37 resultados para Fibras Alimentares
Resolutions of the Board of numbers 359 and 360, of December 23, 2003, relating to Nutrition Labelling for Packaged Foods, establish quality standards and provide the education activities for health consumption, since one of the factors that enable the selection of healthier foods are the food labels as an important part in nutrition education. This is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. To calculate sample size, it was considered a margin of error of 20%, confidence level of 95% and prevalence of 52.5% for verifying nutritional information in a pilot study conducted in 2007. A total of 145 subjects were interviewed, resulting in 371 consumers in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in order to determine prevalence of consulting nutritional information contained on food labels as a nutritional guideline for consumers and its association with sociodemographic variables as well as identify the intervention measures suggested by intervieweds so that this information can be better used to select healthy foods. Twenty-five of the 69 supermarkets belonging to the Supermarket Association of Rio Grande do Norte (ASSURN) were randomly selected. Data collection relied on interviews and extensive direct observation, using a semi-structured form composed of eight closed questions, some of which were multiple choice, and ten open questions. The chi-square test was performed for statistical analysis, using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0 software. Label information most consulted was: expiry date (91.6%); product brand (49.4%); nutritional information (47.0%); zero trans fat (32.9%); zero sugar content (12.8%); zero fat content (3.0%); rich in fibers (2.7%); whether light or diet (30.4%); list of ingredients (16.8%); whether the product contained gluten or not (4.1%). When asked about the importance of nutritional information, 96.8% of the subjects responded important or very important ; of these 46.6% and 3.8% reported partially or totally understanding the information presented. It was found that 41.6% of the consumers consulted nutritional information for dietary reasons related to nontransmissible chronic diseases and 35.7% to be able to choose healthier foods. The data show a significant association between motivation to choose healthier foods and higher family income and schooling (p<0.0001). The intervention measures mentioned to make nutritional information better understood and used were: information and orientation about nutritional information, provided by qualified professionals in the supermarkets, the commercial establishment or the product manufacturer (73.9%) and media disclosure about the nature, importance and purpose of nutritional information (42.9%). In despite of communication noises the consumers use the nutrition claim for the nutritional guidance, showing association with some demographic variables. However, they desire the implementation of intervention measures that can be contextualized in the political construction of nutrition education to promote healthy food choices
ANDRADE JR., T. E. et al. Infiltração de sal de alumínio em fibras de sisal para obtenção de fibras de alumina. Cerâmica, v.51, n.317, p.37-41.ISSN 0366-6913. Disponível em:
The evaluation of public policies that promote Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) it s a multidisciplinary activity extremely relevant to the effectiveness of actions to legitimize the Human Right to Adequate Food (HRAF). This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the unit project Natal-RN Café do Trabalhador in promoting SAN to its users. The theoretical framework is based on the public and political and on the dimensions of the concept of FSN (quantity and quality-regularity). Through a qualitative approach, methodologically this was the work of an evaluation of efficiency of the unit Natal-RN of Café do Trabalhador project in light of the assumptions of the concept of SAN. Data collection was conducted through retrospective archival research in official documents of the project, semi-structured interviews with managers involved in its implementation (representative of the Secretary of State for Employment, Housing and Care of RN SETHAS and third party), socioeconomic questionnaire applied to the users of the unit, check the amount, regularity and quality of meals offered for 15 days (menu routine) using the descriptive form menu and form filling type checklist for verification of compliance with good practices . Methods of analysis, we used content analysis, descriptive statistics and compared to previously established parameters for the project. As categories of analysis were defined organizational arrangement, access, user, food quantity-regularity and food quality. The results show that, it was found in the category arrangement that will implement the project dismissed technical criteria for choosing the districts and the quantitative distribution of meals for each location. It was found that the valuation of the shares of the company outsources technical SETHA has not been performed. We observed in the access category, the unit has a strategic location, but lack of space in the refectory. The main obstacle to economic access for users is the lack of a register for the beneficiaries. In the category of users, it was identified that the clientele of the project it is predominantly men, with more than 51 years, low education, earning wages less 1 obtained through informal employment, which they move up through the unit transport collective, go to all days of operation due primarily to price. About the meals category quantity-regularity of food showed that the menu serves 95% of the desired needs, and that holidays and weekends are periods of disrupting the regularity of supply of meals. Regarding the category of food quality, it was found that the nutritional aspect on the menu are food sources rich in sodium, nitrates and low in fiber. In the aspect of hygiene and sanitation are the main limitations related to waste management, lack of exposure controls of food prepared and inadequacies of the physical structure. The results showed that in general and the institutional arrangement of the organs attached to the project should establish a systematic evaluation project is to establish as a promoter of and FSN overcome these obstacles
The use of raw materials from renewable sources for production of materials has been the subject of several studies and researches, because of its potential to substitute petrochemical-based materials. The addition of natural fibers to polymers represents an alternative in the partial or total replacement of glass fibers in composites. In this work, carnauba leaf fibers were used in the production of biodegradable composites with polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) matrix. To improve the interfacial properties fiber / matrix were studied four chemical treatments to the fibers..The effect of the different chemical treatments on the morphological, physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the fibers and composites were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, tensile and flexural tests, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), thermogravimetry (TGA) and diferential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results of tensile tests indicated an increase in tensile strength of the composites after the chemical treatment of the fibers, with best results for the hydrogen peroxide treated fibers, even though the tensile strength of fibers was slightly reduced. This suggests a better interaction fiber/matrix which was also observed by SEM fractographs. The glass transition temperature (Tg) was reduced for all composites compared to the pure polymer which can be attributed to the absorption of solvents, moisture and other low molecular weight molecules by the fibers
Sisal is a renewable agricultural resource adapted to the hostile climatic and soil conditions particularly encountered in the semi-arid areas of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Consequently, sisal has played a strategic role in the economy of the region, as one of few options of income available in the semi-arid. Find new options and adding value to products manufactured from sisal are goals that contribute not only to the scientific and technological development of the Northeastern region, but also to the increase of the family income for people that live in the semi-arid areas where sisal is grown. Lignocellulosic fibers are extracted from sisal and commonly used to produce both handcrafted and industrial goods including ropes, mats and carpets. Alternatively, addedvalue products can be made using sisal to produce alumina fibers (Al2O3) by biotemplating, which consists in the reproduction of the natural fiber-like structure of the starting material. The objective of this study was to evaluate the conditions necessary to convert sisal into alumina fibers by biotemplating. Alumina fibers were obtaining after pretreating sisal fibers and infiltrating them with a Al2Cl6 saturated solution, alumina sol from aluminum isopropoxide or aluminum gas. Heat-treating temperatures varied from 1200 ºC to 1650 °C. The resulting fibers were then characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electronic microscopy. Fibers obtained by liquid infiltration revealed conversion only of the surface of the fiber into α-Al2O3, which yielded limited resistance to handling. Gas infiltration resulted in stronger fibers with better reproduction of the inner structure of the original fiber. All converted fibers consisted of 100% α-Al2O3 suggesting a wide range of technological applications especially those that require thermal isolation
The gradual replacement of conventional materials by the ones called composite materials is becoming a concern about the response of these composites against adverse environmental conditions, such as ultraviolet radiation, high temperature and moist. Also the search for new composite using natural fibers or a blend of it with synthetic fibers as reinforcement has been studied. In this sense, this research begins with a thorough study of microstructural characterization of licuri fiber, as a proposal of alternative reinforcement to polymeric composites. Thus, a study about the development of two composite laminates was done. The first one, involving only the fiber of licuri and the second comprising a hybrid composite based of fiber glass E and the fiber of licuri, in order to know the performance of the fiber when of fiber across the hybridization process. The laminates were made in the form of plates using the tereftálica ortho-polyester resin as matrix. The composite laminate made only by licuri fiber had two reinforcing fabric layers of unidirectional licuri and the hybrid composite had two reinforcing layers of unidirectional licuri fabric and three layers of fiber short glass-E mat. Finally, both laminates was exposed to aging acceleration in order to study the influence of environmental degradation involving the mechanical properties and fracture characteristics thereof. Regarding the mechanical properties of composites, these were determined through uniaxial tensile tests, uniaxial compression and three bending points for both laminates in original state, and uniaxial tensile tests and three bending points after accelerated aging. As regards the study of structural degradation due to aging of the laminates, it was carried out based on microscopic analysis and microstructure, as well as measuring weight loss. The characteristics of the fracture was performed by macroscopic and microscopic (optical and SEM) analysis. In general, the laminated composites based on fiber licuri showed some advantages in their responses to environmental aging. These advantages are observed in the behavior related to stiffness as well as the microstructural degradation and photo-oxidation processes. However, the structural integrity of this laminate was more affected in case the action of uniaxial tensile loads, where it was noted a lower rate of withholding his last resistance property
The use of gypsum, one of the oldest building materials for the construction industry in the country has been experiencing a significant and steady growth, due to its low cost and some of its properties that confer comparative advantage over other binder materials. Its use comprises various applications including the coating of walls and the production of internal seals and linings. Moreover, the fibers are being increasingly incorporated into arrays fragile in an attempt to improve the properties of the composite by reducing the number of cracks, the opening of the same and its propagation velocity. Other properties, depending on the function of the component material or construction, among these thermal and acoustic performances, are of great importance in the context of buildings and could be improved, that is, having better performance with this embodiment. Conduct a comparative study of physico-mechanical, thermal and acoustic composite gypsum incorporating dry coconut fiber, in the form of blanket, constituted the main objective of this work. Improving the thermal and acoustic performances of precast gypsum, used for lining and internal vertical fences of buildings, was the purpose of development of these composites. To evaluate the effect of fiber content on the properties of the composites were used to manufacture the composite layer with different thicknesses. The composites were fabricated in the form of plates with dimensions of 500x500x24mm. To facilitate the comparative study of the properties were also made with material gypsum boards only. We then determined the physico-mechanical, thermal and acoustical plaster and composites. The results indicated that the composites were significant gains in relation to thermal performance and also acoustic, in certain frequency range, increasing the thickness of the blanket. Concerning other physical-mechanical properties, the results showed that although the compressive strength was lower than for the composite did not occur after a fracture catastrophic failure. The same trend was observed with regard to resistance to bending, since the composites have not suffered sudden rupture and still continued after the load supporting point of maximum load
This research was motivated by the requirement of asbestos s replacement in building systems and the need to generate jobs and income in the country side of the state of Bahia, Brazil. The project aimed at using fibers from licuri leaves (syagrus coronata), an abundant palm in the region, to produce composites appropriate for the sustainable production of cement fibre reinforced products in small plants. The composites were produced in laboratory using Portland cement CP-II-F32, sand, water, licuri palm fiber contents of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% by weight of binder (two different fiber length) and metakaolin. The latter was chosen as an additional binder for its efficiency to reduce the alkalinity of cementitious matrixes therefore preventing the degradation of vegetable fibers. The characterization of the composite components was carried out by sieving and laser particle size analyses, thermal analysis, fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The composites performance was evaluated by 3- point-bending tests, compressive strength, ultrasound module of elasticity, free and restrained shrinkage, water capillarity absorption and apparent specific gravity. It has been found that the addition of fibers increased the time to onset of cracking over 200.00% and a 25% reduction in cracks opening in the restrained shrinkage test. The capillary absorption reduced about 25% when compared to fiber-free composites. It was also observed with regard to flexural strength, compressive strength and specific gravity, that the addiction of fibers did not affect the composite performance presenting similar results for compounds with and without fibers. In general it can be stated that the reinforced composite fibers of palm licuri presents physical and mechanical characteristics which enable them to be used in the intended proposals of this research
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
The concrete for centuries constituted an essential structural element in the construction industry due to its relative ease of forming, before the weather durability, low cost, its lower maintenance compared to other materials such as steel. However, when the concrete is exposed to high temperatures tends to lose its mechanical characteristics, and may even result in loss of section, which undermines the stability and mechanical strength of structural elements. The pathologies resulting from exposure to elevated temperatures ranging from cracks, pops up chipping explosives (spalling). Recently, the technology of concrete is closely related to the study of its microstructure. The use of fibers added to concrete has been revealed as a solution to increase the mechanical strength of the concrete, it acts directly on the distribution of efforts to act in the play within the microstructure. In this work we used recycled PET fibers embedded in concrete with 15x2mm fck = 30MPa, water/cement ratio of 0.46, in works made for verification of mechanical strength of this mixture submitted to high temperature. The specimens of concrete with addition of PET fibers were tested after exposure to temperatures: ambient (30ºC), 100°C, 200°C, 300°C, 400°C, 600°C and 900°C. It was found that the concrete loses significant strength when exposed to temperatures above 300°C, however the use of fiber PET may delay the risk of collapse of structures for the formation of a network of channels that facilitate the escape of vapor 'water, reducing the pore pressure inside the structural element
The reinforced concrete structures are largely used in buildings worldwide. Upon the occurrence of fire in buildings, there is a consensus among researchers that the concrete has a high resistance to fire, due mainly to its low thermal conductivity. However, this does not mean that this material is not affected by exposure to high temperatures. Reduction of the compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, discoloration and cracking, are some of the effects caused by thermal exposure. In the case of concretes with higher resistance occurs even desplacamentos explosives, exposing the reinforcement to fire and contributing to reducing the support capacity of the structural element. Considering the above, this study aims to examine how the compressive strength and porosity of concrete are affected when subjected to high temperatures. Were evaluated concrete of different resistances, and even was the verified if addition fibers of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in concrete can be used as an alternative to preventing spalling. The results indicated that explosive spalling affect not only high strength concrete whose values of this study ranged from 70 to 88 MPa, as well as conventional concrete of medium strength (52 MPa) and the temperature range to which the concrete begins to suffer significant changes in their resistance is between 400 º C and 600 º C, showing to 600 º C a porosity up to 188% greater than the room temperature
In the last decades there was a significant increasing of the numbers of researchers that joint efforts to find alternatives to improve the development of low environmental impact technology. Materials based on renewable resources have enormous potentials of applications and are seen as alternatives for the sustainable development. Within other parameters, the sustainability depends on the energetic efficiency, which depends on the thermal insulation. Alternative materials, including vegetal fibers, can be applied to thermal insulation, where its first goal is to minimize the loss of energy. In the present research, it was experimentally analyzed the thermal behavior of fiber blankets of sisal (Agave sisalana) with and without surface treatment with oxide hidroxide (NaOH). Blankets with two densities (1100/1200 and 1300/1400 g/m2) were submitted to three rates of heat transfer (22.5 W, 40 W and 62.5 W). The analysis of the results allowed comparing the blankets treated and untreated in each situation. Others experiments were carried out to obtain the thermal conductivity (k), heat capacity (C) and the thermal diffusivity (α) of the blankets. Thermo gravimetric analyses were made to the verification of the thermal stability. Based on the results it was possible to relate qualitatively the effect of the heat transfer through the sisal blankets subjected to three heat transfer rates, corresponding to three temperature values (77 °C, 112 °C e 155 °C). To the first and second values of temperature it was verified a considerable reduction on the rate of heat transfer; nevertheless, to the third value of temperature, the surface of the blankets (treated and untreated) in contact with the heated surface of the tube were carbonized. It was also verified, through the analyses of the results of the measurements of k, C e α, that the blankets treated and untreated have values near to the conventional isolating materials, as glass wool and rock wool. It could be concluded that is technically possible the use of sisal blankets as constitutive material of thermal isolation systems in applications where the temperature do not reach values greater than 112 ºC
This research is based, at first, on the seeking of alternatives naturals reinforced in place of polymeric composites, also named reinforced plastics. Therein, this work starts with a whole licuri fiber micro structural characterization, as alternative proposal to polymeric composites. Licuri fiber is abundant on the Bahia state flora, native from a palm tree called Syagrus Coronata (Martius) Beccari. After, it was done only licuri fiber laminar composite developing studies, in order to know its behavior when impregnated with thermofix resin. The composite was developed in laminar structure shape (plate with a single layer of reinforcement) and produced industrially. The layer of reinforcement is a fabric-fiber unidirectional of licuri up in a manual loom. Their structure was made of polyester resin ortofitálica (unsaturated) only reinforced with licuri fibers. Fiber characterization studies were based on physical chemistry properties and their constitution. It was made by tension, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (RDX) and thermal analyses (TG and DTA) tests, besides fiber chemistry analyses. Relating their mechanical properties of strength and hardness testing, they were determined through unit axial tension test and flexion in three points. A study in order to know fiber/matrix interface effects, in the final composites results, was required. To better understand the mechanical behavior of the composite, macroscopic and microscopic optical analysis of the fracture was performed
The search for sustainable technologies that can contribute to reduce energy consumption is a great challenge in the field of insulation materials. In this context, composites manufactured from vegetal sources are an alternative technology. The principal objectives of this work are the development and characterization of a composite composed by the rigid polyurethane foam derived from castor oil (commercially available as RESPAN D40) and sisal fibers. The manufacture of the composite was done with expansion controlled inside a closed mold. The sisal fibers where used in the form of needlepunched nonwoven with a mean density of 1150 g/m2 and 1350 g/m2. The composite characterization was performed through the following tests: thermal conductivity, thermal behavior, thermo gravimetric analysis (TG/DTG), mechanical strength in compression and flexural, apparent density, water absorption in percentile, and the samples morphology was analyzed in a MEV. The density and humidity percentage of the sisal fiber were also determined. The thermal conductivity of the composites was higher than the pure polyurethane foam, the addition of nonwoven sisal fibers will become in a higher level of compact foam, reducing empty spaces (cells) of polyurethane, inducing an increase in k value. The apparent density of the composites was higher than pure polyurethane foam. In the results of water absorption tests, was seen a higher absorption percent of the composites, what is related to the presence of sisal fibers which are hygroscopic. From TG/DTG results, with the addition of sisal fibers reduced the strength to thermal degradation of the composites, a higher loss of mass was observed in the temperature band between 200 and 340 °C, related to urethane bonds decomposition and cellulose degradation and its derivatives. About mechanical behavior in compression and flexural, composites presented a better mechanical behavior than the rigid polyurethane foam. An increase in the amount of sisal fibers induces a higher rigidity of the composites. At the thermal behavior tests, the composites were more mechanically and thermally resistant than some materials commonly used for thermal insulation, they present the same or better results. The density of nonwoven sisal fiber had influence over the insulation grade; this means that, an increaser in sisal fiber density helped to retain the heat
Nowadays, when accidents with oil tanker or shore tanks occur and there is oil spill, some arrangements are made in order to repress and to fix the situation. For the containment, barriers or detours are usually made of synthetic materials such as polyurethane foam. In order to clear water away, techniques like in loco burning, biodegradant agents, dispersant agents and sorbent materials application are used. The most of the sorbent materials are also synthetic and they are used because it is easy to store them and their availability in market. This dissertation introduces the study of vegetable fibers of pineapple leaf fibers (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.), cotton fibers (Gossypium herbaceum L.), kapok fibers (Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.), curauá fibers (Ananas erectifolius L.B. Sm.) and sisal fibers (Agave sisalana Perrine) related to their capacity of sorption of oil in case of accidental spill in the ocean. This work evaluates the substitution possibility of synthetic materials by natural biodegradable materials with less cost