43 resultados para Purchasing.

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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Empirical evidence suggests that real exchange rate is characterized by the presence of near-unity and additive outliers. Recent studeis have found evidence on favor PPP reversion by using the quasi-differencing (Elliott et al., 1996) unit root tests (ERS), which is more efficient against local alternatives but is still based on least squares estimation. Unit root tests basead on least saquares method usually tend to bias inference towards stationarity when additive out liers are present. In this paper, we incorporate quasi-differencing into M-estimation to construct a unit root test that is robust not only against near-unity root but also against nonGaussian behavior provoked by assitive outliers. We re-visit the PPP hypothesis and found less evidemce in favor PPP reversion when non-Gaussian behavior in real exchange rates is taken into account.


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Looking closely at the PPP argument, it states that the currencies purchasing power should not change when comparing the same basket goods across countries, and these goods should all be tradable. Hence, if PPP is valid at all, it should be captured by the relative price indices that best Öts these two features. We ran a horse race among six di§erent price indices available from the IMF database to see which one would yield higher PPP evidence, and, therefore, better Öt the two features. We used RER proxies measured as the ratio of export unit values, wholesale prices, value added deáators, unit labor costs, normalized unit labor costs and consumer prices, for a sample of 16 industrial countries, with quarterly data from 1975 to 2002. PPP was tested using both the ADF and the DFGLS unit root test of the RER series. The RER measured as WPI ratios was the one for which PPP evidence was found for the larger number of countries: six out of sixteen when we use DF-GLS test with demeaned series. The worst measure of all was the RER based on the ratio of foreign CPIs and domestic WPI. No evidence of PPP at all was found for this measure.


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The purpose of this paper is to test the hypothesis of long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) for all Latin American countries. These countries share similar economic history and contagious effects from currency crises, which might lead to comovements in their real exchange rates. New time series unit root tests found evidence of PPP for the vast majority of countries. In the panel data framework, tests for the null of unit root, null of stationarity, and unit root under multiple structural breaks indicated stationary real exchange rates. Thus, there is convincing evidence that PPP holds for Latin-American countries in the post-1980 period.


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Neste trabalho abordamos alguns “puzzles” da Paridade do Poder de Compra (PPC) ainda não resolvidos; durante esse processo propomos um novo modelo não-linear e estudamos o papel da agregação temporal e de bases de dados abrangendo apenas um pequeno período histórico. A hipótese de que não existe uma força de convergência agindo sobre o câmbio real ajustado (ARER) foi fortemente rejeitada estatisticamente, e a não-linearidade se mostrou um questão importante. As meia-vidas encontradas para o Brasil usando os modelos padrão parecem ser uma das menores já encontradas para um país, e chegamos à conclusão de que a velocidade de convergência em direção a PPC ainda não pode ser considerada um consenso. Pretendemos, em adição, dar contribuições através do levantamento e esclarecimento de alguns resultados e problemas potenciais concernentes ao estudo da PPC.


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This exploratory research aims to find out the extent to which Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) impacts the purchasing behavior of Peruvian consumers when it comes to convenience food products. The study includes qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis consists of in-depth interviews with CSR representatives from consumer product companies, CSR practitioners and some consumers from the quantitative sample. That group’s composition was selected in order to obtain a wide picture of the consumers’ perception towards CSR, including their understanding of the concept and the relevance in their decision making process when buying convenience food products. The quantitative analysis portion consists of an on-line survey focused on Peruvian consumers who live in Lima during the year 2015. Consumers included in the sample were selected by convenience. After analyzing the 134 completed surveys, the results obtained suggest that even though there is an increasing interest in CSR, including CSR as an attribute of the purchased goods, interest is not fully demonstrated by the purchasing behavior of consumers. The main breach leading to this inconsistency appears to be the lack of or failure in the companies’ CSR communication towards consumers. Consumers demand reliable information which socially responsible companies usually provide; however at this stage, the target audiences of such information are mostly corporations and communities surrounding the manufacturing plants of convenience food products.


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Aiming at success in the currently challenging Brazilian market, luxury firms must consider a number of factors. Not only the adaptation to certain economic and political conditions but also the understanding of Brazilian luxury consumers’ characteristics as well as their value perceptions towards luxury are crucial in order to create an effective marketing strategy. This study investigated the value perceptions and purchasing motives of 428 Brazilian consumers. Brazilians purchase luxury goods in order to conspicuously put them on show to certain social reference group or to the general public. Thus, they display their wealth, income and social status. Social groups therefore play a distinct role in the purchasing decision process. Moreover, Brazilians are found to be hedonic consumers, seeking pleasurable moments and the reduction of stress when consuming luxury products. In addition to that, they use luxurious products to express their own personality. Brazilians hence place a much higher importance on self-expressive, emotional product benefits rather than on rational, functional product benefits. Marketers of luxury goods are advised to make use of this knowledge in order to adequately address consumers’ needs, wants and beliefs. The study focuses on consumers living in Rio de Janeiro and does not take into account different value perceptions on different luxury product categories. Therefore, suggestions for further research include replicating the study in different Brazilian regions and probing for differences among product categories.


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This paper the stastistical properties of the real exchange rates of G-5 countries for the Bretton-Woods peiod, and draw implications on the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis. In contrast to most previous studies that consider only unit root and stationary process to describe the real exchange tae, this paper also considers two in-between processes, the locally persistent process ans the fractionally integrated process, to complement past studies. Seeking to be consistent with tha ample evidence of near unit in the real exchange rate movements very well. This finding implies that: 1) the real exchange movement is more persistent than the stationary case but less persistent than the unit root case; 2) the real exchange rate is non-stationary but the PPP reversion occurs and the PPP holds in the long run; 3) the real exchange rate does not exhibit the secular dependence of the fractional integration; 4) the real exchange rate evolves over time in a way that there is persistence over a range of time, but the effect of shocks will eventually disappear over time horizon longer than order O (nd), that is, at finite time horizon; 5) shocks dissipation is fasters than predicted by the fractional integracion, and the total sum of the effects of a unit innovation is finite, implying that a full PPP reversion occurs at finite horizons. These results may explain why pasrt empirical estudies could not provide a clear- conclusion on the real exchange rate processes and the PPP hypothesis.


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This study in International Economics has three main goals. First, to indicate, among seven price indices, the one with the highest purchasing power parity (PPP) evidence; second, to suggest that the international trade theory explains to satisfaction the real exchange rate parity among countries with similar relative-factor-endowment; and third, to study the impact of the Brazilian trade openness on labor demand elasticity.


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This study aims to bring back the debate on the use of the purchasing power of the State as instrument to boost other public policies established by federal entities. Besides putting it in a context of innovation in the public sector, the study of this issue must consider all its variables and questions, whwther of legal, economic, social or political order, starting with the one I consider the most important: the possibility of the State to assert its power of puchasing in order to design and promote markets, searching to achieve other objectives rather than those traditionally accepted. Thus, in the analysis of a direct application of a new practice, this study evaluates the implementation of the Additional Law number 123/06, which gives a differentiating treatment to micro and small enterprises in public contracting. By means of interviews, information was collected with the relevant actors in in this phase. The conclusion was that aspects such as the heterogeneity of the segment of the MPE`s and their low capacity of articulation, along with the endogenous obstacles of the instituion of the bidding, contribute decively to the low stage of the implementation that occurs at this moment.


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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo criar um modelo de compras de rMRO (manutenção, reparos e operações) baseado na Internet, para a Michelin no Brasil. Atualmente, a empresa Michelin está participando de uma comunidade virtual, sob a forma de um "vertal", criada pelas maiores empresas da indústria de pneu e borracha (Michelin, Goodyear, Pirelli, Continental, Cooper, Sumitomo, entre outras), e cuja intenção é desenvolver uma praça de mercado global para realização das suas compras e aprovisionamentos. A Rubbernetwork.com (RNC) foi fundada como uma empresa independente, reunindo o conjunto das compras da indústria de pneu e borracha, representando um valor de mais de cinqüenta bilhões de dólares por ano gastos em matérias-primas, equipamentos, maquinário, bens e serviços. Esta central de compras permitirá a seus membros aumentar a eficácia de suas operações e realizar economias substanciais nos custos de transação. Cada transação será protegida por apropriados sistemas advindos da implementação da tecnologia da informação, a fim de garantir a confidencialidade de todas as atividades comerciais de cada empresa individualmente. Os membros participantes estão convencidos de que a iniciativa possibilitará economias significativas e melhorará a eficiência de suas cadeias de valor. A comunidade virtual será aberta a todos os fabricantes e fornecedores relacionados à indústria de pneu e borracha, sendo também bem vindas oportunidades 2 de interação com outras comunidades virtuais, especialmente aquelas associadas à indústria automotiva. É dentro do contexto de implementação do projeto Rubbernetwork.com (RNC) que a dissertação se desenvolverá, tecendo estratégias e modelos de negócios concernentes aos processos de compras relacionados a MRO (manutenção, reparos e operações). O desenvolvimento de um "vertal" na Internet não impede que portais horizontais complementares, e não excludentes, sejam também acrescidos como alternativa de negócios. Há de se dar um tratamento específico às compras diárias que envolvem um grande número de diferentes fornecedores, várias áreas internas na empresa e consomem tempo desnecessário em trabalhos burocráticos, sem fins estratégicos. Cabe ressaltar que tal categoria de compras, denominada MRO, apesar de seu baixo valor por produto ou serviço adquirido, gera um elevado volume de transações e um alto impacto operacional. Pelo fato de tratar-se de uma experiência inovadora em setor de características próprias - mercado de pneu e borracha -, e de estar-se criando uma expectativa de cooperação entre empresas concorrentes, em busca da racionalização do processo de compras e divisão de custos operacionais, a metodologia utilizada, quanto aos seus fins, será exploratória e aplicada I. Quanto aos meios de investigação, a pesquisa realizada será: de campo, estudo de caso e bibliográfica. O universo da pesquisa restringir-se-á à empresa Michelin, onde o processo de compras de MRO baseado na Internet será contemplado, através de levantamento de dados nos E.UA e França, a fim de propor-se um modelo para a Michelin Brasil.


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Leilões são instituições seculares utilizadas nas relações comerciais entre indivíduos e organizações. Provêem maior flexibilidade aos processos de determinação de preços e alocação de bens, aumentando o espaço para negociações entre compradores e vendedores. Na Internet, têm sido empregados, de maneira crescente, em atividades de comércio eletrônico B2B e G2B, em sua maioria, através da modalidade de leilão reverso. No entanto, seu aspecto unidimensional reduz as negociações à variável preço, produzindo, muitas vezes, resultados aquém do desejado. No caso brasileiro, o Governo Federal instituiu o Portal Comprasnet, através do qual, as organizações públicas adquirem bens e serviços de fornecedores cadastrados. Dentre as modalidades de licitação disponíveis, destaca-se o Pregão Eletrônico, um mecanismo de leilão eletrônico reverso baseado no atributo preço, através do qual, fornecedores submetem lances decrescentes, na disputa por contratos do setor público. No presente trabalho, o autor propõe uma abordagem de decisão multicritério, baseada na Teoria da Utilidade Multiatributo, como uma alternativa para a adoção de leilões reversos baseados em múltiplos atributos e, consequentemente, para uma maior agregação de valor pelas organizações compradoras do setor público brasileiro.


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The Internet has taken the world by storm. It has eliminated the barriers of technology, and unlocked the doors to electronic commerce and the 'Virtual Economy'. It has given us a glimpse into the future of 'Business' itself, and it has created a bewildering variety of choices in our personal and professional lives. It has taken on a life of its own, and we are all frantically trying to keep up. Many overwhelmed companies are asking questions like: 'What should our Internet Strategy be?' Or 'How do we put our business on the Internet like everybody else is doing?' or 'How do we use this thing to make money without spending any?'. These questions may seem reasonable on the surface, but they miss the point because they focus on the technologies rather than the core issues of conducting day-to-day business. The Internet can indeed offer fast returns in marketing reach, speed, director consumer sales and so on, and many companies are using it to good advantage, but the highest and best use of any such technology is to support, enhance and even re-invent the fundamentals of general business practice. When the initial excitement is over, and companies gain experience and confidence with the new business models, this larger view will begin to assert itself. Companies will then start to position their 'Internet Strategies' in context of where the business world itself is going over time, and how they can prepare for what is to come. Until now, the business world has been very fragmented, its collective progress limited (in part) by the inability to communicate within and between companies. Now that the technical remedy seems to be at hand and standards are beginning to emerge, we are starting to see a trend toward consolidation, cooperation, and economic synergy. Companies are improving their internal business processes with Intranets, and Electronic Commerce initiatives have sprung up using EDI, the World Wide Web, E-Mail, secure credit card payments and other tools. Companies are using the Internet to talk to each other and to sell their goods and services to the end consumer. Like Berlin, the walls are coming down because they have to. Electronic 'Communities of Common Interest' are beginning to surface, with the goal of supporting and aligning similar industries (such as Government, Insurance, Transportation and Health care) or similar business functions (such as Purchasing, Payments, and Human Resources). As these communities grow and mature, their initial scope will broaden and their spheres of influence will expand. They will begin to overlap into other communities, creating a synergistic effect and reshaping the conduct of business. The business world will undergo a gradual evolution toward globalization, driven by economic imperatives and natural selection in the marketplace, and facilitated by Electronic Commerce and Internet technologies. The business world 'beyond 2000' will have a substantially different look and feel than that which we see today.


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Globalization, as an economic, social and cultural phenomenon, has profoundly changed the behavior of individuals, companies and nations. It is responsible for an increasingly borderless world and a significant increase in competition between companies, due to the rapid dissemination of information and technical and scientific advances. Every day at the global level, the growing competition between companies makes it more difficult for corporations to boost their earnings through added revenues, which makes it imperative to cut costs to be profitable. To this end, utilization of the reverse auction, which has emerged as a new purchasing tool in recent years, offers the possibility of a significant and immediate reduction in prices, as well as greater operational efficiency in purchasing. The Brazilian hotel industry has also experienced transformations with globalization. A business characterized in the 70s by small and medium-sized companies has developed into an economic segment that today includes large international chains and, therefore, also needs to cut costs to be profitable. Applying the case study approach, this research seeks to evaluate the impact that the utilization of a reverse auction as a purchasing tool has had on the hotel industry in Brazil.


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O trabalho aborda a questão do custo de capital em um contexto de mercados globalizados. Analisa as principais metodologias para definição das variáveis que compõem o Custo Médio Ponderado de Capital (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) e o impacto exercido pela segmentação/integração dos mercados financeiros mundiais nesta definição. Discute as relações internacionais de paridade (Purchasing Power Parity, Efeito Fisher, lnterest Rate Parity, entre outras) e suas implicações para a definição de custo de capital. Discorre sobre diversificação internacional de portfólios e instrumentos para captação de recursos no exterior, como eurobonds e ADR's, e discute a questão do custo de capital ser global ou local/divisional.