307 resultados para gestão ambiental portuária
The beekeeping activity has become in all regions of Brazil until the early 80s and from 2000 to beekeeping Northeast also has developed, becoming a major oil producing honey. The Rio Grande do Norte following these developments happened to occupy fourth place in the ranking of export of honey between the states of the Northeast in 2007. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present a macro radiography of recent developments in the production chain of honey in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, organizing and discussing the information, collected in the period 2004 to 2007, as well as evaluating the prospect of the honey industry in order to provide a diagnosis able to identify opportunities and enhance the marketing of their products. From the methodological point of view, this study can be classified as a research study exploratory and descriptive by using questionnaires. The group of several studies has been productivity, production and market. Search results indicated the growth of industry in 4 years of activity by the number of beehives full and populated, infrastructure, production and marketing of the state. It can be said that beekeeping of Rio Grande do Norte, despite its potential for developing the activity comes in a different way when compared to other activities, because the actors who play to start the activity through training and to play with it in a professional manner, in addition to support staff who work in the industry
This dissertation presents a discussion on the level of risk awareness of students who have welding practice in the laboratories at CEFET/PI, both in Teresina and Floriano. Its main goal is to investigate risk factors involving students, teachers and employees that work in these laboratories. It s an empirical survey, held among a certain amount of students from the course in Mechanic Technology. For data analysis, the concept of risk was compared to the students direct measure of perception. The main results suggest the students must be better informed, more risk aware and more competent, in order to avoid accidents. They also point to a strong need for a more formal and effective performance to assure full consciousness about the risks involving the welding practice.
Particle Swarm Optimization is a metaheuristic that arose in order to simulate the behavior of a number of birds in flight, with its random movement locally, but globally determined. This technique has been widely used to address non-liner continuous problems and yet little explored in discrete problems. This paper presents the operation of this metaheuristic, and propose strategies for implementation of optimization discret problems as form of execution parallel as sequential. The computational experiments were performed to instances of the TSP, selected in the library TSPLIB contenct to 3038 nodes, showing the improvement of performance of parallel methods for their sequential versions, in executation time and results
The present study presents an investigation concerning the factors that, in the perception of the extension of Emater/RN they affect the competitiveness of the productive chain of the coconut in Rio Grande do Norte. For so much it is used of a theory structured starting from the several aspects that delineate the competitiveness and your respective factors, besides the aspects that compose the productive chain of the coconut in Rio Grande do Norte. The research was accomplished at the mesorregião Leste Potiguar of Rio Grande do Norte, territory of larger index of coconut production in the state. The used methodological approach was the one of descriptive exploratory research together to the conduction of a rising type Survey. The field research obtained 35 valid questionnaires, whose interviewees were the extension of Emater/RN in performance in the municipal districts that compose the mesorregião Leste Potiguar of Rio Grande do Norte. The results allow to end that in the perception of the extension, the level of competitiveness of the productive chain of the coconut in Rio Grande do Norte is still low, presenting as larger fetter the low price of the coconut and the high costs of the productive process, being recommended a larger support to the producing of coconut in relation to technical attendance, incentive actions to the quality, understanding with relationship to the benefits of the creation of partnerships, associations and cooperatives, as well as the promotion of the knowledge of the productive chain of the coconut in Rio Grande do Norte for subsequent ends of all the agents' of that chain training with relationship to the importance of the development of competitive advantages
This Master of Science Thesis deals with a study on applying the BSC Balanced Scorecard to assess the performance of Federal Institution for Technological Education Institution in Brazil, a government organizations non for profit. It s accomplished a literature review in order to understand the BSC and its application to non for profit organizations and as a main result it is proposed a BSC conceptual model with an inversion of the main BSC perspective from financial to customer/society. It is used the annual management report of thirteen Institutions and applied a Pearson correlation analysis in order to verify a cause-effect situation between indicators. The main findings suggest that the model teachers qualification in terms of degree earned, quantity of teachers in full time job, and rate of students by teacher in full time job having good pearson correlation with the results expected of quality, throughput, social and demand response. However, the student unit cost use as the sole financial indicator did not get any reasonable correlation with the results, as so the quality and quantity of books in the libraries. Although it suggests a need for improvement in the model, the general model adopted appears to be satisfactory as a starting point to a BSC-like performance measuring system to this kind of Institutions
This work addresses biodiesel by transesterification from the use of waste frying oil as a possible technological alternative for both reducing greenhouse gas emissions and by presenting themselves as an environmental call to designate a rational use of oil when no longer played in the environment to become renewable energy. It has proposed location of a residual oil and fat treatment plant to produce biodiesel, using models of Location and Routing for the improvement of routes. To achieve the goal, questionnaires were administered in establishments that use oil or vegetable fat in their productive activities in order to quantify the residue, to analyze actions and environmental perception of people who work directly with the residue on the destination you are being given to oil and fat used. It has indicated using of two single setup location, the method of Center of Gravity and the model of Ardalan, a geographical point that minimizes the costs of transporting waste to the treatment plant. Actions have been proposed for the improvement of collection routes this residue using the Routing Method of Scanning, as an illustration. The results demonstrated the lack of knowledge of the people who deal directly with large amounts of waste, on the environmental impacts caused by their incorrect disposal. The models used were uniform since point out to neighborhoods in similar regions. The neighborhoods of Lagoa Nova / Morro Branco (Ardalan) and Nova Descoberta (Center of Gravity) as ideal for the installation of treatment plant. However, it is suggested to be tested other models that take into account new variables than those used (supply of waste and the distance between points). The routing through the method of scanning has shown that it is possible, in a simple way to optimize routes in order to reduce distances and therefore the logistics costs in the collection of such waste. Introducing a route as a test to gather the twenty largest oil suppliers used in sample frying, using as a main factor time 8 hour of working shift every day
Information Age has been providing accelerated development of technologies in teaching, which is making the increase in distance courses and flexibility in the tutors everyday work. In this context, it was aimed to study the influence of flexible work in the development of activities and personal life of the tutors in Distance Education at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. More specifically, they have been sought to compare the types of flexibility detected, identifying the extent of the day's work in mentoring; investigating the relationship between flexible working time and productivity; evaluating the Quality of Working Life (QWL) and for Work and Family Relationship of the tutors. Thus, work is justified by the importance of academic and organizational achievement. To meet the goals, it was obtained a sample of 75 respondents (45.73% of the population). The data collection instrument was comprised of 48 variables mainly based by Walton (1975) and Paschoal, Tamayo and Barham (2002). The statistical techniques used were: analysis of frequency, ratio test, factor analysis and regression. The results collected have shown that the presence and distance tutors experience similar realities, but have different profiles; the day of their work is on average three hours daily; in view of the tutors, flexibility has a relation with the production, QWL work-family balance were evaluated in a satisfactory manner and the statistical techniques used have shown significant influence between the QWL and flexible working day. It is therefore concluded that flexibility at work can influence the development of activities and personal life of the tutors. Thus, the flexible working day may be used in a strategy way of routine in many organizations
This paper proposes a methodology for building Information Technology solutions in the form of virtual environments that allow for collaborative construction and democratization of knowledge for and about supply chains, providing tools for collaboration iteration and the social actors involved, valuing its environmental variables and assisting in its development. The scope of supply chains of aquaculture and fisheries and www.redeagua.com.br were the objects of research and prototyping of this paper. AVA Moodle was chosen to create the environment in question by their full fitness the socio-cultural characteristics of the target audience and the structure of existing digital inclusion, making necessary the development of strategies to generate interest from productive agents in their effective participation as collaborators and not just as recipients of content. The structure of this survey work will be qualitative-quantitative, using both traditional elements such as forms and interviews as sources typical of virtual environments, such as statistical reports of visitation and placement in search engines on the Internet
This study searches to supply an existing gap in the empirical research about the performance of controllers of Micron and Small Companies (MSCs) in the context of corporative education (EC) through the Method of Support of Decision in Corporative Education (MSDCE). In the context of MCSs, this is a pioneering work, for other works related to this thematic searched in literature are limited to conjecture the possibility of its implantation via cooperation between companies; moreover, they do not apply any type of diagnosis method or viability. The object of study is an association of supermarkets of the city of Natal/RN, composed by 16 stores, of what 14 had been searched. The main objective of this work was to apply the first stage of the MSDCE and to verify the possibility of implanting the Corporative Education in the searched MSCs. As a result, it was obtained the profile of the companies and the validation of the above-mentioned Method. The phase of diagnosis conceived through the implantation of the first stage occurred through visits to the stores, interviews, application of questionnaires and place observation. The first stage - strategical analysis for professional education - was divided in two phases: analysis of the current corporative situation and available identification of the involved difficulties and resources. The implantation of the first stage of the MSDCE in the Association of Supermarkets Parceiros da Economia demanded a mapping of abilities and demonstrated how the education management works, the main difficulties and limitations of the MCSs of the supermerket branch of Natal/RN. Beyond the technological aspects, it was verified that cultural and educational aspects need to be worked to reach efficiency in the process of implantation of a corporative education program
We are observing, particurlarly in the last two decades an aggravation of social problems inherent in contemporary society, such as high rates of unereloyment and social exclusion. In this context, the social economy appears as an alternative to generate employment and income, especially for the country man through the production and distribution of developed products in a collective way where the actions of cooperation gain significant importance this study aims to determine how the collective actions affect the sustainability of cooperative socio-political and economic developments of the economy and so it was adopted a methodology of multiple case study in three organizations in the apiculture sector of Rio Grande do Norte the Beekeepers Association of São Rafael City (AAMSR); Beekeepers Association of Serra do Mel (APISMEL) and Family Agriculture Cooperative of Apodi (COOAFAP). To evaluate relationship in collaborative ventures solidarity it is constructed a matrix that identify and develop relationship in the organization and, to measure the level of sustainability of these ventures are calculated the indices of socio-political sustainability and economic sustainability. The research results shows a fully collaborative relationship in all cases based on factors such as effective communication between beekeepers involved/and also cooperated with these organization; availability of beekeepers to perform adjustments in production process; an organizational culture focused on collaboration and high level of situation described above and taking into account that the business of solidarity economy better positioned in the matrix of relationships are those that have best indices of sustainability, it is evidence the importance of collaborative relationships for the sustainability of joint ventures
This Master of Science Thesis investigates in an exploratory modeling the idea of strategy consistency applying as an assessment tool a model of performance indicators of a higher education institution based on the balanced scorecard (BSC). It is carried on a review of conceptual BSC perspective hierarchy models and of studies on higher education institution in Brazil and worldwide. From a BSC model with three indicators at each perspective is carried on a case study with directors and coordinators of a private higher education institution with a descriptive and multivariate analysis using cluster analysis. The main findings point to a different perception of respondents on the importance level of the perspectives with a higher importance level given to Learning and Growth and Process that to Customer and Financial. Particularly, the financial perspective got a importance level significantly lower that the others, what suggests an inconsistency on the strategy deployment on the institution considered in terms of the perception of the managerial levels of the importance level of the perspectives
This study aimed to analyze the percentage of compliance, related to the requirements of Practice, achieved by 23 supermarkets in neighborhood after the deployment of Food Insurance Program. For its development research methodology adopted was the application start and end of a check-list (tool-specific SBP) in 23 supermarkets, target of this study. After the deployment of PAS was made a comparative study where it was possible to see that these companies need to improve conditions related to food safety, because according to the study, none of the 23 supermarkets evaluated met the criteria recommended by the SBP to 100% of compliance for the items critical of the check-list. Only 04 of the 23 supermarkets were in the range of 80 to 90% of the overall percentage of compliance, representing only 17.3% of the sample. Most of the sample submitted in a regular situation, according to the methodology of Cardoso (2001). Of the 23 supermarkets studied, 03 supermarkets were classified as poor (13.04%), 13 as scheduled (56.52%) as good and 07 (30.43%). You can see improvements in a small part of the sample, but the decline in the percentage of compliance of 02 companies after working for the implementation of the program, showing lack of responsibility and commitment of companies which should have as its top priority to food safety that market
Algoritmo evolutivo paralelo para o problema de atribuição de localidades a anéis em redes sonet/sdh
The telecommunications play a fundamental role in the contemporary society, having as one of its main roles to give people the possibility to connect them and integrate them into society in which they operate and, therewith, accelerate development through knowledge. But as new technologies are introduced on the market, increases the demand for new products and services that depend on the infrastructure offered, making the problems of planning of telecommunication networks become increasingly large and complex. Many of these problems, however, can be formulated as combinatorial optimization models, and the use of heuristic algorithms can help solve these issues in the planning phase. This paper proposes the development of a Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm to be applied to telecommunications problem known in the literature as SONET Ring Assignment Problem SRAP. This problem is the class NP-hard and arises during the physical planning of a telecommunication network and consists of determining the connections between locations (customers), satisfying a series of constrains of the lowest possible cost. Experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of the Evolutionary Algorithm parallel, over other methods, to obtain solutions that are either optimal or very close to it
This Master of Science Thesis deals with the perception of hotels managers about the factors affecting the loyalty and satisfaction of its customers. It is surveyed a group of managers attending a hotel industry meeting and the results of their responses are compared with three surveys on tourist satisfaction and loyalty factors in Natal, Brazil, including international, national and regional tourist. The main findings suggest a divergence on the managers perception and the customer significant factors affecting satisfaction surveyed, but a certain convergence on the factors affecting loyalty. The research suggest a need for a customer satisfaction and loyalty measurement system in order to contribute for the alignment of managers perception and its customers evaluations
The decrease in crime is one of the core issues that cause concern in society today. This study aims to propose improvements to public safety from the choice of points to the location of police units, ie the points which support the car and the police. For this, three models were developed in order to assist decision making regarding the best placement of these bases. The Model of Police Units Routing has the intention to analyze the current configuration of a given region and develop optimal routes for round preventative. The Model of Allocation and Routing for New Police Units (MARNUP) used the model of facility location called p-median weighted and traveling salesman problem (TSP) combined aiming an ideal setting for regions that do not yet have support points or to assess how far the distribution is present in relation to that found in solution. The Model Redefinition and Routing Unit Police (MRRUP) seek to change the current positioning taking into account the budgetary constraints of the decision maker. To verify the applicability of these models we used data from 602 points to instances of police command that is responsible for the capital city of Natal. The city currently has 31 police units for 36 of these 19 districts and police have some assistance. This reality can lead to higher costs and higher response times for answering emergency calls. The results of the models showed that in an ideal situation it is possible to define a distance of 500 km/round, whereas in this 900 km are covered by approximately round. However, a change from three-point lead reduced to 700 km / round which represents a decrease of 22% in the route. This reduction should help improve response time to emergency care, improving the level of service provided by the increase of solved cases, reducing police shifts and routing preventive patrols