54 resultados para Insurance companies.
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
The paper provides an alternative model for insurance market with three types of agents: households, providers of a service and insurance companies. Households have uncertainty about future leveIs of income. Providers, if hired by a household, perform a diagnoses and privately learn a signal. For each signal there is a procedure that maximizes the likelihood of the household obtaining the good state of nature. The paper assumes that providers care about their income and also about the likelihood households will obtain the good state of nature (sympathy assumption). This assumption is satisfied if, for example, they care about their reputation or if there are possible litigation costs in case they do not use the appropriate procedure. Finally, insurance companies offer contracts to both providers and households. The paper provides sufficient conditions for the existence of equilibrium and shows that the sympathy assumption 1eads to a 10ss of welfare for the households due to the need to incentive providers to choose the least expensive treatment.
This paper aims to bring more information related to the critical question "how IT areas of insurance companies are defining and delivering their strategic initiatives Portfolios?" and make conclusions based on the collected data. To reach these interpretations, it is composed of a theoretical investigation on the theme, a strategy delineation for the research methodology and a conclusion presentation based on the findings. In this last part, this study concluded that explored organization does not applied a sufficient number of best practices answering the critical question as "the company is not mature on this subject".
O trabalho visa abordar os recentes conceitos da teoria econômica de seguro, aplicando-os especificamente ao seguro de crédito à exportação. O intuito é a construção de um modelo pioneiro de precificação do risco de crédito, ajustado ao contexto do mercado exportador brasileiro.
This dissertation presents the result of a study accomplished on the degree of use of the certificate of hospital Accreditation as one of the criteria for the accreditation of hospitals by the health insurance companies. Should be emphasized that the Accreditation Certificate represents the main final product of Hospital Accreditation Brazilian Program, being the first emitted when the hospital assists to the quality patterns specified by the Program. In that way, the study focus was, in general terms, Hospital Accreditation Brazilian Program and, more strictly, the Accreditation Certificate and it use. To reach the objectives proposed by the study, interviews were accomplished with the professionals responsible for the accreditation of the hospitals in the main health insurance companies of Brazil. In the total, five companies were consulted among the ten larger health insurance companies of Brazil, considering the number of beneficiaries. To complement the research, additional information were collected in the National Agency of Supplemental Health. It was verified, through the research, that the health insurance companies don't use the Accreditation Certificate given by the Hospital Accreditation Brazilian Program to accredit hospitals.
This case study investigates, empirically, cost methods and criteria of price discrimination made from hospital organizations when they set up their prices of hospital services to private patients and push down their prices to patients affiliated to health insurance and/or health maintenance organizations (HMO). The theory sought to show the Brazilian health systems either public or private, the aspects about corporate culture, the relationship among three players of the private health system ¿ health insurance companies (or HMO), hospitals and the patients, the importance of the cost systems, and the criteria of price discrimination. With these theories, it was developed a qualitative exploratory research, through open interviews, with hospital¿s managers and co-workers from invoicing department from two hospitals located at the Rio de Janeiro City. Based on results we didn¿t identify appropriate cost systems to help the managers to make a correct decision about price discrimination, but was identified corporate culture factors that could influence the price discrimination. Among the results, we can see unprepared hospital managers. Finally, we discussed some contributions and weakness of this case study, and there are presented suggestions for future researches.
Neste trabalho discutimos a evolução recente do mercado de previdência privada complementar aberta no Brasil, e os principais fatores motivadores dessa evolução. Concentramo-nos na participação dos chamados planos tradicionais de previdência complementar, com mínimos garantidos e reversão de excedentes financeiros. Mostramos que essa modalidade de plano possui um conjunto de opções embutidas que representam direitos do participante, ou cliente, sobre o capital da seguradora ou entidade aberta de previdência complementar (EAPC). Essas opções representam riscos adicionais no balanço da EAPC que não estão necessariamente neutralizados. Para tentar neutralizar esses riscos a gestão dos ativos garantidores dos passivos dos planos tradicionais precisa levar em consideração as características desses passivos. Apresentamos cinco critérios comuns, alguns detalhadamente descritos na literatura de finanças, para escolha e alocação de carteiras de ativos em EAPCs, considerando as especificidades dos planos tradicionais e as suas opções embutidas. Testamos carteiras selecionadas com base nesses critérios para o passado recente e procuramos avaliar o impacto dos resultados na geração de receita esperada por essa modalidade de produto. Os resultados indicam que, quanto mais correlacionada for à performance da carteira de ativos com o perfil de evolução dos passivos, mais eficiente será a neutralização dos riscos representados pelas opções emitidas pela EAPC, e menos volátil será o fluxo de receita gerado por essa modalidade de produto.
The paper extends the cost of altruism model, analyzed in Lisboa (1999). There are three types of agents: households, providers of a service and insurance companies. Households have uncertainty about future leveIs of income. Providers, if hired by a household, have to choose a non-observable leveI of effort, perform a diagnoses and privately learn a signal. For each signal there is a procedure that maximizes the likelihood of the household obtaining the good state of nature. Finally, insurance companies offer contracts to both providers and households. The paper provides suflicient conditions for the existence of equilibrium and shows the optimal contract induces providers to care about their income and also about the likelihood households will obtain the good state of nature, which in Lisboa (1999) was stated as altruism assumption. Equilibrium is inefficient in comparison with the standard moral hazard outcome whenever high leveIs of effort is chosen precisely due to the need to incentive providers to choose the least expensive treatment for some signals. We show, however that an equilibrium is always constrained optimal.
Seguindo a tendência mundial de um melhor gerenciamento de riscos, o regulador do mercado de seguros brasileiro, após a implementação dos demais riscos, está em fase avançada de desenvolvimento de seu modelo para aferir o risco de mercado das seguradoras. Uma vez que as discussões cessem, as empresas serão forçadas a usar um modelo que, hoje, apresenta muitas falhas, gerando uma demanda de capital adicional de seus acionistas que pode levar algumas delas ao estado de insolvência. O principal objetivo deste estudo é analisar a adequação do modelo e subsidiar a discussão a fim de aperfeiçoar o modelo final, com análises comparativas com outros modelos no país e no mundo, estudo de cenários e visões do mercado. De modo geral, as análises feitas revelam problemas sérios no modelo, como necessidade de aporte de capital em empresas extremamente lucrativas e insuficiência de garantia de segurança pelo uso puro dos fatores de choque em detrimento a uma análise estocástica. Finalmente, são sugeridas algumas soluções para minimizar o efeito da inadequação do modelo e ainda algumas sugestões para melhoria do mesmo, de forma que os acionistas não sejam prejudicados, o regulador consiga administrar adequadamente os riscos e a sociedade seja beneficiada pela solidez das companhias em quem confiou seus riscos.
Diferentes arranjos institucionais resultam em diferentes incentivos para a realização de trocas econômicas. Com efeito, estruturas regulatórias implementadas em determinado contexto histórico-econômico podem resultar em consequências diversas daquelas originariamente pretendidas, impondo ao regulador a necessidade de constante monitoramento e de intervenções com vistas a diagnosticar e corrigir ou minimizar possíveis distorções nas relações entre os atores envolvidos. Assim, esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar o funcionamento do Consórcio do Seguro DPVAT como mecanismo de conexão entre seus diversos stakeholders. Pretende-se analisar a existência de conflitos de interesses derivados das diversas relações entre as partes interligadas – geradas pelo arranjo institucional firmado para a gestão dos recursos arrecadados com os prêmios pagos pelos proprietários de veículo automotor para o Seguro de Danos Pessoais Causados por Veículos Automotores de Via Terrestre, ou por sua carga, a Pessoas Transportadas ou Não (DPVAT) – que possam suscitar intervenção regulatória no sentido de evitá-los, ou, ao menos, mitigá-los. A pesquisa é conduzida a partir da identificação dos comportamentos esperados de agentes econômicos autointeressados, tendo por referência os pressupostos da Nova Economia Institucional sob a perspectiva da Teoria da Agência, e do exame das principais mudanças legislativas havidas na estrutura do seguro obrigatório de trânsito no Brasil nos últimos 50 anos. Na sequência, com base em elementos teóricos e empíricos, foram identificados e analisados três conflitos de agência entre os stakeholders do Consórcio DPVAT: o primeiro seria aquele havido entre a entidade gestora do Consórcio DPVAT (agente) e as sociedades seguradoras consorciadas (principal); o segundo conflito observado refere-se à relação mantida entre a entidade gestora do Consórcio DPVAT (agente) e o órgão regulador (principal); e, por fim, o conflito de agência existente entre a seguradora que administra o referido consórcio (agente) e os proprietários de veículo automotor (principal).
The goal of this paper is to show the possibility of a non-monotone relation between coverage ans risk which has been considered in the literature of insurance models since the work of Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976). We present an insurance model where the insured agents have heterogeneity in risk aversion and in lenience (a prevention cost parameter). Risk aversion is described by a continuous parameter which is correlated with lenience and for the sake of simplicity, we assume perfect correlation. In the case of positive correlation, the more risk averse agent has higher cosr of prevention leading to a higher demand for coverage. Equivalently, the single crossing property (SCP) is valid and iplies a positive correlation between overage and risk in equilibrium. On the other hand, if the correlation between risk aversion and lenience is negative, not only may the SCP be broken, but also the monotonocity of contracts, i.e., the prediction that high (low) risk averse types choose full (partial) insurance. In both cases riskiness is monotonic in risk aversion, but in the last case there are some coverage levels associated with two different risks (low and high), which implies that the ex-ante (with respect to the risk aversion distribution) correlation between coverage and riskiness may have every sign (even though the ex-post correlation is always positive). Moreover, using another instrument (a proxy for riskiness), we give a testable implication to desentangle single crossing ans non single croosing under an ex-post zero correlation result: the monotonicity of coverage as a function os riskiness. Since by controlling for risk aversion (no asymmetric information), coverage is monotone function of riskiness, this also fives a test for asymmetric information. Finally, we relate this theoretical results to empirical tests in the recent literature, specially the Dionne, Gouruéroux and Vanasse (2001) work. In particular, they found an empirical evidence that seems to be compatible with asymmetric information and non single crossing in our framework. More generally, we build a hidden information model showing how omitted variables (asymmetric information) can bias the sign of the correlation of equilibrium variables conditioning on all observable variables. We show that this may be the case when the omitted variables have a non-monotonic relation with the observable ones. Moreover, because this non-dimensional does not capture this deature. Hence, our main results is to point out the importance of the SPC in testing predictions of the hidden information models.
One of the central problems in contract law is to define the frontier between legal and illegal breaches of promises. The distinction between good and bad faith is perhaps the conceptual tool most commonly used to tell one from the other. Lawyers spend a lot of energy trying to frame better definitions of the concepts of good and bad faith based on principles of ethics or justice, but often pay much less attention to theories dealing with the incentives that can engender good faith behavior in contractual relationships. By describing the economics of what Stiglitz defined as “explicit” and “implicit” insurance, I highlight the “insurance function” hidden in any promise with basically no mathematical notation. My aim is to render the subject intelligible and useful to lawyers with little familiarity with economics.
The Internet has taken the world by storm. It has eliminated the barriers of technology, and unlocked the doors to electronic commerce and the 'Virtual Economy'. It has given us a glimpse into the future of 'Business' itself, and it has created a bewildering variety of choices in our personal and professional lives. It has taken on a life of its own, and we are all frantically trying to keep up. Many overwhelmed companies are asking questions like: 'What should our Internet Strategy be?' Or 'How do we put our business on the Internet like everybody else is doing?' or 'How do we use this thing to make money without spending any?'. These questions may seem reasonable on the surface, but they miss the point because they focus on the technologies rather than the core issues of conducting day-to-day business. The Internet can indeed offer fast returns in marketing reach, speed, director consumer sales and so on, and many companies are using it to good advantage, but the highest and best use of any such technology is to support, enhance and even re-invent the fundamentals of general business practice. When the initial excitement is over, and companies gain experience and confidence with the new business models, this larger view will begin to assert itself. Companies will then start to position their 'Internet Strategies' in context of where the business world itself is going over time, and how they can prepare for what is to come. Until now, the business world has been very fragmented, its collective progress limited (in part) by the inability to communicate within and between companies. Now that the technical remedy seems to be at hand and standards are beginning to emerge, we are starting to see a trend toward consolidation, cooperation, and economic synergy. Companies are improving their internal business processes with Intranets, and Electronic Commerce initiatives have sprung up using EDI, the World Wide Web, E-Mail, secure credit card payments and other tools. Companies are using the Internet to talk to each other and to sell their goods and services to the end consumer. Like Berlin, the walls are coming down because they have to. Electronic 'Communities of Common Interest' are beginning to surface, with the goal of supporting and aligning similar industries (such as Government, Insurance, Transportation and Health care) or similar business functions (such as Purchasing, Payments, and Human Resources). As these communities grow and mature, their initial scope will broaden and their spheres of influence will expand. They will begin to overlap into other communities, creating a synergistic effect and reshaping the conduct of business. The business world will undergo a gradual evolution toward globalization, driven by economic imperatives and natural selection in the marketplace, and facilitated by Electronic Commerce and Internet technologies. The business world 'beyond 2000' will have a substantially different look and feel than that which we see today.
The goal of this dissertation is to identify some of the relevant elements that are related to corporate in-house training programs via the worldwide web. An analysis of the way these factors act upon the success of these processes was conducted. To complete this assignment, one real case was studied using the methodology proposed and which in itself was actually used by an insurance company. The results obtained suggest that some components influence the accomplishment of this procedure. According to the results verified, they do bring a set of observations that must be considered by companies in their implementation strategies of this kind of training program.
As empresas brasileiras com atividades internacionais (MNC) possuem uma estrutura de capital diferente das empresas domésticas (DC)? Se sim, é válida a hipótese upstream-downstream, com empresas internacionalizadas utilizando mais dívida do que as empresas domésticas? Encontramos que as MNCs brasileiras utilizam mais dívida devido à atividade internacional, com 9,6% mais alavancagem, dos quais 5,8% são oriundos de fontes de longo prazo. Nós ainda lançamos uma luz sobre uma explicação alternativa para o maior uso de dívida pelas empresas internacionalizadas. Esta dissertação testa se existe um vínculo entre a atividade internacional e o financiamento com dívida estrangeira. O acesso a dívida estrangeira ajuda a explicar porque MNCs utilizam mais dívida do que DCs? Nossos resultados revelam que a atividade internacional está positivamente relacionada ao uso de dívida estrangeira, sendo que MNCs médias carregam 12,7% mais dívida estrangeira em sua estrutura de capital. Nossa amostra consiste em 131 companhias no período 2004-2008, resultando em 538 observações.
This research provides empirical evidence on the use of trade credit as either a substitution or a complement to bank debt for listed companies in Brazil, controlling for the firms reputation, as stated by Alphonse, Ducret and Séverin (2006). The sample consists of 263 publicly-listed companies for 2006. Our findings support all three hypotheses. We provide evidence that trade credit may be used as a signal for the firm’s quality.