11 resultados para Multidimensional Compressible Flows
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
Brazilian international and inter-state trade flows: an exploratory analysis using the gravity model
Recent efforts toward a world with freer trade, like WTO/GATT or regional Preferential Trade Agreements(PTAs), were put in doubt after McCallum's(1995) finding of a large border effect between US and Canadian provinces. Since then, there has been a great amount of research on this topic employing the gravity equation. This dissertation has two goals. The first goal is to review comprehensively the recent literature about the gravity equation, including its usages, econometric specifications, and the efforts to provide it with microeconomic foundations. The second goal is the estimation of the Brazilian border effect (or 'home-bias trade puzzle') using inter-state and international trade flow data. It is used a pooled cross-section Tobit model. The lowest border effect estimated was 15, which implies that Brazilian states trade among themselves 15 times more than they trade with foreign countries. Further research using industry disaggregated data is needed to qualify the estimated border effect with respect to which part of that effect can be attributed to actual trade costs and which part is the outcome of the endogenous location problem of the firm.
Within the context of a single-unit, independent private values auction model, we show that if bidder types are multidimensional, then under the optimal auction exclusion of some bidder types will occur. A second contribution of the paper is methodological in nature. In particular, we identify conditions under which an auction model with multidimensional types can be reduced to a model with one dimensional types without loss of generality. Reduction results of this type have achieved the status of folklore in the mechanism design literature. Here, we provide a proof of the reduction result for auctions.
We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of symmetric equilibrium without ties in interdependent values auctions, with multidimensional independent types and no monotonic assumptions. In this case, non-monotonic equilibria might happen. When the necessary and sufficient conditions are not satisfied, there are ties with positive probability. In such case, we are still able to prove the existence of pure strategy equilibrium with an all-pay auction tie-breaking rule. As a direct implication of these results, we obtain a generalization of the Revenue Equivalence Theorem. From the robustness of equilibrium existence for all-pay auctions in multidimensional setting, an interpretation of our results can give a new justification to the use of tournaments in practice.
This paper infers the impact the publication Guia Exame (the guide) has on the Brazilian fund industry, more specifically on the ability the concerned funds develop on attracting new investment. The impact is measured using the event-study analysis based on the variation of net worth subsequently to the event of being rated, according to the methodology applied by the guide to rank the funds. We used five years of fund ratings according to Guia Exame (2000-2004) and analyzed the changes of these funds net worth. We also compared the event amongst different categories of funds. The results found confirm the expected effects according to star rankings and asset manager size in all years.
Aborda planejamento e a gestão na universidade pública brasileira, apontando os problemas institucionais decorrentes das mudanças introduzidas na sua estrutura e funcionamento no sentido de torná-la, democrática e participativa. Os resultados mostram que a ampliação dos órgões colegiados na universidade vem contribuindo para uma visão compartimentada dos problemas organizacionais, refletindo-se no processo decisório e no planejamento universitário.
Levantamento bibliográfico tanto de métodos de Escalonamento Multidimensional como sobre partipação de mercado e seu papel estratégico visando a sugestão de um modelo associativo entre ordenações de preferência geradas pelo escalonamento e ordenações de participações relativas de mercado para categorias de produtos de consumo de massa
A monografia adota como ponto de partida a existencia de grande precariedade nos processos e estruturas de mensuração e avaliação de desempenho no setor público. Em sua parte inicial ela analisa, com base na literatura especializada, as principais limitantes, inadequações e problemas dos sistemas e processos utilizados para tais fins. Em seguida, através de pesquisa bibliográfica e de análises sobre fontes primárias de dados, demonstra que existem ainda sérios problemas na caracterização conceitual dos termos-chave utilizados nos processos de mensuração e de avaliação. evidência que as limitadas abordagens Além disso, põe em evidencia que as limitadas abordagens sobre quantificação de resultados são dispersas, incompletas e nem sempre suficientemente claras. No que se refere ao desempenho das organizações o trabalho põe em evidência que a literatura em geral o situa como expressável através de conceitos limitados e confusos como os de eficiência e eficácia.
The present article initiates a systematic study of the behavior of a strictly increasing, C2 , utility function u(a), seen as a function of agents' types, a, when the set of types, A, is a compact, convex subset of iRm . When A is a m-dimensional rectangle it shows that there is a diffeomorphism of A such that the function U = u o H is strictly increasing, C2 , and strictly convexo Moreover, when A is a strictly convex leveI set of a nowhere singular function, there exists a change of coordinates H such that B = H-1(A) is a strictly convex set and U = u o H : B ~ iR is a strictly convex function, as long as a characteristic number of u is smaller than a characteristic number of A. Therefore, a utility function can be assumed convex in agents' types without loss of generality in a wide variety of economic environments.
The 90s have witnessed a resumption in capital flows to Latin America. due to the conjugation of low interest rates in the US and economic reforms in most LA countries. In Brazil. however. substantial capital flows have becn induced by the extremely high domestic interest rates practiced by the Central Bank as a measure of last reson given the absence of successful stabilization policies. These very high interest rates were needed to prevent capital flight in a context of a surprisingly stable inflation rate above 20% a month. and keep interest bearing govemment securities preferable to foreign assets as money substitutes. We carefully describe how this domestic currency substitution regime (interest bearing govemment securities are substituted for MIas cash holdings) requires the Central Bank to renounce aoy control over monerary aggregates. In this domestic currency substitution regime. hyperinflation is the most likely outcome of an isolated (i.e.. without fiscal adjusanents) attempt by the Brazilian Central Bank to control money.
A model of externaI CrISIS is deveIoped focusing on the interaction between Iiquidity creation by financiaI intermediaries and foreign exchange collapses. The intermediaries' role of transforming maturities is shown to result in larger movements of capital and a higher probability of crisis. This resembles the observed cycle in capital fiows: large infiows, crisis and abrupt outfiows. The mo deI highlights how adverse productivity and international interest rate shocks can be magnified by the behavior of individual foreign investors linked together through their deposits in the intermediaries. An eventual collapse of the exchange rate can link investors' behavior even further. The basic model is then extended, quite naturally, to study the effects of capital fiow contagion between countries.
This paper infers the impact the publication “Guia Exame” (the guide) has on the Brazilian fund industry, more specifically on the ability the concerned funds develop on attracting new investment. The impact is measured using the event-study analysis based on the variation of net worth subsequently to the event of being rated, according to the methodology applied by the guide to rank the funds. We used five years of fund ratings according to Guia Exame (2000-2004) and analyzed the changes of these funds’ net worth. We also compared the event amongst different categories of funds. The results found confirm the expected effects according to star rankings and asset manager size in all years.