31 resultados para PLANOS DE CLASSIFICAÇÃO


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PEREIRA, Edinete do Nascimento et al. Classificação bibliográfica: as diversas contribuições para o tratamento da informação. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CCSA, 15., 2009. Anais... Natal: UFRN, 2009.


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This research studies the relation between city and nature in the urbanity s plans from Natal RN, Brazil, during the 20th century. Investigates and analyses the main documents that bring environmental s ideas inside from the urbanity s plans of Natal; gives the historical and economical situation from the city in each period studied; features the urbanity s plans, using categories of analyses to comprehension of this instruments. Try to contribute in the bigger process of historical rescue of Natal, and stimulates new studies. It was used documental s research, and bibliographic material. It was identified four (04) kinds of plans: the ones that focus in health and aesthetic (1901, 1929, 1935) technology and science (1968), zoning and control (1974, 1984) and environment. The hints founded shows that environmental ideas were put inside of the plans by government demands, especially in 1994 s plan, almost always without popular contribution and without this population get understands its meanings and implications


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A Constituição Federal de 1988 e o Estatuto da Cidade estabelecem o Plano Diretor como instrumento básico da política de ordenamento territorial, tendo como princípio fundamental o cumprimento da função social da propriedade e do direito à cidade. Na perspectiva de adequação às diretrizes e objetivos da política urbana estabelecidos em 1988, o município de Natal elaborou os Planos Diretores de 1994 e 2007, definindo instrumentos e parâmetros de regulação do uso e ocupação do solo possíveis de assegurar o cumprimento da função social da propriedade urbana e de gerar subsídios ao planejamento e à gestão da cidade. Apesar de Natal ter sido um dos municípios brasileiros pioneiros na adoção desses princ pios, antecipando e incorporando os instrumentos que em 2001 viriam a ser definidos no Estatuto da Cidade, identifica-se que alguns desses instrumentos e parâmetros direcionados à regulação do uso e ocupação do solo não tiveram sua aplicação plena, a exemplo do mecanismo de acompanhamento e controle dado pelo Estoque de Área Edificável e da Densidade, que foi substituída pelo Coeficiente de Aproveitamento no Plano Diretor de 2007. Questionando esse procedimento, busca-se na presente pesquisa investigar de que maneira essa substituição do parâmetro densidade pelo coeficiente de aproveitamento influenciou na capacidade da gestão pública de regular os processos de uso e ocupação do solo, de forma a adequar a sua intensificação ao suporte da infraestrutura instalada. Foram tomadas como referência teórico-conceitual as contribuições sobre a prática de planejamento urbano no Brasil, nos marcos do ideário da reforma urbana, com destaque para as reflexõe s de Flávio Villaça, Orlando Alves Santos Junior e Daniel Todtmann Montandon, Luiz César de Q. Ribeiro, Raquel Rolnik, Ermínia Maricato, Laura Machado de Bueno e Renato Cymbalista, José Roberto Bassul e Carlos F. Lago Burnett, e, com relação aos parâmetros de controle urbanístico, o estudo identifica as diferentes abordagens sobre a densidade urbana e o coeficiente de aproveitamento com base nas reflexões de Claudio Acioly Jr., Forbes Davidson, Juan Luis Mascaró, Ricardo Ojima, Marcelo de Souza, José Rámon Navarro Vera e Armando Ortuño Padilla, Nestor Goulart Reis, Marta Dora Grostein e Susana Ricardo Alves. Como conclusão, discute-se a hipótese formulada, inicialmente, de que a mudança de parâmetros verificada colocou limites para o município realizar uma gestão adequada do solo urbano e, portanto, de fazer cumprir a função social da propriedade, considerando a necessidade de adequação entre a intensificação do uso e ocupação do solo e a infraestrutura instalada


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To Analyze the Managing Plans of Natal in the decades of 1970, 1980 and 1990, identifying elements that had contributed for the growth of the Lagoa Nova quarter, capital one of the Rio Grande do Norte state. Ahead of the sped up growth of the urban centers, many times is not given to analyze which law had taken care of to its objective, and which the imperfections that had appeared during the application of these laws. To make the comparisons in you square them chosen at there distantinct times made possible to analyze the form as the ground of Lagoa Nova absorbed the proposals laws.Therefore toanalyze influences it of the Managing Plans, to make comparatives analyses between the urbanistics condicion, made possible to understand that the fabric urban of the quarter of Lagoa Nova is a true granary of information that it makes possible to the dedicated ones to the urban studies, a true field of analysis


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This master dissertation presents the study and implementation of inteligent algorithms to monitor the measurement of sensors involved in natural gas custody transfer processes. To create these algoritmhs Artificial Neural Networks are investigated because they have some particular properties, such as: learning, adaptation, prediction. A neural predictor is developed to reproduce the sensor output dynamic behavior, in such a way that its output is compared to the real sensor output. A recurrent neural network is used for this purpose, because of its ability to deal with dynamic information. The real sensor output and the estimated predictor output work as the basis for the creation of possible sensor fault detection and diagnosis strategies. Two competitive neural network architectures are investigated and their capabilities are used to classify different kinds of faults. The prediction algorithm and the fault detection classification strategies, as well as the obtained results, are presented


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Stroke represents the first cause of disabilities among adults. Although different professions work together in treatment of stroke patients, all they use different terminologies for the description of the patients problems and it can constitute an impediment in the communication between the staff members. Thus, the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary work would be facilitated if using a reference common tool, as the new International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). However, the ICF is very extensive and complex and due to its complexity, it has been evidenced the necessity to select its categories to become it more practical. The aim of the study was to investigate which categories of the ICF are more suitable to evaluate and to describe the stroke patient in the view of teachers and municipal public health professionals. It was a descriptive research, which involved 5 professors and 11 professionals of Physiotherapy that have worked at the health public area in Natal / RN. It was used the Delphi Technique in 3 rounds and the Likert Scale to select the categories among the ICF components. As result, from the 362 IFC categories, 94 were selected. The selected categories correspond to rehabilitative characteristics of Stroke patients in the universe of the Physiotherapy performance. The methodology applied was suitable to the studied object emphasizing the necessity of future studies for validation of the chosen categories


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The research arose from the necessity of showing ways to be followed by the actors of the System Guaranteeing Rights of the Child and Adolescent (SGD), regarding the implementation of rights for young people, because the legislation in force in Brazil is currently considered a model around the world and, paradoxically, the fundamental rights of children and adolescents are not met, even with the constitutionally guaranteed priority. Thus, the study investigates the fundamentality rights for young people, enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic, as well as the ways of effectiveness of these rights through the actions of actors of the System Guaranteeing Rights, especially the judiciary. Focusing realized, studying theories of fundamental rights, especially Structuring a Theory of Law (Strukturiende Rechtslehre), Friedrich Müller, who emphasizes the need for analysis of social reality in the application of the rule of law. Study also the public budget and public policies concerning children and adolescents, with emphasis on preparation of budget laws and the process of discussion, deliberation, choice and implementation of public policies for children and teenagers. It then presents the typical functions of the members of System Guaranteeing Rights, as well as prepare a plan for optimum performance for each of the actors, with emphasis on analysis of the implementation of public policies at the municipal level. Finally, it analyzes the theory of separation of three powers, and discusses the positive and negative factors for judicial intervention, concluding that the Courts can consider the action activist, from finding the omission of the Executive and legislative branches, as regards the implementation of the rights of children and adolescents, as well as the rights of children and young people are not realized in most cases, due to the omission of actors of the System Guaranteeing Rights


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la implantación del Programa de Apoyo a Planes de Reestructuración y Expansión de las Universidades Federales (REUNI) así como su papel en la reconfiguración de la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, resaltando sus repercusiones en la gestión y organización de la universidad. Para la realización del trabajo, entre los procedimientos técnicos, utilizamos la revisión de literatura, el análisis de documentos y las entrevistas semiestructuradas. La revisión bibliográfica ha permitido profundizar en conceptos importantes sobre la temática, priorizando los contenidos referentes a los conceptos de globalización y neoliberalismo; La reforma del Estado y sus repercusiones sobre las políticas de educación superior brasileña; directrices de documentos internacionales y nacionales que definieron la organización de este nivel de enseñanza. Los estudios indican, en relación a la expansión de la UFRN, que las metas pactadas del REUNI fueron atendidas casi en su totalidad. Sin embargo, cualitativamente, no se puede afirmar que el REUNI haya tenido un impacto positivo, pues además del incremento de plazas y de la creación de cursos nuevos, que en su mayoría fueron cursos nocturnos, ha habido un aumento sustancial en relación a la cantidad de alumnos por profesor, lo que demuestra que dicho incremento también se da por la racionalización de los recursos humanos y de la estructura físca existentes. Desde esta perspectiva, el REUNI originó varias modificaciones en la forma de gestionar los servicios en la UFRN, mereciendo especial atención la intensificación del proceso de transformaciones en la concepción de una gestión burocrática a una gestión desde la gerencia, resaltando la cultura instituída con el contrato de gestión. En ese sentido, la utilización de las metas y de los indicadores de desempeño pasa a adquirir cada vez más importancia como forma de acompañar y evaluar el cumplimiento de las acciones pactadas, pues de este cumplimiento depende la concesión de recursos financieros. Dentro de este contexto, el Programa se ha caracterizado por dar continuidad a las políticas de privatización para la expansión de la educación superior brasileña, provocando la inserción en las universidades públicas federales, de un modelo de organización fundamentado en el paradigma de la gerencia y la administración, que conlleva así, a la mercantilización de los bienes y servicios académicos


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The venous ulcer is an epidemiological problem of high prevalence, causing disability and dependence. Assess the tissue impairment level of patients with venous lesions, within a nursing referential, is relevant for the implementation of a directed assistance to specific clientele. Thus, this work aims to characterize the health status regarding the integrity the lower limbs skin of patients with venous ulcers, according to the of tissue integrity outcome indicators from the Nursing Outcomes Classification. A cross-sectional study conducted in a university hospital in Natal - Rio Grande do Norte. The sample consisted of 50 participants, selected through consecutive sampling. Data collection occurred through a interview and physical examination form and a operational definitions tool for indicators of the nursing Tissue Integrity outcome directed to patients with venous ulcer, applied from February to June 2012. Data analysis was done by descriptive statistics and nonparametric tests (Spearman, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests). The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee with protocol 608/11 and Presentation Certificate to Ethical Consideration No. 0038.0.294.000-11. The results were presented using three scientific articles derivatives of research. It was found that the indicators show moderate impairment, light and not impaired, as the median. The respondents had an average of 59.72 years, 66% female, 50% were retired, 60% with a partner, 44% had arterial hypertension, 26% allergies, 20% diabetes mellitus, 96% were sedentary, 14% drank alcohol and 6% were smokers. There was a statistically significant correlation of low intensity between age and hydration (p=0.032; rs=-0.304) and skin desquamation (p=0.026; rs=-0.316), family income and necrosis (p=0.012; rs=-0.353); Ankle Brachial Index and tissue perfusion (p=0,044; rs=-0,329); Diabetes Mellitus and texture (p=0.015) and tissue perfusion (p=0.026); allergy and texture (p=0.034), physical activity and hydration (p=0.034), smoking and thickness (p=0.018), and alcohol consumption and exudate (p=0.045). We conclude that the patients had light to moderate impairment, indicating a good state of health on the integrity of the skin of the lower limbs, according to the indicators of the outcome of tissue integrity Classification Nursing Outcomes valued in the present study. It is believed that the evaluation of impairment tissue using a self-nursing system and its relation with socioeconomic, clinical and risk factors are unique tools in the care planning and in the wound healing


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The objective of this work is to draw attention to the importance of use of techniques of loss prevention in small retail organization, analyzing and creating a classification model related to the use of these in companies. This work identifies the fragilities and virtues of companies and classifies them relating the use of techniques of loss prevention. The used methodology is based in a revision of the available literature on measurements and techniques of loss prevention, analyzing the processes that techniques needed to be adopted to reduce losses, approaching the "pillars" of loss prevention, the cycle life of products in retail and cycles of continues improvement in business. Based on the objectives of this work and on the light of researched techniques, was defined the case study, developed from a questionnaire application and the researcher's observation on a net of 16 small supermarkets. From those studies a model of classification of companies was created. The practical implications of this work are useful to point mistakes in retail administration that can become losses, reducing the profitability of companies or even making them impracticable. The academic contribution of this study is a proposal of an unpublished model of classification for small supermarkets based on the use of techniques of loss prevention. As a result of the research, 14 companies were classified as Companies with Minimum Use of Loss Prevention Techniques - CMULPT, and 02 companies were classified as Companies with Deficient Use of Loss Prevention Techniques - CDULPT. The result of the research concludes that on average the group was classified as being Companies with Minimum Use of Techniques of Prevention of Losses EUMTPP, and that the companies should adopt a program of loss prevention focusing in the identification and quantification of losses and in a implantation of a culture of loss prevention


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar os sistemas de Classificações existentes para a garantia da gestão da qualidade no setor hoteleiro, tendo como foco principal a Matriz de Classificação para os Meios de Hospedagem da EMBRATUR e a ISO 9000, observando os benefícios que esses sistemas e/ou processos de gestão poderão vir a proporcionar para o setor hoteleiro no que se refere à qualidade de seus serviços. Para a obtenção dessas informações foi realizada uma análise comparativa dos sistemas de gestão da qualidade através de pesquisas bibliográficas e de questionários enviados para empreendimentos hoteleiros certificados e classificados, onde os principais resultados fornecidos pela pesquisa foram trabalhados de forma a apresentar, de maneira clara, a superioridade de um sistema em relação ao outro


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The use of the maps obtained from remote sensing orbital images submitted to digital processing became fundamental to optimize conservation and monitoring actions of the coral reefs. However, the accuracy reached in the mapping of submerged areas is limited by variation of the water column that degrades the signal received by the orbital sensor and introduces errors in the final result of the classification. The limited capacity of the traditional methods based on conventional statistical techniques to solve the problems related to the inter-classes took the search of alternative strategies in the area of the Computational Intelligence. In this work an ensemble classifiers was built based on the combination of Support Vector Machines and Minimum Distance Classifier with the objective of classifying remotely sensed images of coral reefs ecosystem. The system is composed by three stages, through which the progressive refinement of the classification process happens. The patterns that received an ambiguous classification in a certain stage of the process were revalued in the subsequent stage. The prediction non ambiguous for all the data happened through the reduction or elimination of the false positive. The images were classified into five bottom-types: deep water; under-water corals; inter-tidal corals; algal and sandy bottom. The highest overall accuracy (89%) was obtained from SVM with polynomial kernel. The accuracy of the classified image was compared through the use of error matrix to the results obtained by the application of other classification methods based on a single classifier (neural network and the k-means algorithm). In the final, the comparison of results achieved demonstrated the potential of the ensemble classifiers as a tool of classification of images from submerged areas subject to the noise caused by atmospheric effects and the water column


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The skin cancer is the most common of all cancers and the increase of its incidence must, in part, caused by the behavior of the people in relation to the exposition to the sun. In Brazil, the non-melanoma skin cancer is the most incident in the majority of the regions. The dermatoscopy and videodermatoscopy are the main types of examinations for the diagnosis of dermatological illnesses of the skin. The field that involves the use of computational tools to help or follow medical diagnosis in dermatological injuries is seen as very recent. Some methods had been proposed for automatic classification of pathology of the skin using images. The present work has the objective to present a new intelligent methodology for analysis and classification of skin cancer images, based on the techniques of digital processing of images for extraction of color characteristics, forms and texture, using Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) and learning techniques called Support Vector Machine (SVM). The Wavelet Packet Transform is applied for extraction of texture characteristics in the images. The WPT consists of a set of base functions that represents the image in different bands of frequency, each one with distinct resolutions corresponding to each scale. Moreover, the characteristics of color of the injury are also computed that are dependants of a visual context, influenced for the existing colors in its surround, and the attributes of form through the Fourier describers. The Support Vector Machine is used for the classification task, which is based on the minimization principles of the structural risk, coming from the statistical learning theory. The SVM has the objective to construct optimum hyperplanes that represent the separation between classes. The generated hyperplane is determined by a subset of the classes, called support vectors. For the used database in this work, the results had revealed a good performance getting a global rightness of 92,73% for melanoma, and 86% for non-melanoma and benign injuries. The extracted describers and the SVM classifier became a method capable to recognize and to classify the analyzed skin injuries


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Post dispatch analysis of signals obtained from digital disturbances registers provide important information to identify and classify disturbances in systems, looking for a more efficient management of the supply. In order to enhance the task of identifying and classifying the disturbances - providing an automatic assessment - techniques of digital signal processing can be helpful. The Wavelet Transform has become a very efficient tool for the analysis of voltage or current signals, obtained immediately after disturbance s occurrences in the network. This work presents a methodology based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform to implement this process. It uses a comparison between distribution curves of signals energy, with and without disturbance. This is done for different resolution levels of its decomposition in order to obtain descriptors that permit its classification, using artificial neural networks


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The goal of this work is to propose a SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) solution based on Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) in order to make possible a robot navigates along the environment using information from odometry and pre-existing lines on the floor. Initially, a segmentation step is necessary to classify parts of the image in floor or non floor . Then the image processing identifies floor lines and the parameters of these lines are mapped to world using a homography matrix. Finally, the identified lines are used in SLAM as landmarks in order to build a feature map. In parallel, using the corrected robot pose, the uncertainty about the pose and also the part non floor of the image, it is possible to build an occupancy grid map and generate a metric map with the obstacle s description. A greater autonomy for the robot is attained by using the two types of obtained map (the metric map and the features map). Thus, it is possible to run path planning tasks in parallel with localization and mapping. Practical results are presented to validate the proposal