10 resultados para Multivariate statistics
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
A Análise Financeira dos Índices tem sido usada largamente, desde o fim do século passado na avaliação das demonstrações financeiras; no entanto, encontrou-se desacreditada por volta dos anos 60. Assim, por essa época, Beaver; baseando-se na literatura existente, testa empiricamente muitas crenças tidas como verdadeiras e chega a resultados diferentes. Para isso, utilizou-se de metodologia estatística univariada, isto é, analisou cada índice isoladamente. Altman refuta a metodologia usada por Beaver e cria um modelo utilizando se da estatística multivariada, isto é, vários Índices são estudados, estabelecendo um score limite. Outros autores, baseando-se nestes dois estudos, ora criticando, ora comparando, montam outros modelos. Assim temos: Deakin, Blum, Libby, Kennedy, Kanitz, Zappa, Collongues, Conan, Holder, C.E.S.A. e outros que não foram mencionados neste trabalho. Este estudo mostrou o trabalho de cada autor individualmente e, num segundo momento, apresentou críticas e comparações sofridas por esses modelos, procurando evidenciar que essas críticas e comparações serviram para estimular o desenvolvimento da Análise Financeira, a tal ponto que pode-se citar Altman que, devido a críticas e também ao seu interesse em atualizar os dados, reformula o seu modelo original (1968), criando o modelo Zeta (1977). A segunda preocupação deste trabalho foi evidenciar alguns pontos que puderam ser colhidos do material disponível. Assim, procurou-se responder quais os Índices que mais foram usados pelos modelos e, como conclusão, chegou-se a evidência de que não existem alguns poucos índices que melhor discriminem uma empresa falida e não falida. Outra indagação foi, se esses modelos serviriam para todos os tipos e tamanhos de empresas, e concluiu-se que servem, desde que o analista os adapte às suas necessidades peculiares. E, por fim, procurou-se verificar a que finalidade esses modelos podiam corresponder. E, assim, apontou-se a análise de crédito comercial, para investimento, para decisões internas, para compra e venda de ações etc. Conclui-se, pois, que os vários modelos desenvolvidos nestes últimos anos, realmente trouxeram progresso à Análise Financeira, mas que esses resultados devem ser cuidadosa mente adaptados às diversas realidades e mais, dado ao desenvolvimento de outras ciências, podem somar-se esforços com intuito de alcançar um maior desenvolvimento.
In this essay, a method for comparing the asymptotic power of the multivariate unit root tests proposed in Phillips & Durlauf (1986) and Flˆores, Preumont & Szafarz (1996) is proposed. In order to determine the asymptotic power of the tests the asymptotic distributions under the null hypothesis and under the set of alternative hypotheses described in Phillips (1988) are determined. In addition, a test which combines characteristics of both tests is proposed and its distributions under the null hypothesis and the same set of alternative hypotheses are determined. This allows us to determine what causes any difference in the asymptotic power of the two tests against the set of alternative hypotheses considered
The aim of this paper is to provide evidence on output convergence among the Mercosur countries and associates, using multivariate time-series tests. The methodology is based on a combination of tests and estimation procedures, both univariate and multivariate, applied to the differences in per capita real income. We use the definitions of time-series convergence proposed by Bernard & Durlauf and apply unit root and tests proposed by Abuaf & Jorion and Taylor & Sarno. In this same multivariate context, the Flôres, Preumont & Szafarz and Breuer, MbNown & Wallace tests, which allow for the existence of correlations across the series without imposing a common speed of mean reversion, identify the countries that convergence. Concerning the empirical results, there is evidence of long-run convergence or, at least, catching up, for the smaller countries, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, towards Brazil and, to some extent, Argentina. In contrast, the evidence on convergence for the larger countries is weaker, as they have followed different (or rather opposing) macroeconomic policy strategies. Thus the future of the whole area will critically depend on the ability of Brazil, Argentina and Chile to find some scope for more cooperative policy actions.
The aim of this paper is to test whether or not there was evidence of contagion across the various financial crises that assailed some countries in the 1990s. Data on sovereign debt bonds for Brazil, Mexico, Russia and Argentina were used to implement the test. The contagion hypothesis is tested using multivariate volatility models. If there is any evidence of structural break in volatility that can be linked to financial crises, the contagion hypothesis will be confirmed. Results suggest that there is evidence in favor of the contagion hypothesis.
The objective of this article is to study (understand and forecast) spot metal price levels and changes at monthly, quarterly, and annual horizons. The data to be used consists of metal-commodity prices in a monthly frequency from 1957 to 2012 from the International Financial Statistics of the IMF on individual metal series. We will also employ the (relatively large) list of co-variates used in Welch and Goyal (2008) and in Hong and Yogo (2009) , which are available for download. Regarding short- and long-run comovement, we will apply the techniques and the tests proposed in the common-feature literature to build parsimonious VARs, which possibly entail quasi-structural relationships between different commodity prices and/or between a given commodity price and its potential demand determinants. These parsimonious VARs will be later used as forecasting models to be combined to yield metal-commodity prices optimal forecasts. Regarding out-of-sample forecasts, we will use a variety of models (linear and non-linear, single equation and multivariate) and a variety of co-variates to forecast the returns and prices of metal commodities. With the forecasts of a large number of models (N large) and a large number of time periods (T large), we will apply the techniques put forth by the common-feature literature on forecast combinations. The main contribution of this paper is to understand the short-run dynamics of metal prices. We show theoretically that there must be a positive correlation between metal-price variation and industrial-production variation if metal supply is held fixed in the short run when demand is optimally chosen taking into account optimal production for the industrial sector. This is simply a consequence of the derived-demand model for cost-minimizing firms. Our empirical evidence fully supports this theoretical result, with overwhelming evidence that cycles in metal prices are synchronized with those in industrial production. This evidence is stronger regarding the global economy but holds as well for the U.S. economy to a lesser degree. Regarding forecasting, we show that models incorporating (short-run) commoncycle restrictions perform better than unrestricted models, with an important role for industrial production as a predictor for metal-price variation. Still, in most cases, forecast combination techniques outperform individual models.
It is well known that cointegration between the level of two variables (e.g. prices and dividends) is a necessary condition to assess the empirical validity of a present-value model (PVM) linking them. The work on cointegration,namelyon long-run co-movements, has been so prevalent that it is often over-looked that another necessary condition for the PVM to hold is that the forecast error entailed by the model is orthogonal to the past. This amounts to investigate whether short-run co-movememts steming from common cyclical feature restrictions are also present in such a system. In this paper we test for the presence of such co-movement on long- and short-term interest rates and on price and dividend for the U.S. economy. We focuss on the potential improvement in forecasting accuracies when imposing those two types of restrictions coming from economic theory.
This paper has two original contributions. First, we show that the present value model (PVM hereafter), which has a wide application in macroeconomics and fi nance, entails common cyclical feature restrictions in the dynamics of the vector error-correction representation (Vahid and Engle, 1993); something that has been already investigated in that VECM context by Johansen and Swensen (1999, 2011) but has not been discussed before with this new emphasis. We also provide the present value reduced rank constraints to be tested within the log-linear model. Our second contribution relates to forecasting time series that are subject to those long and short-run reduced rank restrictions. The reason why appropriate common cyclical feature restrictions might improve forecasting is because it finds natural exclusion restrictions preventing the estimation of useless parameters, which would otherwise contribute to the increase of forecast variance with no expected reduction in bias. We applied the techniques discussed in this paper to data known to be subject to present value restrictions, i.e. the online series maintained and up-dated by Shiller. We focus on three different data sets. The fi rst includes the levels of interest rates with long and short maturities, the second includes the level of real price and dividend for the S&P composite index, and the third includes the logarithmic transformation of prices and dividends. Our exhaustive investigation of several different multivariate models reveals that better forecasts can be achieved when restrictions are applied to them. Moreover, imposing short-run restrictions produce forecast winners 70% of the time for target variables of PVMs and 63.33% of the time when all variables in the system are considered.
A new multivariate test for the detection ofunit roots is proposed. Use is made ofthe possible correlations between the disturbances of difIerent series, and constrained and unconstrained SURE estimators are employed. The corresponding asymptotic distributions, for the case oftwo series, are obtained and a table with criticai vaIues is generated. Some simulations indivate that the procedure performs better than the existing alternatives.
Using a sequence of nested multivariate models that are VAR-based, we discuss different layers of restrictions imposed by present-value models (PVM hereafter) on the VAR in levels for series that are subject to present-value restrictions. Our focus is novel - we are interested in the short-run restrictions entailed by PVMs (Vahid and Engle, 1993, 1997) and their implications for forecasting. Using a well-known database, kept by Robert Shiller, we implement a forecasting competition that imposes different layers of PVM restrictions. Our exhaustive investigation of several different multivariate models reveals that better forecasts can be achieved when restrictions are applied to the unrestricted VAR. Moreover, imposing short-run restrictions produces forecast winners 70% of the time for the target variables of PVMs and 63.33% of the time when all variables in the system are considered.