76 resultados para Capitalismo dos profissionais

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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Modern societies cannot anymore be just defined as classical or bourgeois capitalism. Since the emergence of a second relation of production and a third social class in capitalist societies, they are mixed societies where two forms of property – capital and organization – are present. That is why modern capitalism is not anymore classical or bourgeois capitalism, but a mixed form that we call professionals’ capitalism or knowledge capitalism or technobureaucratic. In this paper I define the new relation of production that we call “organization”. As to capital, I discuss the transformation of its definition as capitalism changed historically.


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O trabalho propõe uma reflexão sobre as trajetórias profissionais do ponto de vista subjetivo, abordando as "histórias de vida", os relatos daqueles que, por vontade própria, fizeram deslocamentos em suas carreiras ou se encontram em meio a tal processo. O universo pesquisado é constituído por pessoas das camadas médias urbanas, moradoras do município do Rio de Janeiro. A análise tomou como base vinte entrevistas pessoais gravadas, realizadas entre julho de 2004 e junho de 2005. As principais questões discutidas são a relativização da categoria "mudança" quando aplicada à carreira; os sentidos e os significados dos deslocamentos e o modo como a reinvenção profissional se integra a um projeto pessoal de autoconhecimento e autotransformação, nos quais as práticas psicológicas e alternativas contribuem para seu desenvolvimento e fortalecimento. A dimensão analisada é a do sujeito psicológico que possui um projeto individualizador e se reinventa a partir das condições que detém. Para contextualizar o significado que o indivíduo possui na cultura ocidental moderna, a discussão destes temas é precedida por um histórico sobre o indivíduo-valor e sobre o trabalho-valor.


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Com base na premissa de que a formação dessa unidade regional é integrante da memória histórica do Novo Sindicalismo, a abordagem sobre a Formação do Sindicato dos Profissionais de Educação do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (SEPE), tendo por amostragem a Regional V, situada em Campo Grande, na Zona Oeste do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, foi desenvolvida através do instru-mento metodológico de pesquisa bibliográfica, dados estatísticos, mapas e análise dos dados compilados em entrevistas com antigos diretores e militantes do SEPE/Regional V, área onde foi realizada a pesquisa.


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O principal objetivo desta dissertação foi analisar a trajetória de ex-alunos de escola pública que moravam no bairro de Campo Grande e que se tornaram professores, tentando entender se houve relação entre a origem social e a escolha profissional. Para tanto foi feito um trabalho de campo na escola estadual Dr. Albert Sabin onde os entrevistados cursaram o Ensino Médio e fizeram a promessa de voltarem como professores. As entrevistas somam dez horas de gravação e resultaram numa análise social e cultural das trajetórias dos depoentes a partir de suas próprias percepções. Discorreram sobre suas trajetórias escolares, sobre a rotina familiar e sobre as alternativas que consideram que tiveram e sobre as limitações que foram impostas. Assim, pôde-se tentar avaliar o quanto houve de espaço para suas “escolhas”.


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This work analyses how the internationalization process reinforces the polarization existing in the scientific field of economics in Brazil and generates differentiation in terms of professional strategies on the part of the members of each pole. It also shows that some assets provided by participation in the international scientific network bring prestige to certain economists and give them legitimacy to hold high positions in the government.


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Em 1994 foi realizada uma pesquisa sobre o perfil da gestão de recursos humanos na grande São Paulo. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram uma realidade que contrastava com as teorias divu1gadas. Nos últimos anos intensificaram-se as mudanças organizacionais, e, também os discursos sobre as práticas de gestão de recursos humanos. O objetivo comum deste projeto envolverá a atualização da pesquisa referida. Os objetivos dos projetos individuais aqui apresentados são: 1. comparar o perfil atual da gestão de recursos humanos com a pesquisa realizada anteriormente e 2. comparar o perfil atual da gestão de recursos humanos com a percepção dos acadêmicos e profissionais da área.


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The major purpose of this thesis is to verify, from a Brazilian perspective, how global and contextual issues influence the management learning in Multinationals. The management learning derived from the interaction of holding and sidiaries/colligates of Multinational corporation is supposed to be subject to convergent and divergent forces, the former related to global and standardized organizational practices, and the latter, is seen as a social practice subject to cultural and organizational singularities. A model was constructed to relate the dichotomy between the universality of the management practices and technologies and the particularity of the contexts where they operate, to the dichotomy between the singularities in organization and national level. This model is composed of the international, global, managerial and inter-organizational dimensions related, respectively, to the cultural and political diversity; to the universal forces of practices and values; to the managerial capabilities and resources in the organization, consolidated as best practices and to the interaction between holding and subsidiaries and the resulted learning. The combined result of these dimensions influences the knowledge flow and the learning derived from it. The field research was constituted of five cases of internationalized Brazilian firms, with a solid experience in their management systems. The main subjects of this study were executives and ofessionals/managers who respond to the management development. The data were first collected in the headquarters and complemented with visits to subsidiaries/joint ventures in other countries, in loco or with expatriated people who return to Brazil. The central supposition was validated. So, the management learning ¿ is driven by the global capitalism practices and by the global culture where they are immersed, reproducing a hegemonic vision and a common language (global dimension); ¿ incorporates the more propagated and dominant managerial values, although there are some variations when they are applied in the subsidiaries/joint ventures; is the product of the assimilation of international recognized and planned managerial practices, with the acculturation power, although not completely; is the result mainly of the managerial practice in work; is impacted not only by cross-cultural and managerial factors, but also by the business environment of the firm; is given according to the capabilities and resources in the organization, guiding the form of assimilation of practices and technologies, with global application or not (managerial dimension); ¿ is affected by the cross-cultural diversity involving the countries of the holding and the subsidiaries/joint ventures where the firm is and is given as a reproduction of the political context of the holding and subsidiaries countries (international dimension); ¿ faces aligned concurrent institutional pressures between corporate or global systems, practices of other subsidiaries/joint ventures and local practices; is more difficult to reach when there is not permeability between organizational cultures and identities of a Multinational firm; is affected by how much the relationship process across these unities is self-referenced; is facilitated by the construction and improvement of the knowledge network (interorganizational dimension). Finally some contributions of this study are exposed, including extensions of the proposed model and suggestions, recommendations for future research.


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In the past there were many lawyers working in the human resources area, nowadays it doesn't happen anymore, because this area wishes to offer a better service. According to some writers, that strategic service is the ideal way for the organization to achieve its goal. Since there are not many researches about this issue, this dissertation will give a support not only for academic but also for professionals that work in private and public organizations. The goal of this dissertation is to identify how professionals, except for the ones who work in the human resources, realize the actions of the human resources in private and public organizations. Besides, this dissertation also makes a comparison between these two kinds of action. The result of this research is neither good nor bad. The goal of this research was to find problems involved on this issue and better solutions for them.


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Working, for some people, may mean being stressed, tired or hurt. For others, though, it may mean life. The fact is that, positively or negatively, since its beginning, work has played an important role in everyone¿s life. The history of men is the story of the evolution of their work. It was through their work, that men constituted themselves. Therefore, it seems relevant to look further into this subject. The aim of this study is to find out what causes pleasure at work. In order to achieve this answer, two kinds of workers were chosen: musicians and policemen. Using bibliographic and field research, the method of content analysis and the making of drawings, it was proved both of them have pleasure while working, which is felt by realizing the nature of the work. We found five ways that make it possible to have pleasure working. The first is looking at work as providing a feeling of accomplishment; the second, as survival; the third, as a contribution to society; the fourth, as a hobby or leisure; and the last, as a personal challenging.


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The primary objective of this work is to obtain a CIO¿s Critical Competencies model which could be applied to Brazilian CIO. This study was conducted by an explanatory research in a quantitative approach. Theoretical studies were done to understand CIO¿s environment, his identity, his career and organizational relationship. The analysis was based on six CIO¿s competencies models which describe how this professional could have a better performance. The intention of this approach was to provide a better understanding about the research problem. Then a meta-model was done as well as a survey. Once applied on Internet, the survey had 111 valid respondents, all Brazilian CIOs. To obtain the final model statistical factorial analysis was applied to the answers. Each identified factor in the model corresponds to a critical competency for Brazilian CIO. The model was submitted to hypotheses tests trying to establish what is the relation between each resultant factor and the time in the role for each respondent as well as his company size. This study has emerged a CIO critical competencies model to the Brazilian CIO, regarding his good performance.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a existência de relação entre o conhecimento de técnicas de projeto e a efetividade do processo de mudança para uma atuação com maior responsabilidade ambiental. Trata-se de um estudo de caso sobre a Petrobras, mais especificamente sobre a Unidade de Negócios Bacia de Campos, onde foram efetuadas pesquisas de campo por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e de questionários distribuídos a profissionais alocados na área de Segurança, Meio-ambiente e Saúde nos ativos desta unidade. Os dados resultantes das pesquisas foram tratados quali-quantitativamente, identificando-se que na percepção destes profissionais indica uma correlação significativa entre o nível de maturidade na utilização de técnicas de projeto e o nível de responsabilidade ambiental da organização.


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Esta dissertação verificou se o Programa de Educação Continuada para Candidatos a Delegados, Comissários, Peritos, Escrivães e Investigadores, elaborado pela Fundação Getulio Vargas - PEC-FGV/AM atendeu às Bases Curriculares para a Formação dos Profissionais da Área de Segurança do Cidadão do Ministério da Justiça do Brasil - BC. Por meio de uma pesquisa descritiva e explicativa concluiu-se que o PEC-FGV/AM atendeu às BC sem, contudo, contemplar o item referente à saúde do policial constante nesse último documento. Entretanto, o Programa obrigou a discussão sobre administração pública, preocupação do Ministério da Justiça.


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The Internet recruiting has been announced in the job market as a modern tool to attract the best and brightest professionals to the companies. The main objective of the present study is to analyze the Internet resources applied to the Recruitment and Selection process, so as to understand how can these tools make easier recruitment, in which concerns to cost efficiency, time spent and adequacy of the candidates selected to fill the job vacancies. It is also studied the role of the intermediates in the job market, specifically the recruitment consultants for executive search, considering the intensive use of the Internet tools for companies that, in this new way, get in touch directly with a major group of possible candidates. It is also investigated how these new resources to develop in-house capabilities to manage on-line recruiting, will bring savings, better process times and superior qualities of candidates. The study has an empirical section based on a case study of the Companhia Distribuidora de Gás do Rio de Janeiro - CEG, in which the new method with the Internet tools is compared vis-à-vis the traditional one. The study analyses the new method¿s impact on the main variables present in the process.Keywords: Labor Market, Recruitment and Selection, On-line Recruitment, Human Resource Management, Internet