7 resultados para joint destruction
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
Ativos, ou investimentos, estarão sempre representados pelos gastos que uma entidade realiza visando obter benefícios futuros, sempre contendo uma vida útil assim comprometida. Naturalmente, os ativos podem se valorizar ou desvalorizar em função de fatores estruturais ou conjunturais que se fizerem impor ao longo do tempo. Quando abordamos a questão das parcerias entre empresas, elementos ativos de natureza material e imaterial irão se unir visando atingir objetivos comuns. É neste momento que surgem questões relacionadas com a avaliação desses elementos envolvidos nas complexidades inerentes ás peculiaridades impostas pelas atividades das partes envolvidas perante uma conjuntura econômica e social em um mundo cada vez mais competitivo e globalizado. O presente texto aborda várias nuances sobre as Joint Ventures concentrando-se nos diferentes critérios de avaliação de ativos e de mensuração dos passivos que permeiam o mundo dos negócios. Neste particular, especial destaque foi dedicado a delicada questão dos elementos intangíveis que, direta ou indiretamente, influenciam os números que são formados e dinamizados no processo. Após vasta apreciação dos vários referenciais teóricos sobre o tema, e ainda na própria experiência do autor identificando lacunas que merecem ser exploradas, um desses critérios se evidenciará com o de aplicabilidade mais apropriada diante das partilhas societárias, de resultados e operacional quando da execução de projetos de parcerias, observada a continuidade dos negócios correntes do empreendimento.
Business professionals were surveyed to explore both factors associated with negotiation propensity, as well as the strategies used by employees and employers in salary negotiations. The objective is to examine the factors that impede both pasties in reaching a mutually-beneficial joint agreement in salary negotiations. In order to achieve this objective, a review of the negotiations literature was conducted including both. Descriptive literature - present research finding and scientific theory which characterizes negotiation and examines the forces that determine it's course and outcome - as well as a review of the prescriptive literature - in order to develop practical advice given a description of hw negotiators behave. Research result show that, although there is general tendency for employers to leave room in the first offer for negotiation, employees rarely ask for more and generally accept the first offer. The sub-optimal outcome was partially a result of the employees' preferred strategies for negotiation salary: a soft approach focusing on compromised and maintaining the relationship. An analysis of the results combined with the literature explore, demonstrates that both parties exhibited a fixed-pie perspective, focusing on salary as the key issue, which impeded the search for integrative settlements and, mutually beneficial trade-offs.
Mostra evidências de relação entre os atributos de qualidade de um serviço de realibilitação ambulatorial sob a percepção do cliente e os padrões do modelo internacional de acreditação de serviço de saúde.
The Schumpelerian model of endogeno~s growlh is generalized with lhe introduction of stochastic resislance. by agenls other Ihan producers. to lhe innovations which drive growth. This causes a queue to be formcd of innovations, alrcady discovered, bUI waiting to be adopled~ A slationary stochastic equilibrium (SSE) is obtained when the queue is stable~ It is shown that in the SSE, such resistance will always reduce lhe average growth iate hut it may increa~e wclfare in certain silualions. In an example, Ihis is when innovatiuns are small anti monopoly power great. The cont1icl hetween this welfare motive for resistance and those of rent-seeking innovalors.may well explain why growth rates differ.
We develop and quantitatively implement a dynamic general equilibrium model with labor market matching and endogenous deterllÚnation of the job destruction rate. The mo deI produces a elose match with data on job creation and destruction. Cyelical fluctuations in the job destruction rate serve to magnify the effects of productivity shocks on output; as well as making the effects much more persistent. Interactions between the labor and capital markets, mediated by the rental rate of capital, play the central role in propagating shocks.
This paper introduces a model economy in which formation of coalition groups under technological progress is generated endogenously. The coalition formation depends crucially on the rate of arrival of new technologies. In the model, an agent working in the saroe technology for more than one period acquires skills, part of which is specific to this technology. These skills increase the agent productivity. In this case, if he has worked more than one period with the same technology he has incentives to construct a coalition to block the adoption of new technologies. Therefore, in every sector the workers have incentives to construct a coalition and to block the adoption of new technologies. They will block every time that a technology stay in use for more than one period.
We consider multistage stochastic linear optimization problems combining joint dynamic probabilistic constraints with hard constraints. We develop a method for projecting decision rules onto hard constraints of wait-and-see type. We establish the relation between the original (in nite dimensional) problem and approximating problems working with projections from di erent subclasses of decision policies. Considering the subclass of linear decision rules and a generalized linear model for the underlying stochastic process with noises that are Gaussian or truncated Gaussian, we show that the value and gradient of the objective and constraint functions of the approximating problems can be computed analytically.