23 resultados para Avaliaçao de acervos


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This dissertation presents a study on the slave population of Vila do Príncipe, from 1850 to 1888, based on the judicial and notarial collection of hand written documents as well as on the Reports of Presidents of the Province of Rio Grande do Norte. The issue that drives the research relates to the reproduction of slavery in a region of cattle breeding colonization. Therefore, the research aims to understand how in a peripheral socio-economic place (in Vila do Príncipe, cattle breeding Seridó) after the prohibition of the African slave trade, the slave relationships subsisted and structured themselves. In the sense, the research analyzed the dynamics of socio-economic slave units and their relationship with space, ownership structure and the slave family.


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The childhood cancer is characterized by a predominance of hematogenic and lymphatic system neoplasm, although a fTequency of the central nervous system tumors and sarcomas are widely common. Particularities of many childhood cancers and the adverses effect of the antineoplastic agents can change radically the oral environrnent and predisposes to the risk of oral complications. This study assessment clinically the oral health of 40 children on treatment for different types of malignant neoplasm with age range of O to 1S years old (Group I) and compared to 38 nonnal children in the same age range (Group lI). The results shown that nonnal patients had a gingival bleeding index (GBI) and caries experience minar than patients of Group lI, the visivel plaque index (VPI) was lightly higher in patients of Group 1. There was not difference statistically significant in the variables. Sixteen patients of Group I developed together 61 oral complications with predominance of mucositis, followed by spontaneous oral bleeding, candidiasis and xerostomy, that complication were most commons in patients with systemic neoplasm. Its was concluded that patients submitted to antineoplastic therapy with poor oral health had a higher risk to develop oral complications


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The present study aims to analyze the spatial organization of the Ribeira district in Natal/ RN from the two circuits of the urban economy. For its realization, was used the bibliographical, documentary and field research. From the information collected in the field research and of secondary data was elaborated the maps, tables, graphics, frames and photographic collections. In the analysis of the results identified the presence of two circuits of the urban economy in the said neighborhood, thus as the predominance of the upper circuit compared to the lower circuit between the surveyed establishments, well as the role that each of the circuits represents to their spatial organization. Some variables such as technology, organization, information, publicity and consumption were important to establish the main differences between the circuits.


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The postcard is a medium that has gained popularity at the time that the picture was linked to its support. It circulated favoring mainly the views of the cities and composed a triad between landscape, photography and tourism. The visuality that loads is among signs of representations, relationships, forms of collective consciousness and ways of seeing the world. In Natal, the photographer Jaeci Emereciano Galvão registered urban and social transformations focusing on interventions that emphasized urban centres as social space and progress and nature as a space for contemplation and enjoyment. They are images with social and cultural issues very clear, since the picture is from a process of creation that is all about choices and decisions about what deserves to be photographed. Therefore, the aim of this research by investigating the role of photographs evidenced in Jaeci’s postcards, with a view to inclusion of tourism in the spaces of Natal and the visuality assumed in the context of their own identity. The theoretical framework that makes up the discussions about the landscape, the city's tourism and photographic representation in postcards emerged from the literature of Schama (1996), Corbin (1989), Cosgrove (1998), Benjamin (1987), Kossoy (2003; 2006; 2009) and Souza Martins (2009), which gave grants to interpret and understand the symbolic construction presented in the postcards. Methodologically the work was done through research in archives, newspapers, postcards of the survey, interviews, iconographic and iconological analyses proposed by Kossoy. At the end, it was concluded the Jaeci Galvão’s postcards established themselves as essential elements for symbolic landscapes of tourism in Natal.


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CARVALHO, Andréa Vasconcelos ; ESTEBAN NAVARRO, Miguel Ángel. . Auditoria de Inteligência: um método para o diagnóstico de sistemas de inteligência competitiva e organizacional. In: XI ENANCIB - Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, 2010, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do XI ENANCIB. Rio de Janeiro: ANCIB, 2010.


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A Literatura de Cordel consiste numa forma de conhecimento que produz conteúdos importantes para serem inseridos nos mais diversos contextos educacionais. Através de sua linguagem simples, o cordel versa sobre os mais variados temas, proporcionando uma leitura prazerosa. Assim, o objetivo geral desse trabalho é utilizar-se do cordel, com sua característica lúdica, para educar usuários e funcionários de bibliotecas, promovendo um espaço de formadores de habilidades e competências no uso consciente do acervo. A metodologia constou de abordagem aos alunos durante a visita guiada à Biblioteca Central da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, onde são prestadas informações dos serviços oferecidos e da importância do acervo de uma biblioteca na sua vida acadêmica, bem como de sua preservação. Ao final da visita, cada aluno recebe um folheto de cordel contendo informações sobre o uso consciente do acervo, além da recomendação de que após a leitura do cordel, o mesmo seja repassado sucessivamente para outros membros da comunidade, de forma a alcançar uma maior parcela de leitores. Os resultados apontam que o cordel destaca-se como um poderoso instrumento didático-pedagógico e disseminador de informações. Ademais, ele tem a facilidade de alcançar desde os mercados e feiras, que divulgam a ciência e a arte, bem como as tradições populares. Conclui-se que o uso do cordel, numa perspectiva educativa, permite transmitir para os usuários de uma biblioteca, bem como à comunidade em geral, as boas maneiras de utilização dos suportes informacionais.


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The so-called "residential tourism" came to intensify the previous occupation of the coastal zones, characterized by traditional beach houses, and brought significant consequences for their spatial configuration, and especially for its scenic value of the landscape. Although there is the intention to regulate the activities of enterprising groups by some legal instruments to control the use and occupation of land, and to contain some negative effects, the actions of government are still inefficient in trying to follow the implications on the landscape from the accelerated growth of the real estate and touristic sectors. Supported in the speech of economic development and income generation, public managers prioritize areas to attract tourists to the detriment of preserving important physical attributes of the natural environment that contribute significantly to the quality of life. The result can be noticed in the use of natural elements as one of the major components in the land valorization, and in the immediate attraction of investors and enterprising. Therefore, the objective of this work is to contribute to the debate on the landscape preservation a little detailed thematic in view of their relevance in the current context - by indicating subsidies to the creation of a methodology for the evaluation and protection of coastal zones that may assist the government in creating new instruments, and better prepare it in control of the occupation of these areas. For such, was followed two ways to analysis: the indirect method and the direct method. The first is grounded in the evaluation of landscape attributes, which is based on the work of Raquel Tardin (2008) and Eduardo Cuesta, Encarnación Algarra and Isabel Pastor (2001). The second, based on the research of Leticia and Carlos Hardt (2010) and on the concepts of phenomenology - expressed by Antonio Christofoletti (1985) and Yi-Fu Tuan (1983) - considers the population perspective on the quality of the natural scenery. Developed through cartographic materials, photographic collections and quantitative tables, this dissertation utilized as a case study the beaches of Barra de Tabatinga and Camurupim, located in the city of Nísia Floresta/RN. Despite already being sighted spaces of advanced stage of landscape degradation in these locations, areas of remarkable scenic value can still be found, what reinforce the urgency in adopting preservationists actions. The absence of laws focused on the management and protection of the landscape singularities associated with the inefficiency of the government to invigilate the land occupation in coastal zones, encourage the excessive action of the real estate-tourism, and consequently make the government the main responsible for the environmental and landscape impacts in these areas - by its omission or by their connivance. Therefore, the legislation permeates this entire process and constitutes itself as the most effective way to guarantee the right to the landscape to present and future generations. Are also pointed some important considerations to build a methodology, especially concerning possibilities of improvements and adaptations of its applicability in each case


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