238 resultados para Animacao : Computacao grafica
In the context of Software Engineering, web accessibility is gaining more room, establishing itself as an important quality attribute. This fact is due to initiatives of institutions such as the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and the introduction of norms and laws such as Section 508 that underlie the importance of developing accessible Web sites and applications. Despite these improvements, the lack of web accessibility is still a persistent problem, and could be related to the moment or phase in which this requirement is solved within the development process. From the moment when Web accessibility is generally regarded as a programming problem or treated when the application is already developed entirely. Thus, consider accessibility already during activities of analysis and requirements specification shows itself a strategy to facilitate project progress, avoiding rework in advanced phases of software development because of possible errors, or omissions in the elicitation. The objective of this research is to develop a method and a tool to support requirements elicitation of web accessibility. The strategy for the requirements elicitation of this method is grounded by the Goal-Oriented approach NFR Framework and the use of catalogs NFRs, created based on the guidelines contained in WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guideline) proposed by W3C
Due to the constantly increasing use of wireless networks in domestic, business and industrial environments, new challenges have emerged. The prototyping of new protocols in these environments is typically restricted to simulation environments, where there is the need of double implementation, one in the simulation environment where an initial proof of concept is performed and the other one in a real environment. Also, if real environments are used, it is not trivial to create a testbed for high density wireless networks given the need to use various real equipment as well as attenuators and power reducers to try to reduce the physical space required to create these laboratories. In this context, LVWNet (Linux Virtual Wireless Network) project was originally designed to create completely virtual testbeds for IEEE 802.11 networks on the Linux operating system. This paper aims to extend the current project LVWNet, adding to it the features like the ability to interact with real wireless hardware, provides a initial mobility ability using the positioning of the nodes in a space coordinates environment based on meters, with loss calculations due to attenuation in free space, enables some scalability increase by creating an own protocol that allows the communication between nodes without an intermediate host and dynamic registration of nodes, allowing new nodes to be inserted into in already in operation network
Control and automation of residential environments domotics is emerging area of computing application. The development of computational systems for domotics is complex, due to the diversity of potential users, and because it is immerse in a context of emotional relationships and familiar construction. Currently, the focus of the development of this kind of system is directed, mainly, to physical and technological aspects. Due to the fact, gestural interaction in the present research is investigated under the view of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). First, we approach the subject through the construction of a conceptual framework for discussion of challenges from the area, integrated to the dimensions: people, interaction mode and domotics. A further analysis of the domain is accomplished using the theoretical-methodological referential of Organizational Semiotics. After, we define recommendations to the diversity that base/inspire the inclusive design, guided by physical, perceptual and cognitive abilities, which aim to better represent the concerned diversity. Although developers have the support of gestural recognition technologies that help a faster development, these professionals face another difficulty by not restricting the gestural commands of the application to the standard gestures provided by development frameworks. Therefore, an abstraction of the gestural interaction was idealized through a formalization, described syntactically by construction blocks that originates a grammar of the gestural interaction and, semantically, approached under the view of the residential system. So, we define a set of metrics grounded in the recommendations that are described with information from the preestablished grammar, and still, we conceive and implement in Java, under the foundation of this grammar, a residential system based on gestural interaction for usage with Microsoft Kinect. Lastly, we accomplish an experiment with potential end users of the system, aiming to better analyze the research results
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Image segmentation is the process of subdiving an image into constituent regions or objects that have similar features. In video segmentation, more than subdividing the frames in object that have similar features, there is a consistency requirement among segmentations of successive frames of the video. Fuzzy segmentation is a region growing technique that assigns to each element in an image (which may have been corrupted by noise and/or shading) a grade of membership between 0 and 1 to an object. In this work we present an application that uses a fuzzy segmentation algorithm to identify and select particles in micrographs and an extension of the algorithm to perform video segmentation. Here, we treat a video shot is treated as a three-dimensional volume with different z slices being occupied by different frames of the video shot. The volume is interactively segmented based on selected seed elements, that will determine the affinity functions based on their motion and color properties. The color information can be extracted from a specific color space or from three channels of a set of color models that are selected based on the correlation of the information from all channels. The motion information is provided into the form of dense optical flows maps. Finally, segmentation of real and synthetic videos and their application in a non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) toll are presented
Este trabalho apresenta um algoritmo transgenético híbrido para a solução de um Problema de Configuração de uma Rede de Distribuição de Gás Natural. O problema da configuração dessas redes requer a definição de um traçado por onde os dutos devem ser colocados para atender aos clientes. É estudada neste trabalho uma maneira de conectar os clientes em uma rede com arquitetura em forma de árvore. O objetivo é minimizar o custo de construção da rede, mesmo que para isso alguns clientes que não proporcionam lucros deixem de ser atendidos. Esse problema pode ser formulado computacionalmente através do Problema de Steiner com Prêmios. Este é um problema de otimização combinatória da classe dos NPÁrduos. Este trabalho apresenta um algoritmo heurístico para a solução do problema. A abordagem utilizada é chamada de Algoritmos Transgenéticos, que se enquadram na categoria dos algoritmos evolucionários. Para a geração de soluções inicias é utilizado um algoritmo primaldual, e pathrelinking é usado como intensificador
The Reconfigurables Architectures had appeares as an alternative to the ASICs and the GGP, keeping a balance between flexibility and performance. This work presents a proposal for the modeling of Reconfigurables with Chu Spaces, describing the subjects main about this thematic. The solution proposal consists of a modeling that uses a generalization of the Chu Spaces, called of Chu nets, to model the configurations of a Reconfigurables Architectures. To validate the models, three algorithms had been developed and implemented to compose configurable logic blocks, detection of controllability and observability in applications for Reconfigurables Architectures modeled by Chu nets
This work presents an User Interface (UI) prototypes generation process to the softwares that has a Web browser as a plataform. This process uses UI components more complex than HTML elements. To described this components more complex this work suggest to use the XICL (eXtensinble User Interface Components Language). XICL is a language, based on XML syntax, to describe UI Components and IUs. XICL promotes extensibility and reusability in the User Interface development process. We have developed two compiler. The first one compiles IMML (Interactive Message Modeling Language) code and generates XICL code. The second one compiles XICL code and generates DHTML code
Non-Photorealisitc Rendering (NPR) is a class of techniques that aims to reproduce artistic techniques, trying to express feelings and moods on the rendered scenes, giving an aspect of that they had been made "by hand". Another way of defining NPR is that it is the processing of scenes, images or videos into artwork, generating scenes, images or videos that can have the visual appeal of pieces of art, expressing the visual and emotional characteristics of artistic styles. This dissertation presents a new method of NPR for stylization of images and videos, based on a typical artistic expression of the Northeast region of Brazil, that uses colored sand to compose landscape images on the inner surface of glass bottles. This method is comprised by one technique for generating 2D procedural textures of sand, and two techniques that mimic effects created by the artists using their tools. It also presents a method for generating 21 2D animations in sandbox from the stylized video. The temporal coherence within these stylized videos can be enforced on individual objects with the aid of a video segmentation algorithm. The present techniques in this work were used on stylization of synthetic and real videos, something close to impossible to be produced by artist in real life
Geographic Information System (GIS) are computational tools used to capture, store, consult, manipulate, analyze and print geo-referenced data. A GIS is a multi-disciplinary system that can be used by different communities of users, each one having their own interest and knowledge. This way, different knowledge views about the same reality need to be combined, in such way to attend each community. This work presents a mechanism that allows different community users access the same geographic database without knowing its particular internal structure. We use geographic ontologies to support a common and shared understanding of a specific domain: the coral reefs. Using these ontologies' descriptions that represent the knowledge of the different communities, mechanisms are created to handle with such different concepts. We use equivalent classes mapping, and a semantic layer that interacts with the ontologies and the geographic database, and that gives to the user the answers about his/her queries, independently of the used terms
Multimedia systems must incorporate middleware concepts in order to abstract hardware and operational systems issues. Applications in those systems may be executed in different kinds of platforms, and their components need to communicate with each other. In this context, it is needed the definition of specific communication mechanisms for the transmission of information flow. This work presents a interconnection component model for distributed multimedia environments, and its implementation details. The model offers specific communication mechanisms for transmission of information flow between software components considering the Cosmos framework requirements in order to support component dynamic reconfiguration
Nowadays, there are many aspect-oriented middleware implementations that take advantage of the modularity provided by the aspect oriented paradigm. Although the works always present an assessment of the middleware according to some quality attribute, there is not a specific set of metrics to assess them in a comprehensive way, following various quality attributes. This work aims to propose a suite of metrics for the assessment of aspect-oriented middleware systems at different development stages: design, refactoring, implementation and runtime. The work presents the metrics and how they are applied at each development stage. The suite is composed of metrics associated to static properties (modularity, maintainability, reusability, exibility, complexity, stability, and size) and dynamic properties (performance and memory consumption). Such metrics are based on existing assessment approaches of object-oriented and aspect-oriented systems. The proposed metrics are used in the context of OiL (Orb in Lua), a middleware based on CORBA and implemented in Lua, and AO-OiL, the refactoring of OIL that follows a reference architecture for aspect-oriented middleware systems. The case study performed in OiL and AO-OiL is a system for monitoring of oil wells. This work also presents the CoMeTA-Lua tool to automate the collection of coupling and size metrics in Lua source code
This work shows a project method proposed to design and build software components from the software functional m del up to assembly code level in a rigorous fashion. This method is based on the B method, which was developed with support and interest of British Petroleum (BP). One goal of this methodology is to contribute to solve an important problem, known as The Verifying Compiler. Besides, this work describes a formal model of Z80 microcontroller and a real system of petroleum area. To achieve this goal, the formal model of Z80 was developed and documented, as it is one key component for the verification upto the assembly level. In order to improve the mentioned methodology, it was applied on a petroleum production test system, which is presented in this work. Part of this technique is performed manually. However, almost of these activities can be automated by a specific compiler. To build such compiler, the formal modelling of microcontroller and modelling of production test system should provide relevant knowledge and experiences to the design of a new compiler. In ummary, this work should improve the viability of one of the most stringent criteria for formal verification: speeding up the verification process, reducing design time and increasing the quality and reliability of the product of the final software. All these qualities are very important for systems that involve serious risks or in need of a high confidence, which is very common in the petroleum industry
A necessidade de uma precisão e de uma aproximação dos resultados numéricos zeram com que diversas teorias surgissem: dentre elas, destacamos a Matemática Intervalar. A Matemática Intervalar surgiu na década de 60 com os trabalhos de pesquisa de Moore (MOORE, 1959) , em que ele propôs trabalhar com uma Matemática baseada na noção de intervalo real e não mais com um número como aproximação. Com isso, surgiu a necessidade de revisitar e reformular os conceitos e resultados da Matemática Clássica utilizando como base a noção de intervalo de Moore. Uma das áreas da Matem ática Clássica que tem tido muitas aplicações em engenharias e ciências é a Análises Numérica, onde um dos seus pilares é o Cálculo Integral e em particular as integrais de linha. Assim, é muito desejável se ter um cálculo integral dentro da própria Matemática Intervalar. No presente trabalho apresenta-se uma noção de Integral de Linha Intervalar baseada na extensão de integração proposta por Bedregal em (BEDREGAL; BEDREGAL, 2010). Para a fundamentação apresenta-se incialmente uma introdução sobre a pespectiva em que o trabalho foi realizado, considerando alguns aspectos histórico-evolutivos da Matemática Clássica. Os conceitos de Integrais de Linha Clássica, bem como algumas das suas aplicações mais importantes. Alguns conceitos de Matemática Intervalar necessários para o entendimento do trabalho. Para nalizar propomos uma aplicação da integral de linha em um experimênto clássico da mecânica quântica (a difração de um elétron em uma fenda) que graças ao fato de ser a Matemática Intervalar utilizada, nos dá um foco mais detalhado e mais próximo da realidade
Os sensores inteligentes são dispositivos que se diferenciam dos sensores comuns por apresentar capacidade de processamento sobre os dados monitorados. Eles tipicamente são compostos por uma fonte de alimentação, transdutores (sensores e atuadores), memória, processador e transceptor. De acordo com o padrão IEEE 1451 um sensor inteligente pode ser dividido em módulos TIM e NCAP que devem se comunicar através de uma interface padronizada chamada TII. O módulo NCAP é a parte do sensor inteligente que comporta o processador. Portanto, ele é o responsável por atribuir a característica de inteligência ao sensor. Existem várias abordagens que podem ser utilizadas para o desenvolvimento desse módulo, dentre elas se destacam aquelas que utilizam microcontroladores de baixo custo e/ou FPGA. Este trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura hardware/software para um módulo NCAP segundo o padrão IEEE 1451.1. A infra-estrutura de hardware é composta por um driver de interface RS-232, uma memória RAM de 512kB, uma interface TII, o processador embarcado NIOS II e um simulador do módulo TIM. Para integração dos componentes de hardware é utilizada ferramenta de integração automática SOPC Builder. A infra-estrutura de software é composta pelo padrão IEEE 1451.1 e pela aplicação especí ca do NCAP que simula o monitoramento de pressão e temperatura em poços de petróleo com o objetivo de detectar vazamento. O módulo proposto é embarcado em uma FPGA e para a sua prototipação é usada a placa DE2 da Altera que contém a FPGA Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6. O processador embarcado NIOS II é utilizado para dar suporte à infra-estrutura de software do NCAP que é desenvolvido na linguagem C e se baseia no padrão IEEE 1451.1. A descrição do comportamento da infra-estrutura de hardware é feita utilizando a linguagem VHDL