27 resultados para Jovens Brasil
The aim of the present study was to trace the mortality profile of the elderly in Brazil using two neighboring age groups: 60 to 69 years (young-old) and 80 years or more (oldest-old). To do this, we sought to characterize the trend and distinctions of different mortality profiles, as well as the quality of the data and associations with socioeconomic and sanitary conditions in the micro-regions of Brazil. Data was collected from the Mortality Information System (SIM) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Based on these data, the coefficients of mortality were calculated for the chapters of the International Disease Classification (ICD-10). A polynomial regression model was used to ascertain the trend of the main chapters. Non-hierarchical cluster analysis (K-Means) was used to obtain the profiles for different Brazilian micro-regions. Factorial analysis of the contextual variables was used to obtain the socio-economic and sanitary deprivation indices (IPSS). The trend of the CMId and of the ratio of its values in the two age groups confirmed a decrease in most of the indicators, particularly for badly-defined causes among the oldest-old. Among the young-old, the following profiles emerged: the Development Profile; the Modernity Profile; the Epidemiological Paradox Profile and the Ignorance Profile. Among the oldest-old, the latter three profiles were confirmed, in addition to the Low Mortality Rates Profile. When comparing the mean IPSS values in global terms, all of the groups were different in both of the age groups. The Ignorance Profile was compared with the other profiles using orthogonal contrasts. This profile differed from all of the others in isolation and in clusters. However, the mean IPSS was similar for the Low Mortality Rates Profile among the oldest-old. Furthermore, associations were found between the data quality indicators, the CMId for badly-defined causes, the general coefficient of mortality for each age group (CGMId) and the IPSS of the micro-regions. The worst rates were recorded in areas with the greatest socioeconomic and sanitary deprivation. The findings of the present study show that, despite the decrease in the mortality coefficients, there are notable differences in the profiles related to contextual conditions, including regional differences in data quality. These differences increase the vulnerability of the age groups studied and the health iniquities that are already present.
Analisar sobre o processo de cuidar da equipe de enfermagem na viso dos usurios intoxicados por tentativa de suicdio. Metodologia: estudo descritivo exploratrio, de abordagem qualitativa, realizada em um centro de assistncia ao intoxicado da Paraba/Brasil, com nove usurios. Como critrios de incluso, participaram as pessoas que tentaram o suicdio por intoxicao, nos meses de abril e maio de 2010, perodo de coleta de dados do estudo, e que tivessem condies de responder as questes formuladas. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com uso de formulrio, cujos dados foram tratados pela Anlise Temtica. A pesquisa foi aprovada conforme avaliao do Comit de tica em Pesquisa da UEPB e mediante CAAE n 0003.0.349.133-10. Resultados: os participantes concentraram-se na faixa etria de 14 a 26 anos, predominando o gnero feminino e o consumo de agrotxicos na tentativa de suicdio. A anlise dos discursos permitiu identificar que todos os integrantes demonstraram-se satisfeitos com a assistncia de enfermagem, entretanto, apontaram ausncia de comunicao com os profissionais cuidadores e atraso para a realizao dos procedimentos. Concluso: a tica na assistncia de enfermagem supe o estabelecimento da valorizao do humano durante as atribuies profissionais, proporcionando o bem-estar daqueles que no enxergam a ddiva maior, que nesse plano, a vida
This dissertation shows a comparison between practices related to the body, to identities and to the health of young drug takers of synthetic and manipulated psychoactive substances living in Fortaleza. Through ethnographic accompaniment of parties and two social nets of young people I was able to verify the differences and similarities that make these addicted singular and plural in their notion of ethos and world vision. Notions of being hippie/alternative and being punk are present between these nets. Because their use and circulation are developed in environments usually distinct, it is possible to trace singular aspects between the nets and its actions. In parallel, on the attempt to build a triangulated data, I had information related to youth and drugs in local media and in governmental institutions bound to health mental and city security policies. With this junction of data I present a perspective to questions evolving formal and informal important controls to the conduction of their lives and identities. I present this as a sequel to well developed studies in Brasil about youth in interface to drug use, although still not very explored in the state of Cear.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico
This study received the title THE JUVENILE EMPLOYMENT IN THE THRESHOLD OF THE XXI CENTURY: study starting from RAIS and of the programs of youths' insert in the labor market of Natal/RN . It presents as main objective to investigate, starting from the officials data of the Ministrio do trabalho e emprego - MTE and of the federal and state government programs, the evolution of the formal employment for youths and the difficulties that leads the success of the returned initiatives the youths' insert in the formal market of work in Brazil and in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 2000 to 2004. To accomplish the research, it prioritizes the study of the evolution of the formal employment starting from the data of the MTE as form of diagnosing the formal market of the juvenile work. Search a descriptive way to identify the first results of the programs Primeiro Emprego- PPE (federal) and Primeira Chance - PPC (state), to interpret and to identify the existent gaps among the proposal initial of those programs and the first results obtained in the city of Natal. The research has character no-probability and it applies closed questionnaires for youths assisted by the programs. Were interviewed the local representatives of PPE and PPC, besides representatives of the organized civil society all through open structured interview, covering a total of 103 interviews. The results demonstrated that while PPC (state) obtained success inserting youngs, the PPE (federal) just got to insert 1,5% of the amount subsidized by the state program in Natal. That situation demonstrates a clear preference of the companies for PPC (state), in detriment of the federal program
This study aims to verify the impact of the Bolsa Famlia Program (BFP) in income and school attendance of poor Brazilian families. It is intended to also check the existence of a possible negative effect of the program on the labor market, titled as sloth effect. For such, microdata from the IBGE Census sample in 2010 were used. Seeking to purge possible selection biases, methodology of Quantilic Treatment Effect (QTE) was applied, in particular the estimator proposed by Firpo (2007), which assumes an exogenous and non-conditional treatment. Moreover, Foster- Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) index was calculated to check if there are fewer households below the poverty line, as well as if the inequality among the poor decreases. Human Opportunity Index (HOI) was also calculated to measure the access of young people / children education. Results showed that BFP has positively influenced the family per capita income and education (number of children aged 5-17 years old attending school). As for the labor market (worked hours and labor income), the program showed a negative effect. Thus, when compared with not benefiting families, those families who receive the BFP have: a) a higher family income (due to the shock of the transfer budget money) b) more children attending school (due to the conditionality imposed by the program); c) less worked hours (due to sloth effect in certain family groups) and d) a lower income from work. All these effects were potentiated separating the sample in the five Brazilian regions, being observed that the BFP strongly influenced the Northeast, showing a greater decrease in income inequality and poverty, and at the same time, achieved a greater negative impact on the labor market
For the development of this research the following general objective has been formulated, indicator of the process of inquiry: To discuss the relation between the attitudinal and the sportive contents presented in the proposal of Curricular Lines for the Physical Education of Young and Adults in Brazil. According to the corporeity and the ludicity, questioning the formation of the professional of Physical Education and delineating the perspective for a sport andragogy that values the Being and the Life. From this general objective, the following objectives, which had given greater specificity to the investigative process, were defined: 1. To create the theoretical context from the corporeity/ludicity axis, articulating transversally sportive knowledge, aiming to contribute for a sport Andragogy; 2. To analyze the objectives proposed for the Physical Education of Young and Adults according to an elaborated theoretical reference and to the testimonies of the egresses of 2005 of the Physical Education course of the UFRN. 3. To interpret the relation between attitudinal and educative content from the academic reality lived by the egresses of the Physical Education course of the UFRN. 4. To understand the most urgent necessities of sustained formation of the egresses of 2005 for satisfactory performance with the Physical Education of Young and Adults. 5. To propose perspectives for the construction of a sport Andragogy from the corporeity/ludicity axis. In attendance to the nature of this research and as form of guiding ourselves in this epistemological adventure, the following ones had been basically and theoretically estimated. 1. Corporeity is a radiant focus, prime and main of educational criteria; 2. The task of the education must be carried through with men and not for men; 3. Man must only play with the beauty and with the beauty he only must play. ; 4. The sportive education must be based on esthetic and fair play. The adopted research approach is of a qualitative nature, using the interview procedure with a group consisting of twelve egresses of the Physical Education Course of the UFRN of the year of 2005.2 After the discussion of the results on the attitudinal objectives and content for the Physical Education for Adults and Young, the study shows nine themes presented by the investigated group as priorities for their sustained formation, aiming at the performance of the professional of Physical Education with the EJA: inclusive experiences; leisure and quality of life; relationships; body and personal care; social values; self esteem; sportive phenomenon; EJA training; attitudinal contents. As a contribution to the construction of knowledge for a Andragogy of Sports, the study presents a metaphorical structure called Galaxy of Knowledge righteous Glamor of integrating nine elements inspired by the Ode to the Sport of Pierre de Coubertin: life, beauty, justice, daring, honesty, joy; Fertility; progress; peace. At the heart of the structure of knowledge is righteous install a system that articulates five principles ludopoitico epistemological function of connecting with the righteous knowledge of the sport that must integrate the content attitudinal proposed for Fitness for Youth and Adults in order to facilitate the realization of their objectives proposed for this method of teaching
The docent formation has been instigating researchers who look for ways to better qualify teachers in a way they can form and reform their practice in class. The category we brought for investigation and discussion is the formation that happens in the school these teachers work. This paper aims to study the repercussion of an inter-formative practice for the professional development of teachers from EJA 1st segment. The empirical field for the study was Professor Emlia Ramos State School in Natal-RN/Brazil where, since its creation in 1988, has been developing a practice of formation continued on services characterized as Procedure of Inter-formation. The study fits in the qualitative approach of educational research. In methodological terms, it is a study case. Also, we were inspired by some elements from life history since we work on the teachers experiences in the School. Methodological tools such as semi-structured interviews, analysis of documents and participant observation were used. We invited 07 (seven) teachers from the night period of the school to revisit their formation history as teachers from EJA, counting on by their narrations apprehending the contributions of this formation on their professional development. The results collected show the school grants privileges to inter-formative practices based on collective and pair work, as well as on the teacher s reflection about his/her own practice. The Inter-formative Practice that happens in the School has an action-reflection-action basis where the docent action is read under the light of the theoretical support that fundaments the School s Pedagogical Proposal. The results also highlight the relevance of the inter-formative practices on the teachers professional development. This practice contributes to the construction of knowledge and competences, as well as to the identity of the teacher from EJA. For all the teachers interviewed, the School s formation has been the most significant contribution to their development as a teacher from EJA. Despite of the limitations found on using this kind of approach, we hope our study that talks about a well-succeeded experience can contribute to the widening of this type of practice, increasing then, the chances of making the dream of having a democratic high quality public school, despite all the difficulties, come true
This work contains the problematic of sub-education among the population that was excluded from school attendance in the regular time, contributing to knowledge production about educational practices developed in EJA (the Young and Adult Education). It focuses on the Pedagogical proposal and on the experience in young and adult literacy in the context of the mobilization of people affected by dam building. It depicts the international, national and regional mobilization against huge dams building and the emergence of the Movement of Dam Affected People (MAB), highlighting their general project and registering their teaching performance, particularly in young and adult literacy. In methodological and theoretical approaches, two interconnected categories are considered: the historical entirety, essentially theoretical, and the young and adult education practice. Based on the entirety, it outlines a contextualized explanation about the stakeholder s situation and, respecting the second category, which is part of the first one, places literacy as one of the basic aspects of an omnilateral man upbringing. The study broaches a wide context of dams in the world, placing the socio-environmental effects resulting from dams building in Brazil, in Northeast region and in Paraba, and emphasizing the consequences of Acau Dam building in the Paraba cities of Aroeiras, Itatuba and Natuba. It presents the particular context of the population affected by Acau, summarizing a panoramic view about the involved Paraba cities and learning the conditions of residents relocation. It appraises the educational project and the National-MAB literacy proposal, operationalized by Paraba-MAB in resettlements sited on Acau s surroundings. It ensures that, besides public policies including financing, the feasibility of literacy problem solution can be completed with Pedagogical actions attached to the target people peculiarities and immediate necessities, respecting actions connected through one comprehensive and contextualized educational project. It evaluates the young and adult literacy project developed in the restricted Paraba-MAB area, as an example of a Pedagogical action minimally contextualized. Eventually, it recommends researchers and teachers in general, that are committed to this work perspective, to pay attention to the way they articulate discussions and participation, so as to contemplate these communities expectations and necessities in Pedagogical projects and spaces based on discussion, dialogue and collective reflection
This essay proposes to research the success and failure in Education for Youth and Adults (known as EJA), based on the approval, failure and evasion rates in public schools belonging to the city of Natal, RN. Reflecting upon the reasons why some pupils from this program were dropping out of school while others kept on studying was a necessity. Therefore, we seek to know these subjects and their school environment. In the search this data, we set off by approaching the EJA politics, going through a historical path, highlighting significant facts to Brazilian and Natal history. While bringing together the pieces of information for this essay, we were lead to the State and City Education Department, in search of approval, failure and evasion rates from the year 2009. Based on these rates, two schools have been chosen: the first with a high failure rate and the second with a failure rate lower than the city average. The schools work was researched throughout the year 2010, through interviews with pupils, teachers, managers and employees; school files analysis; the analysis of files the establish the rules for EJA programs in the city of Natal. Nethertheless, this essay points to inner and outer factors which might come to contribute to the failure or success of pupils from the researched schools, emphasizing that the difference between those are in the team work present in the school with low failure rate
To clarify the functional mechanisms of habitat use is necessary to analyze it in conjunction with the conduct performed by animals. The occurrence, distribution and use of space are characteristic of a species resulting from habitat selection that is in search of conditions favorable to its survival. One can relate the physical and biological factors of the environment with the ecological characteristics of the species, since these factors act by regulating the ecological success of organisms, and from there you can get important information about the habitat use and behavior of individuals. This study aimed to characterize the use of habitat and diurnal activity expressed by the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis in an estuarine area of Sergipe state, Brazil, analyzing the influence of tide and time days on the occurrence of animals and behavior s state, and group s size and composition in this cetacean species. From March 2009 to February 2010, focal groups observations of dolphins were made from fixed - point and records snapshots of data taken every 5 min. in the interval from 6 a.m to 6 p.m, in alternating shifts. The results showed that the constant presence of animals in the area of the Sergipe River estuary indicates that this is an important area of occurrence of S. guianensis, which use the region mainly in the morning, at low tide and as a feeding. As in other regions of northeastern Brazil, small groups formed 2-12 individuals were most common, with adults and immatures. The high frequency of immature animals may indicate that this area of the estuary is used as brood area and parental care of pups and young animals, since the immature animals were very associated with adults and monitoring the activities of foraging / feeding may be related to a form of learning or training of such behavior
The area studied forms a thin NNE-directed belt situated south of Recife town (Pernambuco state), northeastern Brazil. Geologically, it comprises the Pernambuco Basin (PB), which is limited by the Pernambuco Lineament to the north, the Maragogi high to the south and the Pernambuco Alagoas massif to the west, all of them with Precambrian age. This thesis reports the results obtained for the Cabo Magmatic Province (CMP), aiming the characterization of the geology, stratigraphy, geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Cretaceous igneous rocks presented in the PB. The PB is composed of the Cabo Formation (rift phase) at the base (polymictic conglomerates, sandstones, shales), an intermediate unit, the Estiva Formation (marbles and argillites), and, at the top, the Algodoais Formation (monomictic conglomerates, sandstones, shales). The CMP is represented by trachytes, rhyolites, pyroclastics (ignimbrites), basalts / trachy-andesites, monzonites and alkali-feldspar granite, which occur as dykes, flows, sills, laccoliths and plugs. Field observations and well descriptions show that the majority of the magmatic rocks have intrusive contacts with the Cabo Formation, although some occurrences are also suggestive of synchronism between volcanism and siliciclastic sedimentation. 40Ar/39Ar and zircon fission tracks for the magmatic rocks indicate an average age of 102 r 1 Ma for the CMP. This age represents an expressive event in the province and is detected in all igneous dated materials. It is considered as a minimum age (Albian) for the magmatic episode and the peak of the rift phase in the PB. The 40Ar/39Ar dates are about 10-14 Ma younger than published palynologic ages for this basin. Geochemically, the CMP may be divided in two major groups; i) a transitional to alkaline suite, constituted by basalts to trachy-andesites (types with fine-grained textures and phenocrysts of sanidine and plagioclase), trachytes (porphyrytic texture, with phenocrysts of sanidine and plagioclase) and monzonites; ii) a alkaline suite, highly fractionated, acidic volcano-plutonic association, formed by four subtypes (pyroclastic flows ignimbrites, fine-to medium-grained rhyolites, a high level granite, and later rhyolites). These four types are distinguished essentially by field aspects and petrographic and textural features. Compatible versus incompatible trace element concentrations and geochemical modeling based on both major and trace elements suggest the evolution through low pressure fractional crystallization for trachytes and other acidic rocks, whereas basalts / trachy-andesites and monzonites evolved by partial melting from a mantle source. Sr and Nd isotopes reveal two distinct sources for the rocks of the CMP. Concerning the acidic ones, the high initial Sr ratios (ISr = 0.7064-1.2295) and the negative HNd (-0.43 to -3.67) indicate a crustal source with mesoproterozoic model ages (TDM from 0.92 to 1.04 Ga). On the other hand, the basic to intermediate rocks have low ISr (0.7031-0.7042) and positive HNd (+1.28 to +1.98), which requires the depleted mantle as the most probable source; their model ages are in the range 0.61-0.66 Ga. However, the light rare earth enrichment of these rocks and partial melting modeling point to an incompatible-enriched lherzolitic mantle with very low quantity of garnet (1-3%). This apparent difference between geochemical and Nd isotopes may be resolved by assuming that the metasomatizing agent did not obliterate the original isotopic characteristics of the magmas. A 2 to 5% partial melting of this mantle at approximately 14 kbar and 1269oC account very well the basalts and trachy-andesites studied. By using these pressure and temperatures estimates for the generation of the basaltic to trachy-andesitic magma, it is determined a lithospheric stretching (E) of 2.5. This E value is an appropriated estimate for the sub-crustal stretching (astenospheric or the base of the lithosphere?) region under the Pernambuco Basin, the crustal stretching probably being lower. The integration of all data obtained in this thesis permits to interpret the magmatic evolution of the PB as follows; 1st) the partial melting of a garnet-bearing lherzolite generates incompatible-enriched basaltic, trachy-andesitic and monzonitic magmas; 2nd) the underplating of these basaltic magmas at the base of the continental crust triggers the partial melting of this crust, and thus originating the acidic magmas; 3rd) concomitantly with the previous stage, trachytic magmas were produced by fractionation from a monzonitic to trachy-andesitic liquid; 4th) the emplacement of the several magmas in superficial (e.g. flows) or sub-superficial (e.g. dykes, sills, domes, laccoliths) depths was almost synchronically, at about 102 r 1 Ma, and usually crosscutting the sedimentary rocks of the Cabo Formation. The presence of garnet in the lherzolitic mantle does not agree with pressures of about 14 kbar for the generation of the basaltic magma, as calculated based on chemical parameters. This can be resolved by admitting the astenospheric uplifting under the rift, which would place deep and hot material (mantle plume?) at sub-crustal depths. The generation of the magmas and their subsequent emplacement would be coupled with the crustal rifting of the PB, the border (NNE-SSW directed) and transfer (NW-SE directed) faults serving as conduits for the magma emplacement. Based on the E parameter and the integration of 40Ar/39Ar and palynologic data it is interpreted a maximum duration of 10-14 Ma for the rift phase (Cabo Formation clastic sedimentation and basic to acidic magmatism) of the PB
The Rio do Peixe Basin is located in the border of Paraba and Cear states, immediately to the north of the Patos shear zone, encompassing an area of 1,315 km2. This is one of the main basins of eocretaceous age in Northeast Brazil, associated to the rifting event that shaped the present continental margin. The basin can be divided into four sub-basins, corresponding to Pombal, Sousa, Brejo das Freiras and Icozinho half-grabens. This dissertation was based on the analysis and interpretation of remote sensing products, field stratigraphic and structural data, and seismic sections and gravity data. Field work detailed the lithofacies characterization of the three formations previously recognised in the basin, Antenor Navarro, Sousa and Rio Piranhas. Unlike the classical vertical stacking, field relations and seismostratigraphic analysis highlighted the interdigitation and lateral equivalency between these units. On bio/chrono-stratigraphic and tectonic grounds, they correlate with the Rift Tectonosequence of neocomian age. The Antenor Navarro Formation rests overlies the crystalline basement in non conformity. It comprises lithofacies originated by a braided fluvial system system, dominated by immature, coarse and conglomeratic sandstones, and polymict conglomerates at the base. Its exposures occur in the different halfgrabens, along its flexural margins. Paleocurrent data indicate source areas in the basement to the north/NW, or input along strike ramps. The Sousa Formation is composed by fine-grained sandstones, siltites and reddish, locally grey-greenish to reddish laminated shales presenting wavy marks, mudcracks and, sometimes, carbonate beds. This formation shows major influence of a fluvial, floodplain system, with seismostratigraphic evidence of lacustrine facies at subsurface. Its distribution occupies the central part of the Sousa and Brejo das Freiras half-grabens, which constitute the main depocenters of the basin. Paleocurrent analysis shows that sediment transport was also from north/NW to south/SE
The main objective of the present thesis was the seismic interpretation and seismic attribute analysis of the 3D seismic data from the Siririzinho high, located in the Sergipe Sub-basin (southern portion of Sergipe-Alagoas Basin). This study has enabled a better understanding of the stratigraphy and structure that the Siririzinho high experienced during its development. In a first analysis, we used two types of filters: the dip-steered median filter, was used to remove random noise and increase the lateral continuity of reflections, and fault-enhancement filter was applied to enhance the reflection discontinuities. After this filtering step similarity and curvature attributes were applied in order to identify and enhance the distribution of faults and fractures. The use of attributes and filtering greatly contributed to the identification and enhancement of continuity of faults. Besides the application of typical attributes (similarity and curvature) neural network and fingerprint techniques were also used, which generate meta-attributes, also aiming to highlight the faults; however, the results were not satisfactory. In a subsequent step, well log and seismic data analysis were performed, which allowed the understanding of the distribution and arrangement of sequences that occur in the Siririzinho high, as well as an understanding of how these units are affected by main structures in the region. The Siririzinho high comprises an elongated structure elongated in the NS direction, capped by four seismo-sequences (informally named, from bottom to top, the sequences I to IV, plus the top of the basement). It was possible to recognize the main NS-oriented faults, which especially affect the sequences I and II, and faults oriented NE-SW, that reach the younger sequences, III and IV. Finally, with the interpretation of seismic horizons corresponding to each of these sequences, it was possible to define a better understanding of geometry, deposition and structural relations in the area.
En Brasil, la violencia interpersonal (homicidios) se ha incrementado de forma significativa, convirtindose en una preocupacin cada vez mayor en todos los mbitos polticos de la sociedad. Hoy es uno de los ms graves problemas sociales y de salud pblica. Se refiere a los problemas sociales, ya que interfiere en la distribucin de la oferta de bienes y servicios a los ciudadanos; sino tambin un problema de salud, porque la violencia es uno de los fenmenos que causan gran impacto en la morbilidad y mortalidad del pas, y genera un alto costo para el Sistema nico de Sade (SUS). Esta es una crisis social, que es el resultado de un mundo capitalista globalizado, que exige a todos sus instrumentos de dominacin (dinero, poder y competitividad en estado puro), en virtud del cual la violencia y los conflictos interpersonales se materializan en el territorio. El Ro Grande do Norte (RN) ha estado siguiendo esta realidad que es nacional, con el aumento de las tasas de mortalidad por homicidios. En este sentido, este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la violencia interpersonal (agresin / homicidio), en Brasil y en el estado del RN, para entender cmo esto afecta a su poblacin, en la morbilidad y mortalidad durante los aos 2001 a 2011. Para ambos hicimos uso de mtodo descriptivo / cuantitativo para determinar la magnitud, el tamao, el perfil de las vctimas y los costos del SUS generados por el problema. Como resultado, podemos diagnosticar que en Brasil, la violencia se ha presentado una nueva dinmica regional, promovida por un proceso de interiorizacin del fenmeno en todo el pas, este proceso de internalizacin se ha reflejado en la ltima dcada, el crecimiento de la violencia en el estado del RN, que ha causado un gran impacto en las tasas de la mortalidad del estado. Acerca la victimizacin, se puede ver que hay un perfil vulnerable formado por, varn, baja instruccin joven, sola y negro. Con respecto a los datos de morbilidad hospitalaria, la demanda creciente del fenmeno genera costes para el sistema de salud, y las graves consecuencias humanas, como la escalada del miedo y la destruccin de una generacin de jvenes brasileos. Por lo tanto, la falta de una poltica pblica para afrontamiento, prevencin y mitigacin del problema revela el fracaso de la gestin pblica, con consecuencias sociales y de salud, tanto individual como colectivamente.