28 resultados para Camarão - Viabilidade econômica


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When it comes to oil and gas in Brazil is almost certain that we are referring to activities in deep waters off the coast of Campos, Rio de Janeiro, the main field of action of PETROBRAS and a small number of multinational oil companies . Since the Law 9.478/97 allows, by means of concessions, that other companies other than Petrobras, to explore and produce oil and gas domestically. Soon it moved, then the private companies that want small and medium-sized businesses to invest in such activities, forming a segment of independent producers, as occurs in other countries. In this context, this work aims at making an economic feasibility study, is currently analyzing how this thread and focus on the factors that contribute to its development as well as those that constitute barriers. To this end, we conducted a survey examining some mature fields that are in production in order to capture cost information in the phases of project, operation and abandonment. The work also presents an analysis of the results obtained in the survey, identifying the costs higher. With the results obtained through the study used economic engineering tools such as NPV and IRR, using a variety of design scenarios, to study the economic viability of these fields. In scenario 4 was set a production of 4.0 m³ / d of oil, which is an expected average production for several of these fields, whose minimum value of a barrel of oil, to enable this field, was $ 55.00, this value well below what was being practiced in the market today.


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This paper presents an analysis of technical and financial feasibility of the use of a solar system for water heating in a fictitious hotel located in the Northeast region. Thereunto it is used techniques of solar collectors´ sizing and methods of financial mathematics, such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback. It will also be presented a sensitivity analysis to verify which are the factors that impact the viability of the solar heating. Comparative analysis will be used concerning three cities of distinct regions of Brazil: Curitiba, Belém and João Pessoa. The viability of using a solar heating system will be demonstrated to the whole Brazil, especially to the northeast region as it is the most viable for such an application of solar power because of its high levels of solar radiation. Among the cities examined for a future installation of solar heating systems for water heating in the hotel chain, João Pessoa was the one that has proved more viable.


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When it comes to oil and gas in Brazil is almost certain that we are referring to activities in deep waters off the coast of Campos, Rio de Janeiro, the main field of action of PETROBRAS and a small number of multinational oil companies . Since the Law 9.478/97 allows, by means of concessions, that other companies other than Petrobras, to explore and produce oil and gas domestically. Soon it moved, then the private companies that want small and medium-sized businesses to invest in such activities, forming a segment of independent producers, as occurs in other countries. In this context, this work aims at making an economic feasibility study, is currently analyzing how this thread and focus on the factors that contribute to its development as well as those that constitute barriers. To this end, we conducted a survey examining some mature fields that are in production in order to capture cost information in the phases of project, operation and abandonment. The work also presents an analysis of the results obtained in the survey, identifying the costs higher. With the results obtained through the study used economic engineering tools such as NPV and IRR, using a variety of design scenarios, to study the economic viability of these fields. In scenario 4 was set a production of 4.0 m³ / d of oil, which is an expected average production for several of these fields, whose minimum value of a barrel of oil, to enable this field, was $ 55.00, this value well below what was being practiced in the market today.


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This work studies the fabrication of spaghetti through the process at high temperatures through the use of flour added to flour and flaxseed meal, with the aim of evaluating the final product quality and estimate the cost of production. The values of moisture, ash, protein, wet gluten, gluten index, falling number and grain of flour and mixtures to test to be the possible use in mass manufacturing and technological criteria for compliance with current legislation. Spaghetti noodles type were manufactured by adding 10% and 20% flour and 10% and 20% flaxseed meal with performance of physical-chemical, sensory and rheological properties of the products. Further analysis was performed on the product acceptance and estimation of production cost in order to create subsidies to enable the introduction of products with greater acceptance and economic viability in the market by the food industry. On the rheology of the product test was cooking the pasta, specifying the volume increase, cooking time and percentage of solid waste. In the sensory evaluation was carried out the triangular test of product differentiation with 50 trained judges and acceptance testing by a hedonic scale with evaluation of the aspects color, taste, smell and texture. In defining the sensory profile of the product was performed with ADQ 9 judges recruited and trained at the factory, using unstructured scale of 9 cm, assessing the attributes of flavor of wheat, flax flavor, consistency, texture of raw pasta, raw pasta color and color of cooked pasta. The greater acceptance of product quality was good and the pasta with 20% flour, 10% followed by the full product, 10% and 20% flaxseed characterized the average quality of the criterion of loss analysis of solids, together with mass full commercial testing. In assessing the estimated cost of production, the two products more technologically feasible and acceptable (20% whole and 10% flaxseed) were evaluated in high temperature processes. With total cost of R $ 4,872.5 / 1,000 kg and R $ 5,354.9 / 1,000 kg respectively, the difference was related to the addition of lower inputs and higher added value in the market, flour and flaxseed meal. The comparative analysis of cases was confirmed the reduction in production time (10h), more uniform product to the drying process at high temperature compared to conventional


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The production of water has become one of the most important wastes in the petroleum industry, specifically in the up stream segment. The treatment of this kind of effluents is complex and normally requires high costs. In this context, the electrochemical treatment emerges as an alternative methodology for treating the wastewaters. It employs electrochemical reactions to increase the capability and efficiency of the traditional chemical treatments for associated produced water. The use of electrochemical reactors can be effective with small changes in traditional treatments, generally not representing a significant additional surface area for new equipments (due to the high cost of square meter on offshore platforms) and also it can use almost the same equipments, in continuous or batch flow, without others high costs investments. Electrochemical treatment causes low environmental impact, because the process uses electrons as reagent and generates small amount of wastes. In this work, it was studied two types of electrochemical reactors: eletroflocculation and eletroflotation, with the aim of removing of Cu2+, Zn2+, phenol and BTEX mixture of produced water. In eletroflocculation, an electrical potential was applied to an aqueous solution containing NaCl. For this, it was used iron electrodes, which promote the dissolution of metal ions, generating Fe2+ and gases which, in appropriate pH, promote also clotting-flocculation reactions, removing Cu2+ and Zn2+. In eletroflotation, a carbon steel cathode and a DSA type anode (Ti/TiO2-RuO2-SnO2) were used in a NaCl solution. It was applied an electrical current, producing strong oxidant agents as Cl2 and HOCl, increasing the degradation rate of BTEX and phenol. Under different flow rates, the Zn2+ was removed by electrodeposition or by ZnOH formation, due the increasing of pH during the reaction. To better understand the electrochemical process, a statistical protocol factor (22) with central point was conducted to analyze the sensitivity of operating parameters on removing Zn2+ by eletroflotation, confirming that the current density affected the process negatively and the flow rate positively. For economical viability of these two electrochemical treatments, the energy consumption was calculated, taking in account the kWh given by ANEEL. The treatment cost obtained were quite attractive in comparison with the current treatments used in Rio Grande do Norte state. In addition, it could still be reduced for the case of using other alternative energy source such as solar, wind or gas generated directly from the Petrochemical Plant or offshore platforms


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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With the increasing of energetic consumption in the worldwile, conventional reservoirs, known by their easy exploration and exploitation, are not being enough to satisfy this demand, what has made necessary exploring unconventional reservoirs. This kind of exploration demands developing more advanced technologies to make possible to exploit those hydrocarbons. Tight gas is an example of this kind of unconventional reservoir. It refers to sandstone fields with low porosity, around 8%, and permeabilities between 0.1 and 0.0001 mD, which accumulates considerable amounts of natural gas. That natural gas can only be extracted by applying hydraulic fracturing, aiming at stimulating the reservoir, by creating a preferential way through the reservoir to the well, changing and making easier the flow of fluids, thus increasing the productivity of those reservoirs. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is analyzing the recovery factor of a reservoir by applying hydraulic fracturing. All the studies were performed through simulations using the IMEX software, by CMG (Computer Modelling Group), in it 2012.10 version


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This dissertation aims to continue the work developed previously concerning the properties of the employer of last resort program (ELR) that would be able to promote a complete elimination of the involuntary unemployment from the economy, so much of the unemployment generated by structural problems as for problems of the conjuncture, as the present world financial crisis. Besides, it intends to deepen the study concerning the applicability of that program to the Brazilian economy, estimating their potential target population in the country and the cost with the workers' remuneration. It was presented the ELR theoretical-conceptual structure and a debate concerning their economic viability; the program properties that turn it more efficient than the onetary and fiscal policies (PMFs) in the fight against involuntary unemployment in times of financial crises; a study on its applicability to the Brazilian socioeconomic specificities and an estimate of their potential target population and of the annual wage cost in the country, as a whole, and in the specific case of the Northeast region and of the state of Rio Grande do Norte.


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The present work aimed the elaboration of an environmental study focused on the hotel sector in order to present an analysis of the environmental aspects of Ponta Negra Beach, in Natal, RN, Brazil and also the aspects of the small and medium hotels existing in this area. By means of this work, it is possible to elaborate a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management which can attend to the exigencies required by NBR ISO 14001: 2004, as well as to present economical viability and possibility to be implemented in a way that hotels may converge to the sustainable environmental development of the tourism in Ponta Negra Beach. The research methodology presents itself divided into three items: execution of the environmental characterization of Ponta Negra Beach, by way of technical visits and interpretation of satellite images and cartograms of the main environmental characteristics of the region; execution of the work already made concerning the development, application and interpretation of the evaluation of the environmental aspects of each hotel, considering the hotels and the period of data collection, these used in evaluation, research instrument and a description of the procedure utilized for the analysis of the collected data and the utilized methodology for the elaboration of a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management. In a general way, it has been concluded that the practices executed by hotels in Ponta Negra Beach are impact-like and harmful to the environment. The simple implementation of analysis procedures and control of the environmental aspects could suggestively contribute to the reduction of environmental impacts promoted by the hotel section at this beach and in the nearby areas. It had been noticed that the study contributed to the sensitization of managers concerning the environmental problems since, in many other times, the detected problem was, in fact, the non-acquaintance about the environmental aspects and impacts from those hotels administrators, because of the lack of surveys and studies about the theme. It had also been noticed the arousing of a possible environmental attitude from some managers


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An evaluation project was conducted on the technique of treatment for effluent oil which is the deriving process to improve cashews. During the evaluation the following techniques were developed: advanced processes of humid oxidation, oxidative processes, processes of biological treatment and processes of adsorption. The assays had been carried through in kinetic models, with an evaluation of the quality of the process by means of determining the chemical demand of oxygen (defined as a technique of control by means of comparative study between the available techniques). The results demonstrated that the natural biodegradation of the effluent ones is limited, as result using the present natural flora in the effluent one revealed impracticable for an application in the industrial systems, independent of the evaluation environment (with or without the oxygen presence). The job of specific microorganisms for the oily composite degradation developed the viability technique of this route, the acceptable levels of inclusion in effluent system of treatment of the improvement of the cashew being highly good with reasonable levels of removal of CDO. However, the use combined with other techniques of daily pay-treatment for these effluent ones revealed to still be more efficient for the context of the treatment of effluent and discarding in receiving bodies in acceptable standards for resolution CONAMA 357/2005. While the significant generation of solid residues the process of adsorption with agroindustrial residues (in special the chitosan) is a technical viable alternative, however, when applied only for the treatment of the effluent ones for discarding in bodies of water, the economic viability is harmed and minimized ambient profits. Though, it was proven that if used for ends of I reuse, the viability is equalized and justifies the investments. There was a study of the photochemistry process which have are applicable to the treatment of the effluent ones, having resulted more satisfactory than those gotten for the UV-Peroxide techniques. There was different result on the one waited for the use of catalyses used in the process of Photo. The catalyses contained the mixing oxide base of Cerium and Manganese, incorporated of Potassium promoters this had presented the best results in the decomposition of the involved pollutants. Having itself an agreed form the gotten photochemistry daily paytreatment resulted, then after disinfection with chlorine the characteristics next the portability to the water were guarantee. The job of the humid oxidation presented significant results in the removal of pollutants; however, its high cost alone is made possible for job in projects of reuses, areas of low scarcity and of raised costs with the capitation/acquisition of the water, in special, for use for industrial and potable use. The route with better economic conditions and techniques for the job in the treatment of the effluent ones of the improvement of the cashew possesses the sequence to follow: conventional process of separation water-oil, photochemistry process and finally, the complementary biological treatment


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The diesel combustion form sulfur oxides that can be discharged into the atmosphere as particulates and primary pollutants, SO2and SO3, causing great damage to the environment and to human health. These products can be transformed into acids in the combustion chamber, causing damage to the engines. The worldwide concern with a clean and healthy environment has led to more restrictive laws and regulations regulating the emission levels of pollutants in the air, establishing sulfur levels increasingly low on fuels. The conventional methods for sulfur removal from diesel are expensive and do not produce a zero-level sulfur fuel. This work aims to develop new methods of removing sulfur from commercial diesel using surfactants and microemulsion systems. Its main purpose is to create new technologies and add economic viability to the process. First, a preliminary study using as extracting agent a Winsor I microemulsion system with dodecyl ammonium chloride (DDACl) and nonyl phenol ethoxylated (RNX95) as surfactant was performed to choose the surfactant. The RNX95 was chosen to be used as surfactant in microemulsioned systems for adsorbent surface modification and as an extracting agent in liquid-liquid extraction. Vermiculite was evaluated as adsorbent. The microemulsion systems applied for vermiculite surface modification were composed by RNX95 (surfactant), n-butanol (cosurfactant), n-hexane (oil phase), and different aqueous phases, including: distilled water (aqueous phase),20ppm CaCl2solution, and 1500ppm CaCl2solution. Batch and column adsorption tests were carried out to estimate the ability of vermiculite to adsorb sulfur from diesel. It was used in the experiments a commercial diesel fuel with 1,233ppm initial sulfur concentration. The batch experiments were performed according to a factorial design (23). Two experimental sets were accomplished: the first one applying 1:2 vermiculite to diesel ratio and the second one using 1:5 vermiculite to diesel ratio. It was evaluated the effects of temperature (25°C and 60°C), concentration of CaCl2in the aqueous phase (20ppm and 1500ppm), and vermiculite granule size (65 and 100 mesh). The experimental response was the ability of vermiculite to adsorb sulfur. The best results for both 1:5 and 1:2 ratios were obtained using 60°C, 1500ppm CaCl2solution, and 65 mesh. The best adsorption capacities for 1:5 ratio and for 1:2 ratio were 4.24 mg sulfur/g adsorbent and 2.87 mg sulfur/g adsorbent, respectively. It was verified that the most significant factor was the concentration of the CaCl2 solution. Liquid-liquid extraction experiments were performed in two and six steps using the same surfactant to diesel ratio. It was obtained 46.8% sulfur removal in two-step experiment and 73.15% in six-step one. An alternative study, for comparison purposes, was made using bentonite and diatomite asadsorbents. The batch experiments were done using microemulsion systems with the same aqueous phases evaluated in vermiculite study and also 20ppm and 1500 ppm BaCl2 solutions. For bentonite, the best adsorption capacity was 7.53mg sulfur/g adsorbent with distilled water as aqueous phase of the microemulsion system and for diatomite the best result was 17.04 mg sulfur/g adsorbent using a 20ppm CaCl2solution. The accomplishment of this study allowed us to conclude that, among the alternatives tested, the adsorption process using adsorbents modified by microemulsion systems was considered the best process for sulfur removal from diesel fuel. The optimization and scale upof the process constitutes a viable alternative to achieve the needs of the market


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This study analyzed the effects of adding dry sugar cane molasses (MSC) to the feed of broiler chickens, and determining the economic feasibility of use of this type of diet; 240 male Ross race broiler chickens, one day in age, were utilized in this study. The experimental desing was a completely randomized whit 6 treatments and 4 replications, in 24 portions of 10 birds per parcel. The treatments corresponded to 6 rations (T1-T6) in phase initial (1-21 days) and 6 rations (T1-T6) in phasem finish (22-42 days) characterized by substitution of corn meal in levels increase 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25% by the molasse dried sugar-cane. The birds received water and free ration during the whole creation phase, being the iso-proteins and iso-calories rations. The variance analysis showed the 1 a 21 days significant differences for average gain weight (P<0,05), average consumption of ration (P<0,05) and average alimentary conversion (P<0,05) and the 22 a 42 days, the analysis of variance showed significant differences for gain in weight (P<0,01) and average alimentary conversion (P<0,05). There no difference significant on average consumption of ration (P>0,05) the 22 a 42 days of age. Results showed out that is possible to use molasse dried sugar-cane up to 8,3 % in broilers ration. It was concluded the level of 8,3 % of addition gave the best economical returns in the experimental conditions


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Waste stabilization ponds (WSP) have been widely used for sewage treatment in hot climate regions because they are economic and environmentally sustainable. In the present study a WSP complex comprising a primary facultative pond (PFP) followed by two maturation ponds (MP-1 and MP-2) was studied, in the city of Natal-RN. The main objective was to study the bio-degradability of organic matter through the determination of the kinetic constant k throughout the system. The work was carried out in two phases. In the first, the variability in BOD, COD and TOC concentrations and an analysis of the relations between these parameters, in the influent raw sewage, pond effluents and in specific areas inside the ponds was studied. In the second stage, the decay rate for organic matter (k) was determined throughout the system based on BOD tests on the influent sewage, pond effluents and water column samples taken from fixed locations within the ponds, using the mathematical methods of Least Squares and the Thomas equation. Subsequently k was estimated as a function of a hydrodynamic model determined from the dispersion number (d), using empirical methods and a Partial Hydrodynamic Evaluation (PHE), obtained from tracer studies in a section of the primary facultative pond corresponding to 10% of its total length. The concentrations of biodegradable organic matter, measured as BOD and COD, gradually reduced through the series of ponds, giving overall removal efficiencies of 71.95% for BOD and of 52.45% for COD. Determining the values for k, in the influent and effluent samples of the ponds using the mathematical method of Least Squares, gave the following values respectively: primary facultative pond (0,23 day-1 and 0,09 day-1), maturation 1 (0,04 day-1 and 0,03 day-1) and maturation 2 (0,03 day-1 and 0,08 day-1). When using the Thomas method, the values of k in the influents and effluents of the ponds were: primary facultative pond (0,17 day-1 and 0,07 day-1), maturation 1 (0,02 day-1 and 0,01 day-1) and maturation 2 (0,01 day-1 and 0,02 day-1). From the Partial Hydrodynamic Evaluation, in the first section of the facultative pond corresponding to 10% of its total length, it can be concluded from the dispersion number obtained of d = 0.04, that the hydraulic regime is one of dispersed flow with a kinetic constant value of 0.20 day-1


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The sludge generated in stabilization ponds can be designed for various purposes, among them we mention agricultural use, recovery of degraded areas and civil construction. The choice of these alternatives should be made based on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sludge. In this context, this study characterized the digested sludge from an anaerobic lagoon in Cidade do Natal/RN, which deals exclusively with residues of depleted septic tanks and pits. The sludge showed levels of macro and micronutrients that confirm its potential for agriculture, with 139.49 g.kg -1 organic matter, 15.40 g.kg-1 nitrogen and metal concentrations below those required by Resolution No. 375/06 of CONAMA, besides the absence of fecal coliform and less than 0.15 viable helminthes eggs/g, on average. The particle size distribution showed that most of the particles have a diameter similar to the sand, allowing the replacement of this input, for example. Analysis of the leachate and of the sludge solubilized classified as non-inert and non-hazardous according to NBR 10.004/04. The volume produced in three years of operation by the pond was 1903.50m³, equivalent to approximately 400 kg of dry sludge. Overall, the concentrations of the parameters were similar to literature, although none of them addresses sludge anaerobic pond treating sewer from septic tanks and pits.The sludgepresents technical feasibility to various types of use, however the cost of dewatering and especially with transport can derail it. It needs to be made a more thorough study of the costs to prove its economic viability


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Pulmonary Rehabilitation, especially due to aerobic exercise, positive impact in reducing morbidity/mortality of patients with COPD, however the economic impact with costs of implementing simple programs of aerobic exercise are scarce. This is a blind randomized clinical trials, which aimed to evaluate the costs and benefits of a simple program of aerobic exercise in individuals with COPD, considering the financial costs of the Public Health System and its secondary endpoints. We evaluated lung function, the distance walked during six minutes of walking, the respiratory and peripheral muscle strength, quality of life related to health (QLRH), body composition and level of activity of daily living (ADL) before and after eight weeks of an aerobic exercise program consisting of educational guidance for both groups, control and intervention and supervised walks to the intervention group. The health costs generated in both groups were calculated following table Brazilian Public Health System. The sample consisted of forty patients, two being excluded in the initial phase of desaturation during the walk test six minutes. Were randomized into control and intervention group thirty-eight patients, three were excluded from the control group and one was excluded from the intervention group. At the end, thirty-four COPD comprised the sample, 16 in the control group and 18 in the intervention group (FEV1: 50.9 ± 14% pred and FEV1: 56 ± 0.5% pred, respectively). After for intervention, the intervention group showed improvement in meters walked, the sensation of dyspnea and fatigue at work, BODE index (p <0.01) in QLRH, ADL level (p <0.001) as well as increased strength lower limbs (p <0.05). The final cost of the program for the intervention group was R $ 148.75, including: assessments, hiking supervised by a physiotherapist and reassessments. No patient had exacerbation of IG, while 2 patients in the CG exacerbated, generating an average individual cost of R $ 689.15. The aerobic exercises in the form of walking showed significant clinical benefits and economic feasibility of its implementation, due to low cost and easy accessibility for patients, allowing them to add their daily practice of aerobic exercises