65 resultados para Desafios atuais da Estatística
In this work we analyze the skin bioimpedance statistical distribution. We focus on the study of two distinct samples: the statistics of impedance of several points in the skin of a single individual and the statistics over a population (many individuals) but in a single skin point. The impedance data was obtained from the literature (Pearson, 2007). Using the Shapiro-Wilk test and the assymmetry test we conclude that the impedance of a population is better described by an assymetric and non-normal distribution. On the other side, the data concerning the individual impedance seems to follow a normal distribution. We have performed a goodnes of fitting test and the better distribution to fit the data of a population is the log-normal distribution. It is interesting to note that our result for skin impedance is in simtony with body impedance from the literature of electrical engeneering. Our results have an impact over the statistical planning and modelling of skin impedance experiments. Special attention we should drive to the treatment of outliers in this kind of dataset. The results of this work are important in the general discussion of low impedance of points of acupuncture and also in the problem of skin biopotentials used in equipments like the Electrodermal Screen Tests.
Esta tese articulou as áreas do conhecimento da Epidemiologia, Saúde Pública, Demografia e Estatística. Para esta investigação, traçaram-se duas estratégias: por um lado, buscou-se relatar a trajetória dos direitos femininos em saúde no Brasil a partir do período pós-guerra até os dias atuais; por outro lado, objetivou-se analisar diferenciais da morte materna e suas associações com variáveis sociodemográficas das mulheres residentes no estado da Paraíba no período de 2000 a 2004. As explorações decorrentes destes objetivos resultaram na produção de três abordagens. Na primeira, procedeu-se a um olhar retrospectivo sobre as políticas de saúde da mulher no país e seus desdobramentos regionais, enfocando a saúde materna. A análise permitiu reconhecer que, apesar de todas as conquistas adquiridas pelas mulheres desde os anos 80, a população feminina brasileira, em particular a paraibana, ainda carece de melhorias nas condições de saúde, sendo esta situação retratada pelo elevado número de mortes maternas ocorridas nos últimos anos. Também se buscou retratar os esforços dos sistemas oficiais na luta pela melhoria da qualidade dos dados reconhecida, na agenda nacional, como sendo ainda uma grande preocupação atual. Na segunda, o objetivo foi identificar o poder associativo entre a raça das mulheres residentes no estado da Paraíba e algumas variáveis sociodemográficas. Os resultados mostraram que houve indícios significativos de que as mulheres não brancas da Paraíba tiveram maiores chances de morrer que as brancas com baixa escolaridade e por morte obstétrica direta. Na terceira, centrou-se no tipo de óbito materno, cujo objetivo consistiu em analisar associações entre o tipo de óbito materno das mulheres paraibanas e as variáveis: grupo etário, escolaridade e raça, no período de 2000 a 2004. Os testes estatísticos realizados apontaram que a mulher paraibana teve cinco vezes mais chances de morrer por morte obstétrica direta ou indireta na faixa etária abaixo dos 20 anos e acima dos 34 em relação a faixa etária entre 20-34 anos
This study had as objective to identify to the perception of mothers and professionals of health on the attention to the health of HIV-Positive children/adolescents in the city of Natal-RN. It is a descriptive-exploratory study with quantitative and qualitative approach, carried through in the Giselda Trigueiro Hospital and in the State and Municipal Health Councils in Natal - RN, from march to december of 2005. The sample was composed by 56 participants, 33 mothers of children who use specialized assistance and 23 professionals. Data collection occurred with the application of a half-structuralized interview. Quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and qualitative data were submitted to content analysis. Prevailing categories in relation to the cartography of the attention to seropositive children and adolescents in Natal were: Organization and dynamics of the attention; Institutional management and human development; Control and prevention; other contexts of attention; relationship/communication team-patient and organization and functioning of the services. The profile epidemiologist of the children, adolescents and of the people/mothers, who take care of them with HIV/Aids, followed the evolution of the epidemic in the country and the world. It was verified that mothers need care and information; however they make a positive evaluation of the attendance they receive. It was also observed many gaps in the services of assistance, in which the researched group was attended, beyond imperfections in the communication between health professionals and users. The professionals recognize the advances that the politics represent for the assistance of people with Aids; however feel themselves limited by the precariousness of the system and the partner-economic conditions of the people. According to these data, it can be verified great challenges to go through in the context of integrality of the assistance to HIV positive children and adolescents in the city of Natal and in the improvement of the communication in the institution of reference
This thesis is the result of a study on the role of technical assistance in the process of agroecological transition, which are under way in rural settlements in the territory of Mato Grande, Rio Grande do Norte. Your goal is, from the Technical Assistance Program, Social and Environmental (ATES), launched in 2004 by INCRA understand to what extent this action accomplished their goal of doing a job with a focus on agroecology. To this end, we chose to work with a qualitative methodology, through interviews with settlers, advisors and representatives of INCRA. They also contributed to developing this thesis, the direct observations, which offer visits to settlements and advisory bodies in the Rede Pardal, apart from participation in meetings and activities in which they were being discussed the issues of advice, agroecology and rural settlements. The thesis is divided into five chapters, plus introduction and conclusion. The first three refer to a theoretical analysis and historical about the process of land reform, and as a result the establishment of rural settlements, the importance of peasant tradition for the design of agro-ecological design and the relationship between agricultural models and proposals advice to the countryside. In two subsequent chapters, there was a panoramic picture of the territory of Mato Grande, settlements and groups that make up this research, for then analyze the performance of advisory services in these settlements, with the parameter, agroecology. It was found that the advice in this perspective, suffers a series of constraints, causing a gap between the ideal proposed in the manual and the actual practiced in their daily lives. Still, it is concluded that the ATES has contributed to innovations in productive groups who are experiencing agroecological processes, which can be regarded as shoots for the transition to a new dynamic of development.
This thesis is defined as a reflection on the mechanisms of expression and insertion of the homo situs in the participatory governance in Mozambique. For a better understanding of this social fact, it was settled a periodization which covered the decline of colonialism at the time of the independence, which was proclaimed in June 1975, the civil war that lasted over 16 years and the period of the democratic State, further established. Therefore, we sought to understand the mechanisms and failures of the participation of the homo situs in local development projects that absorbed the needs and problems of these peasants, not mobilizing the skills and social competences of these communities. It would be essential for the homo situs a genuine democratic practice involving a political culture based on the social construction of the territories of the traditional man which was characterized by being procedural and historical, finding in participation its higher base. In this context, it would be desirable that the community development in Mozambique could contemplate and respect the choices of the homo situs. For this purpose, it would be fundamental the consistency between theory and practice, which builds and rebuilds, continually the competence of the peasants, facilitating the possibility of realization of their primordial aspirations. In the research, it became apparent that there is not a continuous process of participation of the rural communities, which appear as participants, only at the time of the implementation of the activities. Therefore, even having the participation of the communities expected by the law, with predictable moments of discussion and necessary conditions for that, the State failed to establish an ongoing process of democratic dialogue with traditional populations, as well as it failed to organize, properly, accurate informational bases to help solve the problems of rural areas. These facts have led to obstacles to the process of conquest of the human and civil rights of the traditional communities
The Family Health Program implemented in Brazilian municipalities from 1994 represents today the most promising proposal to promote important changes in municipality`s health systems, to allow universal access to health care, comprehensiveness, equity and to promote social control, achievements provided by the health reform process and incorporated to the Unified Health System principles. However, many are the challenges imposed to the Family Health Program so that it can cause these advances. In this study, we aimed to answer the following research question: what are the results of the Family Health Program in relation to beneficiaries at small, medium and large municipalities? The hypothesis that guided this work was that the variation in levels of achievement/results (strict, impacts and effects) of the Family Health Program is related to the size of the municipalities. Therefore, our general aim was to evaluate the results of the Family Health Program in municipalities at Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. And as specific objectives, to measure strict results, effects and impacts of the Program, from the criteria of efficiency and effectiveness on the beneficiated population, and to measure the Program`s impact on the organization of municipality`s health system. This is an impact assessment research, developed from multiple case studies with quanti-qualitative approach. The study included small municipalities (Acari and Taipu), midsize (Canguaretama and Santa Cruz) and large (Natal and Mossoró). The individuals chosen to the research were users/beneficiaries of the Program and health professionals. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and content analysis compared from the Program`s logical /theoretical model. The results obtained in relation to the principles evaluated (universality, comprehensiveness and community participation) presented that municipalities show different results, although not directly related to the size, but related with characteristics of the Program`s implementation form in each municipality and the arrangements made for its operationalization. The positive effect that generated significant change in people`s lives has been linked to the increase of access and to the decrease of geographic barriers. However, to the municipal health system, regarding the changes desired by the Program, it was not observed a positive impact, but a negative impact related to the increase of barriers for the user to access other levels of the health system
The objective of this study was to investigate the elements that contribute to the state of stress which often affects those who embrace the university teaching career, and also to learn whatever strategies professors use to cope with stressing situations in order to develop resilience and a sound exercise of their profession. To the very nature of university teaching belong a variety of attributions, demands and challenges which, together, may contribute to the development of stress. The epistemological principles which guided this research were those of Complex Thinking, which facilitate a deeper comprehension of the human and social phenomena as viewed through the lens of complexity principles: the dialogical principle, the organizational recursivity principle and the hologramatical principle. Fully acknowledging the many difficulties brought about by any attempt that would try to explain human phenomena based only on one theoretical reference, we have elected multi-referentiality as the support for this study, thus being able to dialogue with a variety of authors about the same phenomenon. This was a qualitative research in which questionnaires and interviews were used as instruments for the empirical work. The data has been articulated into categories and subcategories, allowing for a thematic analysis. Participants of the study were seventeen professors from two different colleges in the city of Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte. Bad working conditions, demands from the institution, student s lack of commitment, long working hours, low salaries, lack of incentives to university teachers, uncertainty concerning timetable and difficulties in proper time administration are the variables that contribute to the stress of professors. Although this is a problem that affects the group as a whole, strategies to cope with it are individually sought and vary from trying to find different leisure options, opening one s heart to colleagues or relatives, individual planning, prayer, rational facing of the situation, to simply giving in to exhaustion. The study has proposed institutional as well as personal actions that may foster a development among professors which takes into account a resilience development in a collective perspective. Also, it shows some articulations that are already under way so that professors may be attended to.
Este estudo trata sobre as marcas da experiência escolar no processo de individuação do sujeito e tem como objetivo geral conhecer de que forma essas experiências, a despeito das questões curriculares e pedagógicas, influenciam esse processo. Buscou-se interpretar as experiências reforçadas durante a escolarização e as trajetórias de enfrentamento das diversas situações vividas na escola. Tentou-se, também, compreender o sentido dos acontecimentos escolares críticos e igualmente como o meio familiar pode influenciar nas escolhas e formação dos sujeitos através do investimento pedagógico. Ademais, refletiu-se sobre os motivos que levaram alguns a permanecerem no ambiente escolar seja como estudante ou mais tarde, do lado de lá, como professor. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa de inspiração fenomenológica utilizando-se de entrevistas narrativas com quatro sujeitos, a partir das quais se identificou as principais características, estrutura, condições de origem, o contexto social, as estratégias escolares, as formas como foram manejadas e suas conseqüências. A análise dos relatos deixou claro dois eixos fundamentais da experiência escolar que se destacam na constituição dos sujeitos: de um lado a dinâmica do ambiente escolar vivido deixou marcas indeléveis na memória que foram determinantes para as escolhas pessoais; por outro lado, a referência familiar, através das suas várias formas de investimento pedagógico, teve uma influência decisiva. As marcas combinadas da escola e da família deixaram um legado importante para formação dos sujeitos e para as escolhas que fizeram durante as suas vidas, especialmente no direcionamento da suas carreiras profissionais. Invariavelmente, percebeu-se na investigação, que muito do aluno que se foi persiste no adulto e profissional de hoje. Assim, o Eu escolar é parte do Eu profissional que existe em cada um. O cidadão, a pessoa e o profissional são derivados dos processos de socialização e individuação, os quais em grande parte se definem durante a vida escolar. E é com o uso desse "capital escolar" , adquirido nos tempos de escola, que temos condições de desenvolver os muitos papéis sociais nos dias atuais.
In Reading Television: Limits of the course TV in the School and the Challenges of Today in Sergipe , we had as objective to detect that type of critical reading of the cultural texts produced by the television, professionals of the education of the public net of the basic and average education of the state of Sergipe that all had concluded its 3 (three) modules carries through. We were effectively tutorial of the first edition of this course of extension in the distance and witness some inconsistencies in its application, moment where the instigated investigation appeared: ahead of the current necessity of if understanding with a critical sense, the paper that plays it measured them in orchestration of the globalizado world, that type of critical reading of the audiovisual language is capable to carry through a professional of the education that participated of a course of this nature? Beginning with documental analysys and qualitative metodology we try to analyse in four chapters, since the origins and motivations of this course, to the opinions of 10 (ten) former course students about the approaches of the same thematic subject by two different television new programs, without missing the opinions of the tutors about the conditions in which were made 4 (four) consecutive editions of the course in Sergipe nor the concrete relationships estabilished by the former course students and the audiovisual on their everyday routine both at home and at work. We conclude that the reading made by the former course students is based on common sense and then not satisfactory to the requirements of this task nowadays, and at the same time we point out that the course failed, for it presented severe issues in terms of management and operations in its practical application to distance, by priorizing quantity over quality, by linking itself to a deficient technical structure, by not beholding the diosyncrasies nor the fundamental videos the teachers have access everyday and that it all had direct relation with the attachment of this course to a verticalized policy of technologization of brazilian education.
This study it treats on the marks of the school experience in the individuation process of the subject and has as general aim to know of that it forms these experiences, the spite of the curricular and pedagogical questions, influences this process. It searched to interpret the experiences strengthened during the school education and the trajectories of confrontation of the diverse situations lived in the school. It was tried,also,to understand the direction of the critical school events and equally as the familiar way can influence in the choices and formation of the citizens through the pedagogical investment. Furthermore, it was reflected on the reasons that had taken some to remain in the school environment are as student or, later, of the side of there ,as teacher. For in such a way, it realized a qualitative research with a phenomenological inspiration using narratives interviews carried with four subjects, from which if it identified the main characteristics, structure, conditions of origin, the social context, the school strategies, the forms as they had been managed and its consequences. The analysis of the stories clearly left two basic axles about the school experience that if detach in the constitution of the subjects: in a hand, the dynamics of the lived school environment left undeleted marks in the memory that had been determinative for the personal choices; on the other hand,the familiar reference, through its different forms of pedagogical investment,had a decisive influence. The agreed marks of the school and the family had left an important legacy for formation of the subjects and the choices that had made during their lives, especially in the aiming of its professional careers. Invariably, it was perceived in the inquiry, that much of the pupil who if was persists in the adult and professional of today. Thus, the school I it s part of professional I that it exists in each one. The citizen, the person and the professional are derived from the processes of socialization and individuation, which to a large extent are defined during the school life. And it s with the use of this school capital , acquired in the school times, that we have conditions to develop the many social roles in the current days
This dissertation work studies the Board of Director , created in 1995, in the public schools of the Rio Grande do Norte. It aims to analyze if the creation of this collegiate at Berilo Wanderley State School contributes to accomplish the participation of school segments, democratizing the decision-making in the interior of the institution. This research configures itself as a study of case with information collected together to the representatives of Board through of semi-structuralized interviews. Also they had been essential in the investigation , the informal talks and the registered direct comments in a field diary. For the data analysis we contemplate the following dimensions of the object: the institutionalization process of the Board at Berilo Wanderley State School; the insertion form of the representatives in the collegiate one; the participation of the members in the Board decisions ; the Board s role in the school management and the Board as democratization space. Based in the theoretical and empirical information that we made use, we look for to identify the limits and possibilities of the Board performance in a state public school. The research results indicate that the institutionalization of the Board of Director at the Berilo Wanderley State School presents limits to materialize an effective participation of school community in the essential decisions to the functioning of the school. Also it was possible to underline the fragility of an understanding on the part of school community, the potentialities that the Board in the process of democratization of the school has, translated in the discrepancy between the saying and making of the council members. It can be highlighted that the Board in the school only exists to correspond to a educational policy guideline, with a little significant role , without corresponding to the democratizing possibilities of the collegiate participation. In spite of all the evidenced debilities in the Board of Director experience of the Wanderley Berilo State School , it is worth clarifying that the actor participation, for more limited than either, it represents new something in the setting of the school. In this direction we detach the importance to invest in the improvement of the Board s role, because it can form itself in an educative space for the building of democratic practices in the scope of the school
Over time the Physical Education on IFRN has considered the sport as the only possibility of pedagogical action. In the purpose of investigating the aspects that determine this condition, this study aimed the context of physical education within the institutional framework and its current perspectives in the process of institutional transformation. In this sense, were addressed the following study questions: What political pedagogical aspects that influenced the context of Physical Education on IFRN and how the pedagogical experience on Mossoro s campus incorporated the perspectives of curricular proposals transformation for the High School and the theoretical changes of the Brazilian Physical Education. Methodologically the work was based on a qualitative approach characterized as a descriptive- comparative research. The technique of discourse analysis was employed in the speech of research collaborators having as categories of analysis the professional activities time in the institution; The ratio of official use of the assumptions to the pedagogical practice of Physical Education in IFRN; The sport in the education process of students and The Prospects of Physical Education in the current configuration of IFRN. The data analysis allowed us to infer that the theoretical methodology of pedagogical practice of Physical Education in IFRN need to be reformulated and that it is necessary a contextualization with the curricular principles of the political institutional pedagogical project and with the Curriculum Guidelines for Secondary Education. The teaching experience developed in the Mossoro s Campus was contextualized with the national curriculum guidelines for secondary education and the theoretical changes of the Brazilian Physical Education. We conclude that it is necessary a collective action of the group of teachers to transform the educational profile of Physical Education of IFRN, beyond the institutional support to be able to consolidate the physical education curriculum component in the current dimensions of society, human being, education, science, technology and work, proposed by the philosophical principles and epistemological political project of IFRN educational
This work has its genesis in the life of a teacher. It contemplates the report of a great story that expresses the political will of anonymous people who sought/seek to overcome challenges and prejudices, a joint effort to make real the right to literacy. The reported story was developed in the Pedagogic Clinic Teacher Heitor Carrilho, Natal-RN which, concerned about the sentence of 'unable to learn the written language' attributed to children and young public school students, decided to invest in overcoming prejudices and fight against school failure of these underprivileged. The problem that motivated the study was thus set up: What particularities characterize a pedagogical practice which aims to teach literacy to children and youth from public schools, considered not capable of learning the written language? What theoretical and methodological procedures are shown as a boost to literacy in the development of a pedagogical practice systematically targeted to reflect the perspective of educating those students in public schools? Aiming to answer these questions, we conducted a qualitative research having as methodology, Life Stories and Research/Formation. For the construction of the data, it was decided to use the participative observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Guided by the principles of content analysis the data analysis was built, from which emerged two categories: theoretical and methodological procedures aligned to the major axes of literacy and Procedures of the specific theoretical and methodological fundamentals of literacy. As subsets of the transverse procedures others were seized: didactic-pedagogic procedures; social affective procedures. Regarding these ones, the research shows the importance of the teacher to build a relationship of listening to the students and their families in order to organize the pedagogical work, looking at multiple dimensions of the subject: the intellect, the creative, the affective, moral, noting that between the methodology and didactics or as part of it, the links built represent great opportunities to promote literacy. Regarding the specific procedures, others were built: procedures that emphasize oral communication, procedures that favor writing and procedures that privilege reading. Under these procedures, the results of research show that you can only promote literacy if the teacher provides the students effective conditions of understanding the principles of alphabetical notation from the use of various kinds of texts, leading them to comprehend and use them in different contexts. Therefore, instructors must meet the learners' prior knowledge, their language, and the learning real needs that will bring new challenges consistent with their possibilities. The research confirms the importance of the Educational Support extra school. However, it is essential to emphasize that it is a function of the school to promote literacy for all students in the early years of schooling. It is recorded, however, that for the implementation of this desire, we must break the school model characterized by a rigid tradition, in which there is only room for those who learn the content taught in a minimum time. Unfortunately, despite the discourse of inclusion and ensuring the right to education, the school remains exclusive and selective separating the school learning of interpersonal relations and social integration and performance. On the one hand, research showed the difficulties of conducting studies and/or strategies that address the particularities of children and young people believed not capable of learning. On the other hand, the political commitment and motivation have increased the perception that it is possible to mitigate the existing deficits in the educational context, beginning with the everyday teaching practice, in which new knowledge can be learned, methodologies can be improved and, despite everything, the educational success can be built
The ongoing transformations in brazilian society, arising from technical and organizational changes in the working world, are making, with much emphasis, heated debates resurge related to themes and issues that refer to the relationship between work, skills and education. Thus, this study is inserted in the link between education and work, pointing to the work as an educational principle according to Antonio Gramsci. This paper aims to discuss the interfaces between education and work in the everyday health care teams and learn about the activities developed by health teams related to the learning processes in and with the work to analyze the opportunities and challenges of transforming spaces of health work in an environment of lifelong learning. This is a descriptive, exploratory with a qualitative approach case study developed from semi-structured interviews with the health staff professionals of the Unidade de Terapia Intensiva da Casa de Saúde Dix-Sept Rosado in Mossoró / RN , who answered open questions about the relationship between education and work. The interviews were conducted during the month of January 2010, the same being recorded, transcribed and analyzed, culminating in the production of new knowledge on the subject. It is understood that work and education activities are eminently human, therefore only the human being works and educates. Given the statements of participants, it is noticed that all work processes in health are learning moments. This happens through new demands imposed by the everyday of the services, by interaction with a multidisciplinary team, participation in educational activities and individual study. It was noticed that the institution in this case does not promote study courses related to Intensive Care and that there are obstacles to the realization of educational activities on and with the work, such as: excessive workload, inability to release staff to participate in events, low pay, which leads the worker to have more than one employment, rejection of new knowledge by some workers and lack of physical infrastructure and incentives for the activities. The daily situations must be transformed in learning, selfanalyzing the problems of practice and valuing the work process itself in its intrinsic context. We conclude that dealing with the web of relationships between educational processes and production processes of health services, unraveling the intricacies of the world of work and education requirements in this sector are increasingly on the agenda of Sistema Único de Saúde workers and managers. The continuing consideration of this issue becomes an essential condition for the proper discharge of their responsibilities. We consider that bringing the education to everyday life is the result of recognition of the educational potential of the work situation
This is an exploratory descriptive study with quantitative approach, aiming to verify the nurses' knowledge concerning the epidemiological surveillance activities at the Onofre Lopes hospital (HUOL), in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The study was performed with 63 nurses from the hospital and the data were collected through a questionnaire. All data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results were discussed and organized into four sections: nurses' knowledge on hospital epidemiological surveillance; procedures of the professional nurse through compulsory notification diseases; difficulties found by nurses to register the compulsory notification diseases and suggestions of strategies to joint epidemiological surveillance service with the care practices of nurses. The results showed that 55.55% of nurses know the main action of epidemiological surveillance, compulsory notification of diseases, and that 42.86% reported to the Hospital Epidemiology Center , while 57.14% did not allocate the information for this service. Most nurses found it difficult to perform notification for not knowing its flow; for the surveillance service does not operate 24 hours and for vagueness on diagnostic of disorders. Suggestions of strategies to improve the quality of epidemiological information are focused on training of nurses in hospital epidemiological surveillance; working in partnership with the surveillance center; diffusion of information on surveillance and conducting a daily active search. It comes to conclusion that most nurses don't notify the Surveillance Center about Compulsory Notification Diseases and it wasn't observed the incorporation of integrality values between the hospital surveillance and all nurses, since this principle guides the actions of health services based on dialogue, listening, ethical commitment, sharing of knowledge among professionals of various services and respect towards other professionals. Therefore, the integrality gap in the actions of the nurses studied, as well as in the surveillance service does not mobilize the potential of such services to changes in the sense of achievement of practices aimed at a special attention model that combines preventive and corrective actions, proposed and desired by SUS. Through the difficulties presented, it becomes important to recommend educational processes with strategy to transform the conducts, besides proposing actions under the principle of integrality provide responses agile and effective, as the purpose of VE hospital emergency care by the current epidemic