses. It remarks, in this context, the debate about Public Management and some aspects of the trajetory of the Social Assistance management in the brazilian context and the configurations of (SUAS) and of the politics in Currais Novos city. Such path allows us to identify the feebleness in the city ways to adopt the (SUAS) criteria, which is much more effective in burocratic aspects than in the change of the Social Assistance conception and in the effective incorporation of the (SUAS) principles and guidelines. Thus, problems are identified in what concerns to the important aspects for its effectivation, with the human resources, financing and social control mechanisms. It makes possible to reafirm the importance of the analysed management instruments for the effectivation of one participative and democratic management, as well as the urgency of its materialization as one of the important ellements for this politic to happen as a right and to make a stop to the unconformities between the (SUAS) determinations and its materialization
The environmental management in the health establishments is a reality still little explored in the health sector in Brazil, especially concerning its wastes. The management of wastes of health services is established in the valid legislation through the National Council of Environment and Sanitary Vigilance Agency (358/2005 and 304/2004 respectively). The present work is about a descriptive work about the environmental health in the health services. The used criterion was to diagnose the environmental management in twelve establishments of health inserted in the three levels of complexity of the Unique Health System (Sistema Ùnico de Saúde SUS). Among the sub criteria used the waste management is the one of bigger concern. The one referring to the water quality is considered good. The analysis of data reveals that 66% of the establishments got a poor environmental ranking, 17% critical and 17% appropriate, showing that the health establishments in the three levels of complexity of the SUS need urgent structural, environmental and educational interventions
Significant advances have emerged in research related to the topic of Classifier Committees. The models that receive the most attention in the literature are those of the static nature, also known as ensembles. The algorithms that are part of this class, we highlight the methods that using techniques of resampling of the training data: Bagging, Boosting and Multiboosting. The choice of the architecture and base components to be recruited is not a trivial task and has motivated new proposals in an attempt to build such models automatically, and many of them are based on optimization methods. Many of these contributions have not shown satisfactory results when applied to more complex problems with different nature. In contrast, the thesis presented here, proposes three new hybrid approaches for automatic construction for ensembles: Increment of Diversity, Adaptive-fitness Function and Meta-learning for the development of systems for automatic configuration of parameters for models of ensemble. In the first one approach, we propose a solution that combines different diversity techniques in a single conceptual framework, in attempt to achieve higher levels of diversity in ensembles, and with it, the better the performance of such systems. In the second one approach, using a genetic algorithm for automatic design of ensembles. The contribution is to combine the techniques of filter and wrapper adaptively to evolve a better distribution of the feature space to be presented for the components of ensemble. Finally, the last one approach, which proposes new techniques for recommendation of architecture and based components on ensemble, by techniques of traditional meta-learning and multi-label meta-learning. In general, the results are encouraging and corroborate with the thesis that hybrid tools are a powerful solution in building effective ensembles for pattern classification problems.
This research aims to systematize a proposal of developing a mobile tablet application in order to help implementing the Semantic Differential technique – SD, under the approach of Participatory Design. In 1975, Osgood et al. created the Semantic Differential technique. Since then, many experiments use it to measure the affective perception of individuals concerning objects and concepts by means of compounded scales of bipolar adjectives, based on the theoretical models that support the technique: the conductible, spatial and metric models. During the application of the technique with potential users, the researcher must simultaneously manage several contexts, that is, audio recorder, when authorized, and observe and record spontaneous reports of the respondent. It is noticeable that often occurs a cognitive overload during this event. Thus, the use of a single application whose interface is assigned to its users and respondents could assist researchers in applying the SD technique. This research aimed to understand the processes inherent to the task of implementing the Semantic Differential technique and obeyed the following steps: a) training of users, b) background questionnaire c) interview with Focus Group, and d) cooperative evaluation. Besides these procedures, one can also observe the degrees of facilitation or difficulty concerning the use of the conventional model, which is the development and application of scales with the aid of printed material, pencil, pens, clipboards, and recorder software for editing the document and data analysis. This paper comprises reactions and impressions from the experiences of users of SD technique. Considering the data recollected from the user’s observation, the hypothesis of the experiment proved to be right. It means that the development of the application for mobile tablet employing the technique of Semantic Differential is viable, since it assembles all the steps in one only tool, increases the accomplishment of the task between user/researcher and user/respondent resulting in their mutual satisfaction.
Substâncias psicoestimulantes vêm sendo utilizadas de forma indiscriminada há muitos anos, e pouco se sabe os efeitos que elas causam a curto e longo prazo no comportamento geral, na aprendizagem e na memória. Essas substâncias são bastante usadas por jovens e adultos e elas possuem efeitos diferentes. Essas substâncias são dose dependente, caso consumidas em baixa quantidade agem como estimulante, aumentando a atividade locomotora, caso consumidas em alta quantidade, causam efeito depressor, diminuindo a atividade locomotora e/ou causando ansiedade. Poucos estudos vêm investigando os efeitos dessas substâncias na atividade locomotora, aprendizagem e memória e grande parte desses estudos são realizados em roedores. Peixe paulistinha é um modelo animal promissor para estudos comportamentais, cognitivos, ontogenéticos, dentre outros. Nossos objetivos foram determinar os efeitos do álcool, cafeína e de seu uso combinado com álcool, na atividade locomotora desses animais, usando para isso doses crônicas durante 27 dias e doses agudas durante um dia. Visto que pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos dessa exposição prolongada. Também investigamos os efeitos das substâncias em teste de reconhecimento de objetos, que se baseia na memória de único evento. Essas memórias são mais vulneráveis que memórias baseadas em várias repetições de eventos. Sendo assim, um teste adequado para utilizar com uso de substâncias psicoativas. Observamos que o uso crônico de cafeína provoca alteração na atividade locomotora dos animais, do mesmo modo, abstinência de álcool combinada com cafeína em dose aguda (dose média) provoca aumento de atividade locomotora. Quando submetidos a testes de memória, os animais exposto a doses altas agudas de álcool e em abstinência dessa droga têm prejuízo na formação e/ou resgate da memória. No entanto, tratamento com cafeína não prejudica a formação de memória. Animais expostos a tratamento com dose crônica moderada de álcool e dose aguda moderada de cafeína tem melhor desempenho na tarefa, indicando que dose aguda moderada de cafeína pode evitar os efeitos deletérios ocasionados pela abstinência do álcool. Em termos do comportamento geral, doses agudas de cafeína aumentam a locomoção, enquanto doses elevadas e a abstinência de cafeína induzem a comportamentos tipo-ansioso. A combinação álcool crônico e cafeína aguda induzem a alto comportamento tipo-ansiedade, enquanto a combinação cafeína crônica e álcool agudo diminuem tanto a locomoção quanto a ansiedade.
Substâncias psicoestimulantes vêm sendo utilizadas de forma indiscriminada há muitos anos, e pouco se sabe os efeitos que elas causam a curto e longo prazo no comportamento geral, na aprendizagem e na memória. Essas substâncias são bastante usadas por jovens e adultos e elas possuem efeitos diferentes. Essas substâncias são dose dependente, caso consumidas em baixa quantidade agem como estimulante, aumentando a atividade locomotora, caso consumidas em alta quantidade, causam efeito depressor, diminuindo a atividade locomotora e/ou causando ansiedade. Poucos estudos vêm investigando os efeitos dessas substâncias na atividade locomotora, aprendizagem e memória e grande parte desses estudos são realizados em roedores. Peixe paulistinha é um modelo animal promissor para estudos comportamentais, cognitivos, ontogenéticos, dentre outros. Nossos objetivos foram determinar os efeitos do álcool, cafeína e de seu uso combinado com álcool, na atividade locomotora desses animais, usando para isso doses crônicas durante 27 dias e doses agudas durante um dia. Visto que pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos dessa exposição prolongada. Também investigamos os efeitos das substâncias em teste de reconhecimento de objetos, que se baseia na memória de único evento. Essas memórias são mais vulneráveis que memórias baseadas em várias repetições de eventos. Sendo assim, um teste adequado para utilizar com uso de substâncias psicoativas. Observamos que o uso crônico de cafeína provoca alteração na atividade locomotora dos animais, do mesmo modo, abstinência de álcool combinada com cafeína em dose aguda (dose média) provoca aumento de atividade locomotora. Quando submetidos a testes de memória, os animais exposto a doses altas agudas de álcool e em abstinência dessa droga têm prejuízo na formação e/ou resgate da memória. No entanto, tratamento com cafeína não prejudica a formação de memória. Animais expostos a tratamento com dose crônica moderada de álcool e dose aguda moderada de cafeína tem melhor desempenho na tarefa, indicando que dose aguda moderada de cafeína pode evitar os efeitos deletérios ocasionados pela abstinência do álcool. Em termos do comportamento geral, doses agudas de cafeína aumentam a locomoção, enquanto doses elevadas e a abstinência de cafeína induzem a comportamentos tipo-ansioso. A combinação álcool crônico e cafeína aguda induzem a alto comportamento tipo-ansiedade, enquanto a combinação cafeína crônica e álcool agudo diminuem tanto a locomoção quanto a ansiedade.