14 resultados para Beneficial Acclimation Hypothesis
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
This paper investigates an intertemporal optimization model in order to analyze the current account of the G-7 countries, measured as the present value of the future changes in net output. The study compares observed and forecasted series, generated by the model, using Campbell & Shiller’s (1987) methodology. In the estimation process, the countries are considered separately (with OLS technique) as well as jointly (SURE approach), to capture contemporaneous correlations of the shocks in net output. The paper also proposes a note on Granger causality and its implications to the optimal current account. The empirical results are sensitive to the technique adopted in the estimation process and suggest a rejection of the model in the G-7 countries, except for the USA and Japan, according to some papers presented in the literature.
The initial endogenous growth models emphasized the importance of externaI effects in explaining sustainable growth across time. Empirically, this hypothesis can be confirmed if the coefficient of physical capital per hour is unity in the aggregate production function. Although cross-section results concur with theory, previous estimates using time series data rejected this hypothesis, showing a small coefficient far from unity. It seems that the problem lies not with the theory but with the techniques employed, which are unable to capture low frequency movements in high frequency data. This paper uses cointegration - a technique designed to capture the existence of long-run relationships in multivariate time series - to test the externalities hypothesis of endogenous growth. The results confirm the theory' and conform to previous cross-section estimates. We show that there is long-run proportionality between output per hour and a measure of capital per hour. U sing this result, we confmn the hypothesis that the implied Solow residual can be explained by government expenditures on infra-structure, which suggests a supply side role for government affecting productivity and a decrease on the extent that the Solow residual explains the variation of output.
This paper the stastistical properties of the real exchange rates of G-5 countries for the Bretton-Woods peiod, and draw implications on the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis. In contrast to most previous studies that consider only unit root and stationary process to describe the real exchange tae, this paper also considers two in-between processes, the locally persistent process ans the fractionally integrated process, to complement past studies. Seeking to be consistent with tha ample evidence of near unit in the real exchange rate movements very well. This finding implies that: 1) the real exchange movement is more persistent than the stationary case but less persistent than the unit root case; 2) the real exchange rate is non-stationary but the PPP reversion occurs and the PPP holds in the long run; 3) the real exchange rate does not exhibit the secular dependence of the fractional integration; 4) the real exchange rate evolves over time in a way that there is persistence over a range of time, but the effect of shocks will eventually disappear over time horizon longer than order O (nd), that is, at finite time horizon; 5) shocks dissipation is fasters than predicted by the fractional integracion, and the total sum of the effects of a unit innovation is finite, implying that a full PPP reversion occurs at finite horizons. These results may explain why pasrt empirical estudies could not provide a clear- conclusion on the real exchange rate processes and the PPP hypothesis.
The aim of this paper is to test whether or not there was evidence of contagion across the various financial crises that assailed some countries in the 1990s. Data on sovereign debt bonds for Brazil, Mexico, Russia and Argentina were used to implement the test. The contagion hypothesis is tested using multivariate volatility models. If there is any evidence of structural break in volatility that can be linked to financial crises, the contagion hypothesis will be confirmed. Results suggest that there is evidence in favor of the contagion hypothesis.
This paper investigates whether or not multivariate cointegrated process with structural change can describe the Brazilian term structure of interest rate data from 1995 to 2006. In this work the break point and the number of cointegrated vector are assumed to be known. The estimated model has four regimes. Only three of them are statistically different. The first starts at the beginning of the sample and goes until September of 1997. The second starts at October of 1997 until December of 1998. The third starts at January of 1999 and goes until the end of the sample. It is used monthly data. Models that allows for some similarities across the regimes are also estimated and tested. The models are estimated using the Generalized Reduced-Rank Regressions developed by Hansen (2003). All imposed restrictions can be tested using likelihood ratio test with standard asymptotic 1 qui-squared distribution. The results of the paper show evidence in favor of the long run implications of the expectation hypothesis for Brazil.
Business professionals were surveyed to explore both factors associated with negotiation propensity, as well as the strategies used by employees and employers in salary negotiations. The objective is to examine the factors that impede both pasties in reaching a mutually-beneficial joint agreement in salary negotiations. In order to achieve this objective, a review of the negotiations literature was conducted including both. Descriptive literature - present research finding and scientific theory which characterizes negotiation and examines the forces that determine it's course and outcome - as well as a review of the prescriptive literature - in order to develop practical advice given a description of hw negotiators behave. Research result show that, although there is general tendency for employers to leave room in the first offer for negotiation, employees rarely ask for more and generally accept the first offer. The sub-optimal outcome was partially a result of the employees' preferred strategies for negotiation salary: a soft approach focusing on compromised and maintaining the relationship. An analysis of the results combined with the literature explore, demonstrates that both parties exhibited a fixed-pie perspective, focusing on salary as the key issue, which impeded the search for integrative settlements and, mutually beneficial trade-offs.
On March 4, 1999, the newly appointed President of the Brazilian Central Bank, Mr Armínio Fraga, raised interest rates to a staggering 45% per annum. The objective of that decision was to keep foreign investors assets in Brazil, and prevent the country from default. At the time, Brazil suffered frem an enormously intense crisis of confidence, and fears of such default were widespread. Mr Fraga was walking a very fine line when making that decision, for it could bring forth unintended effects: the market, already concerned about Brazil's sustainability, could perceive the increased rate as an irreversible step towards the abyss inevitable default. Economic theory postulates the rational actor model as the driving force behind economic decision-making. The objective of this thesis is to present and discuss the hypothesis that this particular decision, and by extension many others, are better explained threugh the recognition-primed decision mode!.
Este trabalho consiste em estudar modelos incluindo agentes com informação completa e incompleta sobre o ambiente econômico. Prova-se a existência de equilíbrio em que esses dois agentes coexistem e sob, algumas condições, obtêm-se que esse equilíbrio é recursivo e contínuo, ou seja, pode ser implementado por uma função contínua de transição que relaciona as variáveis de equilíbrio entre dois períodos consecutivos. Mostra-se, sob algumas hipóteses, que em equilíbrios recursivos contínuos, os agentes que cometem erros persistentes nas antecipações dos preços de equilíbrio são eliminados do mercado. Finalmente, exibimos diversos exemplos numéricos, no caso de mercados incompletos e informação completa, em que os agentes com expectativas racionais são eliminados do mercado. Usam-se métodos numéricos alternativos que possibilitam computar um equilíbrio em modelos com agentes heterogêneos.
O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso se propõe a analisar o instituto denominado Beneficiário Efetivo (Beneficial Owner), levando-se em considerações doutrinas nacionais e estrangeiras, os principais casos envolvendo o referido conceito, e comparando sua aplicabilidade nos países common law e civil law. Assim, pretende-se: conceituar o instituto denominado Beneficiário Efetivo; apontar a problemática que envolve o referido instituto demonstrando a importância da sua compreensão; estudar os principais casos internacionais sobre o assunto; demonstrar a diferença de se aplicar o conceito em comento em países common e civil law, bem como analisar a sua aplicabilidade na hipótese de o tratado internacional não prever Beneficial Ownership Clause.
The hypothesis that child labor impacts future income generation negatively, for it harms the formal acquisition of education, is widely accepted by the existing literature on this issue. However, some researchers agree that labor might be beneficial to teenagers once they can develop skills, acquire job experience, or even help them to afford their own education acquisition. Thus, the main goal of this study is to assess if there is an age which the negative impact of the early access to the labor market over income and the conclusion of high school, during the adulthood of Brazilian people, becomes positive. To do so, PNADs (Pesquisas Nacionais de Amostra de Domicílios), a National Census of Household Samples, issues 1992 to 2011, were utilized plus the employment of an econometric technique called pseudo-panel. For this analysis, generations of people born between 1982 and 1991 were observed from the ages 10 to 17 (child labor) and from the ages 20 to 29 (conclusion of high-school & income). The results show that starting at the age of 15, the negative effect of an early access to the labor market over income, between ages 20-29, becomes positive. As per high-school, it was observed that accessing the labor market before the age 15 diminishes the probability for an individual to conclude high school before the age 21. From this age on, labor does not have a negative impact anymore. The second goal of this study is to assess how much of the reduction of the child labor occurrence in Brazil for the past years is due to changes of economic and demographic characteristics of children and families. For these analyses PNADs - National Census of Household Samples, issues 2003 to 2011, were employed plus the methodology of decomposition that divides the variation of child labor into 2 components: (a) changing of the probability of children with the same characteristics (intragroup) to start working – access labor market & (b) changing of the distribution of characteristics (intergroups). The results show that the reduction of the child labor occurrence is due, mainly, to changes on the probabilities. In general terms, the occurrence of child labor took place, more significantly, among individuals of the ages 15 to 17 & household heads with less education. Besides the characteristics mentioned, the reduction between non-white individuals was also significant among individuals from 4-member families. The results show that the reduction of child labor took place, mainly, among children and teenagers from non-white and poor families.
The effects of commodity dependence on the brazilian economy: a test of the dutch disease hypothesis
A doença holandesa tornou-se amplamente conhecida na década de 1960, quando a descoberta repentina de reservatórios de gás natural em território holandês, na região do mar do norte, transformou o país em uma economia rica em recursos. A desagradável consequência que proveio da recém-adquirida abundância de commodities foi o declínio da próspera indústria holandesa, que perdeu sua competitividade devido à valorização do florim holandês, como consequência do aumento do influxo de capital estrangeiro no país. Desde então este fenômeno tem sido observado em diversos países que possuem abundância de commodities. O objetivo desta tese é aplicar o modelo da doença holandesa ao Brasil, já que a maior economia da América latina poderá também ter de encarar a ameaça de se tornar prisioneira da “armadilha das commodities”, devido à sua abundância de recursos naturais. O autor revisa a bibliografia básica abordando o tema geral da doença holandesa e dá enfoque a estudos realizados anteriormente no Brasil. Além disso, os quatro maiores sintomas que caracterizam a doença holandesa são testados: (1) valorização das taxas de câmbio do real, (2) declínio do setor industrial, (3) crescimento do setor de serviços, e (4) aumento dos salários. Todos estes sintomas foram observados e podem ser comprovados através das abordagens de cointegração ou de correlação, com exceção do sintoma número dois. Ainda que estes resultados sejam significativos, há muito outros fatores determinantes que influenciam o desenvolvimento dos sintomas examinados, motivo pelo qual futuros estudos serão necessários para se obtiver conclusões definitivas sobre como o Brasil é afetado pela doença holandesa.
O microcrédito tem sido uma ferramenta de combate à pobreza no mundo todo nas últimas décadas. A ampliação do acesso ao crédito àqueles que não podem recorrer ao sistema financeiro tradicional tem se constituído como uma via democrática de fomento à inclusão social através da geração de trabalho e renda. Os empréstimos realizados têm demonstrado efeitos benéficos sobre a comunidades de baixa renda, especialmente em relação às mulheres, pelo desencadeamento de um processo de empoderamento com efeitos em sua capacidade de auferir renda, melhorar sua autoestima e ampliar sua participação em espaços de tomada de decisão. No Brasil, as mulheres são a maioria dos tomadores de microcrédito e a justificativa para isso perpassa pelas dificuldades relativas ao mercado formal, a necessidade de complementação da renda familiar, o desejo de maior emancipação frente aos companheiros e a busca pela realização num pequeno empreendimento próprio. Em Fortaleza (CE), o Banco Palmas criou um projeto de empoderamento de gênero, focado em beneficiárias do Programa Bolsa Família, a partir da concessão de microcrédito. A presente dissertação teve como objetivo analisar as dimensões do processo de empoderamento alcançadas pelas mulheres participantes deste projeto, intitulado como projeto “ELAS”. A hipótese inicial era a de que a nova capacidade economicamente produtiva das entrevistadas modificaria sua realidade, colocando-as em um novo patamar frente a si mesmas e às suas famílias, proporcionando maior autonomia em suas decisões de consumo e independência financeira frente a seus maridos, além do aumento de seu bem-estar. Nesse caso, o microcrédito serviria como um fomentador do empoderamento individual feminino, hipótese comprovada neste estudo. Entretanto, notou-se que não houve um rompimento das relações de gênero no âmbito das famílias, fator perceptível principalmente pela não redistribuição das tarefas domiciliares, com impactos restritivos no empoderamento social dessas mulheres através da não participação em instâncias coletivas de tomada de decisão.