23 resultados para Astronomía-Obras populares


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MEDEIROS, Ana Luiza. Seleção e formação de coleções de obras raras: da ordenação do saber à pratica cultural. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE BIBLIOTECONOMIA, DOCUMENTAÇÃO E CIÊNCIA DA INFORMAÇÃO, 24., Maceió, 2011. Anais... Maceió: FEBAB, 2011.


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This survey has to general objective to evaluate the Food Safety Policy implemented by Restaurantes Populares do Rio Grande do Norte. The survey is qualitative of type exploratory and descriptive. The universe of survey is all Units of Food and Nutrition (UAN) of the Restaurantes Populares do Rio Grande do Norte. To collects of data were used two instruments: interview and form. The interviews were intended to analyze the four axes of the Food Safety: access, food quality, production and marketing of food and organizational arrangement. The form was used to check the quality of nutrition and sanitary-hygienic food served. We used two types of forms: a spreadsheet with the weekly menu and the portions served to verify that the meals serve the nutritional needs proposed by the program; and the check-list of ANVISA to verify the sanitary-hygienic conditions in each unit. Through the survey data and analyses made observe that the access category have some problems such as lack of registration, lack of advertising of Restaurants and wastage of public resources, making policy that should be of included in a policy of exclusion. In the nutritional aspect there is neglect on the daily nutritional goal, because it is not accomplished nutritional analysis of menu offered, the nutritionists do not know what should be the nutritional value of meals served; in the hygienic-health aspect trough the problems identified is concludes that there is no guarantee of food quality hygienic-sanitary, committing the program as a Food Safety Program. About the production and marketing of food is observed some problems as: the goal of sale of meals is not achieved in full, the purchase of genres does not stimulate the local economy, nor generates jobs and income, and inefficient performance of the MEIOS's supervision. In the analysis of organizational arrangement is concluded that the partnerships are beneficial, despite some negative points, therefore, are these partnerships the problems of non-compliance, as both the MEIOS and Nutriti of important criteria established in the partnership. Therefore, it is understood that the Programa Restaurantes Populares in its original formulation is proposed to be a food safety policy, but has some problems that impossible to meet its goal, making it unprofitable like Food Safety Policy


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This essay studies the contribution of architect Acácio Gil Borsoi (1924-), who played an important role in the consolidation of Modern Architecture in the Northeast of Brazil. The universe analyzed is constituted of 48 residential projects, houses and apartment buildings, both built and unbuilt, dating from 1953 to 1970. Considering an analogy between architecture and language, the selected projects were analyzed focusing in the process of creation


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Rural Popular experiences, socially organized on the constructions of the dams at Espinharas River, Serra Negra do Norte, which have been investigated, have reached in positive results. Several institutions, such as the City and State Power, multilaterals, governmental and non-governmental financial organizations, commonly refer to the success of such experiences. What success are they referring to? Is it recognized by family rural workers? What about institutional parts, how do they evaluate such experience? Is there legal continuity on such association structure? What kinds of gains have there been with such experiences? Has the association structure become any stronger? In search for demystifying the process, it has been made a research on classic and contemporaneous authors, as well as the interview of ten institutional parts, and twenty rural parts involved on the process, as well as the analysis of thirty-eight of the associations. It was concluded that the applied social public policies had resulted in heterogeneous social-economical process that has fulfilled the first step of a planning (not yet documented, but know by some institutional parts which lead, and still lead such social initiative). In the coming years the associations are to have a great potential for development, with the dams, as well as other projects. This persistence and external support, when integrated may have great deeds come to reality


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Ce travail est une contribution aux études anthropologiques conduites sur la sexualité et le corps dans les classes populaires. Il cherche à analyser le processus de construction des représentations du corps ainsi que sa relation avec la sexualité et le genre, à partir d une approche de la construction sociale. En ce sens, la ligne directrice de cette discussion est d une part le concept de corps compris comme une construction socioculturelle propre à chaque société, d autre part les différents usages et représentations dont chaque classe sociale investit le corps. A cette fin, une recherche de caractère ethnographique a été réalisée auprès d adolescents âgés de treize à dix-sept ans, résidents d un quartier populaire de Natal (Brésil), le Guarapes. Conduit d avril 2005 à juillet 2006, ce travail de terrain a mêlé observation directe et entretiens avec des adolescents des deux sexes


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This project has resulted from a reunion between me and two teachers with whom I had already worked, pedagogically counseling them during the execution of the Project of Youngsters and Adults Schooling at the Agrarian Reform Settlements in the State of Sergipe (PAJA/PRONERA) between 2002 and 2003. The matter that really motivated the research was related to the essential principle that guided the accomplishment of the PAJA s teachers education and professionalization: understanding their reality and knowing their needs, promoting the dialogue between scientific and common sense knowledge. Taking as a reference the fact that the teachers education is not restricted to the academic qualification, that is, that it is a part of the educational process, which, in turn, is a result of each one s personal background, dialectically individual and collective, the access to the teachers reality and needs was accomplished by studying their backgrounds, especially their school and professional career. They, inevitably, focused themselves on the country life s social and cultural context, that could be better understood by living together with the teachers during the twenty-seven days I stayed in the Golfo s settlement, located in the town named Pacatuba/SE. The approach to the teachers lives through their stories and the daily contact proved how much Science is still distant from the peasants routine, sometimes being presented to them as a finished product . That way, the dialog between those two categories and the expectation of the country life s social and cultural conditions, together with the education, in which teachers have an essential role, still remain as a challenge


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The present thesis is an analysis of Adrien-Marie Legendre s works on Number Theory, with a certain emphasis on his 1830 edition of Theory of Numbers. The role played by these works in their historical context and their influence on the development of Number Theory was investigated. A biographic study of Legendre (1752-1833) was undertaken, in which both his personal relations and his scientific productions were related to certain historical elements of the development of both his homeland, France, and the sciences in general, during the 18th and 19th centuries This study revealed notable characteristics of his personality, as well as his attitudes toward his mathematical contemporaries, especially with regard to his seemingly incessant quarrels with Gauss about the priority of various of their scientific discoveries. This is followed by a systematic study of Lagrange s work on Number Theory, including a comparative reading of certain topics, especially that of his renowned law of quadratic reciprocity, with texts of some of his contemporaries. In this way, the dynamics of the evolution of his thought in relation to his semantics, the organization of his demonstrations and his number theoretical discoveries was delimited. Finally, the impact of Legendre s work on Number Theory on the French mathematical community of the time was investigated. This investigation revealed that he not only made substantial contributions to this branch of Mathematics, but also inspired other mathematicians to advance this science even further. This indeed is a fitting legacy for his Theory of Numbers, the first modern text on Higher Arithmetic, on which he labored half his life, producing various editions. Nevertheless, Legendre also received many posthumous honors, including having his name perpetuated on the Trocadéro face of the Eiffel Tower, which contains a list of 72 eminent scientists, and having a street and an alley in Paris named after him


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In this research, we invite to reflection by a phenomenological gaze on the body, through the description of some works of contemporary Brazilian dance company Grupo Corpo. This Company was chosen intentionally to give us elements in their creations to interrogate the understanding of the body and sensitive. Thus, as we launch issues in this dissertation: that body dance in Grupo Corpo? And as we can see, a phenomenological approach, an understanding of the body and sensitive works in that company? Building on this, the works are to be questioned Benguelê (1998/2003), Lecuona (2004) and Onqotô (2005). It is intended, through these works, coreological approaching the discourse of philosophical discourse and give movement to phenomenological thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, in special the sensitive, flesh of the body, the investment in the sensory world as a merger, calling the know body and its power to take chances, to incorporate the world, language, culture, create and choose. Thus, these openings is where thought enters this research. This consistency, we used the phenomenological attitude of Maurice Merleau-Ponty as a methodological approach, since in their study the philosopher takes a look expressive on the body, forming a sensitive language that is expressed in the movements, which deepens the arguments of the Phenomenology a new arrangement for knowledge as a result of our experience in the lived world. The reflections presented here aim to take us to the amazement, the unthinking, whom many still impose epistemological challenges, including understanding the body of knowledge and sensitive


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Popular practices correspond to the resources used by households, lay people and popular therapists, whose perception of knowledge is constructed in the everyday. In this context, the sick child can become vulnerable to be dependent on a family caregiver, who often decide to employ popular practices. Thus, the child care should be shared between carer and health professional. However, they know little about the resources that the family uses to detect a grievance in infant. Therefore, the present research aimed to analyse the use of popular practices by caregivers of children with zero to five years old. We conducted an exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative approach, together with 15 caregivers of children who were treated at the Joint Unit Felipe Shrimp, located in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. To select the participants, they should be age and above 18 years; be caregivers of children up to five years of age; and reside in the area ascribed the Joint Unit Felipe Shrimp. The data collection took place between September and October 2013, through in depth interview. This step was preceded by the approval of the Health Department of the city of Natal; the direction of the Joint Unit Felipe Shrimp; as well as, the Committee on Ethics in Research from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte with Certificate of Presentation and Consideration Ethics, No 15467013.8.0000.5537. Furthermore, the interviewees formally authorized their participation in the research by signing the consent form. The data were treated according to the technique of content analysis in the form of thematic analysis according to Bardin. This process, four categories emerged: "Types of popular practices used in the care of the child"; "Source of information of popular practices"; "Results obtained with popular practices"; "Factors that hinder the adoption of common practices." The results showed the use of popular practices by caregivers in the case of illness to children such as the homemade preparations with medicinal plants and folk healers. The family environment was referenced as the main learning space and spread of popular practices, which are influenced by cultural relations present in this context. As to the results obtained with popular features, the caregivers said to be satisfactory, and this triggers a feeling of confidence and acceptability of such measures. It is concluded that the use of popular practices in child care persists in everyday most of the participants, despite the hegemony of allopathic therapy. The caregivers stated that such practices are effective and easy to obtain, being secured in context by popular culture. In addition, health professionals, especially nurses, were seldom mentioned by the caregivers as to the information concerning popular resources used by them, which suggests the weakness in dialogic process of negotiating practices between both of them


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The increasing competitiveness of the construction industry, set in an economic environment in which the offer is now greater than the demand , causes the prices of many products and services, are strongly influenced by the processes of production and the final consumer. Thus, to become more competitive in the market and construction companies are seeking new alternatives to reduce and control costs, production processes and tools that allow for close monitoring of the construction schedule, with the consequent compliance deadline with the client. Based on this scenario, the creation of control tools, service management and planning work emerges as an investment opportunity and an area that can promote great benefits to construction companies. The goal of this work is to present a system of planning, service management and costs control that through worksheets provide information relating to the production phase of the work, allowing the visualization of possible irregularities in the planning and cost of the enterprise, enabling the company to take steps to achieve the goals of the enterprise in question, and correct them when necessary. The developed system has been used in a piece of real estate in Rio Grande do Norte, and the results showed that its use together allowed the construction company to accompany their results and take corrective and preventive actions during the production process, efficiently and effective


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According to great concern between the developed industrial activities and resultant impacts over the environment, an association of several factors have occurred, procedures to the efficient management of the rotation between economical development and the environment have been improved. A research in field have been realized inside building sites of companies in order to provide knowledge about the implemented and accomplish actions according to the resolution from CONAMA nº307. Trough the interview among the representations of the companies and photographic survey in loco, such as, what makes the companies implement this management, reutilization and recycling, transport and disposition. The present study had as objective: analyze the insertion of the used tools to residuals management, proposing improvements, in a way that it can be easily identified during the procedures execution in the building sites of the building companies of the city of Natal/RN. To reach the goal, in the first place a revision of the pertinent literature was performed; there for, it can be seen the relation between residues management and environment sustainability, once it happens in a continued way it may prevent the waste and reduces the risk that the activities way bring to the employees, community and environment; once found the great difficult faced with regard to labors, material, equipment, project, planning, costumer s interference, furnisher. And still, it could be verified wich materials generate greater indexes of residues in the works and the main occurrences of waste and loss. However a greater transparency is needed coming from the high administration in the commitment with the continued actions, to make it so, there must be a cultural change inside the company. There for there will be a greater productivity and quality of the under taking such as costumer s satisfaction


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In Brazil the theme quality in public construction has been widely discussed in the early 1990s, with the creation of the Brazilian Program of Quality and Productivity for the Habitat (PBQP-H) which is strongly influenced by the wave of studies on issues of quality in the world, such as the ISO 9000. Over the years, other approaches have emerged and been consolidated, evolving from market and customer´s needs. An example is the Six Sigma methodology. This study aims to examine the Six Sigma, ISO 9000 and PBQP-H methodologies, noting the common elements, differences, gaps and how the methods are complementary, so that with the ongoing work, proposed initiatives can be developed to improve the quality that enables its application in public construction. Still aiming to optimize the deployment of the proposed initiatives, it was performed an analysis of ISO 9001 and PBPQ-H certifications in Brazil and in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, with respect to the construction industry and a case study to identify the factors that influence the adoption of initiatives to improve quality, and check if the selected construction company is prepared to implement the proposed initiatives. This research is characterized as exploratory and applied, with literature review and a case study. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire and the statistical analysis used a multidimensional scaling method. The conclusion is that the methodologies are compatible and complementary, and their integration could potentialize the goals set. It was identified that the state of Rio Grande do Norte has a few number of certifications in construction. Nine initiatives are proposed for implementation at construction companies. In the case study it was found that the studied company would be able to implement the suggestions proposed and the requirement for certification by clients and funding institutions influence the adoption of quality improvement initiatives. This result confirms the literature which states that top management support is crucial for the successful implementation of quality methodologies


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At present, the network re appear like alternatives of find forms in arrangements inter-organizational that offer his members better opportunities of modernizes technological, insertion in the market, managerial and at the same time permit the exchange of experiences, information and knowledge for fortify and compete of equal for equal, permitting brighten up the harmful effects of the compete wild. A threat that can be minimized by the organization in net and the use of other forms interorganizational and strategic alliances. Therefore the demonstrates the context of the competitive cooperation in network, seeking criteria of analysis of that phenomenon organizational, on the basis of a study of case of the net ITCPs and in the literature researched, aimed with that criterion and indicator for creation of a model of evaluation in the future (Factor Net) that be prominent for the drawing of those forms organizational you maintained, supportive, competitive and cooperative


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A housing unit was built to study the thermal performance, and of material using a composite made of gypsum and EPS ground. We used two techniques of construction, using blocks, and filling on the spot. Two compositions of the composite were studied. The blocks were fixed using conventional mortar. In the technical of filling on the spot were used PET bottles up inside the walls to provide mechanical and thermal resistance. Compression tests were realized according to the ABNT standard of sealing bricks. It is going to be shown an analysis of the thermal comfort through the use of thermocouples placed on the walls of the building, internally and externally. The manufacturing viability of houses, using recyclable materials, through the use of composite materials proposed will be demonstrated. The constructive aspects showing the advantages and disadvantages of the technique used also will be broached. The block used presents structural functions and thermal insulating, is low cost and represents an alternative to the use of EPS and PET bottles which are materials that end up occupying much space in the landfills, giving than an ecologically correct use. The results of thermal analysis shows the thermal comfort provided by the composite by the obtainment of a difference between the internal and external surfaces of the walls more exposed to the sun around 7º C. The average temperature of the air inside the building, around 28.0 º C was below the zone of thermal comfort recommended for countries with hot weather


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico