36 resultados para Reconhecimento de competências


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As we grow old, there are many cognitive processes which decline in the human brain. One of them is the memory, a function that allows retention and posterior use of knowledge learned during the life, understood as a result of multiple systems highly organized and spread in several neural regions. This work aimed to evaluate the recognition memory in adults over 45 years old through words and pictures recognition tasks and the use of two codification or learning conditions (same distracters and different distracters). Twelve individuals were studied (6 men and 6 women) aged between 45 and 88 years old and with similar demographic characteristics. They presented better performance on picture tasks rather than word tasks. Better results were also verified when the codification context had different distracters, which significantly reflected in a long term principally in elderly individuals. The results reached suggest that the codification context influenced the lists of pictures and words learning, mainly for the elderly ones, when compared to adults, and that these results can be related to the phenomena involved with the recognition memory, the recollection and familiarity


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During the motor rehabilitation of patients with neurological pathologies, there are many factors that have an influence on the therapeutical process. It is possible that the demonstration using videotapes or photographs of movements that will be learned can assist the codification, classification and reorganization of the elements of the task in familiar diagrams and thus facilitate the process of motor rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to analyze the performance in the test of recognition of sequences of functional activities such as water drinking and hair combing presented partially (by photos) and completely (by video) to the patients with encephalic vascular accident . The sample was generated from 12 patients (62 ± 8 years) and 10 healthy subjects (53 ± 5 years), of both sex, divided in two groups for which 5 functional activities were presented partially and completely, in 4 sequences that varied between reached and not reached objectives and correct and incorrect movements, during 24 trials. The test t'Student was applied to verify differences in the recognition time between the groups, and to compare the performance between the tests carried through at 9:00 am and retests at 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. To compare the frequency between the types of reply, the test Qui-square was used. It was verified that the patients presented a greater recognition time and a lower number of correct answers than the healthy subjects, and had better performances in the recognition of the complete sequence than the partial one. Bigger frequency was observed in the reply that the objective and the movement were being presented correctly, however the healthy subjects had soon indicated the correct reply in the first trials. An improvement tendency was observed in the performance, when the stages of tests and retests had been carried through in the same schedule. According to the results, it is suggested that the patients with stroke can better recognize the correct movements of a functional activity when it is presented completely in video form, what can influence the choice of the therapeutical strategy during the process of motor rehabilitation


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During the motor rehabilitation of patients with neurological pathologies, there are many factors that have an influence on the therapeutical process. It is possible that the demonstration using videotapes or photographs of movements that will be learned can assist the codification, classification and reorganization of the elements of the task in familiar diagrams and thus facilitate the process of motor rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to analyze the performance in the test of recognition of sequences of functional activities such as water drinking and hair combing presented partially (by photos) and completely (by video) to the patients with encephalic vascular accident . The sample was generated from 12 patients (62 ± 8 years) and 10 healthy subjects (53 ± 5 years), of both sex, divided in two groups for which 5 functional activities were presented partially and completely, in 4 sequences that varied between reached and not reached objectives and correct and incorrect movements, during 24 trials. The test t'Student was applied to verify differences in the recognition time between the groups, and to compare the performance between the tests carried through at 9:00 am and retests at 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. To compare the frequency between the types of reply, the test Qui-square was used. It was verified that the patients presented a greater recognition time and a lower number of correct answers than the healthy subjects, and had better performances in the recognition of the complete sequence than the partial one. Bigger frequency was observed in the reply that the objective and the movement were being presented correctly, however the healthy subjects had soon indicated the correct reply in the first trials. An improvement tendency was observed in the performance, when the stages of tests and retests had been carried through in the same schedule. According to the results, it is suggested that the patients with stroke can better recognize the correct movements of a functional activity when it is presented completely in video form, what can influence the choice of the therapeutical strategy during the process of motor rehabilitation


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Several studies have shown that there is a circadian modulation of explicit memory. This modulation can occur independently in each one of the mnemonic processes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of time of training on short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM), using a recognition task. Moreover, a possible circadian modulation in retrieving was investigated when this process matched the acquisition hour (time stamp). The chronotype variable was also considered. Fifty-seven undergraduate students aging between 18 and 25 years (21,72 ± 2,14; 28 ♂) participated in this study. In the training phase (acquisition) the subjects heard a ten word list. Following this, they answered a recognition test to evaluate STM and one week later they answered a recognition test to evaluate LTM. In each chronotype, the subjects were divided in groups according to the training hour, part of them in the morning and the other in the afternoon. One week later some of the subjects in each group underwent LTM testing in the morning and others in the afternoon. When the subjects performances were analyzed together, independently of the chronotypes, a training hour effect was found in the LTM. The subjects trained in the afternoon had better performance. No time of day effect was found in the STM and in retrieving from the LTM. However, the morning types who were trained and tested in the same hour had a better performance in the LTM when compared to morning types trained and tested in different hours. This effect did not occur when the other chronotypes were analyzed. The circadian modulation seems to occur at least in two different ways. First, there is a circadian modulation in the acquisition/consolidation processes, with a better performance occuring in the afternoon. Secondly, there is a modulation in the retrieval mnemonic process, called time stamp phenomenon. This phenomenon, that occurred in the morning types, is showed for the first time in humans


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This study deals with cognitive competences and abilities that are relevant to selection and education regarding Information Technology (IT). These competences relate to problem solving, decision making, and practical intelligence that regard scholar and extracurricular knowledge mobilization. The research aimed to contribute for the improvement of a selection instrument, consisting of five arrays of skills (dealing with objectives and prospection), as well as the development and comprehension of those skills that are involved in IT education. This is done by means of an analysis on the selection instrument used in the first selective process that occurred at Metropole Digital an Institute at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil. This was evaluated aiming to acknowledge IT education (with basic training and emphasis on Web programming and electronics). The methodology used was of quantitative method involving performance scores relating education delivery. An Anova analysis of variance was done along with descriptive analysis involving socioeconomic data that was not observed in the meaningful relations between parental instruction and student performance in the graduate course. These analyses were able to point out the importance and need of the policies for vacancy reservation on behalf of public school students. A Spearman correlation analysis was done considering the instrument selection performance in the training course. The instrument is presented as a predictor that is significantly moderate and presents a good performance in the course as a whole. A Cluster and Regression analysis was also realized in the process. The first analysis allowed finding performance groups (Clusters) that ranged from medium and inferior. The regression analysis was able to point out association amongst criterion variables and the (average performance in basic and advanced modules) and explanatory (five matrixes). Regression analysis indicated that matrix 1 and matrix 3 were pointed out as being the strongest ones. In all the above analysis, the correlation between the instrument and the course was considered moderate. Thus this can be related in some of the aspects present in the course such as emphasis on evaluation itself as well as in technical contents and practical skills (educational ones) and competences and selection skills. It is known that the mediation of technological artifact in cultural context can foster the development of skills and abilities relevant to IT training. This study provides subsidies to reflect on the adoption of selection instrument and IT training in the Institute. Thus the research offers means to achieve a interdisciplinary discussion and enriching of areas such as Psychology and Information Technology; all of which regarding competencies and skills relevant in IT training


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Coexisten, en el universo académico, prácticas curriculares obligatorias y no obligatorias que pueden ser remuneradas o no. Delante de la constatación de lagunas en la concepción, gestión y operacionalización de las prácticas no obligatorias remuneradas, escogimos este tema como objeto de nuestra investigación, tratando de analizarlo en el contexto de los cambios sociohistóricos contemporaneos y su influencia en la cualidad de la formación profesional del estudiante de la carrera de Servicio Social. Este estudio tiene como ¨locu¨ de investigación la Facultad de Servicio Social del Estado de Rio Grande del Norte (FASSO/UERN). Este estudio se caracteriza por la adopción de una perspectiva de análisis cualitativa, con la expectativa de develarlo mucho más allá de lo que se muestra en su aparecncia. Para esto, realizamos revisión de literatura, análisis de documentos, observación asistemática y entrevistas con estudiantes y profesionales de las entidades que ofrecen prácticas a los estudiantes. Además se incluyó, en los procedimientos metodológicos, la aplicación de encuestas y conversaciones informales. Constatamos la existencia de lagunas en el desarrolllo de las prácticas no obligatorias remuneradas, ocasionadas por la ausencia de supervisión y por la inclusión de pasantes en sectores y/o actividades desvinculadas de su futura profesión. La investigación nos permitió desvelar situaciones en las que la oferta de plazas ocurre en detrimento de la contratación de empleados, lo que configura un distanciamento de este componente curricular del área de formación profesional, desvirtuando su carácter educacional. Cientes de la coexistencia contradictoria entre situaciones ventajosas y problemáticas en las prácticas no obligatorias remuneradas para el proceso de formación profesional de los asistentes sociales, concluimos que esta modalidad de práctica cuando vinculada a la intervención de la facultad y bajo la supervisión de asistentes sociales, independiente de sus implicaciones en los intereses del mercado, potencializa el desarrollo de competencias y habilidades intrínsecas al proceso de formación profesional; pero si distanciada del área de formación y/o sin el debido acompañamiento didáctico-pedagógico establece poca o ninguna relación con la formación de los asistentes sociales. Pero, incluso distanciadas del ejercicio y de la formación académica en el área de servicio social y/o (llenas de aspectos frágiles) llenas de fallas en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendisaje, estas experiencias ejercen profunda influencia en la formación de los asistentes sociales, pudiendo fragilizar el compromiso con el proyecto ético-político, diseminar el aspecto subalterno de la profesión y hacer confuso y conflictivo el proceso de construcción de la identidad profesional. En este sentido, las inversiones de capital para reducir los gastos con mano de obra, las dificultades vividas por las universidades públicas brasileñas para garantizar la cualidad de la enseñanza delante de la insuficiencia de recursos humanos y materiales y la desvalorización de los componentes no obligatorios del proceso de formación profesional de los asistentes sociales, son factores que obstaculizan el reconocimiento y la materialización del potencial didáctico-pedagógico de las prácticas


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L´étude du processus de construction / reconstruction des compétences de l´assistant social sous la gestion du SESI (Service Social de l´ Industrie), Natal/RN, dès la moitié des années 90 a réaffirmer la perspective que ce processus est le résultat de déterminations macrosociétaires qui sont présents, particulièrement au Brésil, aussi que, la façon par laquelle l´assistant social, le professionnel inscrit dans la division sociale et technique du travail, fait développer son perfectionement technique et intelectuel dans un milieu de nouvelles structures productives qui éxigent un nouveau profil du professionnel face à la crise du capital et de l´État. Cette recherche, de nature qualitative et quantitative, a eu lieu par de combinaisons de recherche bibliographique et empirique. Les sujets ont été huit assistants sociaux et six travailleurs administratifs du SESI, Natal/RN. Les donnés ont été obtenus par des interviews semi-structrées. On a analisé les changements qui sont arrivés dans les gestions du SESI et les compétences qui sont éxigées de l´assistant social ; l´influence du milieu socio-occupationel sur l´action professionnelle et sur le processus de construction/reconstruction de compétences; l´agrandissement de demandes institutionnelles pour l´assistant social par rapport à la prestation de services ; aussi que la constatation de l´importance de ce professionnel, sa hardiesse, mais aussi quelques limites et défis affrontés face à la qualification stimulé par le SESI, en amenant le professionnel dans un processus contradictoire de qualification et disqualification professionelle


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The use of intelligent agents in multi-classifier systems appeared in order to making the centralized decision process of a multi-classifier system into a distributed, flexible and incremental one. Based on this, the NeurAge (Neural Agents) system (Abreu et al 2004) was proposed. This system has a superior performance to some combination-centered methods (Abreu, Canuto, and Santana 2005). The negotiation is important to the multiagent system performance, but most of negotiations are defined informaly. A way to formalize the negotiation process is using an ontology. In the context of classification tasks, the ontology provides an approach to formalize the concepts and rules that manage the relations between these concepts. This work aims at using ontologies to make a formal description of the negotiation methods of a multi-agent system for classification tasks, more specifically the NeurAge system. Through ontologies, we intend to make the NeurAge system more formal and open, allowing that new agents can be part of such system during the negotiation. In this sense, the NeurAge System will be studied on the basis of its functioning and reaching, mainly, the negotiation methods used by the same ones. After that, some negotiation ontologies found in literature will be studied, and then those that were chosen for this work will be adapted to the negotiation methods used in the NeurAge.


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This work discusses the application of techniques of ensembles in multimodal recognition systems development in revocable biometrics. Biometric systems are the future identification techniques and user access control and a proof of this is the constant increases of such systems in current society. However, there is still much advancement to be developed, mainly with regard to the accuracy, security and processing time of such systems. In the search for developing more efficient techniques, the multimodal systems and the use of revocable biometrics are promising, and can model many of the problems involved in traditional biometric recognition. A multimodal system is characterized by combining different techniques of biometric security and overcome many limitations, how: failures in the extraction or processing the dataset. Among the various possibilities to develop a multimodal system, the use of ensembles is a subject quite promising, motivated by performance and flexibility that they are demonstrating over the years, in its many applications. Givin emphasis in relation to safety, one of the biggest problems found is that the biometrics is permanently related with the user and the fact of cannot be changed if compromised. However, this problem has been solved by techniques known as revocable biometrics, which consists of applying a transformation on the biometric data in order to protect the unique characteristics, making its cancellation and replacement. In order to contribute to this important subject, this work compares the performance of individual classifiers methods, as well as the set of classifiers, in the context of the original data and the biometric space transformed by different functions. Another factor to be highlighted is the use of Genetic Algorithms (GA) in different parts of the systems, seeking to further maximize their eficiency. One of the motivations of this development is to evaluate the gain that maximized ensembles systems by different GA can bring to the data in the transformed space. Another relevant factor is to generate revocable systems even more eficient by combining two or more functions of transformations, demonstrating that is possible to extract information of a similar standard through applying different transformation functions. With all this, it is clear the importance of revocable biometrics, ensembles and GA in the development of more eficient biometric systems, something that is increasingly important in the present day


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O artigo trata do processo de retomada e reconhecimento da Terra Indígena Las Casas, PA, de ocupação tradicional dos índios caiapó. O intuito é mostrar que os Caiapó interpretam esse evento, que é também jurídico e administrativo, a partir de suas próprias ló- gicas culturais, a ele incorporando novas agências e visões de mundo


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The crisis of the model of technical and formal rationality is discussed in light of a paradigmatic change of the Law that arises in the context of recent transformations of capitalism worldwide, proposing a humanization of Law and Justice with a new ethical-political foundation that promotes a reconciliation between the rules that governs the social order and the world of life, a process of society’s emancipation. As empirical cut it is taken the Right of Children and Youth and, in a practical perspective, the recognition and effectiveness of the Rights of Children and Adolescents in Brazil. It is proposed to analyze the process of democratization and legitimacy of the children and youth rights from the study and apprehension of knowledge that advocate a multidisciplinary view of knowledge and a dialogic praxis for construction of a thought able to contribute to the analysis of public policies and to develop strategies that allow a real change on the social thinking about the doctrine of integral protection of children and adolescents. The proposed methodological approach was developed from a dialectical view of science and as a research strategy for data collection of symbolic cartography or cartographic sociology of law and justice. It is shown that in the process of humanization of the Law and Justice there is a gap between the rights and the democratic participation of these rights.


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La diversidad sexual emerge en las Américas como una de las cuestiones más importantes en relación con la protección y promoción de los derechos humanos. A partir de la democratización de la mayor parte de los Estados Sudamericanos en los años 80, se ha iniciado una discusión acerca de la ampliación del concepto de igualdad con el fin de introducir el derecho a la diferencia como otra expresión de la dignidad de la persona humana, cuyos estudios fueron encabezado de lo que se llamaba La hermenéutica de la Diversidad. En este escenario, el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos aparece como el principal responsable por el proceso de reconocimiento de la diversidad sexual como un derecho humano, lo que permite la asignación de temas tales como la sexualidad y el género en la agenda de los principales órganos regionales de protección de derechos humanos, así como en la agenda de algunos Estados, que por su promoción de políticas de diversidad han llegado a ser considerados empresarios normativos en relación con el libre ejercicio de la sexualidad humana. En este sentido, se pretende con esta tesis analizar el proceso de reconocimiento de la diversidad sexual como un derecho humano en el marco del sistema interamericano de protección, comprobando el potencial normativo de Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay con respecto a la adopción de normas internas promoción de la diversidad sexual. También tenemos la intención de analizar la norma internacional llamada Convención Interamericana contra todas las formas de discriminación e intolerancia como el primer tratado producido por el sistema interamericano para la protección de la sexualidad como un derecho digno de protección. La investigación ha demostrado que después de la posición adoptada por la Comisión y la Corte Interamericana respecto al ejercicio de la sexualidad, países como Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay promovieron un progreso significativo en el campo de las libertades individuales y en el campo de las políticas públicas de asignación de la sexualidad como un derecho que necesita de una protección efectiva del Estado


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The central issue of this dissertation is to investigate the labor activity of beach hawker, in order to identify the main professional competencies mobilized in this activity, traversed by both the precariousness of the means of labor exercise, as for complex and structured routines. In the town of Natal (RN) the beaches serve as workplace for thousands of informal workers, who use various professional skills, translated into the ability to mobilize and articulate knowledge, skills and behaviors to solve problems in concrete work situations. This research therefore had as main objective to investigate the work of beach hawkers, trying to identify the core competencies mobilized for facing demands and obstacles in such a context. The beach of Ponta Negra (Natal-RN) was chosen as field of observation, in which a group of hawkers took part as voluntary subjects. Methodologically, quantitative and qualitative methods of production and analysis of data were combined in three stages. In the quantitative phase an occupational questionnaire was applied to a sample of 60 subjects, generating a set of data analyzed with quantitative univariate and multidimensional descriptive statistical tools, complemented by inferential statistical analysis. The results of this phase indicate a predominance of men sellers with salary varying in a range from one to two minimum wage Brazilian salary, age and education quite heterogeneous, extended working hours and the choice of only this activity and this beach throughout the year. Concurrently with this step of analysis, unsystematic observations of the activity of vendors were held and then driven to the technique of Instruction Impersonator with four chosen subjects. This phase had a clinicalinterpretive analysis, rooted in historical-cultural Vygotskian psychological perspective and in the french approach of skills and abilities. The main results point to several strategies for overcoming obstacles, use of technics anchored in everyday work experience and practical knowledge, building rules of conduct and collective mobilization of diverse professional skills similar to those found in formal work, such as business and time management, use of communicative tools, flexibility in problem solving, creativity and teamwork competence. We conclude that informality investigated in context can not be seen exclusively as a synonym of precariousness. It also covers skills and knowledge in a complex culture that situates informal labor in a complementary way with respect to formal work. This conclusion, therefore, contributes to overcome the notion of antinomy between formal and informal labor activity, since they both can be considered as a way to achieve job satisfaction, and even a personal representation of well done job, which is an important psychological generator of identity and social place.


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Duas espécies de borboletas miméticas Heliconius erato e Heliconius melpomene apresentam coloração similar. Tal similaridade pode atuar confundindo o reconhecimento de seus co-específicos no momento da escolha de parceiros sexuais. As duas espécies possuem um conjunto de variações sutis na cor de suas asas que são compartilhadas por ambas espécies, como os pontos vermelhos encontrados acima da faixa amarela. Em H. erato variações na cor de suas asas são exclusivas da espécie como os red raylets e pontos amarelos na região distal da asa posterior. Acredita-se que tais variações fenotípicas auxiliem no reconhecimento de seus co-específicos, para tanto, o presente estudo tem por intuito verificar se as duas espécies envolvidas na análise reconhecem seus co-específicos. Experimentos com modelos que contemplaram variações sutis foram montados e apresentados aos machos de H. erato e H. melpomene. Em cada experimento foi verificado a probabilidade relativa de aproximação do macho ao modelo. O teste de likelihood indicou que as diferenças sutis encontradas nos padrões de asas de H. erato e H. melpomene podem atuar como pistas de reconhecimento de indivíduos da mesma espécie. Sendo que a espécie H. erato pode ser considerada um discriminador mais refinado no reconhecimento, e ambas as espécies selecionaram modelos que possuem variações médias, indicando seleção normalizadora para a escolha do padrão de asa. Podemos concluir, que a cor e, principalmente, os padrões sutis na variação da cor são utilizados como um sinal usado por borboletas no reconhecimento de seus co-específicos.


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Formal education, understood by the gradual process that occurs at school, aims at learning and systematic knowledge is of great interest to society as it benefits its individuals and leads to many positive effects, such as increased productivity and welfare (Johnes, Johnes, 2007). Understanding what influences the educational outcome is as important as the result itself, because lets you manage these variables in order to obtain a better student performance. This work uses the data envelopment analysis (DEA) to compare the efficiency of Rio Grande do Norte schools. In this nonparametric method, an efficiency frontier was construct from the best schools that use the inputs set to generate educational products. Therefore, the data used were obtain by Test Brazil and year 2011 School Census to state and municipal schools of Rio Grande do Norte. Some of the variables considered as inputs and outputs have been obtain directly these bases - the other two were prepared, using the Item Response Theory (IRT) - they are the socioeconomic and school infrastructure indices. As a first step, we compared several DEA models, with changes of input variables. Then was chose the non-discretionary model for which was deep the analysis of results. The results showed that only seven schools were efficient in the 5th and 9th grades simultaneously; there were no significant differences between the efficiency of municipal and state schools; and there were no differences between large and small schools. Analyzing the municipalities, Mossoró excelled in both years with the highest proportion of efficient schools. Finally, the study suggests that using the projections provided by the DEA method, the most inefficient schools would be able to achieve the goal IDEB in 2011, in other words, it is possible to improve the education of significant state taking the efficient schools as a basis for too much.