7 resultados para RATE DYNAMICS
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
The paper aims to investigate on empirical and theoretical grounds the Brazilian exchange rate dynamics under floating exchange rates. The empirical analysis examines the short and long term behavior of the exchange rate, interest rate (domestic and foreign) and country risk using econometric techniques such as variance decomposition, Granger causality, cointegration tests, error correction models, and a GARCH model to estimate the exchange rate volatility. The empirical findings suggest that one can argue in favor of a certain degree of endogeneity of the exchange rate and that flexible rates have not been able to insulate the Brazilian economy in the same patterns predicted by literature due to its own specificities (managed floating with the use of international reserves and domestic interest rates set according to inflation target) and to externally determined variables such as the country risk. Another important outcome is the lack of a closer association of domestic and foreign interest rates since the new exchange regime has been adopted. That is, from January 1999 to May 2004, the US monetary policy has no significant impact on the Brazilian exchange rate dynamics, which has been essentially endogenous primarily when we consider the fiscal dominance expressed by the probability of default.
Este artigo estuda a previsão da estrutura a termo da taxa de juros brasileira utilizando de fatores comuns extraídos de uma vasta base de séries macroeconômicas. Os períodos para estimação e previsão compreendem o intervalo de Janeiro de 2000 a Maio de 2012. Foram empregas 171 séries mensais para a construção da base. Primeiramente foi implementado o modelo proposto por Moench (2008), no qual a dinâmica da taxa de juros de curto prazo é modelada através de um FAVAR e a estrutura a termo é derivada utilizando-se de restrições implicadas por não arbitragem. A escolha pela adoção deste modelo se deve aos resultados obtidos no estudo original, nos quais tal modelagem apresentou melhor desempenho preditivo para horizontes intermediários e longos quando comparado com benchmarks usuais. Contudo, tais resultados também apresentaram uma deterioração progressiva à medida que as maturidades aumentam, evidenciando uma possível inadequação do modelo para as partes intermediária e longa da curva. A implementação deste modelo para a estrutura a termo brasileira levou a resultados muito similares ao do estudo original. Visando contornar a deterioração mencionada, foi proposta uma modelagem alternativa na qual a dinâmica de cada taxa é modelada conjuntamente com os fatores macroeconômicos, eliminando-se as restrições implicadas por não arbitragem. Tal modelagem proporcionou resultados de previsão amplamente superiores e através dela foi possível confirmar a inadequação descrita. Por fim, também foi realizada a inserção dos fatores macro na dinâmica dos fatores beta do modelo de Diebold e Li (2006), levando a um grande ganho de capacidade preditiva, principalmente para horizontes maiores de previsão.
There is strong empirical evidence that risk premia in long-term interest rates are time-varying. These risk premia critically depend on interest rate volatility, yet existing research has not examined the im- pact of time-varying volatility on excess returns for long-term bonds. To address this issue, we incorporate interest rate option prices, which are very sensitive to interest rate volatility, into a dynamic model for the term structure of interest rates. We estimate three-factor affine term structure models using both swap rates and interest rate cap prices. When we incorporate option prices, the model better captures interest rate volatility and is better able to predict excess returns for long-term swaps over short-term swaps, both in- and out-of-sample. Our results indicate that interest rate options contain valuable infor- mation about risk premia and interest rate dynamics that cannot be extracted from interest rates alone.
The objective of this study is to investigate whether the relationship between order ow and the spot exchange rate stems from the fact that the ow aggregates information on dispersed economic fundamentals in the economy. To perform this test, a database that includes all transactions of the commercial and nancial segments of the Brazilian primary foreign exchange market between January of 1999 and May of 2008 was used. We show that the order ow was partly responsible for variations in in ation expectations over the time period and that this relationship did not remain robust, drawing comparisons with other fundamentals such as GDP and Industrial Production.
A determinação da taxa de juros estrutura a termo é um dos temas principais da gestão de ativos financeiros. Considerando a grande importância dos ativos financeiros para a condução das políticas econômicas, é fundamental para compreender a estrutura que é determinado. O principal objetivo deste estudo é estimar a estrutura a termo das taxas de juros brasileiras, juntamente com taxa de juros de curto prazo. A estrutura a termo será modelado com base em um modelo com uma estrutura afim. A estimativa foi feita considerando a inclusão de três fatores latentes e duas variáveis macroeconômicas, através da técnica Bayesiana da Cadeia de Monte Carlo Markov (MCMC).
The thesis introduces a system dynamics Taylor rule model of new Keynesian nature for monetary policy feedback in Brazil. The nonlinear Taylor rule for interest rate changes con-siders gaps and dynamics of GDP growth and inflation. The model closely tracks the 2004 to 2011 business cycle and outlines the endogenous feedback between the real interest rate, GDP growth and inflation. The model identifies a high degree of endogenous feedback for monetary policy and inflation, while GDP growth remains highly exposed to exogenous eco-nomic conditions. The results also show that the majority of the monetary policy moves during the sample period was related to GDP growth, despite higher coefficients of inflation parameters in the Taylor rule. This observation challenges the intuition that inflation target-ing leads to a dominance of monetary policy moves with respect to inflation. Furthermore, the results suggest that backward looking price-setting with respect to GDP growth has been the dominant driver of inflation. Moreover, simulation exercises highlight the effects of the new BCB strategy initiated in August 2011 and also consider recession and inflation avoid-ance versions of the Taylor rule. In methodological terms, the Taylor rule model highlights the advantages of system dynamics with respect to nonlinear policies and to the stock-and-flow approach. In total, the strong historical fit and some counterintuitive observations of the Taylor rule model call for an application of the model to other economies.
I study the welfare cost of inflation and the effect on prices after a permanent increase in the interest rate. In the steady state, the real money demand is homogeneous of degree one in income and its interest-rate elasticity is approximately equal to −1/2. Consumers are indifferent between an economy with 10% p.a. inflation and one with zero inflation if their income is 1% higher in the first economy. A permanent increase in the interest rate makes the price level to drop initially and inflation to adjust slowly to its steady state level.