6 resultados para Local basin of attraction
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
In this paper we consider strictly convex monotone continuous complete preorderings on R+n that are locally representable by a concave utility function. By Alexandroff 's (1939) theorem, this function is twice dífferentiable almost everywhere. We show that if the bordered hessian determinant of a concave utility representation vanishes on a null set. Then demand is countably rectifiable, that is, except for a null set of bundles, it is a countable union of c1 manifolds. This property of consumer demand is enough to guarantee that the equilibrium prices of apure exchange economy will be locally unique, for almost every endowment. We give an example of an economy satisfying these conditions but not the Katzner (1968) - Debreu (1970, 1972) smoothness conditions.
This essay aims to discuss local development under the prospect of coordinated intervention of multiple organizations, considering different thematic areas of action, different economic sectors and regions of origin; structured in different methodologies and owners of different social technologies field of expertises. Search to identify determinants, facilitators, and restrictive factors of cross sectorial and cross organizational coordination processes for a common purpose. The field research was conducted at a region of State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, where a group of 13 organizations that fit the profile described above, joined up to work jointly, facilitating the environment for local development. The region is between those with the lowest incomes in Brazil. The objective of this study was to verifry what extent the practices implemented by the organizations context (the municipality in question has population of less than 40.000 inhabitants), are contributing to the formation and / or strengthening of a local scene of more opportunities that compete for the quality of life of the population. To meet this goal were interviewd 52 citizens between representatives of organizations, the government, civil society and citizens directly benefit from the Sustainable Araçuaí iniciative, using the semi-structured interview. The result has been the relationship between partnerships determining factors, facilitators and restrictive labour, structured on a conceptual map, and the perception of the impact that these actions have caused coordinates the council from the perspective of the interviewees
O objetivo dessa dissertação foi investigar o processo de formação do Arranjo Produtivo Local (APL) de estanho em São João del-Rei - A7 Estanho, particularizando suas contribuições para o desenvolvimento local do município. O trabalho foi conduzido mediante uma discussão teórica sobre a situação das micro e pequenas empresas no Brasil, sobre a importância econômica e social dos arranjos produtivos locais, seus impactos no desenvolvimento regional e/ou local, principalmente de municípios sem infra-estrutura para atrair grandes empresas, e sobre políticas públicas que estão em andamento e que se voltam para o fomento desse tipo de aglomerado. Foram realizadas cerca de quatorze entrevistas no município de São João del-Rei: seis integrantes da Associação, uma funcionária, dois representantes das principais instituições parceiras, um representante do governo local e quatro membros da sociedade civil, que possuíam informações relevantes sobre a A7. O método empregado no tratamento dos dados foi a análise de conteúdo. Como resultados, no que diz respeito à análise dos programas que deram origem e/ou sustentação ao aglomerado, verificou-se que dois programas foram mais contundentes em suas contribuições à Associação: o Programa Empreender, da Federaminas, que permitiu a união dos empresários em torno de um objetivo comum, e o Projeto Via Design, do Sebrae, que possibilitou uma série de vantagens ao grupo, solidificando-o no mercado. No que se refere à participação dos diversos atores (membros da A7, poder público, instituições parceiras, sociedade civil) na construção do APL, pode-se perceber que o nível de atuação e comprometimento variava de acordo com as motivações pessoais, cargos ou funções formais exercidas e grau de relacionamento com a Associação. As contribuições ao desenvolvimento local do município, geradas pelo arranjo produtivo, foram enumeradas como geração de emprego e renda, ainda de forma incipiente, mas com possibilidades de crescimento futuro, e divulgação do turismo e cultura sãojoanense.
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre as políticas de educação escolar e saúde indígena no Brasil, buscando verificar a presença das tendências de modificação observadas nas políticas sociais do país, a partir das décadas de 1980 e 1990: descentralização das políticas para as esferas subnacionais de governo; criação de mecanismos de participação da sociedade civil nos processos decisórios; estabelecimento de parcerias com instituições privadas para a provisão de serviços públicos; institucionalização de canais de controle; alteração no conteúdo das políticas e ampliação de seu alcance. O estudo foi realizado a partir de uma análise comparativa das duas políticas no nível federal e no nível local de governo. A análise no nível local foi realizada a partir do estudo de caso do Parque Indígena do Xingu. Buscou-se verificar, na trajetória das políticas, a influência dos fatores relacionados aos processos de Redemocratização e Reforma do Estado, das dinâmicas próprias das áreas de saúde e educação, da questão indígena e da agenda estatal indigenista. A partir da análise, verificamos, no nível federal, um avanço na legislação de ambos os campos, comparado com os princípios existentes antes da Constituição Federal de 1988. No que se refere à legislação, a educação escolar indígena apresenta-se mais consolidada quando comparada à saúde que ainda apresenta muitas indefinições. No Parque Indígena do Xingu percebemos uma inflexão nas duas políticas, a partir da década de 1990, que passam a buscar um crescente protagonismo indígena e a valorização de uma abordagem intercultural. No Xingu estes avanços foram resultado, sobretudo, da iniciativa das comunidades indígenas da região, em parceria com a Universidade Federal de São Paulo, na área da saúde, e com o Instituto Socioambiental, na área da educação, e com recursos, a principio, de fundações internacionais.
Local provision of public services has the positive effect of increasing the efficiency because each locality has its idiosyncrasies that determine a particular demand for public services. This dissertation addresses different aspects of the local demand for public goods and services and their relationship with political incentives. The text is divided in three essays. The first essay aims to test the existence of yardstick competition in education spending using panel data from Brazilian municipalities. The essay estimates two-regime spatial Durbin models with time and spatial fixed effects using maximum likelihood, where the regimes represent different electoral and educational accountability institutional settings. First, it is investigated whether the lame duck incumbents tend to engage in less strategic interaction as a result of the impossibility of reelection, which lowers the incentives for them to signal their type (good or bad) to the voters by mimicking their neighbors’ expenditures. Additionally, it is evaluated whether the lack of electorate support faced by the minority governments causes the incumbents to mimic the neighbors’ spending to a greater extent to increase their odds of reelection. Next, the essay estimates the effects of the institutional change introduced by the disclosure on April 2007 of the Basic Education Development Index (known as IDEB) and its goals on the strategic interaction at the municipality level. This institutional change potentially increased the incentives for incumbents to follow the national best practices in an attempt to signal their type to voters, thus reducing the importance of local information spillover. The same model is also tested using school inputs that are believed to improve students’ performance in place of education spending. The results show evidence for yardstick competition in education spending. Spatial auto-correlation is lower among the lame ducks and higher among the incumbents with minority support (a smaller vote margin). In addition, the institutional change introduced by the IDEB reduced the spatial interaction in education spending and input-setting, thus diminishing the importance of local information spillover. The second essay investigates the role played by the geographic distance between the poor and non-poor in the local demand for income redistribution. In particular, the study provides an empirical test of the geographically limited altruism model proposed in Pauly (1973), incorporating the possibility of participation costs associated with the provision of transfers (Van de Wale, 1998). First, the discussion is motivated by allowing for an “iceberg cost” of participation in the programs for the poor individuals in Pauly’s original model. Next, using data from the 2000 Brazilian Census and a panel of municipalities based on the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) from 2001 to 2007, all the distance-related explanatory variables indicate that an increased proximity between poor and non-poor is associated with better targeting of the programs (demand for redistribution). For instance, a 1-hour increase in the time spent commuting by the poor reduces the targeting by 3.158 percentage points. This result is similar to that of Ashworth, Heyndels and Smolders (2002) but is definitely not due to the program leakages. To empirically disentangle participation costs and spatially restricted altruism effects, an additional test is conducted using unique panel data based on the 2004 and 2006 PNAD, which assess the number of benefits and the average benefit value received by beneficiaries. The estimates suggest that both cost and altruism play important roles in targeting determination in Brazil, and thus, in the determination of the demand for redistribution. Lastly, the results indicate that ‘size matters’; i.e., the budget for redistribution has a positive impact on targeting. The third essay aims to empirically test the validity of the median voter model for the Brazilian case. Information on municipalities are obtained from the Population Census and the Brazilian Supreme Electoral Court for the year 2000. First, the median voter demand for local public services is estimated. The bundles of services offered by reelection candidates are identified as the expenditures realized during incumbents’ first term in office. The assumption of perfect information of candidates concerning the median demand is relaxed and a weaker hypothesis, of rational expectation, is imposed. Thus, incumbents make mistakes about the median demand that are referred to as misperception errors. Thus, at a given point in time, incumbents can provide a bundle (given by the amount of expenditures per capita) that differs from median voter’s demand for public services by a multiplicative error term, which is included in the residuals of the demand equation. Next, it is estimated the impact of the module of this misperception error on the electoral performance of incumbents using a selection models. The result suggests that the median voter model is valid for the case of Brazilian municipalities.
O estudo discute as relações entre a participação política da sociedade civil e as políticas públicas no nível subnacional de governo. A pesquisa trata mais especificamente da relação entre a participação sindicalismo nas políticas públicas. Com isso, procura-se pensar os diversos sentidos e significados da participação do sindicato dos Metalúrgicos do ABC nas políticas públicas. O estudo encontra-se inscrito no contexto das pesquisas qualitativas, enfocando a importância da fala.