54 resultados para Aquisição da linguagem


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This dissertation aims at investigating the teachers beliefs about the role of the reading ability in English at public state high schools in Natal and identifying the social value of the process of learning English for students of a foreign language. From the understanding of studies on reading, both in the field of Cognitive Psychology, as in Gibson & Levin (1975), as in the area of Psycholinguistics, as in Goodman (1970) and Del Re (2006), We researched the teachers perceptions about the skills and competencies that should permeate their educational practices, through their knowledge about theories of language acquisition as Cognitivism (Piaget, 1961) and Social Interactionism (Vygotsky, 1979) and the official documents (PCNEM, 1999; PCN+, 2002 ) that are the parameters for teaching a foreign language. We took into consideration other factors that influence the choice of the goals and the objectives to be worked out, such as: intensity of teachers workload, number of classes and students per class for each teacher, materials and technologies available, among other factors that will play an important role in the choice of the appropriate methodologies. To conduct a case study, two questionnaires were used in the construction of direct interviews with fourteen English teachers in twenty schools. According to data on the teachers beliefs we could find that for them the reading ability does not seem to have an special treatment in the teaching of a foreign language due to factors that undermine this process and therefore make teachers do not realize the real objectives of teaching English at public state high schools in Natal. As a consequence, the current process of education complicates the formation of autonomous learners capable of fighting for a social transformation


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A epilepsia cursa com diversas comorbidades e, entre elas, estão as alterações de linguagem, que levam a criança a problemas educacionais e sociais desfavoráveis. A etiologia das alterações de linguagem envolve aspectos orgânicos, cognitivos e sociais, ocorrendo, na maioria das vezes, uma interrelação entre todos esses fatores. A idade da primeira crise epiléptica, o tipo de epilepsia, o uso de drogas antiepilépticas e a intervenção medicamentosa em politerapia podem implicar na ocorrência dessas alterações em crianças. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi verificar a ocorrência de alterações de linguagem em crianças pré-escolares e escolares com diagnóstico de epilepsia atendidas no setor de Neurologia Infantil do Hospital de Pediatria Professor Heriberto Ferreira Bezerra. Caracterizou-se como um estudo prospectivo e transversal realizado com 90 crianças com epilepsia, submetidas à avaliação fonoaudiológica de linguagem oral e de leitura e escrita e como pesquisa interdisciplinar uma vez que envolveu áreas como a Fonoaudiologia, a Neurologia e a Psicologia. Os critérios de inclusão foram: 1) diagnóstico inequívoco de epilepsia, segundo a definição da ILAE (2005), 2) idade de 3 aos 12 anos, 3) padrão neurológico e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor normais; os de exclusão: 1) diagnóstico de epilepsia duvidoso, 2) padrão neurológico e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor alterados, 3) crianças com patologias pediátricas associadas. Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: sexo, idade da primeira crise epiléptica, tipo de crise epiléptica, regime de tratamento, presença de crise epiléptica, frequência à escola, tipo de escola e repetência. A análise estatística centrou-se na análise descritiva; determinou-se a razão de chances (odds ratio), adotando-se um intervalo de confiança de 95%; e na aplicação do teste exato de Fisher, levando-se em consideração p<0,05. Portanto, no que se refere à presença de alterações de linguagem oral, pôdese observar que o início das crises epilépticas durante o período de aquisição e desenvolvimento da linguagem oral bem como o tratamento medicamentoso neste período podem interferir no desenvolvimento da linguagem devido à imaturidade do sistema nervoso central além dos aspectos socioambientais, uma vez que o estigma e as crenças errôneas interferem negativamente no processo interacional tão importante para a aquisição e desenvolvimento da linguagem, o que também repercute nas habilidades de leitura e escrita. Dessa forma percebe-se a importância da atuação de uma equipe interdisciplinar (Fonoaudiologia, Psicologia e Neurologia Infantil) no processo avaliativo e no acompanhamento dos pacientes com epilepsia, o que trará benefícios psicosocioafetivos no que se refere à reorganização da sua qualidade de vida e, consequentemente, de seus familiares.


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This thesis aimed to evaluate the implementation of the Food Acquisition Program(PAA) through CONAB RN in the period of 2003-2010 with the perception of all agents involved in the implementation of the government program.For the methodological trajectory it was adopted a descriptive bibliographical and documentary approach with triangular qualitative and quantitative, also called evaluative research.The theoretical model was supported by the authors Draibe (2001), Aguilar and Ander-Egg (1994) and Silva(2001), among others, that focused on family farming and evaluation of implementation of public policy having as a category of analysis the size implementation of policy and the latter divided into 10 theoretical dimensions.The universe consisted of three groups: the first were the managers and technicians from CONAB(RN and Brasilia), totaling 15 subjects. The second group was of associations/cooperatives that participated in the programin 2010, totaling a sample in each access of 15 representatives. The third group of subjects totaled with 309 representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations that received donations of food for the same period. Semi-structured interviews and forms were adopted as instruments of data collection.The data were processed qualitatively by the analysis of content (interviews and documents) and quantitatively by means of statistical tests that allowed inferences and adoption of frequencies. Among the key find ingests that the program is not standing as a structure supported by planning. The interests of the performers do not necessarily converge with the objectives of the Food Acquisition Program (PAA). A shockof goals was identified (within the same program) when comparingthe financial agent (Ministry of Rural Development and of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger Ministry r) and the executor, CONAB/RN. Within the assessed dimensions, the most fragileis the sub-managerial decision-making and Organizational Environment and internal assessment, still deserves attention the sizeof logistical and operational Subsystem, as this also proved weak.The focusin the quest toexpand thequantificationof the resultsof theFood Acquisition Program (PAA)by CONAB/RN does forget a quality management focused on what really should be:the compliance with the institutional objectives of the government program.Finally, the perspective for the traded implementation should be re-examined because excessive discretion by managers along with technical staff has characterized there al role of the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) as public policy. We conclude that the implementation model, which apparently aggregates values to the benefitted citizens, has weakened the context of work on family farms having the management model of the implementation process be reviewed by the Federal Government and point too ther paths, which have as a guide line the emancipation and developmentof the field or in the field andat the same time enables the reduction of nutritional deficiency of beneficiaries in a balanced and coherent way


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The present work develops a methodology to establish a 3D digital static models petroleum reservoir analogue using LIDAR and GEORADAR technologies. Therefore, this work introduce The methodolgy as a new paradigm in the outcrop study, to purpose a consistent way to integrate plani-altimetric data, geophysics data, and remote sensing products, allowing 2D interpretation validation in contrast with 3D, complexes depositional geometry visualization, including in environmental immersive virtual reality. For that reason, it exposes the relevant questions of the theory of two technologies, and developed a case study using TerraSIRch SIR System-3000 made for Geophysical Survey Systems, and HDS3000 Leica Geosystems, using the two technologies, integrating them GOCAD software. The studied outcrop is plain to the view, and it s located at southeast Bacia do Parnaíba, in the Parque Nacional da Serra das Confusões. The methodology embraces every steps of the building process shows a 3D digital static models petroleum reservoir analogue, provide depositional geometry data, in several scales for Simulation petroleum reservoir


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This production is a reflection about the practices/experiences involving the teaching of the dance developed by the teachers in the Núcleo de Educação Infantil (NEI/UFRN), with the children from 2 to 7 years old, having as objectives: describe and interpret the lived experiences with the dance focusing on the meaning of the dance and organization of the pedagogic job, identify blanks in the pedagogic practices of dance and appoint possible perspectives to the teaching of dance on the infant education. The way from the investigation has begun with the following question: Who do the teachers understand the dance and live it on the Núcleo de Educação Infantil? The research of phenomenological orientation toke as methodological reference the qualitative approach from the placed phenomenon type, this one has as beginning the interest on the phenomenon by the way as it happens on the lived experience from where comes the knowledge with we can present about the world, trying to interpret it, understand it on its essence/existence. The interviews showed that the researched subjects give to the dance different meanings and consequently present variations on the manner to organize the work around this knowledge. The most of the teachers recognizes the dance as a culture expression, being a priority on the school the job with the folkloric dances. They recognize too the dance as knowledge/content coming from the Arts and Physical Education areas and its relation with the knowledge from others areas on the pedagogic action. There were found different process on the way to conduct the job with the dance in relates from experiences done with dance at NEI and, therefore, of teach/learn this knowledge. Its perceptible that exists a systematic work with the objective of develop the dance and its various educative possibilities, starting from the research about its origins, the exploration of the movement, the contextualization until the artistic practice. Those possibilities are reinforced on the school s curricular propose. Some experiences have as a priority the free expression, the dance s vision without context or the reproduction of movements as stand manners of teaching dance, situations like those observed on the investigation as products from the blanks on the academic formation from the teachers with must be fixed. The interpretation of the experiences with dance, described by the teachers from NEI, connected with the theoretical referential from the investigation, allowed to appoint three perspectives to the work with dance in the infant education, having as main interlocutors Merleau-Ponty and Rudolf Laban: the dance as the body s language; the dance and its movement factors; imitate, improvise and play: manners of draw ways to dance. On those process are emphasized the dance on the scholar context, the elements that constitute this language and the forms of appropriate from it supported in a ludicrous, poetic and educative vision, having as focus the children s education on its peculiarities and possibilities


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This study investigates the development of Learning Objects for the literacy of children. It aims to know based in the notion of literacy teachers the main factors of academic failure in literacy and researching in Brazil, as well as identify relevant activities in the literacy process of children to support the creation of a set of Learning Objects. Refers to an exploratory research, which is configured as a qualitative nature case study, inspired in part in an action-research described by Thiollent (2003), conducted with ten early grades elementary school teachers of a public municipal school in Parnamirim / RN. As methodological options for data collection uses questionnaires and focuses on the group of teachers, analyzing the data, referring back to the ideas by Szymanski (2001; 2008) and content analysis, guided by Bardin (2002). The development of Learning Objects, follows the steps of development suggested by Garrett (2000). Rules in its multidisciplinary theoretical reference and promotes a conceptual dialogue on: Literacy; Literacy School Failure; Pedagogical Practice in Literacy; Thoughts and Language; Multimedia and Hypermedia; Learning Objects. Perceives that the act of education in literacy as an act of love, courage and social interaction between individuals - educator and pupil, so there is ownership of the object of knowledge in the relations with the world and with the experience, through a pedagogical practice that assumes all different knowledges, the moral political ideal, the mindsets of the students, and can make use of teaching materials that supports the learning process and are consistent with the educational objectives (FREIRE, 1998; FREINET, 1976; VYGOTSKY, 1998; FERREIRO AND TEBEROSKY, 1985; JONASSEN, 2000; WILEY, 2001). Figures out, through the teachers' opinions, five reasons for school failure in literacy, three inside the school environment: teacher; academic assistant and principal; student, and two outside the school environment: parents/family; government and public management. Presents a set of Learning Objects, based on the constructivist thought, developed from the identification of activities considered relevant by teachers in literacy's teaching and learning process. Suggests the use of Learning Objects as pedagogical practice in literacy as a digital resource that supports learning and can trigger important cognitive processes for the acquisition of reading and writing skills in the school environment


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Our work leads up to the context of evaluation during alphabetization process as a moment of an educational action cycle that requires planning, teaching and learning of reading and writing. It aimed to research the difficulties lived by teachers of a public elementary school during the specific task of evaluating children in the alphabetization process. This qualitative research took place as a case study at Emília Ramos Municipal School, in Natal, capital city of Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. Semi-structured interview and questionnaire were used as fact-gathering proceedings. Two pedagogical advisers and seven teachers formed the group of research subjects. All of them worked with elementary school first cycle classes, in that school, in the year of 2003. The analysis shows that teachers difficulties concern to theoretic questions of conceptual and methodological orders, although these questions indicate an important knowledge of teachers about alphabetization and evaluation. Our reflection about these problems articulates two points: alphabetization and evaluation. Concerning alphabetization, we took reference on Psychogenetic studies of Ferreiro and Teberosky (1985) which emphasizes fundamental points for a coherent evaluation practice: a) objective knowledge is not a beginning data; it is a construction process, which the learner does not conquest step by step on a linear way; b) objective knowledge acquisition happens through a global re-construction, and some of them may seem mistakes if we consider conventional writing but these mistakes are constructive and necessary. We also took reference on Interactionist-constructivist theory. Here, Vygotsky (1984) proposes that writing must be specially understood as language, symbolical activity, cultural practice. So, acquisition of writing process, as language learning, must be understood as a development of abilities relative to symbolical and communicative activity of sense production. On this way, Hoffmann (1994) advises that is necessary to overtake current evaluation practices, limited by their terminality character, only pointing right or wrong questions. According to a new paradigm, valuation appears as one of the mediations by which teachers must indicate re-ordination of pupil s knowledge, and re-organize their own practices too. The comprehensions of these questions plays decisive part in order to overtake our difficulties in evaluating. Besides, it points a way to build a coherent valuate practice, with an emancipating character and able to create new teaching-and-learning situations, leading to a better alphabetization Pedagogy


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We have been living in a world of packed products. The package and the labels support the companies to communicate with the customers in addition to give protection, storage and convenience in proportion to the products that move in the price list. The labels mainly add up a value which helps the companies differ their products and increase the value of the brands among the final customers. However, the information given in the label are not clear sometimes. It displays a verbal-visual defective language resulted from a poor visibility, legibleness and comprehensibleness of the verbal and visual marks. The aim of this research is to verify, according to the costumers‟ view, the level of the clarity in the informative texts, harmony and ergonomic conformity of the package labels in the chocolate powder of the Claralate brand, considering the linguistic aspects presented on the labels. The criteria to evaluate the chocolate package selected were based on the linguistic field: the organization and the structure of the text derided from the classification of the textual genre; the clarity and the comprehension of the language utilized on those labels. From the ergonomic view, the informative and ergonomic conformity, based on the following requirements: legibility, symbols, characters, reading fields and intermission of the written lines. Therefore, the research done july 2007 and added july 2011 had a structured questionnaire in the interview put to the 118 customers of the chocolate package that go shopping in one of the two supermarkets in Floriano, Piauí São Jorge and/or Super Quaresma. The main results of the investigation show that the linguistic aspects in the informative texts of the labels provide the customers‟ expectancy partially, while the consideration of the informative ergonomic analyzed can contribute to the improvement of the information and consequent visual progress of those, on the labels of chocolate package investigated. As recommendation towards the maker of the product, the outcome of the research indicates: harmonize the proportion of the letters and numbers; enlarge the letters size; make the visual information more comprehensive determined by the reading field; put the expiry date in a better visual place


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This work presents a proposal for a voltage and frequency control system for a wind power induction generator. It has been developed na experimental structure composes basically by a three phase induction machine, a three phase capacitor and a reactive static Power compensator controlled by histeresys. lt has been developed control algorithms using conventional methods (Pl control) and linguistic methods (using concepts of logic and fuzzy control), to compare their performances in the variable speed generator system. The control loop was projected using the ADJDA PCL 818 model board into a Pentium 200 MHz compu ter. The induction generator mathematical model was studied throught Park transformation. It has been realized simulations in the Pspice@ software, to verify the system characteristics in transient and steady-state situations. The real time control program was developed in C language, possibilish verify the algorithm performance in the 2,2kW didatic experimental system


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This work shows a study about the Generalized Predictive Controllers with Restrictions and their implementation in physical plants. Three types of restrictions will be discussed: restrictions in the variation rate of the signal control, restrictions in the amplitude of the signal control and restrictions in the amplitude of the Out signal (plant response). At the predictive control, the control law is obtained by the minimization of an objective function. To consider the restrictions, this minimization of the objective function is done by the use of a method to solve optimizing problems with restrictions. The chosen method was the Rosen Algorithm (based on the Gradient-projection). The physical plants in this study are two didactical systems of water level control. The first order one (a simple tank) and another of second order, which is formed by two tanks connected in cascade. The codes are implemented in C++ language and the communication with the system to be done through using a data acquisition panel offered by the system producer


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The control of industrial processes has become increasingly complex due to variety of factory devices, quality requirement and market competition. Such complexity requires a large amount of data to be treated by the three levels of process control: field devices, control systems and management softwares. To use data effectively in each one of these levels is extremely important to industry. Many of today s industrial computer systems consist of distributed software systems written in a wide variety of programming languages and developed for specific platforms, so, even more companies apply a significant investment to maintain or even re-write their systems for different platforms. Furthermore, it is rare that a software system works in complete isolation. In industrial automation is common that, software had to interact with other systems on different machines and even written in different languages. Thus, interoperability is not just a long-term challenge, but also a current context requirement of industrial software production. This work aims to propose a middleware solution for communication over web service and presents an user case applying the solution developed to an integrated system for industrial data capture , allowing such data to be available simplified and platformindependent across the network


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This work presents the specification and the implementation of a language of Transformations in definite Models specification MOF (Meta Object Facility) of OMG (Object Management Group). The specification uses a boarding based on rules ECA (Event-Condition-Action) and was made on the basis of a set of scenes of use previously defined. The Parser Responsible parser for guaranteeing that the syntactic structure of the language is correct was constructed with the tool JavaCC (Java Compiler Compiler) and the description of the syntax of the language was made with EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form). The implementation is divided in three parts: the creation of the interpretative program properly said in Java, the creation of an executor of the actions specified in the language and its integration with the type of considered repository (generated for tool DSTC dMOF). A final prototype was developed and tested in the scenes previously defined


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The aim of the present work is to contribute to the teaching-learning process in Mathematics through an alternative which tries to motivate the student so that he/she will learn the basic concepts of Complex Numbers and realize that they are not pointless. Therefore, this work s general objective is to construct a didactic sequence which contains structured activities that intends to build up, in each student s thought, the concept of Complex Numbers. The didactic sequence is initially based on a review of the main historical aspects which begot the construction of those numbers. Based on these aspects, and the theories of Richard Skemp, was elaborated a sequence of structured activities linked with Maths history, having the solution of quadratic equations as a main starting point. This should make learning more accessible, because this concept permeates the students previous work and, thus, they should be more familiar with it. The methodological intervention began with the application of that sequence of activities with grade students in public schools who did not yet know the concept of Complex Numbers. It was performed in three phases: a draft study, a draft study II and the final study. Each phase was applied in a different institution, where the classes were randomly divided into groups and each group would discuss and write down the concepts they had developed about Complex Numbers. We also use of another instrument of analysis which consisted of a recorded interview of a semi-structured type, trying to find out the ways the students thought in order to construct their own concepts, i.e. the solutions of the previous activity. Their ideas about Complex Numbers were categorized according to their similarities and then analyzed. The results of the analysis show that the concepts constructed by the students were pertinent and that they complemented each other this supports the conclusion that the use of structured activities is an efficient alternative for the teaching of mathematics


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This paper discusses aspects related to the mathematical language and its understanding, in particular, by students of final years of elementary school. Accordingly, we aimed to develop a proposal for teaching, substantiated by mathematical modeling activities and reading, which takes advantage of the student of elementary school a better understanding of mathematical language for the content of proportion. We also aim to build / propose parameters for the assessment of reading proficiency of the language of the student in analyzing and modeling process, its ability to develop/improve/enhance this proficiency. For this purpose, we develop a qualitative research, with procedures for an action research whose analysis of the data is configured as Content Analysis. We refer to epistemological and didactic, in the studies: Piaget (1975, 1990), Vygotsky (1991, 2001), Bakhtin (2006), Freire (1974, 1994), Bicudo and Garnica (2006), Smole and Diniz (2001), Barbosa (2001), Burak (1992), Biembengut (2004), Bassanezi (2002), Carrasco (2006), Becker (2010), Zuin and Reyes (2010), among others. We understand that to acquire new knowledge one must learn to read and reading to learn it, this process is essential for the development of reading proficiency of a person. Modeling, in turn, is a process which enables contact with different forms of reading providing elements favorable to the development here mentioned. The evaluation parameters we use to analyze the level of reading proficiency of mathematical language proved to be effective and therefore a valuable tool that allows the teacher an efficient evaluation and whose results can guide you better in the planning and execution of their practice


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Qué se piensa aquí, esencialmente, está a mapear el itinerario de la melancolía creativa en el discurso de Dom Casmurro; es decir, aquél de el cual el valle narrativo de una sensación de la angustia a alçar él él las maneras de la representación en el discurso de Dom Casmurro. El árbol básico en el cual éste estimaba incurre en se basa en el acuerdo de eso que la actual melancolía en el texto del machadiano se puede analizar por las estratagemas de la lengua creativa en la intención de demostrar en él una especie del espacio virtual - el conducir de metáforas, de ironies y del exacerbamento de imágenes - por cuál se prepone el narrador construir su salvación . El propósito es analizar el uso de el proyecto del alegórico y el irónico previstos por el autor en la intención de descubrir pues tales procedimientos contribuyen para crear un texto ese desestabiliza el carácter malsano de la melancolía. Puede propagar lengua creativa de tal manera cuánto otras maneras de la representación de eso las marcas del arte utilizan. Más allá de este traz poético, la contribución de este trabajo también constituye: para componer una escena en la cual el teatralidade de la lengua de Dom Casmurro constituye drama y no tragedia. Después de la pista de los conceptos de los benjaminianas de la melancolía, alegoria, metalenguaje la ironía, vimos que éstos disalign de la voluntad que los estatutos se estabilizaron de las figuras del retórico para consistir mientras que las estrategias de los discursivas. Subyacente a este proceso es posible percibir el flash del rescate de la escritura melancholic, visto bajo luz del saturnine de una mirada que si desea alegórico, en la misma incandescencia de la risa del fáustico