30 resultados para Poesia portuguesa História e crítica
El objetivo de esta Tesis es la investigacin literaria de la vida y la obra del poeta potiguar Walflan de Queiroz (1930-1995). Despus de ms de 17 aos de su muerte, su poesa clama por una suerte crítica capaz de identificar sus caractersticas formales y estticas. En ese sentido, se realiza el rescate de la produccin potica de Walflan de Queiroz, con el fin de ofrecer los elementos que motivaron su discurso, su lirismo. Se pretende demostrar sus principales temas, como por ejemplo, el tenor metafsico, la angustia existencial, las pasiones platnicas, la muerte, la soledad, el silencio y la influencia de los poetas extranjeros, especialmente de la tradicin romntica y simbolista, as como la manifestacin de la religiosidad, de lo sagrado desde siempre encadenada a diversas tradiciones religiosas del mundo. Siendo as, la Tesis tiene como base terica los fundamentos de la tradicin potica y del imaginario religioso diluidos a lo largo de todo el estudio
La reflexin crítica sobre la escuela y los quehaceres docentes ha favorecido la produccin y la sistematizacin de nuevos saberes basados en fundamentos cientficos, principalmente sobre las prcticas pedaggicas. En la enseanza de Lengua Portuguesa, las investigaciones buscan comprender lo qu y cmo se ensea y se aprende durante la escolarizacin. En esa perspectiva, realizamos un estudio sobre la formacin del profesor de Lengua Portuguesa y sus implicaciones en la clase, buscando observar la actuacin de los alumnos-maestros en el contexto escolar, durante la realizacin de las Prcticas. Para tanto, elegimos como objetivo general, investigar cmo la carrera de Filologa de la UFRN/CERES/Campus de Currais Novos promova la formacin de futuros profesores para atender a las expectativas de las polticas pblicas para la enseanza de Lengua Materna. Como referencial terico, estudiamos los PCN, el proyecto poltico pedaggico de la carrera y autores del rea de enseanza de Lengua Portuguesa y de Educacin, entre ellos, Geraldi (1996), Travaglia (1996, 2003), Antunes (2003, 2007, 2009 y 2010), Lomas (2003), Figueiredo (2005), Marcuschi (2001, 2008), Oliveira (2010), Riolfi et al. (2008), Possenti (2003), Alarco (1996, 2001) Imbernn (2011), Pimenta y Lima (2010) y Schn (1993). El estudio est situado en el mbito de la Lingstica Aplicada y se caracteriza como investigacin cualitativa de naturaleza interpretativista, a partir de un abordaje de inspiracin etnogrfica del ambiente de las Prcticas. En los resultados constatamos que los alumnos-maestros privilegian la enseanza prescriptiva, fundamentado en una concepcin de lengua como sistema, direccionando la enseanza de la lengua para la direccin contraria al abordaje funcionalista (lengua / uso), distancindose considerablemente de la propuesta de formar un alumno crtico y agente de transformacin. Respecto a la visin de los alumnos-maestros sobre la carrera, fueron listadas algunas cuestiones relevantes, entre ellas, los contenidos que hacen parte de la carrera, la distribucin de la carga horaria de los componentes curriculares, la revisin de las ementas, la oferta de asignaturas de inclusin social, la reorganizacin de las actividades de la prctica en relacin al acompaamiento y orientacin a los alumnos-maestros y, especialmente, la desarticulacin teora / prctica que fue considerada como responsable por muchas de las dificultades encontradas por los referidos alumnos en la fase de regencia de clase en la enseanza de Lengua Portuguesa en los niveles de enseanza fundamental y media. De ese modo, a partir del anlisis de estos significados construidos por los alumnos-maestros sobre el proceso de formacin en esa carrera de Letras, constatamos la necesidad de una revisin del proyecto de la carrera, pues ste presenta esas fragilidades que necesitan ser analizadas en funcin de la mejora de la calidad de la enseanza de la graduacin
This work has the purpose to analyze the female images unrolled at the Florbela Espanca (1894 -1930) poetry of her three books published, Livro de Mgoas (1919), Livro de Sror Saudade (1923) e Charneca em Flor (1931, posthumous), showing how the female mythic constituents Eve and Lilith advance among the books, delineating the female image which culminates to the female poet image, free of moral conventions and social principles in the beginning of 20th century. For this exam, we will apply the Imaginary criticism, and realize a short explanation about mythic archetypes theories from C.G. Jung, Mircea Eliade, E. Meletnki and Gilbert Durand, theories that will lead us to make the connection between the mythic constituents and Nietzsche tragic constituents, from which we will explain how these female mythic images associated to reason and unreason mythic constituents, unrolled at the Florbela poetry, also reveal the tragic esthetic at her work
According to the studies in Applied Linguistics, this thesis is based on an interdisciplinary perspective (Critical Discourse Analysis, Sociology towards Social Change, Cultural Studies and Systemic-Functional Linguistics). The overall objective of the research was to analyze the discourses of Elementary School teachers in the state of Sergipe, by means of the discursive representations of the social actors, the processes of subjectivity and their fragmented identities in the context of standardized evaluations before the requirements of globalized pedagogical practices, based on the result-based management. The critical analysis of such discourses was motivated by the rapid pace with which the demands of innovation become part of the classroom, aiming at reaching the target in what concerns the indexes of the rankings which characterize the globalized discourse of the national education management, like Ideb (Basic Education Development Index), which makes teachers change their discourses, become silent or keep resistant. The work was initially endorsed by the theoretical lines of the Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001, 2006), and poses a proposal for such purpose: the ASCD Discourse Sociological and Communicative Approach (PEDROSA, 2012, 2013). This is an interpretative-qualitative study of the Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001, 2003; RAMALHO ; RESENDE, 2011) and to carry it out, semi-structured interviews were used as instruments of data generation (BAUER; GASKELL, 2011; GILL, 2011). Its corpus is composed of thirteen accounts of teachers from the Elementary school who teach Portuguese and work in the fifteen schools which were chosen to be the universe of the research at the Regional Board of Education (02) in the state of Sergipe. Such narratives are related to their impressions, expectations and actions which favor the management of results to which they have to submit themselves. The analytical overview of sociological and discursive line comes from the pan-semiotic categories (Inclusion and Exclusion) which appear in the theory of Representation of Social Actors (VAN LEEUWEN, 1997, 2008). To present the processes of subjectivity of these teachers, this work is based on the socio-analytical proposal of the classification of the subjects, which stems from the individual s work in the Gesto Relacional de Si , which comes from the Applied Sociology (towards) Social Change (BAJOIT, 2006, 2009). The discursive analyses were guided word for word, in their majority, by having the Systemic Functional Grammar as their theoretical basis, specifically by the processes of the Transitivity System postulated by Halliday, (1985); Halliday and Mathiessen, (2004); Eggins (2004); Cunha and Souza (2011). The work makes the field of Cultural Studies emerge towards the dialogue and the presentation of the fragmented identities of the teachers in the context of late modernity (GIDDENS, 2002; HALL, 2011). The thesis promoted a reflection over the teacher s condition, who is immerse in this context of knowledge construction of the present Brazilian educational system, the standardized evaluations, the indexes of development, the targets and the rankings. The considerations and outcomes of such a research dealt with the teachers emerging social practices and the need of planned initial and continuing teacher education towards the new moment which is foreseeable
As a professor in Curso de Licenciatura em Letras, from Campus Avanado Profa Maria Eliza Albuquerque Maia (CAMEAM),do Estado do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), in the town of Pau do Ferros, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, we had the chance to carry out several writing activities , as well as guiding re-writing activities for the texts produced. From this experience, we started looking at the need of reflecting upon the writing process in higher education. Thus, we aim at analyzing, in this research, the methodology used in the moment of carrying out the writing practices activities in higher education, investigating, in particular, the rewriting practices, concerning the operations used for carrying out such activities, as well as the sense effects produced from the alterations which were made in the texts. Our theoretical foundation is grounded on a conception of text as a verbal action , what reveals a socio-interactional view of the language (MARCUSCHI, 2008; SAUTCHUK, 2003). As the production of written texts, our research focus, we assume that, for this activity, we deal with distinct figures (active writer and internal reader), so that we can, apart from writing, reflecting upon our writing and, this way, deciding about operations which are carried out to make the alterations which are necessary to the rewriting of our texts (SAUTCHUK, 2003). Still about the theoretical foundations used in this research, we made use of the theories from the Textual Analysis of Discourse (TAD) which discusses the belief on the evidence on the existence of the texts, which is opposite to the fixist view of textuality which believes that the texts exist by themselves. (ADAM, 2008; [2005]2010). Under this perspective, we have also adopted, the concepts which come from genetics criticism which is concerned about the relation between text and genesis, using as objects documents which bring traits of the text in progress, on the ground that the text is the result of work in progress, and the writing practice, on the other hand, as an activity in a continuous movement (HAY, [1975]2002; DE BIASI, [2000]2010; GRSILLON, 1989; [1990]2008; [1992]2002; SALLES, 2008a). The methodology in this research is an ethnography-based one, an approach which focuses on the process, as well as is meaning-based. To understand the objectives proposed in our research, we made use of different procedures of collecting data which include an ethnographic study, such as: observation, note-taking, document analysis. The data which were analyzed were collected during the semester of 2008.2, in a first term classroom of Curso de Letras from CAMEAM, when we were able to collect twenty-one written texts and all of them were rewritten based on rewriting activities, what provides a corpus of forty-two texts which will be analyzed based on the linguistics operations identified by Generative Grammar and adopted by Lebrave and Grsillon (2009). From these analyses, we were able to confirm that writing is a process, and rewriting has become an extremely important activity for this process. Still due to these data, we observed that substitution was the most used operation by text authors. We believe that this result is justified by the fact that the substitution, according to what proposes the Genetic Criticism, constitutes the source of all erasure, from which one can easily make a change in writing. Regarding the operations of addition and deletion, we found that they were used in quantitative terms, almost equivalently, which can be explained when we see that the two operations require, by the author of the text, different strategies from those used for the replacement, what includes , respectively, adding or removing a segment. Finally, we found out that the shift operation was the least used, since it works with a segment that will not be replaced, added or deleted, but transferred to another place of text, which requires a greater ability of the author to perform this operation and not compromising the meaning of his/her writing. As a result, we hope to contribute to the reflection on the teaching of writing, considering, in a particular way, those with a Bachelor in Arts. Our analysis will contribute to the teaching of Portuguese language, specifically for activities that guide the production of texts in order to explore with students the ability to rewrite their own text
Esta investigacin est incluida en las discusiones sobre las relaciones entre literatura y enseanza, recortando el lugar de las escritas poticas en las clases de Lengua Portuguesa en la Enseanza Media. En trminos epistemolgicos, nuestra reflexin problematiza, entre otras cuestiones, el desplazamiento que ocurre cuando las manifestaciones literarias se apartan de sus soportes originales y se adentran a las escenas de la clase de lengua materna, transformndose en objeto de enseanza y contenido didctico. En el mbito de las prcticas escolarizadas de la lectura literaria en la Enseanza Media, nuestra reflexin tiene como objeto la didactizacin del gnero textual poema. En esa etapa de la enseanza, el poema como componente curricular an no est definido. Eso es ocasionado, de modo general, por dos razones: por la naturaleza especfica del gnero y por los procedimientos didcticopedaggicos utilizados cuando se hace la lectura del poema en clase. En relacin al modelo consagrado de la enseanza de literatura en la Enseanza Media, apoyado en la descripcin de la historia de la literatura brasilea a travs de esquemas cronolgicos de movimientos esttico-culturales, pretendemos hacer un desplazamiento en lo que respecta a ese abordaje y situar el letramiento literario a partir de las formas lricas recurrentes en la produccin literaria en Brasil, en la perspectiva de la enseanza de la lengua mediada por el estudio del texto. Para tanto, utilizaremos como aporte terico las siguientes reas del conocimiento: la teora literaria, la lingstica aplicada y la pedagoga de la enseanza de lengua materna
Based on the relation history, literature and space, this work examines the production and the closing of the representation of the hinterland in the Romance d A Pedra do Reino of the paraiban writer Ariano Suassuna. Inspired by method proposed by deconstructionist by Jacques Derrida, our reflection decomposes the writing scene of Suassuna by means of it s tracks to interpret the operation of the representation of the space-hinterland for the speech of the writer. Being thus, we present the elements chosen for Suassuna to weave an identification it s with this space-hinterland, taking a priori as a sentimental place and of familiar origin . The construction of this relation of belonging in great is measured grounded for a familiar memory entangled in the context politician who culminated in the Revolution of 1930 and that he resulted for the writer in the death of father. Suassuna launches a look on the identity and the Brazilian culture that guided in the tradition concept it searchs to deny the gift grounding its speech in the return to the past, a past order . Specifically in it s romance we notice to exist the fusing of these tracks in the production of a representation of the hinterland that it intends to close a concept of this space and its culture. Soon, the idea of kingdom sends to the space of the enchantments manufactured in infancy and retaken by the intellectual radical who in the anxiety of honor the father figure, does not save efforts in constructing a space representation that, over all, either faithful the representation that it searchs to trace of proper itself. Under one it marks of universality , the hinterland-kingdom of Suassuna if discloses eurocentric in the measure where it perpetuates discurse the filiation of the European cultural traditions.
In 1956, Lus da Cmara Cascudo published his book Geografia do Brasil Holands. In this book, he studied and described a space - the Dutch Brazil - from a geographical and historical perspective. To do this, he articulated both perspectives from the point of view of his own reading of the History of Nordeste , establishing a dialogue with the historiographical tradition of the study of the Dutch Brazil in Pernambuco. When portraying the Dutch presence in Nordeste, Cascudo articulated a drama in which the Dutch would have their history described as a typically tragic plot, portrayed as if they were already condemned to failure in advance. To this tragedy he opposed a predominantly comic Portuguese plot, as if the Portuguese victory over the Dutch was as desirable as inevitable for the space of Nordeste . When narrating the clash between the Dutch and the Portuguese for the space of Nordeste , however, Cascudo ended up delineating his own place of speech, as a spokesperson for the identity of the potiguar space in opposition to the pernabucano space described by Freyre and Gonsalves de Mello. In this way, the space of Rio Grande do Norte would have its own identity, constructed from de Dutch absence and constituted from the Portuguese legacy contrarily to the space of Pernambuco, narrated from an articulation and a conciliation of the Flemish and Lusitan legacy, even though highlighting the latter. While the Dutch would had been a constant presence in the history of Pernambuco for Freyre and Gonsalves de Mello, they wouldn t have gone beyond legend in the space of Rio Grande do Norte, removed from its geography and erased from its history. When describing de geography of the potiguar space, therefore, Cascudo articulates the inexistence of the History of a time dominated by the Fleming with the search of a Portuguese space, trough the narration of its origins and constitution, as well as the registry of the characteristics of its legacy
This documental research in a qualitative and interpretative nature is inserted in the field of Applied Linguistics and its object of study is teachers writing in a literacy event (public exam) held for teachers of Portuguese Language by municipality in Natal city - RN in 2008. Overall, we have aimed to investigate the textual production of these teachers, considering their knowledge about writing, their sayings in relation to themselves and their views on new technologies and teaching. Specifically, we have chosen the following objectives: a) identifying what knowledge about writing have emerged from teachers' written text; b) analyzing the written text production of teachers, considering the knowledge they have revealed about themselves; c) mapping the sayings of the teachers about the teaching profession and new technologies. Our discussion is grounded theoretically by Bakhtin studies of language (BAKHTIN [1934], 1990; [1952-1953], 2000; BAKHTIN; VOLOSHINOV [1929], 1999); in studies of critical literacy as formulated by STREET (1984, 1995, 2006, 2010, 2014); KLEIMAN (1995, 2005, 2006, 2008); (BARTON, HAMILTON, 1998; BARTON; Ivanic, 1991); studies on teacher training in critical educational perspective (GIROUX, 1986; 1987; 1997; 1999) FREIRE, 1999; 2001). The corpus of this study is consisted of written texts by participants of this examination about the Writing Test, in which they were asked to produce an opinion paper. The research has allowed us to realize that, in relation to the writing, despite the recurring negative discourse on literacy teachers, especially the Portuguese ones, these, in the fabric of their texts, both have revealed to have dominion over the formal structure, particularly in respect to prototypical schema of argumentative sequence, as proposed by Adam (1992, 2008) and the mechanisms of textualization postulated by Bronckart (2007), and on those enunciation-discursive strategies relating to opinion genre. The relevance of this research is justified by seeking to understand the teachers writing beyond the language system, i.e, writing as speech, assuming it as a contrapalavra (BAKHTIN, [1934], 1990) to those voices that insist on underestimating literacy teachers and they do so much harm to society, to the extent that foster a sense of disbelief in the qualification of teachers' work and distrust of the social role of these professionals in the preparation of future generations
Portuguese language textbooks, according to what has been preconized on the official document to education, have been configured on discursive genres imported from diverse spheres of human activity. Adverts, genre of ample social circulation, spread from the Advertising sphere to the schools and started being approached by these collectaneas as an object and a tool for teaching. Therefore, this research deals with the approach of ads in Portugese textbooks. These discursive practices matter for the impact or appeal they exert over the (new) consumers, among which High School students; for their representation in the capitalist system, which guides us on our relationships and social practices; and for the mix of languages that end up at their composition, once they encapsulate the spirit of our time, par excellence, the one from the verbal-visual genres. To understand the treatment given to these advertising pieces, from questions/commentaries related to them, two collections were selected by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didtico Textbook National Program (PNLD 2012) among the ones more used by public High Schools in Natal/RN. From Applied Linguistics, from mestizo, nomadic and inter/transdisciplinary identity (MOITA LOPES, 2009), this study falls within the discursive chain of the interpretive tradition of historical-cultural approach (FREITAS, 2010) and names the Bakhtin Circle and its languages dialogical conception as inescapable partners. The data of the colletaneas show that the genre approach can happen as concrete utterance, as linguistic artifact and as hybrid, at work with questions and without questions, with the predominance of its occurrence in the portion of the volume devoted to the study of grammar. In the literature chapters and production/interpretation of compositions, it insert is incipient or it doesnt happen in the volume. Such a provision has implications for multiliteracies (ROJO, 2012) of the citizen student, once the lack or the abundance of critical reading proposals for this genre, that demand from the student the exercise of knowledge that is necessary to the construction of linguistic and social meanings, can be responsible for guide to a more conscious consumerism (material and cultural) by the chief customers of the work under review. The approaches of the genres seems to indicate a gradual transition that such material have undergone, which means, from the focus on clauses to the focus on utterances, or even the approach as linguistic artifact to hybrid and the concrete utterance, in search of overcoming the traditional tendency of taking advantage of formal aspects of the language, to the detriment of enunciative ones, and for coming into harmony with the guidelines and parameters of teaching in contemporary times, bringing the school duties close to the rights in life.
The search for new meanings in the basic education teaching-learning process has caused the development of public policies for mother language teaching, such as the Portuguese Language Olympics (OLP). To contribute to this search, this intervention project has as object of study reading and writing practices developed in the OLP through the educational model arising from literacy projects (TINOCO, 2008). In working towards, the general aim of reframing reading and writing practices through the PLO, developed from the teaching model that comes of literacy projects, we established three specific objectives: a) reflect on a national writing contest; b) to realign conceptual and methodological the Portuguese classes of the 7th grade school due to the developed project; c) to improve the reading and writing practices of the students in 7th grade of school where we operate. Therefore, we base ourselves in the history of Portuguese teaching in Brazil (SOARES, 2002; GERALDI, 2008), the dialogical conception of language (BAKHTIN, VOLOCHNOV [1929] 2009; SOARES, 1998; FARACO, 2009) in Literacy Studies (KLEIMAN, 2001, 2005, 2006; TINOCO, 2008; OLIVEIRA; TINOCO; SANTOS, 2011; STREET, 2014), the learning community concept (AFONSO, 2001), in studies of retextualization (OLIVEIRA, 2005; MARCUSCHI, 2010), gender discursive literary memories (CLARA; ALTENFELDER; ALMEIDA, 20--), in written evidence (POSSENTI, 2002) and Textual Linguistics (MARCUSCHI, 2008; ANTUNES, 2009; KOCH, 2011; SILVA [et. al.], 2013). Methodologically, this qualitative research (LDKE; ANDR, 1986; ANDR, 2005) is anchored in Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 1996). This research was supporting by students in the 7th grade, teachers, management team and parents, as well as people outside of school community. The instruments used for the generation of data were semi-structured interview, students texts, audio recordings and video, photos, OLP material (teacher's book, a collection of texts and CD-ROM). The data generated allowed us to establish the following categories of analysis in relation to the texts produced: authorship, in formativeness, discursive progression, compositional structure, content, style, and language aspects. In addition, throughout the project, the collaborators have produced texts of various genres: oral interview and written request letter, legal, literary memories, oral and experience report. Also experienced a local award and participated in a national competition. They produced a video and a book with stories and student authorship of illustrations. The results achieved show that the literacy project developed also allowed macro changes: reading and writing practices, once considered strictly school studied, they were transformed into broader social practices, through which various literacy agents were able to collaboratively act. In short, they experienced writing practices that go beyond the classroom and the teacher-student relationship.
The poor performance of students in reading and writing activities, prompted the search for actions that would minimize this problem, noticeable mainly in public education. The lack of interest in reading of poetic texts seen in students from the 7th year in a public school in RN, has led us to question the reasons for the rejection of poetry. Thus, the idea to organize and develop new reading possibilities mediated by digital technologies, considering the preference of teenagers by virtual environments. Therefore, it was essential to observe how students used web resources in order to plan actions that aimed to improve their reading performance. We present to justify the need for reflection on the educational problems starting from our reality, in order to establish appropriate procedures to minimize them. To this end, we draw is to investigate how students appropriated the Facebook social network in order to elaborate reading strategies using this platform. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: language concepts and language: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Bronckart (2012 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); reading strategies: Leffa (1996) Sol (1998), Antunes (2009), Kleiman (2013); genre: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); didactic sequence: Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2013 [2004]); technologies: Moran (2008 [2000]), Kenski (2007), Bento (2012), Behrens (2013); literary literacy: Cosson (2007); other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), PDE (2008), Perrenoud (1999), among others. The methodology followed action research guidelines, a qualitative approach perspective. The research instruments included questionnaires, interviews, observations and field notes. The results pointed to the interest of students in this social network, which favored the development of a didactic sequence whose activities converged on the didactic use of Facebook as a support for the presentation of textual poetry genre, drawing the attention of students for reading. Thus, we reiterate the need to include the pedagogical use of Information and Communication Digital Technologies educational activities to better meet the expectations of the generation of "digital natives", offering them a significant Portuguese-speaking school that fits your interests.
The poor performance of students in reading and writing activities, prompted the search for actions that would minimize this problem, noticeable mainly in public education. The lack of interest in reading of poetic texts seen in students from the 7th year in a public school in RN, has led us to question the reasons for the rejection of poetry. Thus, the idea to organize and develop new reading possibilities mediated by digital technologies, considering the preference of teenagers by virtual environments. Therefore, it was essential to observe how students used web resources in order to plan actions that aimed to improve their reading performance. We present to justify the need for reflection on the educational problems starting from our reality, in order to establish appropriate procedures to minimize them. To this end, we draw is to investigate how students appropriated the Facebook social network in order to elaborate reading strategies using this platform. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: language concepts and language: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Bronckart (2012 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); reading strategies: Leffa (1996) Sol (1998), Antunes (2009), Kleiman (2013); genre: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); didactic sequence: Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2013 [2004]); technologies: Moran (2008 [2000]), Kenski (2007), Bento (2012), Behrens (2013); literary literacy: Cosson (2007); other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), PDE (2008), Perrenoud (1999), among others. The methodology followed action research guidelines, a qualitative approach perspective. The research instruments included questionnaires, interviews, observations and field notes. The results pointed to the interest of students in this social network, which favored the development of a didactic sequence whose activities converged on the didactic use of Facebook as a support for the presentation of textual poetry genre, drawing the attention of students for reading. Thus, we reiterate the need to include the pedagogical use of Information and Communication Digital Technologies educational activities to better meet the expectations of the generation of "digital natives", offering them a significant Portuguese-speaking school that fits your interests.
Este livro realiza uma travessia pela obra de Joo Cabral de Melo Neto (1920-1999), buscando apreender o ser do tempo e seus desdobramentos no espao do poema. Ao leitor que j conhece a obra do poeta, este estudo possivelmente oferecer um novo olhar focado no seu processo criativo ao percorrer o trajeto de sua poesia atravs da temtica do tempo.
A tese trata de dois construtos scio-histricos Administrao e Administrador em face do capitalismo em sua fase flexvel. Considerando as mudanas do capitalismo, o texto estabelece como objeto de estudo as concepes de Administrao e Administrador, para o campo administrativo, na contemporaneidade. A tese suportada por uma pesquisa de campo cujo objetivo foi compreender criticamente as concepes do campo administrativo sobre a Administrao e o Administrador, em tempos de capitalismo flexvel. Epistemologicamente, a pesquisa foi conduzida a partir da perspectiva crítica frankfurtiana, fundamentada em trs pares categricos dialticos: (i) história versus naturalizao; (ii) prxis social versus sistema; e (iii) alienao versus emancipao; privilegiando o pensamento crtico vinculado primeira gerao da Escola de Frankfurt. A literatura prevalente da rea de Administrao foi revisada mediada pelas duas questes ontolgicas que suportam a tese: O que Administrao? e O que Administrador? para autores como Taylor, Fayol, Drucker, Ohno, Deming, Champy e Mintzberg. Metodologicamente, foi realizada uma pesquisa integralmente qualitativa, com uso de trs tipos de entrevistas: (i) entrevista narrativa com história de vida; (ii) entrevista com uso de elementos-estmulo; e (iii) entrevista narrativa ficcional. Para compreenso das narrativas, foi utilizada a tcnica de anlise hermenutico-dialtica. Os resultados indicam o predomnio da concepo pragmtica-instrumental, no tocante Administrao, pela qual ela continua a ser pensada e discursada como uma ao tecnolgica e teleolgica, que utiliza saberes mltiplos e aprendizagens cambiantes como meios para alcance das finalidades do contexto organizacional mutante. Com relao ao Administrador, h a emergncia da concepo esttica para apresent-lo, quando vinculado s organizaes. Por esta concepo, h a migrao do histrico esteretipo do Administrador controlador e vigilante para a representao do Administrador como um profissional performtico. O segundo resultado, que se apresenta como o mais relevante em relao ao Administrador, o da fuga da profisso. A partir dos pares categricos dialticos, esta tese prope algumas snteses provisrias críticas: (i) história-naturalizao: os sujeitos tomam como naturais a organizao empresarial e suas demandas, naturalizando as recentes mudanas que, entre outras coisas, reduzem os postos gerenciais; (ii) prxis social-sistema: pela concepo pragmtica-instrumental, as experincias dos Administradores so concebidas a partir do confinamento funcionalista em uma organizao-sistema; (iii) emancipao-alienao: tanto a forma naturalizada com que especificam as organizaes e sua Administrao quanto a prxis interrompida velada em uma experincia reificada mostram-se como fenmenos intrinsecamente e subjetivamente alienantes e contraemancipatrios. Por outro lado, atravs do movimento de fuga da profisso, os entrevistados parecem (re)significar o silncio fundador da alienao associada condio de Administrador: a de pensar como capital, e no se pensar como trabalho. Finalmente, o texto prope que as possibilidades de emancipao deste profissional residem na tomada de conscincia de sua condio como integrante da classe trabalhadora, mesmo em tempos de riscos e incertezas. Assumindo-se como trabalhador, o Administrador poder lutar pelo seu trabalho, repensando-o em novos termos, em que as dimenses pragmticas-instrumentais que envolvem sua profisso possam ser dosadas e sempre mediadas por contedos substantivos e emancipatrios