62 resultados para Auxina sintética
Flowering is a fundamental process in the life cycle for plant. This process is marked by vegetative to reproductive apical meristem conversion, due to interactions between several factors, both internal and external to plant. Therefore, eight subtractive libraries were constructed using apical meristem induced or not induced for two contrasting species: Solanum lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom and Solanum pimpinellifolium. Several cDNAs were identified and among these, were selected two cDNAs: one homologous cDNA to cyclophilin (LeCYP1) and the other to Auxin repressed protein (ARP). It has observed that LeCYP1 and ARP genes are important in the developmental process to plants. In silico analysis, were used several databases with the exclusion criterion E-value <1.0x10-15. As a result, conservation was observed for proteins analyzed by means of multiple alignments and the presence of functional domains. Then, overexpression cassettes were constructed for the ARP cDNA in sense and antisense orientations. For this step, it was used the CaMV35S promoter. The cDNA orientation (sense or antisense) in relation to the promoter was determined by restriction enzymes and sequencing. Then, this cassette was transferred to binary vector pZP211 and these cassettes were transferred into Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404. S. lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom (MT) and MT-Rg1 plants were transformed. In addition, seedlings were subjected to hormone treatments using a synthetic auxin (- naphthalene acetic acid) and cyclosporin A (cyclophilin inhibitor) treatments and it was found that the hormone treatment there were changes in development of lateral roots pattern, probably related to decreases in auxin signaling caused by reduction of LeCYP1 in MT-dgt plants while cyclosporin A treatments, there was a slight delay in flowering in cv. MT plants. Furthermore, assay with real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) were done for expression level analysis from LeCYP1 and ARP in order to functionally characterize these sequences in tomato plants.
Flowering is a fundamental process in the life cycle for plant. This process is marked by vegetative to reproductive apical meristem conversion, due to interactions between several factors, both internal and external to plant. Therefore, eight subtractive libraries were constructed using apical meristem induced or not induced for two contrasting species: Solanum lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom and Solanum pimpinellifolium. Several cDNAs were identified and among these, were selected two cDNAs: one homologous cDNA to cyclophilin (LeCYP1) and the other to Auxin repressed protein (ARP). It has observed that LeCYP1 and ARP genes are important in the developmental process to plants. In silico analysis, were used several databases with the exclusion criterion E-value <1.0x10-15. As a result, conservation was observed for proteins analyzed by means of multiple alignments and the presence of functional domains. Then, overexpression cassettes were constructed for the ARP cDNA in sense and antisense orientations. For this step, it was used the CaMV35S promoter. The cDNA orientation (sense or antisense) in relation to the promoter was determined by restriction enzymes and sequencing. Then, this cassette was transferred to binary vector pZP211 and these cassettes were transferred into Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404. S. lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom (MT) and MT-Rg1 plants were transformed. In addition, seedlings were subjected to hormone treatments using a synthetic auxin (- naphthalene acetic acid) and cyclosporin A (cyclophilin inhibitor) treatments and it was found that the hormone treatment there were changes in development of lateral roots pattern, probably related to decreases in auxin signaling caused by reduction of LeCYP1 in MT-dgt plants while cyclosporin A treatments, there was a slight delay in flowering in cv. MT plants. Furthermore, assay with real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) were done for expression level analysis from LeCYP1 and ARP in order to functionally characterize these sequences in tomato plants.
The Vitamin E consists of eight chemically homologous forms, designated alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols and tocotrienols. Biologically, the alpha-tocopherol (α-TOH) is the most important. Commercially, are found two types of α-TOH a natural (RRR-alpha-tocopherol) and another synthetic (all-rac-alpha-tocopherol). Both forms are absorbed in the intestine, the liver is a preference in favor of forms 2R, due to transfer protein α-TOH. It has higher affinity to these stereoisomers. Newborns are considered high risk for vitamin E deficiency, mainly premature, these have breast milk as a food source for maintenance of serum α-TOH. Clinical signs such as thrombocytosis, hemolytic anemia, retrolental fibroplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and spinocerebellar degeneration can be found in case of a low intake of α-TOH. Thus, maternal supplementation on postpartum with α-TOH can be an efficient way to increase levels of vitamin E in breast milk and thus the consequently increase the supply of micronutrient for the newborn. However, most studies with vitamin E supplementation have been conducted in animals and little is known about the effect of maternal supplementation in humans, as well as on its efficiency to increase levels of α-TOH in human milk, depending on the shape natural or synthetic. The study included 109 women, divided into three groups: control without supplementation (GC) (n=36), supplemented with natural capsule (GNAT) (n=40) and the synthetic capsule (GSINT) (n=33). Blood samples were collected for determination of maternal nutritional status, and colostrums at initial contact and after 24 hours post-supplementation. Analyses were performed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Values of α-TOH in serum below 499.6mg/dL were considered deficient. We used the Kruskal-Wallis test and Tukey test to confirm the increase of alpha-tocopherol in milk and efficiency of administered capsules. Daily consumption of α-TOH was based on daily intake of 500 mL of colostrum by the newborn and compared with the nutritional requirement for children from 0 to 6 months of age, 4 mg / day. The mothers had mean concentration of serum α-TOH in 1016 ± 52, 1236 ± 51 and 1083 ± 61 mg / dL, in CG, GNAT and GSINT respectively. There were no women with deficiiency. The GC did not change the concentrations of α-TOH in colostrum. While women supplemented with natural and synthetic forms increased concentrations of α-TOH colostrum in 57.6% and 39%, respectively. By comparing supplemented groups, it was observed a significant difference (p=0.04), the natural capsule more efficient than the synthetic, approximately 49.6%. Individually, 21.1% of the women provided below 4mg/day of α-TOH, after supplementation for this index declined4.1%. Thus, maternal supplementation postpartum raised the levels of alpha-tocopherol in colostrum, and increased efficiency was observed with the natural form
Boron is a semi-metal present in certain types of soils and natural waters. It is essential to the healthy development of plants and non-toxic to humans, depending on its concentration. It is used in various industries and it s present in water production coming from oil production. More specifically in Rio Grande do Norte, one of the largest oil producers on shore of Brazil, the relationship water/oil in some fields becomes more than 90%. The most common destination of this produced water is disposal in open sea after processing to meet the legal specification. In this context, this research proposes to study the extraction of boron in water produced by microemulsion systems for industrial utilization. It was taken into account the efficiency of extraction of boron related to surfactant (DDA and OCS, both characterized by FT-IR), cosurfactant (butanol and isoamyl alcohol), organic phase (kerosene and heptanes) and aqueous phase (solution of boron 3.6 ppm in alkaline pH). The ratio cosurfactant/ surfactant used was four and the percentage of organic phases for all points of study was set at 5%. It was chosen points with the highest percentage of aqueous phase. Each system was designed for three points of different compositions in relation to the constituents of a pseudoternary diagram. These points were chosen according to studies of phase behavior in pseudoternary diagrams made in previous studies. For this research, points were chosen in the Winsor II region. The excess aqueous solution obtained in these systems was separated and analyzed by ICP OES. For the data set obtained, the better efficiency in the extraction of boron was obtained using the system with DAC, isoamyl alcohol and heptanes, which extracted 49% in a single step. OCS was not viable to the extraction of boron by microemulsion system in the conditions defined in this study
This paper aims to present the feasibility of using a composite using discarded material from the cultivation of banana tree (pseudostem), which is fibrillated together with synthetic resin replacing glass fiber to be used in structural elements that do not demand large mechanical stress such as reservoirs, troughs, domes, sewage pipes etc.. For this, there were studies about the mechanical properties of a composite made with polyester resin and fiber of banana tree (Musa sp, musac), in which the splints were removed from the pseudostem, being made fibrillation by hand, with the aid of a brush steel, followed by natural drying. After treatment for cleaning and removal of wax, the fiber was cut into pieces of approximately 60 mm to 100 mm, for, together with synthetic resin, make cards of a features fiber composite with random orientation relative to the weight of the resin. We used three different percentages of fiber (3%, 6% and 9%), in order to make a comparative study between them and what would be the one with the best performance. Were manufactured specimens of each material and then subjected to uniaxial tensile tests, three point bending, moisture absorption and thermal characteristics. The results show that, in general, the use of banana tree fiber is feasible simply by an improvement in the production process (machining of the procedure) and greater care in the manufacture of parts
The aim of this work is the treatment of produced water from oil by using electrochemical technology. Produced water is a major waste generated during the process of exploration and production in the oil industry. Several approaches are being studied aiming at the treatment of this effluent; among them can be cited the biological process and chemical treatments such as advanced oxidation process and electrochemical treatments (electrooxidation, electroflotation, electrocoagulation, electrocoagulation). This work studies the application of electrochemical technology in the treatment of the synthetic produced water effluent through the action of the electron, in order to remove or transform the toxic and harmful substances from the environment by redox reactions in less toxic substances. For this reason, we used a synthetic wastewater, containing a mixture H2SO4 0,5M and 16 HPAs, which are: naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo (a) anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k) fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, dibenzo(a, h)anthracene, benzo(g, h, i)perylene. Bulk electrochemical oxidation experiments were performed using a batch electrochemical reactor containing a pair of parallel electrodes, coupled with a power supply using a magnetic stirrer for favoring the transfer mass control. As anodic material was used, a Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA) of Ti/Pt, while as cathode was used a Ti electrode. Several samples were collected at specific times and after that, the analysis of these samples were carried out by using Gas Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC - MS) in order to determine the percentage of removal. The results showed that it was possible to achieve the removal of HPAs about 80% (in some cases, more than 80%). In addition, as an indicator of the economic feasibility of electrochemical treatment the energy consumption was analyzed for each hour of electrolysis, and based on the value kWh charged by ANEEL, the costs were estimated. Thus, the treatment costs of this research were quite attractive
Produced water has lately aroused interest due to their high degree of salinity, suspended oil particles, chemicals added in various manufacturing processes, heavy metals and radioactivity sometimes. Along with oil and due to its high volume production, water production is one of the pollutants of most concern in the process of oil extraction. PAHs due to their ubiquity and their characteristics carcinogenic or mutagenic and teratogenic even have attracted the attention of every scientific society. Formed from the incomplete combustion of organic matter may be natural or anthropogenic. Some materials have been researched with the goal of cleaning up environmental matrices that may be contaminated by hydrocarbons. Among these materials researched various clays have been employed, of which highlights the vermiculite. The family of phyllosilicates, vermiculite for its potential and its high hydrophobic surface area has been a tool widely used in the decontamination of water in processes of oil spills. However, when it loses its capacity expanded hydrophobic having the necessity of using a hidrofobizante to make it organophilic. Among the numerous hidrofobizantes researched and used the linseed oil was the pioneer. In this study sought to evaluate the capacity of removal of PAHs using the vermiculite hydrofobized with linseed oil and wax also, for it was made use of the 24 full factorial design as the main tool for the experiments. We also evaluated the clay grain size (-20 +48 and -48 +80 #), the percentage of hidrofobizante applied (5 and 10%) and salinity of the water produced synthesized in our laboratory (35,000 and 55,000 ppm). The molecular fluorescence spectroscopy due to its sensitivity and speed was used to verify the adsorption capacity of clay, as well as gas chromatography served as an auxiliary technique to identify and quantify the PAHs in solution. In order to characterize the vermiculite was made use of X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The infrared and thermogravimetry were essential to note hydrophobization and the amount of coating of clay. According to the fluorescence analysis showed that the test 12 was the best result in about 98% adsorption of fluorescent compounds, however the high salinity, the smallest particle size, the highest percentage of hidrofobizante and the use of linseed oil showed greater efficiency in the removal capacity of these hydrocarbons, in accordance with the trend followed by the analysis of the major factors of the factorial design. To verify the adsorption capacity of clay using a fixed volume of water produced synthetically, used as the test base 12, at their respective levels and factors. Thus, it was observed that after adding about 1 ½ liters of water solution produced synthetically, about 300 times its volume in mass, the vermiculite was able to adsorb 80% of fluorescent species present in solution
Estresses ambientais abióticos são fatores que causam respostas ao nível molecular, fisiológico e morfológico em plantas, dependendo também de sua intensidade e duração. É visto que algumas espécies apresentam tolerância a condições estressantes e ao mesmo tempo são fontes naturais de matéria prima para indústria. Nesse contexto encontra-se a mamona (Ricinus comunnis L.), principal fonte de óleo de rícino valorizado por suas aplicações farmacêuticas e principalmente industriais, vem sendo usada como cultura em regiões onde a disponibilidade de água é reduzida, usada como fonte de renda para agricultura da região nordeste brasileira. Visto que pouco se sabe sobre as respostas moleculares que levam essa planta a tolerar regiões secas e como as sementes, principais foco de interesse, respondem a essa escassez, nesse trabalho foram construídas duas bibliotecas de cDNAs, onde a partir de uma abordagem subtrativa, continham RNAs diferencialmente expressos em sementes de plantas mamona submetidas ao estresse hídrico durante 5 dias (biblioteca L7), e a outra RNAs diferencialmente expressos em sementes controle (biblioteca L5). A biblioteca L7 apresentou a maior variedade de transcritos com um total de 182. A maior parte das funções estabelecidas pelo sistema Gene Ontology - GO, foram direcionadas aos “Processos Metabólicos” (526), em segundo “Respostas a estímulos” (57), o terceiro termo mais abundante foram referentes a “Desenvolvimento”(26). Já na biblioteca L5, foram encontrados 91 transcritos, com maior parte de suas funções referentes a “Processos Metabólicos”(413), em segundo “Respostas a estímulos” (8) e em terceiro Regulação (6). Alguns dos transcritos da biblioteca L7 foram escolhidos para análise por repetirem-se mais de 3x e não aparecerem na biblioteca L5, o que indica uma possível regulação positiva sobre estresse. As análises sobre Metalotioneína (4x), mostraram que a sequência de proteica apresentava os domínios conservados que a caracterizava como tipo II, onde são encontrados dois domínios funcionais ricos em cisteína com posições altamente conservadas, desempenhando a função de ligar-se a metais pesados, correlacionadas assim como a atividade de eliminação EROs e defesa contra o estresse oxidativo, além de apresentar homologia com a sequência de Bruguiera gymnorhiza, uma planta de mangue adaptada a ambientes salinos. Analisamos também os transcritos da referente a proteína AUXIN-REPRESSED 12.5 KDA (3x), apontada como sendo reprimida pelo hormônio auxina e associada ao processo de dormência da semente, é descrito em uma família gênica onde vários membros pertencem as vias de resposta ao estresse. Por último, analisamos a proteína GLUTELIN TYPE-A 3 (5x), uma importante proteína de armazenamento com caráter hidrofílico, possivelmente direcionada para o vacúolo. Em nosso trabalho foi possível observar um aumento de transcritos em relação a subtração controle, possivelmente reflexo do aumento do metabolismo da semente, tanto para resposta defensiva ao estresse hídrico quanto para o amadurecimento rápido da semente onde foram observados transcritos referentes a resposta oxidativa, controle hormonal, proteínas de reserva e produção de óleo.
The Vitamin E consists of eight chemically homologous forms, designated alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols and tocotrienols. Biologically, the alpha-tocopherol (α-TOH) is the most important. Commercially, are found two types of α-TOH a natural (RRR-alpha-tocopherol) and another synthetic (all-rac-alpha-tocopherol). Both forms are absorbed in the intestine, the liver is a preference in favor of forms 2R, due to transfer protein α-TOH. It has higher affinity to these stereoisomers. Newborns are considered high risk for vitamin E deficiency, mainly premature, these have breast milk as a food source for maintenance of serum α-TOH. Clinical signs such as thrombocytosis, hemolytic anemia, retrolental fibroplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and spinocerebellar degeneration can be found in case of a low intake of α-TOH. Thus, maternal supplementation on postpartum with α-TOH can be an efficient way to increase levels of vitamin E in breast milk and thus the consequently increase the supply of micronutrient for the newborn. However, most studies with vitamin E supplementation have been conducted in animals and little is known about the effect of maternal supplementation in humans, as well as on its efficiency to increase levels of α-TOH in human milk, depending on the shape natural or synthetic. The study included 109 women, divided into three groups: control without supplementation (GC) (n=36), supplemented with natural capsule (GNAT) (n=40) and the synthetic capsule (GSINT) (n=33). Blood samples were collected for determination of maternal nutritional status, and colostrums at initial contact and after 24 hours post-supplementation. Analyses were performed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Values of α-TOH in serum below 499.6mg/dL were considered deficient. We used the Kruskal-Wallis test and Tukey test to confirm the increase of alpha-tocopherol in milk and efficiency of administered capsules. Daily consumption of α-TOH was based on daily intake of 500 mL of colostrum by the newborn and compared with the nutritional requirement for children from 0 to 6 months of age, 4 mg / day. The mothers had mean concentration of serum α-TOH in 1016 ± 52, 1236 ± 51 and 1083 ± 61 mg / dL, in CG, GNAT and GSINT respectively. There were no women with deficiiency. The GC did not change the concentrations of α-TOH in colostrum. While women supplemented with natural and synthetic forms increased concentrations of α-TOH colostrum in 57.6% and 39%, respectively. By comparing supplemented groups, it was observed a significant difference (p=0.04), the natural capsule more efficient than the synthetic, approximately 49.6%. Individually, 21.1% of the women provided below 4mg/day of α-TOH, after supplementation for this index declined4.1%. Thus, maternal supplementation postpartum raised the levels of alpha-tocopherol in colostrum, and increased efficiency was observed with the natural form
Boron is a semi-metal present in certain types of soils and natural waters. It is essential to the healthy development of plants and non-toxic to humans, depending on its concentration. It is used in various industries and it s present in water production coming from oil production. More specifically in Rio Grande do Norte, one of the largest oil producers on shore of Brazil, the relationship water/oil in some fields becomes more than 90%. The most common destination of this produced water is disposal in open sea after processing to meet the legal specification. In this context, this research proposes to study the extraction of boron in water produced by microemulsion systems for industrial utilization. It was taken into account the efficiency of extraction of boron related to surfactant (DDA and OCS, both characterized by FT-IR), cosurfactant (butanol and isoamyl alcohol), organic phase (kerosene and heptanes) and aqueous phase (solution of boron 3.6 ppm in alkaline pH). The ratio cosurfactant/ surfactant used was four and the percentage of organic phases for all points of study was set at 5%. It was chosen points with the highest percentage of aqueous phase. Each system was designed for three points of different compositions in relation to the constituents of a pseudoternary diagram. These points were chosen according to studies of phase behavior in pseudoternary diagrams made in previous studies. For this research, points were chosen in the Winsor II region. The excess aqueous solution obtained in these systems was separated and analyzed by ICP OES. For the data set obtained, the better efficiency in the extraction of boron was obtained using the system with DAC, isoamyl alcohol and heptanes, which extracted 49% in a single step. OCS was not viable to the extraction of boron by microemulsion system in the conditions defined in this study
VANTI, Nadia et al. Linguagens de indexação: uso das linguagens presentes na prática da indexação.In:ENCONTRO REGIONAL DE ESTUDANTES DE BIBLIOTECONOMIA, DOCUMENTAÇÃO, CIÊNCIA DA INFORMAÇÃO E GESTÃO DA INFORMAÇÃO,14, 2011, Maranhão. Anais... Maranhão: EREBD, 2011.
This study intends to enhance the existing knowledge concerning the patterns of the uses of space for low cost housing in Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, by way of comparative morphological studies in spatial arrangements and articulations regarding three distinct, however inter-related, sets of social housing: (1) a development comprising 21 self-built houses erected on public routes and illegal plots within a tract of land originally designed to be an industrial development: (2) architect-designed houses built by the public authority in order to accommodate the previous 21 (plus a few additions) families occupying the self-built dwellings, and (3) modifications performed by dwellers on a total of those 24 houses built by the public authority after an occupation period of one year. The predominant uses of each room within the self-built and modified houses were represented in ground plan, based on empirical observation, surveys with dwellers and the use of analytical procedures of morphologic analysis of nature predominantly geometric (specific) and topology (space syntax analysis). A scale of priorities was identified in relation to the uses of each room, its geometrical arrangement (adjacency, front/back relations etc), and underlying structures (connectivity, depth and spatial integration) in order to establish congruencies and non-congruencies between a social-cultural order embedded in the self-built domestic space and the design logic contained in the houses offered by official agencies. The comparative analysis points towards the convivial existence of two tendencies: one that seems to reinforce a design logic inasmuch as the additions and modifications performed by the dwellers do not alter but even emphasize the original configuration of the designed houses, and another one in which those patterns are subverted in accordance with a logic which, to a lesser or greater degree, coincides with that of the self-built dwellings
This research aims to study dimensions of urban life in the contemporaneous city. It is an effort to understand the functioning of the contemporary city as an artifact that somehow affects social relations. The study focuses on the limits and possibilities of urbanity in the city today, understanding urbanity as a set of factors that favor wealth, diversity and spontaneity of public life. The research aims to show that cities today tend to criate fragmented urban life into at least one of the three urbanity dimensions: spatial dimension, social and temporal dimension. The study involves the analysis of two public spaces in Fortaleza (Praça do Ferreira and the open urban public spaces of the Centro Cultural Dragão do Mar), using Space Syntax Analysis methods and for Post Occupancy Evaluation procedures. Research shows that temporal dimension of urbanity is limited in the public spaces studied. In Praça do Ferreira, spatial and social dimensions are present, but their effects are limited by the temporal dimension. The Dragão do Mar, on the other hand, the spatial and social dimensions of urban life are more limited and more concentrated in time
The destructive impact of improper disposal of heavy metals in the environment increases as a direct result of population explosion, urbanization and industrial expansion and technological developments. Argil are potential materials for adsorption of inorganic and the pelletization of it is required for use in adsorptive columns of fixed bed. The low cost and the possibility of regeneration makes these materials attractive for use in the purification process, capable of removing inorganic compounds in contaminated aquatic environments. In this work was made pellets of a mixture of dolomite and montmorillonite by wet agglomeration, in different percentages. The removal of Pb (II) was investigated through experimental studies, and was modeled by kinetic models and isotherms of adsorption. The materials were characterized using the techniques of XRD, TG / DTA, FT-IR, and surface area by BET method. The results showed the adsorption efficiency of the contaminant by the composite material studied in synthetic solution. The study found that the adsorption follows the Langmuir model, and the kinetics of adsorption follows the model of pseudosecond order
Heavy metals are used in many industrial processestheirs discard can harm fel effects to the environment, becoming a serious problem. Many methods used for wastewater treatment have been reported in the literature, but many of them have high cost and low efficiency. The adsorption process has been used as effective for the metal remoal ions. This paper presents studies to evaluate the adsorption capacity of vermiculite as adsorbent for the heavy metals removal in a synthetic solution. The mineral vermiculite was characterized by differents techniques: specific surface area analysis by BET method, X-ray diffraction, raiosX fluorescence, spectroscopy in the infraredd region of, laser particle size analysis and specific gravity. The physical characteristics of the material presented was appropriate for the study of adsorption. The adsorption experiments weredriveal finite bath metod in synthetic solutions of copper, nickel, cadmium, lead and zinc. The results showed that the vermiculite has a high potential for adsorption, removing about 100% of ions and with removal capacity values about 85 ppm of metal in solution, 8.09 mg / g for cadmium, 8.39 mg/g for copper, 8.40 mg/g for lead, 8.26 mg/g for zinc and 8.38 mg/g of nickel. The experimental data fit in the Langmuir and Freundlich models. The kinetic datas showed a good correlation with the pseudo-second order model. It was conducteas a competition study among the metals using vermiculiti a adsorbent. Results showed that the presence of various metals in solution does not influence their removal at low concentrations, removing approximat wasely 100 % of all metals present in solutions