31 resultados para Balmis, Francisco Xavier


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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A partir de una concepción de la educación como una obra de arte, la disertación revela los estudios realizados en una escuela de la comunidad de Areia Branca Piató, en la Laguna de Piató en Assú, Estado de Rio Grande do Norte. Como una forma de hacer dialogar conocimientos científicos y saberes tradicionales, la investigación establece el intercambio de saberes y afectos sobre todo por intermedio del intelectual de la tradición Francisco Lucas da Silva. Para construir un conocimiento pertinente (Edgar Morin), el que forma parte de un contexto, buscamos aquí la comprensión de una pedagogía viva e imaginativa. La disertación encontró en la Laguna un laboratorio vivo para pensar en una enseñanza educativa y para ejercer el pensamiento complejo. A partir de estudios e investigaciones anteriores, pude organizar lo que considero que se constituye como constelaciones de saberes que permiten dar continuidad a ese eje de investigación que empezó desde 1986 en el Grupo de Estudios de la Complejidad GRECOM. En la construcción de este trabajo, pude aprender valores que creo que son importantes para una educación compleja: la humildad delante de la vida; la abertura para diferentes lenguajes del mundo; el diálogo con la naturaleza; la apuesta en nuestras creencias; el sueño de resignificar a la realidad a partir del lazo entre la profundidad de nuestro ser y el mundo; el uso pleno de nuestras potencialidades imaginativas y creativas; y, finalmente, la vivencia intensa de los sentidos. Partiendo de ese aprendizaje, la investigación teórico‐práctica tuvo como elemento central el desarrollo de talleres sobre el tema del agua con alumnos de la enseñanza básicas de diversas series, y con la participación activa de dos profesoras de la comunidad de Areia Branca Piató. Fueron llevadas adelante experiencias que contemplaron una visión sistémica de la naturaleza, las fotografías, los atelieres, las clases de campo, el arte de educar, la narración de historias y sobre todo las enseñanzas del intelectual de la tradición Francisco Lucas da Silva


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Esta disertación explora de qué forma las hibridaciones entre ser humano y ambientes naturales no urbanos contribuyen a configurar las estrategias de atención, de construcción de conocimiento y de interacción con el mundo del sujeto y cómo, recursivamente, las actitudes perceptivo-cognitivas y las maneras de acercarse a lo real, de imputar sentido a los fenómenos y de interactuar con el ambiente practicadas por el sujeto condicionan y contribuyen a definir las hibridaciones entre humanos y no humanos. Lo que guía esa exploración es el concepto de híbrido que, inspirándome en Bruno Latour (2008), concibo como una asociación entre elementos sin características inherentes, compenetrados, que se redefinen, recrean e reconfiguran recíprocamente. Utilizo como operadores cognitivos una narrativa literaria y una cinematográfica: el libro autobiográfico Dersu Uzala del escritor y explorador ruso Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev (1872-1930), publicado por primera vez en 1923, y la película homónima del director japonés Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998), lanzada en 1975. Estas obras reconstruyen tres expediciones realizadas por Arseniev a principios del siglo XX en la región siberiana del Ussuri que tuvieron como guía al cazador nómada de etnia gold Dersu Uzala, con quien el escritor construyó una profunda amistad. La elección de hacer dialogar en el mismo plan a dos modos complementares de conocimiento, arte y ciencia, se fundamenta en la concepción de Edgar Morin (2003b) de la literatura y el cine como escuelas de vida y de complejidad humana y en la visión de Claude Lévi- Strauss (2007) del arte como modelo reducido que favorece una mirada más abarcadora sobre los fenómenos. Inicialmente, pongo en relación mi investigación con los trabajos de Silmara Lídia Marton (2008) y Samir Cristino de Souza (2009), que analizaron las estrategias de construcción de conocimiento y de interacción con el mundo de un habitante de la Laguna de Piató (Municipio de Assú, Estado de Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil), Francisco Lucas da Silva, y muestro algunas analogías entre estas y las de Dersu Uzala, ambas productos de determinadas hibridaciones con el ambiente. A continuación, exploro las implicaciones cognitivas de la amistad de Arseniev con el cazador gold, metáfora/encarnación del diálogo posible entre saberes de matrices diferentes. En un tercer momento, dialogando con pensadores que se interrogaron sobre el trinomio hombre-naturaleza-representaciones y con las narrativas de Arseniev (1997) y Kurosawa (1975), reflexiono sobre las ideas de híbrido, de humano y no humano, de vivo y no vivo, de proximidad y distancia del sujeto con respecto a otros sistemas de lectura del mundo, de relación directa y mediada con lo real, de ambientes naturales urbanos y no urbanos. A seguir, incursiono en el libro de Arseniev y en el largometraje de Kurosawa intentando identificar qué factores más contribuyeron para configurar las estrategias de conocimiento y de interacción con el ambiente manifestadas por el explorador y por el cazador gold y, recursivamente, de qué forma esas estrategias contribuyeron a definir sus hibridaciones con el ambiente siberiano. Por último, a partir de las reflexiones tejidas a lo largo del trabajo, me interrogo sobre lo que ellas pueden decirnos sobre nuestra forma de interactuar con la naturaleza no humana y sobre el diálogo entre distintas formas de percibir, conocer y relacionarse con el mundo


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This thesis objective systemize and discuss the ecological knowledge constructed by means of tradition knowledge with basis in a complex ecology (MORIN, 2002b). The conception of tradition knowledge (ALMEIDA, 2001c) corresponds to a diversity of knowledgement, of men and women, constructed from heteroclite elements of the geographic way, making use of analogies and homologies which serves as the base for this scientific inquiry. These knowledge are extremely related the context where these people are inserted. To construct an ecology of complex base is to understand that the reality is not given previously, and that its construction assumes indissociability among the elements that composes it, that is, between nature and society, material and immaterial elements. To incorporate the disorder, the uncertainty, the unpredictable and the auto-echo-organization as guide principles of a new ecology, constitutes in a new vision of the biological science and the scientific ecology in direction to a science of complexity. The work focuses the ecological knowledge of the Piató lagoon, municipality of Açu, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, having as interlocutor of this boarding Mr. Francisco Lucas da Silva (known in the local as Chico Lucas), fisherman and agriculturist, who was born, and lives until today, in the community of Areia Branca, around the lagoon. Having for base the method as strategy (MORIN, 2001a), the research construction was performed through the realization of more than 10 trips carried out between the years of 2005 and 2007. In these trips the ecological aspects of the environments such as, the flora and the fauna, as well as the environmental impacts on the lagoon, were obtained in recorded dialogues and interviews with Chico Lucas, which were later transcripts. The information from there showed a natural and social complex reality, little known by Cartesian science, since it brings a wealth of details of daily life full, over all, for tradition knowing of the people that had lived there and the ones who remain living there. The thesis looks to understand the strategies of thought and the knowledge production referring to traditional knowing and its ability of interchange between different cognitive operators. The ecological knowledge that emerges of these knows reveals a systemic perception of the environment, presenting the beings and phenomena in its peculiarities and its degrees of complexity, but immutable in its indissociability


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Most knowledge and techniques developed by mankind since ancient times had the main purpose to study and understand the various phenomena of Nature. Science, like one of these narratives, works as a translation, transcribing what, is systematically observed. Within the set of transformations on the modern sciences, the dialogue with related areas became quite narrow and, occasionally, functional, and the dialogue with non-related areas, in turn, does not takes place by any matters. The focus of this research is the teaching of Biological Sciences, and the undergraduate courses as strategic places to disseminate a broad understanding of Nature, that broadens the conceptual relations between different disciplinary axes, previously fragmented. In order to do so, I take a four-way metaphorical approach as a methodological construction base. Three of them proposed by Joël de Rosnay, represented by artifacts: The Telescope, The Microscope and the Macroscope. And finally, a proposition that complements the approach, that i named The Naked Eye. In Telescope, which allows a more general construct of a phenomenon, I discuss the teaching of Biological Sciences in Brazil. In the microscope, which allows us to analyze in detail a scenario, I construct a rank of the major courses in biological sciences and propose a discussion on the understanding of nature on the undergraduate programs. In Macroscope, who allows, at the same time, zoom in and out to the phenomenon observed, I call for a transdisciplinary dialogue, based on the authors Ilya Prigogine, Basarab Nicolescu, Henri Atlan and Bruno Latour, which can certainly contribute to the curriculum of the Biologists training programs, that builds knowledge pertinent to a complex observation of Nature. I complete the set of the quaternary reading and understanding of the world from the Naked Eye, as the first strategy of perception in our species. For this, I invite the philosopher of Nature Chico Lucas da Silva as my interlocutor


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The study aimed to identify the quality of care and knowledge of health rights of people with chronic venous ulcers (VU) in Brasilian National Health Care System (SUS). It is a cross-sectional study, with quantitative approach, performed at the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL). The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of HUOL (CAAE nº 0148.0.051.000-10). The sample by accessibility was composed for 30 people with VU treated at the outpatient surgical clinic of HUOL. For data collection we used a structured questionnaire composed of two parts: sociodemographic characteristics and of health, of care and the clinical course of VU; and knowledge of people with VU about the rights of health. The results were processed using SPSS 15.0 and analyzed by descriptive statistics. Given the characterizations sociodemographic and health presented, we identified a clientele of users with VU predominantly female (76,7%), aged from 60 years (66,7%), married/ stable union (60,0%), low education level (83,3%), family income lower than a minimum wage (73,3%), unemployeds and with chronic diseases (53,3%), sleep greater than or equal to 6 hours (76,7%) and were not alcoholics or smokers (93,3%). In relation to clinical conditions, were shown the presence of one or more relapses of VU (73,3%), predominance of granulation tissue/epithelialization in the bed of VU (60,0%), exudate serosanguineous (43,3%), in quantity medium/large (60,0%), with no predominance of presence or absence of odor (50,0%), all patients with tissue loss in grade III / IV, no signs of infection (73,3%) and presence of intense pain (50,0%). In the last 30 days the main venue of achievement of dressing was the HUOL (100,0%), the main compression therapy used was the Unna boot (60,0%) and on inability to perform the dressing on the unit were the own patients who made the exchange at home (40,0%). The majority of respondents listed out more positive factors associated with quality of care (56,7%) were satisfied with the care of SUS (76,7%), claimed to have knowledge about their rights (70,0%), but at the same time did not know the meaning of the acronym SUS (90,0%) and classified their level of information as inappropriate (70,0%). We realize that people with VU identified as good the quality of care and demonstrated inadequate knowledge about their rights to health in the SUS, but showed interest in acquiring more information. The basic rights to entry in the SUS are constitutionally guaranteed and need to be disseminated in order to make them known to the population, so it can be implemented and ensured a greater resolution assistance in treating this type of injury


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This study aimed to validate the contents of an Instrument for Nursing Consultation in the Home Visit of people with Spinal Cord Injury (INCEVDOP-LM), based on the Self-Care Deficit Theory. The methodological development study was conducted with spinal cord injured (SCI) people ascribed in the Family Health Units the city of Natal/RN/Brazil, and with the nurses of these institutions. The study was conducted from Januray 2012 to January 2013 in two phases: the first aimed to identify the need for self-care of persons with SCI, and the second to develop and validate the INCEVDOP-LM. The first phase consisted of a census study of people with SCI living in Natal/RN. In the second phase, a non-probabilistic convencience sample of subjects was selected to form two groups: First stage - Group 1 of the first stage was comprised by 73 adults with SCI diagnosed with paraplegia or tetraplegia, with cognitive function preserved and that were registered to some family health unit; Group 2 of the Second phase was composed of six experts that were nurses with doctoral formation, scientific experience in the area of technology development or assistance to persons with SCI, and with publications in periodicals Qualis A2. Data collection of the first phase was conducted through home visits of people with SCI that responded three instruments: Questionnaire I (comprised of demographic and socioeconomic variables), The Competency Rating Scale for Self-care (ASA) and the Barthel Index (an instrument for evaluation of functional capacity). The research for the second phase was conducted in two stages: I-construction of the INCEVDOP LM; II-validation of the INCEVDOP-LM. The instrument and an evaluation form were forwarded to the experts for the validation. The correlations between the responses were analyzed by the Kappa test, with accepting values of>0.75. The evaluation criteria were: organization, clarity, simplicity, readability, appropriateness of vocabulary, objectivity, accuracy, reliability and suitability and the positive responses with frequency values of≥90% were considered excellent. The chi-square test was used to investigate the differences between proportions. The study attended to the principles of Human Rights CNS Resolution 196/96. Results were reported by means of four articles derived from the study. The findings indicate that the items that showed disagreement among experts (k=0.02) were diagnoses, interventions and evaluation of the nursing features pertaining to the domains of Nutrition, Hygiene, Elimination, Physical, Social and Psychological, and of the Ability to perform work activities feature. Agreement among the experts were reported for the other items, with kappa ranging from 0.72 to 1. After removing items with disagreement, all criteria achieved excellent rates and no significant differences were observed between the proportions of responses of evaluation of experts (p>0.05). We conclude that the instrument shows validity to serve as a guide for nurses to conduct a systematic consultation during the home visit to people with spinal cord injury, with emphasis on self-care. The instrument must go through other levels of validation when applied in the clinical setting


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The problem facing the incidence of pressure ulcers (UP) in the hospital environment especially in the intensive care unit (ICU), although it is an old and frequent event in our professional practice, it is not notified in the researches as much as it should be. We observed a tendency to invest in therapeutical and in studies about the production of sophisticated new bandages. Few, however, are the investments in research on preventive measures in order to prevent or at least slow down the development of lesions. In this sense, the study aimed to analyze the correlation between nursing care and the risk of developing UP measured by the Braden scale in ICU patients. This is a descriptive study of longitudinal quantitative approach. The project obtained a favourable opinion from the Ethics Committee of HUOL (no 486/10). Data collection was carried out in the Hospital of Unimed in Natal during six months in 2011. The sample was of 32 patients hospitalized in ICU for over four days. The results were processed in SPSS 15.0 for descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. We identified that, only 9.4% of our sample developed UP, being predominantly male, elderly people aged above 60 years, Caucasian, with diagnostic hypothesis at the time of hospitalization of sepsis, were clinical patients, who presented hemodynamic instability, using orotracheal tube (TOT), enteral probe (SNE), vesical probe delay (SVD) and had values of albumin and hemoglobin levels below normal. In addition, these patients had a longer hospital stay, longer usage of TOT, SNE, SVD, increased use of sedation and drain than those who did not develop UP and were all at risk for developing these injuries second Braden scores. 66.7% of the lesions developed were located in the sacral region, limiting the degree I and all patients that developed were considered serious, 100.0% of them have evolved since the death. Small were the differences between the averages of Braden scores between patients with and without UP, 11,9+2,4 against 12,4+2,6 with p = 0.627. The clinical aspects of the patients in the study were instrumental in the development of UP, once, these findings were statistically significant through the Mann-Whitney test, and appropriateness of nursing conduct was decisive for the prevention of pressure ulcers in critical patients, since many were those classified as at risk (28) and few who have developed lesions (03)


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Artificial neural networks are usually applied to solve complex problems. In problems with more complexity, by increasing the number of layers and neurons, it is possible to achieve greater functional efficiency. Nevertheless, this leads to a greater computational effort. The response time is an important factor in the decision to use neural networks in some systems. Many argue that the computational cost is higher in the training period. However, this phase is held only once. Once the network trained, it is necessary to use the existing computational resources efficiently. In the multicore era, the problem boils down to efficient use of all available processing cores. However, it is necessary to consider the overhead of parallel computing. In this sense, this paper proposes a modular structure that proved to be more suitable for parallel implementations. It is proposed to parallelize the feedforward process of an RNA-type MLP, implemented with OpenMP on a shared memory computer architecture. The research consistes on testing and analizing execution times. Speedup, efficiency and parallel scalability are analyzed. In the proposed approach, by reducing the number of connections between remote neurons, the response time of the network decreases and, consequently, so does the total execution time. The time required for communication and synchronization is directly linked to the number of remote neurons in the network, and so it is necessary to investigate which one is the best distribution of remote connections


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No espaço tridimensional, um corpo rígido qualquer pode efetuar translações e ou rotações em relação a cada um de seus eixos. Identificar com precisão o deslocamento realizado por um corpo é fundamental para alguns tipos de sistemas em engenharia. Em sistemas de navegação inercial tradicionais, utilizam-se acelerômetros para reconhecer a aceleração linear e giroscópios para reconhecer a velocidade angular registrada durante o deslocamento. O giroscópio, entretanto, é um dispositivo de custo mais elevado e com alto consumo de energia quando comparado a um acelerômetro. Essa desvantagem deu origem a pesquisas a respeito de sistemas e unidades de medidas inerciais que não utilizam giroscópios. A ideia de utilizar apenas acelerômetros para calcular o movimento linear e angular surgiu no início da década de 60 e vem se desenvolvendo através de modelos que variam no número de sensores, na maneira como estes são organizados e no modelo matemático que é utilizado para derivar o movimento do corpo. Esse trabalho propõe um esquema de configuração para construção de uma unidade de medida inercial que utiliza três acelerômetros triaxiais. Para identificar o deslocamento de um corpo rígido a partir deste esquema, foi utilizado um modelo matemático que utiliza apenas os nove sinais de aceleração extraídos dos três sensores. A proposta sugere que os sensores sejam montados e distribuídos em formato de L . Essa disposição permite a utilização de um único plano do sistema de coordenadas, facilitando assim a instalação e configuração destes dispositivos e possibilitando a implantação dos sensores em uma única placa de circuito integrado. Os resultados encontrados a partir das simulações iniciais demonstram a viabilidade da utilização do esquema de configuração proposto


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The development of this work arises from the research of sociological and philosophical characters contemplating also other approaches which aims to answer the followingquestions: what is the responsibility of science teaching for the image one has about science? ; which scientific education should be designed for nowadays? . After considering the assumptions brought along by rationalism and the criticisms to the illuminist model proposed by sociology and philosophy of science, as well by the biology of the knowing process, going through discussions concerning post-modernity issues, one is given to understand that the image of science has become the central point of discussion in the last hundred years, including what concerns the area of science teaching, and that practically none of those discussions really reached natural science classes indeed. We adopt the term postontological to characterize the recent proposals on philosophy and sociology, because we evaluate that this term allows a better identification of the scientific realism crisis, which supports the existence of an ontological domain which science, and only science, is able to understand. One notices that the general public is not aware of those discussions, mainly if they are science teachers and students. So we believe that discussing the logic in which science is structured, the new understandings concerning the scientific undertaking, especially those of an externalist character, and the relationship between science and society, all of this contributes to build up a science teaching which contemplates a reflective contribution, besides allowing the inclusion of the study of other epistemologies in the educational practice. We argue that a revisionist posture seems to be the most appropriate for the contemporary scientific education, contemplating, besides the teaching of the usual science contents, discussions on the issues involving that knowledge, as well as respecting epistemologies alternative to the modern Western scientific one, in order one can work on the perception of local knowledge generated from other epistemological bases. We describe here practical activities we did involving teachers (short-term courses) and high-school students in an inland school in the Rio Grande do Norte state, in Brazil, as a way to demonstrate the possibility of interventions which can take those conceptions, discussions and changes to the classroom


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A proposal of formation in health/nursing built on classic science, on reducing thought and flexnerian paradigm is insufficient to comprehend and intervening with an amplified way on health needs of population, given that it is produced by fragmentation of knowledge, rationalization of thought, mechanizing and biological attitudes. It is necessary that formation in health/nursing allows the construction of effectiveness of principles and guidelines of Unique System of Health (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS). In this context of emergency of a complex formation in health/nursing, life trajectories and formation of the nurses: Abigail Moura, Francisca Valda and Raimunda Germano are examples of transgressor and successful experiences which allow inquietude, changing and transforming formation patterns and self-formation. The present study is built from the comprehension of method as strategy , defended by Morin and complexity sciences. Has as objects building biographies of formation of these three nurses who express a formation model more totalizing and humanitarian, analyzing and discussing starting from the three biographic fragments guiding principles for the current process of formation in health/nursing. From the biographies, the courage and humbleness emerge as landmarking principles of their experiences. Humbleness neither as self-depreciation nor humiliation but as consciousness of our uncompleted and unfinished essence, acceptance of boundaries and potential and reduction of intellectual vanity. Courage, for its part, is the human pulsing, uncertain for nature, which brings us to act, to face and persevere on moments of fear and difficulties. A formation in health and nursing based on courage and humbleness allows the subjects to be taken away from indifference, arrogance, inertia, pragmatism: bets on ethic and political subjects capable of minimizing unequal, inhumane and excluding processes. Na intellectual and Professional attitude which politizes the thought and science is what must be expected from a complex formation in health field, in latu mode on nursing, in particular


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The study of Brazilian sedimentary basins concentrates on their rift phase, whereas the Post-rift phase has been considered a tectonic quiescent period. The post-rift sequence of the Potiguar Basin, in the far northeastern Brazil, was once considered little deformed, however several studies have shown how that it was affected by major fault systems. The purpose of this thesis is to characterize the post-rift tectonic. The specific objectives are: to characterize the Neogene and Quaternary sedimentary units that outcrop of the Potiguar Basin; to show how the NW-SEtrending Afonso Bezerra Faults System deformed outcrop rocks in the Basin; to describe soft-sediment deformation in gravels of the Quaternary Alluvial Deposits from Açu River. Facies analyses, grain-size studies, luminescence dating, remote sensing, structural mapping, shallow geophysics (georadar), paleostress and petrography were carried out. The structural mapping and the georadar sections indicated that the Carnaubais and Afonso Bezerra fault systems formed fractures, silicified and non-silicified faults or deformation bands, affecting mainly the Açu, Jandaíra and Barreiras formations. The petrographic data indicate that the strong silicification resulted in a sealant character of the faults. Paleostress analysis indicates that two stress fields affected the Basin: the first presented N-S-trending compression, occurred from the Neocretaceous to the Miocene; the second stress field presents E-W-trending compression, acts from the Miocene to the present. It was verified once the Afonso Bezerra System Faults was reactivated in periods post-Campanian and affects all post-rift lithostratigraphic units of Potiguar Basin, including Quaternary sedimentary covers. The study about soft-sediment deformation structures indicates that they are similar in morphology and size to modern examples of seismically-induced deformation strutures in coarse sediments. TL and OSL ages indicate that sediment deposition and associated soft-sediment deformation occurred at least six times from ~352 Ka to ~9 Ka. Finally these studies demonstrate how recent is tectonics in the Basin Potiguar


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The quarrel, in this study, tells about the language as social practical in the daily of Parnamirim State Prison that is integrated to the Rio Grande do Norte Penitentiary System - SISPERN, destined for men in fulfilment of penalty privative of freedom, in closed regimen. For the accomplishment of the research, the delimited objectives had been to analyze the language repertoires created in the prisional daily, trying to identify how it´s turned into distinct forms of resistance to the mechanisms of control in penitentiary system; to investigate which are the language repertoires created from the new sociability forms developed among prisoners and identify how the language repertoires are expressed in the daily prisional on relations/exercises of power not-institutionalized. In the methodological aspect, the study is in a qualitative boarding, that has as main instrument the interview. The inquiry was possible by means of using instruments for data collection, like as: the direct comment in the prisional daily duly registered as researcher´s ethnographical procedure, the analysis of interns´ cadastre handbooks and the application of half-structuralized interview, to the subjects of the research. The construction and understanding of the study object had been based on authors who argue on the arrest, as: Foucault, Goffman, Carvalho Filho and, in particular was searched the theorical referencial that approaches the language in a social and cultural perspective: Orlandi, Manfred, Bastos and Candiotto, amongst others. Beyond the normative endorsement of the Brazilian legislation, through the Law of Criminal Execution, of the Criminal Code and the Federal Constitution of the country and the legal apparatus in state scope. Still in the research methodological perspective, after the collection the data had been submitted to an analysis of the speech from Foucalt´s theory and in the Orlandi´s perspective, being also qualitative and quantitative. The results had evidenced that the social and juridical profile of the population in the site inquired is not different of others Brazilian prisons, composed for men, in its majority, with age band between 21 and 30 years old, prisoners for practicing crimes against the patrimony, against life, amongst others, and, in special, criminal recidivists. It evidenced, still, that the daily prisional of PSP is characterized for a sociocultural diversity expressed in the relations of power not institutionalized, that contributes for the formation and division of the groups, each one using a set of language codes/ repertoires sustentation. Therefore, the language, in the daily prisional, is one of the ways to understand the singularity of the sociability relations and as social practicing mediated by relations/exercises of power and antagonistic interests, in which each group aims first of all, their own interests. It represents the complexity of the social relations, in the prisional space, with diverse effects, in function of the situation and the moment. The language in the arrest, beyond the communication function, assumes and represents central element for the sociability human being, contributes for its changings and it´s configured as one of the resistance forms of prisoners against the controling, disciplining and monitoring mechanisms of penitentiary system


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This paper concern the general subject of teacher career construction, since the period of the initial formation in the teaching course of pedagogy crossing the first effectives experiences of professional performance, until the reflections about the results of the continuous formation propositions. The specifics subject is the formative quotidian in the teacher s life beyond of the traditional stereotypes about individuals and institutions bring up for discussion a micro sociological approach about the professionals uncertainty and the personal hopes, the teacher displeasures and the pedagogical satisfactions. The epistemological reflection about the different formatives experiences, taking as example the Programa de Formação de Alfabetizadores PROFA (Alphabetizers Formation Program) developed by the Secretaria Municipal de Educação of Natal City, consider the ambiguous tension between the knowledge that the teachers acquire in their formation and the concrete teachers practical since those experiences. The study methodology is based in the qualitative comprehensive research, sustained by observations, impressive reflective accounts, and also in the theoretic analyses with contemporary references to the critical pedagogical through and education sociology. I used the autobiographic reflective account by the writer-researcher in her owner academic and professional way. I propose an image of a teacher s factory in such a way for its conformist aspects to the continuity stands as much the internal contradictions of the system. Gears, pieces and manual instructions are the educational components of this factory as ideological, institutional and technical structures to aim at to limit the critics and the changes. However the teachers thinking and acting with their owner creativity to adapted uncontexted professional knowledge s to their pedagogical lives. Under those analogies I propose the problem of this research the teacher s formation and theirs pedagogical practices- and also examine briefly its theoretic-philosophical and methodological basis. From the analysis and interpretation of my owner experiential life as teacher s educator I put the necessity of re-thinking the teacher s formation in terms to rebound more meaningfully in their pedagogical actuation. I believe an important part of the teacher s formation process is the personal wish to learn more about the office, explicitly connected to human convictions and values such as to a positive professional identity. Thus, the teacher able to reflect about your owner educator life can find the best way to help the students to think critically about their culture and history, valorizing creative exits by themselves to face the conformist social stands connected with school education