5 resultados para Areia de fundição
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
Analisa o mercado atual de fundição dos metais ferrosos no Brasil. Procura demonstrar que o mercado de fundição está em declínio, explorando as prováveis causas. Tenta definir as perspectivas futuras do mercado, citando as oportunidades e os problemas do setor. Aponta o impacto causado pela mecanização e automação das fundições
This work focuses on the implications of accumulation of technological competences for improvement of operational performance indicators. This relationship is examined in two mechanical industry firms in Caxias do Sul-RS, in the period 1985-2000. Based on a comparative case study, this work finds its ground in both qualitative and quantitative empirical evidences, collected in different sources in the firms, which are being studied. The examination of accumulation of technological competences is done through a structure of analysis existing in literature, which is specifically adapted to the mechanical industry. The examination of performance improvement is based on a set of typical operational indicators pertaining to mechanical industry. Studies of this nature are already found, mainly in Latin American literature, since the eighties. But, the application of these analytic structures in industrializing firms in Brazil is found only in the nineties. This work shows that within a unique enterprise group there is a different accumulation of technological competences, and it demonstrates that this process is not automatic. Moreover, it contributes to explain not only the differences between both firms, in terms of operational performance at some points in time, but also, how both firms got to (or did not get to) improve their performance indicators along time. This conclusion is not different from that of previous studies, but it derives from a study made in a specific industry (mechanical), which has not yet been studied in the south of Brazil.
Day after day, even small companies and multinationals brands need to compete in a worldwide market. All kind of global strategies have to involve production and regional market knowledge. Still being essential for company have a complete view of it market and it right position to gain competitive advantage. In a global market, get possible for the companies be in touch with last generation technologies and equipment's and all kind of research. Companies like that should develop products focused in customer's desire, even those extremely strict. Specifically in our country, as hard as we could think, the companies have access to credit lines, to the fiscal incentives offered by the states that alliance with the market potential are making possible the appearance of a lot companies and the growth of the companies already existent. However, these resources alone don't produce results to the company if it doesn't possess an internal organization able to assimilate the new market situation. The companies have to be able to apply the maximum resources offered by new technologies and understand how a communications facility means solution for many internal problems. In short terms, technology, financial resources, research and knowledge are available, however, the human resources might be prepared and developed in order to become the whole knowledge in profits. According 'JURAN' and his Total Quality Control philosophy the human resources playing fundamental role in the process, and in my opinion a company is something like a ship where all must be prepared to hold the rudder. I will develop a basic job looking for productivity and company's development through the people's involvement, focused in process of motivation, creativity and staff valorization. I believe that there no good production process without those requirements. Based on real case of a automotive parts and foundry company, located in Bento Gonçalves - RS, this work will look for to organize it mainly in its Industrial Division, adopting in participate administration where, through a information system and personnel involvement we will seek all favorable conditions to politics and strategies in get the growth of company.
Desenvolvimentos recentes do modelo competitivo denominado ¿cone de areia¿, que se baseia no desenvolvimento de competências que se completam e que são cumulativas, incluem a inovação como a competência mais importante a ser atingida, sendo ela uma conseqüência do desenvolvimento anterior da qualidade, da confiabilidade de entrega, da rapidez de atendimento do pedido, da flexibilidade e da eficiência em custos. Neste trabalho propõe-se a ampliação do conceito de inovação, desdobrando-a quanto à sua radicalidade, e a utilização destes conceitos para aprimoramento do modelo, ampliando e aperfeiçoando suas bases conceituais.
O caso que iremos refletir inicialmente, refere-se a uma Fundição localizada no município de Piracicaba, onde o modelo administrativo, de cunho participacionista, foge, de muito, aos modelos vigentes em empresas congêneres, tornando-se assim, uma tipicidade diferenciada nas industrias brasileiras. Trata-se, portanto, não só de explorar sua eventual atipicidade, mas, sobretudo, de explorar sua proposta administrativa, sua base ideológica, seus limites e seus alcances enquanto proposta administrativa.