13 resultados para Economic System
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
Essa dissertação apresenta uma pesquisa da política pedagógica dirigida para o "menor desassistido", desenvolvida numa unidade oficial - o Centro de Reeducação Feminino (CRF) - integrante do Sistema Nacional de Atendi mento ao Menor, através do órgão estadual correspondente: Instituto Espírito-Santense do Bem-Estar do Menor(~}. Este Centro abriga menores do sexo feminino na faixa etária dos 13 aos 18 anos incompletos, alí internas, segundo proposta oficial, por apresentarem conduta anti-social acentuada. O presente trabalho estendeu-se de maio de 1980 a novembro de 1981 e, durante esse tempo, foi-nos possivel a coleta dos dados necessários através de: leitura e análise dos textos oficiais, entrevistas a que foram submetidos todos os membros da Unidade (menores e agentes institucionais, das observações e participações nas ativi dades diárias). Através dos dados coletados houve a intenção de constatar: a} se a "pedagogia prometida" é a praticada a nível de umà unidade oficial do Sistema FUNABEM - Fundação Nacional do Bem-Estar do Menor - de atendimento; b) se aquela "prática pedagógica" concorre para o "reeducar e "ressocializar termos que expressam os objetivos mais amplos da proposta nacional. A julgar pelo que constatamos, no CRF, o processo de insti tucionalização é impotente· para resolver, de forma reeducativa, um problema de tamanho peso social, qual seja o da menor carente ou infratora. A infração cometida ou a conduta anti-social apresentada são o resultado ou estratégias de sobrevivência encontradas pela menor para si própria e para o seu grupo social, do qual é um participante ativo. o "reeducar" e o "ressocializar" por melhores que sejam, como propostas, camuflam uma tentativa do sistema sócio-econômico-político, em manter defendidos os in teresses dominantes da sociedade. Através do "reeducar", "ressocializar", esta sociedade espera poder conviver com menores refeitas e como diz Foucault "dóceis" e "úteis" assim que ela as deseja.
Esta dissertação de mestrado parte da constatação de que o sistema econômico social brasileiro. Apresenta uma anomalia ao propor, em leis e planos de desenvolvimento, a não inclusão do negro; com sua cultura e valores diferenciados, no projeto global de nação. Pretende, a partir daí, refletir sobre alguns pontos da Escola Tia Ciata, uma escola da rede do município do Rio de Janeiro, que objetiva basicamente alfabetizar adolescentes e jovens adultos, entre 12 e 20 anos, rejeitados pela escola regular, dando-lhe condições de se profissionalizar numa sociedade letrada, ao aprender a ler, escrever e contar. Por outro lado, ao discorrer sobre a experiência, tomou vulto uma dimensão inimaginável a priori e que se refere à origem histórica daqueles que são Invencíveis para o sistema escolar instituído e que por isso não conseguem ser “educados" e "civilizados". Procurar entender os Invencíveis, o significado e a magia que a "rua" tem para eles, significa pesquisar as propostas e projetos das classes dirigentes, para essa clientela, visando "ordenar a desordem". Por fim, diante da caracterização possível desses Invencíveis, tomando como base os alunos da Escola Tia Ciata, tenta-se descrever a Escola Imaginária e a que se tornou real, hoje. Quais as suas inovações básicas, sua forma de abordar o aluno que se pretende educar e a possibilidade de intervenção na rede pública escolar, de modo a abrir a perspectiva de transformação do quadro educacional atual.
The work studies the use of macroeconomic indicators in strategic planning, considering the perception of senior Brazilian executives. Strategic planning is a management process of great importance within companies of all sizes and sectors. Good planning drives the company in the right direction, helping so she can anticipate the threats and make a diagnosis of opportunities and improvements. Macroeconomic indicators mainly represent data and / or signaling information behavior (individual or integrated) of the different variables and phenomenon components of an economic system of a country, region or state. These play a key role both to provide a better understanding of the present situation and the design of shortterm trends in the economy, and to support the process of making strategic decisions of public officials (government) and private (businesses and consumers). The design of the research followed a qualitative-quantitative model, conducting 12 semi-structured interviews, followed by conducting a survey to 416 companies operating in Brazil. As a result of research it was concluded that top executives know the importance of using macroeconomic indicators in strategic planning, and other accompaniments and decisions of companies, and point out that is not yet fully incorporated into the strategic planning process, running today, in most companies, only as a source of information and confirmation. The analysis of the two variables, from the perspective of senior executives resulted in the highlighted two other interesting variables for future work: trust and Brazilian culture.
O presente artigo pretende analisar os compromissos assumidos pela Rússia quando de sua acessão à Organização Mundial de Comércio (OMC), a fim de averiguar os impactos que esses podem trazer ao sistema multilateral de comércio. A Rússia era a última grande economia que estava ausente da OMC e, para que sua acessão fosse aceita pelos membros da organização, submeteu-se a uma série de obrigações que concediam aos demais membros maior acesso ao mercado russo e visavam assegurar que o país conformaria seu sistema econômico às regras do sistema multilateral. Assim, foram estabelecidas obrigações em temas relacionados ao setor de petróleo e gás, à participação do Estado na economia, aos programas de subsídio e à observância das regras de propriedade intelectual. A partir da análise de tais compromissos, em conjunto a uma comparação com a acessão da China à OMC, em 2001, serão identificadas as principais características da economia russa que poderão ensejar desafios à sua plena participação no sistema multilateral
The role of judicial systems in determining economic perfonnance has gained increasingly attention in recent years. Nonetheless, the literature lacks a clearly articulated framework to examine how judicial systems influence the investment and production decisions of economic agents. This paper tries to till in this gap. It examines what constitutes a well-functioning judiciary, analyzes how dysfunctional judicial systems compromise economic growth, and reviews the relevant empirical literature. It concludes with some remarks about why, despite the widespread perception that well-functioning legal and judicial systems are key to the success of market-oriented reforms in developing and transition countries, judicial refonn has lagged so much behind other reforms.
Research that seeks to estimate the effects of fiscal policies on economic growth has ignored the role of public debt in this relationship. This study proposes a theoretical model of endogenous growth, which demonstrates that the level of the public debt-to-gross domestic product (GDP) ratio should negatively impact the effect of fiscal policy on growth. This occurs because government indebtedness extracts part of the savings of the young to pay interest on the debts of the older generation, who are no longer saving. Therefore, the payment of debt interest assumes an allocation exchange role between generations that is similar to a pay-as-you-go pension system, which results in changes in the savings rate of the economy. The major conclusions of the theoretical model were tested using an econometric model to provide evidence for the validity of this conclusion. Our empirical analysis controls for timeinvariant, country-specific heterogeneity in the growth rates. We also address endogeneity issues and allow for heterogeneity across countries in the model parameters and for cross-sectional dependence.
The recent emerging market experiences have posed a challenge to the conventional wisdom that unsustainable fiscal deficits are the key to understanding financial crises in these countries. The health of the domestic banking system has emerged as the main driving force behind the perverse dynamics of partial reforms. The current paper shares this view and uses a model of contractual inefliciencies in the banking sector to understand the dynamics of these reforms. We find that the threat of a large exchange rate devaluation depends on the stock of international reserves relative to the stock of domestic credit that must be extended by the Central Bank in response to a large capital outflow. Moreover, if a country has a weak banking sector but high net reserve ratios, the capital flow reversal might only increase the vulnerability to a currency crisis without necessarily causing it. The results are in accordance with much of the empiricalliterature on the determinants of financiaI crises in emerging markets. Some aspectsof the recent policy debate on the introduction of capital controls are also analysed.
Drawing upon Brazilian experience, this research explores some of the key issues to be addressed in using e-government technical cooperation designed to enhance service provision of Patent Offices in developing countries. While the development of software applications is often seen merely as a technical engineering exercise, localization and adaptation are context bounded matters that are characterized by many entanglements of human and non-humans. In this work, technical, legal and policy implications of technical cooperation are also discussed in a complex and dynamic implementation environment characterized by the influence of powerful hidden agendas associated with the arena of intellectual property (IP), which are shaped by recent technological, economic and social developments in our current knowledge-based economy. This research employs two different theoretical lenses to examine the same case, which consists of transfer of a Patent Management System (PMS) from the European Patent Office (EPO) to the Brazilian Patent Office that is locally named ‘Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial’ (INPI). Fundamentally, we have opted for a multi-paper thesis comprising an introduction, three scientific articles and a concluding chapter that discusses and compares the insights obtained from each article. The first article is dedicated to present an extensive literature review on e-government and technology transfer. This review allowed the proposition on an integrative meta-model of e-government technology transfer, which is named E-government Transfer Model (ETM). Subsequently, in the second article, we present Actor-Network Theory (ANT) as a framework for understanding the processes of transferring e-government technologies from Patent Offices in developed countries to Patent Offices in developing countries. Overall, ANT is seen as having a potentially wide area of application and being a promising theoretical vehicle in IS research to carry out a social analysis of messy and heterogeneous processes that drive technical change. Drawing particularly on the works of Bruno Latour, Michel Callon and John Law, this work applies this theory to a longitudinal study of the management information systems supporting the Brazilian Patent Office restructuration plan that involved the implementation of a European Patent Management System in Brazil. Based upon the ANT elements, we follow the actors to identify and understand patterns of group formation associated with the technical cooperation between the Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) and the European Patent Office (EPO). Therefore, this research explores the intricate relationships and interactions between human and non-human actors in their attempts to construct various network alliances, thereby demonstrating that technologies embodies compromise. Finally, the third article applies ETM model as a heuristic frame to examine the same case previously studied from an ANT perspective. We have found evidence that ETM has strong heuristic qualities that can guide practitioners who are engaged in the transfer of e-government systems from developed to developing countries. The successful implementation of e-government projects in developing countries is important to stimulate economic growth and, as a result, we need to understand the processes through which such projects are being implemented and succeed. Here, we attempt to improve understanding on the development and stabilization of a complex social-technical system in the arena of intellectual property. Our preliminary findings suggest that e-government technology transfer is an inherently political process and that successful outcomes require continuous incremental actions and improvisations to address the ongoing issues as they emerge.
In assessing the economic impact of a sector or group of sectors on a single or multiregional economy, input-output analysis has proven to be a popular method. . However, there has a problem in displaying all the information that can be obtained from this analytical approach. In this paper, we have tried to set new directions in the use of input-output analysis by presenting an improved way of looking at the economic landscapes. While this is not a new concept, a new meaning is explored in this paper; essentially, it will now be possible to visualize, in a simple picture, all the relations in the economy as well as being able to view how one sector is related to the other sectors/regions in the economy. These relations can be measured in terms of structural changes, production, value added, employment, imports, etc. While all the possibilities cannot be explored in this paper, the basic idea is given here and the smart reader can uncover all the various possibilities. To illustrate the power of analysis provided by the economic landscapes, an application is made to the sugar cane complex using an interregional inputoutput system for the Brazilian economy, constructed for 2 regions (Northeast and Rest of Brazil), for the years of 1985, 1992, and 1995.
How do the liquidity functions of banks affect investment and growth at different stages of economic development? How do financial fragility and the costs of banking crises evolve with the level of wealth of countries? We analyze these issues using an overlapping generations growth model where agents, who experience idiosyncratic liquidity shocks, can invest in a liquid storage technology or in a partially illiquid Cobb Douglas technology. By pooling liquidity risk, banks play a growth enhancing role in reducing inefficient liquidation of long term projects, but they may face liquidity crises associated with severe output losses. We show that middle income economies may find optimal to be exposed to liquidity crises, while poor and rich economies have more incentives to develop a fully covered banking system. Therefore, middle income economies could experience banking crises in the process of their development and, as they get richer, they eventually converge to a financially safe long run steady state. Finally, the model replicates the empirical fact of higher costs of banking crises for middle income economies.
Medellín, Colombia continues to attract global recognition for its evolution from a crimesaturated and desegregated city to an award-winning paragon of innovation. Two innovations in particular, the Metro System & the Integral Urban Projects, have fostered and contributed to Medellín’s inclusive growth, as indicated by a corresponding increase in both social and economic capital. Through a mixed methodology analysis of these two experiences, including participant observation, in-depth interviews with different industry leaders, and household surveys, this thesis explores the extent to which inclusive innovation has contributed to inclusive growth in Medellín. The surveys were distributed to three sensitive neighborhoods of Medellín and apply a Synthesized Framework for measuring inclusive growth, one that includes five indicators for social capital and five indicators for economic capital, emphasizing the importance of progression in both dimensions. By drawing on concepts of inclusivity surfacing more frequently in business lexicon and the emergence of a newly branded Medellín, the findings of this thesis indicates that the implementation of innovations in association with a unified city vision practiced by the local government, corporate and non-profit sector has contributed to achieving inclusive growth, and has left civilians hungry for more.
A new paradigm is modeling the World: evolutionary innovations in all fronts, new information technologies, huge mobility of capital, use of risky financial tools, globalization of production, new emerging powers and the impact of consumer concerns on governmental policies. These phenomena are shaping the World and forcing the advent of a new World Order in the Multilateral Monetary, Financial, and Trading System. The effects of this new paradigm are also transforming global governance. The political and economic orders established after the World War and centered on the multilateral model of UN, IMF, World Bank, and the GATT, leaded by the developed countries, are facing significant challenges. The rise of China and emerging countries shifted the old model to a polycentric World, where the governance of these organizations are threatened by emerging countries demanding a bigger participation in the role and decision boards of these international bodies. As a consequence, multilateralism is being confronted by polycentrism. Negotiations for a more representative voting process and the pressure for new rules to cope with the new demands are paralyzing important decisions. This scenario is affecting seriously not only the Monetary and Financial Systems but also the Multilateral Trading System. International trade is facing some significant challenges: a serious deadlock to conclude the last round of the multilateral negotiation at the WTO, the fragmentation of trade rules by the multiplication of preferential and mega agreements, the arrival of a new model of global production and trade leaded by global value chains that is threatening the old trade order, and the imposition of new sets of regulations by private bodies commanded by transnationals to support global value chains and non-governmental organizations to reflect the concerns of consumers in the North based on their precautionary attitude about sustainability of products made in the World. The lack of any multilateral order in this new regulation is creating a big cacophony of rules and developing a new regulatory war of the Global North against the Global South. The objective of this paper is to explore how these challenges are affecting the Tradinge System and how it can evolve to manage these new trends.
5th BRICS Trade and Economic Research Network (TERN) meeting: the impact of mega agreements on BRICS
The BRICS TERN – BRICS Trade and Economics Research Network is a group of independent research institutes established four years ago by five think tanks from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The main objective of the network is to study different aspects of trade and economic relations amongst these five countries. The purpose of the V BRICS TERN Meeting was to analyze and debate the effects of the negotiations of the Mega Agreements, mainly those initiated by the US and the EU, already in negotiation, to each of the BRICS Trade Policies. Both Mega Agreements were examined – the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The studies included the main impacts on trade flows and on the international trade rules system, respecting the perspective of each of the countries concerned. This workshop was an initiative of the Center for Global Trade and Investments (CGTI), a think-tank on International Trade held by FGV Sao Paulo School of Economics. Its main objective is the research on trade regulation, preferential trade agreements, trade and currency, trade and global value chains, through legal analysis and economic modelling. One of its main researches, now, is on the potential economic and legal impacts of the Mega Agreements on Brazil and WTO rules. This meeting was organized in March14, 2014, in Rio de Janeiro, in a perfect timing for introducing such issues in the international agenda, in advance of the 6th BRICS Summit scheduled to be held in Brazil in July 2014.