62 resultados para Satisfação geral coma vida


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Introduction: The rehabilitation of edentulous patients is one of the main challenges of Dentistry. Objective: To assess the satisfaction and the impact of oral health on quality of life of patients rehabilitated with conventional complete dentures in both arcades. Method: A clinical trial with 25 patients rehabilitated with CCD was conducted. The impact of oral health in individuals quality of life was evaluated through the Brazilian version of the OHIP-Edent and the patient satisfaction was evaluated using a specific questionnaire. The instruments were applied before and 3 months after rehabilitation. Results: There was a statistically significant improvement (p <0.001) on the impact of the quality of life of the denture users after the new rehabilitation. The analysis of 4 OHIP domains also showed statistically significant improvement (p <0.001). The final overall satisfaction with the dentures was statistically superior to initial satisfaction (p <0.001). The analysis of the specific aspects of satisfaction with CCD after 3 months of rehabilitation also showed significant results in the improvement of every aspect. Conclusion: Patients disappointed with their dentures, have their quality of life improved after the new rehabilitation, reducing the negative impact of the prostheses on oral health, and improving their satisfaction with the rehabilitation.


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The increased incidence along to new therapies for the treatment of HIV/AIDS bring way up exercise as a treatment option, as this promotes relevant changes in the general functioning of the body. The objective of this study was to evaluate in different periods the influence of exercise on quality of life and quality of sleep people living with HIV/AIDS, Natal/RN. The sample consisted of 17 people living with HIV/AIDS participating in physical exercise program, along accompanied by 25 months during the period January 2013 to April 2015. We evaluated through specific instruments quality of life, sleep quality and immunological parameters, which were evaluated before starting the exercise program and reassessed during periods of 2-4 months (short), 5-17 months (average period or intermediate) and finally to 19-25 months (long period). The results showed significant differences in five of the nine areas of quality life, pointing positive behaviors, specifically in the areas overall function, life satisfaction, health concerns, concerns about the medication and acceptance to HIV. We conclude that physical exercise promoted benefits both in short and long term, especially for the areas of quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS and also demonstrated positive behavior changes and to aspects of sleep quality.


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With the increasing offer of education services in Brazil, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of service in education, especially in those institutions for vocational education which have a greater interaction with the labor market, in order to form qualified professionals and meet the growing demand that the country has today[A1] . In Brazil, the evaluation of the quality of library services has influenced the assessment of educational institutions and in this context, there needs to be a process to monitor the quality of services provided by libraries. However, the service is not done in a single moment and thus to a more detailed assessment it needs to be measured and evaluated each different time the customer uses it. Therefore, the aim of this work consists in measuring the quality in every moment of truth of a cycle of library services to assess which are the most relevant moments in the client's perspective at the library of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) Campus João Câmara in building the overall quality of service. In the literature review, internal secondary sources were used, from the database of the institution studied, and also external sources, through literature in books, articles, dissertations, theses and journals on compost quality, service quality, cycle services, measuring quality, satisfaction, teaching activities, and on library services specifically. We applied a questionnaire to students in the library based on models of quality measurement SERVPERF and SERVQUAL and its variations such as SERVQUAL pondered and SERVPERF pondered . Through analysis based on concepts of reliability and validity of measuring instruments, it was found that the SERVPERF model is the instrument that most closely matches the dimensions of quality assessed in the library with customer satisfaction measured by the questionnaire. From there, the search results as measured by statistical techniques of analysis, indicated that the initial and final moments of truth of the cycle of service quality had the greatest influence on overall customer satisfaction with the library service


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Are there values that predict health? Moreover, would the absence of health motivate deterioration in the subjective well-being? This research has attempted to find answers to these questions by verifying in which proportion human values explain the subjective well-being experienced by people in different contexts of value reference. Both musicians and lawyers have been studied. In a preliminary study, composed of two researches, it was attempted to overcome the lack of bibliography in order to make known the current context of these professions in João Pessoa, Paraíba, through newspaper articles from the Correio da Paraíba and interviews with privileged informers. The technique of content analysis was then used identifying the main dilemmas of the professions as well as their socio-occupational contexts. In the second and main study, the aim was to verify the existing relations among the variables of subjective well-being and the human values for these professionals adopting the socioeconomical panorama of the occupations to support the analysis. 387 professionals took part in this study: 148 musicians (31.8% instrumentalists) and 239 lawyers (36.8% civil), with ages varying from 18 up to 77 years old (M=35.9; SD=12.35), and from 22 up to 79 years (M =38.6; SD=12.31), respectively, answered the Basic Human Values (BHV); Positive and Negative Affect Scale; Vitality Scale; General Health Questionnaire GHQ-12; Satisfaction with Life Scale and the socio-demographic questions. The SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used and it could be observed that, for the musicians, the importance of the type of existence/bio-social value stands out just as an indicator of vitality. The type of value Accomplishment/Power, showed itself important for the positive affection and for vitality, while the types Accomplishment/Self-direction and Normative haven t had any influence in the subjective well-being. Only the relation between the Existence/Bio- Social type and vitality was mediated by the sex and marital status variables. As for the lawyers, the type of predictor value of the subjective well-being was the normative [F(1,219) = 11,8, p ≤ 0,001; Rmultiple = 0,23, R2adjusted = 0,05]. On the other hand, the type Existence/Bio social presented a direct relation with vitality but inverse with depression. It was then concluded that the congruency of personal values with those promoted in the social context of reference may be an indicator of subjective well-being, given the existence of a social value context well demarcated


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Wich the big transformations at the world of labor, thus as the appearing of the negatives psicologicals consequencies? Publications in books and articles about the health of the workers have been seen in the last 40 years, pointing at the increase of occupational ills, increase of the absenteeism, reach the redation between the labor and the family. With the appearing of the neoliberal sistem, changed all the net of relations, thus as the temporary labor contract, the flexibility at the work timetable, and others, that privilege the capitalism, in detriment of the worker health. It was given emphasis to the banking worker, in time that the banks and the banking agencies were one of the departaments that more suffered the impact of the productive restructuring at the last years. 200 bank clerks shared the search, in that 41,9% was female and 58,1% was male, 60,9% presenting a civil state married, following of 28,4% of single. The participants answered the following instruments: Scale of Positives and Negative Kindness, General Health Questionaire GHQ 12, Scale of Organization, Conditions and Labor Relations, Scale of Desire (own authorship), Scale about economic situation and a social-demographic record car. With the objective of trying the instruments of measure, it was checking the psychometric parameter of the search scales. We could verify that it has been more positive than negative ones for the mental health, but it was found some kind of depression and unsatisfied with their lives in some pieces of the sample. We can finally say that the work place has an impact at the mental health of the bank clerks. So, some interventions actions to promote the worker health could be essential


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The research in question looked for to establish the relation between the motivation (of the proprietor of apartment) to change itself of another one apartment, in closed vertical condominium (residential mobility) in the period of the recognition of the necessity, and the satisfaction with the apartment after consume. The universe or the population chosen for the development of the study was of proprietors of apartment in vertical condominiums located in the region metropolitan of Natal. The analysis of data was made using the techniques of linear regression and logistic regression between variables. The linear regression found relations between the motivations for housing change and the satisfaction in after consume with some attributes of the apartment. The logistic regression showed that relations between the motivations for change and the general satisfaction to the apartment exist as a whole, in the period after consumes. With regard to the motivation to change itself of a apartment for another one, some reasons shown more motivation them the others. The research found different degrees of satisfaction with certain characteristics of the apartment and degrees of no satisfaction with others. Finally the results of the research had contributed for the reply of the problem that guided the present study, therefore had obtained in such a way to find how much logistic not linear relations between the two periods purchase (recognition of the necessity and evaluation after consume) and had elucidated the process that goes since the choice the product until the satisfaction of the necessities


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A aderência à prática da atividade física se constitui na maior dificuldade encontrada pelos profissionais da área da saúde. É importante ter conhecimento de determinantes que podem influenciar na aderência. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram o de elaborar, desenvolver e validar uma escala para avaliar a Autoestima referenciada na aderência da prática da atividade física e verificar a associação da Motivação e Autoestima à prática de atividade física. A Escala de Autoestima proposta para validação é uma escala de auto-resposta com dezesseis itens, cinco dimensões e com respostas com três níveis de concordância. Os participantes no estudo de validação são 312 universitários de ambos os sexos, com idades compreendidas entre 18 e 35 anos. Metade deles é praticante regular de atividade física. A Análise Fatorial dos itens mostra cinco dimensões: Introspecção, Imagem Física, Satisfação com a vida, Aceitação e Confiança. As propriedades psicométricas são aceitáveis, com Alfa de Cronbach igual a 0,75. O estudo de validação baseado nas correlações entre esta escala e a de Rosenberg, segundo o teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson, com sig. p < 0, 001 nas classificações e na correlação sugere que a escala pode ser utilizada em estudos de investigação e programas de promoção da saúde. As escalas de Autoestima e de Motivação (MPAM-R) foram aplicadas a um grupo de 110 universitários, 65% do sexo feminino e 35% do sexo masculino, com idade média compreendida entre 18 e 35 anos. Segmentados em dois grupos de praticantes regulares e não regulares de atividade física. Foram controladas as variáveis demográficas, ambientais e antropométricas. Verificou-se associação significativa entre as variáveis Autoestima e Motivação pelo teste Qui-Quadrado, e que denotam que a dimensão da Autoestima Imagem Física, quando cruzada com as dimensões da Motivação, mostra-se em alto grau discricionário e associação direta. Motivação Diversão (sig.p = 0,002), Competência (sig.p = 0.007) e Social (sig.p = 0.016). Ainda, no cruzamento do Escore Total da dimensão Autoestima e a dimensão Diversão da variável Motivação, apresenta associação diretas e significativas (sig.p = 0.020). A síntese dos resultados denota ações combinadas de estímulo na melhora da percepção positiva da Imagem Física do indivíduo, tendo como plano de fundo, ambiente divertido, desafiador (competência) e social (interação com os pares), traduz em aderência a prática da Atividade Física


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The aging process lived by the Brazilian population concurred to the transformation in the family models, causing difficulties related to the elderly care on the Family environment, a fact that is one of the main reasons for their institutionalization. Facing this scenario, the need of investigating how the elderly lives on the long-term facilities (ILPI) has aroused. In this study, it has been conducted an analysis of the populational aging process, contrasting the Rio Grande do Norte to Brazil and the Northeast Region, between 1980 to 2010. Faced with the realization of this process, and the rising number of long-term facilities for the elderly (ILPI), it was needed to make a rescue of the abiding laws regarding elderly institutionalization, on the scope of Natal, which surged after the 1988 Federal Constitution, checking what were the impacts on the assistance of the institutionalized elderly. Lastly, it were investigated the possible determinants associated with the institutionalization, in Natal-RN, considering the aspects of the family structure, family relationship, economic, health and well being of the elderly. The results showed that Rio Grande do Norte, particularly Natal, follows the national scene, since between 1980 and 2000 its population passed the intermediate level in the process of population aging for, in 2010, to be considered elderly. Throughout this process, it was observed that Natal has been adapting to the federal legislation, through the creation of the municipal policy, City Council and other relevant standards for the elderly, promoting significant changes in ILPI.However, philanthropic institutions needs better resources for their maintenance. In research with the elderly, it was found that although the majority of the elderly have declared themselves satisfied with life, they had indicators of impairment of functional capacity and cognitive, isolated social behavior and depression, affecting the life quality of these elderly. These results reflect the need for greater investment of public power in the drafting, implementation and monitoring of public policies aimed at promoting changes that raise the level of life quality of this segment of the population


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The customer loyalty became strategy factor for the sustainability of business enterprises. And will be them competitive is important to describe the factors than the consumers consider for to choose the business than will buy the product or service. The dissertation objective is to know the factors that influence the consumer s satisfaction and loyalty in gas stations of Natal/RN, using the index national of customer satisfaction. The literature review was directed for strategy concepts, service quality, satisfaction and fidelity consumer and index national of customer satisfaction. The method used was descriptive-explicative, with application of a survey, from march 15 until april 15 of 2013, with 391 consumers of gas station. In relational analysis, we considered eight constructs: quality, price, complaints, satisfaction, image, loyalty, affection and commitment calculated. For customer satisfaction, the factors that influence have resulted in fuel quality, technical skills of vendors and duration of service. For customer loyalty, the factors that influence resulted in: image, feeling for distributor flag post, location and overall satisfaction with the gas station


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Taking care for an impaired elderly is a hard and costly task that could affect directly the caregiver health. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physical and mental health of elderly caregivers from the city of Santa Cruz-RN and analyze the potential correlated factors through an observational analytic design of a crosssectional. A multidimensional questionnaire was used to evaluation of the social demographics characteristics and those related to the care activity, as well as the caregivers´ physical and mental health. It was realized a descriptive analyze using frequency distribution and measures of the central tendency and dispersion to description of the caregivers. To verify the magnitude of the association between the variables was used the bivariate analysis through the Pearson and Spearman correlations and qui-square test. To evaluation of the association of the correlated factors to the adverse outcome with the caregivers´ physical and mental health was made a multivariate analysis by logistic binary regression and multiple linear regression models. The final sample was constituted by 304 persons, mostly women with a mean age of 50.3 ±16.8 years. The principal factors related to the physical health were age, stress and life satisfaction. Be a male caregiver, caring for a little while the elderly with cognitive deficit and not been spouse were related to worse mental health. Have worse physical health, high stress, depressive symptomatology, burden and low levels of satisfaction were also related to the mental health. After adjust through multiple linear regression was observed R2 values of R2=0,21 for Stress, R2 =0,17 for Depressive Symptomatology, R2 =0,21 for Burden and R2 =0,16 for Satisfaction. The attainment of the factors associated with caregiver´s health can help in the elaboration of specifics politics witch the goal is the integral attention to the elderly and his caregiver. The inability of continuous taking care could result in adverse outcomes such as institutionalization, impairment and death


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Nowadays, the basic attention in health works according to the Health Family Program (HFP), which is responsible for the organization of the health services with view to provide an appropriate attendance to the needs of the population. Its expansion is expressive in whole country and, the oral health, included in this process, has been seen as a possibility of change the health practices centered in the disease. In face of this perspective, the proposal of study is to discover possible changes in the health care model of oral health in a district, made possible through the perception, evaluation and degree of satisfaction of the user s health service. To reach such objectives, the district of Macaíba in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, was chosen for operational subjects, such as time of implantation of HFP and great covering of this program. The current research used interviews structured with objectives and subjectives questions and questionnaires of socioeconomic characterization addressed to two hundred and seventy (270) individuals (ninety users of an Urban PSF, ninety of a Rural PSF and ninety of an unit non PSF). The analysis of the data was accomplished through the software SPSS/99, that made possible a statistical and analytic appreciation. The HFP units and non HFP units has shown to sort the common odontology problems of the community, and this didn't establish a direct relationship with the general satisfaction. On the other hands, the programmed consultation is related with lager satisfaction of the users. The access form to the odontology treatment of the Units, the satisfaction with the attendance rendered by the dentist and the equip, enough dentists for the community and the social class of the user were decisive for the general satisfaction with the service of oral health. On the other hand, variables as age and education, resolution of the problem and physical conditions of the unit didn't influence the general satisfaction. In spite of the progresses in the implantation of the oral health in ESF, preventive activities, visits at home, access and social participation still reproduce the traditional model of attendance, showing a primary change process


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The subjective well- being (SWB) is formed by global judgments of satisfaction with life, or with peculiar domains the positive and the negative emotional experiences. The perception in turn, is the process of interpretive process of sensory data with cognitive or informative sense, absorbed in function of a context. From this perspective, the research aimed to evaluate SWB and the perception of advanced age pregnant women. Participated in the survey 80 pregnant with 35 years old or older (Group A or older) and 80 pregnant aged between 20 and 34 years old (Group B or young adults). The instruments used were: the scale of subjective well-being and a questionnaire, that included sociodemographic informations, items about pregnancy and a statement based on the Free Association of Words Technique (FAWT) to approach the perception of pregnancy. The data from the questionnaire and scale, in order to compare the data between groups suffered descriptive and inferential statistical analyzes. The analyzes performed with chi-square test among groups, which had values that were statistically significant, with the sociodemographic variables the type of contraceptive and health problems. The indicators of the SWB had further more by means in groups. The results of the Wilcoxon's test that there were no differences between the groups referred above. In the relation indicators of well being with variables age, education and income, some associations were significant. In addition, the words derived from the (FAWT) were analyzed using the software Programmer s Permenttant l´Analyse des Evocation (EVOC2000) and categorized according to content analysis of Bardin in three thematic categories (positive and negative affects, perception of gestation and implications of pregnancy) discussed as a group, since most of words were common. The study highlights shown how similar were the presented data by pregnant women surveyed. It is supposed about this fact the similarity is related to the social context. The relevance of this study for the health care network is to help with proposals aimed at specific improvements to the public and the sector, beside demonstrate that advanced age pregnant women and young adulst in the researched context showed no differences in the most of the studied characteristics


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The research in question looked for to establish the relation between the motivation (of the proprietor of apartment) to change itself of another one apartment, in closed vertical condominium (residential mobility) in the period of the recognition of the necessity, and the satisfaction with the apartment after consume. The universe or the population chosen for the development of the study was of proprietors of apartment in vertical condominiums located in the region metropolitan of Natal. The analysis of data was made using the techniques of linear regression and logistic regression between variables. The linear regression found relations between the motivations for housing change and the satisfaction in after consume with some attributes of the apartment. The logistic regression showed that relations between the motivations for change and the general satisfaction to the apartment exist as a whole, in the period after consumes. With regard to the motivation to change itself of a apartment for another one, some reasons shown more motivation them the others. The research found different degrees of satisfaction with certain characteristics of the apartment and degrees of no satisfaction with others. Finally the results of the research had contributed for the reply of the problem that guided the present study, therefore had obtained in such a way to find how much logistic not linear relations between the two periods purchase (recognition of the necessity and evaluation after consume) and had elucidated the process that goes since the choice the product until the satisfaction of the necessities


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Hyperhidrosis is an idiopathic condition characterized by excessive sweating. Symptoms generally begin in childhood or early adolescence, and rarely improve with age. The excessive localized sweating generally occurs either spontaneously, or in association with stressful or emotionally charged situations. This prospective study aimed to investigate predictive factors for compensatory hyperhidrosis after thoracoscopic sympathicotomy. From 2000 to 2002, 80 patients (53 female and 27 male) underwent hyperhidrosis surgery. The patients, ranging from 12 to 56 years old, were studied and followed-up for 42.51 ±5.98 months. A satisfaction grading using a visual analogue scale -VAS (0 = not at all satisfied, and 10 = fully satisfied) was used. The surgical procedure was performed bilaterally on the second ganglion (T2) for facial hyperhidrosis, on the third and fourth ganglia (T3 and T4) for axillary hyperhidrosis, and on the third ganglion (T3) for palmar hyperhidrosis. The results showed that, 68 patients (85%) presented with compensatory sweating (CS), which was classified as mild (33.8%), moderate (33.8%) and severe (32.4%). Considering the final surgical results, 70 patients (87.5%) were satisfied with the outcome of the operation, while 10 patients (12.5%) were dissatisfied. Degrees of satisfaction varied according to sex, age, BMI and extent of denervation. Moreover, the compensatory hyperhidrosis was more severe in abdomen and back than in legs. In conclusion, although CS is a frequent adverse effect of sympathicotomy, the degree of patient satisfaction was high. Some factors were related to the occurrence and severity of CS and the most adequate patients to be submitted to this operation are young adult women whose BMI is less than 24.9


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Some studies reported in the literature that emotional factors and quality of life may be involved both in aetiology, as in the progression of Temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Proposition: The purpose of this study is to observe a possible association between different forms of anxiety, quality of life and general health of patients diagnosed as carriers of various types and levels of Temporomandibular Dysfunction. Methodology: The sample consisted of 60 patients diagnosed as carriers of TMJD origin of muscle, joint, or both, with different levels of severity (mild TMD, moderate and severe). The patients were diagnosed with TMD-RDC (Research Diagnostic Criteria) to assess the type of dysfunction (muscle or joint) and by the Protocol of Fonseca to verify the degree of dysfunction (mild, moderate or severe). To evaluate the psychosocial aspects were used three self-applied, with the purpose of obtaining information about the general health (General Health Questionnaire - GHQ), the type of anxiety (Trait Anxiety Inventory-State - STAI) and quality of life (World Health Organization Quality Of Life Short WHOQOL-brief). Results: There was a correlation between all indicators studied in several forms of TMD with varying degrees of commitment. Quality of life appeared linked to the type and the level of TMD: Muscular and Articular TMD (p = 0,037), Disk Displacement With Reduction (p = 0.01) and Mild TMD (p = 0.042). The General Health showed association with the level of TMD, with the exception of the stress factor (p = 0.78). For the analysis of the types and levels to Severe Muscular TMD had a statistically significant indicator of the quality of life (p = 0049). The anxiety only showed association with the level of TMD (p = 0,047 for anxiety-trait). Conclusion: Besides the limitations of the study, it was concluded that anxiety, quality of life and general health are important psychosocial indicators, which are linked to several forms of TMD in different levels of severity