143 resultados para Ocupação do espaço


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This research aimed to identify the link between the layout of workspaces in offices and the design strategies for environmental comfort. Strategies surveyed were focused on the thermal, visual and luminic comfort. In this research, visual comfort is related to issues of visual integration within and between the interior and exterior of the building. This is a case study conducted at the administrative headquarters of Centro Regional Nordeste do Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE-CRN), located in Natal/RN. The methodological strategy used was the Post-Occupancy Evaluation, which combined the survey data on the building (layout of workspaces, bioclimatic strategies adopted in the design, use of these strategies) with some techniques aimed at acquiring qualitative information related to users. The workspace layout is primordial to satisfaction and productivity of workers. Issues such as concentration, communication, privacy, personal identity, density and space efficiency, barriers (access, visual and even ventilation and lighting), among others, are associated with the layout. The environmental comfort is one of the essential elements to maintaining life quality in workplace. Moreover, it is an important factor in user`s perception of the space in which he or she are inserted. Both layout and environmental comfort issues should be collected and analyzed in the establishment phase of the programming step. That way, it is possible to get adequate answers to these questions in subsequent project phases. It was found that changes in the program that occurred over time, especially concerning persons (number and characteristics), resulted in changes in layout, generating high density and inflexible environments. It turns difficult to adjust the furniture to the occupants` requirement, including comfort needs. However, the presence of strategies for environmental quality provides comfort to spaces, ensuring that, even in situations not considered optimal, users perceive the environment in a positive way. It was found that the relationship between environmental comfort and layout takes the following forms: in changing the perception of comfort, depending on the layout of the arrangements; adjustments in layout, due to needs for comfort; and the elevation of user satisfaction and environmental quality due to the presence of strategies comfort even in situations of inadequate layout


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This work introduces a new method for environment mapping with three-dimensional information from visual information for robotic accurate navigation. Many approaches of 3D mapping using occupancy grid typically requires high computacional effort to both build and store the map. We introduce an 2.5-D occupancy-elevation grid mapping, which is a discrete mapping approach, where each cell stores the occupancy probability, the height of the terrain at current place in the environment and the variance of this height. This 2.5-dimensional representation allows that a mobile robot to know whether a place in the environment is occupied by an obstacle and the height of this obstacle, thus, it can decide if is possible to traverse the obstacle. Sensorial informations necessary to construct the map is provided by a stereo vision system, which has been modeled with a robust probabilistic approach, considering the noise present in the stereo processing. The resulting maps favors the execution of tasks like decision making in the autonomous navigation, exploration, localization and path planning. Experiments carried out with a real mobile robots demonstrates that this proposed approach yields useful maps for robot autonomous navigation


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The area between São Bento do Norte and Macau cities, located in the northern coast of the Rio Grande do Norte State is submitted to intense and constant processes of littoral and aeolian transport, causing erosion, alterations in the sediments balance and modifications in the shoreline. Beyond these natural factors, the human interference is huge in the surroundings, composed by sensitive places, due to the existence of the Guamaré Petroliferous Pole, RN, the greater terrestrial oil producing in Brazil, besides the activities of the salt companies and shrimp farms. This socioeconomic-environmental context justifies the elaboration of strategies of environmental monitoring of that coastal area. In the environmental monitoring of coastal strips, submitted to human impacts, the use of multi-sources and multitemporal data integrated through a Spatio- Temporal Database that allows the multiuser friendly access. The objective was to use the potential of the computational systems as important tools the managers of environmental monitoring. The stored data in the form of a virtual library aid in making decisions from the related results and presented in different formats. This procedure enlarges the use of the data in the preventive attendance, in the planning of future actions and in the definition of new lines of researches on the area, in a multiscale approach. Another activity of this Thesis consisted on the development of a computational system to automate the process to elaborate Oil-Spill Environmental Sensitivity Maps, based on the temporal variations that some coastal ecosystems present in the sensibility to the oil. The maps generated in this way, based on the methodology proposed by the Ministério do Meio Ambiente, supply more updated information about the behavior of the ecosystem, as a support to the operations in case of oil spill. Some parameters, such as the hydrodynamic data, the declivity of the beach face, types of resources in risk (environmental, economical, human or cultural) and use and occupation of the area are some of the essential basic information in the elaboration of the sensitivity maps, which suffer temporal alterations.In this way, the two computational systems developed are considered support systems to the decision, because they provide operational subsidies to the environmental monitoring of the coastal areas, considering the transformations in the behavior of coastal elements resulting from temporal changes related the human and/or natural interference of the environment


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This present work has as its objective the analysis of transformations relating to the production processes in the Southern littoral urban space of the city of João Pessoa PB. The research estimated that the urban space is the product, means and condition of the society which produces it. The object-area of this inquiry is constituted of five districts: Altiplano Cabo Branco, Portal do Sol, Ponta do Seixas, Penha and Costa do Sol. The urban expansion which occurs in this area is characterized by the appearance of sufficient contradictory space phenomenona. On the other hand, the launching of real estate products such as the horizontal closed condominiums, directed towards the upper class, and the occurrence of areas of irregular occupation, inhabited by lower socioeconomic class and with a great lack of infrastructure and basic urban services, revealing the social contradictions. Due to this, processes such as auto-segregation and segregation imposed beyond the precarious and delinquent inclusion, has become the determining characteristic of this part of the city in analysis. The study also takes into account the appreciation of the new urban environmental zoning of Altiplano do Cabo Branco and from this moment on, start the discussion about the tendencies of urban expansion in this area, due to the interests and strategies of the real estate sector and the prominent role of the government in the current valorization process of urban soil of the area. The presence of residuals of agricultural businesses indicates a typical picture of the peri-urban areas configuring what we observe today at the Southern littoral of João Pessoa


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Considering that tourism tends to reproduce itself privatizing the areas where it installs, the secondary residence has been an urban element responsible for the private appropriation of the public spaces of coastal of Nísia Floresta. The private appropriation of these accesses, for secondary residences, constitute in an issue-problem of the research. The principal goal is to analyze the relationship of the consumers/users of secondary residences with the public space; and, specifically, identify how the government has been acting and manifesting itself about the occupation of the coastal of Nísia Floresta; as also to verify how the secondary residence has been appropriating privately of the public access of the coastal. On account of the scarce literature about secondary residences and the importance of the public access to beaches for the inhabitant, the present work aims to contribute to the discussion of this theme. The secondary residences in Rio Grande do Norte began in the late nineteenth century, becoming more common in the 90s, when the coast south of Natal is appropriated from local vacationers. In 2000, foreign investment began to be applied in real state and tourism, producing closed developments, served in leisure infrastructure, trade, and hospitality, mainly to external demands. The methodology included a bibliographic survey, data collection and in lócus observation. Applied questionnaires and interviews were performed with consumers/users of the secondary residences, permanent residents and government, respectively. To the legal grounding, taken as a reference the article. 10, of the law 7.661/88 to establish that the beaches are goods of common use . Considering the conclusive analysis of the research, can be said that the right of free access and use of the beach is committed for the benefit of the consumers/users of secondary residences, due to the negligence and omission of the government


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The public and private politics that was implemented in Natal, have always been attracting, great contingent of people in search of employments. However, not always, they can attend the migratory demands. Recently, Nova Parnamirim that is situated in the municipal district of Parnamirim - RN, due to proximity with Natal, it is passing for an intensive and accelerated occupation process impelled by the urban politics that created and they determined new diversities, leaning in the growth of the modern tertiary. In this context, Nova Parnamirim is suffering, along the time, substantial transformations in your espace, so much of nature social as environmental, that are affecting in the quality of your residents' life. This fact is mainly linked in the absence of an appropriate urban planning that have to be considered as an instrument norteador of the development of the city in its constant construction process. The study has as objective to analyze the social-space dynamics of the area and their implications, identifying the principal agents that promote and they benefit of that urbanization process. For the ccomplishment of this research it was executed bibliographical readings that turn of theoretical studies about the urban subjects and enviroments, besides field activities for the rising of the data investigated in the methodological approach


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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This work analyses the effects of form over the emergence of new patterns of use and occupation in public spaces of housing estates designed in the 1980s and 1990s in Natal’s municipality (Brazil). We start from the premise that form acts on social process (HILLIER; HANSON, 1984), and verify how much the original spatial configuration of Parque Serrambi housing states contributed to the creation of new spatial patterns following the interventions of the people living there. The Serrambi states were built in Natal’s south based on an urbanization model following modernist’s principals and aimed to supply demands for popular dwellings. They were one of the last estates financed by the former National Dwelling Bank (BNH) and supervised by the Dwelling Cooperatives Orientation Institute (INOCOOP), materialized a spatial form different from the highrise dwelling experiences from the same period. The results were obtained through configurational analysis based on Space Syntax conceptual and methodological framework, in which space and society are viewed as interrelated. The analyses was based on represanting and quantifying spatial properties and identificatying social patterns related to the interventions. We identified that the original spatial configurations, associated to subtle changes in the states social patterns, analysed independently of non-morphological categories, gave way to the occupation patterns verrified in both Serrambi cases.


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The objective of this dissertation is understand the relationships built between subjects who occupy buildings in a state of abandonment to revitalize them - called okupas, noting which individuals construct such meanings on the practice of occupation and how to organize the construction and maintenance of a collective life project. Having the Okupa Squat Torém, located in the neighborhood of Fatima in the southern city of Fortaleza-CE, as locus and observed through the ethnographic method, followed the social practices of urban segment. I invested in a data collection revealed that the custom of okupas and their domestic habits, inside and outside of okupa, emphasizing the interaction situations, like most appropriate occasions to observe the constant negotiation and refinement of his cunning to intervene in the city . Among the objectives of this research, the main thing is to observe which senses are assigned to the practice of the occupation by okupas. For this, reflecting from the specifics of this urban phenomenon and talking mostly with the tradition of research in the field of anthropology, I tried to address some issues regarding the practice of okupação and organization of the group, which the principles and movements that make these contacts with city etc. The appropriation made by the subjects on the urban space here means understanding them as a cultural expression of a number of collective values, resulting from experience and perception of okupas like themselves. The intention is to show how this practice intervention and collective action has appeared in contemporary times and how my ethnography can contribute to a dialogue on the practices of mobilization and update of the city, considering the Theory of Recognition Axel Honneth (2003) as an analytical category useful to describe the forms of reciprocity experienced by okupas


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In the social-historical moment we live in, it is each time more evident the necessity of the people to learn to deal with the environment in conscientious way, taking care of themselves properly through it. In this direction, considering the school as a place where children, young and adolescents spend great part of their time, this work had as objective to examine the perception of school environment for students, professors and employees of two schools in João Pessoa city - Centro Estadual Experimental de Ensino-Aprendizagem Sesquicentenário and Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Presidente Emílio Garrastazu Médici (Experimental State Center of Learning-teaching Sesquicentenário and Basic and High State School Education Emilio Garrastazu Médici President). From the presupposed that the environments in which and with which people live reflect their daily practices, the field work searched to identify the social-environmental practices that characterize the relation of these users with the school and, from this understanding, to infer some of their concerns regarding the environment as a whole. To analyze the use of the available physical space in the two institutions it was opted the use of the After-Occupation Evaluation, one of the approaches that feed the process of building production or built set, rescuing aspects related to its use, operation and maintenance. Besides analyzing diverse school environments (such as classroom circulations/accesses, library, pedagogical and sportive spaces) in relation to the environmental comfort and the perceptions of the main users of the schools (pupils, professors and employees), the dissertation tried to inquire the care (ambient education) of these users with the school space. In general, it was verified that the two schools have evaluations and perceptions really different for four reasons: (i) management of the schools; (ii) the users perception; (III) localization of schools and (IV) feeling of place, territoriality and appropriation


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The research investigates the acting and the importance for the users of the public squares located predominantly in residential areas. It presents the results of the posoccupation evaluations accomplished in three squares, whose physical, environmental characteristics, equipments and fumitures are different in its qualities and amounts, taking in consideration aspects related to the users' physical and psychological comfort and of the inhabitants of the I spill. The collection of data involved physical risings and of files, observations behavious, application of questionnaires and interviews, analyzed qualitative as quantitatively so much for a larger precision and validity of the investigation. The results were obtained through the relationship among the users' perception the environmental attributes and the different levels of apropriation/use of the studied places. They indicate that the aspects composicionais of physical order of the space affects the type and the intensity of use of the squares intimately, contributing positive or negatively for its valor. It is evidenced like this, that the low freqüentation of the public squares of Natal, is due mainly to referring aspects to the physical quality and the amount of the fumitures and urban equipments. It is ended that the investments and the physical planning of these public spaces should be based in the real knowledge of the aspirations of the population objective, in way to allow its largest use and valor


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This research aimed to identify the link between the layout of workspaces in offices and the design strategies for environmental comfort. Strategies surveyed were focused on the thermal, visual and luminic comfort. In this research, visual comfort is related to issues of visual integration within and between the interior and exterior of the building. This is a case study conducted at the administrative headquarters of Centro Regional Nordeste do Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE-CRN), located in Natal/RN. The methodological strategy used was the Post-Occupancy Evaluation, which combined the survey data on the building (layout of workspaces, bioclimatic strategies adopted in the design, use of these strategies) with some techniques aimed at acquiring qualitative information related to users. The workspace layout is primordial to satisfaction and productivity of workers. Issues such as concentration, communication, privacy, personal identity, density and space efficiency, barriers (access, visual and even ventilation and lighting), among others, are associated with the layout. The environmental comfort is one of the essential elements to maintaining life quality in workplace. Moreover, it is an important factor in user`s perception of the space in which he or she are inserted. Both layout and environmental comfort issues should be collected and analyzed in the establishment phase of the programming step. That way, it is possible to get adequate answers to these questions in subsequent project phases. It was found that changes in the program that occurred over time, especially concerning persons (number and characteristics), resulted in changes in layout, generating high density and inflexible environments. It turns difficult to adjust the furniture to the occupants` requirement, including comfort needs. However, the presence of strategies for environmental quality provides comfort to spaces, ensuring that, even in situations not considered optimal, users perceive the environment in a positive way. It was found that the relationship between environmental comfort and layout takes the following forms: in changing the perception of comfort, depending on the layout of the arrangements; adjustments in layout, due to needs for comfort; and the elevation of user satisfaction and environmental quality due to the presence of strategies comfort even in situations of inadequate layout


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The managing Conselho of public politics constitute one of the main experiences of democracy in Brazil contemporary representing a conquest for construction of a democratic institutionalism. The historical newness consists of the intensification and the institutionalization of the dialogue between government and society - in public and plural canals - as condition for an allocation more efficient joust and of the public resources. In this context the present study it objectified to understand from readings of the performance of represented group of bencheses the dynamics of functioning of the Tourist Conselho Pólo Costa das Dunas while space of participation and social control. The bibliographical research contemplated diverse sources in order to compile knowledge of credential authors in the quarrel of inherent subjects to the civil society and the public sphere to the construction of the citizenship to the conception formation and dynamics of the social control through Conselho of public politics. A qualitative perspective the case study was adopted as research method and for attainment of the data interviews with the members of the Conselho had been carried through beyond consultation the referring documents the dynamics of functioning of the Conselho. The profiles capacities and limitations of the members of the Conselho had been identified constitution social and dynamic organization of functioning of the Conselho and the readings of the members of the Conselho concerning the power to decide instances and participation. The results had shown that the allotment of being able in the Conselho does not occur of equal form. The functions of coordination of the activities of the Conselho are assumed by the representatives of the public agencies. Level of qualification of council members also if presents as difficulty to development of activities of Conselho since the majority of the interviewed ones disclosed unreliability and unfamiliarity when thematic specific that runs away from its organizacional reality they are boarded in the assemblies. Of this form the Conselho if presents more as half of institutional legitimation of what half of characterization of the creation of a public sphere properly said. Finally he could himself be concluded that a democratic culture inexists that inside crosses practical the institutional ones of the Conselho thus limiting the possibility to reach the effective social control of the public politics of tourism in the Rio Grande do Norte


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In this work we thought about the social use of the domestic space and, specifically, the space destined to the preparation of food. The kitchen is a creative space of social relationships. There the families exchange daily interaction with the neighbors, in a collective of the space reserved to the making of food. Our empiric research was in the Mutamba da Caieira community, located in the county of Assu (RN). The data was collected through the etnographic method aided by the photographic resources. In the discussion, we delimitated at the house three types of kitchens: one reserved to the family, another kitchen in the terrace and yet another kitchen in the yard. They are kitchens that link amongst themselves with activities and differentiated temporalities. In the daily social exchange, the kitchen imposes itself as a social space through the conditions that it offers for the production of the foods, the circulation of domestic objects, the communication of knowledge around the cookery, operating a group of symbolic and ritual actions combined with appropriate techniques for the transformation of the foods. The study reveals that the domestic chores accomplished amon relatives and friends form webs of intracommunitary relationships in the use of the three kitchens, and that the social network is updated in a singular moment that usually happens in the community, the Game of Pacará


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The `Outorga Onerosa do Direito de Construir - OODC` (Public Concession of Building Rights), instrument instituted by The City Statute in 2001, has as main objective the recovery of urban property, seeking for a fair distribution the urbanization benefits. The possibility of usage of the OODC instrument is linked to the maximum utilization coefficient, determined to specific areas in accordance to existing infrastructure conditions, further taking into account the formal real estate market, expansion axis and crowding. Being an instrument which establishes values to be paid for a better use of land, it maintains a narrow relation to the real estate, incentivizing or discouraging the crowding in specific areas. The present study investigates the relationship between the criteria for the making of the Public Concession of Building Rights instrument and the dynamics of the formal real estate market. It takes as empiric universe Parnamirim (RN), part of the Natal Metropolitan Area (RN), focusing on the application of the OODC in the period of 2008-2010. It seeks to better understand the necessary basis for the formulation of the instrument, about how it works and its relation to the formal real estate market. It aims to depict the formal real estate market by presenting the production of urban space in Parnamirim in terms of intensity and nature of the real estate, furthermore identifying the licensed properties through the application of the municipality instrument. For the conclusion, it is discussed the criteria for the formation of OODC, its relationship to the dynamics of the formal real estate market and its influencing possibilities in the processes of usage and occupation of land in the context of urban planning