6 resultados para Antônio d Ávila
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
Este trabalho apresenta o resultado de cinco estudos teóricos e empíricos embasados nas teorias de trocas sociais entre Líder-liderados (leader-member exchange), nas trocas sociais entre integrantes de equipes (team-member exchange) e no comprometimento organizacional, realizados nos anos de 2012 e 2013. A pesquisa empírica investigou a liderança, o comprometimento organizacional e o trabalho em equipe, mediante a participação voluntária de militares do Exército Brasileiro, dentre os quais se destacam aqueles que integraram a Missão de Paz para Estabilização do HAITI (MINUSTAH). Os dados da pesquisa foram coletados mediante o emprego de entrevistas individuais, realização de grupos focais (focus group) e aplicação de surveys pela internet. Os resultados dos estudos qualitativos indicaram a relevância da qualidade das trocas sociais entre líderes e liderados e do comprometimento organizacional para o trabalho desenvolvido na Missão de Paz para Estabilização do HAITI (MINUSTAH). Os estudos quantitativos indicaram o papel mediador do componente afetivo do comprometimento organizacional na relação entre a qualidade de trocas líder-liderado e a qualidade de trocas sociais em equipes. Análises comparativas identificaram diferenças no padrão de qualidade das trocas sociais estabelecidas entre líderes e liderados, entre os diferentes níveis hierárquicos e entre os militares que atuaram ou não na MINUSTAH. Verificou-se, ainda, que níveis mais elevados na qualidade de trocas sociais estabelecidas entre líderes e liderados e em equipes de trabalho estão associados a níveis mais elevados do componente afetivo de comprometimento organizacional. Estima-se que o presente estudo possa contribuir para o avanço de pesquisas sobre liderança e trocas sociais, além de subsidiar o aperfeiçoamento de programas de ensino, de treinamento e de fomento a pesquisas científicas, que possam favorecer as relações civis-militares no contexto brasileiro.
This study evaluates how the interaction among organizations located in Vila do Abraão, in Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro State, has contributed to the sustainability of this locality. An analysis of the island¿s local problems showed that firms informality and solid waste management practices were bringing damaging consequences to the island, and that this local productive arrangement (APL) has been able to collectively find solutions to such issues. These solutions basically encompassed: a) choosing estrategies the lead to a self-sustained model and not traditional way dependent on tax benefits; b) recognizing that the solutions to these problems involved the common action of public and private sectors and the civil society, and that various artifices should be used to establish such cooperation; c) the presence of actors outside the APL who played an important role in overcoming the problems of the cluster; d) using transparent legal instruments that defined the rights and obligations of each party and e) tripartite social entrepreneurship actions through NGOs to help solve problems common to the whole island.
This study analyses the impact of Information Technology used in the undergraduate course of Business Administration at Centro Superior de Vila Velha. The Information Technology considered in the study is computer connected to the Internet, projectors, televisions and VCRs. To support the analysis, a survey was conducted in three different groups: directors (shareholders, principal, dean and chairperson), faculty and students. A questionnaire was developed for each group and validated through discussions and critical reviews by the academic committee for of this study. Items and questions were explicitly defined from the literature and based on expert opinion to provide respondents with a common understanding of the questions. The questionnaire used in the directors group focused mainly on motivation and on the investment planning for Information Technology in the institution. For the faculty and student groups, the questionnaire focused on the extent to what the group use of IT for classes and assignments, and to what extent the faculty understands the availability of IT to be used. The instrument was sent each person, for directors and faculty, and applied during class for students. The results show that although faculty and students perceive Information Technology are important for research and as a tool in the teaching and learning process, the available IT in the institution has been used under its capacity of utilization.
Looking for solutions for the preservation of the biological wealth, important for the man's life on earth, the units of conservation were created and they have as objectives the conservation, the accomplishment of scientific researches, the environmental education and the leisure. So that their objectives are reached, their use and administration should be drifted so that their perpetual preservation is guaranteed. it is essential the presence of a determined administration in looking for improvement alternatives, support of the society and important financial resources for their maintenance. The objective of this work is of analyzing, through the case study, the problems faced in the administration of the units of conservation, what take to a deficient administration of the protected areas committing their preservation. Using concepts and beginnings of general domain and bibliographical citations, themes are discussed such as planning, paper of the handling plan, human training, administration responsibility in the units of conservation and the tourism in the units of conservation. After the study of the bibliographical referencial an accompaniment of the problems as was as accomplished faced by the state park of Vila Velha and in the way as it has been administered, well with a relationship among the principal problems faced by the park and for the other units of conservation in the administration of the patrimony of the biodiversity.
This present work has the objective to analyze the perspective of the sustainable development from the promotion of the tourism in Vila do Abraão, Ilha Grande. For this, was available the five dimensions of sustainable ¿ ecological, economic, social, space and cultural ¿ from the own words of the actors involved with the reality of the studied place. The research was applied as a study of case and had as objective to discuss the tourist¿s projects from Vila do Abraão, considered the viability of its sustainable. The discussion wasn¿t restricted to the economical aspects, but also the social-cultural and environment implications caused by tourism. The dialect method was used. Natives, residents, businesspeople, tourist, authorities, association representatives and others, were interviewed. They were questioned about negative and positive aspects from the local tourism, getting the chance to opinion. The segmented arguments of these actors made the base for new knowledge. This present dissertation arrived at some significant conclusions to the problems that represent barriers to the sustainable mentioned above. In conclusion, were set problems related to government body, whose political interest and insufficient recourses compromise the performance.
Tendo como base a literatura internacional sobre fundos mútuos, o presente estudo busca encontrar algumas características que influenciam a performance dos fundos de investimentos em ações no Brasil de janeiro de 1999 até abril de 2005. O objetivo principal do trabalho é perceber se os fundos de investimento em ações têm retorno decrescente de escala. Ao mesmo tempo, sabe-se que a persistência de uma boa rentabilidade depende do grau de profissionalismo dos gestores e também de uma boa relação entre o gestor responsável e o investidor e, um contrato ótimo entre ambos. Observou-se que o volume não tem influência negativa no retorno do fundo, pelo contrário, quanto maior o fundo melhor é a rentabilidade do mesmo. Os resultados também apresentaram que os fundos que cobram taxa de performance têm um desempenho melhor do que os que não cobram. Foi identificado também que os fundos que utilizam a marca d água como incentivo de remuneração aos gestores têm rentabilidade um pouco maior do que os fundos que pagam taxa de performance, mas não utilizam a marca d água no regulamento. Chegou-se a conclusão que há uma relação direta entre incentivo e desempenho. Os resultados aqui encontrados buscam facilitar o conhecimento e a tomada de decisão de pesquisadores, investidores, empresas gestoras, Corretoras e Distribuidoras, fundos de pensão e dos demais interessados na indústria de fundos de investimento em ações no Brasil.