86 resultados para estudo de usuários
CARVALHO, Andréa Vasconcelos ; DINIZ, I. C. S. ; MEDEIROS, J. B. . Estudo de usuários em bibliotecas públicas e universitárias: em foco as dissertações defendidas no CMCI/UFPB. Informação & Sociedade. Estudos, João Pessoa, v. 12, n. 2, 2002
This paper aims to investigate the factors that influence the satisfaction and fidelity of tennis´s users with the region southern city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte as the area of analyzing , using the national satisfaction index models as a tool to study. In this study was used the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data based on the new Norwegian customer satisfaction barometer model proposed by Johnson et. al. (2001). The data collection took place during the months of May and June 2008, when 450 tennis´s users were interviewed. The main results obtained by multiple regression analysis and logistic regression showed that the users' satisfaction with the tennis´s brand is influenced by the quality, comfort, material used in the manufacture and price, while fidelity is potentized by the image of the brand and the satisfaction degree with the user's tennis and with the brand of tennis. In relation to user satisfaction with the tennis, that satisfaction is influenced by the quality, comfort, weight and the material used, while fidelity is potentized by the satisfaction with the tennis´s brand, with the possibility of paying the same amount again and the emotional commitment. As the processing of claims there was no direct influence on satisfaction and consumers fidelity due to the low number complaints
The high blood pressure is a multifactorial chronic disease which possesses emotional and social features in the illness appearance and evolution and in the adherence to the treatment which involves a decision-making through patient so that he or she process the necessary changes on harmful living habits. Adhesion, traditionally, it is referred to the patient to answer to the doctor orientations or of other health professional, about the appearance to the appointment with a doctor, about the use of medicine or lifestyle changes and maintaining this adhesion is the main problem to be overcame. It is expected the adhesion will ever be a continual, stable and satisfactory action, disregarding the complexity of subjectivity processes which permeate the sicken. This research aimed to investigate the difficulties which the person with high blood pressure has to adhere to the treatment, from the signification processes which give sense to the actions dealing with the adhesion. The study was carried out with 48 users of assistance program to the high blood pressure patient from Hospital Universitário from Natal RN, between 40-65 age. The answers were submitted to a double analysis process: 1) answer systematization in categories and codes and admission in statistical program SPSS (Statistical Package of Social Science), for generation of descriptive statistics; 2) Sense and signification analysis which permeated the deepener statement and interpretatively. The greater difficulties found are present on low-salt and law-calorie diets, in the dealing with everyday feeling and stress, being these factors cited as direct motive to the high blood pressure, regardless of interviewee s sex. It is observed there is not adhesion, but adhering, as an experienced everyday process. This work contributes with its results, assessing the used strategies by program with the aim of increasing the adhesion rates
CARVALHO, Andréa Vasconcelos ; DINIZ, I. C. S. ; MEDEIROS, J. B. . Estudo de usuários em bibliotecas públicas e universitárias: em foco as dissertações defendidas no CMCI/UFPB. Informação & Sociedade. Estudos, João Pessoa, v. 12, n. 2, 2002
A pesquisa aborda o uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, que vem revolucionando as atividades e ocasionando muitas mudanças relacionadas ao acesso e uso de informações. O objetivo foi analisar o grau de utilização do conhecimento científico produzido pelos Programas de Pós-Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras, através da BDTD, pelos mestrandos dos referidos programas. Nos procedimentos metodológicos realizados, procurou-se inicialmente analisar o amplo espectro da população do corpus da pesquisa. Em razão da impossibilidade de trabalhar com os Programas de Pós-Graduação como um todo, optou-se por fazer um recorte, elegendo os cursos de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, vez que estes representam o principal segmento social de interesse da pesquisa. Foi utilizado o método de estudo de usuários, onde se optou por adotar o grupo, “estudos orientados aos usuários”, que identifica as necessidades e comportamento de acesso e uso da informação. Para coletar os dados, elaborou-se um questionário semi-estruturado com 25 questões, que versavam sobre o uso, dificuldades de acesso e recuperação da informação, bem como a satisfação na utilização dessa fonte informacional. Dentre os vários resultados obtidos, podemos destacar o fato de que a maioria dos mestrandos (71,8%) só teve contato com a BDTD somente no momento em que se encontrava cursando o mestrado e, somente 24,3%, tiveram contato durante a graduação. Estes resultados representam um problema, que pode afetar o bom desempenho do projeto BDTD, o qual consiste em disseminar e divulgar a produção científica dos Programas de Pós-Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras para a sua comunidade. Foi observado também, que os mestrandos oriundos do curso de Biblioteconomia tende a ter contato com a BDTD bem mais cedo do que mestrandos de outros cursos de graduação. A fim de minimizar o problema detectado, propõe-se uma divulgação mais eficaz na graduação através de dois procedimentos: Primeiro, o docente deve fazer uma divulgação mais eficaz da BDTD junto aos discentes de todos os cursos de graduação; segundo: deverá ser feita a divulgação na mídia eletrônica, através da inserção de ícones da BDTD, nos portais dos Departamentos dos Cursos de Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras. Acredita-se que com estes procedimentos seja possível aperfeiçoar o uso dessa fonte de informação científica.
The Brazilian CAPES Journal Portal aims to provide Information in Science and Technology (IST) for academic users. Thus, it is considered a relevant instrument for post-graduation dynamics and the country´s Science and Technology (S&T) development. Despite its importance, there are still few studies that focus on the policy analysis and efficiency of these resources. This research aims to fill in this gap once it proposes an analysis of the use of the CAPES Journal Portal done on behalf of the master´s and doctoral alumni of the Post Graduate Program in Management (PPGA) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The operationalization of the research´s main objective was possible through the specific objectives: characterize graduate profile as CAPES Journal Portal users b) identify motivation for the use of CAPES Journal Portal c) detect graduate satisfaction degree in information seeking done at CAPES Journal Portal d) verify graduate satisfaction regarding the use of the CAPES Journal Portal e) verify the use of the information that is obtained by graduates in the development of their academic activities. The research is of descriptive nature employing a mixed methodological strategy in which quantitative approach predominates. Data collection was done through a web survey questionnaire. Quantitative data analysis was made possible through the use of a statistical method. As for qualitative analysis, there was use of the Brenda Dervin´s sense-making approach as well as content analysis in open ended questions. The research samples were composed by 90 graduate students who had defended their dissertation/thesis in the PPGA program at UFRN in the time span of 2010-2013. This represented by 88% of this population. As for user profile, the analysis has made evident that there are no quantitative differences related to gender. There is predominance of male graduates that were aged 26 to 30 years old. As for female graduates, the great majority were 31 o 35 years old. Most graduates had Master´s degree scholarship in order to support their study. It was also seen that the great majority claim to use the Portal during their post graduation studies. The main reasons responsible for non use was: preference for the use of other data bases and lack of knowledge regarding the Portal. It was observed that the most used information resources were theses and dissertations. Data also indicate preference for complete text. Those who have used the Portal also claimed to have used other electronic information fonts in order to fulfill their information needs. The information fonts that were researched outside in the Portal were monographs, dissertations and thesis. Scielo was the most used information font. Results reveal that access and use of the Portal has been done in a regular manner during post graduation studies. But on the other hand, graduates also make use of other electronic information fonts in order to meet their information needs. The study also confirmed the important mission performed by the Portal regarding Brazilian scientific communication production. This was seen even though users have reported the need for improvement in some aspects such as: periodic training in order to promote, encourage and teach more effective use of the portal; investment aiming the expansion of Social Sciences Collection in the Portal as well as the need to implement continuous evaluation process related to user satisfaction in regarding the services provided.
A pesquisa aborda o uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, que vem revolucionando as atividades e ocasionando muitas mudanças relacionadas ao acesso e uso de informações. O objetivo foi analisar o grau de utilização do conhecimento científico produzido pelos Programas de Pós-Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras, através da BDTD, pelos mestrandos dos referidos programas. Nos procedimentos metodológicos realizados, procurou-se inicialmente analisar o amplo espectro da população do corpus da pesquisa. Em razão da impossibilidade de trabalhar com os Programas de Pós-Graduação como um todo, optou-se por fazer um recorte, elegendo os cursos de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, vez que estes representam o principal segmento social de interesse da pesquisa. Foi utilizado o método de estudo de usuários, onde se optou por adotar o grupo, “estudos orientados aos usuários”, que identifica as necessidades e comportamento de acesso e uso da informação. Para coletar os dados, elaborou-se um questionário semi-estruturado com 25 questões, que versavam sobre o uso, dificuldades de acesso e recuperação da informação, bem como a satisfação na utilização dessa fonte informacional. Dentre os vários resultados obtidos, podemos destacar o fato de que a maioria dos mestrandos (71,8%) só teve contato com a BDTD somente no momento em que se encontrava cursando o mestrado e, somente 24,3%, tiveram contato durante a graduação. Estes resultados representam um problema, que pode afetar o bom desempenho do projeto BDTD, o qual consiste em disseminar e divulgar a produção científica dos Programas de Pós-Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras para a sua comunidade. Foi observado também, que os mestrandos oriundos do curso de Biblioteconomia tende a ter contato com a BDTD bem mais cedo do que mestrandos de outros cursos de graduação. A fim de minimizar o problema detectado, propõe-se uma divulgação mais eficaz na graduação através de dois procedimentos: Primeiro, o docente deve fazer uma divulgação mais eficaz da BDTD junto aos discentes de todos os cursos de graduação; segundo: deverá ser feita a divulgação na mídia eletrônica, através da inserção de ícones da BDTD, nos portais dos Departamentos dos Cursos de Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras. Acredita-se que com estes procedimentos seja possível aperfeiçoar o uso dessa fonte de informação científica.
Communication is seen as vital function. Through it, individuals and organizations relate to each other, the environment and the shares of their own group, influencing each other to turn facts into information. The user of the male part of a group of patients whose health policy is still in development. This fact can create insecurity in the nurse to establish a process that promotes disease prevention, promotion and / or recovery of health for that user. Aiming to elucidate this, the present study aimed to: apprehend the social representations of nurses communication with the users were male, looking for disease prevention, promotion and recovery of his health; identify the factors that influenced, positively or negatively on the effectiveness of nurses communication with the users were male and investigate the strategies used by nurses to clarify communication with the users were male. In order to achieve the goal raised, this study was a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative approach. Was based on theoretical and methodological framework social representations of Denise Jodelet and Serge Moscovici. The project has, through no Parecer nº 649/10, approval of the Ethics and Research HULW. During data collection, we used a semi-structured script and a diary interviews with 24 nurses in basic health units of district-Mangabeira Health District III, the city of João Pessoa (PB). The results were analyzed using the technique of content analysis according to Bardin (2007). Classifying the research subjects and identified three categories and five nuclei of the central ideas. The categories identified: the grasp of the RS communication of nurses with male users, identifying factors that influence the effectiveness of nurses' communication with users and male research on the strategies used by nurses to the elucidation of the communication with male users. The nuclei of the central ideas found: social representations of nurses' communication with the users of the male is externalized as difficult, different, difficult, not technical (knowledge) specific, with a dubious sense in relation to its therapeutic action, the factors examined as positive in this communication were based on the connection between professional and user look in detail and not mechanistic, in preventive actions, the dynamics of care, accessibility, participatory care, humanization, and qualification service. Whereas served as negative factors for the communication, signed on the behavioral differences of men, the feminization of nurses, lack of training for professionals in relation to the subject, prescriptive conduct and prejudice (concerns) sociocultural. Another related consolidated core strategies employed for the occurrence of such communication. Given these results, it was realized the importance of social representations for the consecration of a single language, the common understanding of reality on the nurse's communication with the user in male and determination of changes in the behavior of nurses and the user to the establishment of more effective strategies for obtaining a therapeutic communication between them
This anthropological research has as main goal to grasp the meanings and perceptions - mode of subjectivity - of crack users in relation to the proposals of Therapeutic Communities (TC) of religious character. The work emphasizes the analysis of Therapeutic Communities of Rio Grande do Norte state, studying a particular organization, called Anzóis da Dor. I intend to analyze qualitative data, focusing on an analysis of the discursive content of speeches and the observation of social interaction, which results in an ethnographic text characterized by a dense description. In relation to the dissertation’s specific goals, we seek to present a general overview of the emergence and development of Therapeutic Communities – encompassing general and local considerations - and pointing out to the dynamics of religious healing systems of these institutions, besides the principles that guide them. In methodological terms, I conducted the partial mapping of therapeutic communities located in Rio Grande do Norte state; interviews with Therapeutic Communities coordinators, visits, participant observation in one of these institutions as well as some interviews with crack users and people close to these social agents in relation to the Therapeutic Communities and the treatment offered by them
The objective of the current piece of research presents was draw up a list of recommendations for the site of the Instituto do Cérebro da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, with an emphasis on fault identification in usability and information architecture, through the application of design techniques with users of the institution. From the use of the following techniques: Cardsorting, applied to a group of six people as target public, such as professor, administrative technicians and graduate student of the institution; Interviews, carried out with the director of the Instituto do Cérebro, secretaries of the undergraduate and graduate courses; Cooperative Evaluation applied in two ways: in group and individually. The evaluation in group was fulfilled in four sessions that occurred with a group composed of six people who are part of the technical staff of the Instituto do Cérebro. In the Individual Cooperative Evaluation, eight users (graduate students and administrative technicians of the Instituto do Cérebro da UFRN) performed tasks which are frequently fulfilled by users from the public target in the site of the Instituto do Cérebro. After each session of the Individual Cooperative Evaluation, a questionnaire of the user´s satisfaction was used about his or her perception in regard to the site usability and utility of the mentioned institute site. Therefore, it was concluded that, by means of the analysis of the results and the triangulation of the obtained data in each one of the techniques applied with the users, in the present piece of research, problems were verified, among others; all related to the unsuitable use of the interface elements, navigation, labeling of some menu terms, and still, the lack of search space and integration with the social networks – besides the lack, positioning and inappropriate formatting of information that would be of high relevance to the users. Finally, a list of recommendations is presented and this can be used in a future interface redesign with the goal to improve the information architecture and the usability of the site of the Instituto do Cérebro da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.
RAMOS, A. S. M. ; COSTA, F. S. P. R. . Serviços Bancários pela Internet: um estudo de caso integrando a visão de competidores e clientes. RAC. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro - ANPAD, v. 4, n. 3, p. 133-154, 2000.
SANTOS, Christiane Gomes; ALMEIDA, Edson Marques. Estudo do usuário com deficiência visual: um importante instrumento sócio-inclusivo de pesquisa e formação para o profissional de biblioteconomia perante as necessidades informacionais de pessoas com deficiência. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CCSA, 16., 2010, Rio Grande do Norte. Anais eletrônicos... Natal: UFRN, 2010. Disponível em:
The Information Technology (IT) is increasing his applicability to business, both private and public companies. It is necessary the adequate use of the new technologies and get cooperation and technology acceptance of the system. People tend to resist to the changes, contributing so that the technology is rejected or even it is not recognized as promoting of the changes. This study is relevant and aim to evaluate the impacts of new technologies, considering their users as fundamental factors in the change process. The survey analyzed the advantages and the barriers of the system use in three federal special judicial of Rio Grande do Norte, with data collected in May of 2007, through the application of questionnaires to thirty eight users of the virtual system CRETA. The users' perception was evaluated, under the optics of five variables: efficiency, image, agility, ease of use and quality. Starting from the obtained results, it was evidenced that the implementation of the system felt accordingly the expected and it reached the objectives intended that were: the velocity and efficiency in the path of the lawsuits, larger productivity, resulting in a better quality of the final work introduced to the citizen and proportionate an improvement in the organizational image of the judiciary power
The present report is the result of an applied research in the educational entities of the third sector, aiming to demonstrate whether the financial influences the perception of users on the image of those entities. For both used the prospect of integrative marketing relationship adapting to and developing a set of indicators which bore the measurement of images from the model of Machado et al (2005) and Kotler and Fox (1994). The sample included a total of 187 parents and financial responsibility in 03 (three) institutions of education in Natal / RN. These data were processed by multivariate statistical analysis, factor analysis, linear regression, analysis of cluster and discriminant analysis. The factor analysis also identified 6 images perceived by users of services. Next were the relationships of cause and effect between the financial and images formed. In discriminant analysis, was identified two distinct groups of parents and guardians with financial perceptions similar and well defined. The result of the work shows that the differential level of financial participation of parents and guardians not influence the formation of the images formed from educational institutions of the third sector
The main objective of the study about the citizenship development in elderly attended by the Conviver Program of the City Hall of Campina Grande in Paraiba, Brazil was to evaluate how the actions of the Program contribute for the citizenship practice according to the users. The Citizenship analyzed is the existence of political, civil and social rights according to Marshall. For that it was utilized a descriptive research and a study of case based on technical procedure. The research was settled by the people who are benefited by the Conviver Program of the Snow Hair Group and the sample was formed by the active participants that it is in the Group for over ten years, corresponding to a total of ten elderly. For the data collection was utilized basic questionnaire in function of the low schooling of the interviewed, according to Marshall (2002) theory about the citizenship construction from each person. It was utilized the methodological procedure proposed by Bardin (2006), categorical analysis, in the qualitative data analysis, that was divided in four parts. In relation to Political Rights, noted that the program has stimulated your Watched on the exercise of voting and being voted. On the Civil Rights was observed that the Program has given incentive to actions which provide the users the justice rights in and in occupational activities as a job. In relation to Social Rights it was observed that the Conviver Program has contributed in order that its users can lead their lives according to the standards imposed by the society, which have being failed in the education area. As for the type of citizenship it was verified that the Program has given incentive to the served users, becoming more evidence on the speech basis