83 resultados para Pessoal da saúde
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The overall objective of this study is to analyze the efficiency in the use of resources and the quality of public health in the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte, from 2004 to 2008. It also seeks to identify the determinants of municipal inefficiency and measure the productivity of public spending on health. To this end, three methods of analysis are used: the DEA, the Malmquist index and the Tobit regression model. Among other findings, it appears that municipalities considered more inefficient in the measurement of expenditure on health make the largest expense in this function. On the other hand, from 2004 to 2008, only 13 municipalities showed an increase in the productivity of public spending. It is also noted that municipalities considered efficient in quality of health, although having more physical and human resources, offer fewer health services to the population. In all, the major determinants of health spending inefficiencies are the variables: age of the mayor, coalition, population density, literacy race and budget revenues. Regarding the inefficiency of the health quality, variables such as: coalition, literacy race have strong influence on this behavior. Thereby, the hypotheses proposed by the study have been fully accepted. In other words, for the efficiency of the quality and health spending it is needed more than resources, i.e., the expenditure shows itself as essential, but not enough, for political and economic aspects also interfere with the performance of spent and in the quality of health care offered to the population
The present study is about an etnographic research based on the Theory of Social Representation and its complementary approach, the Theory of Central Core based on the bourdiesianos concepts of field and habitus , concerning that these concepts, articulated to the constructed social representation, may contribute to the study of social identities. Its aim is to acknowledge which identity references community health agents (CHA), agents from Community Health Agent Program (CHAP) and Family Health Program (FHP) from João Pessoa PB and which social representation is constructed by them towards health education. The study had the participation of 119 CHAs, from which 90,3 % were female and 9,7% were male. Since the identity is also built by the representation of others towards the group, 63 professionals of the FHP group (16 nurses, 16 nursing assistents, 12 doctors, 9 dentists, 6 dentistry office assistents, 4 coordinators, 1 psicologist and 1 receptionist) and 1 nurse from CHAP took part of the study, oficial documents from the Health Ministry were analyzed, verbal information from its representatives were also taken into consideration, as well as reports from the many benefitiaries of the CHA, CHAP and FHP. For data collecting, we used the combination of (a) Direct Observation and Participant Observation of the functioning micro-areas of the CHA at the Family Health Units, and the Union of the Agents; (b) Free-Association of words and expressions to stimulate the CHA , Health Education and Health ; (c) Questionnaire; (d) Interviews. The interviews were submitted to a thematic analysis of its topic. The free-association was analyzed taking in consideration the vèrgesiana proposal (a combination of the frequency and average order of evocation) which treatment enabled the identification of the central and peripheral systems of social representation towards health education and the community health agent. A test of central refutation, associated to the analysis of the indicated evocations as the most important, provided empirical evidence of social representation towards health education as orientation , prevention and hygiene , as well as the identity of CHA as supervisor , friend , help , important , and the link between the community and the Family Health Staff. Other professionals from CHAP, FHP and the Health Ministry share all of these representational contents, especially the concepts of friend and link , also shared by the community. A habitus towards the community health agents was identified, as a representation based on trust and friendship, which gives the professional a great importance towards the daily inconsistencies faced by the community
This thesis proposes that the idea expressed in Juvenal s quotation Mens Sana in Corpore Sano, produced in the Ancient Greek-Roman civilization includes undestandings of body, heath and education that were reapropriated and reorganized by scientific and pedagogical theories in the XIX and XX centuries. These theories, especially the ones that received contributions from the biomedical sciences, have influenced Physical Education in the search of becoming a science. In order to realize this reapropriation, we have analyzed the transformations in the concepts of body, health and education produced in the area discourse, aiming at pointing out elements to the configuration of a theory that is being called Corpore Sano. The theory constitutes in possible systematization of scientific, philosophical and pedagogical concepts, and as such, an understanding of the scientific fundaments of Physical Education. The corpus of this analysis was composed by 148 articles that were published in Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte digitalized in the period between 1979 and 2003 and selected according to theme: body, biology, physical activity, effort physiology and health. The analysis of the content and the referential interpretation allowed the combination of philosophical reflection with attention to the empiric field as a comprehensive dimension. Based on the corpus of the analysis it is possible to configure meta-arguments about the concepts of body, health and education in the scientific production of Physical Education. As a metaresearch. Our study did not intend to judge the analyzed production, but look for theoretical elements that may generate a reflection about the scientific rationality in Physical Education and developments in the pedagogical field and in body practices. Such a reflection might be recognized as a theory of the living body, susceptible to modifications and interrogations that are proper of knowledge and practices of Physical Education. It is a theory rejects the idea of the complete truth and holds the comprehension that the truth is built historically through relations among different kinds of knowledge and Physical Education practices
This research, whose theme is related to climacteric, aims to know the social representation of menopause developed by the nurses working for Estratégia Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in João Pessoa PB, as well as identifying its structure and verifying the way it interferes with the assistance and educational practices to the climacterial user. In the theoretical level, it is based on a model that articulates the social representations theory, the central nucleus complementary theory and the central concepts of Pierre Bourdieu s praxiology: habitus, cultural capital, social field and symbolic power. A hundred and forty-seven female nurses who work for Estratégia Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in João Pessoa (PB) took part in this research, and the data collection period was from February 2008 to March 2009. As to the methods and techniques, we used the method to determine the central nucleus based on the free association of words, a questionnaire to identify certain regularities that constitute the nurses habitus, and the semi-structured interview to explore opinions and attitudes when facing assistance situations and educational practices and to collect other relevant information. The data analysis was developed, when referring to the free associations, with the help of the EVOC software, which is a group of articulated programs which carry out the statistical analysis of the evocations and the identification of the possible elements of both the central nucleus and the peripheral system of the social representation. As to the questionnaire, we used the descriptive statistical analysis and the analysis of correlation between the variables. The interviews were submitted to a categorical analysis of the content. The EVOC result indicated that the cognition hormone was the only element of the central nucleus of the social representation of menopause. Due to its symbolic value and structuring power, this central nucleus ensures the strict and, at the same time, flexible character of the representational content. The analysis of the social advancement, of some fundamental features of the group habitus, as well as the analysis of its insertion in the health field and of the attitudinal opinions and dispositions concerning the assistance given to the climacterial user, and the analysis of the pedagogical dimension of this assistance, all these analyses lead to the conclusion that the nurses who took part in this research share a social representation of the menopause resulting from the association of different technical and scientific knowledge. These derive from the biomedical pattern as well as from hegemonic values which disqualify old age and overvalue youth, from pedagogical conceptions arising from patterns that are presently regarded as authoritative and old-fashioned and from cultural references (responsible for the semantic variations concerning the central nucleus) which are specific to the subgroups the nurses belong to. This research enables the creation of opportunities for discussion between active nurses working for Estratégia Saúde da Família, and the nurses who are teachers at institutions of higher education, aiming at linking theory to practice, so that they can find ways of thinking about the climacteric and working, in a more comprehensive way, with users who are experiencing this stage of life
The present scenario is permeated by different comprehensions about the body and health. These are the result of a historical process experienced by men in different times and social contexts through which were being built. Faced this scenario, we emphasize the media as a powerful means of information and training ideas regarding the body and health of theses. The media also as a means of mediating information we present characteristics of the social scenario where is inserted. In our research we bring reflects about the comprehensions, knowledge and practices propagated by the way the body and health under "Medida Certa" of the program Fantastico the broadcaster Globo Telecommunications, in order to identify how Physical Education, has contributed the construction of knowledge disseminated. Therefore, we focus our analysis to the table "Medida Certa" exhibited by Fantastico in the months of April, May and June of 2011.The data for analysis were collected through the videos shown live in Fantastic and the information provided in the blog that table. Thus, we had 14 videos shown live, 16 videos posted on the blog, 97 posts in blog. As technique of analysis of the datas used of content analysis of the Bardin (2011). About body obtained as analytical categories: body as operating system; biological body; fragmented body exterior to the subject; body trailer quantified to patterns; subject body. How to health we analyze the categories of health existential: health existential based in biological indices of normality; health existential associated with weight loss and aesthetic patterns; health existential associated with physical activity and nutritional control; and finally we propose a comprehension of health existential. Therefore, from the analysis of the data evidenced a predominance of comprehensions, knowledge and practices about the body and health guided the biological constituents of the body, quantification and classification in medium and normal patterns on pervasive forms of care, in the linear association among physical activity and nutritional control with health, evidenced that Physical Education has contributed to these constructions, through some of his discourses with emphasis on biological aspects. Thus, in our study we advocate an understanding of not only the body as object, but also as a subject clipped by organic, cultural, historical and social elements, a living body, feeling, desire and above all expresses itself, and health viewed as something body, interlaced through the biological, cultural, historical and emotional aspects of this body that coexist in this society
This study is an exploratory descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The objective was to identify the actions for the early detection of breast cancer conducted by the health professionals of the Family Health Strategy in the Trairi region of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The research was conducted in nine municipalities of the region. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire with 52 Family Health Strategy professionals, 30 nurses and 22 physicians, that work in the region. Analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics. The results were organized and discussed in three areas: Knowledge about the early detection of breast cancer; Actions for early detection detection of breast cancer, and Difficulties experienced in the screening actions for breast cancer. The results indicate that these professionals (100%) have knowledge of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and that the majority (96,2%) conduct screening actions in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. However, a considerable number (55,8%) of these professionals encounters difficulties while conducting the screening procedures in his work setting. The difficulties varied from those of a personal nature to those of access to the procedure, such as the unavailability of sufficient quotas of screening exams. We conclude that the majority of health professionals execute the screening actions for breast cancer in their work settings according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, even though they encounter difficulties in the conclusion of the mammography and ultrasound exams, essential procedures in the early detection of breast cancer. We understand that these professionals demonstrate knowledge of secondary prevention even though they do not execute all the actions necessary for early detection primarily because they are impeded by the blockage of access to exam quotas. We conclude that, in spite of the difficulties experienced, the procedures for the early detection of breast cancer are being executed by the majority of the Family Health Strategy professionals in the Trairí region, specifically the clinical examination of the breast, orientation of breast self examination, requests for mammography and ultra sound examinations. Measures are needed that can mediate the difficulties, that will permit the realization of secondary prevention procedures with the population at risk in the region. We suggest training and actualization courses on the complete screening process that includes a wide discussion of the new legislation that provides the mammography exam for women over 40 years. We believe that the acquisition of such a work perspective for the early detection of breast cancer, along with knowledge of health vigilance and of breast cancer, will enhance integral health care of women that constitutes an aim of the nurse and the family health team
The Family Health Strategy (ESF) is emerging as a possible restructuring of services and new practices of intervention in health care; it requires skilled professionals to work with that framework. Within this purpose, we established the Education Programme for Work and Health (PET-Saúde), in order to integrate teaching and service activities, focusing on primary care. On this basis, the aim of this work is to apprehend the social representation of nurse, doctor and dentist (Project PET-Natal Health RN preceptors) on the ESF, while practice field of them. It is a descriptive and exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, carried out in 07 Family Health Units (USF) included in the PET-Saúde Natal (RN). The population was composed of 35 professional components of the primary care team with bachelor's degree of the USF linked to this project. The sample was composed of 05 nurses, 05 physicians and 05 dentists, for a total of 15 subjects. Data were collected through three instruments: the drawing-themed story, a semi-structured individual interviews and field diary. The data relating to the identification of the subjects were entered and tabulated by the Microsoft Excel software 2007 version. The drawing analysis and interpretation is given by the significance attributed to the resource chart from title and keywords assigned by the subjects, considering the ESF as an inductive term. The stories and interviews were transcribed and typed and then subjected to read/listen the material and a lexical analysis through Alceste. After this process, the discursive material was analyzed and discussed by theoretical and methodological feature of the Social Representations theory. The majority of health professionals were female, aged between 46 and 52 years old, married, income less than six minimum wage, time since graduation ranged from 22 to 29 years and working time in the ESF range from 02 to 11 years. From the classification system ALCESTE were selected categories identified by: Category 1 - ESF: relations and territory; Category 2 - Training and bond profile; Category 3 - Working process in the ESF; Category 4 - Articulation between teaching and service; Category 5 - Health care and disease prevention. The representational field construction, while a process, followed the logic of structural cores in existing categories. In this sense, it is clear that the ESF is an environment rich in diversity, experience and relationships with potential such as the relationship "very subject-subject" and the link established between professional-community, but also has some weaknesses such as poor working conditions, lack of popular participation and management support, thus difficulties in the achievement of teamwork. Being essential to that end, the teaching-service aimed at the formation of a new health professional able to work in the ESF. In this research, the training of the representational field encountered a diversity of structural cores, or thoughts on training, about the ESF because of the greater emphasis on the here and now of the interaction between health professionals, the ESF, the community, PET Health-UFRN and students, emphasizing that such proposals are still considered as concepts in the context of recent health and that, therefore, are not fully realized in the social imaginary
Brazilian health public assistance is going through two Reforms, Sanitary and Psychiatric, and through these the assistance is guaranteed in the three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary. Thus, mental health assistance should be offered since preventive cares until the ones that demand larger technological apparatus. Programs like Health Community Agent's Program (HCAP) and Family Health Strategy (FHS), besides increasing the services coverage, have been making possible the system reorientation in the meaning of integrality, universalization and equity. Thus, united intervention of mental health team and FHS can offer several benefits to the population, providing assistance and follow-up to patients with mental disorder. It was aimed to assess health community agents facing the user of Family Health Strategy in depressive state. This quanti-qualitative study took place in the municipal district of Abaiara-CE. Semi-structured interview was applied with health community agents and Beck Depression Inventory with the users registered in Family Health Strategy. It was verified that among the 64 users interviewed, 12.5% didn't present symptoms of depression, 10.9% presented symptoms of light depression, 14.1% symptoms of moderate depression and 62.5% symptoms of serious depression. For the 22 health community agents interviewed, they all reported the existence of people with symptoms of depression in their personal micro-areas, being difficult to work with them, once the FHS team is not qualified to work with mental health problems. It was verified that the Municipal district doesn't have specialized professionals, making difficult the routing and treatment. Based on these results, it was concluded that in spite of the articulation of mental health with FHS is necessary and benefactor to the population, it still doesn't exist, worsening the situation, mainly in small Municipal districts, once they don't have mental health services. Thus, the population is exposed and without follow-up, which allows the identification of installed diseases and with gravity, like depression, because there are no prevention and control activities. It is recommended, due the extreme need, the elaboration and implantation of a mental health program in these municipal districts, articulated with FHS
Venous ulcer (VU) is a lower limbs injury resulting from inadequate return of venous blood in feet or legs. Although it is not a deadly disease, it causes chronic wounds, which seriously undermine patients´ quality of life (QOL) and sometimes leads to drastic family, social, economic and psychological changes. In this sense, there are several aspects that may influence the venous ulcers patients´ QOL. The study´s objective aimed on the association of socio-demographic and health, health care and clinical injury on UV patients‟ QOL. Analytical studies, which consider the complexity of factors involved in changes in UV patients‟ QOL has a cross-sectional and quantitative approach. The HUOL Ethics Committee approved this project (n.279/09). The collection of data lasted a period of 3 months in 2010 and it took place at the clinic of Angiology at Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL). The data sample consisted of 60 patients treated by UV angiologists in the HUOL Surgical Clinic. The results were analyzed with SPSS 15.0 by descriptive and inferential statistics. The study was based on UV patients that were predominantly female, average age of 61.4 years, that had low education level and low family income, with occupations requiring long periods of standing or sitting, but mostly retired, unemployed or laid off due to the disease and/or due to chronic diseases associated with the UV. The study took also into consideration patients that used inappropriate products, that were improperly treated by a professional caregiver, that lacked of adequate guidance and compression therapy, that performed no lifting of the lower limbs and regular exercise, that the time of injury were greater than or equal to six months, that were missing specific laboratory tests. The study‟s reference were on recurrent lesions, medium to large lesions area, bed of the lesion (injuries) with fibrin and/or necrosis, with amount of exudate with medium to large, odorless and no signs of infection, with tissue loss between 1st and 2nd degree, without collecting swab or biopsy and with pain. In general, QOL of researched individuals were considered low, the maximum score was 69 points, which the areas that were mostly influenced were the total scores of QOL functional capacity (0.021), emotional (0.000) and social functioning (0.080). Of the 60 individuals, 53.3% had scores between 40 and 69 points in SF-36, and they had the best scores in sociodemographic and health variables (ρ = 0.049). In respect to the assistance and injury characteristics, patients who scored between 40 and 69 points in SF-36 had better scores on these characteristics. By combining the socio-demographic variables, health, and handling characteristics of the injury, we observed a significant difference (ρ = 0.032) when linking them with the QOL total scores. When analyzing separately the domains of the SF-36 scores on the quality of life, we find that the areas that showed statistical significance were functional ability (ρ = 0.035), appearance (ρ = 0.019), emotional (ρ = 0.000), and mental health (ρ = 0.050). Among the socio-demographic characteristics studied, gender and marital status contributed more to the reduction of QOL and among the variables of assistance and the injury, orientation, reference and area of UV contributed the most. By analyzing these five variables all together in accordance with the overall score obtained in the quality of life, we found a significant correlation (ρ = 0.002); with 6.23 times more chances of patients have better QOL in the presence of these five positive factors. By conducting the Mann Whitney U test between all the five demographic variables, health, and clinical care, we found that this combination also proved to be significant (ρ = 0.006). Therefore, patients with these five variables positive tend to have a better QOL. Based on these results, we reject the null hypothesis (H0) and accept the alternative hypothesis (H1) proposed in this study because we noted that the QOL of patients with UV is associated with sociodemographic and health, health care and clinical aspects of the injury
The desire to research on this subject arisen from the experience as nursing in the indigenous health, where I observed that many professionals from all regions of Brazil chose to work within this zone. It was notorious the nurse s difficult to settle in only one place for a long length of time. Probably due to health care in indigenous zones happens from a cultural confront. This confront materialize because both sides are imbued with their own culture: in one hand the nurse professional with its scientific knownledgment on the other the indigenous with their rituals and peculiars habits. In this context nurses should delineate and negotiate the reality through symbolic representations of life, and then make questions on the new reality. In this way, this study set out with the aim of apprehends the nurse s social representations of transcultural care in indigenous health. This knownledgment is important to avoid possible conflicts, shocks, difficulties and health care incongruence within this context. The data collect was carried out on a range of non structured interview guided by a pre-elaborated questionnaire with four questions and a hand drawing related to nurse s health care in the indigenous health. This research had a sample of 17 nurses from the Indigenous Sanitary District of Manaus in the Amazon State. To interpret data we used the Discourse of the Collective Subject, which findings were presented in three chapters: characterization of participants, discussion on themes prevalent in discourse; social representation of nursing care through infographics. The analysis revealed that the care in the indigenous health is challenging because the native people imbued in its world are perceived and processed according to the nurse s cultural lens, leading to materialize of some strangeness and adaptation difficulties, especially in the first contacts. The Social Representation on nursing practice, in many cases, is projected and contrived on the basis of scattered believes and on perception derived from common sense. The findings shows that representions are essential to mitigating the initial strangeness and help nurses to better situate themselves in the new universe. The nurse s practice in the indigenous health care should merge into each other. From the Social Representations is possible to perceive that assimilation, also comprehension on indigenous health system and its traditional knowledge are important to developing strategies to improve access and quality of care for indigenous peoples. After analysis the nurse s discourses and drawings, it is possible to represent the nurse s practice in the indigenous health as anthropophagism, since nurses should literally consuming its patients culture, digesting it and seize it as means to provide culturally congruent care. We highlight the urgent need for preparation and training of professionals to work more effectively with indigenous peoples
The pregnancy as a process in woman's life requires several biological, psychological, relational and socio-cultural changes for the preparation for motherhood. By modifying its capacity and, at the expense of these factors, it is observed that the physical, social and emotional problems experienced by women during pregnancy can affect their quality of life, especially related to health. It had as objectives of this research verifying the quality of life of women in the context of the Family Health Strategy in a municipality in Paraíba, in order to characterize the sociodemographic aspects, lifestyle habits, and obstetric care of pregnant women and to characterize the fields of quality of life of pregnant women according to the WHOQOL-bref. This is a descriptive exploratory study with cross-sectional and quantitative approach. The population consisted of 120 pregnant women in primary care in the municipality of Sousa-PB. Data collection occurred over a period of two months by the own master's degree student and two nursing students in applying a standard form about sociodemographic characteristics, and obstetric care and the WHOQOL-bref instrument. The data collected were organized into an electronic database of the Microsoft Excel application, coded, tabulated and presented in tables, charts and figures with their respective percentage distributions. Of the surveyed, the predominant were age group of 20 to 25 years, Catholic religion, with a steady partner, low education, no employment, wage income of 01 minimum wage. As for the data and obstetric care, almost all had never aborted and reported to the care received as excellent. The most frequent complaints were back pain and in lower abdomen. Regarding quality of life according to the WHOQOL-bref, dissatisfactions that predominated in the areas were in the physical pain and discomfort, sleep, rest, energy and fatigue. In the psychological domain, body image and appearance, memory, concentration and negative feelings. In the field of social relationships, sexual activity and the environment domain, the greatest dissatisfaction with facets scored: financial resources, leisure opportunities and transport. It is concluded that the quality of life of the users interviewed were deemed unsatisfactory for these facets, indicating that assistance to this target audience should be done comprehensively and holistically, in order to accommodate the affected facets to improve the quality of life pregnant women attended in primary care
In Brazil, the mental health network proposed by the Psychiatric Reform inserts the intermediate and replacement services in the pursuit of alignment or resocialization of patients with mental and behavioral disorder in the community. Was adopted, among other services, the Center for Psychosocial Care, Home Therapy, Sheltered Home, Day Hospital and psychiatric beds in general hospital. In this context, the State of Rio Grande do Norte implanted the Day Hospital Dr. Elger Nunes (HDEN) in Natal / RN in 1996, linked to State Department of Public Health. At HDEN happened a multi and interdisciplinary therapeutic work, besides being the scene of disciplinary practices, and extension projects for graduate courses in Higher Education Institutions in the city. However, with the process of decentralization of local services, the hospital was terminated by an administrative state act in 2006, leaving damage to the activities provided to users, disciplinary practices and extension activities. From this breakdown, the objective was to narrate the trajectory of HDEN through a multidisciplinary team of professionals and teachers who used it as a field of disciplinary practices. It is characterized as a documental and qualitative, backed in the technique of thematic oral history, following the phases: authorization of the interviewee, interview recording, transcription, textualization and transcreation of the material obtained. We used documents, ordinances, general reports of activities, among others, plus interviews to fifteen employees who used this service, being thirteen part of the multidisciplinary team of professionals and two graduation professors of health care area, nursing and medicine. The stories collected were organized according to the technique chosen, respecting its steps. In preparing the body subjected to ALCESTE computer program, priority was given to the vital tone for the formation of categories and classes elected by the program, structured in three thematic areas. In the first axis, called Trajectory of HDEN, were recalled the beginning of its activities, the steps of that time, their activities, and its actors - users, families, professionals, and teaching practices. The second axis has dealt with the process of extinction of HDEN, rescuing the feelings of employees, the main reasons given at the time and immediate postextinction scenario. And the third axis revealed in an articulated form the situation of mental health in Natal / RN, listing to the challenges and prospects for the psychosocial care, starting from the trajectory of HDEN with emphasis on activities. Moreover, the trajectory of HDEN provides recognition of the historical basis outlined in the constitution of the network of substitute services present in the current scenario of psychosocial care in the city of Natal and in RN.
Tuberculosis is a disease of great impact on the world context today. In Brazil, the disease management was directed to the Primary Health Care, due to the determination of the Ministry of Health to decentralize health actions for primary care. Thus, since the actions of diagnosis, treatment and control of the disease should happen in this context, however, there are still many barriers that may hinder the realization of these determinations. This study aims to analyze the development of tuberculosis control activities conducted in the services of primary health care from the patient's vision. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study. The population consists of 517 tuberculosis patients treated in units of Primary Health Care in the city of Natal-RN; the sample consists of 93 TB patients. The collect instrument is structured, based in The Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT), validated in Brazil and adapted to assess attention to TB in Brazil, with modifications. This instrument was divided into blocks: the first one describes the socio-demographic information of patients with TB and the second one describes the health services working in control, diagnosis and treatment of TB, and includes issues related to the dimensions of primary care: access, bond, services, coordination of care, guidance to the community and family focus. For quantitative analysis, were built indicators for each item of the instrument. The response patterns are followed according to the Likert scale, which was assigned a value between one and five meant that the degree of preference relation (or agreement) of the statements. Values between 1 and 3 were considered unsatisfactory for the indicator, between 3 and less than 4, regular, and between 4 and 5, satisfactory. The results indicate that 62.37% of patients are male, 27.96% aged 41 to 50 years old, and 34.41% unemployed, with low education and low family income. It was found that the reference hospital services are the front door to the patient (59.14%), and are also the local diagnosis of the disease (72.04%). On access, the conditions satisfactory found are: the number of times the patients need to pick up the health care issue, the marking and the facility to get a consultancy in the HS, assistance provided without harm to the individual's attendance labor and facilities related to the proximity between the residence and services; were considered unsatisfactory conditions related to travel to the HS, and on hours and days of operation of services. As for the cast of services were satisfactory and regular actions related to the request for examination to become viable in the first HS, the availability of pot to perform smear and medicines for the treatment, as well as consultations control and receiving information about the disease and the treatment performed; it is considered unsatisfactory the performance of the home care for patients with TB by the HS that acts as a front door, for implementation of the Directly Observed Treatment (DOT), home visits during treatment, the provision of transportation allowance to the patient and the existence of groups for TB patients. Regarding the coordination of care, resulted in regular the action of referring the patient to other HS to obtain examinations, and as unsatisfactory referral to obtain medications. The relationship bond between patient and health team were considered satisfactory in the majority or regular. As for the family and community focus, is satisfactory only the indicator relating to questions from professionals to the patient about the existence of respiratory symptoms in the family. It is considered that there is need for greater commitment from government entities to the incentives required to TB control, as well as the availability of necessary inputs and training of human resources working in the PHC in the ongoing quest to strengthen primary care, as a place of broader host needs to contact the user with the actions and health professionals. It is recommended the adoption of management mechanisms possible to expand the capacity of the health PHC, promoting the service delivery to the user and ensuring attention to population health.
The joint enters the teams of the Strategy Health of Family (ESF) and the Municipal Center of Infantile education (CMEI) blunts as a form to assure the monitoring and promotion to the health of the children of 2 the 5 years when entering the day-care center environment/daily pay-school. It was traced as objective: To analyze the actions developed for the team of the Strategy Health of the Family in the promotion the health of the child, taken care of in a CMEI. Description-exploratory is to a study, qualitative nature, the type research-action. Developed in a CMEI and the USF of the quarter of New City, Natal-RN. The population was constituted by the professionals of the team of the ESF and the CMEI and parents. During the stages of the research-action diverse techniques had been used as the individually interview and in group, focal group, comment participant, and daily of field. The analysis of the data occurred by means of the content analysis, in the thematic modality, proposal for Bardin (1977) and description of the stages of the research-action. In the stage of situational diagnosis that it investigates the reality lived deeply for the citizens of ESF and CMEI how much to the health of the child seven categories had emerged that they enclosed: the context of the attention child in the CMEI identifying the actions that already came being developed for the ESF in the CMEI; the functioning of the CMEI and its routine of activities; the paper of the CMEI in the care the child; the daily one of the ESF, how much to the care to the health of the child of 2 the 5 years involving the diverse difficulties faced for the ESF; difficulties faced in daily of the CMEI for the care the child of 2 the 5 years; paper of joint ESF and CMEI for the confrontation of the difficulties; e action of health to be developed that they had subsidized the stage of planning of the research-action. During the stages of planning and implementation of the actions the actions of education in health with professionals of the CMEI and parents had been materialize and the actions of direct attention the health of the child. In the stage of evaluation of the actions for the involved citizens one searched to ahead understand the perception of the actions developed and perspective of continuity of the actions, through 4 boarded subjects for the citizens. For all the passage of the research-action it can be inferred that joint ESF and CMEI is a necessary initiative ahead of the current situation of the services of health for the promotion of an integral attention the health of the child, but that the teams of the ESF not yet make use of material conditions and staff enough to develop actions that exceed the limits of the USF, being necessary for this the reinforcement of the joints mainly with the Federal University of the Rio Grande of the North.