3 resultados para Database, business logic

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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According to Bourdieu (1994), there are social camps where the economic logic works upside down. Therefore, the expression ¿family business¿ is paradoxical because inside it resides two distinct and, sometimes, antagonistic logics: the business logic, whose goal is the profit, and the family logic, which aims at the common welfare. That is why one must consider the symbolical exchanges influences on the social relations more than in any other kind of company. Based on these concepts, this research presents an overview of the small and medium brazilian family business universe.


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Essa pesquisa procura averiguar de que modo diferem as ações de trabalho voluntário, desenvolvidas por grupos no interior e fora do ambiente empresarial. Para isso, avalia até que ponto o modelo de isonomia, proposto por Guerreiro Ramos (1981), no âmbito de um novo paradigma paraeconômico, se aplica ao voluntariado. Segundo ele, uma isonomia é sítio para a realização de tarefas auto-gratificantes, no qual seus membros dedicam-se ao desenvolvimento pessoal, ao contrário dos relacionamentos moldados pela lógica do mercado. O convívio entre os componentes de uma isonomia favorece a tomada de decisões na forma de colegiado e o tempo para a execução das tarefas assume um formato totalmente diferente de uma organização econômica. Essas e outras categorias são analisadas, a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, tendo como base também a análise de quatro grupos de voluntários: dois deles formados por funcionários de empresas, um terceiro ligado a um centro espírita e um outro grupo que se dedica a um asilo. As respostas aos questionários e as observações de campo serviram para identificar em quais categorias as ações de voluntários desses grupos mais se aproximam de uma isonomia e em que sentido elas são diferentes das características do trabalho em organizações econômicas. A partir dessa análise, observa-se que os dois grupos de voluntários ligados às empresas, bem como o do centro espírita enquadram-se nos parâmetros da economia, ao passo que o grupo do asilo está mais em sintonia com a isonomia. Tal constatação é uma evidência da intromissão da lógica do mercado em outros enclaves sociais, moldando as ações dos indivíduos e interferindo na maneira como enxergam o mundo.


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This dissertation is a literature review with exploratory and descriptive purposes, which aims to compile the different perceptions of the term Social Entrepreneurship, but not propon-being of an epistemological analysis on the topic. The main objectives of this research were: 1) to identify the convergences and divergences in the various perceptions of the Social Entrepre-neurship, from the perspectives: American, European and Brazilian; 2) identify whether Social Entrepreneurship can be considered as a new theoretical trend, or can be understood as a sub-category of an existing theory; 3) identify whether Social Entrepreneurship can be considered as practice of Social Management; 4) identify whether the "Social Business", proposed by Yunus (2010), can be considered as a completely new type of organization, as the author says. For this research were studied literary works available in the physical environment and elec-tronic database. The main concepts studied in this research were: Entrepreneurship; Social Management; Third Sector; Business Management and Social Entrepreneurship. The conclu-sions reached by this study were: 1-a) the main theoretical convergence is the Social Entrepre-neur ability to apply methods and process typically used in for-profit companies, in business that aimed social value creation; 1-b) the main difference is the different perceptions that the United States, Europe and Brazil have about what is Social Entrepreneurship. In the American perspective, these are private sector organizations operating according to market logic and that somehow generates social value. In the European perspective, closer to the social economy, emphasizes the activities of civil society organizations with public functions. In Brazil empha-sizes market initiatives aimed at reducing poverty and transform the social conditions of mar-ginalized or excluded individuals; 2) Social Entrepreneurship is an activity that incorporates much all the practices, methods and processes of commercial entrepreneurship and, as such, should not be considered as a new theoretical trend, but a subcategory of Entrepreneurship theory. 3) Social Entrepreneurship cannot be considered as a practice of Social Management, being much closer to the commercial entrepreneurship practices; 4) the "Social Business" pro-posed by Yunus (2010), closely resembled in its modus operandi with the Social Enterprises in Western Europe, thus, not supporting the author's claim.