11 resultados para industrial revolution

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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This paper argues that trade specialization played an indispensable role in supporting the Industrial Revolution, allowing the economy to shift resources to the manufacture without facing food and raw materials shortage. In our arti cial economy, there are two sectors agriculture and manufacture and the economy is initially closed and under a Malthusian trap. In this economy the industrial revolution entails a transition towards a dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin economy. The model reproduces the main stylized facts of the transition to modern growth and globalization. We show that two-sectors closed-economy models cannot explain the fall in the value of land relative to wages observed in the 19th century and that the transition in this case is much longer than that observed allowing for trade.


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This paper argues that trade specialization played an indispensable role in supporting the Industrial Revolution. We calibrate a two-good and two-sector overlapping generations model to Englandís historical development and investigate how much different Englandís development path would have been if it had not globalized in 1840. The open-economy model is able to closely match the data, but the closed-economy model cannot explain the fall in the value of land relative to wages observed in the 19th century. Without globalization, the transition period in the British economy would be considerably longer than that observed in the data and key variables, such as the share of labor force in agriculture, would have converged to Ögures very distant from the actual ones.


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The paper, first, summarizes Latin American structuralism, and offers reasons why it was so influential and durable in the region, as it attended to real demands, and was part of 1950s’mainstream economics. Second, says why, with 1980s’Great Crisis, structuralism eventually ended itself into crisis, as it was unable to keep pace with historical new facts, particularly with the industrial revolution or takeoff, that made Latin American economies intermediary, still developing, but fully capitalist. Third, it lists the consensus that today exists on economic development. Forth, opposes “official orthodoxy” to “developmental populism”, the former deriving from neoclassical economics, the later from structuralism, and offers, in relation to six strategic issues, a progressive development alternative.


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A rápida evolução da Internet, permitindo a troca de mercadorias e serviços, pode ser comparada ao período da revolução industrial. A ausência total de fronteiras na Internet suscita tanto a admiração quanto o receio. Na verdade, o crescimento da Internet baseia-se em três fatores distintos e complementares: (i) o comercial; (ii) o tecnológico; e, (iii) o jurídico. A Internet não tem um comando jurídico uniformizado e harmonizado. Daí resulta que ela se traduz num mosaico organizacional que, hoje, está permitindo o seu funcionamento. A Internet é independente, entretanto não pode subsistir sem a influência de um sistema legal. De fato, as leis nacionais de um determinado país tem vocação a se aplicar às transações comerciais celebradas via Internet, dada a inexistência de uma regulamentação única e abrangente. Contudo, a aplicação não poderá ser imediata, adaptações serão necessárias para atender aos novos modelos jurídicos utilizados na Internet. Esta pesquisa é a primeira parte de um estudo mais amplo: a influência da Internet no direito brasileiro. Por tratar-se de um primeiro estudo bibliográfico, foram examinadas as principais áreas do direito que estão sendo influenciadas pelo desenvolvimento rápido e crescente da Internet. É, portanto, a primeira etapa deste estudo a pesquisa bibliográfica, propriamente dita. Nessa etapa, foram identificadas e comparadas as posições doutrinárias tanto de países sob a influência do sistema jurídico de common law como do romano-germânico. A partir de então, na segunda etapa, foram classificados os tópicos de maior interesse para a doutrina, através de palavras-chave. Partindo assim do presente estudo, o estudo mais amplo pretenderá delinear os alicerces de uma proposta jurídica comparada, entre os sistemas de common law e romano germânico, para então examinar a influência da Internet no direito brasileiro.


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This paper distinguishes the state (the law system and the organization that guarantees it) from the nation-state or country – the territorial political unit formed by a nation, a state and a territory. Second, it defines nation and civil society, understanding them that the nation and the civil society are the two forms of politically organized society that work as intermediary between society and the state. The formation of the nation-states and the industrial revolution are part of the capitalist revolution. Since that crucial historical transformation takes place in each giving society progress or development follows: the absolute state changes into the liberal one, and the liberal state into the democratic state, whereas the nation and civil society also get less unequal or more “democratized”. In this historical process the state is the basic instrument of collective action of the nation or of civil society.e


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Atualmente o mundo do trabalho passa por profundas transformações na sua base técnica provocadas pela Terceira Revolução Industrial. É um período marcado pela crescente destruição de postos de trabalho e pela certeza de que profissões desaparecerão, apesar de não se saber quais e em que setores e com que velocidade isso ocorrerá Contraditoriamente, a flexibilidade das novas tecnologias vem exigindo flexibilidade educacional e elevação dos patamares da educação formal da população. Historicamente, as tecnologias socialmente produzidas pelos homens, sob a forma material ou imaterial, tanto destruiu postos de trabalho, como prescindiu da escola para os imperativos da valorização do capital. Isto é o que podemos verificar nesse estudo, com a análise da aplicação tecnológica do saber socialmente produzido na "era dos micróbios". Saber determinado por essas relações, determina novas práticas sanitárias e o deslocamento dos desinfectadores como categoria profissional, criando uma nova especialidade para uma recente categoria de trabalhadores: a das enfermeiras profissionais. Sob a égide do paradigma taylorista, "fórmula moderna" encontrada pelo capital para objetivar a trabalho de base manual, este é reduzido à tarefa no processo de mecanização do próprio homem. A partir dessas referências históricas e do pressuposto de que a produção do conhecimento tem sua gênese nas relações sociais do trabalho, nas relações sociais de produção, destacamos o desafio de pensar a construção de uma nova baSe de qualificação dos trabalhadores, numa sociedade que ainda mantém o estigma de uma cultura escravocrata.Estas bases que tem no trabalho dos homens o seu norte, apontam na direção de uma fonnação ampla para os trabalhadores e não do reducionismo profissionalizante da teoria do Capital Humano.


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The Capitalist Revolution was the period of the transition from the ancient societies to capitalism; it was a long transition that began in the north of Italy, in the 14th century, and for the first time got completed in England, in the second part of the 18th century, with the formation of the nation state and the Industrial Revolution; it is a major rupture, which divided the history of mankind between a period where empires or civilizations prospered and then fell into decadence and disappeared, and a period of ingrained economic development and long-term improvement of standards of living. Since then the different peoples are engaged in the social construction of their nations and their states; since then, they are experiencing economic development, because capitalism is essentially dynamic; since then they are struggling for the political objectives that they historically defined for themselves from that revolution: security, freedom, economic well-being, social justice, and protection of the environment.


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This paper distinguishes three types of countries (rich, middle-income, and pre-industrial) and discusses the problems of state capability and the quality of democracy in the later, which include the poor countries. A consolidate democracy supposes that the country has realized its capitalist revolution and counts with a relatively capable state. The challenge of pre-industrial countries is to build their nation and a reasonably capable state, and to make their national and industrial revolution. The democratic state will be its main instrument to achieve the five political objectives that modern societies defined historically: security, individual liberty, economic well-being, social justice, and protection of the environment. Given the demand of the people and the pressure of rich countries since the 1980s, this state will have to be democratic, but, historically, all industrial revolutions were the outcome of a developmental strategy, and none of them were accomplished in the realm of democracy. This is the main contradiction and the main challenge faced by populist leaders who try to develop their countries, having as adversaries the local liberal oligarchy and the rich countries or the West. They must build a capable state, but their poorly organized societies do not help. They must give priority to economic growth, but the people ask for more social services. Thus, to govern these countries is extremely difficult.


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A unified growth theory is developed that accounts for the roughly constant living standards displayed by world economies prior to 1800 as well as the growing living standards exhibited by modem industrial economies. Our theory also explains the industrial revolution, which is the transition from an era when per capita incomes are stagnant to one with sustained growth. This transition is inevitable given positive rates oftotal factor productivity growth. We use a standard growth mode1 with one good and two available techno10gies. The first, denoted the "Malthus" technology, requires 1and, labor and reproducible capital as inputs. The second, denoted the "Solow" technology, does not require land. We show that in the earIy stages of development, only the Malthus technology is used and, due to population growth, living standards are stagnant despite technological progresso Eventually, technological progress causes the Solow technology to become profitable and both technologies are employed. At this point, living standards improve since population growth has less influence on per capita income growth. In the limit, the economy behaves like a standard Solow growth model.


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The Capitalist Revolution was the period of the transition from the ancient societies to capitalism; it was a long transition that began in North Italy, in the 14th century, and for the first time got completed in England, in the second part of the 18th century, with the formation of the nation state and the Industrial Revolution; it is a major rupture, which divided the history of mankind between a period where empires or civilizations prospered and fell into decadence and disappeared, to a period of ingrained economic development and long-term improvement of standards of living. Since then the different peoples are engaged in the social construction of their nations and their states; since then, they are experiencing economic development, because capitalism is essentially dynamic; since then they are struggling for the political objectives that they historically defined for themselves since that revolution: security, freedom, economic well-being, social justice, and protection of the environment.


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This paper distinguishes three types of countries (rich, middle-income, and pre-industrial) and focus on the latter, which, in contrast to the other two, didn’t complete their industrial and capitalist revolutions. Can pre-industrial countries be governed well and embody the principles of consolidated democracies? Today these countries are under pressure from the imperial West to eschew institutions and developmental strategies that, in the past, allowed rich and middle-income countries to industrialize. At the same time, they are pressured by these same Western parties (and by its own people) to be democratic, even though their societies are not mature enough to fulfill that. In fact, no country completed its industrial and capitalist revolution within the framework of even a minimal democracy, suggesting that such demands are unfair. Added to this, pre-industrial countries are extremely difficult to govern because they usually don’t have a strong nation and capable states. This double pressure to renounce development strategies that have worked for the West while being required to become a democracy represents a major obstacle to their development.