48 resultados para Termos Institucionais Universitários
This research has the objective of studying the teacher-engineers awareness regarding their teaching practice of courses Civil, Electrical and Materials at the Federal University of Campina Grande. It presents and analyses major themes concerning the teaching work. At the same time, it pinpoints the need to develop good teaching practice in higher education. The study is based on the concepts of bricolage (KINCHELOE; BERRY, 2007) and multi-referentiality (ARDOINO, 1998). The Case Study procedure was adopted as an investigation strategy (YIN, 2004; AFONSO, 2005). The data collection was done through the application of questionnaires based on the teacher education paradigms (ZEICHNER, 1983; SACRISTAN, 1998; ALTET, 2001; BRÜTTEN, 2008). The theoretical background for the thematic axis is oriented by reflections on university teaching (MASETTO, 2003; 2007; ZABALZA, 2004; CUNHA et al, 2005; GRILLO, 2008; PIMENTA; ANASTASIOU, 2010 ); on Engineering teaching (BAZZO, 2001; MASETTO, 2009) and on the present-day relationship between educational policies and higher education (MENEZES, 2001; SANTOS, 1995;2005; BOSI, 2007). The data analysis was done by means of a quantitative and qualitative approach (SAMPIERI; COLLADO; LUCIO, 2006), allow us to understand how the teachers surveyed live their professional activity. The results make it possible to generalize that the teacher-engineers give value to research as part of their teacher education and they view the university pedagogy as an important aspect to improve their practice. A considerable number of them is interested in being part of reflection groups, aiming to enhance teaching at higher education. The teacher-engineers dedicate themselves to university teaching without sharing their experience with other teachers, consolidating a present tendency seen in the international and national literature. They tend to apply a pedagogy originated from their daily teaching practice, because they believe that teaching is perfected through practice, though they admit that practice alone is not sufficient for professional development. In the view of most informants, good teaching requires willingness, along with the political element, the mastery of the lesson contents and familiarity with the discipline objectives, if we regard teachers as advisors in the educational process. Throughout the teaching process, the teachers use diversified pedagogical strategies, such as contextualization and exemplification of the lesson contents, epistemological basis in the scientific field, and group work. They do not share any bond of relationship between them and the students, though they consider it important. In general terms, they lack preparation for university teaching and no involvement or interest in institutional issues, by supporting and improving the teaching quality
The thesis entitled The administrative reform and social political management in Mossoró: the institutional and social staff's falacy. Comprehends a moment of apprehensiveness and analysis in the reestrcturing process of the city, whose process will show the formation of strategies and deployment of its relation with the social political affectiveness. It represents a single moment in the approach of such a kind of experience in the city. The analysis starts from the third mandate of the Mayor Rosalba Ciarlini Rosado, during the quadriennium 2001/2004, for being the time in which the public management got materialized, such as in the operational way of the social politics. For that, we delimitate this study in two distinct moments: the first one refers to the reform elaboration from the creation of the additional law nº 001/2000 GP/PMM: the second one refers to a practical reform from the social and institutional staff's speech. Within that scenary it was seen that the approaching, though partially, the State Reform and, consequently, the master plan of the state apparatus, which were made of theoretical matrices of such a project locally. However, that is a complex experience, that required the use of field and documental research for the proposed investigation and at the same time, prove the guiding hypothesis of it, what means a grouping of areas like: education, healthy, and social development in only one department City Citizenship Department that is able to materialize a new intitutional arrangement, according to the management principles in the public administration at the govern local level, configuring a reform and not just an institutional adequacy. In that context, it got necessary to apprehending the institutional and social actors' falacy as a way to prove or not the presented hypothesis. Among the first staff, we have the mayor's direct leaders and advisors' perception that express the politcal administrative aspects of the reform and, in the second, the perception of the political view of what has changed concerning the management of the social politics
A conformação do desenvolvimento propugnado pela Constituição Federal de 1988 como objetivo fundamental da república, certamente perpassa pela racionalização das questões energéticas e pela diversificação da matriz nacional enquanto estratégia de aprovisionamento. O desenvolvimento energético em toda a sua complexidade deve ser alicerçado não em uma relação de contraposição à sustentabilidade, mas cooperativismo normativo e de projetos sociais que objetivam a melhorias para a população nestes dois seguimentos. O advento das energias renováveis nesse contexto se consolida como uma alternativa viável, apesar do tratamento dado pela Lei Maior ao tema ter sido apenas com relação à geração em pequena escala. A interpretação sistemática dos postulados da ordem econômica e as exigências da sociedade estimulam o aproveitamento dos potenciais renováveis em escala comercial e regional, além do fortalecimento nos segmentos de autoprodução e produção independente. Dentre as energias tratadas como prioritárias neste contexto, a eólica revela-se como carecedora de aprofundamento das estruturas dogmáticas de sua positivação, que envolve um vasto manancial de regras pulverizadas na regulação econômica do setor elétrico e no controle ambiental. Esta textura submete os empreendimentos elioelétricos aos instrumentos da política nacional do meio ambiente e às determinações do poder concedente dos serviços de energia elétrica, responsável pela pormenorização da geração, transmissão, distribuição e comercialização de energia, independentemente da fonte primária utilizada no processo de transformação. Tratar destas questões com o compromisso na formulação de raciocínios críticos e propositivos, especialmente acerca de temas como a liberdade energética e controle de mercado, é imperioso para superar juridicamente as limitações presentes inclusive no discurso da delimitação de marcos normativos adequados. Havendo vantagens ambientais, tecnológicas e comerciais na exploração da energia cinética do vento como propulsora do desenvolvimento no modelo civilizatório estabelecido, cumpre também ao Estado dar a sua contribuição setorial na forma de incentivos, desburocratização e aprimoramento do modelo concorrencial. O estudo adota os métodos histórico-evolutivo, dialético e sistêmico de abordagem, encarando as hipóteses formuladas no aspecto das consequências multilaterais que as soluções encontradas apontam, exigindo que a estabilização de expectativas sociais por parte do ordenamento jurídico não ignorem o sentido material cognitivamente aberto do desenvolvimento. Hodiernamente, a perspectiva de desenvolvimento energético alia tendências econômicas e tecnológicas em favor das fontes alternativas mais eficientes, revelando a energia eólica como uma representante adequada em termos pragmáticos de normatização e preservação ambiental
PEDRO, Edilson da Silva; SALLES-FILHO, Sergio; MENDES, Paule Jeane. Inovações Institucionais na Pesquisa Agrícola na América Latina e no Caribe. In: SIMPOSIO DE GESTAO DA INOVAÇAO TECNOLOGICA, 24., 2006, Gramado. Anais...Gramado: ANPAD, 2006.
The IT capability is a organizational ability to perform activities of this role more effectively and an important mechanism in creating value. Its building process (stages of creation and development) occurs through management initiatives for improvement in the performance of their activities, using human resources and IT assets complementary responsible for the evolution of their organizational routines. This research deals with the IT capabilities related to SIG (integrated institutional management systems), built and deployed in UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) to realization and control of administrative, academic and human resources activities. Since 2009, through cooperative agreements with federal and educational institutions of direct administration, UFRN has supported the implementation of these systems, currently involving more than 30 institutions. The present study aims to understand how IT capabilities, relevant in the design, implementation and dissemination of SIG, were built over time. This is a single case study of qualitative and longitudinal nature, performed by capturing, coding and analysis from secondary data and from semi-structured interviews conducted primarily with members of Superintenência de Informática, organizational unit responsible for SIG systems in UFRN. As a result, the technical, of internal relationship and external cooperation capabilities were identified as relevant in the successful trajectory of SIG systems, which have evolved in different ways. The technical capacity, initiated in 2004, toured the stages of creation and development until it reached the stage of stability in 2013, due to technological limits. Regarding the internal relationship capability, begun in 2006, it toured the stages of creation and development, having extended its scope of activities in 2009, being in development since then. Unlike the standard life cycle observed in the literature, the external cooperation capability was initiated by an intensity of initiatives and developments in the routines in 2009, which were decreasing to cease in 2013 in order to stabilize the technological infrastructure already created for cooperative institutions. It was still identified the start of cooperation in 2009 as an important event selection, responsible for changing or creating trajectories of evolution in all three capacities. The most frequent improvements initiatives were of organizational nature and the internal planning activity has been transformed over the routines of the three capabilities. Important resources and complementary assets have been identified as important for the realization of initiatives, such as human resources technical knowledge to the technical capabilities and external cooperation, and business knowledge, for all of them, as well as IT assets: the iproject application for control of development processes, and the document repository wiki. All these resources and complementary assets grew along the capacities, demonstrating its strategic value to SINFO/UFRN
The inclusion of local suppliers in production chains has considerable impact on its performance, but most notably in its main actors. The results of this process may be of different kinds and can be analyzed from economic or institutional approaches. This study aimed to verify the existence of different performances of Petrobras due to the inclusion of local suppliers in the oil and gas production chain in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the viewpoints of transaction costs and the Institutional Theory. In order to this, were made the characterization of the PROMINP, the description of its actions and results, the mapping of its institutional context of reference, and identification of results obtained by Petrobras in terms of transaction costs and legitimacy. The theoretical framework is based on authors dealing with industrial concentration, as like Marshall, Krugman, Porter and Schmitz, from the sociological perspective of neoinstitucional theory, as like DiMaggio and Powell and Scott and Meyer, and transaction costs, as like Williamson. This is a qualitative research, with data collection done by consulting secondary fonts and semi-structured interviews with nineteen actors of three groups, namely: actors involved in actions of the program, representatives of enterprises and representative of Petrobras. To analyze the content was used the Suchman s model (1995) for categories associated with strategies of legitimation and fourteen variables associated with the three variables assets specificity, bounded rationality and opportunism (Williamson, 1995, 1989) in the case of transaction costs. The results indicate that PROMINP has achieved its objectives by encouraging the increased participation of local companies in the oil and gas production chain, reflecting in the economic development of the state. The Redepetro/RN, fostered and built upon the interaction of the participants, is presented as a solution of continuity to the participation of enterprises in the chain, after the closure of the actions of the program. PROMINP demands responses to coercive, legislative and regulatory pressures of the organizational field, whose institutional context of reference is wide. From the point of view of legitimacy, through strategies to gain cognitive legitimacy and maintaining pragmatic legitimacy, Petrobras can manipulate the environment, ensuring the compliance of the constituents to their technical and institutional demands. Enterprises, in turn, respond to the demands through compliance with technical demands, mainly through the certification of processes, and cultural changes. There aren t clear gains related to the transaction costs, however, gains in legitimacy can be seen as a cumulative capital that can serve as a competitive differential that generates economic gains. In terms of theoretical findings, it was found that, due to its explanatory power for actions that are difficult to explain only in economic terms, Institutional Theory may be used as theoretical support concurrent with other theories. TCE model has limitations in explaining the program actions. In the case, it s emphasized that Petrobras doesn t seek only economic efficiency, but has in its mission the commitment to social development.
The Federal Institution for Education, Science and Technology, in its historical path, has been living different changes. The transformations occurred along the way have been determined by coercive forces from the institutional environment, which has became more and more broad and complex throughout the time, obtaining diverse characteristics and new elements such as non institutional factors1 which started to contribute with the other changes. In this context, this work aims to study the isomorphic practices of the managers in the institutional changes process of the IFRN in 1998 and 2008, as of a theoretical coevolutionary perspective (CHILD; RODRIGUES; LEWIN; CARROL; VOLBERDA, 2003). This theory brings a new point of view for the organization analysis to the organizational studies, since it offers a non deterministic and non linear lection of the evolution process, which means, a coevolution. Thus, the organizations and their institutional and non institutional environment auto evolve, auto organize and auto reproduce. Therefore, the institutional and non institutional factors of the macro environment keep a continuous interdependence relationship with the organizations. For the means of this study, it is important to understand that is impossible to comprehend the object, the isomorphic practices, without considering that the previous institutional changes and its evolutions, its continuations and discontinuations, important in the coevolution process. As such, to call upon the institutional historical track is a fundamental aspect to materialize this study, for the recursive movement is indeed present in the coevolution. Another important point to make this research effective is that it is not possible to abdicate from the hologramatic view2 of this study, which considers the object, the isomorphic practices, part of the whole and this whole is also in the parts, therefore it is impossible to comprehend the object of study outside the context where it belongs. With this, as of the objective previously proposed, it is necessary to describe the characteristics of coevolution of the institutional changes related in 1998 and 2008; analyze the dynamic of the isomorphic mechanisms in its respective institutional change process; and describe the lessons learned which the isomorphic practices left to the IFRN, regarding its benefits and difficulties. All these transformations happened through coercive forces3 of the institutional environment. As of the Nineties, these forces became stronger, the environment became broader and more complex, with the emergency of new environmental factors. This study proposed to study the managing process and its practices, related to the micro environment, although it is required to articulate these actions, the demands and requirements from the macro environment. To make this research effective, semi structured interviews have been conducted with the managers who participated in both institutional change processes. In the results analysis, it has been possible to verify the particularity of each change, the one from 1998 with a strong normative action of the managers against coercive forces from the government for the search of recognition and the institutional legitimation and the one in 2008, which has been characterized by the normative action by managers in agreement with the coercive forces from the government, in favor of the government policy for the technological professional education. However, the results analysis it is possible to notice the evidence of a belonging feeling from the interviewed managers
This is a study concerning in the structure of non governmental organizations, based on the institutional theory. It aims to understand the relation among structure, social projects and environmental influences, analyzing if there is coherence with project social or expresses adaptation to the institutional pressures of the environment. It introduces as theoretical support for the themes, studies about institutional theory and social structure. The research is descriptive and exploratory; it also applies to a study of case, based on the technical procedures. From the research universe, that was compound by non governmental organizations from Natal, RN, Brasil, it was chosen the Casa Renascer, a non governmental organization that works with the combat to the violence and sexual exploration of children and teenagers. The data collection process employed includes documental research, observations and semi structured research devices, guided by the organizational process proposed by Serva (1996) and by the institutional theory. The collected data were qualitatively treated. The analysis was divided into three parts, following the research matters. The social project characterization demonstrated that the organization went by three main phases. The first one, characterized by focus in women and girls education and health; the second shows the emphasis on girls in social risk situation, with preventive approach; and the last one, characterized by victims assistance of violence and sexual exploration. From the analysis using the institutional theory mechanisms, the results showed that exists coherence between structure and environmental influences, but a weak coherence between structure and social projects. It indicates as main determinant of the structure, an aspect forgotten by the institutional theory, the power. It was observed the presence from normative, coercive and mimetic mechanisms, highlighting normative influences
The present work concerns the use of shade elements as architectural elements to block sunlight in public buildings. In a city like Natal, (5o South) the incidence of sunrays in any type of design should be a constant concern for all the architects. Besides, this habit of avoiding insolation in the environment is not a common practice. Within this context, the present work has the objective to dig deep into the knowledge of solar control, studying some cases and verifying its function according to the orientation and the original design of the building, having in mind if the shade elements usually used in the region have achieved their purpose of providing protection against the incidence of direct sun rays. This study considers the position of the shade element (horizontal and vertical), the angle formed between them and the respective facades, and the local of the buildings in relation to their orientation during the summer, winter and equinox solstice. As supporting instruments the solar map of the city and the protractor, for measuring shade angles, were used. It was concluded that in all the cases studied, it was not possible to obtain the maximum use of the elements. It was verified that the best type of shade element (more efficient) for the city of Natal is the mixed type (horizontal and vertical) and that the vertical shade elements are more efficient in the early mornings and late afternoon. The horizontal shade elements are used more effective at midday. We intend to present the results of this study to the architects in the region in order to show them the correct ways of using the shade elements according to the possible orientation on the facade, as a supporting tool at the time of designing a project as well as a subsidy for further discussions on the elaboration of the new urban standards for the city of Natal/RN
Health and life quality can be preserved and improved by the regular practice of physical activity. Sedentarism is an undesirable condition and represents risk for the health. This study has as objective to analyze the caloric cost and the basic physical qualities in college students of different technical levels. The research was descriptive and applied to 35 students, volunteers, from 19 to 34 years old, from both sexes, participants of the Dance Body of State University of Piauí, in the city of Teresina, in the activities of folkloric dance and walking. The caloric cost was evaluated with the accelerometer Caltrac 100/100 Plan, the basic physical qualities through the sitting and reaching test (flexibility); the vertical impulsion test, crouch (inferior members strength); the abdominal test (located muscular resistance); and the Burpee test (motor coordination). The participants were separated in two groups according to their time of practice: group 1 (beginners), group 2 (advanced). The parametric tests t by Student and correlation by Pearson were used, observing a significance p<0,05 in the sense of comparing the observed results, which showed that there are no significant differences between the two groups of students, according to the time of practice, in which concerns the caloric cost. The results of Strength, Resistance and Co-ordination test did not differ so much between the two groups. On the other hand, in the variable flexibility significant differences were observed (sig.p = 0,0022 << 0,05) between the observed groups, being Group 1 (31,5 ± 6,3) meaningfully less than Group 2 (38,1 ± 4,9), which constitutes a difference of about 21%. Such results present relations of caloric cost compensation between the studied groups, the motivation to the beginners group and flexibility to tne advanced group, justifying the lack of significant distinctions. In this sense the folkloric dance, as a physical activity, appears to be efficient, for significant co-relations are still noticed between the caloric cost levels of the dance with the walking, besides not presenting expressive differences between them.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
A aderência à prática da atividade física se constitui na maior dificuldade encontrada pelos profissionais da área da saúde. É importante ter conhecimento de determinantes que podem influenciar na aderência. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram o de elaborar, desenvolver e validar uma escala para avaliar a Autoestima referenciada na aderência da prática da atividade física e verificar a associação da Motivação e Autoestima à prática de atividade física. A Escala de Autoestima proposta para validação é uma escala de auto-resposta com dezesseis itens, cinco dimensões e com respostas com três níveis de concordância. Os participantes no estudo de validação são 312 universitários de ambos os sexos, com idades compreendidas entre 18 e 35 anos. Metade deles é praticante regular de atividade física. A Análise Fatorial dos itens mostra cinco dimensões: Introspecção, Imagem Física, Satisfação com a vida, Aceitação e Confiança. As propriedades psicométricas são aceitáveis, com Alfa de Cronbach igual a 0,75. O estudo de validação baseado nas correlações entre esta escala e a de Rosenberg, segundo o teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson, com sig. p < 0, 001 nas classificações e na correlação sugere que a escala pode ser utilizada em estudos de investigação e programas de promoção da saúde. As escalas de Autoestima e de Motivação (MPAM-R) foram aplicadas a um grupo de 110 universitários, 65% do sexo feminino e 35% do sexo masculino, com idade média compreendida entre 18 e 35 anos. Segmentados em dois grupos de praticantes regulares e não regulares de atividade física. Foram controladas as variáveis demográficas, ambientais e antropométricas. Verificou-se associação significativa entre as variáveis Autoestima e Motivação pelo teste Qui-Quadrado, e que denotam que a dimensão da Autoestima Imagem Física, quando cruzada com as dimensões da Motivação, mostra-se em alto grau discricionário e associação direta. Motivação Diversão (sig.p = 0,002), Competência (sig.p = 0.007) e Social (sig.p = 0.016). Ainda, no cruzamento do Escore Total da dimensão Autoestima e a dimensão Diversão da variável Motivação, apresenta associação diretas e significativas (sig.p = 0.020). A síntese dos resultados denota ações combinadas de estímulo na melhora da percepção positiva da Imagem Física do indivíduo, tendo como plano de fundo, ambiente divertido, desafiador (competência) e social (interação com os pares), traduz em aderência a prática da Atividade Física
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the central nervous system, most frequently characterized by abnormal electrical impulses in the brain. It is the oldest recorded neurological disease and has been surrounded by myths, mistaken beliefs and preconceptions. Three professionals work with epileptic patients on a daily basis: teachers, physical educators and physicians . This study aimed to analyze and compare the level of knowledge, preconceptions and attitudes of undergraduate students in the courses of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine, future professionals who will deal with epileptic patients. This descriptive observational study was conducted with 286 university undergraduates of both sexes (women 99/34.6% and men 187/65.4%) from the first to fourth year of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine courses at the Universidade Estadual Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), with mean age of 23 years. A validated and adapted 17-question questionnaire, divided into nine knowledge-based questions, five related to preconceptions and three on attitudes, was applied. Results allowed elaboration of a manuscript entitled Comparative Analysis of Knowledge, Attitude and Preconceptions in University Undergraduates of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine Courses in Relation to Epilepsy. The findings of this article show that knowledge of epilepsy in the three groups is very satisfactory. The low level of preconception indicates that educational or clarifying information is being transmitted, albeit by television, a layman s information vehicle, which has undoubtedly contributed to reducing the stigma of epilepsy through educational information. Results also suggest a lack of knowledge on how to act during a seizure, especially in education professionals. Although there are limitations in our sample, the relevance and contribution of this study is to call attention to the importance and need for these future professionals to be informed and learn correct attitudes with respect to epilepsy during their academic formation. This is essential at a time when the disease is being brought out of the shadows. This research was supported by the Office of the Dean of Teaching, and Deans of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine at UERN. The research was made possible by the multidisciplinary interaction among a physical educator, child neurologist and statistician, all contributing to achieving the aims set out here
Individual lifestyle includes health and risk behaviors that can altar health status. Excess weight is a public health problem of modern civilization and there is an estimated mean prevalence of 45% in European countries. In Spain, the Murcia Region is an area of high morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disorders. In this study we assess the differences in health and risk behaviors in ove/weight and normal weight undergraduates at the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM). Methods: Transversal design of parallel groups (overweight - cases and normal weight - control) , formed using the anthropometric technique. A questionnaire applied to a sample of 471 undergraduates of either sex, between the ages of 18 and 29 years, enrolled in 4 bachelor degree courses (ADE, CA, PER, PUB) at UCAM. We performed a standardized measurement of body mass (weight in kg), height (in meters) using a Seca® scale with calibrated stadiometer, waist and hip circumferences (in cm) with an inelastic tape and skinfolds thickness (triceps and subscapular in mm) with a Holtain® caliper, to calculate body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and the sum of skinfolds (SSF). We applied a lifestyle questionnaire about alcohol and tobacco consumption, knowledge and behaviors related to health indicators (arterial pressure and cholesterol), diet and physical activity. The information was collected in April and May, 2001 at the UCAM laboratory of Applied Nutrition. Statistical analysis: analysis of independent groups, contingency tables that reveal which qualitativa variables show differences and associations between the groups, Pearson's chi-square,and a significance levei of p < 0.05 followed by a residual analysis (1.96). Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were used to establish the two groups: case and contrai with 65 men and 26 women each who had BMI < 25 kg/m2. Results: A total of 65 of the men assessed (14%) and 26 (6%) of the women were overweight. Mean body mass index of the case group was 27. 78 ±: 2.83 kg/m2 in the men and 26.26 ± 1.37 kg/m2 in the women, while contrai group men had mean BMI of 22.36 ± 1.72 kg/m2, while for the women it was 20.76 ±: 2.13 kg/m2. The self-declared values of weight and height were underestimated, but with high accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. Thus, these can be used to calculate the BMI of overweight Spanish undergraduates. Regular vigorous physical activity was observed only in normal weight men. The analysis showed the following significant differences for the qualitativa variables of the two groups. The contrai group was interested in arterial hypertension, believed that they were not overweight, that they had no abdominal fat, and had not considered controlling 'fatty food consumption. Those who thought of controlling it sometimes, did so without professional help. However, part of the overweight group believed that they were overweight and had abdominal fat between average and considerable, had often or always considered controlling fatty foods and had often or always tried to control consumption with the help of professionals. They had always thought of engaging in physical activities, unlike the normal weight individuals. Nearly all (95%) of the overweight undergraduates and most (75%) of the normal weight group reported that they sometimes or always controlled fatty food ingestion. Mean physical activity was nearly twice as high in the summer than in the winter. Conclusions: The overweight undergraduates in this sample displayed a lifestyle with a greater number of healthy behaviors when compared to normal weight individuals
This study aimed builds reference values for copper and zinc, of healthy adults in Natal-RN, and to identify the influence of the gender, age, body mass index (BMI) and diet, on those values. They were assessed 123 healthy students of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), both genders, with age between 19 and 41 years. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of UFRN. BMI was determined and the food consume was accomplished through a 24h recordatory. Dietary was evaluated as the energy, macronutrients, copper and zinc, according to the recommendations of National Academy of Sciences (2001; 2002). Analyses of the copper and zinc concentrations in the plasma and erythrocytes were accomplished by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The casuistic came quite homogeneous as for the distribution for gender and age, being the largest number of individuals between the 19 and 24 years old. Most of the volunteers presented anthropometric nutritional state inside of the normality patterns. Chronic diseases family antecedents and sedentarysm were observed. Diet was characterized with low consumption of zinc, appropriate of copper and of lipids. Average concentrations of plasma copper (p=0,002), erythrocyte copper (μg/dL, p=0,036; μg/gHb, p=0,038), and plasma zinc (p=0,022) were different among the genders, what was demonstrated by the largest values of copper in the female gender and larger of zinc in the masculine. Plasma copper values still suffered interference of the variables: energy, carbohydrate and copper consumption, all classified in agreement with the median, besides the protein classified according to the percentage contribution for the dietary total energy. The study allowed to establish reference values for erythrocyte zinc (1.261,6-1.344,0 μg/dL e 51,0-54,3 μg/gHb) and to suggest "indicative" of reference values for plasma (108,4 130,2 μg/dL) and erythrocyte (female = 85,0 91,4 μg/dL; masculine = 80,2 86,5 μg/dL) copper and plasma zinc (female = 98,8 105,8 μg/dL; masculine = 104,6 111,6 μg/dL)