339 resultados para Difração de raios-X


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Perovskites oxides win importance by its properties and commercials applications, they have a high thermal stability, have conductive properties, electrical, catalytic, electro catalytic, optical and magnetic, and are thermally stable. Because of these properties, are being widely studied as carriers of oxygen in the process of power generation with CO2 capture. In this work, the base carrier system La1-xMexNiO3 (Me = Ca and Sr) were synthesized by the method via the combustion reaction assisted by microwave. were synthesized from the combustion reaction method by microwave process. This method control the synthesi`s conditions to obtain materials with specific characteristics. The carriers calcined at 800 ° C/2h were analyzed by thermal analysis (TG-DTA), to verify its thermal stability, X-ray diffraction (XRD) to verify the phase formation, with subsequent refinement by the Rietveld method, to quantify the percentage of phases formed, the surface area by BET method was determined, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was obtained to evaluate the material morphology and temperature programmed reduction (TPR) was done to observe the metallic phase of the nickel. After all proposed characterization and analysis of their results can be inferred to these oxides, key features so that they can be applied as carriers for combustion reactions in chemical cycles. The final products showed perovskite-type structures K2NiF4 (main) and ABO3.


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Produced water has lately aroused interest due to their high degree of salinity, suspended oil particles, chemicals added in various manufacturing processes, heavy metals and radioactivity sometimes. Along with oil and due to its high volume production, water production is one of the pollutants of most concern in the process of oil extraction. PAHs due to their ubiquity and their characteristics carcinogenic or mutagenic and teratogenic even have attracted the attention of every scientific society. Formed from the incomplete combustion of organic matter may be natural or anthropogenic. Some materials have been researched with the goal of cleaning up environmental matrices that may be contaminated by hydrocarbons. Among these materials researched various clays have been employed, of which highlights the vermiculite. The family of phyllosilicates, vermiculite for its potential and its high hydrophobic surface area has been a tool widely used in the decontamination of water in processes of oil spills. However, when it loses its capacity expanded hydrophobic having the necessity of using a hidrofobizante to make it organophilic. Among the numerous hidrofobizantes researched and used the linseed oil was the pioneer. In this study sought to evaluate the capacity of removal of PAHs using the vermiculite hydrofobized with linseed oil and wax also, for it was made use of the 24 full factorial design as the main tool for the experiments. We also evaluated the clay grain size (-20 +48 and -48 +80 #), the percentage of hidrofobizante applied (5 and 10%) and salinity of the water produced synthesized in our laboratory (35,000 and 55,000 ppm). The molecular fluorescence spectroscopy due to its sensitivity and speed was used to verify the adsorption capacity of clay, as well as gas chromatography served as an auxiliary technique to identify and quantify the PAHs in solution. In order to characterize the vermiculite was made use of X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The infrared and thermogravimetry were essential to note hydrophobization and the amount of coating of clay. According to the fluorescence analysis showed that the test 12 was the best result in about 98% adsorption of fluorescent compounds, however the high salinity, the smallest particle size, the highest percentage of hidrofobizante and the use of linseed oil showed greater efficiency in the removal capacity of these hydrocarbons, in accordance with the trend followed by the analysis of the major factors of the factorial design. To verify the adsorption capacity of clay using a fixed volume of water produced synthetically, used as the test base 12, at their respective levels and factors. Thus, it was observed that after adding about 1 ½ liters of water solution produced synthetically, about 300 times its volume in mass, the vermiculite was able to adsorb 80% of fluorescent species present in solution


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It is known that the head office world energetics is leaning in the fossil fuels. However, the world panorama is changing quickly, for linked reasons to three of the humanity's great concerns in that century beginning: environment, global economy and energy. The biodiesel production is based on the transesterificação of vegetable oils or animal fats, using catalysts homogeneous or heterogeneous. The process of heterogeneous transesterificação presents lower conversions in comparison with the homogeneous, however, it doesn't present corrosion problems and it reduces to the occurrence of parallel reactions as saponification. In this sense, this work has for purpose the synthesis of a heterogeneous catalyst, KNO3/Al2O3, that soon afterwards was used in the reaction of transesterificação of the oil of the Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower). The solid materials (it supports and catalyst) they were analyzed by diffraction of ray-X (XRD) and electronic microscope of sweeping (MEV). After the analysis of Al2O3, a structure monophase amorphous tetragonal was verified, with characteristic patterns of that material, what could not be visualized in the difratograma of the catalyst. The biodiesel obtained with 4% wt. of KNO3/Al2O3 it was what obtained a better cinematic viscosity 8,3 mm2/s, comparing with the norms of ANP, and it also presented the best conversion tax in ethyl ésteres, in accordance with the quantitative measure starting from TG, that was of 60%. While the biodiesel with 6% wt. and with 8% wt. of KNO3/Al2O3 it was it that no transesterificou, because it was observed in the analysis termogravimétrica of those two materials, a single thermal event, that it corresponds the decomposition or volatilization of the triglycerides


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The oxidative desulfurization process (ODS) of a commercial diesel fuel was performed under mild conditions in the presence of catalysts based on vanadium or manganese, supported on alumina, clays (commercial, natural and pillared) and zeolites (NaX, NaY, beta, mordenite and ZSM-5). The catalysts were synthesized by wet impregnation and characterized by X-ray diffraction, textural analysis by N2 adsorption and scanning electron microscopy. The dibenzothiophene (DBT) was used as sulfur compound in catalytic evaluation. The reactions were performed using acetonitrile as solvent and the hydrogen peroxide as oxidant at 55°C. The reaction products were analized by gas chromatography (GC-FID). In the studied conditions, the process was efficient due to the DBT was converted to its corresponding sulfone. Both DBT and corresponding sulfone were extracted by the solvent. Removals and oxidations up to 100% of sulfur compound were achieved. The catalysts supported on ZSM-5 zeolite showed are more effective for oxidation reaction of sulfur compound, presenting the best results. It was observed for oxidation reaction, that vanadium catalysts were more effective and manganese catalysts showed best results for removal of sulfur compounds


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TiTanate NanoTubes (TTNT) were synthesized by hydrothermal alkali treatment of TiO2 anatase followed by repeated washings with distinct degrees of proton exchange. TTNT samples with different sodium contents were characterized, as synthesized and after heattreatment (200-800ºC), by X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, thermal analysis, nitrogen adsorption and spectroscopic techniques like FTIR and UV-Vis diffuse reflectance. It was demonstrated that TTNTs consist of trititanate structure with general formula NaxH2−xTi3O7·nH2O, retaining interlayer water in its multiwalled structure. The removal of sodium reduces the amount of water and contracts the interlayer space leading, combined with other factors, to increased specific surface area and mesopore volume. TTNTs are mesoporous materials with two main contributions: pores smaller than 10 nm due to the inner volume of nanotubes and larger pores within 5-60 nm attributed to the interparticles space. Chemical composition and crystal structure of TTNTs do not depend on the average crystal size of the precursor TiO2-anatase, but this parameter affects significantly the morphology and textural properties of the nanostructured product. Such dependence has been rationalized using a dissolution-recrystallization mechanism, which takes into account the dissolution rate of the starting anatase and its influence on the relative rates of growth and curving of intermediate nanosheets. The thermal stability of TTNT is defined by the sodium content and in a lower extent by the crystallinity of the starting anatase. It has been demonstrated that after losing interlayer water within the range 100-200ºC, TTNT transforms, at least partially, into an intermediate hexatitanate NaxH2−xTi6O13 still retaining the nanotubular morphology. Further thermal transformation of the nanostructured tri- and hexatitanates occurs at higher or lower temperature and follows different routes depending on the sodium content in the structure. At high sodium load (water washed samples) they sinter and grow towards bigger crystals of Na2Ti3O7 and Na2Ti6O13 in the form of rods and ribbons. In contrast, protonated TTNTs evolve to nanotubes of TiO2(B), which easily convert to anatase nanorods above 400ºC. Besides hydroxyls and Lewis acidity typical of titanium oxides, TTNTs show a small contribution of protonic acidity capable of coordinating with pyridine at 150ºC, which is lost after calcination and conversion into anatase. The isoeletric point of TTNTs was measured within the range 2.5-4.0, indicating behavior of a weak acid. Despite displaying semiconductor characteristics exhibiting typical absorption in the UV-Vis spectrum with estimated bandgap energy slightly higher than that of its TiO2 precursor, TTNTs showed very low performance in the photocatalytic degradation of cationic and anionic dyes. It was concluded that the basic reason resides in its layered titanate structure, which in comparison with the TiO2 form would be more prone to the so undesired electron-hole pair recombination, thus inhibiting the photooxidation reactions. After calcination of the protonated TTNT into anatase nanorods, the photocatalytic activity improved but not to the same level as that exhibited by its precursor anatase


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Two methodologies were proposed to obtain micro and macroporous chitosan membranes, using two different porogenic agents. The methodologies proved to be effective in control the porosity as well as the pore size. Thus, microporous membranes were obtained through the physical blend of chitosan and polyethylene oxide (PEO) on an 80:20 (m/m) ratio, respectively, followed by the partial PEO solubilization in water at 80 ◦C. Macroporous chitosan membranes with asymmetric morphology were obtained using SiO2 as the porogenic agent. In this case, chiotsan-silica ratios used were 1:1, 1:3 and 1:5 (m/m). Membranes characterization were carried out by SEM (scanning electronic microscopy), X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermal analysis (TG, DTG , DSC and DMTA). Permeability studies were performed using two model drugs: sodium sulfamerazine and sulfametoxipyridazine. By transmission FTIR it was possible to confirm the complete removal of SiO2. The SEM images confirmed the porous formation for both micro and macroporous membranes and also determined their respective sizes. By thermal analysis it was possible to show differences related with water sorption capacity as well as thermal stability for both membranes. DTG and DSC allowed evidencing the PEO presence on microporous membranes. The absorbance x time curves obtained on permeability tests for micro and macroporous membranes showed a linear behavior for both drugs in all range of concentration used. It was also observed, through P versus C curves, an increase in permeability of macroporous membranes according to the increase in porosity and also a decrease on P with increase in drug concentration. The influences of the drug molecular structure, as well as test temperatures were also evaluated


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In recent years, studies about the physicochemical properties of mixed oxides, call attention of the scientific community, properties like as piezoelectricity, photoluminescence, or applications as catalysts, arise in these compounds, when their chemical compositions are modified, in this context some routes are employed in the synthesis of these materials, among which can be cited these methods: ceramic, combustion, co-precipitation, Pechini or polymeric precursor method, hydrothermal, sol-gel; these routes are divided into traditional routes or chemical routes. In this work were synthesized oxides with variable composition, from the thermal decomposition of titanium, cobalt, nickel and praseodymium nitrilotriacetates. The nitrilotriacetates were characterized by IR Spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermogravimetric (TG/ DTG) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), while oxides have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Spectrofluorimetry and IR Spectroscopy (FTIR). From FTIR data, it was demonstrated that the displacement of the band corresponding to the carboxylate group (νCOOH) at 1712 cm-1, present in nitrilotriacetic acid (H3NTA), for 1680-1545 cm-1, these stretches are characteristics of coordinated nitrilotriacetates, By thermal analysis (TG/DTG /DSC), it was suggested, that in an oxidizing atmosphere (air) oxides are obtained at lower temperatures than in an inert atmosphere N2(g). By results from X-ray Diffraction (XRD), it was determinated that the oxides are crystalline and the predominant phases obtained are summarized titanate phases rutile and ilmenite. By fluorimetry was observed that the intensity of emission bands are directly proportional to the concentration of ions Ni2+, Co2+ and Pr3+, and IR spectroscopy (FTIR) from oxides, demonstrated the disappearance of characteristic bands by nitrilotriacetates, determining the complete decomposition of the nitrilotriacetates in oxides


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The synthesis of MFI-type zeolite membranes was carried by the process in situ or hydrothermal crystallization. We studied the homogenization time of the room temperature and gel filtration just before the crystallization step performed out in an oven, thus obtaining a more uniform zeolite film. The powder synthesized zeolite (structure type MFI, Silicalite) was characterized by several complementary techniques such as Xray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermal analysis, temperature programmed desorption (TPD), Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and textural analysis by nitrogen adsorption (specific surface area). For the purpose of evaluating the quality of the layer supported on the ceramic support, N2 permeation tests were carried starting from room temperature to 600 °C, where values were observed values more appropriate permeation from 200 °C. With the data obtained, it was made into a graph of temperature versus permeation function, the curve of surface diffusion was found. For scanning electron microscopy, we observed the formation of homogeneous crystals and the zeolite film showed no fissures or cracks, indicating that the process of synthesis and subsequent treatments not damaged the zeolite layer on the support. Carried permeation studies were found values ranging from 3.64x10-6 to 3.78x10-6, 4.71x10-6 to 5.02x10-6, to pressures 20 and 25 psi, respectively. And the mixture xylenes/N2 values were between 5.39x10-6 to 5.67x10-6 and 8.13x10-6 to 8.36x10-6, also for pressures of 20 and 25 psi. The values found for the separation factor were 15.22 at 400 °C in the first experiment and 1.64 for the second experiment at a temperature of 150 °C. It is concluded that the Silicalite membrane was successfully synthesized and that it is effective in the separation of binary mixtures of xylenes


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The underground natural gas found associated or not with oil is characterized by a mixture of hydrocarbons and residual components such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen gas (N2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), called contaminants. The H2S especially promotes itself as a contaminant of natural gas to be associated with corrosion of pipelines, to human toxicity and final applications of Natural Gas (NG). The sulfur present in the GN must be fully or partially removed in order to meet the market specifications, security, transport or further processing. There are distinct and varied methods of desulfurization of natural gas processing units used in Natural Gas (UPGN). In order to solve these problems have for example the caustic washing, absorption, the use of membranes and adsorption processes is costly and great expenditure of energy. Arises on such findings, the need for research to active processes of economic feasibility and efficiency. This work promoted the study of the adsorption of sulfide gas in polymer matrices hydrogen pure and modified. The substrates of Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and sodium alginate (NaALG) were coated with vanadyl phosphate compounds (VOPO4.2H2O), vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), rhodamine B (C28H31N2O3Cl) and ions Co2+ and Cu2+, aiming to the adsorption of hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S). The adsorption tests were through a continuous flow of H2S in a column system (fixed bed reactor) adsorption on a laboratory scale. The techniques used to characterize the adsorbents were Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), the X-ray diffraction (XRD) electron microscopy (SEM). Such work indicates, the results obtained, the adsorbents modified PMMA, PVC and NaALG have a significant adsorptive capacity. The matrix that stood out and had the best adsorption capacity, was to ALG modified Co2+ with a score of 12.79 mg H2S / g matrix


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In order to obtain a biofuel similar to mineral diesel, lanthanum-incorporated SBA- 15 nanostructured materials, LaSBA-15(pH), with different Si/La molar ratios (75, 50, 25), were synthesized in a two-steps hydrothermal procedure, with pH-adjusting of the synthesis gel at 6, and were used like catalytic solids in the buriti oil thermal catalytic cracking. These solids were characterized by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), nitrogen porosimetry and ethanol dehydration, aiming to active sites identify. Taken together, the analyses indicated that the synthesis method has employed to obtain materials highly ordered mesostructures with large average pore sizes and high surface area, besides suggested that the lanthanum was incorporated in the SBA-15 both into the framework as well as within the mesopores. Catalytic dehydration of ethanol over the LaSBA-15(pH) products has shown that they have weak Lewis acid and basic functionalities, indicative of the presence of lanthanum oxide in these samples, especially on the La75SBA-15(pH) sample, which has presented the highest selectivity to ethylene. The buriti oil thermal and thermal catalytic cracking, realized from the room temperature to 450 ºC in a simple distillation system, has allowed obtaining two liquid fractions, each consisting of two phases, one aqueous and another organic, organic liquid (OL). The OL obtained from first fractions has shown high acid index, even in the thermal catalytic process. One the other hand, OL coming from second ones, called green diesel (GD), have presented low acid index, particularly that one obtained from the thermal catalytic process realized over LaSBA-15(pH) samples. The acid sites presence in these samples, associated to their large average pore sizes and high surface areas, have allowed them, especially the La75SBA-15(pH), to present deoxygenating activity in the buriti oil thermal catalytic cracking, providing an oxygenates content reduction, particularly carboxylic acids, in the GD. Furthermore, the GD comes from the second liquid fraction obtained in the buriti oil thermal catalytic cracking over this latest solid sample has shown hydrocarbons composition and physic-chemical properties similar to that mineral diesel, beyond sulfur content low


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Were synthesized systems Ni0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4, i0,2Zn0,5Mn0,3Fe2O4, Mn0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4, Ni0,5Mg0,5Fe2O4, Ni0,2Cu0,3Zn0,5Fe2O4 and Ni0,2Cu0,3Zn0,5Mg0,08Fe2O4, the precursors citrate method. The decomposition of the precursors was studied by thermogravimetric analysis and spectroscopy in the infrared region, the temperature of 350°C/3h. The evolution of the phases formed after calcinations at 350, 500, 900 and 1100ºC/3h was accompanied by X-ray diffraction using the Rietveld refinement to better identify the structures formed. The materials were also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, magnetic measurements and analysis of the reflectivity of the material. The samples calcined at different temperatures showed an increase of crystallinity with increasing calcination temperature, verifying that for some compositions at temperatures above 500°C precipitates of second phase such as hematite and CuO. The compositions of manganese present in the structure diffusion processes slower due to the ionic radius of manganese is greater than for other ions substitutes, a fact that delays the stabilization of spinel structure and promotes the precipitation of second phase. The compositions presented with copper precipitation CuO phase at a temperature of 900 and 1100ºC/3h This occurs according to the literature because the concentration of copper in the structure is greater than 0.25 mol%. The magnetic measurements revealed features of a soft ferrimagnetic material, resulting in better magnetic properties for the NiZn ferrite and NiCuZnMg at high temperatures. The reflectivity measurements showed greater absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave band for the samples calcined at 1100ºC/3h, which has higher crystallite size and consequently the formation of multi-domain, increasing the magnetization of the material. The results of absorption agreed with the magnetic measurements, indicating among the ferrites studied, those of NiZn and NiCuZnMg as better absorbing the incident radiation.


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This work involved the synthesis, characterization and proposing the molecular structure of coordination compounds involving ligands pyrazine-2-carboxamide (PZA) and 4- hydrazide acidic pyridine carboxylic (INH) and metals of the first transition series (M = Co2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+). For the characterization of the compounds used were analytical techniques such as infrared absorption spectroscopy average (FT-IR) molar conductivity measurements, CHN elemental analysis, EDTA Complexometric, measurement of melting point, X-ray diffraction by powder method, Thermogravimetry (TG) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Simultaneous Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The absorption spectra in the infrared region suggested that the ligand coordination to the metal center occurs through the carbonyl oxygen atom and nitrogen alpha pyrazine ring to those complexes formed with PZA. For INH complexes with metal-ligand coordination is through the carbonyl oxygen and nitrogen of the terminal hydrazide grouping. The conductivity measurements of the complexes in aqueous solution they suggest to all behavior of the type 1:2 electrolytes, and conduct of non-electrolytes in acetonitrile. The results obtained by CHN elemental analysis and EDTA Complexometric allowed to infer the stoichiometry of the compounds synthesized. For all of the complexes obtained was possible to record the melting points, neither of which melted near the melting temperature of the free ligands. The X-ray diffraction showed that the complexes of pyrazinamide exhibited diffraction lines, suggesting that these compounds are crystalline, while compounds of isoniazid, with the exception of cobalt, exhibited diffraction lines, indicating that they are crystalline. The results from the TG-DTA and DSC allowed information regarding the dehydration and thermal decomposition of these complexes


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In this research the removal of light and heavy oil from disintegrated limestone was investigated with use of microemulsions. These chemical systems were composed by surfactant, cosurfactant, oil phase and aqueous phase. In the studied systems, three points in the water -rich microemulsion region of the phase diagrams were used in oil removal experiments. These microemulsion systems were characterized to evaluate the influence of particle size, surface tension, density and viscosity in micellar stability and to understand how the physical properties can influence the oil recovery process. The limestone rock sample was characterized by thermogravimetry, BET area, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray fluorescence. After preparation, the rock was placed in contact with light and heavy oil solutions to allow oil adsorption. The removal tests were performed to evaluate the influence of contact time (1 minute, 30 minutes, 60 minutes and 120 minutes), the concentration of active matter (20, 30 and 40 %), different cosurfactants and different oil phases. For the heavy oil, the best result was on SME 1, with 20 % of active matter, 1 minute of contact time, with efficiency of 93,33 %. For the light oil, also the SME 1, with 20 % of active matter, 120 minutes of contact time, with 62,38 % of efficiency. From the obtained results, it was possible to conclude that microemulsions can be considered as efficient chemical systems for oil removal from limestone formations


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The study of polymer blends has been an alternative method in the search field of new materials for obtaining materials with improved properties. In this work blends of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) doped with titanium dioxide (TiO2) were studied. The PEO is a polymer semicrystalline structure varying between, 70 and 84% crystallinity, while the PMMA exhibits behavior amorphous in their structure. The use of TiO2 is related to corrosion-resistant of titanium as well as good heat transfer and other characteristics. The study of these polymer blends doped TiO2 gives the properties junction organic (polymer) and inorganic (oxide) which leads to modification of the properties of the resultant material. The blends were doped TiO2 (POE/PMMA/TiO2) in different proportions of the PMMA with the PEO and TiO2 fixed. The ratios were: 90/10/0,1; 85/15/0, 1; 80/20/0,1, 75/25/0,1 and 70/30/0,1. The resulting material was obtained in powder form and being characterized by Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The infrared spectra (IR) for the blends in different ratios showed a band at 1744 cm-1, characteristic of the C=O stretching, which increases in intensity with increasing PMMA composition, while in the spectrum of pure PEO this band is absent. This may suggest that the interaction is occurring between the polymers. In the micrographs of the blends also observed change in their surfaces with variation of the composition of PMMA, contributing to the change of the electrical properties of the material. The EIS data showed that the material exhibited conductivity of the order of 10-6 S.cm-1. The blend in the ratio B2(85/15/0, 1) showed better conductivity, σ = 1.56 x 10-6 S.cm-1. It was observed that the diffusion coefficient for the blends, B5(70/30/0, 1) was the largest, 1.07 x 10-6 m2.s-1. The XRD data showing that, with the variation in the composition of the PMMA blend crystallinity of the material is decreased reaching a minimum B3(80/20/0,1), and then increases again. Thermal analysis suggests that blends made from the material obtained can be applied at room temperature


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The nanostructured molecular sieve SBA-15 was synthesized by the hydrothermal method, and modified with lanthanum with Si/La molar ratios of 25, 50, 75 and 100. The materials were evaluated as catalysts for the cracking of n-hexane model reaction. Type SBA- 15 and LaSBA-15 mesoporous materials were synthesized using tetraetilortosilicato as a source of silica, hydrochloric acid, heptahydrate lanthanum chloride and distilled water. Pluronic P123 triblock. polymer was used as structure template. The syntheses were carried out by 72 hours. The obtained SBA-15 samples were previously analyzed by thermogravimetry, in order to check the conditions of calcination for removal of organic template. Then, the calcined materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, adsorption and desorption of nitrogen, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis by dispersive energy. The acidity of the samples was determined using adsorption of n-bulinamina and desorption followed by thermogravimetry. It was found that the hydrothermal synthesis method was suitable for the synthesis of the SBA-15 mesoporous materials, with an excellent degree of hexagonal ordering. The reactions of catalytic cracking of n-hexane were carried out using a fixed bed continuous flow microreactor, coupled on-line to a gas chromatograph. From the catalytic evaluation, it was observed that the mesoporous materials containing lanthanum showed different results for the reaction of cracking of nhexane compared to the unmodified mesoporous material SBA-15. As a result of cracking was obtained as main products hydrocarbons in the range of C1 to C5. The catalyst that showed better properties in relation to the acidity and catalytic activity was LaSBA-15 with the ratio Si/La = 50