95 resultados para Contexto Pós-ontológico


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This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of the legal labor phenomenon in contemporary capitalism as rectifier element of the contradictions between capital and labor. From the analysis of legislative developments - state and business - and court decisions related to the category of freight transport is expected to determine the protectionist stiffness proclaimed by the institutional structure of labor in Brazil, considered by the hegemonic discourse as political-economic factor that prevents growth. It is intended to unravel the relationships between political and civil society, studying the internal contradictions and ideological influence among these spaces, with theoretical support in Marx and Gramsci. The function of this research is to test the premise that the protectionist discourse is a rational action of capitalism and the organic intellectuals of political society in order to achieve hegemony and hide the real contradictions between capital and labor, in addition to also assist in the discussion on deregulation and easing in Brazil. The analysis points to the confirmation of our premise, since the evolution of the legal phenomenon in the transport sector was charging toward the neoliberal project


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This thesis talks about the use of guided educational tools in play and playful in public schools in the Metropolitan Region of Natal (MRN), contributing to the teaching and students learning of basic education in the contents of portuguese and mathematics. We assume that the play is an activity / human need and therefore implies the proper development of children in physical, psychological, biological, cultural, social and historical aspects. We consider the mediation exercised by the teacher in the classroom, and the affection existing between teacher and student, sine qua non terms, so that the truth and fact of the process of teaching and learning occur. Thus, theoretically collaborated Paulo Freire, with his dialogical vision; Lev S. Vygotsky says that we learn and why we develop; Lev S. Vygotsky that states that we learn and for that we develop ourselves; Pierre Bourdieu and the concept of habitus, as something embedded and therefore procedural, and the cultural capital that needs to be fed and (re)meaning at school; Luiz Pereira, Bernard Lahire, Gilles Brougère and others brought their theoretical contributions. The empirical field of research was composed by the Municipal School Professor Ulysses de Góis, located in the neighborhood of Nova Descoberta in Natal, and the Municipal School José Horacio de Góis, located in the community of Guanduba, in São Gonçalo do Amarante, municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Natal (MRN). We used as methodology the collaborative-action-research as a possible of effective participation of the research subjects, imputing them a voice and performance in the process, and not considering them just observers. The results indicate the effectiveness of the pedagogical tools in play and playful to the learning of students, but that alone is not able to solve all the problems of the school, other referrals need to be secured, as the planning of the actions to be developed in the school and in the classroom, systematized pedagogical orienttion for faculty, family participation/involvement in the school life of students, among other actions that need to be weighted so that education fulfills its role and promote the emancipation of the subject, because in the freireana liberating perspective, "the reading of the world preced the lecture of the word"


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Os Direitos Humanos, compreendidos como o conjunto de direitos indispensáveis à efetivação da dignidade humana, encontram-se, atualmente, no centro das discussões e relações jurídicas internacionais e nacionais. Seu amplo reconhecimento em nível mundial e a universalização de seus preceitos centrais alçaram o Direito Internacional a um nível de evolução e de relacionamento com o Direito Constitucional que se mostram impassíveis de serem ignorados pelas jurisdições nacionais. Encontrando-se tais direitos na base do constitucionalismo moderno, o que os mantém em estreito relacionamento com o pluralismo e a democracia, faz-se imperioso recordar-se que as noções jurídicas que os animam serviram de base histórica e genética ao reconhecimento e à positivação, em nível constitucional, dos assim chamados direitos fundamentais. Em sintonia com a especial deferência que se tem ofertado aos direitos humanos na sociedade contemporânea global, nossa Constituição positivou entre os princípios regentes de suas relações internacionais ordem expressa de prevalente respeito aos tratados internacionais estabelecedores desses direitos, além de ter possibilitado a recepção desses pactos em nosso ordenamento jurídico, inclusive a título de preceitos constitucionais, conforme Emenda Constitucional n. 45/2004. Esse tratamento especial, além do processo democrático que conduziu o Brasil a uma progressiva aceitação dos tratados, pactos e convenções humanitários, torna possível a conclusão de que os Direitos Humanos apresentam elementos de diferencial carga legitimadora, podendo contribuir, significativamente para, a legitimação democrática de nossa Jurisdição Constitucional. Também é possível perceber-se que, ocorrente em esferas de poder e de legitimação diversos, em particular a nível internacional, a importância conferida aos Direitos Humanos não resta esvaziada pela ampla proteção constitucional conferida aos direitos fundamentais. Particularmente questionada em sua perspectiva democrática, mormente ante o cumprimento da nominada regra contramajoritária e em face da crescente ampliação de seu poder político, nossa Jurisdição Constitucional não pode mais permanecer alheia aos condicionantes determinados pelas amplas imbricações que se desenvolveram no estreitamento de relações entre o Direito Constitucional e o Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos. Também a crise dogmática ditada pelo distanciamento havido entre o direito posto e a realidade nacional tem implicado em inegável desgaste público da atividade jurisdicional, principalmente da jurisdição voltada à proteção constitucional. O papel da Jurisdição Constitucional atual há, portanto, de ser cumprido em sintonia com as normas internacionais de Direitos Humanos, principalmente em respeito às normas constitucionais pátrias que ordenam a prevalência desses direitos nas relações internacionais. Nesse sentido, pode e necessita nossa Jurisdição Constitucional valer-se do particular potencial legitimador das normas definidoras de Direitos Humanos, reconhecendo e efetivando tais normas e adequando-se às tendências modernas que a elas conferem especial proteção, num processo dialético de inolvidável natureza democrática


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Studies on the effects of changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning have been a central theme in ecology over the past two decades. Several studies have showed that the diversity of plant debris differently affects the decomposition process in aquatic and terrestrial environments, but we know very about the effects of detritus diversity on decomposition under fluctuating environmental conditions. We tested whether and how the environmental contexts, as well as the dynamic of their alternation, influence the effects of detritus diversity on the decomposition process. We performed a field experiment where we manipulate the litter diversity of 8 species of terrestrial plants decomposing (litterbags) in single and in mixture containing the eight species together in three different environmental contexts: the terrestrial environment (T), aquatic (A) and interface (I) - experimental treatment that simulates variation in flooding regime. We measured the rate of decomposition through the loss of mass of the community and each individual detritus in monocultures and mixtures. Species richness and environmental variability had no effects on the magnitude and stability of the decomposition process. However, there were significant diversity effects on the decomposition of an individual alien species, F. benjamina. Environmental context had significant effects on the magnitude and variability of decomposition. Detritus decomposition was faster and more variable on aquatic, interface and terrestrial conditions, respectively. Our results demonstrate that the diversity of plant detritus has minor effects to the decomposition across disparate environmental conditions and suggest that it is necessary to consider the potential of other abiotic factors in affect the magnitude and variability of the decomposition processes


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El objetivo en esta tesis consistió en estudiar el proceso de los cambios de los conceptos de profesores de la educación infantil y de los años iníciales de la educación básica referente a la enseñanza de la matemática. La investigación se desenvolvió en la escuela Presidente Kennedy, en la ciudad de Natal, en Rio Grande do Norte, teniendo como participante 05 (cinco) profesores del curso normal superior a través de la educación superior del instituto relacionado. El trabajo asocia el programa a él Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, en la base de pesquisa Formação e Profissionalização Docente coordinada de los doctores Betânia Leite Ramalho e Isauro Beltran Núñez. El referencial teórico-metodológico en quien si apoya el trabajo se inserta en la señal conceptual usada por Giordan y de Vecchi (1996), de Carrillo y Contreras (1994), Ramalho; Núñez y Gauthier (2003), Ponte (1998), Guimarães (1988), Ernest (1989). En esta investigación, los conceptos de los profesores habían sido estudiados en el contexto educativo de la formación del nivel superior, usándola reflexiva crítico práctico como estrategia formativa. Estos conceptos se entienden como estructuras subyacentes al pensamiento del profesor. Dado la naturaleza del objeto del estudio, la información, para las intenciones de esta investigación, habían sido cosechados a través de los instrumentos siguientes: cuestionario, plan de la lección, entrevista diaria y del campo. El cuestionario fue constituido de preguntas abiertas y de las entrevistas de la mitad-structuralized. La organización de los datos permitió a La inferencia de los conceptos, usando la técnica de la triangulación de datos. La investigación divulgó que los conceptos de los profesores, a través del proceso formativo, se habían desarrollado de una plataforma para otra, yéndose puesto que los modelos didácticos tradicionales para otros modelos dirigidos a una tendencia didáctica de espontaneísta/investigativa. La reflexión crítica era considerada como elemento catalítico de los cambios de los conceptos de los profesores en la educación de las matemáticas, sin embargo déjenos verifican que estos cambios son difíciles de ocurrir para la naturaleza compleja de estos conceptos. Como facilitadores de los factores de estos cambios, encontramos y el investigativo el trabajo, la dinámica y la naturaleza de las actividades se convirtió en el colaborativo de proceso formativo, entre otros. Como obstáculos a los cambios, identificamos el contexto del trabajo de los profesores, de la cultura de los individualistas prácticos de sus profesores de los colegas, del concepto linear, estático y de los mecánicos de los procesos para enseñar, el conocimiento profesional construído durante la formación inicial, alineación con los modelos didácticos de sus viejos profesores, entre otros


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The present paper analyses matters about the assessment in the context of the school organization in cycles. The complexity that involves the assessment turns it into a difficult subject, since the evidence that the model supported by the traditional approach contributes to foil the fulfillment of new continuous and wide-ranging assessment practices, that are coherent with a view of learning as a process established in the student-teacher-knowledge interaction. This paper has as guidance the following questions: How did the introduction of the teaching organization in cycles happen in Fortaleza/ CE? How far are the teachers prepared to the introduction of the cycles system, specially in the way of thinking and practicing the assessment? What are the teacher s involvements with this project and with the continuous assessment in the cycles? What meanings do the teachers give to the assessment in this project? Therefore, were determined as objectives: to comprehend the meanings attributed to the learning assessment by the teachers in contact with the cycles in Fortaleza/CE; to identify assessment practices that are closer to a less qualifying perspective, more related to the students learning and to the educational intervention in order to improve this process. The methodological orientation chosen was based on the presuppositions of the comprehensible interview, with reference to the studies of the French sociologist Jean Claude Kaufmann, developed with 15 (fifteen) teachers of 15 (fifteen) schools of the state teaching system of Fortaleza/CE. It was considered, in the methodology, the word as a central fact in the consolidation of the object of study, what allows to conceive the teachers as active participants of this research and of the discussions about assessment. The analysis about the speeches in the interviews made possible to glimpse the meanings attributed to the learning assessment that are not related to the traditional paragon, in spite of the dilemma in which the participants of the research faced at the time of the introduction of the cycles in Fortaleza/CE. These meanings were created between the presence and the absence of the teachers knowledge that, in their way, interact with the changes caused by the obligation of the teaching organization in cycles, seeking a strategy of self-organization as a consequence of the search for new knowledge connected with the teaching


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The constitution of being a teacher of Portuguese occurs in a dynamic process involving various factors, such as the requirements of regulatory documents, the context of teacher formation, and the configuration of current society, per se. This study is aimed at reflecting on the initial formation of teachers of Portuguese and on official documents that face this formation, raising the following questions: (1) what does it mean to be a Portuguese teacher? (2) what is the vision of the subjects (teachers and students) involved with the formation of teaching the Portuguese Language? (3) how do these individuals deal with official documents? and (4) how do these subjects discourses relate? To understand the context of the formative processes and the knowledge inherent in them, first we take the studies of Garcia (1999) and Tardif (2002) as a theoretical framework, and to understand and interpret the utterances of the interviewees, we were grounded in the writing of Bakhtin (2003), for whom the object of the Humanities, the sciences of man, is the text, since man is, by nature, an expressive being. We situate this study in the framework of qualitative research. It is a multiple case study that focuses on two contexts: formation of teachers of Portuguese at the University of Minho, Portugal, and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The data that make up the research corpus come from documents elaborated by the Ministries of Education of Portugal and Brazil and were adopted by the two teacher formation institutions cited, from individual interviews involving eight trainer teachers (four from each university), and from two group-interviews (one in each institution), done with students in training. Our analysis is divided into three stages: first, document analysis; second, analysis of the discourse of the teachers in both contexts studied; and, third, analysis of the speech of the students in training. It is noteworthy that our purpose in this research was not to come out with a definition like being a teacher of Portuguese is X, but we are interested, above all, in discussing the issues surrounding initial formation, seeking different points of view, and hearing voices coming from different social positions for better understanding our object of study. Our analysis reveals that the initial formation of teachers of Portuguese, both in Portugal and Brazil, occurs in a complex way, under the influence of various factors, including: (a) difficulties in having the individuals involved adapt to the demands of regulatory agencies; (b) students and teachers adequacy to the organizational model of the post-secondary institution; (c) teachers difficulties to deal with the learning problems of students who have limited schooling basis and come from distinct socioeconomic realities; (d) a search for the establishment of methodologies for teaching and learning the Portuguese Language more adequate to reality; and (e) a search for a definition of professional knowledge needed for the teaching practice


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Over time the Physical Education on IFRN has considered the sport as the only possibility of pedagogical action. In the purpose of investigating the aspects that determine this condition, this study aimed the context of physical education within the institutional framework and its current perspectives in the process of institutional transformation. In this sense, were addressed the following study questions: What political pedagogical aspects that influenced the context of Physical Education on IFRN and how the pedagogical experience on Mossoro s campus incorporated the perspectives of curricular proposals transformation for the High School and the theoretical changes of the Brazilian Physical Education. Methodologically the work was based on a qualitative approach characterized as a descriptive- comparative research. The technique of discourse analysis was employed in the speech of research collaborators having as categories of analysis the professional activities time in the institution; The ratio of official use of the assumptions to the pedagogical practice of Physical Education in IFRN; The sport in the education process of students and The Prospects of Physical Education in the current configuration of IFRN. The data analysis allowed us to infer that the theoretical methodology of pedagogical practice of Physical Education in IFRN need to be reformulated and that it is necessary a contextualization with the curricular principles of the political institutional pedagogical project and with the Curriculum Guidelines for Secondary Education. The teaching experience developed in the Mossoro s Campus was contextualized with the national curriculum guidelines for secondary education and the theoretical changes of the Brazilian Physical Education. We conclude that it is necessary a collective action of the group of teachers to transform the educational profile of Physical Education of IFRN, beyond the institutional support to be able to consolidate the physical education curriculum component in the current dimensions of society, human being, education, science, technology and work, proposed by the philosophical principles and epistemological political project of IFRN educational


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This work is the result of a set of experiences and reflections on teaching in kindergarten and, in particular, the issues raised by first experiences as a teacher and how these issues were being gradually answered from the experience in a school . Guided by these experiences and studies of Oliveira-Formosinho (2002) on the training of kindergarten teachers in the school context, among others as: Barreto, Kuhlmann Jr. (1998), Vasconcelos et. al. (2000); Nóvoa (1992, 1995), Moita (1995), Freire (1996), Tardif (2002, 2009) Kramer (2005) and Hargreaves, Fullan (2000), built as study questions: what situations become in the context of professional training at an institution of early childhood education? Which subjects who took part? How involved? From this perspective the goal of our work is a: to investigate, from the perspective of teachers a public kindergarten, situations of professional interaction that become the context of teacher education. The research took the principles of qualitative approach and an intrinsic case study (STAKE, 1998), whose locus was a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education, so defined by their peculiarities for training faculty in the context of practice. We built the data with a group of nine teachers CMEI this by conducting a questionnaire, interviews and document analysis. Data analysis, guided by the principles of content analysis, allowed to note that beyond the initial training and personnel, the school context contributes to its fundamental training for teachers of kindergarten, whereas their specificities. We conclude by confirming that systematic and unsystematic in situations developed in the school routine, interaction with peers and other members of the school, the teachers take ownership of specific knowledge specific to teaching in kindergarten


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Cet étude s agit du domaine de l Éducation Physique comme composante curriculaire dans le contexte de l Ensino médio integrado (l enseignement secondaire professionnel intégré) dans le IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte (Régio Nord). Son objectif principal est sur le plan éducatif des actions de l enseingant au procès des convivialités avec la culture corporale à partir des expériences, désires, besoins et volontés des apprenants dans la perspective de l imersion dans le monde de la créativité, de la recherche, de la connaissance et de la transformation de l identité pédagogique de la composante curriculaire. Dans ce sens, l étude a eu comme objectif l élaboration d une propisition pédagogique, fondamentée sur la Théorie Post-critique de l éducation qui contribue pour la configuration de l identité de l Éducation Physique dans les cours téchniques intégrés de niveau secondaire. La recherche s est configuré dans une intervention pédagogique fondamenté sur les préssuppositions methodologique d une expérience empirique du genre recherche-action apliqué dans l univers scolaire des cours thécniques intégrés de l enseignement secondaire de l IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte. Les sujets qui ont participé de la recherche, sont les apprenants des groupes de la première année du cours de Commerce et Éléctronique de la soirée (13h à 18h), inscrit à partir de l année 2012. Les instruments utilisés pour la recherche ont été deux questionaires et une cahier de bord. Les résultats obtenus sont disposés dans des graphiques qui représentent les paroles des sujets après le procès d intervantion et les analyses réalisées sous l étude-recherche, qui ont été faites por l analyse de contenu, de l image principale de la population recherchée. On considère que les résultats de la recherche ont été plausibles à la mesure que au-delà du support et de la participation dans la recherche, les réponses obtenues ont démontré que le procès d intervantion pédagogique a été pertinent pour les apprenants des cours téchniques intégrés de niveau secondaire de Commerce et Électronique de l IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte. Le sense essentielle de cette thèse s est concentrée dans la dimension interculturelle pour l Éducation Physique dans le secondaire intégré, comme un travail fondamenté à partir des temoignage des apprenants et par la conception post-critique du curriculum qui refuse les explications évidentes et instituées comme des véritées finales dans l objectif de réguler et controler les sujets de l éducation. L option faite par cet abordage de thèse a été pour rompre avec l établi à partir de la proposition d un dialògue, avec les apprenants, à la recherche de nouveaux territoires pédagogiques pour l Education Physique à l enseignement intégré de l IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte. Des territoires qui occupent des espaces dans la culture scolaire, dans une dynamique dialogique avec les apprenants, qui se défine politique et pédagogiquement pour la diversité culturelle du mouvement, qui aborde le concept de mouvement dans la proximité des actions corporales cotidiennes et qui propose de nouvelles possibilités et de recréations pour les pratiques de la culture corporale. La perspective post-critique ouvre des possibilités pour de nouvelles langages en fortifiant les narratives de ce qui ont toujours entendu et cependant ont silencié ses voix et ainsi, la thèse a confirmé que, l étude présent et la recherche supporté par la théorie post-critique du curriculum ont possibilité une nouvelles configuration pour l identité pédagogique de l Éducation Physique dans la condition de composant curriculaire des cours téchniques intégrés de niveau secondaire de l IFRN au Campus Natal Zona Norte


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We seek, through this study, to analyze about social representation that the students of licentiate degree course of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte - IFRN - have about didactic-pedagogical subjects. We utilize the Social Representations Theory (MOSCOVICI, 2009; 2012; JODELET, 2001) as a theoretical and methodological contribution and as aim, we identify this social representation and understand how it is influenced by the formation of these undergraduates. So we developed the research under the seven undergraduate classroom courses offered by IFRN, namely: Biology, Spanish, Physics, Geography, Computer Science, Mathematics and Chemistry, covering units located both in the capital and in the countryside. While methodological approach we used the Procedure of Multiple Classification (PMC) - (ROAZZI, 1995), whose realization requires a set of words achieved through of Free Technique of Words Association - FTWA - (ABRIC, 1998). For this realization we have a total of one hundred twenty (120) participants, with thirty (30) in FTWA and other stage in the realization of free classification and directed that correspond to the MPR. Achieved the empirical data, we use the analysis of content (BARDIN, 2011; FRANCO, 2007) and multidimensional (ROAZZI, 1995) for the course of his interpretation. Finally, we identify the social representation of didactic and pedagogical subjects centered around the idea that it is through these subjects that can achieve the profile of "good professional" as one who gathers knowledge and attributes required for the full development of teaching involving capabilities it and characteristics that mark the sense of professionalism. Furthermore, we found that the anchoring social representation on the understanding that these disciplines "teach the teacher to be" in the image and its objectification of the "good teacher", ie, one that reaches through the training process and experiences, qualities that make it unique and able to carry full professional. Still see that the actions of the teacher trainer affects the way students perceive, assume and engage in the study of teaching and pedagogical subjects and it reflects significantly the social representation then created


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Kindergarten teachers training gains the spotlight with the passing of Law number 9.394/96 (Guidelines and Basis Law) that defines this segment as the initial step of basic education, with pedagogical function. In this spectrum, the discussion about teacher training unravels to ensure social quality to education as well as the teacher s specificities towards child singularities. Adding to that, the growing propagation of Pedagogy in an undergraduate level, given that such course has been continually transformed by the National Curriculum Guidelines for Pedagogy (2006), highlighting the addition of curriculum components that are specific to upbringing. The complex debate circa kindergarten teachers training has advancements and hardships that need to be unveiled in order to improve both formation and social quality of education in the 0- 5 years old range. This investigation inserts itself in said context and aims to analyze which knowledge, specific to kindergarten teaching are constructed, according to undergraduate trainees, in Pedagogy s supervised internship. The study was conducted alongside the discipline: Supervised Internship in Child Education ministered by the Advanced Campus of Rio Grande do Norte s State University s in the municipality of Patu-RN (CAP-UERN-Patu) and was conducted through 2012 by accompanying four undergraduate interns. We first assumed that the development of teaching knowledge is a complex process of appropriation of cultural-social practices and is symbolically mediated by interactions that occur in the formation context, and the supervised internship can be understood as a space for the articulation and enlargement of theoretical and practical knowledge, directly related to the specificities of child education. The theoretical-methodological foundation was based upon the historiccultural approach of L. S. Vygotsky and M. Bakhtin s dialogism on human sciences research, as well as his postulates on learning and developmental processes, conceived as both essentially social and discursive. The investigation approached the principles of the qualitative perspective and to the construction and analysis of data, involved documental analysis and, specially, semi-structured interviews, both individual and collective, whose fundamental premise was the production-comprehension of meanings in a dialogical perspective. The participants texts/speeches produced a synthesis that points to the occurrence, within the supervised internship at CAP/UERN, of internalization/appropriation processes and, as such, of formulation of meanings that are pertinent to child education: child, childhood, kindergarten and teacher signification and this stage s specific teaching knowledge. It stood out that the internship, alongside other curriculum components, is, in fact, one of the primeval formation environment for the teachers, in which the interns interact with their colleagues, supervisor professor, collaborator professor, and of course, the children to construct their erudition. Such interactions allow the undergraduate interns to develop attitudes and procedures to reflect on what they know, what they ve done and what they can achieve. We have concluded that the undergraduate internship can constitute itself as an articulatorconsolidator environment in the future teacher s formation process and, since well oriented, can provide the effective initiation, not only to the practice, but to the praxis as a movement of non dissociability between theory and practice


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La Post-Graduación brasilera ha desarrollado, a lo largo de los años, un papel central en la formación de cuadros académicos de alto nivel, para el desarrollo nacional. En el contexto de la UFRN, el Programa de Post-Graduación en Educación, creado inicialmente en 1977 para formar maestres en Educación, implementando el doctorado en esa área, después de diez y siete años, es pionero. En esa trayectoria, avanza y se destaca en el Estado y en las regiones Norte y Nordeste, como uno de los programas con una fuerte lideranza en la formación de profesores investigadores y de otros profesionales de la educación. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo central, tornar público y revelar el alcance del PPGEd como importante centro de formación de investigadores en educación. Para esa finalidad fue definido un recorte teórico-metodológico apoyados en cuestiones posibles de se identificar, tal como: ¿Cuál es el impacto de ese proyecto de formación de maestreados y doctores en educación en el periodo de 1981 a 2005?. ¿Cuál es la trayectoria de los egresados de ese proyecto de formación?. ¿ Dónde actuaban en el momento de ingreso al programa?, y ¿a dónde pasaron a actuar profesionalmente con el título de la postgraduación?. ¿Cuál es contribución de ese proyecto de Postgraduación en la formación de cuadros para la UFRN y para las regiones del país?.La investigación y la colecta de datos fueron realizadas en el mismo Programa de Postgraduación por medio de consultas a varios documentos, como: proyecto curricular, del PPGED, resoluciones, pareceres ( del Programa, de la UFRN, de la CAPES), informes DATA CAPES, anuarios de congresos ( ANPED y ANPED Regional ), fichas individuales de los egresos, además de entrevistas con estudiantes, profesores, e ex coordinadores del PPGEd. El referencial teórico se apoyó en trabajos de autores aue han ganado una expresión en esa temática, como Gatti, Cury, Fávero, Madeira, Marcondes, Horta, sabían, entre otros. Después de trazar la trayectoria de los egresos, maestres y dotores, el estudio se propone, con sus desdoblamientos y continuidad, la elaboración de un Sistema de Control Académico de los Egresos ( SCAE ), apoyado en indicadores para dar visibilidad y relevancia social y académica a la formación de Maestres y Doctores por el PPGEd de la UFRN


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Study, a descriptive-like one, is guided by ethnographic principles which have analyzed the elderly within the familiar context in his/her process of health and aging, in the neighborhood called Felipe Camarão, located in the western administrative region of Natal, RN, a Northeastern city of Brazil. The participants are elders aging 61 to 84 years old, living in this referring neighborhood, whose majority is constituted of migrants from the rural region of the state of the RN, retired, including widows, widowers and married couples, with low school-educational degree. For the information gathering it was utilized a semi-structured interview, the participant observation and the field diary, being put into effect, in majority, in the houses and in the Family Health Unit, in a period between March and October of 2006. For the results discussion it was utilized an analysis of thematic content and the program ALCESTE (In Portuguese, Análise Léxica por Contexto de um Conjunto de Segmentos de Texto or Lexical Analysis by Context of a Set of Text Segments), which through have emerged two corpus: the corpus I, Family and the elderly, and corpus II, The elderly and the aging within society. The analysis of the results has permitted to conclude that the family, also used by the public policies as a strategy of their practices in health, it is a necessary base support for the elderly citizen in his/her process of aging and of health. The elders familiar contexts have allowed this study to identify the existence of minimal social conditions of life, of new rearrangements of the current families by means of the plurigenerational acquaintanceship and the active presence of the elderly woman as a maintainer of this family; also by means of conflicted relationships among one another but in a bearable level of acquaintanceship. Different conceptions about the aging and the elderly generate disagreement and divergency however the family support and help for the solving of these problems and the attention to health are proceeding from the family components. However, it is noticed that loneliness is something present in these elder s everyday lives. About the attention to health, in a basic level of it, it was noticed that there are still a lot of gaps, mainly concerning promotional and preventing actions, deserving a higher sensitization and effort by the local health institutions