26 resultados para Psychoanalytic epistemology


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This study investigates the Repetition of movements shown in a stereotypical case of a child three years old. In line with the psychoanalysis model of search, this work presents fragments of the clinic process, the locus for the observation of repetitive, ritualized and choreographically movements of this child who used not to speak. The contrast between their movements and the issuance of a word verbalized at the end of the treatment caused the following question: repetition in this child production would be a reproduction of the same or would be directing for the difference? In the psychiatric speech, the stereotypes are listed as diagnostic criteria for certain mental disorders. In the psychoanalysis studies a question about the psych nature of ritualistic gestures apparently without purpose or direction is included. Thus, the route followed was the reading of the theoretical concept of repetition in the psychoanalytic works of S. Freud and J. Lacan. With Freud, the repetition is linked to the transfer and resistance. In that context, when it appears in act, in the place of the talk, it constitutes a particular way of remembering. But the existence of a force in the psychic apparatus that acts independent and involuntarily of the Principle of pleasure (the repetition compulsion) subsidizes the discovery of Freudian pulsion of death that is the tendency to return to itself. In the Lacan reading, the function of Repetition is magnified, as it fulfils two functions: the automaton - reminders of repetitive signs, and that the service of tiqué - the meeting of the subject with his lack constituent. In this sense, repetition is not simply a reproduction, but the search for new, the difference, caused by the lack of continuity that pushes the circuit. Finally, the clinic process and the theoretical readings made the comprehension of the child repetitive and choreographically movements and the pronouncement of a "good-bye", full of meaning. This repetitive scenario which is full of questions, by this very nature, insists in remains inconclusive


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Currently, in custody disputes, the child has the right to be heard and to have its opinion considered, according to its age and maturity. The psychologist/psychoanalyst who works in the Family Court is required to produce a Report with the purpose of helping the Court´s decision. The present research aims to discuss and to find guiding principles for the hearing of the declaration of the child´s will in a custody dispute by its parents, from a psychoanalytical perspective. The case of a nine year old girl that affirmed in Court the desire of living with the mother and seeing the father only once a year is the starting point of this theoretical research over the psychoanalytic fundaments of the hearing of the case, how it appeared in that experience and how it was reflected in the report. Throughout this work, the peculiarities of psychoanalysis as a way of understanding the subject and the conditions that must be observed so that a sctrictu sensu analytic hearing is possible are studied. Then we present a reflection of the case, in the light of the theories studied, verifying that we could observe in the experience: i) the assumption of a subject of the unconscious, divided and desire full that constitutes itself from the oedipic structuration, that leads to the difference between speech and speak; ii) the concept of the child as having a sexuality of its own; iii) a hearing based on the ethic principles of psychoanalysis and the analysts'' formation. In the final considerations, we state that the institutional demand of a meaning for the case is a great difficulty for the analyst since he works from a place of 'not-knowing"


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This paper aims to discuss the concept of symptom in psychopedagogy and psychoanalysis, drawing the consequences for the direction of treatment for each of these fields. Learning Problems has been the name given by various fields of knowledge to what does not happen as expected in the learning process. To address these problems several professionals are called upon. Faced with this demand a new field of knowledge is created: the psycho-pedagogy. In Brazil, it is established as a field of work and research from the contributions of Alicia Fernández. This author, supported by the work of French philosopher and educator Sara Paín, takes the concept of Freudian-Lacanian symptom as a fundamental concept to read the so-called "learning problems". Given this one must question whether the concept of symptom Fernandez is really the same as psychoanalysis. Are they the same? If yes, how to sustain as different fields? If not, what are consequences for the direction of treatment for each of these fields? For this study, the theoretical works of Alicia Fernández and Sara Pain were read aiming to clarify the concept of symptom in psychopedagogy. To discuss the psychoanalytic concept of symptom we turned to the texts of Freud, Lacan and commentators in which this issue is discussed. The results show that Pain and Fernandez seek psychoanalysis as a theory to be coupled with others to solve the learning problems. The concept of symptom as a return of the repressed and as an indicator of a sense to be found in the history of the subject is similar to the psychoanalytical one, however, in psychopedagogy other fields of knowledge and techniques are used as reference and these are sometimes incompatible with the concept of symptom presented. The use of psychological tests for the diagnosis, the idea of transference without the notion of subject supposed to know and the proposed treatment are indications of a different treatment approach from what the ethics of psychoanalysis proposes


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This paper emerged from an experience of 18 months in the CRAS – Reference Center for Social Assistance – which aroused a question about the listening of the singularity in the professional practice of Psi in the context of social assistance. The literature review revealed, on the one hand, a series of studies that aim to a discussion about of the process of professional integration of psychologists in the field of social welfare, proposing and / or analyzing practices directed towards the psychosocial assistance directed to the group and for the assurance of rights, forming citizen subjects. On the other hand, supported by a psychoanalytic perspective, we found studies that point to the importance of the singularity listening considering the subjectivity and symbolic resources of those who seek help in Basic Assistance Service. In this perspective, we aim to analyze, in a posteriori, the effects of offering a singularized listening in the context of CRAS and discuss its implications for the Psi professional practice in social institution. This is a theoretical and clinical research, based on Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, in which two cases, placed as investigation boosters, are analyzed in the light of the concept of the subject. We conclude that a singularized listening allowed a significant sliding and the consequent repositioning of the subject, in each case, front to their suffering. The effects collected allowed us to affirm the importance of a singular listening in the treatment of the demands that appear within the institutional framework


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This study arises in the context of physics teacher training and aims, from the speech of the teacher trainer, identify possible pedagogical models and characterize thinking styles present in the course of licentiate in physics of IFRN using the epistemology of Ludwik Fleck. We classify our research as qualitative with an empirical nature, and for the analysis we chose the discursive textual analysis - DTA (MORAES, 2003). The locus of our research will be the licentiate in physics at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte - IFRN, Natal-Central Campus and the research subjects, a group of teacher trainers of this course. We interviewed ten teachers, being six from the group dedicated to physics and four from the group dedicated to didactics and pedagogy. From this design, we performed data acquisition consisted of: 1) semi-structured interview, 2) document analysis. On the data analysis, with the support of pedagogical trends that were observed in our study based on the perception of the similarities and differences between the ideas presented by teachers about: education and teaching; ideal teaching practice, teacher's role, learning conceptions, and according to the student and on the ideological thinking of these former teachers on the professional profile of graduates, we noted subsidies to identify evidences of the presence of three distinct thinking styles that interrelate with each other in a considerably intense way. The relevance of the study is presented in the understanding of thinking styles that participate in the dynamics of the course of teacher training in physics, and by consequence, elucidation of a problem pointed out a priori as motivating the research: the difficulty of communicative interaction on educational practices among teacher trainers. We bring Fleck's epistemology as a motivating possibility of dialogue and negotiation, setting thus an instrument of real change, towards the significance of teacher training in physics.


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Seeking to explain the causes leading to the developme nt and attempt to understand it, some economists were organized around central ideas, culminating therefore in the development of economic theories. The knowledge accumulated over the work by these scholars will make a significant contribution in shaping t he thinking of Celso Monteiro Furtado . Furtado developed numerous studies trying to understand the dynamics of underdeveloped structures, what their basic characteristics and the main factors responsible for the perpetuation of the status quo of these stru ctures. Starting from the question "What remains of underdevelopment characteristics in Brazil in the light of the thought of Celso Furtado?", This work is guided by the hypothesis that Brazil has not suffered between 2001 and 2012, significant structural changes that it could classifies it as a developed country. It has been for this work as a general objective to analyze the underdevelopment of elements that persist in Brazil in the light of the thought of Furtado. And as specific, characterize economic d evelopment, from the study of the classical schools, Marxist, neoclassical, Kaleckian, Keynesian and ECLAC of economic thought; describe the economic underdevelopment in light of Celso Furtado ideas; and, finally, evaluate from the particular epistemology of thought Furtado Brazilian economic reality, with emphasis on the analysis of underdevelopment elements. It was found that although there have been important advances in some sectors, the country maintains a significant structural heterogeneity. Hence th e relevance of Furtado's contribution to understanding the economic underdevelopment, because he is still a constant in our reality.


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This work came from a research question, namely authorizing a child to learn, lifted from the care of a child of 09 years in the school service of a private university located in Natal, whose complaint referred to a learning disorder more specifically, not the formalization of reading and writing. To undertake a survey of the Lacanian psychoanalytic - Freudian literature on learning, we find the concept of knowledge as fundamental to the analysis of this issue which led us to investigate the history of its co nstruction in Freud and Lacan, with a view to shed light on their relationship to learn. This is a theoretical type of research with the proposal to revisit the concept of knowledge in the work of Freud and Lacan's teaching, in which case only served as th e trigger point of this work. We found that in both these authors, the concept of knowledge is associated to the unconscious exclusively and can be hinged to learn the way of the desire to know. It concludes that learning is a process that involves the unconscious knowledge. Consequently, learning disorders may be linked to the impossible into play in the know about the desire to find himself alienated the significant of what operates as forbidden to know when not referred only or also of teaching and / or educational aspects. This shows us that the complaints that come to the clinic can illustrate dilemmas experienced by the speaking, related to subjective questions. Deviations from the possibility of learning may indicate in these cases, a manifestation of what is singular and very impossibility of generalization when it comes to subjects. With this, also attest that the relations of the subject with knowledge effect in learning processes.


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From a clinical case reporting a severe “ scholarship indiscipline”, this work questioned how the indiscipline can be a symptom . To answer the question, it was analyzed the symptom concept from the Freudian - lacaneana perspective and theirs connections with “ scholarship indiscipline” subject . The research used a theoretical and clinical method , to show the connection between the case development and the psychoanalytic publications reviewing questions on the subject . It was undertook a historical analysis of the construction of disciplinary mechanism through the works of Foucault (1987, 1996), Deleuze (1988; 1992) and commentators. This historical analysis showed a dated and unnatural character of this discursive production named “ scholarship indiscipline”, revealing the indiscipline complaint comes from a social speech that imposes the idea that learn ing depends on the discipline. However , this idea type has a flaw , because always something escapes disciplining . The social answer to the escape is the complaint of indiscipline, which can be taken as a social symptom . Each child should find an answer to this speech and define the symptomatic character , or not , from itself . It was evaluated the symptom and its consequences in the clinic with the child in the Freud and Lacan teachings . The Freud view showed the symptom is the answer to a psychic work , replacing a repressed representation linked to an unbearable sexual dis satisfaction , providing a solution for the child to deal with castration and with the imposed social restrictions . A review of Freud's work undertaken by Lacan emphasizes the psycholog ical work characteristics undertaken by the speaker with its symptom by the link with the social aspect. To analyze, in each case, the position occupied by the patient of a complaint against the indiscipline can open the way to work with it. If the discipl ine is the answer of the subject towards the Other social, from psychoanalysis it is offering a help that allows reframe this response. Elucidating the symptomatic character, or not, from attitudes considered undisciplined, calls for the analysis of unique ness involved in the response of each child, their subjectivity.


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This study had the goal of make a dialogue between queer theory and the thoughts of the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty in the categories of body and sexuality. From this dialogue, other goals were designed, namely: identify possible recurrences of the experience of bodies and queer sexualities, designed under Merleau-Ponty’s perspective, to the knowledge of Physical Education and reflect on this domain of knowledge using the notions of queer epistemology and esthesia. The study had as methodology the phenomenological attitude proposed by Merleau-Ponty and use the reduction as technic of research. Trying linking these thoughts we used the cinema of the Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar as perceptive strategy, an exercise of look as possibility of reading the world and new ways of perceiving the human being. We appreciate three films, namely: All About My Mother (1999), The Skin I Live In (2011) and Bad Education (2004), which put us in touch with bodies and queer sexualities, with the body of esthesia, of the ecstasy, sensations and lived experiences, un type of art whose contours are not fixed or determinable, postulate by Merleau-Ponty. The philosopher, provide a rich conceptual view of the body and their sexual experience, extends and opens horizons of thought and reflection about queer experience, one experience indeterminate and contingent as a singular way of inhabiting the world. Those horizons opened by the philosopher and added to the queer perspective contribute to put in question the modes of knowledge production and the knowledge about body and sexuality in Physical Education. Finally, we point that this theoretical conversation give us clues to reflect about the reverberations of a queer epistemology for Physical Education usiging one type of knowledge guided by esthesia and sensitivity as marks of another scientific rationality.


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MEDEIROS, A. L.; VANTI, Nadia. Vannevar Bush e as matrizes discursivas de As we may think: por uma possível história da Ciência da Informação. Informação & sociedade:Estudos. João Pessoa, v. 21, p. 31-39, 2011


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This study is about the institutional self-evaluation in Dimension 4, "Communication with Society", from the National System of Higher Education Evaluation SINAES, mandatory for all universities in Brazil. A multiple cases study was conducted with three institutions from Rio Grande do Norte, and the goal was to know how this evaluation is made, describing the concept for the evaluation of communication proposed by them, identifying controllers or emancipator aspects, categorizing methodological procedures and discussing the difficulties reported in the communication evaluation process. Coordinators of the institutions Evaluating Committees were interviewed and data categorized by means of qualitative content analysis. It was noted characteristics of the current controller, emancipator and hybrid designs in the three institutions for evaluation of communication, revealing the lack of a theoretical corpus that transits in accordance with the systemic perspective and epistemology of complexity from SINAES. It was found that the most frequently reported difficulties in the evaluation processes of communication are in the preparation stage, especially in the definition of indicators and tools and awareness work. The weakness in planning makes their own activities in the sector of communication become targets of assessment, forming goals poorly related with broader organizational goals. It was also concluded that the technical evaluation cannot override the issues associated with the broader issue of the complexity surrounding the assessment paradigm proposed by SINAES because contradictions and imperfections are part of the evaluation process and several references are current in the literature to support this view. Finally, it is said that objectives such as transparency and behavioral changes can rely on methodologies and techniques for research on the question of the construction of meaning