6 resultados para RORTY, RICHARD MCKAY, - 1931-2007 - CRÍTICA E INTERPRETACIÓN
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
This research had the objective to verify if the current organization design of the Comisso Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN) facilitates or makes it difficult the reach of the organization performance. In order to make the analysis, the used ways had been bibliographic, documental and field researches. The bibliographical survey allowed to conclude that it has a necessity of searching a balance between the objectivist and subjectivist approaches of the theory of the organization design. The documental survey supplied elements that they make possible to understand the main phases of the development of the CNEN in elapsing of the time and that they explain the current organization design. Finally, the research of field, carried through with the main managers of the institution, made possible the data-collecting that contributed to ratify the initial assumption of the research of that the current organization design of the CNEN makes it difficult the performance of the organization.
The organization climate research is a widely used human resources tool grounded on the managerial discourse that preaches that listening to employees's opinions is relevant for the identification of corporate aspects that demand improvement. This study aims at desmistifying this discourse by means of analytical tools from the Critical Administration Studies, namely: denaturalized view of administration, detachment between intentions and performance and search for emancipation. The study is grounded on the assumption that the organizational climate research derives from functionalist theory, which benefits a dominating class, in name of productivity and for the maintenance of the status quo, therefore contributing for individual alienation at work. The study was designed to identify elements that show the relation between an organizational climate research tool and the social control over individuals in an organization - here the research conducted in 2005 by Centrais Eltricas Brasileiras S/A - Eletrobrs, the Brazilian power sector holding company. The theoretical section presents an overview of corporate paradigms relevant for a sound understanding of the organizational climate concept. Data analysis was conducted by means of the post-modern method of binary deconstruction: the questions contained in the tool's questionnaire were grouped into categories and then analyzed in terms of the fallowing conceptual pairs: well-being/productivity, autonomy/control, ethics/ competitiveness and participation/alienation. The analysis showed that the organization climate research tool is used as a resource for social control and power, because it contributes to individual alienation as it satisfies some specific individual demands, therefore preventing the individual form a thorough understanding of how the system works. Besides, the helps anticipate, mitigate and conceal the conflicts arising from the opposing interests of capital and labor.
This dissertation aims at examining empirical evidences obtained in the light of taxonomies and strategies for measuring firms technological capabilities and innovation in the context of developing countries, motivated by the fact that debates and studies directed to innovation has been intensified, for the last thirty years, by the recognition of its vital and growing importance to the technological, economic, competitive and industrial development of firms and countries. Two main tendencies can be identified on this debate. At one side, its the literature related to the developed countries logic, whose companies are, in majority, positioned at the technological frontier, characterized by the domain of innovative advanced capabilities, directed to its sustaining, deepening and renewal. At the other side, there are the perspectives directed to the developing countries reality, where there is a prevalence of companies with deficiency of resources, still in process of accumulating basic and intermediate technological capabilities, with characteristics and technological development trajectories distinct or even reverse from those of developing countries. From this last tradition of studies, the measuring approaches based in C&T indicators and in types and levels of technological capabilities stand out. The first offers a macro level, aggregated perspective, through the analysis of a representative sample of firms, seeking to the generation of internationally comparable data, without addressing the intraorganizational specificities and nuances of the paths of technological accumulation developed by the firms, using, mostly, R&D statistics, patents, individual qualifications, indicators that carry their own limitations. On the other hand, studies that examine types and levels of technological capabilities are scarce, usually directed to a small sample of firms and/or industrial sectors. Therefore, in the light of the focus and potentialities of each of the perspectives, this scenario exposes a lack of studies that examine, in a parallel and complementary way, both types of strategies, seeking to offer more realistic, consistent and concrete information about the technological reality of developing countries. In order to close this gap, this dissertation examines (i) strategies of innovation measurement in the contexts of developing countries based on traditional approaches and C&T indicators, represented by four innovation surveys - ECIB, PINTEC, PAEP and EAI, and, (ii) from the perspective of technological capabilities as an intrinsic resource of the firm, the development of which occurs in a cumulative way and based on learning, presents and extracts generalizations of empirical applications of a metric that identifies types and levels of technological capabilities, through a dynamic and intra-firm perspective. The exam of the empirical evidences of the two approaches showed what each one of the metrics are capable to offer and the way they can contribute to the generation of information that reflect the technological development of specific industrial sectors in developing countries. In spite of the fact that the focus, objective, perspective, inclusion, scope and lens used are substantially distinct, generating, on a side, an aggregated view, and of other, an intra-sector, intra-organizational and specific view, the results suggest that the use of one doesn't implicate discarding or abdicating the other. On the contrary, using both in a complementary way means the generation of more complete, rich and relevant evidences and analysis that offer a realistic notion of the industrial development and contribute in a more direct way to the design of corporate strategies and government policies, including those directed to the macro level aspects just as those more specific and focused, designed to increment and foment firms in-house innovative efforts.
O escopo terico de Gesto Internacional atualmente atinge tantos locais quanto pessoas ao redor do planeta e pode se expandir para atender tambm a um conjunto mais amplo de empresas que somente as multinacionais. Com o objetivo de analisar os desafios cross-culturais e os conflitos que permearam o Comit Organizador dos XV Jogos Pan-americanos Rio 2007, este estudo equipara Comits Organizadores de Jogos a subsidirias com mandato global. A partir de uma metodologia de inspirao interpretativista cultural defendendo o papel do contexto local por uma abordagem crtica, analisa o sistema de ao cultural brasileiro e contrape teorias clssicas da abordagem cross-cultural com uma viso qualitativa de base scio-antropolgica. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com ex-funcionrios do Comit Rio 2007 tanto brasileiros quanto estrangeiros e consultores que apoiaram a realizao dos Jogos. Vrias questes foram levantadas que apiam a influncia de caractersticas comportamentais culturais brasileiras como o paternalismo, a lealdade s pessoas, a flexibilidade, e evitar conflitos nas relaes pessoais e organizacionais. Ao mesmo tempo, foi possvel identificar trs possveis causas de conflitos entre os atores principais das narrativas (os consultores, o Comit Organizador Rio2007 e o governo): (1) a diferena no nvel de experincia /conhecimento explcito e tcito, (2) a desconfiana, e (3) o orgulho; e o esforo de comunicao foi identificado como possvel soluo. Por fim, foi possvel visualizar traos das teorias clssicas cross-culturais dentro do estudo, mas foi reforada a crtica de que impossvel isolar a cultura e o contexto local como variveis contingenciais, muito menos ignor-los.
O enfoque deste trabalho quanto ao planejamento do capital de giro, levando em considerao os efeitos da inflao na contabilidade e nas projees financeira. Trata de estratgia financeira de uma empresa do setor de bens de capital sob encomenda, a fim de manter a sua substncia patrimonial no contexto inflacionrio em que se encontra no Pas.
A proposta deste trabalho de, a partir de uma crtica da dicotomia juzos de valor/juzos de fato, realizar uma reflexo crtica sobre a Teoria Econmica convencional ou neoclssica e propor uma anlise econmica baseada na superao daquela dicotomia. De acordo com Amartya Sem (1999-2007), a anlise econmica tem duas razes: a primeira relacionada tica e concepo poltica, a qual apesar de levantar questes irredutveis de anlise econmica, tem sido desqualificada pela anlise econmica moderna, por ser considerada no cientfica e a outra concepo, a abordagem de engenharia, desenvolvida a partir da anlise de estados do sistema econmico, e que procurou basear-se grandemente na anlise esttica da Fsica. Este o veio principal da Teoria econmica convencional e que por causa de sua analogia com os sistemas fsicos considerada cientfica.