165 resultados para Brincar. Escola. Região Metropolitana de Natal
Obesity is currently considered a public health problem and there has been growing interest in the study of various aspects related to this infirmity such as: epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and others. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of weight excess and overweight in preschoolers in Natal, Brazil and relate them to variables such as gender, age, type of school (public or private) and zones of the city (east/south and north/west). This is a transversal study, carried out in Natal, Brazil between August and September 2004, in 20 public and 20 private schools/day care centers selected by the systematic sampling method. We measured the weight and height of 3721 students between the ages of 2 and 6 years. The children were stratified, according to age, into age group 1 (2 to 4 years) and age group 2 (5 and 6 years) and according to the region of the school, into north/west and east/south zones, the regions with the smallest and highest quality of life indices in the city, respectively. Children were considered to have weight excess when BMI ≥ 85th percentile, including those with BMI ≥ 95th percentile and overweight when BMI ≥ 95th percentile. The prevalence of weight excess was 26.5%, and of overweight 12.4%. There was greater prevalence of weight excess in the private schools and in the east/south zones. Overweight displayed the same epidemiologic profile, with a greater prevalence in private schools and in the east/south zones. The prevalence of weight excess in preschoolers in Natal, Brazil is high and is related, above all, to private schools and to those located in the highest quality of life areas. Therefore, prevention programs should be implanted in elementary schools in order to decrease weight excess and possible associated co-morbidities. This research project met the norms established by PPGCSa/UFRN and aimed at promoting the interrelation between different researchers and between different fields of knowledge, using multi and interdisciplinary concepts. This study was enriched by the interaction between the following professionals: pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist and physician nutrition specialist, pediatric endocrinologist, epidemiologist and biostatistician
The prevalence of obesity has been increased in the last three decades. It is already considered as epidemic by the World Health Organization and reaches around 300 million people worldwide. The weight gain in all ages is related to a sedentary way of life and hyper caloric food ingestion at the modern society. Obesity is a chronic disease and leads to high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of weight excess among student in Natal schools and to analyze its association with age, gender, school category and geographic localization in city zones. This was a transversal study which enrolled 1927 children. 1084 of these were between 6 and 8 years-old (group 1) and 843 were 9 to 10 years-old (group 2). 895 of the total children studied in private schools and 1032 studied in public schools. 33,6% of the students had body mass index equal or above the 85th percentile and were considered as having weight excess. There was no statistical difference in this prevalence considering neither gender nor age. The weight excess prevalence in private schools was 54,5% and in public ones was 15,6% (p<0,01; OR=6,49). Weight excess was also more prevalent in the south and east city zones (41,3%) which have better quality of life index than in the north and west zones (28,4%) (p<0,01). In conclusion, the weight excess prevalence among students is found to be high in Natal and programs of intervention and prevention of obesity are necessary. The higher prevalence in private schools as in the wealthier city zones reflects the link between obesity and high socioeconomic level found in countries in developing. This was an interdisciplinary work with participation of epidemiology, child nutrition and pediatric endocrinology following the recommendations and principles of the Post graduation Program in Health Sciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
The National School Nutrition Program is the oldest program in the country directed at food and nutrition safety. Its aims are to offer nutritional food as a supplement to students of public and philanthropic schools. Studying school nutrition transcends the investigation as a purely social program, given that it reaches the fields of public health, nutrition and food, using a wide variety of approaches. Thus, it is characterized by a multidisciplinary study, where the disciplines work side by side in distinct aspects of a single problem. Aim: This study aims to assess hygiene practices during the preparation of meat-based meals in public schools in the city of Natal, Brazil. Methods: A list was applied at 27 schools to identify the procedures of good food preparation practices. In addition, cooking and meal distribution temperature were measured and a microbiological analysis of the final preparation and of the water used in preparing it was performed. For microbiological analyses of the food, we analyzed coliforms at 45°C, coliforms at 35°C and Enterococcus, and for the water, we analyzed thermotolerant coliforms and total coliforms, using the methods recommended by APHA, 1995. Results: Most of the schools did not meet the required standards in all the variables related to good food preparation practices, except for the time spent preparing the meat, in which 89% were within the norm. Cooking temperature of the meals was within the standard; however, the temperature at distribution and the time spent dispensing the meals were inadequate. Of the 27 schools, 22 (81.5%) showed the presence of coliforms at 35° C in at least one meal sample and 18 (66.7%) had values above the recommended limit for coliforms at 45°C. The presence of E. coli was identified in 6.1% of the samples analyzed. The presence of Enterococcus was not found at any of the schools. With respect to the water, the North district of the city was the only one that did not meet the standards for the two indicators evaluated. The contamination found was not associated with the hygiene or food storage problems observed. Conclusions: The results show that the hygiene-sanitary conditions of meat-based public school meals were unsatisfactory, demonstrating the need for improvements in the production process to preserve the health of the student population. Multidisciplinarity: Researchers from the areas of food microbiology, nutrition, public health and statistics took part in this study, a decisive factor for characterizing the research as multidisciplinary
In Brazil school food is constitutionally guaranteed to public school students at the preschool and elementary level. This food must be nutritious, hygienic and sanitary. The aim of the present study was to assess the hygienic/sanitary conditions of food and table utensil handlers in municipal public schools in Natal, Brazil. In total, 27 public schools were assessed, using a checklist and microbiological analysis of the hands and table utensils. For the microbiological analyses of the hands, coliforms were analyzed at 45ºC and for the utensils aerobic mesophilic bacteria, using methods recognized by AOAC, 2002 and APHA, 1992, respectively. Most of the schools studied did not exhibit good food and utensil handling practice procedures in any of the variables analyzed. It was shown that 74.1% of the handlers received no periodic training, 51.9% did not undergo annual health examinations and 100% did not practice proper hand hygiene, which reflected significantly (p < 0.05) in hand contamination, where fecal coliforms were detected on 55.6% of the hands analyzed. With respect to the utensils, it was found that 100% of the schools studied did not follow correct hygiene practices and most were classified as very bad ; that is, aerobic mesophilic bacteria values above the limits established by PAHO (Pan American Health Organization), with schools in the north and south districts recording the highest percentages. The results show that the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the food and utensil handlers in the schools studied were inadequate, demonstrating the need for implanting good handling practices aimed at protecting the health of children that take part in the program and offering safer foods. Researchers from the areas of food microbiology, nutrition, public health and statistics participated in this study, a decisive factor for characterizing it as multidisciplinary
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
This research I discuss the play, also talking with the other subjects that make up the universe in which the play is inserted, such as family, school and culture. The fundamental proposition of this dissertation assumes that the absence of play in children's lives affect their physical structure, psychological, biological, cultural, social, historical and theirs development. The initial questions were: What are the spacetimes reserved in the school for play? What is the importance of play in the development of children? Does the school recognize the importance of play in its social space? How the children perceive and use the spacetimes to play at school? Are there spacetimes at school to play? This is a theoretical and empirical research of exploratory study. The research‟s field was the Municipal School Professor Ulysses Góes, located in district of Nova Descoberta, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte and, as research techniques, I used: participant observation, photography, structured interviews with students and questionnaires with teachers. The results indicate that for most of children, the school allows the play, few disagree with this preposition.Teachers recognize the importance of play in school, but for various reasons do not provide your practice. The dissertation points the possibility of new studies and developments for the theme.
The 1988 Constitution was the legal marc to define changes in Brazilian State with major importance to the layout of public politician. In that moment of redefinitions e openness to new ways the redemocratization, participation and decentralization of public school had as their starter the elementary school. This work focus on the manage of FUNDESCOLA, particularly one of its politics called PDE (Educational Development Plan) wich purpose is guarantee a better quality in teaching and spread out democracy throughout its methodology. It was chosen two public schools: Professor Ulisses de Góis and Antonio Campos. The theoretical and methodological orientation is based on the theory of participative democracy developed by authors such as Putnam and Pateman. They says that a cultural background precedes individual participation in society. The collected data (educational legislation, surveys with all sectors of schools and technicians of Natal educational secretary, and relevant documents of de institutions) showed that PDE. Implementation had opposite runnings in the schools studied. In one, as a consequence of bad preparations of its teachers to absorve its methodology, PDE failed. In another way, PDE achieved its goals, especially helping the structure of action plans of the school and the administrative organization making possible several pedagogic activities planned. The work concludes that the main factor the failure or success of PDE relies on the organizational (both political and pedagogical) structure of each school. This discovery implies three important guidelines when comes to formulation of public politicians: a) Constitution of school; b) the local actors who manages the actions; c) the colletive interest in taking part of decisions
The study Escola e Gênero: representações de gênero na escola show us the social man made, starting of an analysis in the having fun time in the children´s life and how it´s an important aspect of the building childish universe simbolic. My analysis started in a children´s daily at school and how they noticed the play value od dominant society. Our propouse is think about the linking between ideology, representations and gender like the children´s knowledge in the school activities. The toy, an instrument which is noticed and exist in the funny activities, is full of cultural concepts of male and female parts. Your color, lines, functions and the way you manipulate is driven of gender cathegories. In the scool, the ideological concepts have it´s important way which is to domesticate the feelings, the desires; categorize and normalize them without be known by the educational employers. In the children´s education, the funny time is noticed by others ways and turned as important as others subjects. By the way it´s not noticed by the school, like another thing which isn´t a funny moment. And it´s exactly here in the school funny time, the school did your cultural power of separete the gender and your extencions, feed by the society, generaly, in favor of the man whose woman is your subordinate. This ways of analysis help the society and the school universe about the funny time e how they are important in the Man made life. And how the toys bring the concepts and addicted thinking, ideological which put the power in the stages, without equal, addicted feelings around the gender concepts. I read and used the theories of Kishimoto, Berger & luckmann, Brougère, Sousa Filho, Bourdieu, Badinter, Geertz, Grossi, Louro, Foucault, among others
La recherche ci-présentée consiste dans une narrative historique problematisée par rapport à la trajectoire de l École Normale de Natal. Dans ce parcours, nous distingons sa transformation en Institut d Éducation Président Kennedy, en envisageant la période de 1950 jusqu à 1965. L investigation a été procédée ayant pour base les principes de l histoire des institutions éducatives, on a pris deux catégories d analyse historique : la culture scolaire, utile à la compréhension des pratiques éducatives developpées dans l institution d enseignement ; et celle de genre, l École Normale de Natal/Institut d Éducation pour avoir été fréquentés principalement par des femmes qui voulaient travailler dans l enseignement primaire ; alors, une place de genre. Dans cette perspective, nous estimons sa multiplicité d acteurs et de leurs pratiques dans l institution. Nous mettons en évidence sa création et les cycles de son développement (matérialisés dans les plusieurs configurations), en les reliant aux faits locaux et nationaux. Nous distingons les conflits tout le long des années en ce qui concerne l inexistence de l espace physique pour le fonctionnement adéquat de l école, et les changements du savoir apporté moyennant la renovation du programme d enseigement et de la pratique pédagogique. Ainsi, de la tradictionnelle École Normale de Natal à l Institut d Éducation Président Kennedy, cette institution éducative a gardé, dans son identité, le caracter de modèle et d innovation, quand elle a pu assimiler les changements didactico- pédagogique qui avaient eu lieu dans le scénario national se transformant en un centre de référence pour la formation des professeurs, particulièrement des femmes, en différentes époques dans l enseignement potiguar. L École Normale de Natal s est constituée surtout en un établissement pour la conquête, un chemin pour l élargissement de l univers du rôle de ces femmes qui se déplacent de la sphère de l enseignement privé pour accéder au domaine de l enseignement publique, acquérant ainsi un travail rémunéré
Crées par leDécret n° 7.566, le 23 septembre 1909, les 19 Escolas de Aprentizes Artífices (Écoles d Aprentis Artisans) stratégiquement situées dans les capitales des états brésiliens, répresentaient l une de plus importantes réalisations pour la formation de main-de-oeuvre qualifiée dans les premières décennies de XXème siècle. Alors, ce travail est constitué par une recherche historique ayant eu pour base les informations apportées par des documents divers (Lois, Décrets, Rapports et Messages Gouvernementales, Livres des Immatriculations) et des nouvelles publiées dans le journal A República, disponibles à l Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Rio Grande do Norte IHG-RN, à l Arquivo Público do Estado et au Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET RN). On montre la configuration que l expérience de l École d Aprentis Artisans a constituée au Rio Grande do Norte à partir de 1909, crée avec le niveau élémentaire jusqu au 1942, quand la Lei Orgânica do Ensino Industrial a changé cet enseignement en le modifiant pour le niveau secondaire. Dans l état du Rio Grande do Norte(RN), ce genre d école a été crée au 3 janvier de 1910. La finalité était la formation des ouvriers et contremaîtres par l enseignement pratique et technique nécessaires aux mineurs qui puissent apprendre un métier. L école du RN a contribuée pour la consolidation du projet politique-idéologique de la construction de la nationalité brésilienne, par des pratiques des contenu patriotique et civique-militaire, en détachant l insertion du scoutisme scolaire comme expression de la militarisation des pratiques éducatives pour le contrôle des corps. Malgré l enseignement professionnel avoir été utilisé pour l imposition des modèles culturelles sous-jacents aux rapports de production capitaliste qui étaient exigés des travailleurs, la Escola de Aprendizes Artífices de Natal a répondue à la demande locale, ce qui renforce l idée que sa création dans ce moment historique a attendu surtout le but politique-idéologique plutôt que celui du développement économique et éducationnel de la population norte-riograndense
In this dissertation, we investigate the process of elaboration of the Political-Pedagogical Project in the Municipal School Ascendino de Almeida , situated in the west zone of Natal city, in Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. We performed a qualitative research, using information provided by several sources as: interviews carried out in the Municipal Department of Education and also in the mentioned School, document analysis, and literature reviews, mainly with the objective of knowing more about the complexity of this particular reality. This was done in order to establish a mediation between the actual reality and the social, political, and economic context that surrounds it. We analyze the Political-Pedagogical Project according to the visions of Education theoreticians, under the political-normative plan, and also as a process of educational planning that can collaborate significantly for the introduction of changes in school Education. This instrument of the educative action, as a fruit of the participation of the school community, may constitute itself in an important learning instrument of the participation in the social sphere, demanding from the educators the development of complex abilities so that they can construct the Project. In the data analysis, we describe and analyze the process of elaboration of the Political-Pedagogical Project of the mentioned School. We also determine how participation of the school community was constructed as well as the consequences of this envolvement. We also discuss the abilities they needed to develop, the process of studies and dialogues that gave support to the whole process, and the democratic participation in the school decisions, including a dialogical interaction
Remote Communities. Absence of artifacts and minimization of the exacerbated consumption of modernity. The desire which spread beyond what reality can provide. Expressions like this are present in this paper which focus in the social representations of school built by residents who live at the riversides of Môa and Azul Rivers, in Mâncio Lima, Acre State. To do so, we used the methodological contribution of the semi-structured interview, observation of the place while a natural inhabitant of the region, and also photos analyses of local reality. A key feature of the riverside homes is the glued paper on the walls of houses forming a panel set of portraits, pictures, letters and numbers for all appreciated. Regardless of whether or not read, there is admiration for the color of the images, the layout of the letters, and the things of the city awakening the desire to obtain school knowledge. The resident of this Amazon region maintains a close relationship between thinking, acting and feeling living harmonically with nature that connects them to the ideal landscape which is revisited by the graphic material that attracts wondering what exists beyond the shores of the river, beyond the horizon of green forests. It is a life entirely accomplished by the imaginary where exist a framed landscape merged and confused by the real and the supernatural, in which men and gods walk together by the forest, sailing by the rivers and seek a possible aesthetic between the real and ideal. The Theory of Social Representations spread by Serge Moscovici (2005) and Jodelet (2001) guided our gaze on the understanding what the school is and its representation to the riversides, as well to reveal the relation they practice with the knowledge that is spread by the mystification and the knowledge that is practice daily. Based in Bardin s thematic analysis (2004) we tried to raise such contents combining them in five analysis categories
This dissertation work studies the Board of Director , created in 1995, in the public schools of the Rio Grande do Norte. It aims to analyze if the creation of this collegiate at Berilo Wanderley State School contributes to accomplish the participation of school segments, democratizing the decision-making in the interior of the institution. This research configures itself as a study of case with information collected together to the representatives of Board through of semi-structuralized interviews. Also they had been essential in the investigation , the informal talks and the registered direct comments in a field diary. For the data analysis we contemplate the following dimensions of the object: the institutionalization process of the Board at Berilo Wanderley State School; the insertion form of the representatives in the collegiate one; the participation of the members in the Board decisions ; the Board s role in the school management and the Board as democratization space. Based in the theoretical and empirical information that we made use, we look for to identify the limits and possibilities of the Board performance in a state public school. The research results indicate that the institutionalization of the Board of Director at the Berilo Wanderley State School presents limits to materialize an effective participation of school community in the essential decisions to the functioning of the school. Also it was possible to underline the fragility of an understanding on the part of school community, the potentialities that the Board in the process of democratization of the school has, translated in the discrepancy between the saying and making of the council members. It can be highlighted that the Board in the school only exists to correspond to a educational policy guideline, with a little significant role , without corresponding to the democratizing possibilities of the collegiate participation. In spite of all the evidenced debilities in the Board of Director experience of the Wanderley Berilo State School , it is worth clarifying that the actor participation, for more limited than either, it represents new something in the setting of the school. In this direction we detach the importance to invest in the improvement of the Board s role, because it can form itself in an educative space for the building of democratic practices in the scope of the school
This paper presents a reconstruction of the historical trajectory of the Escola Industrial de Natal (Industrial School of Natal), in the period 1942 to 1968, based on the analysis of its cultural, social and pedagogical characteristics in a process in which its educational practices and the individuals who constructed them were getting involved in their actions. In this sense, the concepts of memory and school culture occupied a central place to understand the elements that characterized its administrative and pedagogical organization such as, for example, its curriculum, aims, disciplinary rules, clientele, teachers, leaders and the configuration of the institutional power. Designed to meet the demands of an industrial process that has strengthened in the country, throughout its history, the Escola Industrial de Natal was becoming a space predominantly occupied by individuals, from economically disadvantaged social groups in society, in search of a professional training that would guarantee them the exercise of a profession. The time frame from 1942 to 1968 allowed us to verify the changes caused by the Organic Law of Industrial Education of 1942, and the Law number 3.552, from 1959, in the organizational structure of this school. In this context, a characteristic that was evident was the purpose of making it flow between the students the love for the country, the respect for civic values and the belief that industrial education would be able to boost the country's development, an aspect that reached a bigger dimension from the 1950 s. Marked the disciplinary character of this institution the control over the actions of individuals, developed through its multiple educational practices in specific areas and in the predetermined time, under the constant gaze of those who participated, in some from, in driving this process. On the other hand, the vocational and human training, provided to students, allowed new opportunities for social integration, not only in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, but also in other regions of Brazil. Conversely, during his career, the Escola Industrial de Natal has remained being seen as an organized institution, with good teachers, but intended for the children of others
The present study examined the relations of power in the management of the Escola Estadual Presidente Kennedy, including the deliberate decisions on the School Council and School Fund, which guided the organization of the school. We sought to understand the management models that influenced the school organization, promoting contradictions in the decision making process. The school management is intensely marked by management models from the business logics as in the case of managerialism of bureaucracy. The formulation of educational policies based on managerialism has proposed a school-centered management with intense accountability of the school community in planning and monitoring the public services. The influences of these models subsidize hierarchical power relations that undermine the actions of decision-making of the collegiate bodies for the democratization of school management. To develop a research on the power, the investigation was based on studies of Bourdieu and Foucault. These authors understand the power in a relational system in a double sense, both in terms of discipline and the possibility of resistance. A theoreticalmethodological matrix was developed focusing on literature review, document analysis, structured interviews with twelve representatives of the segments belonging to the School Council and School Fund, as well as observations in meetings with the production of field notes. It was found that power relations experienced in the organization and activities of the school boards are marked by changes in public management over the years, promoting the contradictions between the concepts of corporate management originated in the business logics and the perspective of democratic management subsidized by official legislative documents at the national and state levels. The observations in meetings and analysis of the records showed that representatives related to management (president and manager of the school) have a privileged position with regard to exposure of their propositions, and are more likely to take a position in the political game of the collegiate bodies of work. It was also seen that the irregularity of meetings, particularly of the School Fund meetings, limits the experience of operation of the representatives in discussions concerning the planning and monitoring the actions of school management. Reports from representatives of the School Council showed that certain segments related to the management recognize their power of decision, however others have little interfere in the decision-making process in order to expound the desires of those who are represented by them. In the School Fund, the analysis of the records and interviews showed restricted moments of the meeting of representatives, and these only being aimed at choice or approval of the implementation plan prepared by the school management. The results showed no indications of moments of reflection to study the best chance for applicability of resources. This collegiate body (School Fund) has a questionable action when planning and monitoring the applicability of the financial resources of the School. To sum up, it was found that the Escola Estadual Presidente Kennedy still lives hierarchical power relations that undermine the institutionalization of democratic management in the various representative segments may take place in the game of political decision-making processes necessary for the organization of the school