8 resultados para joint hypothesis tests
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
O objetivo desta dissertação é identificar se persistência de performance positiva um fenômeno presente entre os fundos de investimento ativos em relação ao índice da bolsa de valores de São Paulo (IBOVESPA). Para tanto, foram utilizadas informações em bases diárias, para período de janeiro de 1997 dezembro de 2001, de 191 fundos que tiveram para cada ano sua performance calculada. Em cada ano sob estudo definiu-se, pelo menos, dois grupos: um em que se alinhavam os fundos que apresentavam os melhores indicadores outro em que estavam presentes aqueles cujos desempenhos foram considerados piores. Os fundos que lograram sucesso em permanecer no primeiro grupo em pares de anos consecutivos foram denominados persistentes. Para que se pudesse medir significância dos resultados apurados, fez-se uso do instrumental de testes estatísticos, testes de hipóteses, que buscaram identificar se as proporções de fundos persistentes forneciam evidências suficientes para que se garantisse ocorrência do fenômeno no mercado brasileiro para período pesquisado.
In this essay, a method for comparing the asymptotic power of the multivariate unit root tests proposed in Phillips & Durlauf (1986) and Flˆores, Preumont & Szafarz (1996) is proposed. In order to determine the asymptotic power of the tests the asymptotic distributions under the null hypothesis and under the set of alternative hypotheses described in Phillips (1988) are determined. In addition, a test which combines characteristics of both tests is proposed and its distributions under the null hypothesis and the same set of alternative hypotheses are determined. This allows us to determine what causes any difference in the asymptotic power of the two tests against the set of alternative hypotheses considered
Empirical evidence suggests that real exchange rate is characterized by the presence of near-unity and additive outliers. Recent studeis have found evidence on favor PPP reversion by using the quasi-differencing (Elliott et al., 1996) unit root tests (ERS), which is more efficient against local alternatives but is still based on least squares estimation. Unit root tests basead on least saquares method usually tend to bias inference towards stationarity when additive out liers are present. In this paper, we incorporate quasi-differencing into M-estimation to construct a unit root test that is robust not only against near-unity root but also against nonGaussian behavior provoked by assitive outliers. We re-visit the PPP hypothesis and found less evidemce in favor PPP reversion when non-Gaussian behavior in real exchange rates is taken into account.
This paper investigates the presence of long memory in financiaI time series using four test statistics: V/S, KPSS, KS and modified R/S. There has been a large amount of study on the long memory behavior in economic and financiaI time series. However, there is still no consensus. We argue in this paper that spurious short-term memory may be found due to the incorrect use of data-dependent bandwidth to estimating the longrun variance. We propose a partially adaptive lag truncation procedure that is robust against the presence of long memory under the alternative hypothesis and revisit several economic and financiaI time series using the proposed bandwidth choice. Our results indicate the existence of spurious short memory in real exchange rates when Andrews' formula is employed, but long memory is detected when the proposed lag truncation procedure is used. Using stock market data, we also found short memory in returns and long memory in volatility.
This paper develops nonparametric tests of independence between two stationary stochastic processes. The testing strategy boils down to gauging the closeness between the joint and the product of the marginal stationary densities. For that purpose, I take advantage of a generalized entropic measure so as to build a class of nonparametric tests of independence. Asymptotic normality and local power are derived using the functional delta method for kernels, whereas finite sample properties are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations.
This dissertation deals with the problem of making inference when there is weak identification in models of instrumental variables regression. More specifically we are interested in one-sided hypothesis testing for the coefficient of the endogenous variable when the instruments are weak. The focus is on the conditional tests based on likelihood ratio, score and Wald statistics. Theoretical and numerical work shows that the conditional t-test based on the two-stage least square (2SLS) estimator performs well even when instruments are weakly correlated with the endogenous variable. The conditional approach correct uniformly its size and when the population F-statistic is as small as two, its power is near the power envelopes for similar and non-similar tests. This finding is surprising considering the bad performance of the two-sided conditional t-tests found in Andrews, Moreira and Stock (2007). Given this counter intuitive result, we propose novel two-sided t-tests which are approximately unbiased and can perform as well as the conditional likelihood ratio (CLR) test of Moreira (2003).
This paper considers two-sided tests for the parameter of an endogenous variable in an instrumental variable (IV) model with heteroskedastic and autocorrelated errors. We develop the nite-sample theory of weighted-average power (WAP) tests with normal errors and a known long-run variance. We introduce two weights which are invariant to orthogonal transformations of the instruments; e.g., changing the order in which the instruments appear. While tests using the MM1 weight can be severely biased, optimal tests based on the MM2 weight are naturally two-sided when errors are homoskedastic. We propose two boundary conditions that yield two-sided tests whether errors are homoskedastic or not. The locally unbiased (LU) condition is related to the power around the null hypothesis and is a weaker requirement than unbiasedness. The strongly unbiased (SU) condition is more restrictive than LU, but the associated WAP tests are easier to implement. Several tests are SU in nite samples or asymptotically, including tests robust to weak IV (such as the Anderson-Rubin, score, conditional quasi-likelihood ratio, and I. Andrews' (2015) PI-CLC tests) and two-sided tests which are optimal when the sample size is large and instruments are strong. We refer to the WAP-SU tests based on our weights as MM1-SU and MM2-SU tests. Dropping the restrictive assumptions of normality and known variance, the theory is shown to remain valid at the cost of asymptotic approximations. The MM2-SU test is optimal under the strong IV asymptotics, and outperforms other existing tests under the weak IV asymptotics.
In this work we focus on tests for the parameter of an endogenous variable in a weakly identi ed instrumental variable regressionmodel. We propose a new unbiasedness restriction for weighted average power (WAP) tests introduced by Moreira and Moreira (2013). This new boundary condition is motivated by the score e ciency under strong identi cation. It allows reducing computational costs of WAP tests by replacing the strongly unbiased condition. This latter restriction imposes, under the null hypothesis, the test to be uncorrelated to a given statistic with dimension given by the number of instruments. The new proposed boundary condition only imposes the test to be uncorrelated to a linear combination of the statistic. WAP tests under both restrictions to perform similarly numerically. We apply the di erent tests discussed to an empirical example. Using data from Yogo (2004), we assess the e ect of weak instruments on the estimation of the elasticity of inter-temporal substitution of a CCAPM model.