41 resultados para Apolonio de Rodas


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This work proposes a method to localize a simple humanoid robot, without embedded sensors, using images taken from an extern camera and image processing techniques. Once the robot is localized relative to the camera, supposing we know the position of the camera relative to the world, we can compute the position of the robot relative to the world. To make the camera move in the work space, we will use another mobile robot with wheels, which has a precise locating system, and will place the camera on it. Once the humanoid is localized in the work space, we can take the necessary actions to move it. Simultaneously, we will move the camera robot, so it will take good images of the humanoid. The mainly contributions of this work are: the idea of using another mobile robot to aid the navigation of a humanoid robot without and advanced embedded electronics; chosing of the intrinsic and extrinsic calibration methods appropriated to the task, especially in the real time part; and the collaborative algorithm of simultaneous navigation of the robots


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O Laboratório de Sistemas Inteligentes do Departamento de Engenharia de Computação e Automação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN -tem como um de seus projetos de pesquisa -Robosense -a construção de uma plataforma robótica móvel. Trata-se de um robô provido de duas rodas, acionadas de forma diferencial, dois braços, com 5 graus de liberdade cada, um cinturão de sonares e uma cabeça estéreo. Como objetivo principal do projeto Robosense, o robô deverá ser capaz de navegar por todo o prédio do LECA, desviando de obstáculos. O sistema de navegação do robô, responsável pela geração e seguimento de rotas, atuará em malha fechada. Ou seja, sensores serão utilizados pelo sistema com o intuito de informar ao robô a sua pose atual, incluindo localização e a configuração de seus recursos. Encoders (sensores especiais de rotação) foram instalados nas rodas, bem como em todos os motores dos dois braços da cabeça estéreo. Sensores de fim-de-curso foram instalados em todas as juntas da cabeça estéreo para que seja possível sua pré-calibração. Sonares e câmeras também farão parte do grupo de sensores utilizados no projeto. O robô contará com uma plataforma composta por, a princípio, dois computadores ligados a um barramento único para uma operação em tempo real, em paralelo. Um deles será responsável pela parte de controle dos braços e de sua navegação, tomando como base as informações recebidas dos sensores das rodas e dos próximos objetivos do robô. O outro computador processará todas as informações referentes à cabeça estéreo do robô, como as imagens recebidas das câmeras. A utilização de técnicas de imageamento estéreo torna-se necessária, pois a informação de uma única imagem não determina unicamente a posição de um dado ponto correspondente no mundo. Podemos então, através da utilização de duas ou mais câmeras, recuperar a informação de profundidade da cena. A cabeça estéreo proposta nada mais é que um artefato físico que deve dar suporte a duas câmeras dedeo, movimentá-las seguindo requisições de programas (softwares) apropriados e ser capaz de fornecer sua pose atual. Fatores como velocidade angular de movimentação das câmeras, precisão espacial e acurácia são determinantes para o eficiente resultado dos algoritmos que nesses valores se baseiam


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Several methods of mobile robot navigation request the mensuration of robot position and orientation in its workspace. In the wheeled mobile robot case, techniques based on odometry allow to determine the robot localization by the integration of incremental displacements of its wheels. However, this technique is subject to errors that accumulate with the distance traveled by the robot, making unfeasible its exclusive use. Other methods are based on the detection of natural or artificial landmarks present in the environment and whose location is known. This technique doesnt generate cumulative errors, but it can request a larger processing time than the methods based on odometry. Thus, many methods make use of both techniques, in such a way that the odometry errors are periodically corrected through mensurations obtained from landmarks. Accordding to this approach, this work proposes a hybrid localization system for wheeled mobile robots in indoor environments based on odometry and natural landmarks. The landmarks are straight lines de.ned by the junctions in environments floor, forming a bi-dimensional grid. The landmark detection from digital images is perfomed through the Hough transform. Heuristics are associated with that transform to allow its application in real time. To reduce the search time of landmarks, we propose to map odometry errors in an area of the captured image that possesses high probability of containing the sought mark


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This work addresses the dynamic control problem of two-wheeled differentially driven non-holonomic mobile robot. Strategies for robot positioning control and robot orientating control are presented. Such strategies just require information about the robot con¯guration (x, y and teta), which can be collected by an absolute positioning system. The strategies development is related to a change on the controlled variables for such systems, from x, y and teta to s (denoting the robot linear displacement) and teta, and makes use of the polar coordinates representation for the robot kinematic model. Thus, it is possible to obtain a linear representation for the mobile robot dynamic model and to develop such strategies. It is also presented that such strategies allow the use of linear controllers to solve the control problem. It is shown that there is flexibility to choice the linear controller (P, PI, PID, Model Matching techniques, others) to be implemented. This work presents an introduction to mobile robotics and their characteristics followed by the control strategies development and controllers design. Finally, simulated and experimental results are presented and commented


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The main task and one of the major mobile robotics problems is its navigation process. Conceptualy, this process means drive the robot from an initial position and orientation to a goal position and orientation, along an admissible path respecting the temporal and velocity constraints. This task must be accomplished by some subtasks like robot localization in the workspace, admissible path planning, trajectory generation and motion control. Moreover, autonomous wheeled mobile robots have kinematics constraints, also called nonholonomic constraints, that impose the robot can not move everywhere freely in its workspace, reducing the number of feasible paths between two distinct positions. This work mainly approaches the path planning and trajectory generation problems applied to wheeled mobile robots acting on a robot soccer environment. The major dificulty in this process is to find a smooth function that respects the imposed robot kinematic constraints. This work proposes a path generation strategy based on parametric polynomials of third degree for the 'x' and 'y' axis. The 'theta' orientation is derived from the 'y' and 'x' relations in such a way that the generated path respects the kinematic constraint. To execute the trajectory, this work also shows a simple control strategy acting on the robot linear and angular velocities


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This work presents a modelling and identification method for a wheeled mobile robot, including the actuator dynamics. Instead of the classic modelling approach, where the robot position coordinates (x,y) are utilized as state variables (resulting in a non linear model), the proposed discrete model is based on the travelled distance increment Delta_l. Thus, the resulting model is linear and time invariant and it can be identified through classical methods such as Recursive Least Mean Squares. This approach has a problem: Delta_l can not be directly measured. In this paper, this problem is solved using an estimate of Delta_l based on a second order polynomial approximation. Experimental data were colected and the proposed method was used to identify the model of a real robot


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Quadrotors aircraft are composed by four propellers mounted on four engines on a cross or x disposition, and, in this structure, the engines on the same arm spin in the same direction and the other arm in the opposite direction. By rotating each helix generates vertical upward thrust. The control is done by varying the rotational speed of each motor. Among the advantages of this type of vehicle can cite the mechanical simplicity of construction, the high degree of maneuverability and the ability to have vertical takeoffs and landings. The modeling and control of quadrirrotores have been a challenge due to problems such as nonlinearity and coupling between variables. Several strategies have been developed to control this type of vehicle, from the classical control to modern. There are air surveillance applications where a camera is fixed on the vehicle to point forward, where it is desired that the quadrotor moves at a fixed altitude toward the target also pointing forward, which imposes an artificial constraint motion, because it is not desired that it moves laterally, but only forwards or backwards and around its axes . This restriction is similar to the naturally existing on robots powered by wheels with differential drive, which also can not move laterally, due to the friction of the wheels. Therefore, a position control strategy similar to that used in this type of robot could be adapted for aerial robots like quadrotor. This dissertation presents and discusses some strategies for the control of position and orientation of quadrotors found in the literature and proposes a strategy based on dynamic control of mobile robots with differential drive, called the variable reference control. The validity of the proposed strategy is demonstrated through computer simulations


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This work intends to show a new and few explored SLAM approach inside the simultaneous localization and mapping problem (SLAM). The purpose is to put a mobile robot to work in an indoor environment. The robot should map the environment and localize itself in the map. The robot used in the tests has an upward camera and encoders on the wheels. The landmarks in this built map are light splotches on the images of the camera caused by luminaries on the ceil. This work develops a solution based on Extended Kalman Filter to the SLAM problem using a developed observation model. Several developed tests and softwares to accomplish the SLAM experiments are shown in details


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Family Health Program (FHP) presents itself as a restructured model on basic cares besides having prevention practices and promotion in health as essential parts. According to that, the purpose of this study is to perceive which prevention practices in oral health are accomplished by the dentists from the FHP of Natal-RN as well as the way they have been developed, the knowledge basis to execute the procedure and the use of evaluation instruments by the dentists and by the Oral Health Co-Ordinator. A list of dentists participating on the FHP of Natal in March, 2006 (n= 91) was obtained so it was possible to formulate a structured interview. After excluding those with less than six months attending to the program, and considering the loss, eighty dentists got to be interviewed. It had questions about individual and group preventive procedures, sources of basement to develop the activities and to verify the impact and evaluation instruments. Besides that, an interview was made with the Oral Health Co-Ordinator about the evaluating process and the existence of a protocol as well as about document analysis in the Ambulatory Informations System Unique Health System (AIS-UHS), Information of Basic Care System and Pact of Recorder. The main individual activities consist on Oral Hygiene Orientation (87,5%) and Fluoridization (95%). Group activities remain at scholar groups acts(91,25%) being fluoridization done by 91,25% and educative activities by 86,25% mainly through speeches (61,25%).Orientations about oral cancer were detached on the aged group (39,96%)and hypertensive and diabetic group (19,51%), as well as integration with the health team was respectively 21,93% and 39,02%. Speeches and talk rounds are the main activities for aged, hypertensive and diabetics, and are also expressive to pregnant women. For pregnant women and babies group predominate hygiene and diet orientation. About the evaluation instruments 73,75% of the dentists do not consider their existence, despite 73,75% consider that actions have impact specially due to a increase of hygiene and decrease of caries index on the children. The main sources of basement are clinical experience (42,5%) and preparative courses (33,75%), only 7,5% mentioned population need and local reality. The Oral Health Co-Ordinator related the Attention Pact Recorder and records from the AIS - UHS as evaluation source but also detached the lack of epidemiologic surveying. She mentioned the increase of supervised brushing as a positive result and detached the hardness of the professional to act inside the family and as a team. The AIS-UHS records showed that fluoridization is more used individually and the supervised brushing is predominant as a group action, besides that educative activities at the Health Establishment predominate due to actions at the community. Facing the results, it was verified the act in different groups, special attention given to scholars, as well as focus the activities on caries giving less emphasis to other oral problems. Despite that, there was no epidemiologic instruments or data of the local reality to guide the actions and to be part of the planning and evaluation process


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The Primary Health Care and one of its main strategies, the Family Health Strategy (ESF), are framed as the gateway to the Public Health System (SUS). Thus, most of the incident and prevalent health problems in the population attended should be solved at this level of care, including psychological suffering, and the so-called complaint of nerves. Nerves and nervous denote a complexity that is not always well comprehended by health workers, in such a way that the care to this kind of problem is usually inadequate. In this line of thought, the general objective of this study is to analyze the network of discourses and the care to the psychological suffering, expressed as nerves, in SUS daily Primary Health Care. Besides and more specifically, it aims at identifying the principles and guidelines of the Primary Health Care in mental health; to investigate health workers positioning before psychological suffering and complaints of nerves, and also analyze different actions and practices of care carried out in different Health Units towards complaints like nerves. Institutional Ethnography was the theoreticalmethodological perspective adopted for the work. This approach seeks to understand and analyze the institutional relationships in a particular context considering sociostructural influences and power relations, as well as daily discourses and practices. Based on interviews with health professionals, informal conversations and observations in six Health Units with ESF teams from different sanitary districts in Natal/RN, it was possible to check that the index of complaint of nerves is high. The referral to psychologists and psychiatrists, as well as the prescription of psychotropic drugs appear as the most common intervention at this level of care. In general, the participants complain that they have poor specialized knowledge about the theme of mental health. They face the problem of bad work conditions and the lack of institutional support, which make actions of illnesses prevention and health promotion even more difficult. Besides, there are different ongoing practices such as meetings for hypertensive and aged people, walk, visit, round-table discussions and community therapy. However, not all of these actions are aimed at the care of psychological suffering. It is observed that the Matrix Support, which is a methodological strategy of supervision and follow up forcases of mental health, hasn t been totally implemented in the municipal system, although it is a tool that has been used by psychologists in some Health Units in the city. It was also verified that the health care practices to the problem of nerves strongly depend on the professional s commitment with the PSF guidelines and on mental health policies, in addition to continued support, when available, from other professional who works as matrix supporter


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It is intended to problematize forms of participation and political action of psychologists toward mental health policy in Piauí. The study was motivated through challenges faced by the local Psychiatric Reform movement, and the one underway in the country, which needs support technical-assistence and sociopolitical to guarantee accomplishments and to move on with the complete reversion of the asylum to psychosocial model. The method was based on institutional analysis and counted with three insertion moments for the field research: a) to identify historical and political events that configure the local Psychiatric Reform (documental research/oral memory) and to identify psychologists that act in Mental Health; b) to realize participant observation and semi-structured interview with 33 psychologists which act in Mental Health in Teresina; c) to follow the sociopolitical contexts/events of the local Psychiatric Reform (participant observation and conversation circles). The data were analyzed considering four discussion axes, achieved through categorization of the collected material: 1) ways of professional insertion of psychologists in mental health; 2) knowledge and practices used to act in this work context of the profession; 3) political professional movements of workers of the reformist local process; 4) political action of psychologists toward the course of Piauí mental health policy. We concluded identifying that the participation of psychologists in Piauí mental health finds strength by the conduction of its macro and micropolitical professional action. The first one follows oriented by the lemma of social commitment, despite this movement doesn t have equivalence in the transformation of practices and political-professional postures of psychologists in the daily of services. The second is constituted in the every day of work, standing to the political action of the profession implicated with the preservation of the classic modus operandi of being psychologist. Therefore, it is about the actions that give little sustainability technicalassistance to the Psychiatric Reform underway in the State, and why not say in the country


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The research objective is explore practices to mutual help between CAPS users from the east and west regions of the city of Natal, RN, in Brazil. In the mental health field, we observe the care from substitutive services is based on technical knowledge where the person of the mental health professional is predominant. The Brazilian psychiatry reform invests in equipments and mental health care protocols, but it is necessary to invest more vigorously in new strategies and actors capable of obtaining resources to achieve this goal, such as the users. If one cornerstone of the psychiatric reform consists of changing the type of relationship established with the person with mental disorders, why this relationship, nowadays, is still dominated by technique and unevenness, where on one side we have a person who knows something and who needs take care of someone, and on other side we have another who knows nothing and thus needs to be cared for? Starting from this problematization of the traditional methods of health/mental health care, an attempt was made to investigate in what ways the mutual help practices between people with mental disorders can realize potential avenues not yet explored within the scope of psychiatric reform. The objective of this research was to map possible mutual help practices among the users, and the technical understanding of such practices. For that, we took part in the daily activities of the CAPS, mapping the experiences of mutual help among users. In addition, we accompanied the users in external activities (such as return home, trips, etc), and we had roundtables with the professionals. The research was guided by theoretical methodological references of the institutional analysis. The results pointed to a lack of behaviors of mutual help or support among users, something that can probably be explained by the service work dynamics, as well as the relationship between technicians and users, which has a tendency to create hurdles for meetings among users, as well as being non-conducive to theirempowerment


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Currently, several models of management services from the public administration are in operation in Brazil following a global trend. Besides the traditional public management operated in SUS, there are ongoing experiments of privately management in the public health services. Accordingly, we have developed an investigation into two Psychosocial Care Centers operating between these two forms of financial resources management: the first is the CAPS II - PAR situated in the municipality of Parnamirim whose form is private and the second is the CAPS II West Christmas is that the municipal government. We seek to know the workings of services, planning forms and criteria for use of financial resources, identify differences between departments on ways to run and see how technicians and users participate in the planning and management of these resources. Documentary Research was conducted by the municipal Christmas and the financial administration of the CAPS service in Parnamirim. Were conducted an interview with manager (mental health coordinator of Natal) and another interview with an employee of planning department in the Health Department of Natal, an interview with the coordinator and financial administrator of CAPS - PAR and two groups of discussion taped conversation with semi structured script interviews with six technicians in CAPS PAR and six professionals crowded in CAPS - West.Differences were observed in the management of resources funded from four blocks of discussion and analysis of results, where the privately-run service for the direct management and bureaucracy without being discussed and planned spending on staff, as well as through meetings with users, the use of the financial resources available in box; already in service with municipal public administration there is a hierarchy, this answering the coordination of mental health and the local health department that centralizes resources and defines their spending. There are meetings with patients and families, but the demands are limited as to what can be sued because of the manager s authorization. Such differentiation would be related to differences in the articulation of public management with the different types of possible management in public services, where from the implementation of new public administration in the Brazilian s State Management Reform initiated in the second half of the 1990s, benefit management services with private regime, with autonomy and direct transfer of resources


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National surveys indicate that 6.8 % of the brazilian population is dependent on alcohol and 1 % dependent on illicit drugs, representing a significant portion of the population affected by this issue . Primary Care becomes instrumental in expanding the coverage of this demand and in reducing unnecessary referrals for specialized care. This study aimed to investigate the responsiveness and institutional support of Primary Care Teams in relation to the demands of alcohol and drugs users. The research was conducted in a Family Health Unit in West Sanitary District of Natal City. With quantitative and qualitative nature, our study consisted of two stages. At first, we performed a mapping of alcohol and other drugs abusive use in a sample of the population assisted by Family Heath Teams, using sociodemographic questionnaire and ASSIST (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test). 406 questionnaires were completed. Of these questionnaires, 27.8% are men and 72.2% women, of which 56% are between 20 and 39 years-old, they are housewives, have a stable relationship and are consumers of tobacco (37.6%), marijuana (13%) and especially alcohol (57%). In second stage, two Conversation Circles with Family Health Teams and the referential Family Health Support Center were formed to discuss the data of the mapping realized in the previous phase. The circles, which had participation of 20 of the 37 professional teams from Family Health and 2 from Family Health Support Center, showed a lack of professional training in the subject; inability of the healthcare network in the user embracement; belief of professionals that nothing can be done when matter is alcohol and drugs; and referencing as the only care action performed by teams. Thus we point out the need to support an approach on issues of alcohol and drugs which consider gender issues, investing in Harm Reduction Policy as a possibility of working in this context for recognizing each user in their uniqueness and strategizing with them to promote health in a broad and contextualized way


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Popular Health Education in its emancipatory dimension refers to individuals and groups to exchange knowledge and experiences, allowing them to associate health to the outcomes of their living conditions. Under this view, health workers and health users are subjects of the educative process. Thus, this study aims to identify the key clinical and socio sanitary attributes and promote educational activities with patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in a Family Health Care Unit of the Western Sanitary District, in the city of Natal / RN. It is an action research which uses the references of the Theory of Liberating Education, which is based on a problem-solving pedagogy and that values dialogue in the process of understanding oneself and the world. Thirty-six diabetics, who are residents of the area covered by the health care unit, and thirty health workers participated in the survey. Each group had an average of twelve participants, and the meetings took place at the Unit´s hall, using conversation wheels, group dynamics, life narratives, experiences telling, movie exhibition and discussions, music, knowledge telling, desires, limitations, beliefs and values socially constructed. Data collection took place during the second half of two thousand and thirteen through Free Word Association Technique (FWAT), recordings of conversation wheels, participative observation, group dynamics, testimonies, questionnaires, life narratives and photographs. The empirical material was organized and subjected to three analyzes: thematic content (Bardin), textual statistics analysis by software IRAMUTEQ (Ratinaud), and photographic analysis (Edmund Feldman). The data analyses originated words, expressions, categories, themes and creative situations showing that popular health education is in process of construction, but still very incipient in primary care. The National Policy on Popular Health Education shows us the necessary ways for the transformation of health practices and the build of a more shared and solidary society. The meetings could be place to reverse that normative logic that has been happening over the years in primary care, but that by itself is not enough. It is possible to conclude that the use of active practices, increasing of listening and training on Popular Health Education will enable changes in the scenario where users and health workers deal with diabetes mellitus. Thus we see the popular health education is being timidly incorporated to the educational process of the subjects involved in this study, and far away from the principles of participation, organization of political work, increase opportunities for dialogue, respect, solidarity and tolerance among different actors involved in addressing the health problems that are fundamental to the improvement in building healthy practices of primary care