21 resultados para Anotações
This work presents a proposal to build a Mathematics Teaching Laboratory (MTL) whose main theme is the study, construction and use of instruments for navigation and location of mathematical content in an interdisciplinary way approach, and develop a notebook of activities focused on navigational instruments. For this it was necessary a literature review to understand the different conceptions of MTL and its pedagogical implications. The methodology used was literature research, construction and handling of instruments, and pedagogical experimentation. Lorenzato (2006) highlights the importance of an environment and suitable for a professional who can do a good job instruments. The implementation of an LEM can find some obstacles. The lack of support from other teachers or the management, the lack of a suitable place to store the materials produced, the lack of time in the workload of the teacher to prepare the lab activity, etc. Even in unfavorable or adverse conditions, according Lorenzato (2006), its implementation will benefit teachers and students. The lack of teacher training in their initial and continuing education, to use materials, and the lack of manuals with lab activities are also mentioned as factors that keep teachers from MTL. With propóposito assist the teacher of elementary or middle school in building a theme MTL prepared and we are providing a notebook of activities that provides a didactic sequence involving History and Mathematics. The book consists of four accompanied by suggestions for teachers activities, however the teacher has full autonomy to adapt the activities to the reality of your school. Among the instruments of navigation presented in this study chose to build the quadrant due to its simplicity, low cost of material and great teaching potential that this instrument has. But a theme lab is always being built and rebuilt as it is a research environment
The poor performance of students in reading and writing activities, prompted the search for actions that would minimize this problem, noticeable mainly in public education. The lack of interest in reading of poetic texts seen in students from the 7th year in a public school in RN, has led us to question the reasons for the rejection of poetry. Thus, the idea to organize and develop new reading possibilities mediated by digital technologies, considering the preference of teenagers by virtual environments. Therefore, it was essential to observe how students used web resources in order to plan actions that aimed to improve their reading performance. We present to justify the need for reflection on the educational problems starting from our reality, in order to establish appropriate procedures to minimize them. To this end, we draw is to investigate how students appropriated the Facebook social network in order to elaborate reading strategies using this platform. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: language concepts and language: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Bronckart (2012 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); reading strategies: Leffa (1996) Solé (1998), Antunes (2009), Kleiman (2013); genre: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); didactic sequence: Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2013 [2004]); technologies: Moran (2008 [2000]), Kenski (2007), Bento (2012), Behrens (2013); literary literacy: Cosson (2007); other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), PDE (2008), Perrenoud (1999), among others. The methodology followed action research guidelines, a qualitative approach perspective. The research instruments included questionnaires, interviews, observations and field notes. The results pointed to the interest of students in this social network, which favored the development of a didactic sequence whose activities converged on the didactic use of Facebook as a support for the presentation of textual poetry genre, drawing the attention of students for reading. Thus, we reiterate the need to include the pedagogical use of Information and Communication Digital Technologies educational activities to better meet the expectations of the generation of "digital natives", offering them a significant Portuguese-speaking school that fits your interests.
The poor performance of students in reading and writing activities, prompted the search for actions that would minimize this problem, noticeable mainly in public education. The lack of interest in reading of poetic texts seen in students from the 7th year in a public school in RN, has led us to question the reasons for the rejection of poetry. Thus, the idea to organize and develop new reading possibilities mediated by digital technologies, considering the preference of teenagers by virtual environments. Therefore, it was essential to observe how students used web resources in order to plan actions that aimed to improve their reading performance. We present to justify the need for reflection on the educational problems starting from our reality, in order to establish appropriate procedures to minimize them. To this end, we draw is to investigate how students appropriated the Facebook social network in order to elaborate reading strategies using this platform. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: language concepts and language: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Bronckart (2012 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); reading strategies: Leffa (1996) Solé (1998), Antunes (2009), Kleiman (2013); genre: Bakhtin (2011 [1979] 2006 [1999]), Marcuschi (2008); didactic sequence: Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2013 [2004]); technologies: Moran (2008 [2000]), Kenski (2007), Bento (2012), Behrens (2013); literary literacy: Cosson (2007); other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), PDE (2008), Perrenoud (1999), among others. The methodology followed action research guidelines, a qualitative approach perspective. The research instruments included questionnaires, interviews, observations and field notes. The results pointed to the interest of students in this social network, which favored the development of a didactic sequence whose activities converged on the didactic use of Facebook as a support for the presentation of textual poetry genre, drawing the attention of students for reading. Thus, we reiterate the need to include the pedagogical use of Information and Communication Digital Technologies educational activities to better meet the expectations of the generation of "digital natives", offering them a significant Portuguese-speaking school that fits your interests.
Leishmania infantum is the main etiologic agent of visceral leishmaniasis in the New World. The pattern of distribution of leishmaniasis has changed substantially and has presented an emerging profile within the periphery of the Large Urban Centers. Leishmania infection can compromise skin, mucosa and viscera. Only 10% of the individuals infected develop the disease and 90% of human infection is asymptomatic. The main factors involved in the development of the disease are the host immune response, the vector’s species and the parasite’s genetic content. The sequencing of Leishmania isolated seeks to increase the understanding of the symptoms of individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity of circulating Leishmania strains among humans, and symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs from endemic areas of Rio Grande do Norte State and analyze sandflies from endemic areas for cutaneous and visceral disease. The genetic variability was evaluated by the use of markers hsp70 , ITS1 and a whole genome sequencing was also carried out. The amplified hsp70 and ITS1 of samples were analyzed and assembled using a Phred / Phrap package. The dendograms were constructed using the same methodology, but adding 500 bootstraps, followed by inferences on the relationships between Leishmania variants. The sequences of the 20 Brazilian isolates were mapped to the reference genome L. infantum JPCM5, using the Bowtie2 program and the identification of 36 contigs. The information of the valid SNPs were used in the PCA. SNPs were visualized by Geneious 7.1 and IGV. The genome annotations were transferred to their respective chromosomes and displayed on Geneious. The matching sequences of all chromosomes were aligned using Mauve. The phylogenetic trees were calculated according to maximum likelihood and JTT models. Sandflies were analyzed by PCR for the identification of Leishmania infection, a blood meal source and GAPDH sand fly. As a result, hsp70 and ITS1 were not capable of identifying genetic variability among human isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs. The complete sequencing of the 20 Brazilian isolates revealed a strong similarity between the circulating Leishmania strains in Rio Grande do Norte. The isolates collected in the city of Natal from humans and canines remained grouped in all analyzes, suggesting that there is genotypic and geographic proximity among the isolates. The isolated samples in the 1990s had a higher genotypic diversity when compared to freshly isolated samples. All isolates presented 36 chromosomes with variable ploidy among them, no correlation was found between the number of amastina genes copies, gp63, A2 and SSG with such clinic forms. In general, we did not find correlation between symptomatic and asymptomatic clinical forms and the gene content of the Brazilian isolates of Leishmania. 34,28% of the sandflies collected in the upper west region were L. longipalpis and the main sources of blood meal were humans, dogs and chickens.
Leishmania infantum is the main etiologic agent of visceral leishmaniasis in the New World. The pattern of distribution of leishmaniasis has changed substantially and has presented an emerging profile within the periphery of the Large Urban Centers. Leishmania infection can compromise skin, mucosa and viscera. Only 10% of the individuals infected develop the disease and 90% of human infection is asymptomatic. The main factors involved in the development of the disease are the host immune response, the vector’s species and the parasite’s genetic content. The sequencing of Leishmania isolated seeks to increase the understanding of the symptoms of individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity of circulating Leishmania strains among humans, and symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs from endemic areas of Rio Grande do Norte State and analyze sandflies from endemic areas for cutaneous and visceral disease. The genetic variability was evaluated by the use of markers hsp70 , ITS1 and a whole genome sequencing was also carried out. The amplified hsp70 and ITS1 of samples were analyzed and assembled using a Phred / Phrap package. The dendograms were constructed using the same methodology, but adding 500 bootstraps, followed by inferences on the relationships between Leishmania variants. The sequences of the 20 Brazilian isolates were mapped to the reference genome L. infantum JPCM5, using the Bowtie2 program and the identification of 36 contigs. The information of the valid SNPs were used in the PCA. SNPs were visualized by Geneious 7.1 and IGV. The genome annotations were transferred to their respective chromosomes and displayed on Geneious. The matching sequences of all chromosomes were aligned using Mauve. The phylogenetic trees were calculated according to maximum likelihood and JTT models. Sandflies were analyzed by PCR for the identification of Leishmania infection, a blood meal source and GAPDH sand fly. As a result, hsp70 and ITS1 were not capable of identifying genetic variability among human isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic, and dogs. The complete sequencing of the 20 Brazilian isolates revealed a strong similarity between the circulating Leishmania strains in Rio Grande do Norte. The isolates collected in the city of Natal from humans and canines remained grouped in all analyzes, suggesting that there is genotypic and geographic proximity among the isolates. The isolated samples in the 1990s had a higher genotypic diversity when compared to freshly isolated samples. All isolates presented 36 chromosomes with variable ploidy among them, no correlation was found between the number of amastina genes copies, gp63, A2 and SSG with such clinic forms. In general, we did not find correlation between symptomatic and asymptomatic clinical forms and the gene content of the Brazilian isolates of Leishmania. 34,28% of the sandflies collected in the upper west region were L. longipalpis and the main sources of blood meal were humans, dogs and chickens.
The search for a sustainable urban mobility, has recast the public policy of transport and movement for all, in order to contribute to the welfare economic, social and environmental. Within this context, has as its main objective review here in the city of Natal in the state of Rio Grande Norte, the deployment of the new road infrastructure of the transport corridor of Bernardo Vieira Avenue and checking at least with regard to urban areas and environmental chosen here, as will indicators to assess sustainable urban mobility, that the theory has been well constructed, but in practice little way to apply the proposed guidelines for sustainability. To achieve this result, is initially a literature review with the principal investigators of the matter, since the concepts of indicators of sustainable urban mobility. And a second time, participating in to the case study, using the methodology of environmental awareness, through analysis photographs, notes and testimony in the study area ace to reach conclusions