275 resultados para Petróleo e gás Indústria. Projetos de Exploração e Produção. Legislação ambiental. Modelagem de equações estruturais. Stakeholders externos. Desempenho ambiental


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The need to implement a software architecture that promotes the development of a SCADA supervisory system for monitoring industrial processes simulated with the flexibility of adding intelligent modules and devices such as CLP, according to the specifications of the problem, it was the motivation for this work. In the present study, we developed an intelligent supervisory system on a simulation of a distillation column modeled with Unisim. Furthermore, OLE Automation was used as communication between the supervisory and simulation software, which, with the use of the database, promoted an architecture both scalable and easy to maintain. Moreover, intelligent modules have been developed for preprocessing, data characteristics extraction, and variables inference. These modules were fundamentally based on the Encog software


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This work deals with the development of a prototype of a helicopter quadrotor for monitoring applications in oil facilities. Anomaly detection problems can be resolved through monitoringmissions performed by a suitably instrumented quadrotor, i.e. infrared thermosensors should be embedded. The proposed monitoring system aims to reduce accidents as well as to make possible the use of non-destructive techniques for detection and location of leaks caused by corrosion. To this end, the implementation of a prototype, its stabilization and a navigation strategy have been proposed. The control strategy is based on dividing the problem into two control hierarchical levels: the lower level stabilizes the angles and the altitude of the vehicle at the desired values, while the higher one provide appropriate references signals to the lower level in order the quadrotor performs the desired movements. The navigation strategy for helicopter quadrotor is made using information provided by a acquisition image system (monocular camera) embedded onto the helicopter. Considering that the low-level control has been solved, the proposed vision-based navigation technique treats the problem as high level control strategies, such as, relative position control, trajectory generation and trajectory tracking. For the position control we use a control technique for visual servoing based on image features. The trajectory generation is done in a offline step, which is a visual trajectory composed of a sequence of images. For the trajectory tracking problem is proposed a control strategy by continuous servovision, thus enabling a navigation strategy without metric maps. Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the proposal


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Water and gas is a common by - product of the oil production process. Production may be compromised by the precipitation of inorganic salts in both the reservoir and producing well, through scale formation. This precipitation is likely the cause of the formation damage. High temperatures and h igh pressures (HTHP) may favor the precipitation of insoluble salts. The most common types of scale in oil fields are calcium carbonate and calcium sulphate, strontium and barium sulphate. New types of scale formation have attracted special attention such as zinc sulphide and lead. This precipitation may occur in the pores of reservoir rocks, in the production string and in equipment, causing obstructions and consequent production losses. In this study, the influence of well depth on incrustation compositio n was investigated to design removal treatments and assess the behavior of these deposits along the string, through the analysis of pressure and temperature. Scale residues were recovered from the inside of the production string of an oil and gas well duri ng the string removal operation. A total of 10 samples from different depths (15.4 m to 4061.5 m) were obtained. Initially a dissolution test was conducted in weak acid, similar to that used in removal operations with this type of scale formation. Majority composition was defined and confirmed by dissolution tests using X - Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF), X - Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) techniques. Residues with distinct characteristics were observed in different proportion s, showing a tendency toward increased and/or decreased mass with depth. In the samples closest to the surface, typical sandstone residues were found, with calcium (45% Ca) as the metal of highest concentration. The obtained results indicate correlations o f the scale types studied with the depth and, consequently, with the thermodynamic conditions of pressure and temperature.


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The global energy crisis triggered the possibility of unconventional hydrocarbons exploration and production, culminating in the US energy revolution as well as making other countries interested in the development of these natural resources. The justification for this research comes from Brazil's interest in the use of hydraulic fracturing techniques in unconventional resources since the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) organized the 12th acquisition process and published the Resolution no. 21 of April 10, 2014. The conflict between economic viability and the social and environmental damage from exploration and production of unconventional hydrocarbons in Brazil resulted in the search for a legal solution that would consider the economic, social and environmental interests. The main purpose here is to analyze the regulation of unconventional oil exploration and production in Brazil in order to show lack of regulatory instruments so far. The specific objectives are to investigate how the lack of effective regulation may ultimately prevent the development itself, analyze the importance of systematization of a new regulatory tool for ensuring legal security and energy, identify the key negative environmental and social impacts, and suggest possibilities approaches within the new regulatory framework. The research methodology stands out the hypothetico-deductive model as approach, and the comparative model as procedural method. Moreover, the research techniques used here are performance of a theoretical and descriptive questioning over literature search, analysis of Brazilian standardization and case laws, and a brief comparative study, in order to provide suggested approaches for a new regulatory framework.


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The global energy crisis triggered the possibility of unconventional hydrocarbons exploration and production, culminating in the US energy revolution as well as making other countries interested in the development of these natural resources. The justification for this research comes from Brazil's interest in the use of hydraulic fracturing techniques in unconventional resources since the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) organized the 12th acquisition process and published the Resolution no. 21 of April 10, 2014. The conflict between economic viability and the social and environmental damage from exploration and production of unconventional hydrocarbons in Brazil resulted in the search for a legal solution that would consider the economic, social and environmental interests. The main purpose here is to analyze the regulation of unconventional oil exploration and production in Brazil in order to show lack of regulatory instruments so far. The specific objectives are to investigate how the lack of effective regulation may ultimately prevent the development itself, analyze the importance of systematization of a new regulatory tool for ensuring legal security and energy, identify the key negative environmental and social impacts, and suggest possibilities approaches within the new regulatory framework. The research methodology stands out the hypothetico-deductive model as approach, and the comparative model as procedural method. Moreover, the research techniques used here are performance of a theoretical and descriptive questioning over literature search, analysis of Brazilian standardization and case laws, and a brief comparative study, in order to provide suggested approaches for a new regulatory framework.


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The inclusion of local suppliers in production chains has considerable impact on its performance, but most notably in its main actors. The results of this process may be of different kinds and can be analyzed from economic or institutional approaches. This study aimed to verify the existence of different performances of Petrobras due to the inclusion of local suppliers in the oil and gas production chain in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the viewpoints of transaction costs and the Institutional Theory. In order to this, were made the characterization of the PROMINP, the description of its actions and results, the mapping of its institutional context of reference, and identification of results obtained by Petrobras in terms of transaction costs and legitimacy. The theoretical framework is based on authors dealing with industrial concentration, as like Marshall, Krugman, Porter and Schmitz, from the sociological perspective of neoinstitucional theory, as like DiMaggio and Powell and Scott and Meyer, and transaction costs, as like Williamson. This is a qualitative research, with data collection done by consulting secondary fonts and semi-structured interviews with nineteen actors of three groups, namely: actors involved in actions of the program, representatives of enterprises and representative of Petrobras. To analyze the content was used the Suchman s model (1995) for categories associated with strategies of legitimation and fourteen variables associated with the three variables assets specificity, bounded rationality and opportunism (Williamson, 1995, 1989) in the case of transaction costs. The results indicate that PROMINP has achieved its objectives by encouraging the increased participation of local companies in the oil and gas production chain, reflecting in the economic development of the state. The Redepetro/RN, fostered and built upon the interaction of the participants, is presented as a solution of continuity to the participation of enterprises in the chain, after the closure of the actions of the program. PROMINP demands responses to coercive, legislative and regulatory pressures of the organizational field, whose institutional context of reference is wide. From the point of view of legitimacy, through strategies to gain cognitive legitimacy and maintaining pragmatic legitimacy, Petrobras can manipulate the environment, ensuring the compliance of the constituents to their technical and institutional demands. Enterprises, in turn, respond to the demands through compliance with technical demands, mainly through the certification of processes, and cultural changes. There aren t clear gains related to the transaction costs, however, gains in legitimacy can be seen as a cumulative capital that can serve as a competitive differential that generates economic gains. In terms of theoretical findings, it was found that, due to its explanatory power for actions that are difficult to explain only in economic terms, Institutional Theory may be used as theoretical support concurrent with other theories. TCE model has limitations in explaining the program actions. In the case, it s emphasized that Petrobras doesn t seek only economic efficiency, but has in its mission the commitment to social development.


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Neste estudo, foram examinadas as relaes existentes entre a motivao e a satisfao do trabalhador no espao laboral. O estudo emprico foi conduzido em uma nica etapa, por meio da qual buscou-se conhecer as dimenses latentes identificadas e, a partir das dimenses validadas, buscou-se estabelecer relaes com caractersticas motivacionais, como antecedentes, e satisfao pelo trabalho realizado, como conseqncia do atendimento das necessidades manifestadas pelo trabalhador. Foram entrevistados 38 (trinta e oito) funcionrios da empresa gua Mineral Cristalina, incluindo-se os que ocupam cargos de chefia. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, foi utilizada parte do complexo da Auditoria do Sistema Humano ASH, criado por Quijano (1999), que se trata de um modelo de pesquisa na rea de Psicologia Social, incluindo a Administrao de Recursos Humanos, que analisa os processos psicolgicos e psicossociais nas organizaes. Para esta pesquisa, foram utilizados dois formulrios sugeridos pelo autor citado, (anexos 01 e 02). O primeiro denomina-se condies para a motivao , com 15 (quinze) questes do tipo likert. O segundo, "trabalho bem feito e satisfao de necessidades", tem 22 (vinte e duas) questes, tambm do tipo likert. O instrumento foi respondido por colaboradores, independente da posio hierrquica, em aproximadamente 10 (dez) a 15 (quinze) minutos. A aplicao foi realizada diretamente pelo pesquisador nas unidades de produção e de administrao da empresa. Por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais, foi estabelecido um modelo de relaes causais entre as dimenses latentes relacionadas motivao e o desempenho do empregado quando tem satisfeitas as suas necessidades. Quanto ao tratamento dos dados, este ocorreu de forma quantitativa. Quanto anlise, aconteceu aps os dados terem sido tratados. Nesta pesquisa, os dados foram analisados por meio de estatsticas descritivas, atualizando-se os recursos de softwares especficos como Statistic ou SPSS Statistic Package for Social Sciences. Usou-se a tcnica de Anlise de Regresso, na qual foi utilizado o mtodo STEPWISE que inclui na equao de explicao de uma varivel dependente somente aquelas que auxiliam ou incrementam sua explicao. Como variveis dependentes, foram utilizadas as variveis do formulrio "trabalho bem feito e satisfao de necessidades" e como varivel independe as variveis do questionrio "condies para motivao". Sob o ponto de vista prtico, este estudo mostrou que um determinado conjunto de caractersticas motivacionais influi positivamente na satisfao do trabalhador, que poder realizar um trabalho bem feito; do lado terico, a pesquisa verificou explicitamente a hiptese de que os aspectos motivacionais contribuem para que o empregado, sentindo-se satisfeito, desempenhe melhor as atribuies que lhe so conferidas


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Un conjunto de cambios viene siendo implantado en la Petrobrs procurando que sus unidades de negocios resulten ms modernas y competitivas para atender las necesidades del mercado. Dentro de esta perspectiva, un nuevo rgimen de trabajo, denominado turno fijo , ha sido implantado en dos activos de produccin de la provincia de Rio Grande do Norte. Tal situacin origin varios reclamos de los petroleros y, consecuentemente, el inters del SINDIPETRO-RN en obtener una evaluacin ms precisa de las consecuencias de los mismos. Este estudio, realizado a partir de la demanda sindical de esos trabajadores, ha tenido como objetivo central analizar los efectos del turno fijo sobre la salud mental de los operadores de produccin, actualmente lotados en los referidos activos. El estudio ha sido realizado con 39 operadores que representan el 82,9% de la poblacin objeto de este estudio. La muestra ha sido homognea en cuanto al gnero, grado de instruccin, edad y tiempo de servicio en la compaa, lo que ha posibilitado un mayor control de las variables y un estudio comparativo entre los dos activos. Para el desarrollo del estudio, se han aplicado los siguientes instrumentos de colecta de datos: una escala de medida probada y validada (QSG-12), un cuestionario abierto, entrevistas individuales y una ficha socio-demogrfica. Las respuestas del cuestionario abierto han sido categorizadas mediante la aplicacin de anlisis de contenido. Los resultados de ese tratamiento y las respuestas del QSG-12 han sido registradas en la forma de banco de datos del SPSS for Windows (Statical Package for social sciense for Windows) para luego procederse con el desarrolllo de los anlisis estadsticos. Los principales resultados encontrados en el estudio han sido que la mitad de los participantes de la muestra han presentado resultados de deteriorizacin de la autoeficacia ms elevado que 1,44 (un una escala de 0 a 3) y, en tensin emocional y depresin, el resultado es ms elevado que 1,67; la mayora se da cuenta del aumento de carga de trabajo, revela acentuado sufrimiento con el distanciamiento de la familia, y 58,8% presenta enfermedades psicosomticas crnicas. La percepcin de los operadores sobre el turno fijo e el anlisis de ste, conforme el modelo vitamnico de Warr, conducen a la conclusin de que el turno fijo es uno de los factores que est influyendo negativamente en la salud mental de esos trabajadores


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Neste estudo, foram examinadas as relaes existentes entre a motivao e a satisfao do trabalhador no espao laboral. O estudo emprico foi conduzido em uma nica etapa, por meio da qual buscou-se conhecer as dimenses latentes identificadas e, a partir das dimenses validadas, buscou-se estabelecer relaes com caractersticas motivacionais, como antecedentes, e satisfao pelo trabalho realizado, como conseqncia do atendimento das necessidades manifestadas pelo trabalhador. Foram entrevistados 38 (trinta e oito) funcionrios da empresa gua Mineral Cristalina, incluindo-se os que ocupam cargos de chefia. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, foi utilizada parte do complexo da Auditoria do Sistema Humano ASH, criado por Quijano (1999), que se trata de um modelo de pesquisa na rea de Psicologia Social, incluindo a Administrao de Recursos Humanos, que analisa os processos psicolgicos e psicossociais nas organizaes. Para esta pesquisa, foram utilizados dois formulrios sugeridos pelo autor citado, (anexos 01 e 02). O primeiro denomina-se condies para a motivao , com 15 (quinze) questes do tipo likert. O segundo, "trabalho bem feito e satisfao de necessidades", tem 22 (vinte e duas) questes, tambm do tipo likert. O instrumento foi respondido por colaboradores, independente da posio hierrquica, em aproximadamente 10 (dez) a 15 (quinze) minutos. A aplicao foi realizada diretamente pelo pesquisador nas unidades de produção e de administrao da empresa. Por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais, foi estabelecido um modelo de relaes causais entre as dimenses latentes relacionadas motivao e o desempenho do empregado quando tem satisfeitas as suas necessidades. Quanto ao tratamento dos dados, este ocorreu de forma quantitativa. Quanto anlise, aconteceu aps os dados terem sido tratados. Nesta pesquisa, os dados foram analisados por meio de estatsticas descritivas, atualizando-se os recursos de softwares especficos como Statistic ou SPSS Statistic Package for Social Sciences. Usou-se a tcnica de Anlise de Regresso, na qual foi utilizado o mtodo STEPWISE que inclui na equao de explicao de uma varivel dependente somente aquelas que auxiliam ou incrementam sua explicao. Como variveis dependentes, foram utilizadas as variveis do formulrio "trabalho bem feito e satisfao de necessidades" e como varivel independe as variveis do questionrio "condies para motivao". Sob o ponto de vista prtico, este estudo mostrou que um determinado conjunto de caractersticas motivacionais influi positivamente na satisfao do trabalhador, que poder realizar um trabalho bem feito; do lado terico, a pesquisa verificou explicitamente a hiptese de que os aspectos motivacionais contribuem para que o empregado, sentindo-se satisfeito, desempenhe melhor as atribuies que lhe so conferidas


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico


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A fragilidade brasileira quanto competitividade turstica um fato observvel nos dados da Organizao Mundial do Turismo. O Brasil caiu em 2011, da 45 para a 52 posio, apesar de liderar no atributo recursos naturais e estar colocado na 23 em recursos culturais. Assim, grandes interesses e esforos tm sido direcionados para o estudo da competitividade dos produtos e destinos tursticos. O destino turstico caracterizado por um conjunto complexo e articulado de fatores tangveis e intangveis, apresentando alta complexidade, dados de elevada dimensionalidade, no linearidade e comportamento dinmico, tornando-se difcil a modelagem desses processos por meio de abordagens baseadas em tcnicas estatsticas clssicas. Esta tese investigou modelos de equações estruturais e seus algoritmos, aplicados nesta rea, analisando o ciclo completo de anlise de dados, em um processo confirmatrio no desenvolvimento e avaliao de um modelo holstico da satisfao do turista; na validao da estrutura do modelo de medida e do modelo estrutural, por meio de testes de invarincia de mltiplos grupos; na anlise comparativa dos mtodos de estimao MLE, GLS e ULS para a modelagem da satisfao e na realizao de segmentao de mercado no setor de destino turstico utilizando mapas auto-organizveis de Kohonen e sua validao com modelagem de equações estruturais. Aplicaes foram feitas em anlises de dados no setor de turismo, principal indústria de servios do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, tendo sido, teoricamente desenvolvidos e testados empiricamente, modelos de equações estruturais em padres comportamentais de destino turstico. Os resultados do estudo emprico se basearam em pesquisas com a tcnica de amostragem aleatria sistemtica, efetuadas em Natal-RN, entre Janeiro e Maro de 2013 e forneceram evidncias sustentveis de que o modelo terico proposto satisfatrio, com elevada capacidade explicativa e preditiva, sendo a satisfao o antecedente mais importante da lealdade no destino. Alm disso, a satisfao mediadora entre a gerao da motivao da viagem e a lealdade do destino e que os turistas buscam primeiro satisfao com a qualidade dos servios de turismo e, posteriormente, com os aspectos que influenciam a lealdade. Contribuies acadmicas e gerenciais so mostradas e sugestes de estudo so dadas para trabalhos futuros.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico


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This survey develops a study about the pro-environment behavior of a brazilian company of oil and gas sector, emphazing the Petróleo Brasileiro S/A PETROBRAS in its Unit of Business of Exploration and Production in the State of Rio Grande do Norte and Cear − UN-RNCE. The work s development adopt the bibliographic research methodology with the descriptive exploratory analisys, with the purpouse of identifying related points with the knowledge and the analysed enterprise s staff conduct, by the aplication of the interview with a instrument of data colecting with closed variable questions from answers that varies from o to 10.The answers allowed us to know the employees knowledge about the related aspects of environmental responsability, knowing also the involvement of the employees with the politics of environmental managment that has been implemented in the operating area of the company. The research led us to an important verification of the pro-environmental behavior of the people interviewed. The results depends of a wise acting, not only inside the company, but also outside, where the results of this acting will be more perceived for the society. Finally, we conclude that the company has a politics of management with a great importance, emphasinzing that the employees are been in constant training about their behavior resulting in satisfaction


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With the new discoveries of oil and gas, the exploration of fields in various geological basins, imports of other oils and the development of alternative fuels, more and more research labs have evaluated and characterized new types of petroleum and derivatives. Therefore the investment in new techniques and equipment in the samples analysis to determine their physical and chemical properties, their composition, possible contaminants, especification of products, among others, have multiplied in last years, so development of techniques for rapid and efficient characterization is extremely important for a better economic recovery of oil. Based on this context, this work has two main objectives. The first one is to characterize the oil by thermogravimetry coupled with mass spectrometry (TG-MS), and correlate these results with from other types of characterizations data previously informed. The second is to use the technique to develop a methodology to obtain the curve of evaluation of hydrogen sulfide gas in oil. Thus, four samples were analyzed by TG-MS, and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). TG results can be used to indicate the nature of oil, its tendency in coke formation, temperatures of distillation and cracking, and other features. It was observed in MS evaluations the behavior of oil main compounds with temperature, the points where the volatilized certain fractions and the evaluation gas analysis of sulfide hydrogen that is compared with the evaluation curve obtained by Petrobras with another methodology


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This work presents the results of a survey in oil-producing region of the Macau City, northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. All work was performed under the Project for Monitoring Environmental Change and the Influence of Hydrodynamic forcing on Morphology Beach Grass Fields, Serra Potiguar in Macau, with the support of the Laboratory of Geoprocessing, linked to PRH22 - Training Program in Geology Geophysics and Information Technology Oil and Gas - Department of Geology/CCET/UFRN and the Post-Graduation in Science and Engineering Oil/PPGCEP/UFRN. Within the economic-ecological context, this paper assesses the importance of mangrove ecosystem in the region of Macau and its surroundings as well as in the following investigative exploration of potential areas for projects involving reforestation and / or Environmental Restoration. At first it was confirmed the ecological potential of mangrove forests, with primary functions: (i) protection and stabilization of the shoreline, (ii) nursery of marine life, and (iii) source of organic matter to aquatic ecosystems, (iv) refuge of species, among others. In the second phase, using Landsat imagery and techniques of Digital Image Processing (DIP), I came across about 18,000 acres of land that can be worked on environmental projects, being inserted in the rules signed the Kyoto Protocol to the market carbon. The results also revealed a total area of 14,723.75 hectares of activity of shrimp production and salting that can be harnessed for the social, economic and environmental potential of the region, considering that over 60% of this area, ie, 8,800 acres, may be used in the planting of the genus Avicennia considered by the literature that the species best sequesters atmospheric carbon, reaching a mean value of 59.79 tons / ha of mangrove