31 resultados para Condensadores de vapor


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Nowadays, most of the hydrocarbon reserves in the world are in the form of heavy oil, ultra - heavy or bitumen. For the extraction and production of this resource is required to implement new technologies. One of the promising processes for the recovery of this oil is the Expanding Solvent Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (ES-SAGD) which uses two parallel horizontal wells, where the injection well is situated vertically above the production well. The completion of the process occurs upon injection of a hydrocarbon additive at low concentration in conjunction with steam. The steam adds heat to reduce the viscosity of the oil and solvent aids in reducing the interfacial tension between oil/ solvent. The main force acting in this process is the gravitational and the heat transfer takes place by conduction, convection and latent heat of steam. In this study was used the discretized wellbore model, where the well is discretized in the same way that the reservoir and each section of the well treated as a block of grid, with interblock connection with the reservoir. This study aims to analyze the influence of the pressure drop and heat along the injection well in the ES-SAGD process. The model used for the study is a homogeneous reservoir, semi synthetic with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast and numerical simulations were performed using the STARS thermal simulator from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The operational parameters analyzed were: percentage of solvent injected, the flow of steam injection, vertical distance between the wells and steam quality. All of them were significant in oil recovery factor positively influencing this. The results showed that, for all cases analyzed, the model considers the pressure drop has cumulative production of oil below its respective model that disregards such loss. This difference is more pronounced the lower the value of the flow of steam injection


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Many of hydrocarbon reserves existing in the world are formed by heavy oils (°API between 10 and 20). Moreover, several heavy oil fields are mature and, thus, offer great challenges for oil industry. Among the thermal methods used to recover these resources, steamflooding has been the main economically viable alternative. Latent heat carried by steam heats the reservoir, reducing oil viscosity and facilitating the production. This method has many variations and has been studied both theoretically and experimentally (in pilot projects and in full field applications). In order to increase oil recovery and reduce steam injection costs, the injection of alternative fluid has been used on three main ways: alternately, co-injected with steam and after steam injection interruption. The main objective of these injection systems is to reduce the amount of heat supplied to the reservoir, using cheaper fluids and maintaining the same oil production levels. This works discusses the use of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane and water as an alternative fluid to the steam. The analyzed parameters were oil recoveries and net cumulative oil productions. The reservoir simulation model corresponds to an oil reservoir of 100 m x 100 m x 28 m size, on a Cartesian coordinates system (x, y and z directions). It is a semi synthetic model with some reservoir data similar to those found in Brazilian Potiguar Basin. All studied cases were done using the simulator STARS from CMG (Computer Modelling Group, version 2009.10). It was found that waterflood after steam injection interruption achieved the highest net cumulative oil compared to other fluids injection. Moreover, it was observed that steam and alternative fluids, co-injected and alternately, did not present increase on profitability project compared with steamflooding


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A significant fraction of the hydrocarbon reserves in the world is formed by heavy oils. From the thermal methods used to recovery these resources, Steamflooding has been one of the main economically viable alternatives. In Brazil, this technology is widely used by Petrobras in Northeast fields. Latent heat carried by steam heats the oil in the reservoir, reducing its viscosity and facilitating the production. In the last years, an alternative more and more used by the oil industry to increase the efficiency of this mechanism has been the addition of solvents. When co-injected with steam, the vaporized solvent condenses in the cooler regions of the reservoir and mixes with the oil, creating a low viscosity zone between the steam and the heavy oil. The mobility of the displaced fluid is then improved, resulting in an increase of oil recovery. To better understand this improved oil recovery method and investigate its applicability in reservoirs with properties similar to those found in Potiguar Basin, a numerical study was done to analyze the influence of some operational parameters (steam injection rate, injected solvent volume and solvent type) on oil recovery. Simulations were performed in STARS ("Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator"), a CMG ("Computer Modelling Group") program, version 2009.10. It was found that solvents addition to the injected steam not only anticipated the heated oil bank arrival to the producer well, but also increased the oil recovery. Lower cold water equivalent volumes were required to achieve the same oil recoveries from the models that injected only steam. Furthermore, much of the injected solvent was produced with the oil from the reservoir


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Steam injection is a method usually applied to very viscous oils and consists of injecting heat to reduce the viscosity and, therefore, increase the oil mobility, improving the oil production. For designing a steam injection project it is necessary to have a reservoir simulation in order to define the various parameters necessary for an efficient heat reservoir management, and with this, improve the recovery factor of the reservoir. The purpose of this work is to show the influence of the coupled wellbore/reservoir on the thermal simulation of reservoirs under cyclic steam stimulation. In this study, the methodology used in the solution of the problem involved the development of a wellbore model for the integration of steam flow model in injection wellbores, VapMec, and a blackoil reservoir model for the injection of cyclic steam in oil reservoirs. Thus, case studies were developed for shallow and deep reservoirs, whereas the usual configurations of injector well existing in the oil industry, i.e., conventional tubing without packer, conventional tubing with packer and insulated tubing with packer. A comparative study of the injection and production parameters was performed, always considering the same operational conditions, for the two simulation models, non-coupled and a coupled model. It was observed that the results are very similar for the specified well injection rate, whereas significant differences for the specified well pressure. Finally, on the basis of computational experiments, it was concluded that the influence of the coupled wellbore/reservoir in thermal simulations using cyclic steam injection as an enhanced oil recovery method is greater for the specified well pressure, while for the specified well injection rate, the steam flow model for the injector well and the reservoir may be simulated in a non- coupled way


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The application of composite materials and in particular the fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) has gradually conquered space from the so called conventional materials. However, challenges have arisen when their application occurs in equipment and mechanical structures which will be exposed to harsh environmental conditions, especially when there is the influence of environmental degradation due to temperature, UV radiation and moisture in the mechanical performance of these structures, causing irreversible structural damage such as loss of dimensional stability, interfacial degradation, loss of mass, loss of structural properties and changes in the damage mechanism. In this context, the objective of this thesis is the development of a process for monitoring and modeling structural degradation, and the study of the physical and mechanical properties in FRP when in the presence of adverse environmental conditions (ageing). The mechanism of ageing is characterized by controlled environmental conditions of heated steam and ultraviolet radiation. For the research, it was necessary to develop three polymer composites. The first was a lamina of polyester resin reinforced with a short glass-E fiber mat (representing the layer exposed to ageing), and the other two were laminates, both of seven layers of reinforcement, one being made up only of short fibers of glass-E, and the other a hybrid type reinforced with fibers of glass-E/ fibers of curaua. It should be noted that the two laminates have the lamina of short glass-E fibers as a layer of the ageing process incidence. The specimens were removed from the composites mentioned and submitted to environmental ageing accelerated by an ageing chamber. To study the monitoring and modeling of degradation, the ageing cycles to which the lamina was exposed were: alternating cycles of UV radiation and heated steam, a cycle only of UV radiation and a cycle only of heated steam, for a period defined by norm. The laminates have already undergone only the alternating cycle of UV and heated steam. At the end of the exposure period the specimens were subjected to a structural stability assessment by means of the developed measurement of thickness variation technique (MTVT) and the measurement of mass variation technique (MMVT). Then they were subjected to the mechanical tests of uniaxial tension for the lamina and all the laminates, besides the bending test on three points for the laminates. This study was followed by characterization of the fracture and the surface degradation. Finally, a model was developed for the composites called Ageing Zone Diagram (AZD) for monitoring and predicting the tensile strength after the ageing processes. From the results it was observed that the process of degradation occurs Abstract Raimundo Nonato Barbosa Felipe xiv differently for each composite studied, although all were affected in certain way and that the most aggressive ageing process was that of UV radiation, and that the hybrid laminated fibers of glass-E/curaua composite was most affected in its mechanical properties


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The production of petroleum is frequently accomplished with great volumes of water, that it is carried of the underground with the oil. It is a challenge of the present century the development of technologies that allow the use of waste water for purposes that consume great amounts of water and don't demand as rigid as the one of the drinking water requirements. The solar distillation has been configuring as an alternative of clean technology for desalination of brine and saline. Besides causing the minimum possible damage to the environment, it takes advantage of an abundant and free energy source: the solar energy. That study aims to develop a Solar Distillator for treatment of the produced water of the oil wells, to obtain an efluent to use in agriculture and vapor generation. The methodology for collection, conservation and analysis of the physical-chemical parameters obeyed the norms in APHA (1995). The sampling was of the composed type. Experiments were accomplished in the solar distillation pilot and simulation in thermostatic bathing. The operation was in batch system and for periods of 4, 6 and 12 h. The developed Distillator is of the type simple effect of two waters. It was still tested two inclination angles for covering; 20º and 45º. The Distillator presented minimum of 2,85 L/m2d revenues and maximum of 7,14 L/m2d. The removals of salts were great than 98%. The removal of TOC in the simulation was great than 90%. In agreement with the data of energy and mass balance, it was verified that the developed solar Distillator presented compatible revenues with those found in literature for similar types. It can be inferred that the obtained distilled water assists to the requirements CONAMA in almost all the points and could be used for irrigation of cultures such as cotton and mamona. As the distilled water has characteristics of fresh water it can be used in the generation of vapor


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Thermal methods made heavy oil production possible in fields where primary recovery failed. Throughout the years steam injection became one of the most important alternatives to increase heavy oil recovery. There are many types of steam injection, and one of them is the cyclic steam injection, which has been used with success in several countries, including Brazil. The process involves three phases: firstly, steam is injected, inside of the producing well; secondly, the well is closed (soak period); and finally, the well is put back into production. These steps constitute one cycle. The cycle is repeated several times until economical production limit is reached. Usually, independent of reservoir type, as the number of cycles increases the cyclic injection turns less efficient. This work aims to analyze rock and reservoir property influence in the cyclic steam injection. The objective was to study the ideal number of cycles and, consequently, process optimization. Simulations were realized using the STARS simulator from the CMG group based in a proposed reservoir model. It was observed that the reservoir thickness was the most important parameter in the process performance, whilst soaking time influence was not significant


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Crude oil is a complex liquid mixture of organic and inorganic compounds that are dominated by hydrocarbons. It is a mixture of alkanes from the simplest to more complex aromatic compounds that are present derivatives such as gasoline, diesel, alcohol, kerosene, naphtha, etc.. These derivatives are extracted from any oil, however, only with a very high quality, in other words, when the content of hydrocarbons of low molecular weight is high means that production of these compounds is feasible. The American Petroleum Institute (API) developed a classification system for the various types of oil. In Brazil, the quality of most of the oil taken from wells is very low, so it is necessary to generate new technology to develop best practices for refining in order to produce petroleum products of higher commercial value. Therefore, it is necessary to study the thermodynamic equilibrium properties of its derivative compounds of interest. This dissertation aims to determine vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for the systems Phenilcyclohexane - CO2, and Cyclohexane - Phenilcyclohexane - CO2 at high pressure and temperatures between 30 to 70oC. Furthermore, comparisons between measured VLE experimental data from this work and from the literature in relation to the Peng- Robinson molecular thermodynamic model, using a simulation program SPECS IVCSEP v5.60 and two adjustable interaction parameters, have been performed for modeling and simulation purposes. Finally, the developed apparatus for determination of phase equilibrium data at high pressures is presented


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Anhydrous ethanol is used in chemical, pharmaceutical and fuel industries. However, current processes for obtaining it involve high cost, high energy demand and use of toxic and pollutant solvents. This problem occurs due to the formation of an azeotropic mixture of ethanol + water, which does not allow the complete separation by conventional methods such as simple distillation. As an alternative to currently used processes, this study proposes the use of ionic liquids as solvents in extractive distillation. These are organic salts which are liquids at low temperatures (under 373,15 K). They exhibit characteristics such as low volatility (almost zero/ low vapor ), thermal stability and low corrosiveness, which make them interesting for applications such as catalysts and as entrainers. In this work, experimental data for the vapor pressure of pure ethanol and water in the pressure range of 20 to 101 kPa were obtained as well as for vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) of the system ethanol + water at atmospheric pressure; and equilibrium data of ethanol + water + 2-HDEAA (2- hydroxydiethanolamine acetate) at strategic points in the diagram. The device used for these experiments was the Fischer ebulliometer, together with density measurements to determine phase compositions. The experimental data were consistent with literature data and presented thermodynamic consistency, thus the methodology was properly validated. The results were favorable, with the increase of ethanol concentration in the vapor phase, but the increase was not shown to be pronounced. The predictive model COSMO-SAC (COnductor-like Screening MOdels Segment Activity Coefficient) proposed by Lin & Sandler (2002) was studied for calculations to predict vapor-liquid equilibrium of systems ethanol + water + ionic liquids at atmospheric pressure. This is an alternative for predicting phase equilibrium, especially for substances of recent interest, such as ionic liquids. This is so because no experimental data nor any parameters of functional groups (as in the UNIFAC method) are needed


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Steam assisted gravity drainage process (SAGD) involves two parallel horizontal wells located in a same vertical plane, where the top well is used as steam injector and the bottom well as producer. The dominant force in this process is gravitational. This improved oil recovery method has been demonstrated to be economically viable in commercial projects of oil recovery for heavy and extra heavy oil, but it is not yet implemented in Brazil. The study of this technology in reservoirs with characteristics of regional basins is necessary in order to analyze if this process can be used, minimizing the steam rate demand and improving the process profitability. In this study, a homogeneous reservoir was modeled with characteristics of Brazilian Northeast reservoirs. Simulations were accomplished with STARS , a commercial software from Computer Modelling Group, which is used to simulate improved oil recovery process in oil reservoirs. In this work, a steam optimization was accomplished in reservoirs with different physical characteristics and in different cases, through a technical-economic analysis. It was also studied a semi-continuous steam injection or with injection stops. Results showed that it is possible to use a simplified equation of the net present value, which incorporates earnings and expenses on oil production and expenses in steam requirement, in order to optimize steam rate and obtaining a higher net present value in the process. It was observed that SAGD process can be or not profitable depending on reservoirs characteristics. It was also obtained that steam demand can still be reduced injecting in a non continuous form, alternating steam injection with stops at several time intervals. The optimization of these intervals allowed to minimize heat losses and to improve oil recovery


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In the present work are established initially the fundamental relationships of thermodynamics that govern the equilibrium between phases, the models used for the description of the behavior non ideal of the liquid and vapor phases in conditions of low pressures. This work seeks the determination of vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for a series of multicomponents mixtures of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, prepared synthetically starting from substances with analytical degree and the development of a new dynamic cell with circulation of the vapor phase. The apparatus and experimental procedures developed are described and applied for the determination of VLE data. VLE isobarics data were obtained through a Fischer's ebulliometer of circulation of both phases, for the systems pentane + dodecane, heptane + dodecane and decane + dodecane. Using the two new dynamic cells especially projected, of easy operation and low cost, with circulation of the vapor phase, data for the systems heptane + decane + dodecane, acetone + water, tween 20 + dodecane, phenol + water and distillation curves of a gasoline without addictive were measured. Compositions of the equilibrium phases were found by densimetry, chromatography, and total organic carbon analyzer. Calibration curves of density versus composition were prepared from synthetic mixtures and the behavior excess volumes were evaluated. The VLE data obtained experimentally for the hydrocarbon and aqueous systems were submitted to the test of thermodynamic consistency, as well as the obtained from the literature data for another binary systems, mainly in the bank DDB (Dortmund Data Bank), where the Gibbs-Duhem equation is used obtaining a satisfactory data base. The results of the thermodynamic consistency tests for the binary and ternary systems were evaluated in terms of deviations for applications such as model development. Later, those groups of data (tested and approved) were used in the KijPoly program for the determination of the binary kij parameters of the cubic equations of state original Peng-Robinson and with the expanded alpha function. These obtained parameters can be applied for simulation of the reservoirs petroleum conditions and of the several distillation processes found in the petrochemistry industry, through simulators. The two designed dynamic cells used equipments of national technology for the determination Humberto Neves Maia de Oliveira Tese de Doutorado PPGEQ/PRH-ANP 14/UFRN of VLE data were well succeed, demonstrating efficiency and low cost. Multicomponents systems, mixtures of components of different molecular weights and also diluted solutions may be studied in these developed VLE cells


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Topics of research related to energy and environment have significantly grown in recent years, with the need of its own energy as hydrogen. More particularly, numerous researches have been focused on hydrogen as energy vector. The main portion of hydrogen is presently obtained by reforming of methane or light hydrocarbons (steam, oxy, dry or auto reforming). During the methane steam reforming process the formation of CO2 undesirable (the main contributor to the greenhouse effect) is observed. Thus, an oxide material (sorbent) can be used to capture the CO2 generated during the process and simultaneously shifting the equilibrium of water gas shift towards thermodynamically more favorable production of pure hydrogen. The aim of this study is to develop a material with dual function (catalyst/sorbent) in the reaction of steam reforming of methane. CaO is well known as CO2 sorbent due to its high efficiency in reactions of carbonation and easy regeneration through calcination. However the kinetic of carbonation decreases quickly with time and carbonation/calcination cycles. A calcium aluminate (Ca12Al14O33) should be used to avoid sintering and increase the stability of CaO sorbents for several cycles. Nickel, the industrial catalyst choice for steam reforming has been added to the support from different manners. These bi-functional materials (sorbent/catalyst) in different molar ratios CaO.Ca12Al14O33 (48:52, 65:35, 75:25, 90:10) were prepared by different synthesis methodologies, among them, especially the method of microwave assisted self-combustion. Synthesis, structure and catalytic performances of Ni- CaO.Ca12Al14O33 synthesized by the novel method (microwave assisted selfcombustion) proposed in this work has not being reported yet in literature. The results indicate that CO2 capture time depends both on the CaO excess and on operating conditions (eg., temperature and H2O/CH4 ratio). To be efficient for CO2 sorption, temperature of steam reforming needs to be lower than 700 °C. An optimized percentage corresponding to 75% of CaO and a ratio H2O/CH4 = 1 provides the most promising results since a smaller amount of water avoids competition between water and CO2 to form carbonate and hydroxide. If this competition is most effective (H2O/CH4 = 3) and would have a smaller amount of CaO available for absorption possibly due to the formation of Ca(OH)2. Therefore, the capture time was higher (16h) for the ratio H2O/CH4 = 1 than H2O/CH4 = 3 (7h) using as catalyst one prepared by impregnating the support obtained by microwave assisted self-combustion. Therefore, it was demonstrated that, with these catalysts, the CO2 sorption on CaO modifies the balance of the water gas-shift reaction. Consequently, steam reforming of CH4 is optimized, producing pure H2, complete conversion of methane and negligible concentration of CO2 and CO during the time of capture even at low temperature (650 °C). This validates the concept of the sorption of CO2 together with methane steam reforming


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Reservoirs that present highly viscous oils require methods to aid in their recovery to the surface. The elev ated oil viscosity hinders its flow through porous media and conventional recovery methods have not obtained significant efficiency. As such, the injection of steam into the reservoir through an injection well has been the most widely used method of therma l recovery, for it allows elevated volumes of recovery due to the viscosity reduction of the oil, facilitating the oil’s mobility within the rock formation and consequently into the production well where it will be exploited. On the other hand, the injecti on of vapor not only affects the fluids found in the rock pores, but the entire structure that composes the well where it is injected due to the high temperatures used in the process. This temperature increment is conducted to the cement, found in the annu lus, responsible for the isolation of the well and the well casing. Temperatures above 110 ̊C create new fazes rich in calcium in the cement matrix, resulting in the reduction of its permeability and the consequential phenomenon of mechanical resistance ret rogression. These alterations generate faults in the cement, reducing the well’s hydraulic isolation, creating insecurity in the operations in which the well will be submitted as well as the reduction of its economic life span. As a way of reducing this re trograde effect, this study has the objective of evaluating the incorporation of rice husk ash as a mineral additive substitute of silica flour , commercially utilized as a source of silica to reduce the CaO/SiO 2 ratio in the cement pastes submitted to high temperatures in thermal recovery. Cement pastes were formulated containing 20 and 30% levels of ash, apart from the basic paste (water + cement) and a reference paste (water + cement + 40% silica flour) for comparison purposes. The tests were executed th rough compression resistance tests, X - Ray diffraction (XRD) techniques, thermogravimetry (TG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and chemical anal ysis BY X - ray fluorescence (EDS) on the pastes submitted to cure at low temperatures (45 ̊C) for 28 days following a cure at 280 ̊C and a pressure of 2,000 PSI for 3 days, simulating vapor injection. The results obtained show that the paste containing 30% r ice shell ash is satisfactory, obtaining mechanical resistance desired and equivalent to that of the paste containing 40% silica flour, since the products obtained were hydrated with low CaO/SiO 2 ratio, like the Tobermorita and Xonotlita fases, proving its applicability in well subject to vapor injection.


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The Monte Carlo method is accurate and is relatively simple to implement for the solution of problems involving complex geometries and anisotropic scattering of radiation as compared with other numerical techniques. In addition, differently of what happens for most of numerical techniques, for which the associated simulations computational time tends to increase exponentially with the complexity of the problems, in the Monte Carlo the increase of the computational time tends to be linear. Nevertheless, the Monte Carlo solution is highly computer time consuming for most of the interest problems. The Multispectral Energy Bundle model allows the reduction of the computational time associated to the Monte Carlo solution. The referred model is here analyzed for applications in media constituted for nonparticipating species and water vapor, which is an important emitting species formed during the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. Aspects related to computer time optimization are investigated the model solutions are compared with benchmark line-by-line solutions


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Among the potentially polluting economic activities that compromise the quality of soil and groundwater stations are fuel dealers. Leakage of oil derived fuels in underground tanks or activities improperly with these pollutants can contaminate large areas, causing serious environmental and toxicological problems. The number of gas stations grew haphazardly, without any kind of control, thus the environmental impacts generated by these enterprises grew causing pollution of soil and groundwater. Surfactants using various techniques have been proposed to remedy this kind of contamination. This study presents innovation as the application of different systems containing surfactant in the vapor phase and compares their diesel removal efficiencies of soil containing this contaminant. For this, a system that contains seven injection wells the following vaporized solutions: water, surfactant solution, microemulsion and nanoemulsion, The surfactants used were saponified coconut oil (OCS), in aqueous solution and an ethoxylated alcohol UNTL-90: aqueous solution , and nanoemulsion and microemulsion systems. Among the systems investigated, the nanoemulsion showed the highest efficiency, achieving 88% removal of residual phase diesel, the most ecologically and technically feasible by a system with lower content of active matter