64 resultados para Doença renal
A lesão renal causada pelo processo isquemia-reperfusão ocorre em várias intervenções cirúrgicas, como transplantes de rins, cirurgias vasculares renais e na nefrectomia parcial. Devido ao processo isquêmico, ocorre disfunção do órgão e morte celular. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do sildenafil, em ratos, administrado previamente à isquemia renal e reperfusão, em avaliações cintilográficas e histopatológicas, foram utilizados vinte e quatro ratos Wistar, aleatoriamente distribuídos em dois grupos. Os animais receberam 0,1 ml IV 99mTecnécio-Etilenodicisteína, realizando-se a cintilografia renal inicial e, em seguida, foram submetidos à laparotomia, provocando-se isquemia no rim esquerdo, com oclusão da artéria renal, durante 1 hora, com posterior reperfusão. Os animais do grupo sildenafil receberam previamente 1mg/kg de sildenafil via oral, 60 minutos antes da isquemia. O grupo controle recebeu somente solução salina. Após a isquemia e reperfusão, metade dos animais de cada grupo foi avaliada com 24 horas e a outra metade, com sete dias, com nova cintilografia renal. Após eutanásia, com superdose de anestésico, os rins foram retirados e submetidos a exame histopatológico. Empregou-se avaliação estatística com o teste t de Student e com teste não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. Foi observado no rim esquerdo do grupo controle um déficit funcional nas imagens cintilográficas, após sete dias, comparativamente ao respectivo estudo cintilográfico inicial (p<0,05). Nos rins esquerdos dos animais do grupo controle (24 horas pós-isquemia), ocorreu um maior grau de necrose celular quando comparados ao grupo tratado com o sildenafil (p<0,05). A cintilografia e a histopatologia demonstraram que o sildenafil exerceu ação protetora dos rins, após episódio de isquemia-reperfusão renal normotérmica. Deve ressaltar-se o x caráter interdisciplinar desta tese, que contou com a participação ativa de profissionais das áreas de cirurgia, medicina nuclear, urologia, patologia e estatística
The dyslipidemia and excess weight in adolescents, when combined, suggest a progression of risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Besides these, the dietary habits and lifestyle have also been considered unsuitable impacting the development of chronic diseases. The study objectives were: (1) estimate the prevalence of lipid profile and correlate with body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and waist / height ratio (WHR) in adolescents, considering the maturation sexual, (2) know the sources of variance in the diet and the number of days needed to estimate the usual diet of adolescents and (3) describe the dietary patterns and lifestyle of adolescents, family history of CVD and age correlates them with the patterns of risk for CVD, adjusted for sexual maturation. A cross-sectional study was performed with 432 adolescents, aged 10-19 years from public schools of the Natal city, Brazil. The dyslipidemias were evaluated considering the lipid profile, the index of I Castelli (TC / HDL) and II (LDL / HDL) and non-HDL cholesterol. Anthropometric indicators were BMI, WC and WHR. The intake of energy, nutrients including fiber, fatty acids and cholesterol was estimated from two 24-hour recalls (24HR). The variables of lipid profile, anthropometric and clinical data were used in the models of Pearson correlation and linear regression, considering the sexual maturation. The variance ratio of the diet was calculated from the component-person variance, determined by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The definition of the number of days to estimate the usual intake of each nutrient was obtained by taking the hypothetical correlation (r) ≥ 0.9, between nutrient intake and the true observed. We used the principal component analysis as a method of extracting factors that 129 accounted for the dependent variables and known cardiovascular risk obtained from the lipid profile, the index for Castelli I and II, non-HDL cholesterol, BMI, and WC the WHR. Dietary patterns and lifestyle were obtained from the independent variables, based on nutrients consumed and physical activity weekly. In the study of principal component analysis (PCA) was investigated associations between the patterns of cardiovascular risk factors in dietary patterns and lifestyle, age and positive family history of CVD, through bivariate and multiple logistic regression adjusted for sexual maturation. The low HDL-C dyslipidemia was most prevalent (50.5%) for adolescents. Significant correlations were observed between hypercholesterolemia and positive family history of CVD (r = 0.19, p <0.01) and hypertriglyceridemia with BMI (r = 0.30, p <0.01), with the CC (r = 0.32, p <0.01) and WHR (r = 0.33, p <0.01). The linear model constructed with sexual maturation, age and BMI explained about 1 to 10.4% of the variation in the lipid profile. The sources of variance between individuals were greater for all nutrients in both sexes. The reasons for variances were 1 for all nutrients were higher in females. The results suggest that to assess the diet of adolescents with greater precision, 2 days would be enough to R24h consumption of energy, carbohydrates, fiber, saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. In contrast, 3 days would be recommended for protein, lipid, polyunsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Two cardiovascular risk factors as have been extracted in the ACP, referring to the dependent variables: the standard lipid profile (HDL-C and non-HDL cholesterol) and "standard anthropometric index (BMI, WC, WHR) with a power explaining 75% of the variance of the original data. The factors are representative of two independent variables led to dietary patterns, "pattern 130 western diet" and "pattern protein diet", and one on the lifestyle, "pattern energy balance". Together, these patterns provide an explanation power of 67%. Made adjustment for sexual maturation in males remained significant variables: the associations between puberty and be pattern anthropometric indicator (OR = 3.32, CI 1.34 to 8.17%), and between family history of CVD and the pattern lipid profile (OR = 2.62, CI 1.20 to 5.72%). In females adolescents, associations were identified between age after the first stage of puberty with anthropometric pattern (OR = 3.59, CI 1.58 to 8.17%) and lipid profile (OR = 0.33, CI 0.15 to 0.75%). Conclusions: The low HDL-C was the most prevalent dyslipidemia independent of sex and nutritional status of adolescents. Hypercholesterolemia was influenced by family history of CVD and sexual maturation, in turn, hypertriglyceridemia was closely associated with anthropometric indicators. The variance between the diets was greater for all nutrients. This fact reflected in a variance ratio less than 1 and consequently in a lower number of days requerid to estimate the usual diet of adolescents considering gender. The two dietary patterns were extracted and the pattern considered unhealthy lifestyle as healthy. The associations were found between the patterns of CVD risk with age and family history of CVD in the studied adolescents
Introduction: The chronic immunosuppression promotes the development of changes in the oral cavity of the kidney transplant recipients (KTR), however with the exception of gingival overgrowth, little is known regarding the prevalence of oral lesions in this population. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of clinical and microbiological conditions of the oral cavity of the recipients of kidney transplantation and the associated factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study which examined 96 clinical KTR and experimental where collected saliva stimulated them to identify Candida sp. Data collection consisted of evaluation stomatologic, socio-demographic, clinical aspects of transplantation, condition of oral hygiene and dental caries, yonder to questions about knowledge of oral alteration after transplantation. Results: Of the total, 66.7% of KTR had some type of oral manifestation. The most common was saburral tongue, followed by gingival overgrowth, with both oral manifestations related to gender and concomitant use of cyclosporine and nifedipine (p <0.05). Tacrolimus showed a protective effect for gingival overgrowth (OR = 0.13). The oral hygiene was associated with saburral tongue(p = 0.03) and severity of gingival overgrowth (p = 0.0001). Oral candidiasis was diagnosed in 17.7% of patients and Candida albicans was isolated most frequently in the saliva of RTR with a colonization of 58.3%. The average DMF-T increased with age. The method of oral hygiene was most used brush and toothpaste to 61.5%. Changes in the oral cavity was seen in 54.2% of KTR, citing as the main growth and gingival ulcers. Instructions for oral hygiene after transplantation were neglected for 61.5% of RTR. Dry mouth and halitosis were reported in 30.2% and 36.5% respectively. Conclusions: More the half of the KTR had at least one injury of the mouth, the immunosuppressive drugs and oral hygiene are associated with these alterations. Prospective cohort studies are needed to elucidate the relationship between oral manifestations and levels of drug and risk of oral manifestations occur over time. The kidney transplant recipients showed to be aware of oral alterations occurred after transplantation and uninformed about the oral hygiene instructions. With regard to hygiene, the incidence of caries was considered high, conditions of risk were identified and improvements in primary attention should be encouraged and reflected in the monitoring of renal transplant
O Activities daily living questionnaire - ADLQ foi elaborado para avaliar atividades básicas e instrumentais em pacientes com a doença de Alzheimer. O objetivo principal deste estudo consistiu em realizar a tradução do ADLQ para a língua portuguesa, adaptação transcultural e análise das suas propriedades psicométricas. A amostra foi composta por 60 pacientes e os respectivos 60 cuidadores. O estudo iniciou-se com a tradução do instrumento pela técnica de retrotradução associada ao método bilíngüe. A versão traduzida foi respondida pelo cuidador e o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) aplicado ao paciente. A análise psicométrica foi realizada através da validade das medidas do instrumento. Os resultados verificaram uma correlação inversamente significativa (r=-0,793;p<0,05) entre os instrumentos avaliados, com uma explicação da variância total de 62%. A coerência interna do instrumento foi realizada através da correlação com os resultados do MEEM sugerindo uma versão condensada do ADLQ. Avaliando-se através do teste t para amostras correlacionadas, as médias do ADLQ-versão traduzida e versão condensada não apresentaram diferenças significativas, demonstrado assim que a simplificação do instrumento não alterou os valores do nível de dependência funcional observados. A análise fatorial realizada através da rotação Varimax indicou seis dimensões. Atividades como; comer, vestir-se, banho, necessidades fisiológicas, tomar comprimidos, participação em grupos, administrar finanças, manusear dinheiro, locomover pela vizinhança, usar telefone, compreensão, dentre outras, são os mais importantes preditores da capacidade funcional, no grupo estudado. Atividades com desempenho pouco comum a ambos os sexos, e no desempenho de papéis sociais enquanto gênero na sociedade brasileira (afazeres domésticos, consertos e manutenção em casa), na amostra estudada, não demonstraram ter importância na determinação da capacidade funcional com o paciente com a Doença de Alzheimer. O presente estudo disponibiliza uma nova ferramenta de avaliação funcional, visando contribuir para a mensuração mais cuidadosa do estado funcional do paciente por todos os profissionais da área da saúde
OBJECTIVE: Preeclampsia is a disease that can lead to a high maternal and infant morbidity. Worldwide, the incidence of this disease is highly variable and there is no data on this disorder in the Brazilian population. This study aimed at determining incidence and risk factors in the hypertensive disorders during pregnancy in a neighborhood of Natal, in addition to observing the evolution of these disorders one year and five years after delivery. METHODS: Prospective cohort study to assess the outcome of pregnancies of 242 women who became pregnant between 2004-2007 in the neighborhood of Bom Pastor in the city of Natal, state of RN, Brazil. Five years after delivery, there was an active search of thirty-nine (39) women who became pregnant and had a hypertensive disorder during pregnancy and/or pré-eclâmpsia, out of the total of 242 participants in the initial study. We administered a structured questionnaire to obtain basic information about the current clinical situation of patients and occurrences of subsequent pregnancy and presence of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. We also searched for information on the use of hypotensive drugs and contraceptives. The following characteristics were checked and recorded: a) current weight, b) blood pressure c) body mass index - BMI, and we collected biological samples (blood and urine) for measurement of biochemical parameters and evaluation of microalbuminúria. Finally, we monitored the ambulatory blood pressure (ABP), which uses the method of automatic measurement of heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and an average of the two for the period of 24 hours. RESULTS: Out of 218 women who completed the study, the incidence of hypertensive disorders was of 16.9% (37 out of 218), while the incidence of preeclampsia was 13.8% (30 of 218). Women with preeclampsia had a BMI (body mass index) averaged of 25.3 (± 4.8) while this ratio in normotensive women was of 23.5 (± 3.7), p = 0.02. The risk of preeclampsia rises with age (OR 1084 p = 0.0034) and with a family history of hypertension (OR 2.6 p = 0.01). The follow-up one year after delivery revealed that 50% of women with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy remained hypertensive. High BMI was also observed after 5 years of delivery. CONCLUSIONS: an elevated BMI, age above 35 years and excessive weight gain during pregnancy were associated with hypertension in the long term in patients with prior preeclampsia. History of preeclampsia increases the risk of chronic hypertension
The aim of the present study was to analyze cardiovascular risk of women with a history of preeclampsia, as well as its follow-upin the National Health System.This is a cross-sectional quantitative research conducted at the Januário Cicco Maternity School. The study population was composed of 573 women selected from a databank belonging to the Women s Health Research Group of the Gynecology Department at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, with a history of preeclampsia, and normotensives who gave birth at this institution five years before. The final sample consisted of 147 women, 64 in the group with a history of PE and 83 normotensives. Data were collected on a questionnaire containing the following: sociodemographic aspects, anthropometric measures, life habits, personal and family history of pregnancy-induced hypertension, family history of cardiovascular diseases and frequency of measuring current blood pressure levels. In relation to the association between cardiovascular risk and altered blood pressure (≥130x85 mmHg), the likelihood of exhibiting the latter condition was significantly higher in women with a history of preeclampsia (CI 95% 4.12-38.92), the overweight and obese (CI 95% 1.70-20.75), and in those with a family historyof CVD and personal history of PIH (CI 95% 0.78-47.07 and CI 95% 3.20-25.39) respectively. Likewise, the probability of having altered blood pressure was higher in women with fasting glycemia ≥100mg/dL (CI 95% 2.09-24.73), as well as in those with triglycerides ≥150mg/dl (CI 95% 1.72-9.66). After fitting the logistic model, diagnosis previous preeclampsia and altered triglycerides remained as explanatory variables.The women with a history of preeclampsia five years before exhibited altered blood pressure levels, clinical and laboratory manifestations suggestive of elevated risk for cardiovascular disease, as well as family and personal history of hypertension. There is no differential treatment or adequate outpatient follow-up for this population in basic health care units
Background. Gaucher Disease (GD) is a hereditary lysosomal storage disorder characterized by the accumulation of glucosylceramide, mainly in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system, due to a deficiency of the enzyme acid β-glucosidase (GBA). Diagnosis is usually based on measurement of GBA activity in peripheral leukocytes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of screening for GBA and chitotriosidase activity using Dried Blood Spots on Filter Paper (DBS-FP) to identify individuals at high risk for GD in high-risk populations such as that of Tabuleiro do Norte, a small town in Northeastern Brazil. Methods. Between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008, 740 consented residents and descendants of traditional families from Tabuleiro do Norte were submitted to screening with DBS-FP. Subjects with GBA activity <2.19 nmol/h/mL were referred to analysis of GBA and chitotriosidase activity in peripheral leukocytes and in plasma, respectively. Subjects at highest risk for GD (GBA activity in peripheral leukocytes <5.6 nmol/h/mg protein) were submitted to molecular analysis to confirm diagnosis. Results. Screening with DBS-FP identified 135 subjects (18.2%) with GBA activity <2.19 nmol/h/mL, 131 of whom remained in the study. In 10 of these (7.6%), GBA activity in leukocytes was 2.6 5.5 nmol/h/mg protein. Subsequent molecular analysis confirmed 6 cases of heterozygosity and 4 normals for GD. Conclusion. DBS-FP assay was shown to be an effective initial GD screening strategy for high-prevalence populations in developing regions. Diagnosis could not be established from GBA activity in leukocytes alone, but required confirmation with molecular analysis
This study was developed with the aim of analyzing the effectiveness of renal transplantation on quality of life of kidney recipients in the Rio Grande do Norte State. This is a descriptive study with longitudinal design, panel type with quantitative approach to data analysis. The Quality of Life (QoL) of chronic disease kidney patients before and after kidney transplantation was assessed by the WHOQOL-bref, The population consisted of patients in pre and post-renal transplantation, the sample had 63 patients older than 18 years. The study was conducted after approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the Onofre Lopes University Hospital, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, No. CAAE 0008.0.294.000-10. Data collection was performed at a referral center for renal transplantation in Rio Grande do Norte, from May 2010 to May 2013. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in tables and graphs. For statistical analyzes, Microsoft Excel XP and SPSS 15.0 software were used. The tests used were simple variance (ANOVA), t-test, Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon test to compare means, and Spearman correlations. P values <0.05 were considered significant. The demographic data showed a predominance of people between 18 and 45 years (68.2%) with a mean age of 39.9 years (SD 12.2), male (63.5%), married (58.7%), with children (51.0%). Regarding the education level was observed that 49.2% of participants had completed primary school, and most did not engage in any work activity (90.4%) during the study period. Hemodialysis was the predominant renal replacement therapy (96.8%) and the average waiting time for execution of transplantation was 1.9 years (SD 1.9). Comparison of QoL before and after transplantation showed significant differences in all areas analyzed, demonstrating that kidney transplantation had a positive impact on QoL in chronic renal patients undergoing kidney transplantation. Sociodemographic factors did not influence the quality of life in this group of patients, indicating that transplantation was the main factor to explain the improvement in quality of life. Thus, the alternative hypothesis of the study was accept, that there is a significant difference in quality of life before and after kidney transplant. It is expected that the results of this study may contribute to the development of strategies to encourage organ donation and kidney transplantation process
Avaliar fatores de risco cardiovascular em mulheres brasileiras com síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP), através da utilização de múltiplos parâmetros, incluindo a determinação da prevalência de síndrome metabólica e seus componentes e pesquisa de microalbuminúria como marcador de um possível dano renal precoce nessas pacientes. Métodos: Foram avaliadas 102 mulheres de 20-34 anos de idade, com diagnóstico de SOP pelo Consenso de Rotterdam, tendo sido analisados parâmetros clínicos, antropométricos, bioquímicos e hormonais. Para diagnóstico de síndrome metabólica, foram adotados critérios do National Cholesterol Education Program s Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATP III). Para avaliação da microalbuminúria foi utilizada a relação albumina/creatinina (A/C), calculada a partir dos níveis de albumina e creatinina em amostra isolada de urina. Foram realizados testes estatísticos para avaliar associações e correlações entre variáveis, bem como comparação de médias ou medianas, adotando-se nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: A prevalência de síndrome metabólica foi de 28,4% (29 em 102 pacientes), estando associada ao aumento do índice de massa corporal (IMC). Quanto à análise da prevalência dos componentes individuais da síndrome metabólica, evidenciou-se: HDL-colesterol < 50 mg/dl em 69,6%, circunferência da cintura ≥ 88 cm em 57,9%, triglicerídeos ≥150 mg/dl em 31,7%, pressão arterial ≥130/85 mmHg em 18,6% e glicemia de jejum ≥110 mg/dl em 2,9%. Quando definida pelos limites convencionais para a relação A/C (3,5 35 mg/mmol), a microalbuminúria esteve presente em apenas três pacientes (3,3%). Entretanto, considerando diferentes limites de corte estabelecidos em recentes estudos que demonstraram aumento do risco cardiovascular associado a níveis muito baixos da relação A/C, a prevalência em mulheres com SOP foi alta, variando de 17,7 a 43,3% (para valores ≥ 0,58 e ≥ 0,37 mg/mmol, respectivamente). Mulheres com intolerância à glucose apresentaram nível significativamente mais elevado da relação A/C, quando comparadas às mulheres com normoglicemia. Os valores de microalbuminúria não apresentaram correlação significativa com IMC, níveis pressóricos, índices de sensibilidade insulínica ou perfil lipídico. Conclusões: Os dados evidenciam uma alta prevalência de síndrome metabólica e seus componentes individuais em mulheres brasileiras com SOP. Além do mais, observou-se elevado percentual de mulheres com níveis de excreção urinária de albumina em faixas significativamente associadas com aumento do risco para eventos cardiovasculares. Em conjunto, esses dados alertam para a necessidade da abordagem interdisciplinar e multidisciplinar das pacientes com SOP, visando à instituição de medidas voltadas para a prevenção primária cardiovascular
Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Schistosomiasis is an ancient disease caused by helminth Schistosoma mansoni and is a public health problem in Brazil. The granulomatous lesion, typical of the disease, associates itself with increase in the oxidative damage through the generation of free radicals. The aim of this work was to evaluate the occurrence of changes in parameters oxidant / antioxidant that are part of the human defense system, and observe whether they would cause oxidative stress in subjects with schistosomiasis. Moreover, correlating with some biochemical and hematological parameters. Two groups were selected for study, consisting of individuals of both sexes, aged between 16 and 30 years. A control group, formed by individuals without schistosomiasis (n = 30) and a test group, formed by individuals with schistosomiasis (n = 30). The evaluation of lipid peroxidation in plasma was performed by determination of malondialdehyde and antioxidant defense by the quantification of reduced glutathione and catalase activity. For the parameters that assess oxidative stress, the results showed a decrease in the content of reduced glutathione and no change in the activity of catalase, with an increase in the value of malondialdehyde. Therefore, the data found suggest the occurrence of oxidative stress in subjects with schistosomiasis. Of the parameters that assess hepatic function, only levels of aspartate aminotransferase have been high, while there was a decrease of bilirubine. There was a significant change in the lipid profile (p <0.5), however with regard to the renal function of patients, there was a decrease in creatinine. The assessment hematological, made through hemogram and the quantification of hemoglobin, shows increase of eosinophils individuals in the group test, which can be related to the presence of the parasite. The amendments suggest the involvement of oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of this disease
Despite Candida species are often human commensals isolated from various oral sites such as: tongue, cheek and palatal mucosa plus subgingival region, there are some properties linked to the organism commonly known as virulence factors which confer them the ability to produce disease. Oral candidiasis is one of the main oral manifestations reported in literature related to kidney transplant patients. The objectives of the present study were to identify and investigate virulence factors of yeasts isolated from the oral cavity of kidney transplant recipients admitted at the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes, in Natal RN. Seventy Candida species isolated from 111 kidney transplant recipients were investigated in this study. Identification of the isolates was performed by using the evidence of germ tube formation, hypertonic broth, tolerance to grow at 42°C, micromorphology and biochemical profiles. We observed a high rate of isolation of yeasts from the oral cavity of kidney transplant recipients (63.1%) being C. albicans was the most prevalent species. Oral candidiasis was diagnosed in 14.4% of transplant recipients. We evaluated virulence properties of the isolates regarding to: biofilm formation on polystyrene microplates as well as XTT reduction, adherence to acrylic resin and human buccal epithelial cells and proteinase activity. Most isolates were able to form biofilm by the method of adhesion to polystyrene. All isolates of Candida spp. remained viable during biofilm formation when analyzed by the method of XTT reduction. The number of CFU attached to the acrylic resin suggested high adherence for C. parapsilosis. C. albicans isolates showed higher median adherence to human buccal epithelial cells than non-C. albicans Candida isolates. Nevertheless, this difference was not statistically significant. C. dubliniensis showed low ability to adhere to plastic and epithelial cells and biofilm formation. Proteolytic activity was observed for all the isolates investigated, including the unique isolate of C. dubliniensis. There was a statistically significant association between proteinase production and the presence of oral candidiasis. Studies related to oral candidiasis in renal transplant recipients are limited to clinical and epidemiological data, but investigations concerning Candida spp. virulence factor for this group of individuals are still scarce. We emphasize the importance of studies related to virulence factors of yeasts isolated from this population to contribute to the knowledge of microbiological aspects of oral candidiasis
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and osteoposes are chronic diseases with great socioeconomic consequences, mainly due to the late complications and consequent disabilities. The potential effects of DM on bone metabolism remain a very conroversial issue, and disagreement exists with regard to the clinical implications of diabetic osteopenia and the mechanism of its ocurrence. The issue is further complicated by the contribuicion of the especific factors, such as duration of disease an dthe degree of metabolic control. The objective of this study is to identify the osteopathy in children and adolescents with DM 1 assisted in the hospital of pediatrics, UFRN, through biochemical markers of bone and mineral metabolism and the extent of bone mineral density. The study was composed by 74 diabetics type 1 patients (DM1) of both gender and aged 6 to 20 yars. Normoglicêmic group was composed by 97 healthy subjects of both genders, which showed the same age range of DM1, in addition to same socioeconomic class. These individuals qere students from the networks of public education in the city of Natal-RN, randomly invited to paticipate in our study. Both groups DM1 and NG were divided intofour subgroups, according to the classification of tanner , T1, T2, T3, T4 for achieving a benchmark. Diabetic individuals showed up with a poor glycemic control. the group DN1 T4 showed an incresead value for total protein, albumin, urea and microalbumiuria are predictors of grumelura injury in DM1 patients . The total alkaline phosphatase activitywas kept on high levels for both groups because they are in a stature development age. For osteocalcin there were decreased levels for groups Dm1 T1, T2, and T3 when compared to their NG (s), suggesting that this decrease could be associated with reduction in the number and/or differentiation os osteoblasts thereby contributing to reducing bone formation. There were no changes in the activity of TRAP. The serum concentrations of total and ionized calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were included within the RV. It was observed that the BMD (Z- SCORE ) has always been within the RV for both groups, despite to DM1 T4. Taking all together, our results support the hypothesis that children and adolescents with type 1 DM present the risk in the long run to suffer a reduction in the bone mass, associated to poor glicemic control and disease duration. It could limit the bone growth and increase the probality of development of osteopenia, as well as other complications surch as retinopathy and renal failure
According to Brazil s Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture, artisanal fishermen are responsible for a significant fish production at national level, highlighting the importance of this activity. In Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil, fishing has become an important part of economic and social processes. In this context, there are many inland fishing communities such as Barreiras, Diogo Lopes and Sertãozinho, which are part of Ponta do Tubarão State Reserve of Sustainable Development (RDSEPT), located in Macau and Guamaré, Rio Grande do Norte coastline cities. Fishermen and women, the last ones known as marisqueiras who work alongside the menfolk at sea, especially in the shellfish harvest, have been developing narrow relationships with nature, mainly with the sea, from where they extract their families subsistence. However, those communities have been facing several issues related to living conditions, health and diseases. Social representations have been analyzed in the speeches of fishermen/women who were registered active members in a fishermen association named Associação Colônia de Pescadores Z-41, regarding the period from 2008 to 2011. The analysis involved socio-economic profiles verification, identification and analysis of the group s main representative diseases and representations related to health and illness. This study searched for elements in order to provide the comprehension of the relationships among people s social representations and the fishing environment in which they live.. This qualiquantitative study was performed using recordings and transcriptions of structured and open-question interviews. The Collective Subject Speech tecnique proposed by Lefevre & Lefevre (2002) was applied to perform the interviews analysis using QualiQuantiSoft® software. The results showed that health and illness phenomena as well as social representations related to them in the fishing environment are not only abstract states but also physical ones, which interfere in all life extensions, establishing a set of relevant information that indicates that those people realize their own socio-cultural, economic, environmental and political context