58 resultados para Ensino público, investimento, Brasil
This study is about the institutional self-evaluation in Dimension 4, "Communication with Society", from the National System of Higher Education Evaluation SINAES, mandatory for all universities in Brazil. A multiple cases study was conducted with three institutions from Rio Grande do Norte, and the goal was to know how this evaluation is made, describing the concept for the evaluation of communication proposed by them, identifying controllers or emancipator aspects, categorizing methodological procedures and discussing the difficulties reported in the communication evaluation process. Coordinators of the institutions Evaluating Committees were interviewed and data categorized by means of qualitative content analysis. It was noted characteristics of the current controller, emancipator and hybrid designs in the three institutions for evaluation of communication, revealing the lack of a theoretical corpus that transits in accordance with the systemic perspective and epistemology of complexity from SINAES. It was found that the most frequently reported difficulties in the evaluation processes of communication are in the preparation stage, especially in the definition of indicators and tools and awareness work. The weakness in planning makes their own activities in the sector of communication become targets of assessment, forming goals poorly related with broader organizational goals. It was also concluded that the technical evaluation cannot override the issues associated with the broader issue of the complexity surrounding the assessment paradigm proposed by SINAES because contradictions and imperfections are part of the evaluation process and several references are current in the literature to support this view. Finally, it is said that objectives such as transparency and behavioral changes can rely on methodologies and techniques for research on the question of the construction of meaning
As Sociology becomes a mandatory subject in the curricular componentof Brazilian high schools, we find anopportune moment to proposals and changes in the subject and in teaching, in a general aspect. It s noticed the great importance of the role that the create imagination plays in individual s formation (BACHELARD), and it s also seen that Brazilian education system has marginalized imagination to the detriment of a unifocused scientism that sterilizes creativity, playfulness and poetry in its educational process. Nevertheless, a way of thinking redefinitions to the educational horizons of Sociology as a subject and education is upheld. An educational practice that reconnects the prosaic and the poetic, using images/songs as paths/strategies of the teaching-learning process. As for that, the school structure was used where the tutor work was done to undertake experiences that made the use of songs as strategy to facilitate/stimulate the learning of the subject Sociology in high school. From thoughts and results of this experience, plus the bibliographic studies, analysis were made. The goal of this essay is to make use and stimulate the creation of poetic images from the teaching point of view, specially the Sociology subject in high school, rethinking and searching more efficient and playful ways of approaching and building educational methods from images; stimulating the development of the Thinking Reform and the Anthropoetics of the human gender (MORIN); acknowledging that imagination is an indispensable part of our integral formation
Access is a problem of higher education in Brazil that has existed since the formalization of this has occurred since the installation of the Portuguese court in Brazil in 1808. Only 10% of young people between 18 and 24 years of age attending this level of education in 2000, arriving in 2010 just 15%, far from that determined the National Education Plan in 2001, triple that percentage by the year 2010. In addition, a majority of seats of public HEIs is populated by students from the private network, especially in high-demand courses. In this context, this study aims to identify the costs related to the trajectories of students who were successful in the vestibular UFRN editions from 2006 to 2010. Presents an overview of higher education in Brazil, a brief history of vestibular, as well as new forms of access, and some of the policies to expand such access, highlighting the argument Inclusion UFRN. Focusing on the theme of the paper presents the concepts of opportunity costs and social. After collecting data through a questionnaire and consultation of databases COMPERVE was developed to search for a descriptive and analytical, with the participation of 3,995 students, of whom 1642 (41.1%) had completed secondary education in schools public, and 2,078 (52%) in private schools. The profile indicates that 90% are single, about 50% are 21 years of age, are white and female. In the course of preparation for college entrance exams, 80% chose the course during or after completion of the last year of high school, and almost 70% said they had started preparing at that time. Findings related to the costs involved with this preparation indicate that, in most cases there were school fees and disbursements and workshops, and the purchase of books and other materials, with parents primarily responsible for this cost, the amount disbursed each month was up $ 300 for 64% of respondents and only 7% of them exceeded $ 1,000, the major non-financial costs were characterized by the following resignations: job opportunities (24%) or temporary work (20%) courses of languages (26%), leisure activities (48%), leisure travel (43%), and parties and / or shows (54%). Of social investments by the government, stand out in the tax waiver scholarships for study in private institutions, grant exemption from the registration fee of vestibular, the preparatory courses UFRN, and seminars by COMPERVE / UFRN with networks of high school. From the junction of the opportunity costs (private costs) and social costs (public costs), a new concept: the social opportunity cost, which measures the combined efforts of families and government to finance the opportunity to access higher education of an individual. This concept can and should be incorporated as a strategic vector for the sake of democratic university, which reflects the social model that is sought
The number of disabled students, who have entered the university, in Brazil, since the beginning of this century, is undergoing a speed growth. It is a change that follows a global trend that spreads an inclusive education policy and that has had a profound impact on Brazil, with import results in field researches. This subject has been highlighted due to the significant amount of disabled students enrolled in college institutions (IES), although it is still modest the number of studies about it, especially in what matters the assistance given to the candidates to a university entrance examination. The aim of this paper is to investigate how effectively Natal s IES apply the rules established in Brazilian law concerning disabled students, especially MEC/GM Circular Warning n. 277/96, in what respects the conditions given to disabled students preparing to enter a college. The investigation followed a qualitative methodological approach with support on an exploratory study. The data recollection employed questionnaire, semi-structured interview and documental analyses, and the data have been organized and assessed following Minayo s (1996) stages. What concerns the results, it was observed that none of the ten colleges inquired confirmed to possess places exclusively to disabled candidates; six of them, however, offer Special Examining Board in the selection process of disabled candidates. Among eighteen college bills, only two of them offered specific information related to services and resources offered by IES to the candidates who ask for especial assistance concerning examination. During the interviews, four managers avowed the preoccupation in offering an equal selection process, but two of them proved not dominate the subject. In conclusion, the investigated institutions managers do not still seem to respect the rule that guarantees to disabled candidates equal conditions during all the process of the university entrance examination. With this work, we hope do help changing this focus and contribute to new studies on disabled persons studying for a degree
Since the enactment of LDBEN 9.9394/96, Physical Education began to be understood as a curricular component in school. Thus, we see the need for systematization of content. We observed that the physical education classes at the public schools in Natal/RN from the game content, teachers did not use the existing proposals for systematization. And it was on this reality that the study occurred, aiming to present and discuss a proposal to systematization the game content in physical education classes in elementary and secondary education. Accordingly, we departed of following question: What possibilities of systematization of the game content in school physical education classes?. The methodology used was the action research, which allowed us to structure the intervention plan for the game content, directed to a reflective didactic process. The dialogue with action research provided an opportunity to understand of the proposal of systematization, the knowledge of game content, the planning and process of teaching and learning in physical education lessons developed. We use the proposed systematization the book Educação FÃsica Escolar e Organização Curricular , to direct and organize the lesson plans. As research technique, we use the participant observation, filming, photographic records and field diary, guiding us in the debates and discussions about the field of research. The applications of the lesson plans were carried out in three schools, all located in Natal / RN: Escola Municipal Professora Ivonete Maciel, Escola Municipal Professor Ulisses de Góis e Professor Escola Estadual Josino Macedo. The members of this study were students PIBID-EF-UFRN, teachers, supervisors and school. They made the bridge between research and action, theoretical foundation and pedagogical practice, university and school. The results were advanced for beyond the propositions submitted by the above-mentioned book. For the Elementary School 1, the proposed systematization broadened experiences and learning of knowledge of the game and of playful and body manifestations. Provided an opportunity to know and learn about game of make account, rules, popular games, cooperative games, among others. For Elementary Schools 2 and Middle education, systematized lessons allowed the practical, the incorporation of knowledge of the game and its features: such as rules, origin, meaning of the name, different denominations, among others. The students experienced and learned, popular games, pre-sport games, cooperative games, with recycled material, among others. The treatment from three dimensions of contents: procedural, conceptual and attitudinal, occurred parallel to approach the game content, and in conjunction with our interventions, not being done separately during practice, but an ongoing process during class. This new perspective of work the game, in a systematized way, with applying, description and discussion the activities, allowed elaborate a summary framework of thematizations for game content, by year of teaching
This Master of Science Thesis investigates in an exploratory modeling the idea of strategy consistency applying as an assessment tool a model of performance indicators of a higher education institution based on the balanced scorecard (BSC). It is carried on a review of conceptual BSC perspective hierarchy models and of studies on higher education institution in Brazil and worldwide. From a BSC model with three indicators at each perspective is carried on a case study with directors and coordinators of a private higher education institution with a descriptive and multivariate analysis using cluster analysis. The main findings point to a different perception of respondents on the importance level of the perspectives with a higher importance level given to Learning and Growth and Process that to Customer and Financial. Particularly, the financial perspective got a importance level significantly lower that the others, what suggests an inconsistency on the strategy deployment on the institution considered in terms of the perception of the managerial levels of the importance level of the perspectives
In recent decades higher education in Brazil has gone through several changes. The Programa de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais REUNI has been the greatest overhaul performed by the government in public universities in the last years. REUNI is presented as the biggest reform in tertiary education in contemporary times, having as the main goal a gradual increase in the average rate of conclusion in live learning graduation courses up to 90%, as well as a rate expansion of graduating students in face to face classes per professor. This research aims at studying the perception of professors from UFRN concerning the REUNI program in execution from 2008 until 2012. The study seeks to understand how professors evaluate the program and what the dimensions that most influence in this evaluation are. The study made use of a research tool (survey) which was sent through the internal system of the university, SIGAdmin, to all professors of superior teaching from UFRN. The answers generated by the survey were processed using SPSS statistical software (Statistical Package for Social Science). Factorial Analysis and Multiple Linear Regression were used as an analysis technique. 180 answers were obtained, reaching all UFRN Centers and some academic units, as well as some campuses in the countryside of the state. Through the research was possible to analyze how professors from UFRN perceive the REUNI program implemented in the institution. The results point to the program approval by the professors. Statistical tests showed that the average values obtained in the Centers and academic units are basically the same. It was demonstrated that the extent that most influenced in the answers is linked to practical outcomes of the program, whereas the knowledge of REUNI goals was the least that impacted on the marks given to the program. Another dimension which influenced the perception of professors relates to the influence of REUNI in their activities. It was observed that professors from UFRN don t see REUNI as an impediment to them
PNLEM came out in 2004 and modified the view about schoolbook in Brazil. New perspectives pointed towards constitution of a more critical citizen as of an interdisciplinary and more contextualized teaching, made schoolbook understand these changes.But not always these alterations are checked up on by all means,because what we notice are adaptation of works have already known on market, where texts that are placed reveal environmental, socioeconomic, historical facts or daily phenomenon, or then scientific relevancy examples.We thus offer to analyse contents of chemical thermodynamics and physics for high school which are shown on schoolbook of chemistry and physics validated by PNLEM 2012, now called PNLD, studying the facts if these works bring these scientific sociocultural standpoint as well as their historical context,considering as analysis categories the following criteria: presentation of introduction, content contextualizing,presentation of concepts, thermodynamics historical context, representation in microscopic level and proposal of experiments.Eleven books were analysed,being five of chemistry and six of physics.So was applied a questionnaire with physics and chemistry teachers of high school to have an impression of their opinion about their teaching strategies and about schoolbook.This work grounded in orientations of legal documents about high school in Brazil (LDB,PCN,PCN+,OCEM) and in research on science teaching that regards specifically schoolbook and physics and chemical thermodynamics teaching.Were eleven books in number, only four denoted much coherence with new perspectives for high school, being two of chemistry and two of physics,whose concern about contextualizing and with a much integrated view of science to student s reality,indicating much social and critical character.The rest, when don t overlook,regard cultural and historical,socioeconomic contexts in isolated manner from presented concepts,aside from content
This work examines the results of the selecting process to enter Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte called Vestibular, in 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007, in relation to the necessary knowledge presented by the candidates in the Geography area. It observes the contents in the discursive exams and its corresponding results discussing them from the official curriculum of the Secondary School, as it is stated in the official documents of Ministério da Educação(MEC): Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Médio (PCNEM), Orientações Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (OCNEM) e Orientações Educacionais Complementares aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN+ do Ensino Médio). We aim to highlight what are the contents and background of the Geography curriculum according to the orientations of the official curriculum; discuss in what measure these contents are present in the questions and in the correct answers of the candidates as well as reflect upon what possibly is suggested by those results concerning the knowledge presented in the answers. In this investigation process, the history of the teaching in Brazil is taken up together with the statistical data about the Fundamental School and about Higher Education in the last years. Both map the scenario in which this research takes place as well as make knowledgeable some variables such as: cultural, economical, political and social structures. The discussion takes place between the curriculum and the teaching, Geography teaching and Secondary School in Brazil articulating these variables with the question of accessibility to Higher Education through the Vestibular . Despite the limitations of this research in terms of methodology and deepening of analysis, the results led us to important observations which can contribute to the understanding of that the students´ performance in the Geography examination has several outspreads. These must be thought with scientific exactness in order to avoid any rushed and careless explanations leading to conclusions that may have serious consequences for the teaching systems and the students
The poor performance of students in reading and writing activities, prompted the search for actions that would minimize this problem, noticeable mainly in public education. The lack of interest in reading of poetic texts seen in students from the 7th year in a public school in RN, has led us to question the reasons for the rejection of poetry. Thus, the idea to organize and develop new reading possibilities mediated by digital technologies, considering the preference of teenagers by virtual environments. Therefore, it was essential to observe how students used web resources in order to plan actions that aimed to improve their reading performance. We present to justify the need for reflection on the educational problems starting from our reality, in order to establish appropriate procedures to minimize them. To this end, we draw is to investigate how students appropriated the Facebook social network in order to elaborate reading strategies using this platform. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: language concepts and language: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Bronckart (2012 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); reading strategies: Leffa (1996) Solé (1998), Antunes (2009), Kleiman (2013); genre: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); didactic sequence: Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2013 [2004]); technologies: Moran (2008 [2000]), Kenski (2007), Bento (2012), Behrens (2013); literary literacy: Cosson (2007); other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), PDE (2008), Perrenoud (1999), among others. The methodology followed action research guidelines, a qualitative approach perspective. The research instruments included questionnaires, interviews, observations and field notes. The results pointed to the interest of students in this social network, which favored the development of a didactic sequence whose activities converged on the didactic use of Facebook as a support for the presentation of textual poetry genre, drawing the attention of students for reading. Thus, we reiterate the need to include the pedagogical use of Information and Communication Digital Technologies educational activities to better meet the expectations of the generation of "digital natives", offering them a significant Portuguese-speaking school that fits your interests.
The poor performance of students in reading and writing activities, prompted the search for actions that would minimize this problem, noticeable mainly in public education. The lack of interest in reading of poetic texts seen in students from the 7th year in a public school in RN, has led us to question the reasons for the rejection of poetry. Thus, the idea to organize and develop new reading possibilities mediated by digital technologies, considering the preference of teenagers by virtual environments. Therefore, it was essential to observe how students used web resources in order to plan actions that aimed to improve their reading performance. We present to justify the need for reflection on the educational problems starting from our reality, in order to establish appropriate procedures to minimize them. To this end, we draw is to investigate how students appropriated the Facebook social network in order to elaborate reading strategies using this platform. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: language concepts and language: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Bronckart (2012 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); reading strategies: Leffa (1996) Solé (1998), Antunes (2009), Kleiman (2013); genre: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); didactic sequence: Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2013 [2004]); technologies: Moran (2008 [2000]), Kenski (2007), Bento (2012), Behrens (2013); literary literacy: Cosson (2007); other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), PDE (2008), Perrenoud (1999), among others. The methodology followed action research guidelines, a qualitative approach perspective. The research instruments included questionnaires, interviews, observations and field notes. The results pointed to the interest of students in this social network, which favored the development of a didactic sequence whose activities converged on the didactic use of Facebook as a support for the presentation of textual poetry genre, drawing the attention of students for reading. Thus, we reiterate the need to include the pedagogical use of Information and Communication Digital Technologies educational activities to better meet the expectations of the generation of "digital natives", offering them a significant Portuguese-speaking school that fits your interests.
Considering the situation of neglect existing in Brazilian public education and, specially, in the process of rural schooling, this dissertation aims to analyze the process of implementation of the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in Rural Schools (DOEBEC), regulatory framework of the national policy of rural education. On it, we analyze the conditions of teaching work in rural schools of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in 2010. The sample of the survey has as reference the representativeness of the chosen universe in relation to the totality of rural schools belonging to the state of RN. To answer the goals of the research, we opted to present a critical analysis of the following points: 1) Implementation of the DOEBEC; 2) Conditions of teaching work and teaching training. The points or categories of research were chosen based in the determinations of the DOEBEC (Resolution CNE/CEB n. 01/2002). For the data collection in the referred schools, we opted for the realization of interviews with the teachers and managers of these teaching establishments, in 2010. It was also utilized, for the characterization of school attendance in rural schools of RN, in 2010, official statistical data available by the State Secretary of Education and Culture (SEEC/RN). The analysis of the statistical data and of the primary data collected in field research indicated that the conditions of teaching work are still an obstacle to the development of the educative work of the teacher in rural areas. According to interviews with the participants of the research, we realized that the DOEBEC, despite being sanctioned in 2002, were still dimly known and discussed by the interviewees of the referred schools in 2010. Thus, we propose that the implementation of the policy of rural education in RN, instituted by DOEBEC’s legal landmark, and reaffirmed by the Rio Grande do Norte’s Charter to Rural Education (Brazil, 2005), is rethought and reconsidered, in the sense of ensuring that the changes proposed in this legal text, inherent to the school functioning, to the conditions of teaching work, to the rural schools’ management, to the remuneration and valorization of teaching work, to the teaching training, to the conditions of school transport, among others, be turned into concrete actions to improve the quality of education offered in the rural schools of RN state.
Considering the situation of neglect existing in Brazilian public education and, specially, in the process of rural schooling, this dissertation aims to analyze the process of implementation of the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in Rural Schools (DOEBEC), regulatory framework of the national policy of rural education. On it, we analyze the conditions of teaching work in rural schools of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in 2010. The sample of the survey has as reference the representativeness of the chosen universe in relation to the totality of rural schools belonging to the state of RN. To answer the goals of the research, we opted to present a critical analysis of the following points: 1) Implementation of the DOEBEC; 2) Conditions of teaching work and teaching training. The points or categories of research were chosen based in the determinations of the DOEBEC (Resolution CNE/CEB n. 01/2002). For the data collection in the referred schools, we opted for the realization of interviews with the teachers and managers of these teaching establishments, in 2010. It was also utilized, for the characterization of school attendance in rural schools of RN, in 2010, official statistical data available by the State Secretary of Education and Culture (SEEC/RN). The analysis of the statistical data and of the primary data collected in field research indicated that the conditions of teaching work are still an obstacle to the development of the educative work of the teacher in rural areas. According to interviews with the participants of the research, we realized that the DOEBEC, despite being sanctioned in 2002, were still dimly known and discussed by the interviewees of the referred schools in 2010. Thus, we propose that the implementation of the policy of rural education in RN, instituted by DOEBEC’s legal landmark, and reaffirmed by the Rio Grande do Norte’s Charter to Rural Education (Brazil, 2005), is rethought and reconsidered, in the sense of ensuring that the changes proposed in this legal text, inherent to the school functioning, to the conditions of teaching work, to the rural schools’ management, to the remuneration and valorization of teaching work, to the teaching training, to the conditions of school transport, among others, be turned into concrete actions to improve the quality of education offered in the rural schools of RN state.
This study is about the institutional self-evaluation in Dimension 4, "Communication with Society", from the National System of Higher Education Evaluation SINAES, mandatory for all universities in Brazil. A multiple cases study was conducted with three institutions from Rio Grande do Norte, and the goal was to know how this evaluation is made, describing the concept for the evaluation of communication proposed by them, identifying controllers or emancipator aspects, categorizing methodological procedures and discussing the difficulties reported in the communication evaluation process. Coordinators of the institutions Evaluating Committees were interviewed and data categorized by means of qualitative content analysis. It was noted characteristics of the current controller, emancipator and hybrid designs in the three institutions for evaluation of communication, revealing the lack of a theoretical corpus that transits in accordance with the systemic perspective and epistemology of complexity from SINAES. It was found that the most frequently reported difficulties in the evaluation processes of communication are in the preparation stage, especially in the definition of indicators and tools and awareness work. The weakness in planning makes their own activities in the sector of communication become targets of assessment, forming goals poorly related with broader organizational goals. It was also concluded that the technical evaluation cannot override the issues associated with the broader issue of the complexity surrounding the assessment paradigm proposed by SINAES because contradictions and imperfections are part of the evaluation process and several references are current in the literature to support this view. Finally, it is said that objectives such as transparency and behavioral changes can rely on methodologies and techniques for research on the question of the construction of meaning
Cette recherche a pour but d analyser l Ecole Augusto Severo, située dans la ville de Natal dont la construction date de 1907,étant le premier établissement d enseignement primaire à l état du Rio Grande do Norte, pendant le processus de restructuration de l enseignement républicain. On cherche à comprendre la représentation de ce milieu scolaire, comme équipement urbain, dans le processus de modernisation de la ville et comme modèle éducationnel pour l état entre 1908 et 1913. En se servant des études historiographes sur le processus de modernisation de quelques villes brésiliennes et des innovations de l enseignement public primaire au pays, à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle et pendant la première décennie du vingtième siècle, comme source pour mieux saisir le contexte général et spécifique. On reconstitue les aspects économiques, sociaux et politiques déterminants des interventions publiques réalisées dans cette ville par les gouvernements républicains ayant comme obectif la construction d une ville embellie,hygiénique et civilisée. Située au quartier Ribeira, principal scénario de la modernité de Natal, l Ecole Augusto Severo est mise em relief comme symbole de civilité du paysage urbain de l époque pour le citoyen du Rio Grande do Norte. Elle disposait de services d énergie et d un tram électrique. Il y avait devant, un grand lac arborisé et une station ferroviaire. A côté, il y avait le théâtre Carlos Gomes (actuellement Alberto Maranhão). Par suÃte de son imposante architecture, raffiné style éclectique,on reflète l idéal républicain des elites locales, avec une conception d espace symbolique et éducative de surveillance et contrôle, caractéristiques de l école graduée républicaine