27 resultados para Oficinas de psicologia
The undergraduate courses in Psychology have been historically pointed as defective in aspects related to the critical education and the integration between theory and practice. Hence, the scientific education has been considered a possibility to overcome those lacks. Therefore, this study has investigated the undergraduate education process of Psychology students with PIBIC (Portuguese acronym for Undergraduate Scientific Research Scholarships Institutional Program) scholarships from CNPq (Portuguese acronym Brazilian National Council of Scientific and Technological Development). The scholarship program has been a strategic tool for the undergraduate scientific research. Electronic questionnaires have been sent to all the PIBIC scholarship students of Psychology in Brazil (622; 104 have answered), containing questions about the program developed activities, tutoring and advising, PIBIC evaluation and other ones. The students scientific and academic production has also been investigated through their Lattes (CNPq s Platform in which researchers have their academic résumés). The major part of the participants (70%) has stated that the first motivation to be in the program had been their interest in the research or in the academic career. Furthermore, 60% of the scholarship students has worked as volunteers before receiving PIBIC scholarship. Among the students who have answered the research, 65,4% has reported they are tutored directly by their advisors, and 80% of them attends one or more than one advising meeting every fifteen days. It has been identified that the Psychology scholarship students do not participate in all the research activities and that the proximity with the advisor is related to the accomplishment of tasks which contributes with the student critical and reflexive education. Finally, less than 25% of the students has published scientific articles or book chapters during the scholarship, what XI demonstrates a possible exclusion of them in that phase of the process. In general, the scholarship students evaluate the program positively by revealing that it contributes with their professional and academic education. For those reasons, it is observed PIBIC s potential role for the undergraduate education in order to develop more critical psychologists able to propose innovations and contextualized practices. However, the results obtained in programs like the studied one denounce the disqualification of the provided undergraduate education for the major part of the university students, who do not have a PIBIC scholarship. As a result, it is emphasized that it there should be more investment for improving the quality of the undergraduate education itself and not only for programs which are available for few students
The present research aimed to analyze the presence of national scientific production in undergraduate studies in Psychology of Rio Grande do Norte. Therefore, the bibliographical references contained in education plan of subjects linked to the common center of the courses, which were taught in 2011 in three Psychology courses of the state, were focused. The analysis of the material was based on bibliographical and contextual aspects of the production, such as year, nationality, type of material, authorship (including the link of authors to PPGs), structuring axis of the subject in which it was mentioned, among others. The results showed that the national production is predominant in all courses, and they are, mostly, originated from PPGs of Psychology. Among these, the publications resulted from programs in Southwest, with emphasis to PUC-SP, are recent (mostly from 2000s) and they are predominantly composed by books (organizations and full texts). Regarding the distribution of Psychology PPGs production by the structuring axes, it is observed that it surpasses the foreign production only in axis C (procedures of scientific investigation and professional practice) and axis F (professional practices). Accordingly, it is concluded that Psychology production is found in graduation, sharing space with foreign publications and from other areas of knowledge. On the one hand, this is positive, by taking into account the importance of several foreign works and from other fields to build the knowledge in Psychology; on the other hand, it shows that the production from this area is inserted in graduation in a less significant way than its growth, which points out the existence of gaps in the development of some investigative domains from national Psychology
A partir dos diagnósticos das vulnerabilidades da condição juvenil contemporânea, as Políticas Públicas de Juventude tem ganhado maior força e um lugar mais definido nas pautas das demandas e conquistas sociais. Faz-se necessário, então, direcionar atenção para estas Políticas Públicas, a fim de promover uma reflexão sobre como ocorre a execução destas junto ao seu público alvo. Esta dissertação centraliza sua análise no Projovem Adolescente (PJA), uma das modalidades Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens PROJOVEM que se destina ao atendimento de jovens com específica faixa etária entre 15 a 17 anos, com caráter assistencial e socioeducativo. Desta forma, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi discutir as ações do Projovem Adolescente no que diz respeito ao processo socioeducativo, a partir da perspectiva dos adolescentes participantes da cidade de Natal/RN. E, especificamente, objetivou-se: investigar de que maneira os adolescentes avaliam as atividades das quais participam, considerando se suas expectativas coincidem com as propostas do serviço; averiguar a participação dos adolescentes na elaboração, execução e avaliação das ações socioeducativas do serviço; bem como compreender as motivações que contribuem para a inserção e permanência ou evasão dos adolescentes no PJA. Para tanto foram realizados três grupos focais com adolescentes participantes do Projovem Adolescente, em diferentes núcleos do serviço, no município de Natal/RN. Cada grupo focal contou com dois encontros, em que primeiramente foram debatidos aspectos da participação nas ações socioeducativas e, num segundo encontro foram realizadas oficinas de produção de fanzines. A análise qualitativa dos dados foi realizada a partir da perspectiva teórica do materialismo histórico-dialético, utilizando-se como método de análise o Método Comparativo Constante, baseado na Teoria Fundamentada, que busca compreender o significado do fenômeno sob a perspectiva dos participantes. Os resultados foram apresentados divididos em eixos de análise os quais versaram sobre: as concepções dos jovens sobre adolescência e juventude; e a participação nas ações socioeducativas do PJA, destacando-se as características positivas e negativas apontadas pelos participantes, a relação dos jovens com o trabalho e as possibilidades e contribuições do PJA em seus contextos de vida. Em vista da análise empreendida, é possível constatar que a concepção dos participantes sobre a própria vivência da adolescência e juventude se encontra marcada pela absorção de determinadas imagens socialmente atribuídas aos jovens, como a que considera a juventude enquanto etapa de preparação para o mundo adulto. A participação nas ações socioeducativas, por sua vez, foi, de uma maneira geral, avaliada positivamente pelos participantes, não obstante esta avaliação, os jovens apresentaram uma visão muito crítica sobre a execução do serviço no município de Natal, relatando conhecer bem as dificuldades de ordem da gestão, bem como as contradições e limitações nas ações do serviço. Compreende-se a perspectiva da inclusão social no contexto neoliberal em que são implementadas as políticas sociais, contudo acredita-se que dar voz aos jovens participantes contribuiu para proporcionar uma reflexão sobre o modo como as políticas sociais, através do Projovem Adolescente tem atingido seu público, considerando as questões e perspectivas apresentadas pelos jovens como ferramentas a serviço das juventudes na construção de políticas democráticas e efetivas
Intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents is a highly complex and serious issue in terms of the damage caused to this population. However, despite the relevance of this discussion, the matter only began to be addressed in the second half of the twentieth century, with its inclusion in academic research from the perspective of damage caused to the victims. Debate on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents has intensified in recent decades, particularly with the enactment of the Statute on Children and Adolescents (Federal Law 8069/90), which recognizes children and adolescents as rights holders. Open discussion on the issue meant several fields of knowledge began to study the topic. Particularly prominent among these areas is the field of Psychology, promoting theoretical discussions and practical interventions focusing on this type of violence. Given the theoretical and methodological diversity of psychological science and the many possibilities for the production of knowledge, this study aims to map and debate research conducted in the field that discusses intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents in Brazil. To that end, articles published in Psychology journals were analyzed. In order to achieve this objective, a search was conducted of Scielo Brasil using descriptors on the subject, chosen from a list reported by Faleiros (2000). The time frame studied was between 1990 and 2013, therefore included the date of the enactment of the Statute of Children and Adolescents. Qualitative analysis was selected as a data analysis technique around two main themes. The first involved analyzing the concept of intrafamily sexual violence based on its components. The second analytical theme addressed the theoretical and methodological strategies used by the authors. The aim was to identify and discuss the approaches chosen to achieve the proposed objectives as well as the justifications provided by the authors for their research. Analyses of these themes were based on theoretical discussions on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents. Difficulties were identified in conceptualizing intrafamily sexual violence so as to include all its elements and differentiate it from sexual exploitation. The studies assessed showed substantial diversity in both the theoretical and methodological approaches used, contributing to understanding the phenomenon. It is expected that this study will contribute to reflection on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents, promoting new studies and/or practical interventions
The increasing search for the psychological attendance, express in the waiting list in the clinics, clinic-school and in the private clinics, beyond the increase of the choice of psychology as professional career among the pre-college students, allows us to reflect about the place that is occupied by the Psychology, nowadays. The main focus of this study is the clinical Psychology, an area of psychology. The interest in to deepen the reflection regarding of the place that the psychologist and his acting had been assumed in our society, emerged from our own actuation as clinical psychologist. Reflections concerning the suffering of man of our time, accompanying our inquietude while researcher and made us question about the actuation of clinical psychology, nowadays. This research aimed to understand how the clinical psychologists perceive their practice, attempting to get appointments regarding of what is to be clinical psychologist in contemporaneity, more specifically, in the face of the psychic suffering. Based on a phenomenological perspective of research were accomplished semi-structured interviews and a discussion group with clinical psychologists. From the obtained results, we arrived to the following conclusions: a) the most of participants considered the academic formation of the psychologist insufficient and far from social reality; b) the speeches revealed that there is still a relation between the practice of clinical psychologist and the medical model of attendance. Nevertheless, was observed a change in the new psychologists conception of clinic, but is still in development; c) in the most of speeches, we founded consensus about the idea of that the social context which the contemporaneous world lives, had generated new demands of suffering; d) the clinical listening is considered the specificity of the clinical psychologist. We believe that this study had been contributed to fomenting the discussion about the academic formation of clinical psychologist and, the concepts and models of clinic that now base the actuation of the professionals that are inserted on the work market
Poverty is a main theme in Brazil: according to official data, poverty reachs 70 million Brazilian people, and, between them, 20 million are unable to provide their basic needs. Psychology, as a welfare profession, and given its historical concerns with social actions, could not be away from this theme. Based on this, we ask: Which answers Psychology can provide, toward both the production of knowledge and the practice about social reality? The purpose of this paper is to investigate the psychological scientific production on poverty and the propositions, limits and impacts of psychological actions. We carried out a three stages documental based study analyzing Brazilian psychological literature: (1) online databases survey (312 papers identified); (2) 109 scientific abstracts accessed and coded; (3) selected 47 scientific papers read and analyzed. Results are presented in three sections: general description of the selected scientific production; characterization of the role of poverty in psychological literature; and themes presented at the papers. The academic production about the main theme (poverty) is dispersed, heterogeneous, and related to other fields of knowledge. Poverty is presented at these studies in many ways, such as: a criterium for sample design and the assessment of its psychological impacts; reports on professional experience with poor population; descriptions of this population group; relationship between poverty and others social themes; developmental and learning problems of poor children. In general, it appears that Psychology has improved the scientific production and experiences with poor population. However, it is necessary to build up theories and technical innovations and also to understand structural boundaries for professional practice with this population group
A pesar del cuadro crítico de la pobreza y desigualdad social en que vivimos en el país, las perspectivas actuales apuntan para el fin del Estado Interventor y para la reducción del gasto público destinado a las políticas sociales. Con el enjugamiento del estado, el Tercer sector está encargado de pacificar la cuestión social, reduciéndola al ámbito del deber moral. Convocado al compromiso social, el psicólogo también empieza a trabajar en la frontera de la exclusión, sin cuestionar la finalidad y las implicaciones políticas del nuevo escenario. El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar la práctica social del psicólogo, en el ámbito del tercer sector , buscando el análisis que hace del nuevo campo de trabajo, así como las estrategias utilizadas en el enfrentamiento de la pobreza. Para la investigación, fueron realizadas 20 (veinte) encuestas semiestructuradas con psicólogos que actúan en instituciones del tercer sector . Las encuestas fueron analizadas cualitativamente, a la luz de la perspectiva gramsciana de sociedad civil y emancipación humana, bien como de los preceptos de la Psicología Comunitaria y Intervención Psicosocial. Utilizamos como base de análisis, todavía, el Método Comparativo Constante. Los resultados fueron agrupados en tres ejes: quien son los nuevos quijotes de la Psicología, las demandas del Tercer Sector y las estrategias utilizadas por el psicólogo en el Tercer Sector . La perspectiva defendida en este trabajo es la de que en el campo de las intervenciones sociales, y más acentuadamente en el Tercer Sector , los psicólogos serían nuevos quijotes , actuando con buena voluntad, con grandes sueños de transformación, pero realizando acciones que no parten de una lectura crítica y adecuada de la realidad, no percibiendo sus posibilidades reales y sus límites de actuación. Finalmente, defendemos que se debe buscar, con la inserción profesional; mejorar la calidad de vida y el bienestar, a través de una intervención proactiva, buscando el desarrollo, la organización y la emancipación de las personas, grupos y comunidades
Postgraduate studies in Psychology have passed through intense process of growth and consolidation, attested by current high levels of scientific production. It is questionable, however, the return that psychological science has given to a society that has made large investments. Considering the increasing integration of Psychology in the social welfare area, a form of possible and necessary contribution is by the expansion of social policy debate. This work aimed to discuss how Psychology postgraduate studies can contribute to understand the issue of social policy. The object were academic theses defended in the 2007/2009 triennium related to one of the five thematic criteria, which resulted in 105 theses of 824 defended in the period. The main results point to the existence of the issue in Psychology programs in a sprayed way, predominantly, albeit for a limited set of researchers and programs, "social policy" appears as a priority object of research, indicating incipient systematization of these studies. Moreover, it was found that while the majority of theses can be characterized by fragility of the theoretical frameworks in relation to the subject, with most research in a strictly technical perspective, some proportion of the studies reveals concern about putting the social policy debate into a broader social context, which represents the essential condition to construct a reasoned and robust theoretical critic. In conclusion, this thesis defends that psychological science can only contribute effectively to the society development if academic community promotes a structured articulation around the theme, deepens the theoretical debate and transforms the knowledge built into organized political practice
This master thesis has the main goal investigate how families are inserted in the socioeducational process of teenagers who are undergoing social measures of liberty deprivation. The specific objectives are: to characterize the family´s living together of adolescents deprived of their freedom and their families, from the actions and routines of the socio-educational system; to assess the professional working links in the context of socio-education, in order to care and strengthening families of the adolescents; to investigate how families evaluate the operation of socio-educational process in which adolescents are met. Method: to achieve the proposed objectives, data collection occurred in complementary steps: the first phase took place from visits to socioeducational units of liberty deprivation of RN, and dialogues with professionals working in socio-education. Subsequently, action research stage was carried out, from the insertion of the researcher in the extension project Family and the struggle for the effectiveness of the National Socio Service System, that aimed to strengthen monitoring the adolescents socio-education by their families, and had as methodology the conversation circles and thematic workshops. Lastly, were performed reading and analysis of the references to the family in the Individual Care Plans (PIAs) for adolescents. The information gathered was recorded in field diaries and subjected to thematic content analysis. This research was guided by the Marxist theoretical framework, structured on the understanding of the involvement of adolescents with illegal acts as a development and expression of the social question. From this theoretical framework, the prevailing view in the capitalist society of adolescents in conflict with the law as individuals who are treated by means of repression and segregation and the weakness of social policies is questioned, both in the execution of their own socioeducational measures as the articulation of network services for adolescent protection and strengthening your family. Results: in relation to the operation of the socioeducational system in RN in general, it was observed a state of unhealthy physical spaces and institutional practices that violate human rights, idleness and lack of access to social rights, and criminalization and institutionalization of poor young people and their families. With regard to family´s living together, it was noticed great distance between principles and guidelines recommended by the SINASE, about acquaintanceship and family strengthening, and every day practices of socio-education in RN: serious violations were observed that undermine the family´s living together, as the distance between the socio-educational units of deprivation of liberty and the cities where families live; absence, irregularity and poor conditions in carrying out the family visits; lack of conjugal visits; restricted and unarticulated actions for the care and strengthening of the families of adolescents, most of whom live in poverty or extreme poverty. Finally, it was found a number of blamefully and punishments to the family, including practices such as inward inspection (visual inspection while naked and squant), plus a series of violence and omissions care that sick family members and weaken the links between adolescents and their families.
The audiovisual media is an instrument of communication that plays an important role in the cultural, social and political understanding of society. This survey was done intenting to identify the contribution of the audiovisual media to the culture in the Rio Grande do Norte and trying to understand the process of producing audiovisual in this state. To reach the aim, a case report was done regard the activities of Caminhos, Comunicação & Cultura – CC&C – a group that conducts cultural activities in the state since 2006 and has 76% of its activities related to audiovisual production, in which 47% of them, are video workshops. The video workshop project "Sowing Culture", held by the group in the city of Venha Ver/RN in January 2013, was observed and analised from its conception to its realization. The research pursued to reveal how the initiatives of independent producers, such as the CC&C group, can promote the access to audiovisual culture in regions where such knowledge is limited or nonexistent, due to the poor state policies related to the culture. Methodologically, the research was structured by performing a historical and descriptive analysis of hypothetical-deductive method through participant observation. For the conceptual and theoretical development, it was addressed the Sociability, Ethnography and media activism. The research proved that the independent audiovisual producers are promoting changes in the RN audiovisual practices. Before the background featured in the research, it is proposed a prognostic from researching to opening the RN Audiovisual Observatory, a communicational tool projected as space of sharing information, thinking, speaking, contacting and promoting the audiovisual productions of the state.
A reading method (Cervo & Bervian, 1983) was applied to select psychology publications on health. The rejection of the biomedical model is a recurring theme in these publications. Its point of view is that the model is reductionistic because it emphasizes (1) the disease (2) as a body dysfunction and by consequence health is understood as the absence of disease. The implications of the biomedical model for health are biological materialism and physiological mechanicism. Psychology publications counterpoint to biomedicine is to include attention to life contexts and consider the role of individual behavior and lifestyle in the health-disease process. Those thoughts about the nature of health imply a conception of man, especially when some articles claim that Descartes’ ideas are the ground to biomedicine development. Psychology publications reviewed highlight health characteristics related to a different view of the human mode of being. The thesis presented develops an understanding that Martin Heidegger’s Dasein Analytic is a conception of human being consistent with the selected psychology works’ view of health. It means psychology’s discussion about what is health is based on an implicit approach to the human being, one that allows the rethinking of health. The heideggerian Dasein is a vision of man in tune with the comprehension of health presented in the selected publications. It is understood that the manner a human phenomenon is conceptualized is related even implicitly to a conception of man. To take into account health’s contextual aspects like society, environment, and culture call attention to the man world relationship to which Heidegger calls being in the world. To highlight the role of behavior on one’s own health makes a point of the relationship man has with her/his own being, which Heidegger calls mineness.
The object of this study is the organizational management, particularly the relational processenvironment organization focused on the survival of the space Department of the Arts and Crafts Mestre Raimundo Cardoso linked to the structural arrangement of the Liceu do Paracuri.. Aimed to understand the ways of organizational survival, from the actors' perception of the Center for Arts Career Workshops and Lais Aderne, with investments that discuss the theoretical models of management, institutional theory, cultural organization and institutionalization of public education requirement of the municipal light LDB. (1996) used a qualitative approach with a view to RICHARDSON (1985). The data generated were analyzed based on the technique of content analysis, the thematic type [categorical] Bardin (1977). The results indicate that the institutionalization of the arrangement of the Liceu do Paracuri emerges meet the legal requirement of the autonomy of municipal educational administration under the aegis of sustainable development, quality of life and basic education from the municipal Hélio Gueiros (1993-1996 ). More specifically the Center for Arts and Crafts Laís Aderne, the unit of analysis, the subjects said that this space is designed as a link between the demands of school and community searching through interdisciplinary activities educate and train manpower mainly potter. They did mention the existence of institutional factors (history, culture, habits, values) represent a strong socio-cultural element to the actors belonging to the core that guides behavior and actions of these individuals, fueled by a sense of hope, inclusion of future artisans in culture ceramist. It made a shared management, the existence of a unique work through cultural revival. However, over the course of time, the core is faced with dilemmas of managing transitions mainly regarding governmental, technological beyond endurance by the craftsmen for the optimization of their work. The conclusion - that the paths chosen for the organizational survival of the core meaning and guiding their actions in the systematization of conduct, representations, memories and traditions through habits and choices of consensus, the viewpoint of the actors